Yasir Qadhi – Forgiving Others

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the negative impact of forgiveness and the Profit System on personal relationships, with a focus on forgiveness as a means to build a healthy relationship and avoid negative behavior. They stress the importance of forgiveness and a strong heart, particularly for individuals who may want to be forgiven but cannot take credit for others. The speakers also emphasize the need for forgiveness and a strong will to overcome addiction.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Allah

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Allah, Allah

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Allah, Allah

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Allah, Allah

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in Alhambra, Rila Monastery you know who want to sell fiddle. What are all the villa Himanshu Rory unforseen a woman say RTR Marina de la la mobila woman Yulin who Fela ha De La Hoya shadow Allah. La la la sharika wa shadow Ana Mohammed Abu hora sudo yeah you hella Hina mana taco la porta potti wallet, Mouton. Illa one two Muslim moon. Yeah Johan sutopo Raja qumola de hakomi nuptse wahida wahala caminhar Xhosa. Weber Semin humare Jonathan casier on one Isa, what La la la de Tessa Luna v one or ham in the LA her Karna od Kumar Atiba. Yeah you hola Gina Amano, Chico la kulu Colin sadita useless Amala como para la comida Nova con woman yo to a la hora Sula, hufa the father, foes and

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alima. I'm about buddy brothers and sisters in Islam. In the famous incident in the theater of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam known as the slander of Arusha, one of the most painful episodes in this era. One of the episodes that touched in the household of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. There is a tertiary story that I will begin with today. And that story involves one of the people who spread this evil slander and rumor.

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One of the people who fell prey to the hypocrites and spread this evil vile lie was none other than a second cousin of a Chateau de la hora and her herself, Miss sly, who was the son of a cousin of Abu Bakar Miss la not one of the hypocrites he was of the viewers of them will hide your own. He was of the Sahaba. But for whatever reason, we don't know why family politics, whatever it might be, we don't know. Somebody who has a close blood relative of Isha herself, fell prey and also began spreading this evil vile lie.

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And to make matters worse, Abu Bakar in the UK, before this incident, would be giving him a monthly stipend. He would be helping him out financially, because Misra was young, unemployed single Mohajer he didn't have a job he had left everything in Makkah. Now he had come to Medina. And Abubakar having some wealth began to sponsor him here, take a gift, he would regularly give him gifts.

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And despite all of that, Mr. began spreading this lie. Can you imagine how abubaker probably a lot more unfelt? Can you imagine not only is he blood, not only is he relative? On top of that he owes Abu Bakar so much and yet he is doing what he is doing. Not surprisingly, a robot could do. When he heard this person was doing this. He said voila, he I will never pay him a penny as long as I live. That is the least one could imagine. I think if any of us were in that situation, we wouldn't have just said I'm going to stop paying payments. We would have gotten more than this. But a worker being Abubakar all he said, I'm not going to pay him anything. I'm not going to give them any more gifts.

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The incident happened a lot of xojo revealed what he revealed. It shows honor all the laquanda is cleared. And then as an addendum to the story of Arusha. Allah revealed a verse for Abu Bakar his ears we recited to the states in the Quran. Allah revealed a verse teaching Abubakar acidic, what it means to be acidic. While I tell you all Philemon como Sati and you olio Cordoba Elmo * Dena while Misaki fsap de la Walia who will use for who to hate Boehner and y'all feel alone.

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Let not those of status amongst you and those of wealth yeah Baba Casa de if you are a man of status, you are not an average person. And you are a man of wealth Allah has blessed you. Do not use the name of a law don't bring in a law and say well, law II do not give a custom that you will stop giving money to your relative and the public.

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person under Mohajer three characteristics Allah mentioned of the one who slandered, Isha Allah found the good in him, the one who committed this crime, this this this pernicious vile crime and unless that these are three positives he had, he is your relative, he is poor, and he's a muhajir and you used the name of Allah and you said well law here I'm not going to give him any sadhaka Allah is saying don't use my name to stop giving sadaqa to a relative and the poor person and the mohajirs Yeah, Baba Casa de if you are higher than this, you are better than this. One Leah who will

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forgive you of a curse of the UK and turn over a new leaf. Forgive erase this from your hearts and turnover pretended never happened. turn over a new leaf. Then directly addressing abubaker Allah says in the Quran, Allah to hipbone and young Pharaoh la hula

