Yasir Qadhi – Gender Roles in Islam
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AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the idea that women are different from men in terms of behavior, personality, and emotions. They stress the importance of men in relation to their status and reputation, and the cultural differences between men and women. The speakers also emphasize the need to be mindful of physical and mental demands and not denying one's gender identity. They stress the importance of standing up for women and men to be gender fluid and not rejecting their faith, and remind them of their family's privacy and history with the monarchy.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
a long
long haul
all along
How do I know
I had one more helmet
hi Jana Sloane
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in Al Hamdulillah middle horn Astana you know horn still fiddle when I would have been Himanshu Rudy unforeseen women say Dr. Molina Mejia Hila HuFa la medulla, woman your balloon who fella ha de Allah, wa shadow Allah Allah illallah wa Hona share DECA wash Hello Anna Mohamed and others who are pseudo. Yeah you hola Dina Amanita Allahu Akbar to call to Walter Mouton to Muslim moon. Yeah, Johan NASA to aura Docomo lady Johanna Paco, me Nipsey Wahida wahala come in has Oh Jaha Weber Thurman humare Jilin Cathy wrong one isa What's up hola hola de Tessa Luna be well or ham in Allaha Karna eco Marathi Abba, Amma Bert, dear Muslims, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would begin many
of his whole buzz with what I have just recited. And in that whole tuba, in this introduction, there is a verse that you will usually recite. It is the first verse of Surah, Nisa. And it translates as follows that all mankind or you who believe, be conscious of Allah who created all of you from one, and from that one, he created its mate, and from the two of them he spread forth multitudes of men and women
of the greatest of Allah's blessings upon us and of the miracles that he mentioned in the Quran of creation is that he has created us in pairs in men and women. And Allah azza wa jal gives a custom in the Quran WOMMA Hasakah dakara will answer the fact that he has created men and
The fact that he has created women. And Allah tells us in other another series of verses in which we are commanded to ponder over the creation, one who halacha XO Jane Edeka will own that he created the two pairs of mankind, the male and the female. In fact, this division of our genders into male and female is such a miracle that Allah azza wa jal reminds us that the one who can create human beings in two genders is so powerful that he can create and recreate from the dead. Allah azza wa jal says in the Quran, Fajr Allah men who XO Jane is Dakota will lay you said that he can be recorded in Iowa and you're here the motor so he made from all of us, male and female isn't the one
who can do that, also capable of resurrecting the dead. The fact that we are in two genders, is made into such a magnificent miracle, and is a demonstration and a realization of Allah's mudra that we are asked to reflect and ponder over this reality. Because if Allah had willed, We would not be in two genders we would be in one gender. If Allah had willed, We would not have the comfort of the opposite gender, and we would not have the institution of marriage. The fact that mankind is divided into two genders, is so obvious that it is frankly nonsensical to even try to prove this point. It reminds me of the poetry of the famous Muslim poet, Al Muthanna, beep, who remarked on a very, very
famous line of his he said, What ACS,
honey che on it Dr. John de HARO, Isla del you do nothing will be considered correct by the mind if you even have to prove that the sun is shining during the daytime, the fact that we have to talk about the there being two genders, and that there is a reality of male and female, and that these two genders are biologically real. The very fact that we have to mention this in a time and place when this is being challenged is something that is frankly nonsensical to think of 2030 or 14 years ago, but you see, we are Muslims. And we speak the truth, regardless of the consequences. And we preach morality and ethics and we preach the religion of Allah azza wa jal, in spite of what anybody
might say. And so in light of all the current changes, sweeping this society, in light of reorganizing the most basic fundamental building block of society, in light of challenging the notion of male versus female, we have to take a step back and remind all of us in this audience, and Muslims around the world, and even those who are not of our faith, we remind them of this truth that Our Lord created us in male and female, and the two are not the same. The two are not the same. It is obvious that our two genders are different. We can easily recognize these differences at every single level and in every single phase of our lives. When the mother of Mother yum was giving birth
