Yasir Qadhi – The Humanity of the Prophets

Yasir Qadhi
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The use of negative names and disclaiming them in shrouds of the world is a common practice, leading to the development of negative emotions and harms. The reality of human actions can lead to harm, including actions of anger and causing harm to animals. The importance of treating animals properly is also emphasized, with the use of animal fire being a valid position. The use of negative names is a way to avoid negative emotions and disclaim them.

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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who are the early he will be one word I'm
about. Today shall a very short Kaltura about Hadith in Sahih Bukhari It is narrated a warrior Radi
Allahu Anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said can interview me that MBR there
was a prophet of the prophets of old who sat under a tree, and a number and aunt came and bit him.
He became angry. And so he ordered that his gatherings be gathered together so that they're leaving
that place, and he burned the entire colony of ants. So Allah subhanho wa Taala reprimanded him.
tuber who and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada said to him for Hello * to Anwar Heda. Why didn't you just
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			get rid of that one and you destroyed an old mominul Oh man to Sabir, because of that one act, you
destroyed an entire colony an entire Ummah, from all of the owners that are doing this via you
destroyed because of that one and this is a very interesting Hadith today you shall de lis extract
some benefits from this hadith. The first benefit we get our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did
not mention the name of the Prophet can nab you middle Zambia. Why? Because a part of our Syrah and
Sunnah is that when there is something that might be interpreted negatively, you try your best to
not mention the name of the person, you cover up the faults of your brother, you do not talk about
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			the person directly. missionaries that when the process and would want to reprimand someone, and
he's giving the hook but he would not mention by name, he would say why do some people do he would
not mention by name? Why did I do Why did Mustafa do know? Why do some people do this? And if you
read the zero and the incidence of the Sierra, we find this occurrence many times that when
something is potentially negative, then the name is covered up, someone said and when it is
positive, then the name is mentioned. And his pseudo use of one one of the brothers says Let's kill
him on a call, you know minimum one of them said and when the other brother says no, I'm sorry for
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			what I did all I could be wrong. The eldest said that we shouldn't have done that. So when it's
positive, Allah identifies when it's negative one of them said, and we learn from this, the reality
of our religion is that we do not name and shame we do not expose the mistakes and the faults of
others as much as possible. And contrast this to the modern culture and the gossip culture and the
you know, online scandals and whatnot. This is not healthy for our iman, a prophet of the prophets.
Let it be another benefit we learn the humanity of the prophets, right? The prophets are human
beings, the prophets are human beings, and they face the same trials and tribulations and hunger and
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			pain and anxiety and ant bites. The fact that you're a prophet is not going to save you from the
biting of an ant. And what happened to our Prophet Moussa Salman? It happens to any human being he
was wounded he bled. This is the reality of human being inside Bahati. We learned that our prophets
Allah, Allah Azza them his camel tripped or his camel tripped and he fell. And because of this for
one month, he was not able to stand up in Salah he would lead them sitting in Salah, this is human
being our Prophet sallallahu Sallam is a butcher, but he is the best of the butcher. He is indeed
one of the children of Adam, but he is the Cejudo, what are the Adam so the humanity of the prophets
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			is clearly demonstrated not just in the pain and suffering, but also in the reaction. So the Prophet
became angry, and this is human emotion to be angry, and Ibn Taymiyyah and others they talk about
this reality that the prophets can act upon an impulse like our father, Adam ate from the tree out
of impulse, but the prophets do not continuously act on impulse, they do one off they do something
that is a slip up or a mistake, and they do not persist in this. So this is one of those things to
react in a moment of anger in a moment of haste. One of these prophets did this and so he decided to
destroy an entire ant village and a noway comments on this that he ordered the ant village to be
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			burned. And now when we comments that it is obvious that in his shed here, it might have been
allowed to use fire in our Shetty, if it is not allowed to burn living objects, our profit solicit
him said hadith is in Behati. Now you either will be naughty in the rubble. Now, no one can punish
with fire, you do not punish a living being with fire except the Lord of the fire. So even if we
need to get rid of an animal or something, we do not use fire. So remember no he says it might have
been allowed in his shed he is not allowed in our shed here. Another point of benefit is that it is
allowed it is allowed to kill something that is irritating or harming you. Right? And if you can get
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			rid of it without killing fine and if you requires you to get rid of it to more than this then it is
permissible and in fact
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			Believe it or not, there is a long discussion in the books of faith. And there is a laugh in the
mythos, believe it or not about the killing of insects, and everyone has a particular position. I'm
not going to go into the details here, but I will summarize what I think is the valid position, a
Shaffir. And others they said that insects and vermin are three categories, three categories, all