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Don't you want a lot to forgive you? Don't you want a lot what if Allah dealt with you in the same manner? What if Allah took every sin every crime every incident and never forgot it? What would you do? So yeah, Baba Casa de and through Abubakar, all of us, don't you want a lot to forgive you when you forgive others? When abubaker so therefore the Allahu unheard this verse, he made cafardo he gave up the nothern he made a photo to absolve the the oath. And then he said, Well, law, he as a law is my witness, I will continue to give sadaqa to him as long as I live, and he never stopped his charity. As long as he lived, even though Mr. became wealthy, had a job doesn't matter. He made the

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custom abubaker continue to pay as long as a worker was alive. I began my topic to get today with this story, to illustrate for us, one of the beautiful characteristics of our religion, one that we remind ourselves of strive to achieve, even if we cannot achieve perfection, we always have it as our goal. And that is to forgive and to have a clean heart towards our fellow believers, to forgive and to forget to forgive the grudges that we have with one another. To have a heart that is not full of nastiness of evil, of hatred, of enmity, of jealousy of retribution, wanting to get revenge No. Well, yeah, full well yes file. remove this from your heart. That's what I feel means have no trace

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of that evil in your heart. When you're spyhole give the guy another chance, turn over a new leaf. And this concept of forgiveness is something that runs throughout the Quran throughout the Sierra, throughout the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not our nebby sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam the embodiment of virtue. Was he not the symbol of mercy? Was he not right? metallian Allah mean how many instances in his lifetime and he kept on forgiving he kept on turning the other cheek. And this is something that is well known how many times our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the opportunity to exact revenge and he forgave. And of course of the most obvious ones,

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is the incident of thought. If when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was literally asked by Allah, do you want to get a grip? vengeance Do you want to be getting having all of that anger that you have? You wanted to now be challenged and you want to destroy these people? If you do so your rasulillah not only has Allah allowed you, he has sent the angel Do as you please, the angel is now under your command. If you want, you have every right to destroy them. And at that point in time, when the blood had not even dried from his body, so Allahu Allah, he was setting up when he can still feel the pains of that stones. He said, No, I shall forgive them, perhaps from their children,

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Allah azza wa jal will bring a man from their children. And that's exactly what happened. And the same goes for the incident of the conquest of Makkah, as we know, in the incident of the conquest of makup we all know that when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam entered that city, and all of the people of the Quran that were still alive at that time, they come out trembling, they come out scared, what is he going to do to us, after 20 years of persecution? 20 years of killing the Muslims 20 there's a long list of dead Muslims. There's a long list of vengeance if you wanted to starting with Hamza and what did with it did with Hamza, the loved one, all through our modern vinyasa, and his parents so

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Mejia and Yasser all through Bella, every single Sahabi has a graduate has a legitimate claim. They come out scared, they come out terrified. And he said to them, what do you think I shall do to you now they are begging for mercy and he they said

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Don't forget you are our brother, you our brother and the son of our brother. Your father was a relative of ours. By the way, where was this brotherhood for 20 years, they forgot it themselves, but now they're begging for mercy. And so what did our prophets of Allah send them say, Go, you are free. I'm not going to take one person's life. One person's belongings go all of you are free. And Abu sufian, the leader of the Abu sufian, was shocked. And he began saying out loud, ma, ma ma, ma, ma ma ma farakka. How generous Are you Yara Sula, la? How forgiving are you? How kind are you? He could not believe that after all of these years, and now when he has the opportunity above soufiane

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has been centerstage he has seen and done things. He knows what exactly they deserve, if anyone knows it is Abu sufian. And now when full power is in the hands of the prophets of the law, are you setting them when no one in history would ever have accused him of injustice when he has all authority and right to do as he pleased, he turned the other cheek and even Abu sufian could not believe it. And he began praising how generous are you? Where does this generosity come from? How forgiving are you how Karim Are you he could not accept utter his amazement out loud. And that is why indeed our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent as one who was alcoholic, an album of

