Yasir Qadhi – The Message of The Quran #16

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the significance of Surahs and their significance, including the Day of barrel, the importance of the Day of barrel, and the importance of the Day of barrel. The speakers stress the importance of passing tests and cautioning in the field of biology, as well as the importance of learning from the Bible and following laws. The transcript also highlights the success of hedge and the importance of following laws and dedication to showing one's power. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting one's bodies and not being the target of Islam's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah for all of the blessings

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of Ramadan them through fasting and purification Alhamdulillah for the revelation of the Quran, and its reciting and contemplation Alhamdulillah for the full moon in the rising dawn, all signs of his creation Alhamdulillah for the sending of his prophet, a man worthy of admiration Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah we praise him at each instance and at every occasion, Charlotte Allah Today we're going to be doing a sweet little MBA and sort of a hedge. And so these two surahs they are exactly one Jews and each one of them is exactly half of the Jews and suited ambia it is a mucky, Surah 112 verses and it is called MBA, meaning the prophets because it mentions 16 profits by

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name, and no other suitor mentions this number of profits except surah, Al anon, and the surah it mentions man's heedlessness regarding the Hereafter, and a laws power manifested through his creation. And it also mentioned some of the stories of the prophets. And one of the sub themes, which is common in many MKI sutras is to refute the key arguments of the wish record of those who worship false gods. And looking at this whole surah it's 10 pages, we can easily divide the surah into four sections. There's the introduction section, verses one to five. There's part one, verses six to 47, that discusses key theological arguments that the pagans used and refuting them. And then

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there's a part two verses 48 to 96. That mentioned a number of stories of the prophets and then a conclusion verses 97 to 112. So today, inshallah Allah let's unpack some of that, and summarize this surah in around 20 minutes or so, the beginning of the surah is a very, very powerful verse, it will talk about inasa hisako, whom will hold the offer tomorrow to dawn, that mankind's hisab or reckoning draws ever closer, even though they are in complete heedlessness, never does a fresh reminder come to them from their Lord, except that they are playfully going on with their lives, their hearts are distracted, lahia tunku boom. And even though these three verses the primary

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intent, or those who denied the Day of Judgment, we need to ask ourselves, how prepared are we for judgment day? You know, I just gave a detailed series about the signs of the Day of Judgment last year, and it is terrifying to note you will find it online on YouTube. It is terrifying to note that almost all of the minor signs that our Prophet sallallaahu Eisen and predicted they have occurred, and it is as if all that is left is the major signs to begin. And the major signs are the precursors to the end the actual judgment date. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed this verse 14 centuries ago, 1400 plus years have gone by all of those signs have come. And then this verse becomes even

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more relevant, should there not be an element of fear, an element of wanting to reach out to a law for protection? What have we done to prepare for judgment, say so as for this verse, it sets the stage that hisab is coming close. And so what has Allah subhanho wa Taala done, he has sent prophets He has sent messengers, he has revealed books to warn mankind to prepare for the Judgement Day, verse number seven, that we did not send before you people men, except that we have inspired them. And if you don't believe us, then first Allah Allah decree in quantum that Allah moon, ask the people of knowledge or pagans of Makkah, if you don't have a book, you can ask the Jews and

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Christians who have had books there is something called prophets or Muslims. If you know, don't don't know something, ask the people of knowledge. So Allah is commanding us if you don't know, ask the specialists, the pagans of Mecca did not have any knowledge about books and prophets. So Allah is saying, telling them the context of the verse, go ahead and ask the people who have had books before you what is the concept of books and prophets, and you will find something from them. And the verse even though it was revealed specifically in the context of the people of Makkah, it is applicable to anybody who wants to learn knowledge that Allah is saying, go to the people of

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knowledge and asks the specialists of knowledge first, oh, Allah, Vickery in quantum law to Allah mode. And Allah mentions that these profits What am I john now who just didn't? We didn't make the mere empty shells mere superhuman that they didn't not choose to eat food, nor did we make them immortal? No, we didn't make them immortal.

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Verse 34, Allah subhana wa tada mentions what my john Nash had in mechanical hold. We did not grant immortality to any human being before you, you are a pseudo law, no human being lives forever, alpha emitter for whom will harden. If you are going to die Yasuda law do they think they're going to live forever? Meaning if anyone had been granted immortality, if anyone had been granted an eternal life, it would be our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so this verse is very explicit that a law is addressing our source of the La Jolla sentiment he is saying to him rhetorically, if you are going to die, do they think they're going to live and the same verse applies to us as well even

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though inshallah none of us denies death. But our actions are as if there is no death. I mean, inshallah nervous is saying, There's no such thing as death. But if we believe in it, and if we believe that our enemy is going to come, are we prepared for that day, verse number 35, kulu knifes in the cultural moat, every single soul shall taste death. And whenever we do combust Sherry, will Heidi fit in. And we're testing you with good and with evil. All of it is a burden and a test. And then you shall return to us this verse again, it demonstrates a reality that the entire Koran mentions over and over again, every single situation we find ourselves in, it is a test from a law,

