Yasir Qadhi – The Vicious Game of Supression & Power

Yasir Qadhi


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The speaker discusses the importance of the game of "vic "yes" in the culture of the United States, where individuals can respond in a manner that is not fully human. The game involves making people feel that they are not fully human, and the speaker warns against responding back to the game of "vic "yes" and " icching yourself" as it is a far broader question about who one is.

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			It's not just about the right to wear the hijab, it is a far more vicious game. It is a game of who
is more powerful. It is a game of suppression. It is a game of feeling inferior. It is a game of
getting away with making you feel that you're not fully human. You're not full citizens in our
lines, are you Muslims of Belgian? Are you Muslims of France? Are you Muslims of India, get into a
place no your place your second class citizens, you're not equal to us. We have the right to tell
you what to do. And we're going to tell your women what to do. This is the mentality that is going
on. So when we respond back, please understand, it's not just about the hijab, it is about the
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			religion of Islam. It is about who you are as a Muslim and your freedom to be Muslim in these
countries. So therefore, we cannot just respond back and say, Oh, it's the freedom of a lady to
dress as she pleases. That is one thing.