Yasir Qadhi – Reflections on Death The Journey of a Righteous Soul

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the concept of death and how it is not the end, but rather a beginning. They stress the importance of remembering one's name and actions in the evolution of Islam and emphasize the use of positive names and phrases when people meet the Prophet system. They also emphasize the importance of not rejecting others and being a good person to be. The speakers end with a request for everyone to reflect on their lives and make small deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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jelly either quarterly or up the aromas the heat and Darcy knee winner does mean a lot to me.

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In this world, we share nothing equally, neither wealth nor fame, no children nor status, everybody has a different share. But there is one thing that we all share 100% equally the same. And that is the reality of death. No person amongst us has any more or less we have the same share of death could Luminar they have fun, everybody, everybody that is walking on the face of this earth is going to one day disappear, couldn't do enough sin that a cultural moat. Every soul shall taste death. And it is this inevitability that no human being can deny. In their arrogance. Atheists even deny God and this is just a verbal denial. Their words don't change the reality Allah is there and Allah is a

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hawk, but in their arrogance, they deny God but they cannot deny death. No human being can deny this reality of death. And this reality is something that the Quran and Sunnah tells us to think about our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam commanded us to frequently think of death okviru cathedra increase your thinking of death. Why? The purpose of thinking of death is not so that we become sorry, morose, sad, will become something who's always worried about ending? No, we think about death, because in our paradigm, death is not the end. You see, for those who don't believe in God, they don't believe in Islam, they don't believe in the afterlife. For them death is the end, death

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is non existence, death is nothing so when they think of death, they become sad they become sorry, this is as the Quran she used to say Allah says in the Quran that the Quran is used to say in here in La Jolla tuna dunya Nemo to Anna here, we have one life we live and we die. That's it. When are you recognized the dark times gonna destroy all of us, nobody will remain. But for us dear brothers and sisters, death is not the end, it is the beginning of the real life. Death is the beginning not the end, this life is not the real life has the dunya Allah Hoon will live this life is playing this life is meant is amusement. This is not the real life, the real life, the life of the soul, the life

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that is eternal, when will that begin that will begin when we leave this dunya and therefore for us, death is not an end, it is a beginning. So when we understand that death is a beginning, then all of a sudden our paradigm we rethink through death is not the end. Death is not non existence. On the contrary, as Allah says in the Quran, in Daraa Hirata Allah he'll hire one, the doubt of the Hereafter the abode of the next life law he'll hire one hire one here does not mean animal some arrows may think I only hire one year means Allah azza wa jal see AUTOMOBIL has a higher and higher and how quickly you hire one here it is the real life. Allah says the doubt will ask Hera, it is the

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real life not this life, this life and how can we take after this life law one this life live? Because what is law who alive? What is law? Who alive? Law who and law is one we are busy, we are stressed out we're busy and work, we take a break, and we play and then we come back to the real work that's called the who does collide, we go Allahu Allah, so that we take a break from the real world from our jobs from our stress, we go outside we play then we come back in. Allah says this whole dunya is play this whole dunya that's not the real work, the real work that's up ahead. But this dunya the bulk of it most of it is not what we are truly here for Subhanallah brothers and

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sisters, the entire community is shaken by the death of our beloved younger brother beloved Mohammed, we ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive him to grant him for those this tragedy. He was barely 19 years old and Subhan Allah at the prime of his youth and it is Allah Kadar It is Allah has caught that I was telling Beloved's mother just a few hours ago. Look, this is Allah SCADA that one day playing

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Happy and tragedy happens and the taken away, nobody should think back about what if this? How about that? No, when every one of us was born when I came to this dunya when you came to this dunya right then and there, Allah azza wa jal sent an angel, the angel blew my roof and to me, he blew your hand to you. And that angel wrote down four things. Number four amongst them agile, how long shall he live? How long does this person have, when we were born, our death has been decreed, nobody can change it. Now you're stuck. You don't want to and who sat and while you're stuck the moon, nobody can move it backward or forward. And in our brief, hotter today, I wanted to remind myself and all