to Mother Yum, and she thought it would be a boy she remarked, and Allah azza wa jal quoted her and agreed with this, she remarked when he said that Gurukul the male is not like the female, the male is not like the female, this simple reality the simple fact that nobody challenged before our generation, Allah puts it in the Quran, so that we can actually use it to prove a reality that is undeniable what he says Deco. Physically they are different physiologically they are different emotionally, they are different hormonally, they are different and intellectually they are different studies and surveys, popular culture and human experience teaches us this reality. As for physically
it is obvious Allah has created the male different than the female and Allah has given Oregon's to the one that he has not given to the other and Allah has given strengths to the one that he has not given to the other. As for emotionally and intellectually, studies and tests have shown once again, generally speaking, there's always exceptions at the individual level. But generally speaking, plenty of studies have shown that women have better verbal skills and better memory and better social cognition, whereas men have better motor skills and are and also men are better with spatial skills as well. We learned from studies that women are more empathetic, whereas men are more risk
prone. Men can focus on a small matcher and ignore the larger picture, whereas women can multitask and absorb a much larger picture. And I can go on and on and by the way, these are not crass generalizations and stereotypes that I have taken from soap operas. Every single sentence that I have said, is backed up by numerous academic studies and scientific articles and transcends any one civilization and culture. The man is not like the woman, so if it is confirmed
that men and women are physically different and emotionally different and intellectually different. Does this mean that the one is better than the other, that the one is more noble than the other? Now, it is true that many societies felt this way. It is true that many societies privileged the man in nobility, and they said, Man is better than a woman. And this goes back to ancient history, the famous Aristotle who everybody admires, Aristotle wrote, As regards the sexes, the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male is the ruler and the female is the subject and quote, this is Aristotle, and the Judeo Christian cultures of the past as well. They viewed the woman as
the source of all evil, the woman as being inferior, they blamed the fall of mankind on the woman, they blamed Eve for the mistake of Adam, and they considered every childbirth to be a punishment, the pangs of childbirth to be a punishment, reminding woman that she is a woman and she is being punished for being a woman. So it is true that in some societies, these differences were translated into levels of nobility, but in our religion, from the Quran, from the Sunnah, there is absolutely no distinction made in terms of nobility of one gender over another in terms of nobility, in terms of status in terms of standing in the sight of Allah azza wa jal, there is no superiority of a male
or a female or a female over a male. In fact, when Messiah came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam famous incident mentioned in many books of Tafseer, she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she said, yeah rasool Allah, what is it? Why does Allah always mentioned men and not women? Why is it that Allah mentions men and not women? In one version, she said, don't we fast like the men fast? Don't we pray like the women, the men pray? Haven't we done the Hijra like the men have done the job? Now before I go on in this narration, I asked the men in the audience, if a sister of our times asked such a question, what would your response be, if a lady of our gathering
of a halacha came and asked such a question? What would be the standard response? I am pretty confident that she would be dismissed she would be told to be quiet and not speak on the cinema is demanding from the Prophet system and explanation the Rasul Allah, why is it that Allah mentions men and not women? Our books of Tafseer respond and say that because of this, Allah revealed not one multiple verses multiple verses that we recite to this day. Understand all Masada is asking where are the women? Why aren't we mentioned and what is the response Allah revealed among a number of verses of them according to one of the top CEOs of them, Allah subhanho wa Taala reviews for the