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whether it is what we consider a good whether it is what we consider a bad, good and bad don't change the fact that it is a test. Good is also a test when we're healthy, when we're wealthy. When we have all that we want, there is a test. Are we passing the test? Are we making? Are we doing what we're supposed to do with our health in our time in our wealth, when we are not wealthy when we're sick, when we're out that is a test of patience, that it is a test of other matters. So Allah subhanaw taala is very clear, whenever lukumi Sheree will highly fit into the shadow and the hate both of them the evil and the good. They are a test for us. And we are burdening you to see whether

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you pass the test with Elena torrejon. Therefore, no matter what circumstances you're in, do not think that you are not being tested, every one of us is being tested at every single instance. And this is a test for our own good that we will get the results of. And so this is what Allah azza wa jal has done to prepare us for the coming of the Judgement Day, and of course, these prophets when they come so that sort of thing. ambia is very clear that the message has always been the same. Verse number 25, what am I sending the public understood in India new Haley anahola illa Ileana barbudan, every prophet that has come before you are a pseudo la we have inspired him with the same

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La Ilaha in in La La La Ilaha Illa NFR. We don't so worship Me alone, the theology of all the prophets does not change the message of all the prophets does not change. And this is also by the way, a indirect if you like correction of those whose call themselves Christian, that Christian theology is so radically different from the theology of all the other prophets. And that is because Jesus never taught that theology, the theology of Christianity with the Trinity and the redemption and the absorbent of the law. Everything is so a typical from all the other prophets. And this is also mentioned in the Quran. This is not the teachings of ERISA of Jesus Christ. And in verse number

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10, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that he has sent down the book as well to remind us of the Day of Judgment. So he sent prophets these are human beings he sent messengers with the same theology, and he has revealed books as well, that Allah says what are called La Kitab. And fee the crowcon of Allah Taki rune we have sent down a book in this book is your Vicar Won't you understand? Now this verse, it has two complimentary meanings, the first meaning we have sent down the book that shall remind you, so the Koran is the vehicle for them so that they can be reminded. And there's another interpretation that is absolutely linguistically acceptable, that we have sent down the book that

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shall make a remembrance of you IE that will make you a legacy unto others, your Vicar, your prestige will come through this book. So the Koran is something that will create you and by following the Koran you can create your own legacy both of these are interpretations that are valid, that allows you to do the same in the following of the Quran will be your Vicar, your is your glory will come in this world and the hereafter by adhering to the message of the Koran. And of course the Quran is very clear verse number 45. On in number on zero can be ye say I am warning you only through the inspiration from Allah subhanho wa Taala and sudo sudo tilde ambia like all of the Mk II

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Sutras, we are reminded about the creation of Allah subhana wa tada we are reminded that all that we care

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This should remind us of a law and in verses 16 to 17 we have a very, very beautiful fact that is mentioned. Allah says Maha Lacan is semi YT Rama Medina Houma la de bien, we didn't create all of this heavens and earth and all that is between for amusement. If we wanted to create amusement Allah says we would have found it within us if we wanted to do that meaning that this creation has a purpose allies that were dead is not wasting his time allies always say we don't do things for jokes. We don't do things for amusement. This is not just a joke that we did it No, we if we wanted to do so, unless I would have done some something else, even to Allah does not do anything for

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amusement. But I'm not saying if the hypothetically I wanted to, I would have done something, you know, within us or founded within us there are again, interpretations, what does it mean that we would have done it within us? But the point is that Allah is saying, Do not presume that listen to hire creation has no purpose has no meaning. Rather, all of this has been done for a higher goal. And in verse 30, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions as well some of the other aspects of the creation, our morality and a cafaro don't those who reject Allah subhana wa tada see that the heavens and the earth were initially one mass fafa dakhla. Now Houma, and we tore them apart, we split them asunder,

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which is nominally ecola, Shea and hay, and we created from water, every single living thing, will they still not believe now, this verse and other verses and so little Ambien particular, this verse, this verse has been used to read in what the genre of scientific miracles. And that's a very interesting topic. And again, we don't have time to go into all of this. But because we're doing the Koran, I wanted to just point out very quickly, that to the whole genre of reading, in scientific miracles, and of reading in verses to have having predicted various scientific discoveries, there is an element of validity. But we also have to be careful that we don't exaggerate in this genre. And

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that is because remember that the Koran has not been revealed to be a book of biology, a book of science, the Quran has been revealed to be a guidance to be an ethical, you know, standard for us. And therefore, while it is true, that there are verses that are astonishing, and while it is true, that there are verses that typically a person in that time and place would never have been able to describe the nature in this manner, they wouldn't have been able to describe the, the embryo in the womb, for example, with such precision, at the same time, we have to be careful because we do not prove the truth of the Quran via its conformity to modern scientific interpretations. We don't prove