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of you of what our prophets are some told us about the journey of the soul and death. And we pray that our brother, beloved, and all of our friends and relatives were moved on are facing this journey, because one time in bhakti yoga called in Madina, Munawwara, when a Sahabi was buried, you know, back then, the burial, you had to dig the grave right then and there, there was no you know, lift truck and for coming and having it ready for you, when the body was brought, they had to sit down and dig right then and there. So one occasion when they were burying somebody, the prophet system sat down, waiting for them to dig the copper. And in that 20 minutes, 30 minutes, he

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explained, in the most detail ever, the journey of the soul, the most detailed Hadith we have about the journey of the soul, it took place in the cover in Bucky. When the cupboard is about to be dug, and the person buried our Prophet system gave this hadith it's a very long Hadith it goes pages and pages, I'm going to summarize and only give you the first half of it, because he gave two journeys, the journey of the righteous and the journey of the one who rejects Allah. And today's short Hatha, we're just going to comment a little bit about the first half, and that is the journey of the righteous, our Prophet. So some said, when the righteous person is about to leave this dunya and

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he's facing the next abode. The angels come to Him. Now this is when he's still alive. This is in the last milliseconds, the last time that he's still in this world. His Roar is still here, but he's about to pass away, either kind of Abdun bandlimited. After he's about to enter the Alpha era, the mullah Iike of mercy and Sakina come down from the heavens, and they surround him. As far as the eye can see, their faces are shining bright, their presence makes him calm, removes any fear and anxiety looking upon these angels as far as the eye can see, and he finds peace and Skeena and then the medical mode comes Subhan Allah, Allah doesn't send the medical mode without the preparation without

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the angels that are coming to calm the person down. The medical mode, generally is a terrifying figure. If you were to just see my locomote you might get terrified, but the righteous person, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not just send the medical boat instantaneously know Allah says I recited in Surah I recited in in the sutra in the arena called Hora buena Allahu Thermus Docomo, those who were firm and they were straight and they believed in Allah as their Lord xs Zulu, I lay him will mana Iike the angels come down and ranks and ranks and the angels speak to them. And the angels say, hola to Hafele waters. No, don't be scared. And don't worry. Don't be scared about where you're going to

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go. Don't be scared about the future. And don't worry about the people you're leaving behind. Don't worry about your loved ones. No, don't worry about that. Don't be scared about the future journey. And don't be worried about the past that you left behind. Why not new? Oh, Leah, welcome Phil hire to dunya or Phil AFTRA, we're gonna take care of you. We are your protectors. The angels are telling this person don't worry, don't be scared, we will take care of you. We took care of you before we'll take care of you now know only outcome for the how to deal with it after and so the angels calm him down the angels remove the anxiety and then the medical mode comes. Now the person is not feeling

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scared. The person is not feeling anxious. Now he understands he sees the beautiful angels, His soul is at peace. Then the medical mode comes and the medical mode simply says come out. Oh, so our profit system says when the medical mode says this his soul leaves him as cleanly as smoothly as water is poured from a jug into a cup when you pour water, it just flows out. Contrast this later on. We're not going to do the rest of the Hadith. But just to contrast one phrase, the one who rejects Allah the Prophet system said his soul comes out the way that a metal comb and Ireland comb is pulled through wet wool. You know what cotton imagine how that is pulled through. They don't want

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to leave the soul doesn't want to leave. The soul wants to remain it's fighting. That's the one who

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rejects Allah, the One who was pious and righteous, it just flows out. It just comes out. And when it comes out the angels that are surrounding the soul, they put upon him the coffin of Jana they put upon him the softest garments and fragments of Jana, the very cloth of Jana they put upon him, and they send upon him the frequencies of gender. And they call him with his most beautiful adjectives and names, whatever nice names and adjectives however people used to call him so for example, if somebody would say, Oh, you bring a smile to my face, Oh, you are charitable, Oh, you are generous. Oh, you're so kind. The angels have memorized every praise that was given to this person, and they

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will then use that praise. And this shows us we need to increase those praises in this dunya we need to make sure our friends and family know us with the most positive adjectives with the most beautiful nouns and names so that when we leave, the angels will use those same adjectives. Our Prophet says some said the best descriptions he was ever called in the dunya. That's what the angels are going to use. So somebody who is genuinely moved by you compassionate, you're so kind Jazak Allah who hate May Allah bless you. You're so generous, every phrase anybody has ever said for the good deeds you've done. That's what the angels are going to say when your Roar is coming out. This