other Imran verse 195 festa Jabba the hombre boom and Nila oldie Rama, there are many men come mean zakat in a bow, bow, your Lord responded and said, I shall not cause the good deeds of any of you to go to waste, male or female, the two of you are from each other, not one is superior, one is less, not one is more noble, the other was lower. The two of you are from each other. Every man comes from a man and woman. Every woman comes from the man and woman, the two of you are from each other. So those who do the hijra, and those who strive and those who fought and those who were killed, all of them male or female, I shall accept their deeds and forgive their sins. And Allah subhana wa Tada
says in the Quran in surah, Nisa Manami, the saw they have many decadent own thoughts and sort of did not have excuse me, well who are more men on whoever does good regardless of whether they're male or female while having faith that is the one who's good will be accepted. Whoever does good male or female, as long as you have Iman, the criterion is not gender, the criterion is emaan. Whoever does good male or female as long as you have Iman, Allah will accept your deeds. And Allah revealed one of the longest verses in the Quran as a response to a miss selama this was brutal. azab Allah azza wa jal says in non Muslim in our Muslim it will mean Nina will move and it will only take
them upon eternity to the end of the verse. This is the longest verse in the Quran, in which every single adjective is made male and female. Every single district description ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says that indeed Muslim men and Muslim women believing men and believing women, devout men and devout women, truthful men and truthful women, and the list goes on for more than a dozen characteristics each time Allah says men and women men and women, men and women, then Allah says to all of them, Allah has promised a massive reward and forgiveness. So it is true to state that in our religion in the religion of Islam, there is ultimate
Equality of spirituality there is equality of nobility, there's a quality of humanity, there is a quality of earning Allah's rewards, there's a quality to enter Jannah, the potential to enter Jannah is the same regardless of gender, it doesn't matter what gender you were born in, you have the same opportunities, the same access to Jannah that the other gender has. And that is why we truly state without any exaggeration, without any mythic, mythic mythology, it is the truth. Men and women are equal spiritually in the eyes of Allah, they are equal in their humanity, they're equal in their nobility. Now, does this mean that they are equal in the tasks and roles that they are assigned in
this dunya? To answer this question, we have to actually become a little bit philosophical. The whole notion of being equal when it comes to tasks equal when it comes to chores equal when it comes to responsibility, it needs to be examined, there is no equality even amongst any one gender, there is no ultimate equality of chores and of tasks and responsibilities. On the contrary, a whole bunch of factors are involved that will decide what you are doing. Let me give you a simple example. If two identical twins born, same time look exactly the same DNA is pretty much the same. If they go and set separate when it comes to education. One of them becomes a doctor, the other becomes an
accountant. Would we compare the tasks of the doctor and the tasks of the accountant and say, Are they equal? Do they have the same chores? Do they have the same responsibility? Do they have the same routines? Of course not. If the doctor says hey, it's not fair, I want to do the management of the accounts of the company. If the accountant says it's not fair, I want to be the surgeon in the operating room, we will say you have a task that is assigned to your training, you are better qualified to be the accountant you are better qualified to be the doctor if two identical twins merely by five years of study can have different tasks and chores than why is it difficult to
understand and comprehend that those that are biologically different, those that are physically different, physiologically different emotionally different that Allah has given them different tasks and different responsibilities and different chores. And these tasks and responsibilities are suited to their origin suited to their temperament suited to their biological strengths? Allah azza wa jal has created a set of skills in each gender. And then he has given tasks that are in accordance with those skills in each gender that is not that difficult to understand. It is not a question of privilege. It's not a question of nobility, it's a question of what are you better qualified to do?
