Yasir Qadhi – Islam’s Views on LGBTQ – Ask Shaykh YQ #123

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of acknowledging the morality of certain actions and behaviors, such as black men being punished for their actions and slavery being punished for their actions. They argue that society is biased and cannot determine what is good and evil. The speaker emphasizes the need for a source of ethics and laws that extend the existence of life, and believes that a source of value should be recognized in the culture of the individual.
AI: Transcript ©
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My question was, how do you navigate the waters? When someone asks, What does Islam say about LGBTQ

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people? And

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That's a very good question. Unfortunately, there's no quick, easy 22nd soundbite that will do the job. Because the person asking the question, generally speaking, has already made up his or her mind. For them, it is a matter of certainty, almost to that same * and desires are something that are completely morally permissible. And perhaps the reason they're asking you, frankly, is simply to find a 22nd sound bite from you that they can use against you. So I would say honestly, that you take a step back, you should take a step back and say that, you know, for us, Islam is indeed a package deal. And we believe that our Lord has told us what is good for us and what is not good for

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us. And the question I have for you is, do you believe in God? And if you if you do believe in God, that would you not accept the morality that comes with belief in God? So I think me personally, I would always ask them to take a step back. And obviously, if you know your history of ethics, and philosophy, if you know a little bit more about this type of stuff, you can get to the very, very early question that Plato himself asked in his famous treaties, is it timaeus? Or forgot the treaties, but Plato himself asked Is that what exactly is good? And what exactly is evil? Who gets to decide what is good and evil? So you can begin from that political philosophy, philosophical

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premise as well? Who defines good and who defines evil? Where does the notion of good and evil come from? Because for us, good and evil is something that we cannot decide on our own because we ourselves are biased? It's like we're choosing for us what's good and evil. And there's this this circular notion, how can I choose what's good and evil for me, when I'm the one benefiting or being harmed by my own decisions? So we firmly believe that social conditioning, that's another key phrase you can use plays a huge role in deciding what is good and what is evil. If an entire society is doing a particular customer habit, it's almost impossible for them to think that it is evil. And the

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classic example is slavery, that for all of human history, and especially here in America, nobody even thought slavery was wrong. Another example is, is racial discrimination, that for 400 years, people argued intelligent people, the founding fathers of this country, Abraham Lincoln, as you should all be aware, did not believe that blacks and whites were equal, not at all, he firmly believed that his race was superior, morally and intellectually than the other race. And he was Abraham Lincoln. Why? Because of social conditioning. So we firmly believe that we need a source of ethics and laws that transcends the human experience, we firmly believe that there has to be a

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higher power. And that's what the Koran says. Yeah, lemon hada. isn't the one who created you? Isn't he more knowledgeable for you than anyone else? Oh, yeah. And the woman Hold up, the one who created is the one who has the right to tell us so we can go down this philosophical tangent, but as you've already seen, there's no 22nd clip. And in reality, we have to just take a step back and we say, I believe certain things are good, because my Lord told me so. And I believe other things are not good, because my Lord told me so do you want to know why I believe that Allah is my Lord, that the Quran is my book, that the process is my profit, then you change the conversation from LGBT and

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morality, to belief in God to the Quran, to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that's our fortress, we can fight and defend far more easier our notions of God in the Koran in this era, that's where we will win our battles. As for the LGBT, the person coming to you 99.9% of the times, they have already reached certainty in their minds, if they don't believe in God, they're not going to come to the conclusion that certain, you know, lifestyle preferences are not morally correct. So we take them to the bigger question of life and the purpose of life and the existence of God and the revelation of the Koran, and we argue from there, and then once we win that argument, then we can

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proceed to talk about morality and ethics and Allah knows best

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