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is an incentive for me and you that we increase those phrases that people know us by the most beautiful adjectives and the most solid nouns and names so the angels are going to bring him out put upon him the coffin of Jana bring the high note and the perfumes of Jana. Pause here before we move on. What a beautiful, beautiful description how so why? Because every single sense is being taken care of and given Sakina and peace, the sense of the eyes, the sense of the ears, the sense of the smell, the sense of the touch, we have all of these senses, right? Every single sense. Allah subhana wa Taala is sending comfort, what the person sees will bring him comfortable. I see these beautiful

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angels I see the angels their very presence makes me feel calm. I feel confident, I feel comfortable. What he hears the angels call him by the most beautiful names Lata Hafele one artisan wherever she ruble Jana NanHu Alia what he hears is beautiful what he's what he feels with his hands this the shrouds of Jana are going to be put upon him. No one has felt anything softer than that they bring from Jana forget the chief cotton we can put the cheap polyester we can put what can we compare to the coffin of the angels, the angels will come and his daughter will feel the softness of Jana. And not only that even the fragrance of Jana Subhanallah every sensation of his it has been

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taken care of why so that he feels no anxiety He feels no fear, no worry. And this is why our Prophet system explained to Aisha that you know whoever is pleased to meet Allah Allah is pleased to meet him. There's a hadith Sahih Bukhari whoever is pleased to meet Allah. Allah is pleased to meet him. I Isha said, you have rasool Allah, listen to this. We are all scared of death. Is there anybody here not scared of death? Everyone is terrified of death, because it represents the unknown. We don't know what's going to happen. Our mother Aisha Alhamdulillah she verbalized what we feel in our hearts. You know, when the prophets have said, whoever wants to meet Allah, Allah wants to meet

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If she were to be quiet, every one of us would think the same question. I don't want to die, but I shall we thank her. May Allah bless her and reward her. She said what we wanted her to say he helped us with Allah, COO Luna necro whole mouth. We are all scared of death and our prophecies and said no your Isha. I'm not talking about that fear. That fear is natural. That fear is okay. It's an unknown. I am saying when the angel of death comes with the melodica to Rama, the person becomes happy and Allah is happy to meet him. Ie at this stage. Na Olia right now when the person sees the angels, all of a sudden, do you think he'll he'll want to remain with me and you? When he sees the

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angels of Rama, when he sees the delegation from Allah, as far as the eye can see, he sees those angels, do you think he'll choose me over those angels? No person will want to remain in the dunya everyone will say, take me take me and that's what our Prophet system is saying. The one who wants to meet Allah. Allah wants to meet him at that stage. How do you get to that stage we just saw right now the angels are mentioning the positive names then what our prophets have said they put the coffin of Jana they put the perfume of Jana and then the angels take him up through the doors of the skies to go up to Allah subhana wa Tada. This happens to every rule every

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Utah, it goes up to the doors of the skies to meet Allah subhanho wa taala. Now, as it goes to the doors of the skies, every sky every summer has a shut door. We know this from Sol Mirage when the processor went up, the door was shut. Every door has she has every heaven the summer has a shut door. When this person comes, they will ask Who is it? The angel with him will say it is so and so the doors will open and open and open and open. How does this angel know the name of so and so? Our scholars mentioned that the Quran tells us this answer. Allah subhana wa Taala explicitly says in the Quran that

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well I'm going to solve through your firewall that delay he Yes, I will carry more per year when I'm going to salehoo your Pharaoh good speech and good deeds are raised up to Allah subhanho wa taala. Our Prophet system said, every Monday and Thursday your good deeds are taking up to Allah subhana wa taala. When our good deeds are taken up, they have the tag with our name on them. Every time we do a good deed, it goes up to Allah subhana wa Tala and it goes through the heavens, and it goes through the gates. And every time it goes through the gates, those angels see the name on that gate, those angels, their memory, their registry is much bigger than me and you and they are monitoring every

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single good deed. So they recognize the names of the righteous whose good deeds are going up all the time. So when the person himself comes, he's already sent 1000s And millions of good deeds, the angels know him. So the angel sets of fodder. Go ahead. You're well welcome. We've seen his good deeds. Contrast this to the next part of the Hadith, which we're not going to go over in detail, that when the wicked when the evil go up, the angels do not recognize him, because he's never sent any good up there. The angels don't know who this person is. He's never done a good deed. So the door remains shut and he does not go up to Allah. We seek Allah's refuge but the righteous person