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the truth of the Koran because of science. No, the Koran is proven and the truth of the Quran stands on its own merit. And if we find something that conforms with what we know of our understanding of science Alhamdulillah and it is other than that, then we need to do more research. And that's the topic for broader than this. But again, I just wanted to be clear here that we have to be very careful of not linking the Koran to a fallible human philosophical enterprise or paradigm. And science is the human's attempt to understand the creation of a law. And it could be in some aspects correct and the interpretation could sometimes be incorrect. The point here is that Allah subhana wa

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Taala is mentioning so many things of creation for us to ponder over. And in all of this, Allah is saying, the truth is so clear that falsehood does not have any chance. And we firmly believe this as well. The evidences for Allah's existence and the evidences for the truth of Islam are so self evident that any sincere person will be guided to the truth. Verse number 18. is a really interesting verse. That but not for the full bill. Happy Island. totally fair. Yeah. DML who who for either who was that we shall hurl the truth against false hood, and the truth shall crush shall destroy falsehood, the word ye DML hoo hoo, it actually has a very interesting meaning here. And it

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means that to crush the brains out from the word, the mouth, yet know who who so truth is going to come and eliminate any sense of falsehood, falsehood shall not have a chance. Truth and Falsehood are crystal clear. There is no gray area if you are sincere than the truth of Islam, and the truth of a law and the truth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are crystal clear to any person who wants to open his eyes and my eyes. I don't mean the physical eyes. I mean, the spiritual eyes. If the spiritual eyes are open, if the heart is sincere, Allah is saying that the truth vanquishes over falsehood, there is not evil

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In a fighting chance of false sort of to win over via demo for either who was there until falsehood completely vanishes, nothing is left of this. So this is the first half of the surah. The last half of the surah. As we said, it talks about many stories of the prophets. And it begins with the most detailed story in the Quran about Ibrahim alayhis salam as a young boy and the destruction of the idols This is the most detailed description of that incident when they threw him into the fire and verse 69, called nanocone barudan was Salam and Allah Ibrahim, we said that oh fire, be a bottle be a coolness be cold for Ibrahim and also be peaceful and some of the taboo in the early scholars they

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said, If Allah had not said be peaceful, then Ibrahim would have frozen to death in the fire because Allah said be cold and Allah said, be cold and be peaceful. And that is why Abraham would did not freeze to death when he was thrown into the fire and in quick succession. 18 other or 16 other prophets are mentioned including including the Prophet lusardi his setup in verse number 74, Allah subhana wa tada says, When Ajay now homeopathy Attila T can attack model haba is that we save the route from the town look at how Allah use the objective for the people of that town who would do hubba hubba it is which is translates as that which is filthy that which is disgusting. And so this

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is how Allah Xhosa describes that people of that town and their actions. And we also see in verse number 78, another story that is not mentioned anywhere else in the Koran, where Tao Buddha was to lay man and David and Solomon when they gave their judgments regarding a particular case and a lot references the case indirectly, that when one person's sheep wandered into the crops of another, right and we were witnesses to their judgment, and for Hannah ha Suleiman, we gave Sulaiman the understanding and knowledge we gave Suleyman a better understanding. We're cool and attained Manuela, and the both of them, we gave them knowledge, and we gave them wisdom and judgment. This is

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a very profound verse, I'm going to stop you quickly to explain it and then move on. The story goes that in their timeframe, there were two people, there was a farmer, and there was a, a person who owned sheep, so the farmer own land, and then you had somebody who had animals or livestock. And what happened was the person who owned the livestock, the sheep, that one night, the sheep wandered in and ate the crops of the farmer. And so the farmer woke up and he has no crops for that season. And the both of them then were sued each other in the court is that like, well, the farmer said, You didn't put, you know, a barrier around you're sorry, the sheep said, the sheep owner said you didn't

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put a barrier around the line. It's not my fault. And the farmer said, No, your sheep came, and You destroyed my crops. And so they went to the wood. And the wood was the king at the time. So the man was just a young boy, a teenager, and that wood was the king that was the father and the wood, an alley, his system, he ruled that since the sheep had damaged the crops, so therefore, the sheep should then be given over the sheep should be awarded to the farmer in lieu of the damage that had been done to the crops. And so so the man, the young boy spoke up and he said, I have an opinion as well, can I say the opinion that would still go ahead, my son say the opinion. And so Sulaiman said

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that look, in a few months, the crops will be back to normal, you know, next season, the costs will be totally normal, and the farmer will now have the crops back to normal, and you'll have all of the sheep and as for the shepherd asked for the owner of the animals, he'll be left in bankruptcy, that doesn't seem totally fair. Rather, what we should do is to hand the sheep over for one season temporarily in that timeframe, the farmer can milk the sheep, the farmer can take advantage of, you know, other, you know, meat and whatnot, and then when his cultivation is back, he can return the sheep to the original owner, and thus they will be compensated each one in accordance with the