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the best of all characteristics and no and noble manners. And Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in the Koran that it is a characteristic of human to forgive the Mothman is forgiving to one's brothers, the Mothman overlooks the false and the sins that are done and realize the stories I've quoted in front of you today. Yeah, believers in Islam. These stories are actual volume, religious violence against Allah and His messenger and still Rasulullah saw some forgave How about petty things that happened between me and you? How about something of the dunya that we are negotiating over? And maybe I do something that irritates you? You do something that irritates me? When it came

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to the old kavala the OIC of Islam, the prophet system demonstrated if you're able to forgive forgive, how about the book of money? How about the yoke of me and you and the petty trivial things between us? Should we not be even more worthy of forgiveness? Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in the Quran was sad Euro in a Filipino era become virgin net and Aldo has some artwork or race to a forgiveness and race to agenda that is as vast as the heavens and earth. And then Allah describes Who are those people who deserve forgiveness from Allah Who are those people who deserve Jenna whose width is as vast as the heavens and earth? Allah azza wa jal mentions that there are those who

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Calvary me and ally Eva while our fee in and in us, they control their anger, and they forgive the people. They control their anger and they forgive all of mankind Oh conditions, you don't just forgive those that you have some relationship with. You don't forgive those who know what are Faena and in US forgiving all of mankind will love who you are sinning. And Allah loves those who do a son even more than this, and Allah and Allah azza wa jal meant or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was described when I actually was asked, how was our profits of the law, it was seldom, he she described him by saying he was never vulgar, he was never violent, and he would forgive those

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who did wrong unto him. This is the description that he gave my kind of fascination with the fact that he never said something bad. He never said a harsh word, and he would forgive those who did unto Him. And Allah subhana wa tada mentioned in the Quran to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam when he felt hurt that the crusher doing what they are doing, Allah revealed in the Quran fastfood was FIFO then forgive them and turn the other cheek fat for spackle forgive them and turn the other cheek. And the majority of those in fact, all of the Quraysh were alive when the Makkah was conquered. They embraced Islam, all of them other than two or three. So the entire city embraced

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Islam after the conquest of Makkah. If that forgiveness had not taken place in the beginning of Islam, there would be no converts at the end of islam for food. Well, yes, forgive and forget. And Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran, regarding a group of people who broke a last covenant and they attempted to trick the Muslims in early Islam. Allah azza wa jal says to the Muslims at that time, that go ahead and forgive and overlook and Allah azzawajal loves those who practice yes and even when it comes to the most heinous crime, the most evil crime that any man can do against another man, and that is the crime of murder. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran coochie

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vida como to sauce fulfill UTLA pray sauce, the sauce means a life for a life the murderer deserves death. This is the Islamic ruling the one who kills another

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Person intentionally, that person deserves to be killed after trial after everything takes place in the court of law, that is the death penalty for the murder. Then Allah says in the Quran femen roofie Allah who mean a fee shaven, but whoever forgives his brother, whoever forgives his brother should then be followed up with malouf and good deeds. In other words, Allah is saying, this is a long verse to summarize, Allah is saying, I give you full permission, or family members of the murdered, you have every right to sue in the court of law, you go and take your case, and you execute after the court has found guilty, you you you execute this person, and you take the murder,

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and you take the death penalty upon this person. But then Allah says, but if you forgive your brother in Islam, from an roofie, Allah whom in a fee, this is going to be better for you. Even the murder, Allah says, If you forgive, it is better. Because why? When you forgive, you allow this person as well, a new opportunity, a new chance, when you forgive you show you are the better of the two and you earn a law's pleasure. So Allah allows this loss. But Allah says, If you forgive, it is still better for you and realize this forgiveness is for all and especially for family. The irony, dear Muslims is that when it comes to family law, here we find forgiveness even more difficult,

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because it's understandable when our family member does something that hurts us even more understandable. But realize because it is family forgiveness should be a higher priority. And in the Koran we have so many examples. First and foremost amongst them is the example of use of Allah His solemn, if anyone has the right to exact vengeance, if anyone has the right to not forgive it, his use of it his cell and his own brethren threw him into the world, his own brethren lied about his death, his own brethren left him to rot. They did not know whether he would die of starvation, or he would die of whatever and they walked in, they turned their backs, they're hearing their brother