That's the question. There is no competition between the roles of men and women and to posit such a competition to create such a competition is, in essence, a destruction of the natural order of things. Men and women are not enemies of one another. They're not fighting against one another. They're on the same team, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, they're on the same team and they have a different role to play that is not that difficult to understand. Our mother issued the Allahu anha came to the Prophet sallallahu either he was setting them as she said, The Rasul Allah, we see that striving in Allah's wage, you heard it is the best of all deeds, should we as women also not do
the striving? A fella Naja hit? Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, or they couldn't a jihad Lakita Allah fie el hijo Amara, I will tell you of a struggling and Jihad that you don't have to fight anybody. You're Jihad jihad, hakuna Alhamdulillah umbra, when you go for Hajj, and you go for Umrah you all ladies will get the reward of the same as the men when they go for what they go for. Now, this beautiful Hadith and by the way, Allah revealed a verse in the Quran and Allah revealed diverse in response to issues question while at a time and no more football Allahu be Heba Docomo Allah about do not desire what Allah has preferred each one over the other don't desire what
the other has literally Giardino See, men have a share what in Nyssa ena. See women have a share with Allah hum and fogli he and the both of you ask ALLAH from His bounty, Allah revealed this verse in Surah Nisa as a response to her issue Rhodiola one has question, she's also asking rasool Allah, I want to have the same rewards as a man she's asking for equality by the way, in terms of reward, think about that. Look at the mindset difference. Now the equality is I want to earn gender the same way like a man does. That's the real equality. I want to get the same agility as the man and the Profit System said you got it, don't worry, but the way you're gonna get it is not the way a man
gets it. See, this is the point of our religion. You got it, don't worry, you're gonna get the same reward. You'll get there a Aisha but your jihad is not going to be the jihad of men. Allah has given you a different routine a different way. And if you do it properly, you will get the same reward as that of the men
and your jihad is going to be go for Hajj go for Amara, the struggle in that and the rewards in that it will equal what the men are doing. So brothers and sisters, men and women are complementary to each other, not in competition against one another. Allah created men, and Allah created women, and he gave for them tasks and routines that is better suited for their own understandings and their own backgrounds. Now, it is true that we say in Islam, there is no spiritual inequality. It is true that in other civilizations, this concept of spiritual inequality did lead to tangible physical differences between the rights of men and the rights of women. And it is true to point out that in
Muslim Societies versus in European societies, in medieval ages, there was a market difference, and that Muslim women, generally speaking, had far more rights and privileges, then their European counterparts. I know this is strange to hear, but Wallahi I am not one to mythologize you if you know me, you know me, I don't sugarcoat the past. But this is a reality. This is a fact. How do we know this? We have multiple accounts of European ladies traveling as ambassadors wives traveling as the wives of merchants, they go to Ottoman lands, they go to Iraq, they go to other places, in the 15th 16th centuries, when Europe and Muslim we're all just beginning to have peaceful relations.
They're exchanging ambassadors and whatnot. So we have ladies that lived in Muslim lands. And these ladies, European ladies are writing what they're observing. We have the writings, there are many books about them. And if you read the writings, one common theme in all of these writings, this is we're talking about 15/16 century 500 years ago, one common theme, these European ladies are shocked at how much power and wealth and privilege Muslim ladies have, they're shocked to see that Muslim ladies can own property can sell on their own, they don't need their husband's permission, they're shocked to see the respect that is given to them that they don't have in Europe. And as I said, this
is not a romanticization of the past. This is a factual reality that if I had time, I would backup but I encourage you to do your own research in this regard. So true, the situation has changed now. And frankly, many of our ladies are looking to Europe for the rights that they have. But 500 years ago, it was the other way around, realized your Muslims, the whole notion of women's rights and fighting for women's rights. This is a very modern construct in our western history, it was only in 1848. That's barely 150 plus years ago, 1848. Only in 1848, that here in America, the married woman's Property Act was passed in New York, the first time ever, that a lady could own her own
property 1848 Imagine that 1848 In America, and then other States took decades to follow suit, you could not own your own property, have your own bank account, do anything independent as a lady, you were always considered to be not worthy of having your own money having your own property. So can you imagine living in that society what European ladies and Western ladies had to do? So because of this, they began fighting for their rights and a number of movements came and of course these movements are now called the feminist movements, the feminist waves, there are multiple waves 19th century, early 20th century, mid 20th century, and the topic of feminism is not the main topic of
the hood, but today, but it does need to be mentioned on the side. The fact of the matter, brothers and sisters is that the word feminism now is almost meaningless simply because under this word comes so many strands and so many multiple interpretations of what it means to be a feminist, that the fact of the matter is, we should simply ignore this word and concentrate on the realities, let us not criticize or praise feminism as a whole, let us look at individually and specifically what is being asked for and then we can critique it in light of our religion of Islam. Again, if you study feminism, you will understand that there is no agreed upon definition, and you actually sometimes