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damages that has, that isn't fair. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that suit a man had the correct verdict. Of course, the details are mentioned in the books of Objective C. And what we learned from this as a beautiful story, what we learn is that us elders and these days I consider myself to be an elder nama official uncle now but as elders, we should listen to the wisdom of the youngsters as well. Sometimes the youngsters do have something that we do not have, that we should not shut them off. We also learn over here is that sometimes, you know, in a judgement, two people can have two different opinions and it's not a battle of evil versus false sort of help versus

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belted, no, a lot praises that would but then Allah said that Sulaiman was more understanding

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Woods judgment was not wrong. And this is something that is so interesting here that all too often when we have an opinion, we think that every other opinion is like evil or wrong or balton. And you know what, maybe all of these opinions have some element of truth, something good, and one might be better than the other. And so this verse is teaching us that, usually speaking, when it comes to judgments when it comes to decisions, when it comes to courses of action, it's not a question of truth versus falsehood. It's a question of balancing the pros and cons and it's sometimes a bit of a gray area. And so we learned here what for Hannah has Philemon, we made it clear to Solomon and to

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each of them, we gave wisdom and knowledge and then Allah praises that would we subjugated the mountains to that would that would, whenever he would do to have this aboard the mountains we do tilava with him, and even the birds what played and this is something that Allah gifted him. And then Allah says in verse 80, why lemna husana at a booth silicon, we taught him how to make shields for you to protect you from your violence, are you not then appreciative that that wood was gifted, the knowledge of how to hammer out iron and copper and Solomon Allah mentions was gifted the power of the wind's blowing at his command, and the devil's Sulaiman, you utilize them for manual labor,

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your whole suit Allah who they would dive deep, and they will do other tasks for him, but we kept them restrained. And then comes the beautiful story of a you valet, his salon, what are you but is not the robber, who are not being the Mycenaean guru, or hammer, Roy, he mean, are you cried out to his Lord, oh, my God, there has been an affliction has touched me that some pain has come to me, and you are the Most Merciful, and you are the most compassionate. And this shows us that you value his solemn he appealed to the mercy of a lot. This is what it means to complain to a law that we mentioned to a law, our own status, what is happening to us. And the story of a tube is a beautiful

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example that Allah says, We gave him back all that was taken away, and even double that amount. And we made him a role model for later generations. And so whenever we are afflicted, we can use this to app as well of Dodo the infamous Ania guru will enter hamro Hey mean that Oh, my Lord, harm has touched me and you are the Most Merciful of all who have mercy. And then we learn as well, the two of us in the next paragraph, verse 87, with a nuni. And the one of the world the word unknown here means well, then knowing the person of the will when he stormed out in anger from his village thinking that we would not call him to task thinking that we would not, you know, hold him

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accountable because Eunice became frustrated with his people. And he just said, I don't care you can, you know, basically the punishments gonna come, no big deal you that's your fault. And he didn't get permission from Allah subhanho wa Taala. To walk away from his people and profits cannot just walk away, they have a task to do. And so when Yunus basically quit the task without getting permission from Allah, Allah subhana wa tada then called him to account and you know what happened with the ship and he was then thrown overboard, and the wheel then swallowed him. And then Allah says in the Quran, when the Buddha Mati Allah, Allah Allah Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran to me no

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volume in the in the darkness of the dark, the darkness of the whale, and the darkness of the ocean and the darkness of the night, he was in utter darkness, and he cried out to Allah subhanho wa Taala La Ilaha Illa and there is no god except you. I was of the wrongdoers first job in law who we answered him, and we saved him from affliction, and this is how we save the faithful. Our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Hadith is an activity, that the do are of the noon when he was in the stomach of the will La ilaha elantas of Hanukkah in the continent of volume in any Muslim that uses this to are in a time of situation, Allah azza wa jal will respond to him in a situation of distress and a

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time of grief, Allah will respond to him. Therefore, let us memorize this to our La Ilaha. illa Anta suparna in the country navali mean, and these two are it embodies the etiquettes of law because you affirm the power of a law and you ascribe the mistake to yourself, and implicitly you asked for a laws help. So this, these are some of the stories that are mentioned. And the sutra finishes with a vivid description of the Day of Judgment. Frankly, this is some of the most beautiful and powerful passages in the Koran, about the the descriptions of Judgment Day. I urge you to listen to his recitation by any of your qualities that you like. And especially this is a favorite of karate, by

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the way, this ending of sorbitol ambia it is a favorite of karate, for many, many reasons, primarily because of its its clear descriptions and in this in the

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middle of this one a lot is describing some of the punishments. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, verse 101, that the righteous amongst my servants, these people, they shall be far removed from all of this clamor and all of this going on. Now yes, ma una has ceased to have, they will not even hear the hissing as he says literally the hissing of the fire and of all of that, and they're going to be protected by a lot subhanho wa Taala. How and why will they be protected? The final verse will do which is the second to last verse or the third to last verse is verse 107 of the surah, one of the most famous verses of the Quran, when Otto said NACA in a motel, I mean, we have only sent you

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jasola law to be a Rama for all of mankind. Therefore, whoever once the Rama our man had better obtain from the teachings of the one whom the man sent as the Rahmatullah mean, the only way to obtain the aroma of a lot in this world is to follow the one whom Allah sent to the motel. And I mean, and this verse really shows us it is in the teachings of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we shall obtain the mercy of Allah. The second sort of for today's students al Hajj, and sawtell Hajj, it is actually a very interesting surah.