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his deeds have been sent up, which means me I knew we had better be sending our good deeds constantly. We want the angels to know our names and every good deed that we do. The angels will know our names, every good word, every positive encouragement, every sadaqa every Salah it will go up and the angels will know our name, then the rule goes up until it is in the audience of Allah. Now the Hadith doesn't say that the Lord sees Allah Most we don't believe the Lord says Allah but the router knows that it is in the Presence of Allah and Allah azza wa jal will say oke to woo Kitab de fille. allein write the name of this servant of Mine in the high Registrar of elite in the Quran

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mentions the high register of Indian write his name in that registrar's he has passed, Allah will give him the verdict. This is immediately when he's put into the cover this happens and the people are still around the cover. And then the rule comes down. But now the rule has coming down away from the audience of Allah, the rule is going to feel have made it all the way up. Why am I going down? So then the rule will hear Allah subhanaw taala himself recite the verse directly in diverse men ha ha cannot come Wolfie Han or Ido come woman, her nuclear come Tara and okra, we created you from the earth. And we shall return you to the earth. And then from the earth, we'll bring you back up again.

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So that the rule is given the constellation you're leaving now. But that's not because you're going away forever. No, you're leaving my audience now to go back to this earth. Because everybody has to go back to this earth. It is a temporary going back. And then a time will come we'll bring you back up. And that will be the permanent time. So even when the rule is coming down. Because imagine you've got all the way there you think you've made it, then you realize you're going down. Constellation has given Dory, everybody's going down. Your time shall come then when the rule comes down that point in time. Mancha and Nikita, come SubhanAllah. All of this happens in our worldview,

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milliseconds and our vote worldview. We're still outside the cover putting the sun on this is already happening at that time. And then once the roof comes down, then Moon cut and Nikita come and Moon Cara nekkid there are three questions are known to all of us. There are three questions or no to all of us. Who is your Lord? Who is your prophet? And what was your way of life And subhanAllah the questions the moon can and Nicaea they are not questions of the Oracle of the brain. They are questions of the color of the room. Doesn't matter how much studying you've done up here. Doesn't matter what you've memorized on that timeframe. When you are in the cover. Your memory means

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nothing. It is your color. It is your heart. It is your lifestyle. So when the angel says Who did you use to worship? It doesn't matter what you've been taught in high school or in middle school. It doesn't matter what you went to Sunday school. Who was the one

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An entity or what was the one being that you sacrificed everything for? What was your goal? What did you really venerate? What did you spend your entire life? Magnifying and making the biggest thing in your dunya? Was it your mom? Was it your job? Was it your fame? What did you really worship? Your memory will mean nothing. It will be your lifestyle. What did you sacrifice for to gain? What was your final goal? So the one who chose Allah over everything has called will respond and I recited the verses in salata, Asia youth a bit Allahu Lilina Avenue. This verse is a reference to Monica and Nikhil you thought Bucha Hola. Hola, Dena. Amanu bill, holy Sabbath, Allah will give you the answer

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and give you the that Allah will tell you firmly how to respond. Our memory cannot respond in the cupboard, it will be our culture. And Allah will give the bat to the call. Allah will allow us to answer may Allah make us answer correctly. So the one who prioritize Allah will say, Oh, I worshiped Allah. Allah was my goal. He will respond, then who is your Nabhi? Again, it's not what you memorize as a five year old No. Who did you really love? whose lifestyle were you so obsessed with? You wanted to model your life behind who you really following? Mimicking who did you want to copy every single thing? Who Ciara were you studying? whose lifestyle was it? Somebody on Instagram somebody on

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Twitter? Was it some famous Hollywood Bollywood star that you're always wondering and obsessed? Or was it a Nabil Habiba? Mustafa, who did you really love? And so if you knew, and if you follow the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you will say it was the prophet of Islam. But if you had somebody else in your life, that you made him the role model, you made that person, I want to be like that person. Well, then don't be surprised. You won't know because that's not the answer. It's not over here it is your actual it is your actual life that is going to give you the answer. And then, according to what did you live your life? My Dino care means? What was your ethics, your rituals? Where did you

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derive it from? Was your life in accordance with the Sharia, you change everything so that your lifestyle was around the Sharia, or you couldn't care less? And your worry was capitalism? Your whole lifestyle? Was deen and duniya is just dunya and Mal, how did you live your life? What is your ethics? And if you follow the Sharia, if you took the lifestyle of Islam as your lifestyle, you will then say Islam, but if you didn't, then don't be surprised, as the prophets have said in the next part of the Hadith, the man is going to say, ah, Allah, did he? I don't know. I heard people say things, but I did not do them. Notice here he knows in his head what to say he cannot say it.