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cry, they're hearing him beg and plead. And this is a child here. And these teenagers and young men walk away out of spite and anger. And then the tables are turned as we know and use who becomes the Minister and the brother and come begging for food and they recognize him and they then ask for forgiveness and use of says Don't worry yo feudal law hula, he made it a statement of fact, a law shall forgive you. He didn't even say I forgive you. He put himself out of the picture. There's no I don't even have an issue with you. And because I don't have an issue with you, then Allah will not have an issue with you. Because you did loom to me. I have the Huck if I have forgiven you, then

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Allah will forgive you. So he made it a statement of fact yo fiddle Allahu Allah, Allah shall forgive you. And he said to his father that oh my father Don't worry, it was shavon who put issues between me and my brother man by the another shaper obey niobe in equity he didn't even blame his brothers for what his brothers did. He said it shape bonds for mud my brother's fault look at the other of use of look at how high manners he had he did not even say oh those guys did this. No, no, no shade on caused some issues and Allah shall forgive you Subhana Allah what other we have in use of Allah His setup to forgive what his brothers have done. And I say this apart alone I give

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lectures and hope that no matter what has happened in shallow your brother did not try to sell you into slavery and shallow your brother did not throw you into a well and left you for dead whatever your brother your cousin, your uncle your aunt has done surely it is not worse than what the brothers of use have did to us. And yet What did you do in return? Yellowfin Allahu Allah, Allah shall forgive you. Don't worry, there's no issues with me. Allah xojo we're being our hearts together again. And Allah reminds us in the Quran, especially when it comes to family. Yeah, you will live in harmony in them. In other words, you come What do I do? Well, the confido home, were in

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Tahoe with us for who for in the La Jolla. fudo Rahim, some of your family members, Allah is saying they're going to be a type of enmity or animosity towards you, meaning some of your family members will be asking you things that are how long you might be tempted to do how long for them, they want things you cannot give them. So you might be tempted to do how long you might blame them for this. A lot is saying no. Forgive and turn over a new leaf. Well, yeah, who will just forgive them and turn over a new leaf don't take your family as your enemies, forgive your family. forgive your children, forgive your spouses. That's how love will flourish in our household. Love is not going to flourish.

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A marriage is not going to flourish. If you never forgive you hold on to grudges everything that is said you keep it in your memory. No will Yahoo erase it from your heart? This is what AlphaGo means. Don't even keep it as we say forgive and forget while you're spyhole give them a new chance to

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turn over a new leaf don't think of the past and keep on regurgitating it. This is an idea that is explicit for husbands and wives explicit for spouses to bring about marital harmony. Allah is saying, Don't keep each and everything in your memory, let it go and forgive for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now dear brothers and sisters, if somebody might point out that hold on a sec, sometimes the Prophet system did not forgive, did he not execute a certain of the Sahaba nusseibeh certain of the Orosz at specific timings in the Sierra? And we say, indeed, it is true. If you look at the whole Sierra 23 years, you will find a handful of people you can count them on the fingers of

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one hand. That's it, that the Prophet systems that these people should not be forgiven and he made against them. But who are these people? Are you going to make chaos of Abuja * with some relatives that might have done something wrong towards you, I say to you, categorically, you will not find a single Muslim, or even a pagan who wanted to repent, who came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam genuinely sorry, except that the Prophet system forgave that person without any conditions. The son of Abu Jamal crema, and if you know what a crema has done, you know what Eric Kramer has done. The son of Abu Jamal came asking for forgiveness. And the Prophet says some forgive. Yes, it

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is true. He didn't forgive Abu john. But who is Abu Jamal compared to anybody who has done something against you don't bring these exceptions than make them the rule. It is true once in a while some very few people they do not deserve forgiveness. But in the entire Sierra, anybody who came asking saying I am sorry, saying I come to Islam, acknowledging their mistake, anyone from beginning to end, our Profit System always gave them a new opportunity without any exception. Now, to conclude the first quarter.