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And it's also a lot of controversy about where it was revealed. And to summarize, in my opinion, Alma knows best that this verse this surah, was revealed, partially in Makkah at the very end and partially in Medina at the very beginning. So it is kind of a border of surah that there are verses that are very late mucky, and there are verses that are very early Madani and it is called soda to hedge, because it is in this surah that Ibrahim alayhis salam is commanded to announce to mankind to call for the Hajj and also in the sort of some of the rulings and some of the what are called Sha or the the the methodology of performing hajj they are mentioned. Also, when you read this surah you

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will notice that the surah does adopt a more harsh tone towards the people of Mecca. And no surprise

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because the surah came down as we said at the very end of the Macan era, too much has gone on the Muslims have been forced to migrate, there has been an assassination attempt on our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, dozens of Sahaba have been murdered tortured to death. So don't be surprised that this surah adopts is a little bit more harsher tone. Also, it is in this surah that permission is given to wage war against the people of Mecca. It is in this surah. And again, this shows you therefore, that this surah it is at the very end of the Mexican era and the very beginning of the modern era. It's kind of sort of encompasses that timeframe, that perhaps half this route or

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a little bit more than a half is McKee, and just a few verses or the very early of the Madani stage. So understand this context over here. And what we'll also see verse number 25, for example, it is very clear that a lot is criticizing the Quran for preventing the people from worshiping Allah in the caliber that Allah is criticizing the Quran, you're supposed to be controlling custodians, you're supposed to be people in charge, and yet, you are preventing people access from the kabah from the from the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Hence the strictness of the surah and the harshness of the surah understand the context, and it makes complete sense. And the overall goal

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does seem to be to affirm the resurrection, and to affirm the help of a law against those who reject a law in this world and the next and of course, there is a sub motif of the Hajj and the rituals and that's something that the surah is named after the beginning of the surah is very similar in its tone as the previous surah that Yeah, you are not it to hora Baku in Nazareth Zenyatta, sir it shaken out in Oman, mankind be conscious of your Lord For verily the earthquakes that will happen at the judgement day are something that are very, very tremendous. On that day, you will see every nursing mother will discard her infant and every pregnant woman will abort her load. And you will

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see people walking around drunk but they are not drunk. Rather the punishment of a law is severe. And verse number five reminds us that he is the one who has created us in various stages in our mother's womb, that verse number five in the documentary Robin that all mankind if you are doubtful about the Day of Judgment, if you think we cannot recreate you again, look, we created you the first time first from dust, then from a small drop then from a cloth to blood, then from a lump of flesh that was partly developed and partly underdeveloped so that we can clarify things to you for you. Then we allowed you to settle in the wombs of your mothers for a designated term. Then we brought

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you out as infants until you became strong and you reached your full strength and some of you will pass away early and others

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Live on and on, until they go to the most old senile age, so that after having had knowledge, they then revert to having no knowledge of how the What a beautiful verse it is summarizes the passages of life. Surely, the one who has the power to create life in this matter, matter, can recreate life and can resurrect the dead, the one who created the first time shall have no problem recreating all over again. And this verse also has multiple descriptions of the day of judgment and of heaven and of health. And by the way, take this as a chronic rule, that whenever Allah subhana wa tada mentions punishment, whenever Allah azza wa jal mentions his anger, his wrath, that invariably almost

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inevitably, in the same context is followed up by His mercy by mentioning his Paradise by mentioning his forgiveness. And that is because Allah subhana wa, tada always wants to remind us that both of these options are there, and it is up to us and our own actions. And depending on our own actions, we will get one of these two, and the suitor also has a very, very dire warning to those who are conditionally religious, those who are religious only when the situation is good for them. Verse number 11.