other things that crawl into not just insects, but arachnids, and vermin, three categories number
one, that which is generally speaking harmful all the time, generally, such as scorpions, these you
kill them, no exceptions, you kill them wherever you see them so much. So the Hadith says, if you're
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			even praying and you see a scorpion, go ahead and kill it while you're praying, no problem. So
something that's harmful, dangerous snake that's poisonous, you will kill it all the time. Number
two, that which is sometimes harmful, and sometimes not, such as the ant, if it's in your food is
going to eat all the food, if it's biting you, it's harmful. And if it's not, then it's not in this
case, then you are allowed to get rid of it, if it is harming you. And if it's not harming you, then
you don't touch it. So this is the second category. And the third category, that which is never
harmful, like the Ladybug and that it is mcru to harm some of these insects that are just peaceful
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			creatures, butterflies are not doing any harm to you. So don't do anything to them. So this is
actually the correct position. And therefore, in this case, the Prophet was justified that the ant
is biting him, you can smack it and the ant is gone, you're not going to be sinful. In fact, the
Hadith says for Hala *, why didn't you restrict yourself to that one, and it is permissible to
repel something that's harming you. And if you it requires you even to go beyond this and actually
exterminator extinguish it is permissible to do so the next thing that we learned from this hadith
as well, is that we should not act in anger, an impulse to do that, which is vengeful revenge is
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			always going to end up causing us harm. He became angry. And so as a reaction instead of just
killing one and he took care of the entire village, we do not act in anger. And that's why our
prophets have said, hey, it's just from ShaVonne. And he said, when one of you is angry, seek
Allah's refuge and don't act sit down, do not act in a state of anger, we see the negative
repercussions and we see this as well. In the Prophet Judas, Allah has said that he became irritated
with his people and he did what he did, and then the repercussions happened so we do not act in a
state of anger. Another point of benefit we learned from this hadith is of course, the beautiful
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			reality that every single species on Earth is praising Allah subhanahu wa Tada as Allah says, In the
Quran, were immense shame in law, you said there will be Hamdi he will like a lot of our own at the
spear home. So Allah says to the Prophet, you destroyed that Prophet, you destroyed an entire Ummah,
meaning the colony of a creation that was making the Spear of me. And this shows us the default, you
do not harm living creatures that are not harming you, this is the default. And to do so the least
that can be said is my crew, and it might even become haram. And believe it or not, there are at
least a dozen a hadith about what we now call animal rights and treating animals nicely is in a
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			hadith we all know of the cat and the lady who purposely punished the cat by keeping it locked up.
It became so severe she went to jahannam because of a cat, and this is how long not makuu anymore.
This is a living creature that you starve to death. Another Hadith we haven't sunnah, who who that
the caravan was going and a bird had Chiclets in the in the nest and one of them fell down. And so
also hobby began playing with it and petting it and the caravans moving on. So the mother bird began
going back and forth from the caravan wanting the baby Chiclet back and the prophets of Allah Who
are they he was setting when he saw what it was happening. He said who has irritated this bird about
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			its baby? Give the baby back to the bird? This is a Hadith and Sunnah who who who has irritated the
bird with regards to its own child. Why are you doing this? What pleasure do you gain by taking the
child away from the bird and so the man gave the bird back and in the famous Hadith in Sahih Bukhari
as well that the process was invited to the house of an authority and when he entered a camel came
up to him and rushed to greet him and lowered its head and began speaking in his language and tears
came down on the Prophet system hugged the camel, he hugged the camel, he patted the camel. And then
he said Montserrat Abraham, Gemma who is the owner of this camel, and then the man stood up and
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			said, It is me. He said the camel complained to me that you do not feed it properly and you overwork
it and you beat it So fear Allah with regards to these beasts that not they're not able to talk and
not able to defend themselves. And so the man you know, set it free. So we have a tradition of
animal rights in Islam. We have a tradition of how to treat animals and how not to treat animals.
Our profits are some forbade taking a living animal as a target. You know how in some countries they
do bullfighting and whatnot. Absolutely haram we do not make a joke out of it.
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			Animals killing them for no reason. And so Allah azza wa jal reprimanded a prophet for killing just
ants How about much more than this? In any case, these are some of the benefits we can derive from
this beautiful simple Hadith inshallah we'll continue other ideas later on Zack Mulcair Santa Monica
was able to catch up
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			in Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning Mina team will quantity now look on it. The more
slowly been our slaw the bond the one saw Dina was Slavia before she you know
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			wooden polishing I was polishing I think one downside BP now one downside the party was slow on me
now was all in
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			one heavy Lina photo gentleman wouldn't have failed What the was that good enough? Guess
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			what the guilt or? I don't know hula
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