have contradictory strands that are working against each other, each one of them claiming what are the real feminists, for example, about *? Is it good or bad? Is it empowering? Or is it something that is you know, sexist in nature, you have both strands and both are claiming to be feminist. So let's ignore the word throw the word out, and let's look about realities. As Muslims, we judge everything by our Sharia, which has everything by what Allah has revealed and the sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, some of what happened under the name of feminism, we will say this is good. Women's rights. Of course, this is good. The women can have her own property. This
is from the days of Islam, early Islam, Khadija had her own property, the prophet system was managing it no problem and some of what happens under the name of feminism, perhaps much of what happens, it does conflict with our ideals. So let us look at it bit by bit and point by point and let us not reject everything we can accept what is acceptable and we will criticize what is worthy of being criticized and obviously
100 But we can only do so much. As I conclude my first cookbook, let us remind ourselves of some basic facts. Firstly, there are two genders. This is an imaginary, it's not a social construct, there are two biological realities, the male and the female. And every single DNA molecule in our bodies is either xx or xy. So the differences between our genders begins from the molecular level, and it is manifested outwardly in almost every single aspect of our existence. If that is the case, then secondly, the genders are real, this means the genders are also different. And it follows from this not just theologically, not just from scripture, but from common sense, and from lived human
experience and reality that the two genders have different tasks and roles, and then each gender is better suited for a specific task. This difference does not mean that one is privileged over the other, or that one is more noble over the other. Frankly, it is a problem to privilege what privilege is one gender, and to consider that gender to be more noble, and then say the other gender is not powered enough. It's not noble enough. That is the problem. Why? Let me give her the opposite example. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us we all know that the mother has three times the health of the Father, we all know this, the mother has three times the health of the Father. Can
you imagine if a father came angry, irritated? Why is this the case? It's not fair. I want the father to have three times the health of the mother is we should be equal in this regard. We will tell this father Yeah, he Allah has given you a role. Allah has given you a task, you do your task, and you will earn Allah's reward and live a good life. And Allah has blessed the mother and given the mother her tasks, she does her task and she will get a good life, you have certain perks and privileges she doesn't have and she has perks and privileges you do not have don't fight with one another. It's not a competition against one another. It's a competition for Allah subhanho wa Taala
either not against one another for the blessings of Allah subhana wa taala. So the point being, it is a problem to problematize the roles of the two genders, and it is a problem to privilege one gender over the other. That's the basis and the root of all problems to think that just because the task is different, the gender is better. That is not the case. Janna lies under the feet of the mother not the feet are the one who gives the Juma football. So let our sisters be happy that gender lies under the feet of the mother. Let our brothers not complain about that and let our brothers do what Allah has allowed them to do. So this is the second point that there are gender roles as well.
Number one they are genders biologically. Number two, there are gender roles and those roles are real. Number three, there are certain aspects to each gender that are normative. Allah azza wa jal created men to be physically stronger to be in a certain way, women to act in a certain manner and it is good and healthy for each gender to act in accordance with their biological reality. It is good for men to act masculine and it is good for women to act effeminate. This is the reality that Allah created us upon and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah Allah Anna is upon the man who goes out of his way to act effeminate and Allah's liner is upon the woman who goes out
of her way again out of her way is some things are natural, some men speak in a softer voice, that's not a problem is Allah created you that way, but to go out of your way, and to dress and to act or to pretend to be the gender that you are not, we have to be very clear, unequivocal. Regardless of the criticism of the critic. We speak the truth Allah's Lana is upon the one who opposite who purposely and purposefully and intentionally imitates the opposite gender, that is not something that is allowed in our Shediac fourth point that gender roles are real genders are real. However, gender roles generally speaking, have not been made obligatory. This is a very important point,
especially for some of our brothers who think that the way that their their grandmothers live that's the way my daughter has to live. No, gender roles are not obligatory by and large, yes, there is default nobody's going to deny that yes, there are certain things each gender is better suited to do, but the Shetty is made to be adaptable. And when it comes to the tasks of the man and the woman, generally speaking, these are not obligatory they are recommended. Hence, if a particular lady and a particular man husband and wife they renegotiate, if in any one family they renegotiate, generally speaking as long as the wardrobe is done, and no Haram is fallen into that is permissible for them.