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Woman in Nazi Germany, Abu lahab Allah have and there are people who worship a lot on the very edge on the very Pinnacle, you know, on the line, we can say they worship a law based upon the circumstance. So find a Saba who hire when the situation is good, he is happy, he has content. But when an ordeal strikes him, he makes the turn around, he flips around and he changes hasira dunia will Akira, he loses this world and the next world. And that is the real loss, we have to be careful that we are not this person, dear Muslim life has its ups and it has its downs. And whatever our situation, we need to maintain a consistency in our worship, no doubt situations will come where our

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worship goes more, that's good. Sometimes we feel a little bit lazy, as long as we do not cross over the red line. And what is the red line, the red line is that we are observing the rituals of salah and Zakah and a fasting and having performed the highest ones in our lifetimes. And that we are abstaining from the major sins what are called in Arabic, the Kabbalah and that is the red line. Sometimes you know you become a little bit lazy, you go down a little bit, you stop doing some of the good Jews to do that's not good, but do not cross the red line as long as you don't cross the red line hamdulillah overall, you have a strong pulse. However, for those who only worship a law

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when the situation is good, then when it gets bad, they have a feeling of why is this happening? I prayed my whole life now why is this happening? Then they didn't understand the purpose of their prayer. They didn't understand the whole purpose of spirituality and of worship. Allah azza wa jal is testing us with good and with bad as we said, and our worship needs to maintain a level of consistency. In fact, in fact, the believer at times of stress increases the worship and this versus saying at times of stress, some people turn away and say it's not fair, I was good. And now that this bad, I'm not going to be worshiping. They feel as if they're doing a favor to Allah subhanho wa

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Taala. And rather, it is a law who has done a favor unto them for having guided them to Islam, the suta as well. It commands us, it commands us or it commands the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis. Salam to announce the Hajj and this is why the sutra is called Salat al Hajj, that in verse number 26. That we prepared the location of the house for Ibrahim, what if but what not he brought him a mechanic Beatty and we and we told him that make sure you do not worship false gods and that you purify the house make the house clean spiritually and physically for those who do throw off and for those who stand to pray and for those who kneel and for those who prostrate then verse number 27, which is why

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the surah is named what infinity Bill hedgy and perform the plan for Hajj. Our history books say that when Allah told Ibrahim to announce for the hedge, he asked a lot that all along. There's nobody else around here. Nobody's gonna listen, when I shout out there's not a single soul. And Allah said Your job is to convey my job is that people hear the call and respond. You do your job, I'll do my job. And so Ibrahim Ali has said I'm went to the mountain tops around Makkah after he had built the house and he shouted out into the desert that oh people Allah has written hedge for you. And Allah has prescribed hedge for us to come and perform the hedge from that call over 5000 years

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ago from that call that Ibrahim made into the air of the desert. Allah subhanho wa Taala calls people to listen to that call. In the days of pre Islam people would call

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In the days of early Islam, people would come throughout the last 14 centuries, people have come. And hedge has been the largest religious gathering of the world consistently for over 5000 years at hamdulillah. And that is from answering the call of Ibrahim alayhis. Salam. And of course, I'm delivering the series of lectures when the domain is temporarily shut down because of the COVID crisis. And truly our hearts really are at great unease and in the sense of shock, even though we understand and we are supportive, and I make, and I hope that you all make up that this crisis is lifted, and that we can perform the hedge this year because we do not even know if the hedge might

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be shut down for logistical reasons. And this would not be the first time that is shut down. But even when did you shut down by the way, even in the past, smaller groups, locals, they have performed the hedge. So hedge has always gone on non stop at least small groups of people, yes, sometimes others were banned. But Abraham's call has been effective and uninterrupted for over 5000 years. Well, other than finance, even hedge. So Allah says that when you perform the event, you go to college and wild akula dammit, people are going to come to you walking, and they're going to come on every single means of transportation. So panela these days are not just coming on the Campbells

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and whatnot, they're coming on every means of transportation, whether by ship, whether by train, you know, whether by bus, whether by car, whether by plane, whatever is the mechanisms of transportation, they shall come Allah says from every distant point of the globe, yeah, to them adequately fujinami. And if anybody has performed the hedge, you do not see on the face of this earth, a larger International Gathering of people than you do at hedge. And a lot predicted this in the Quran that Ibrahim made this call and he said, Who's going to come here Allah and Allah said, Don't worry, I will take care of it. People will come to you on every single mechanism. And from

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every single vehicle, and from every single corner of the globe. Why will they come verse number 28, so that they can witness something that is beneficial to them, and they can celebrate the name of a law during these appointed days. And thank Allah for all that livestock that He has given them. And so eat from these animals and feed the meat onto the unfortunate and the poor, first number 29. Then let them perform their acts of the rituals of Hajj until they finish the harem, and let them fulfill the vows that they have done. And let them do tawaf around the sacred house. All of this verse 30, Allah says, Whoever venerates the sanctities of a law, it is for his good between him and a law and

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verse 32, whoever venerates the sacraments of a law, it is from the piety of the hearts. In other words, both of these verses, they're talking about talim Sha, Allah This is a very key phrase, it has come previously in the Quran as well and in certain Hajj it is repeated, repeated, repeated twice. And the point here is that when Allah has made something sacred or holy, in this case, the Hajj and the Kaaba and Makkah and the symbols of Islam, and we can extrapolate from this, the Quran, or anything to do with the religion, when Allah has made something holy and sacred, then a sign of Eman is to show sanctity to what Allah has made sacred to show respect to show veneration. So when