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What I have spoken about is the ideal and the ideal, will Yahoo will use FIFO. forgive and forget literally This is in the Quran. Well, yeah, if you have a clean heart, well, yes, fine, we'll give them a new chance. However, you see, our Lord is so merciful. Our religion is so perfect, well, light, it is so perfect. If we only studied our faith, our amount would skyrocket. You see, a lot told us the ideal, but let us be honest, can we all live up to the ideal? No. So in Allah, Allah has given us a spectrum in Allah Rama, he has told us we have options to do. And

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whatever we choose amongst these options, it is permissible, but some are more rewarding than others. At a bare minimum level. At a bare minimum level, we are allowed to return evil with evil, and we shall not be sinful if we do so. But we shall also not be rewarded. If somebody cuts off with us, and we cut off with them. If somebody says something nasty to me, and I say something nasty, exact same, by the way, it must be exact same. Because if you go more, if he curses you once you curse him 10 times now on judgment that you have to answer to allow for the nine by the way. So that's one other point, by the way, because you can go worse, if somebody harmed you a little bit.

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You harmed him in return more on Judgement Day, you have to answer although you went the extra mile. But let's leave that for now. suppose somebody says something nasty in anger, you became angry? You said something similar back in the beauty and the perfection of our religion, guess what? It is allowed? You're not sinful, and you're not praiseworthy? What does that say? You didn't say yet and Mithra they're responsive and evil, you're allowed to give the exact same evil back, somebody cuts you off, you cut them off, okay, that is allowed better than this one level higher, is that you forgive and you move on. You don't hold a grudge, but you don't necessarily come back to that person

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and mend your ways. ie, somebody says something nasty to you, you calm down, you forgive and then that friendship is gone. That kindness that you had is gone, but your heart is now Okay, May Allah forgive, this is one level higher, you shall get a reward. And you have done good, no problem with there. And Allah says in the Quran, while a tester will hesitate to say yeah, good and bad are not the same. He the fact that he didn't respond with the better of the two, when somebody does good, somebody does bad you do good in return. So somebody says something nasty, you forgive and return him to the law. This is the higher level, the highest level, which is the level level but could have

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so little the law one, which is the level of the profits of a law, the highest level is you go the extra mile, you make sure that you mend any issues that have happened, you show you are the better of the two you forgive you forget and you mend any bridge.

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And bonds between them. And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in the Koran, because the verse finishes what our testament has to know what to say. Yeah, either viability isin for either Lady beynac kobina, who Ida webtoon Who will you and him respond to evil with good and you shall find the one who was your worst enemy becomes your best friend. This is what a robot could have. So the law the law is being told this man did what he did respond to him with good and in fact it is said a robot could increase the stipend a robot could increase the money after he did what he did to his own daughter. Our bucket paid him even more sadaqa How do you think Mr. Felt? Do you not

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think Mr. would have corrected his ways become a better person, so I will bucket acidic became the better of the two and then he helped guide and Miss thought through the better of his manners as well. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, this spectrum is there for us. Not everybody can forgive and it is true By the way, sometimes somebody has done something so evil and they are unrepentant that you don't find it in your heart to forgive. Okay, if that is the case, let it be you what you don't have to necessarily forgive but if you're able to forgive even better, and if you're able to forgive and mend that is the best and that is the McCollum of profits and that is the macom of the

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city clean. May Allah subhana wa tada makers amongst them vertical Lee, what are the What a funny way your company My feeling is ridiculous. Hakeem our automatic smartphone was stopped for a lot of the muddy water come, what is it in Muslim mimicry them in festa guru in nawala for him

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Hill Wahidullah ahead Samad ality limited mula mula Hakuna had, Roberto.

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Briefly, how can we forgive if we choose to do so and again, I want to reiterate, it is true sometimes a crime has been done, that has scarred you so bad that you don't find it in your heart to forgive the person who did that. The beauty of our religion we are not obliged to forgive or reiterate that we're not obliged to forgive. It is possible you hold the grudge until judgment date. And it is possible that you ask Allah azza wa jal to therefore you sue in the court of law, so and so did this, oh, well, I want to reward for what has happened that is legitimate, it is valid. And if anybody chooses that option, they do not need to feel guilty. But I still say that is not the

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best option. It is valid, it is judges, but the better option is to have a clean heart and to forgive. And the best option is to have a clean heart and forgive and mend your ways and make sure you have that relationship, especially if they are family. If there are brothers and if there are cousins and uncles and aunts, if they were close friends, then you should maintain that level. No matter what has happened. The question is, how can it be done? Briefly, two points. Firstly, psychological secondly, religious as for psychologically, realize that when you hold a grudge, when you hold animosity, when you hold resentment in your heart, the reality is, whether you like it or

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not, you are acknowledging that person has power over you.