This is a very important point brothers especially brothers understand, I am saying clearly there is something called Gender roles and Allah created us feel threatened like that, but gender roles are not generally speaking made wajib and it is allowed and sometimes you
Have to what is a lady who doesn't have husband going to do she has to take on tasks and responsibilities that otherwise she might not have had to do. So there are gender roles, but generally speaking, most of what comes under them are negotiable. Also, they can change from time to place. We learned from this era that women have MCE versus women of Medina acted very differently. And the women of Medina were more assertive, and they would speak back and speak their minds. And the women of Makkah did not do that. And the Prophet system did not take sides here culturally, there can be a leeway if that is the case between Makkah and Medina of seventh century. What do you
think between seventh century Arabia and 21st century America, there is leeway, even culturally, and much of what might be permissible is not wajib. So learn the Shetty out and differentiate culture from actual fifth and allow leeway where possible. Lastly, lastly, for the first part of the football, we say that we have to be very, very careful about entering into this competition between the genders. Because when you're going to destroy gender, and gender roles, and you're going to open up the door for saying that gender is fluid, then in reality, you are destroying the bedrock of society. Look at the anarchy that is being caused in our times. Look at these various movements that
have swept over the land. Look at how it is destroying the very unit of our family society, the husband and the wife and studies and surveys have shown that children born out of wedlock and children raised in single family households do not have the same mental maturity do not have the same privileges that those that are born in stable families. We have to be very, very strict about this brothers and sisters, Muslims men and women, we have to embody the prophetic ideals of what it means to be a man and what it means to be a woman. There are fads in our society that are challenging this if we do not stand up and be role models, if we do not conform to the Shetty of
Allah subhanho wa Taala then who else is going to do this this is our responsibility as believers in the Quran and believers in the Sunnah of the Prophet those that have to embody the values of men and women. And also I have to point out here, once you make genders imaginary and gender roles imaginary, you have now opened up the door for people to think they can change genders and become gender fluid. This is the natural result of what's going to happen when you say there's no such thing as gender roles. So if you're going to open this door, take it all the way to the end. And we are seeing what is here brothers and sisters stick with the fitrah that Allah created us upon be a
man or be a woman however Allah created you and life will be easier and more blessed in this world and in the off era May Allah bless me and you within through the Quran and may make us of those who is versus they understand and applies halal and haram throughout and I spend may ask Allah is forgiveness yours will ask him for his love of food and the ramen.
Heaven hamdulillah helwa hidden ahead of Summit Allah de la married William EULA William yaku. local fauna, Roberto,
before I finish this football, I must point out a bitter reality. And that is that one of the primary causes for the popularity of these notions of gender equality is the very real harms and the very tangible disadvantages that have been placed on our women. When society treats women as second class citizens against the teachings of Islam. When women are marginalized, when women's voices are made irrelevant, when our sisters are mistreated physically and maybe even sexually, when their rights especially during a divorce are not given to them, then do we really blame them? Do we really not understand that many of them are going to opt for values and ideologies that might not be in
conformity with our faith. If we if we do not give the rights of Allah to our sisters, then don't be surprised when they demand more than what their rights are because we have done the wound to them. So men I speak to you firstly and I speak to frankly, give the rights of Allah to your women, be generous with them, treat them with the dignity they deserve, follow the prophetic methodology of how he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam treated his wives and daughters. And you shall see the fruits of that treatment, be a gentleman be a prophetic model with your wives and your daughters. And that will automatically inculcate in them the reality of what a man is and what a woman is. But dear men,
if you constantly belittle your wives and daughters, if you ignore them, if you put them down, if you abuse them in any way, then do we really not understand that they're going to reject not just you, not just your culture, maybe even your faith and your values, and they're going to adopt slogans, and they're going to jump on to bandwagons that they think they're going to get there right