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you are in luck, you automatically have a sense of or when you're in the state of your home, you increase your Avada in the month of Ramadan, we minimize our sins and all of this it is a sign of piety will make you out of them Sha it'll life in the hammock. Well, this is all a part of the taqwa of the heart. So this is something we should do. And we should demonstrate. Now if somebody were to say that, why are we doing all of these rituals? What is the purpose? You know, there's a group of people, unfortunately, they they mock our aspects of religion, sometimes within the faith and they say, what why do we pray a lead doesn't need our prayer. Why do we do these things, you know, throw

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off and whatnot, and sort of they'll hatch response to this, verse number 67, the cool little Matt and john M. And second for every single nation, we have appointed and legislated acts of rituals and devotions that they observe. A law has legislated for every nation, certain rituals, the Jewish people, they have their rituals that are appointed for them, the early Christians that follow Jesus, they had their rituals appointed for them. The other prophets, Elijah did the rituals and for us as well, we have our rituals. Verse number 37, really explains the philosophy of rituals in Islam, beautifully explained. Lenya Nana la Hola, como, what are the Maha what I can hear now, taqwa

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minquan, neither the flesh nor the blood of the animals reaches Allah subhana wa Taala. Rather, wood reaches a law is your piety and taqwa, you know when you go for Hajj, you're supposed to sacrifice an animal and you feed the animal to the poor. So a lot is saying, I don't need the meat. You're the meat and the blood and the flesh that's not going to benefit to me. No

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What will benefit me the fact that I told you to come and you spent money to come and you purchased an animal and you slaughtered the animal and you obeyed what I told you to do you distributed to the poor, in fact, who actually benefits in terms of eating and drinking? It's the poor people alive. Zota does not benefit from the food. What does he What does he appreciate? He doesn't benefit? What does he appreciate from us? Well, I can Leonardo tacoman come what reaches Allah subhanho wa Taala is your piety and taqwa your subservience, this applies to all of our rituals. When we bow down, when we prostrate when we fast, what is reaching Allah, what is reaching a lot is our dedication.

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Allah said, do we are following Allah said fast, we are fasting, Allah said, Pray, we are praying, that dedication and that devotion that demonstrates our piety and our belief in Allah, and that is what will benefit us the actual rituals. Of course, Allah does not need them from us. And this verse is very clear in this regard. Also, in the context of the sanctity of Hajj. So little hedge criticizes those who would dare stop people from performing the hajj and stop people from worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala at the Kava, and the reference here, of course, is to the Quraysh, who prevented the Muslims from living peacefully and prevented the Muslims from worshipping

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Allah, verse 25, that in the Medina cafaro, that the people who rejected Allah subhana wa Taala and who disbelieved in a law will also do an answer Viola and repelling people from the path of a law and from the sacred mosque or turning people away. That sacred mosque, Allah says that we have designated for it that everybody is equal in Makkah, the one who resides in Makkah, or the one who visits MK is equal. In other words, this is a very key point here, that the people of MK do not have a privilege over anyone else to stop people from coming in and out, you know, in every nation in every country. You know, people do have that right legally, morally, philosophically, politically,

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that okay, this is our state our city, we can decide who comes in and out a lot is saying the people of Makkah, doesn't matter if you live there and born there. NACA should be open to anybody who says La ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasul Allah, that Allah says in the Quran that we have made that gift and the bad equal, the one who lives and the one who's passing through neither has a superiority in terms of what obviously, in terms of preventing another person, the land of Makkah, is the land that all Muslims have access to by virtue of their Islam. And Allah subhana wa tada says, Whoever commits any sec religious act over there, we will make your taste of the painful punishment. mk is m in MK

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is how long mcca is sacred. Whoever dares do something that is unholy. That is sacrilegious. Their punishment is going to be doubled or tripled. And of course, the references to the Porsche the Porsche has committed sacrilegious acts, they have killed Muslims, they have attempted to assassinate the Prophet system in the soils of Makkah. So what is the response? Verse 38, in the LA udah, fear whiny, Latina, armano, Allah azza wa jal will defend against the defender believers against those who attack Verily Allah does not love the ungrateful traitors. And that is why in verse 39, this was the first verse that came down to allow for the Muslims to engage in physical

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warfare against the operation within a little Idina ukata Luna be under home.

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Permission is given to those who have been fought, that they can also now fight and Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala is able to give them victory. Who are they number 40. Those who were unjustly evicted from their houses simply for saying our Lord is a law. So Allah is saying, those that have been unjustly evicted from their homes, those that have been persecuted those that have been tortured simply for saying that either in the law or dinner limited any opportunity and nobody more permission is now given, they're allowed to do. Yes, in all that circumstances, there is something called just war theory. And Allah says in this surah as well, verse 40, Willow will a different line

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NASA Val Bahama baldon were it not for the fact that Allah subhana wa Taala uses some people to fight wars against others, that LaHood Demuth, Salam Nero What do masala watching that monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques were the name of Allah is mentioned would all have been destroyed? In other words, one of the main reasons of war is to protect the freedom of the worship of Allah subhana wa tada and especially the worship that was being done at Makkah, the chorus refused that and so Allah azza wa jal says, No, that's not going to be allowed and indeed alone.