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Because at that stage, it's not the knowledge of the mind. It is the actions of the heart that speak volumes. So the righteous person will answer everything, and Subhanallah brothers and sisters, I've been a professor for many, many years, I'm still a professor as the Islamic seminary. And you know, professors, they hide their exams to the very end. No professor tells you the exam. Can you imagine first day of class I walk in and before beginning to teach, I hand out the final exam? I say, Guys, this is going to be your final exam. Who's going to fail that class? Guess what? Allah has given us the exact questions we know the questions yet still many are not going to pass we know the questions

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they've been handed to us. We know exactly when and we know exactly who's gonna ask and we know exactly the questions all we have to fill out the questionnaire properly live our lives love Allah azza wa jal follow the messenger live according to Islam will answer the questions. So those who answered correctly the angels the mancha Nikita will say So Doctor, you have spoken the truth and we knew you would speak the truth. The angels know we know you are truthful in this regard. Then the angels will leave and a door will be opened up the Prophet system said in his orbit, a door will be opened up and he shall see what Allah has prepared for him of the palaces of Jannah of the rivers of

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Jannah of all that his his plot in Jannah and the fragrance of Jana will waft his way and he's going to smell and he's going to see the wind of Jana little bit is going to come in the cover, and so he will say, Yeah, Rob, yeah. Rob. Allow me to enter. So Allah will say to him, not now, after the trumpet is going after the piano, so he will say Yarrabah Juliana Oh my lord make Dhaka Yama close. I wanted to be right now. I don't want to wait all that time. Allah will say it's time will come and he shall be in that Bozak happy and content and in a state of peace model called the Quran calls Yahweh Lana Mumbai Athena Minmatar. Kadena model code means our place of nap the Arabic word model

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code. It's a place of nap of rest. So the one who is righteous in the cover, he's just taking a nap because the real

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Jana is right ahead of him is just an interlude, peaceful interlude, and then he's going to enter Jana. And in this timeframe as well we learned I did the long series of buttons as well, that the person who is righteous, the good deeds that he is given, he shall know who gifted them and he will know by name. And in fact, many of our own AMA, including Abdelkarim admin team and others, they they affirmed that the dead knows the one who's visiting in the graveyard, I gave a longer lecture you can listen to the two opinions even Okay, and by the way affirms this, that the dead in there the righteous, not the not the wicked, the righteous when you visit them, and you give salam in

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front of them, Allah allows that person to know that he is in front and you make dua for them and he knows you're making dua, and you give him sadaqa, you gift him, you gift him Hajj, and he will know that so and so has remembered me and he will be appreciative of that. And our Prophet, so someone told us that a person will be in the cover, and he will see his arm lifted up, for example, he'll see his pelvis be even bigger, even better, he will say, Yeah, Rob, where did this come from? I'm in my upper Yarra. How did I get this upgrade, and Allah will tell him, this is from the dua or the sadhaka, or the good deeds your child has done for you. When you're in the cupboard, somebody gifted

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you I gave you that upgrade. So the shows us that even in the cupboard, we can still benefit the people by doing good deeds and DUA and is still far and again, the Hadith goes on and on. But this is a summary of the journey I will face and you will face if we are righteous brothers and sisters, there's another part as well. We don't have time today. And that's if those who reject Allah, we don't want to be amongst them. There's only two categories. Either you pass or you don't we want to be of those who pass our brother beloved has moved on to his abode, we sincerely make dua that he is tasting all that I have just described, and he is seeing all that I have just described. We ask