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You are acknowledging that person has power over you. And you are still suffering as a result of the grief and the trauma that that person has inflicted. For you to be a better person, forget the other person for you to be a better person for your heart to heal. You need to let go. You need to make your heart pure for your sake, not just for the other person's sake. So even psychologically forgiving brings about healing. In fact, over a scholar said, the one who feels anger towards somebody else towards the one who does wrong, the one who wants to get revenge that person. In fact, it is like he's holding a burning coal, wanting to throw it at the person but he never throws it. He

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keeps on holding the coal and the cold is burning in his hand. It's not affecting the other person. And this is so true. When you are full of anger towards another person, you're full of resentment, you're full of hatred, you're full of vengeance, who is the one still hurting, it's you, not the other person. You're the one not going to sleep except thinking about that person. You're the one not enjoying life because of that person. This is the beauty of our religion, forgive and you will become better forgive and you are the better of the to forgive and your heart will flourish and grow. So even psychologically it is better for us to forgive and then ask for religiously realize

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dear Muslims, that when you forgive others, Allah has promised to forgive you. This is the beauty Allah is telling us be selfish, be selfish, if you really have to. Don't forgive for him.

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See, forgive for your sake. Don't forgive for his sake, forgive for your sake. And to hate Boehner and young federal law hula come Yeah, Baba Casa de Don't you want a lot to forgive you so then forgive the other person. So therefore when you forgive others a lot xojo will forgive you, when you have it in your heart to show mercy to others, Allah will show mercy to you. So you use this as an incentive, you use this as an incentive, I'm not doing it for the other person, the other person, that's his business, but I am doing it for myself on judgment day, I will get a bigger reward a better reward, and I will get the lion's share of monk Farah, I will get the house and it has done

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to me as well as that I will get a luxury reward for forgiving him. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, when you forgive someone, you do not give up your uncle completely. No, you give up your coke for a prize from Allah, Allah will give you more forgiving up your quote for his sake. That's the beauty of our religion. It's not as if you're going to lose anything. On the contrary, when you forgive you become the winner in this world. And most importantly, in the next dear Muslims, there's a famous Hadith that I conclude with this. That's one of the habits in the Muslim environment that one of the Sahaba entered the masjid and our Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that man is a man who

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shall enter agenda and the Sahaba did not really recognize him is not one of the big shots, one of the famous Sahabi and so Abdullah Ahmed and ours decided to find out the story. It's a very long story. In the end of it, we learned the reason for three days he stayed with him. Then he said, Look, I stayed with you three days. I don't know what are you doing extra special that we're not doing that? Why did the process I'm saying you're going to gender. What is the special thing about you? We're doing everything you're Salas like I'm doing it as well? What are you doing that I'm not doing? I want to know. And so the man said the only thing I can think of every night I go to sleep.

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I have a clean heart and I forgive everyone. I don't hold any grudge. I don't hold any animosity. Every night I go to sleep I check my heart. I make sure there's no anger towards under another Muslim. If there's anything extra that I do that is it have the little offset. That is the reason why our Profit System said you are a man of gender. Dear Muslim brother and sister have pure hearts against fellow believers try to forgive tried to turn over and you leave and do so for your sanity and for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Aloma Nita and for me, Allahu Allah tells them that he loves what a Hammond Illa for Raja Wallah Dana illa kobita wala Maria Juan Elijah feta, whether I

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see it on Illa yourself. Alomar fildena Willie one interlinear sub akuna been a man what a treasure. I feel alumina Zilla Lila de la mano Ravana in Nakuru for Rahim Allah is an Islam and Muslim in Allahumma Israel Islam and Muslim in Allahumma Israel Islam and Muslim in a law home and Aradhana are ardent Islam and Muslim either be soon in February who've been upset or jotted mirum feet at the BT yaku Aziz rebels a law in the law the American government in better behaved NFC within America the Buddha was a letter

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engineer he will insert for call asthma pardon idema in no law, how am I likely to use soluna? Allah nebby Yeah, you hola Dena, Amano sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with us Lima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik wa and avocado Sudha Mohammed Ali he was a big marine. It was a law in the law that I deal with every Sunday which is over 100 factual material but you're able to come to the Quran with Kuru la de mer Kuru come wash. Guru Yella come What are the crew La la la la

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