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supports whomever he wishes a lot is strong and mighty, and a lot praises the righteous, that the righteous are those who when we empower them in the land, they observe the slaughter, and they pay this occur and they command the good and forbid the wrong and indeed to a law belongs the outcome of all events, once again, just like the sort of Bukhara, just like a sort of unfurl just like a sort of tober. Once again, we clearly see the raison d'etre or the the inner or the cause of jihad. Why is Jihad Why is crittall legislated? It is to defend the weak and allow them the freedom to worship a law without persecution, and the soul store this surah then proceeds to discuss some of the

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stories of the prophets, and of the people who rejected the prophets. And it discusses some of the signs of a law in this world to refute those who reject Allah subhanho wa Taala. On the final pages of this sort of last page, there's some interesting points as well of them is verse 73, that presents a powerful and knology, or a powerful, vivid image that would definitely be well known to the people of Makkah. And this image, it destroys the arguments of idolatry by simple human observation, verse 73, all mankind, or people, a parable is presented, so pay attention to it, those whom you call out to, besides a law, all of these false gods, they cannot even create a fly, even if

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they all gathered together in order to try to do so. And if the fly, were to steal something from them, they couldn't even recover their food from the fly. how weak is the one who prays to the idol, and how weak is the one that is prayed to meaning the false god and Subhanallah what a strong metaphor here that you are praying to a being that cannot even create a fly, and Allah has created the heavens and the earth, forget creating the fly, you are praying to a being that cannot even protect itself against a fly. And here I am recalled of a land that I visited that and I think, you know, most people have not really seen at least in western lands, they haven't really seen the

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reality of idolatry. So I visited a land where idolatry was still was there. And they had their, their their gods that they venerated in the streets, and this in the squares, and as I'm walking, and they had presented some fruits and some vegetables in front of the God, and as I'm walking and I saw a rat Dart out and take some fruit and run away, and then another rat, come and take the food and run away. And Subhanallah this verse came to my mind that here they are presenting their hard earnings. These are peasants and laborers laboring all day, they purchase from their money, and then they present to this God thinking that will protect them. And this God cannot even protect itself

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against a rat that is stealing the food that they have presented and will lie I thought of this verse Exactly. How powerful is the verse that How could you worship a being that cannot even protect itself from vermin, or from a fly? how weak is the one who is asking intellectually and even weaker, because they don't exist is the false god. And then in the last verse, verse number 77, onwards, Eliza just says, Yeah, you're Latina. armano are you who believe or cow was to do wha Buddha back home, bow down to Allah, prostrate to Allah, worship Allah and do good deeds, so that you may succeed and struggle for the sake of Allah, the way that it is worth it, that you struggle for his

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for his sake, he has chosen you which tabacum he has chosen, you are Muslim, and he has not placed any difficulty in this religion. This religion is the way of your forefather Ibrahim, the very last verse of the suta reminds us what we are doing is nothing new. It goes back to the Father of all prophets and even before Him, who was a Mako Muslim in a company where he had, he has called you Muslim, who is the he here, either Allah Himself is being referenced, or it could be that Ibrahim is being referenced here that Allah calls you Muslims from the beginning of time until now, or Ibrahim called you Muslims from a very early point in time. And even now you are Muslims either

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interpretation, Islam is not a new religion. Muslim is not a new category, it goes back to the beginning of times, and it is the one true path of all of the prophets of Allah subhana wa tada and all of the people of righteousness and that is the essence of submitting ourselves to Islam, and therefore seek your help in a law. He is indeed your protector for Nirmal Mola, onera man no see the verse concludes that turn to a law for your protection. Indeed, what a beautiful protector is a law and what a beautiful source of help is Allah subhanho wa Taala this summarizes both sewerage and sewage at ambia and he shall load data tomorrow. We will come back

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Do Surah Al mamoon and surah and nor two more suitors we'll be doing two more students for another few days then we're going to up the game 234 more suitors and then towards the end obviously we're gonna have to do a lot more soon as insha Allah Allah, we ask Allah azza wa jal for a gloss and tofik and forgiveness for all of our sins We ask Allah azza wa jal to keep a straight and firm we ask a lot to make the Quran a light of our hearts and the coolness of our souls. We ask Allah to meet the Quran and intercessor for us on the day of judgment and inshallah I will see you all tomorrow was set on wanting Mohammed to LA he wabarakatuh

Surah Al-Anbiyā’ and Surah Al-Ḥajj

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