From change, do your brothers must begin from our side not theirs. I'm being brutally honest here. But I have to say this to the sisters as well now, I am well aware of sisters, that our society and our cultures, they do have an unhealthy dosage of male patriarchy. I'm not in any way belittling, or trivializing the honest Slavic misogyny that so many of you have encountered throughout your lives from so many people, sometimes people who embody their religion and sometimes even your family members. But I warn your dear sisters, I warn you that change must come from within change must come by embracing our values, not by rejecting our faith, our values, our ideals, they come from Allah's
revelation upon us and they come from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, Allah Who are they he was seldom change will never be successful without following the Quranic methodology. You have to have change using our system believing in our system and then we will embrace that change if you show us that we were wrong from the Quran and Sunnah. If you use our own understanding and separate the culture from the faith, we will listen. But if you're going to bring in foreign ideas, ideas and slogans that have nothing to do with our faith and tradition, then don't be surprised when those types of slogans are not going to be effective from within. I'll also remind you sisters of what our
mother Aisha asked and the response that came down, Allah azza wa jal clearly says literally Giardino sleep well in this industry was a low hum and fugly Wallah, Turman no my fault Bala, Bob, Bob don't wish to be like the other men have privilege in certain things. I agree women have privilege and other things. Don't think that just because men are privileged in some aspects, it makes them better know what I tell them I know don't desire to be like the other. Be thankful Allah knew who you were and Allah created you do what you should be created and Allah gave you the gender that was best suited for you. So thank Allah for how you are and then ask ALLAH from his blessings
was an Allah min fugly he, you are not competing against men, sisters, you and I, men and women, all of us were competing against ourselves not against each other to see who is the better person to see who has the more emaan the more Taqwa Dear brothers, dear sisters, our ultimate value and our ultimate worth is not going to be decided by the color of our skin or the gender that Allah azza wa jal chose. Allah chose for us these genders by the way, that's not going to decide our value. Our nobility is decided by our piety and piety, dear brothers and sisters has no gender May Allah subhana wa Tada bless all of us in this world and the next Allah humanitarian for aminu, along with
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Allah so
Allah all microphones
Alhamdulillah here have been
in a rush Nando Rahane Mani Kia Omid Dean, II, he cannot avoid doing what he can
do no slip at all on them was stopping
In sled alternated as in I'm in him Hawaii the Mailloux the on him model morning.
Me in
LM national Hello girl sada raka Wildwater Anna wisdom like a lady called hog wild I found like Nick rock for in a row sitting US salon in Iloilo City us for either for Oltorf slobber, one ILA beak of
Allahu Akbar
semi Allahu naman Hamidah.
Allahu Akbar
along a coven Cubone.
Along welcome.
Alhamdulillah here on Bill Alameen or Rahmanir Rahim Imani Kenya woman dini. EOC and I want to do one a guy that's dying. They don't sit on him was stomping him on sale alts on leadin and Isla de him avoid Elumelu they are allowing him more than more on learning
I mean
all while long I had done it on some and doing them me I didn't want them you do them me I need to do one new legend while Aamir Khan learn kung fu one had Allahu Akbar some
semi Allahu naman Hamidah
Oh along
Allah Who
along woke them up
set up more income more muscle more us
more or less income model merge or
somebody's gonna have doula one very important announcement tomorrow inshallah we have our fundraiser for the wolf, please come at six o'clock. This is a very very game changing project. As you're all aware, we already have the land we just have to finalize the amount for that for it Inshallah, we hope to generate over a million dollars in endowment funds. So this is something that is a long term investment. So every dollar you give tomorrow will insha Allah Allah be for a lifetime because it's a walk for an endowment. So please, tomorrow, six o'clock between Melbourne and Asia. There'll be dinner here as well. So please come with your families and the sha Allah Allah
will have an amazing night we're going to reach our goal and go more than that golden inshallah and we're going to show the world that our epic name isn't just east Plano Islamic center. It is epic because we are all epic and shallow to others. So see you all tomorrow shoulders, Zack McLaughlin