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Allah subhana wa Tala to forgive him and exalt his ranks. Remember our Prophet system said brothers and sisters, that a janazah passed by and the people praise the person made dua for the person said, what a you know what a good person he was. And the prophets have said, what Shabbat this has come true. They said, What do you mean? He said unto him shahada, Allah He followed. You are Allah's witnesses in this earth, when you all collectively testify about the piety of somebody, this indicates Insha Allah, we cannot 100% only Allah knows. But in sha Allah insha Allah when the community when a large group of people, when there's genuine love, genuine respect, genuine

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compassion for a person that's going on, then Insha Allah, it is a very positive sign that this person is beloved to Allah. Our Prophet system said, when Allah loves somebody, he announces to the angels, I love somebody, so love him. And so the angels love him. And when the angels love him, love is written for him on this earth as well. Our brother Bill Alhamdulillah, his janazah today is perhaps one of the largest and as we saw, you know, in in this semester that hamdulillah and this really shows insha Allah a good he was on his way to memorize the Quran, he was doing so much good, the family has asked me to announce that they're opening up Asada kajaria charity and endowment in

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his name, every year, they will be giving to different causes refugees or whatnot. And so they want to keep the legacy alive. But I have a personal request as well for us to think about and that is when our young brother at the prime of his age 19 Subhan, Allah, his whole life ahead of him so much to do, Allah has chosen him to move on and inshallah he is happy and in a better place, but we are still here, let his moving on his death, let his moving on to the next life. Make every one of us think about our own lives. No one is safe from death. No one can predict when it is going to happen, how instantly how quickly from doing one thing to now Subhanallah literally, this is the reality of

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life. So let his moving on. Empower every one of us to think about our own lives, to think about that inevitable ending that we're going to face and if him moving on causes each and every one of us to be a little bit better, a little bit more pious, to be more reflective to think about this never this inevitable reality, then this is a sadaqa Giardia to belong, that is going to be continuous you're changing your life when you see something else like this happen can actually potentially be gifting some good deeds to him without you diminishing any good Allah gives to everybody Allah gives to you and Allah gives to everybody. So let this be a reflection for all of us brothers and sisters

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final point Subhanallah how often we stand dear I stand here and we remind ourselves of the inevitable death. How often you know especially during COVID The last three years how often we kept on giving reminder Subhanallah don't we realize the time will come when it will be your reminder and my reminder Don't be realize this one Bye

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One every one of us we lose family we lose friends we lose grandparents, uncles and aunts fat for relatives. This is the reality of life phone call comes. So when so passed away what I was just with him while I just said Santa, I literally had lunch with him last week I saw him in the supermarket. Don't we realize the time will come when your name will be mentioned. And somebody's gonna say I was just with him, and it's gonna be me and you in the cover me and you moving up and down me and you Mancha, Nikhil, our time will come as well. So let us benefit with each and every passing each and every death. Let us benefit as our Professor Sam said frequently think of that which will destroy

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all pleasures frequently think of death. May Allah subhanaw taala allow our lives to be a fruitful and productive one. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us the best life and grant us the best death may Allah make our best days the last days on our best deeds, the last deeds may Allah azza wa jal take our souls only when he's pleased and happy with us. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant every one of us the shahada to c'est la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grantors easy debts and peaceful debts May Allah subhanho wa Taala make our cupboards a vast place of Jannah May Allah make our cupboards enlightened and full of light. We seek Allah's refuge from

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the darkness of the cupboard from the tightness of the cupboard we seek Allah's refuge from the punishment of the cupboard, we ask Allah azza wa jal to give us the bath when won't get in a good question as we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to open up a door to Jana to see our palaces of Jannah when we are in the cupboard, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to expedite for us the beauties and the blessings of Jannah We ask Allah subhanaw taala to be resurrected with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be sheltered under the shade of Allah to be fed by the prophet system from the house and from the fountain to enter Jannah the lady Isabela either to be in the company of the Prophet

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sallallahu Ali who was setting them fee Jana to the third dose Allah Allah wa through that one and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam ala who was selling them about a Colombian Hamedan what are the early he was on big Marian was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

00:32:10 --> 00:32:13

Either call

00:32:14 --> 00:32:19

me Mr. Heaton doll Seanie

00:32:21 --> 00:32:21

doesn't show

00:32:23 --> 00:32:25

me what to fit.

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to me, Jenny Tansa down to

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me down

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