Yasir Qadhi – Fiery Speech at the MIT Encampment

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © A representative from the United States' Fourth Hall of Fame warns of the "rockets of the world" and upcoming protests in the Middle East, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the complexion of the situation and creating proper understanding of the reality. The clerk discusses the use of anti-emigrism tactics and the importance of peace and human rights, while also addressing the issue of the United States supporting Israel and the money for education and infrastructure. The speaker urges schools to stop being silenced and show their voices, while calling for students to protest against their demands and actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Good evening. How are you all doing? Whoo.

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It's my honor to speak to you here

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My name is Yasser Kadi. I am the

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president of the 5th Council of North America.

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I have a PhD Islamic Studies from Yale.

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I am a cleric and a professor and

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the dean of Islamic Studies at the Islamic

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Seminary of America. I've been speaking at protests

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across the country.

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2 days ago, I was in Ohio State

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where the state troopers were called in, 40

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people arrested.

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10 of our sisters, their hijabs were pulled

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off. So they they decided to hold a

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protest with 2,000 people. They invited me to

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speak and deliver their Friday sermon. I was

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there. Last week, I was at Yale, spoke

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over there, the week before other universities. So

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I was speaking around the campuses that are

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protesting about Palestine, and I wanna say I

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have never been more

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optimistic about the future than I am right

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It's great to see so many people of

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diverse backgrounds come together for a very basic

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cause. Now, I don't wanna give you a

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long lecture. I'm a professor, so it is

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a problem. I'm gonna try not to lecture

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you, but I wanna just give you a

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few points. Point number 1.

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1 of the biggest misconceptions

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about the reality of what's happening in the

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Middle East is that you are told that

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it is super complicated.

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You are told that it's a really difficult

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situation. There's multiple views and multiple angles. You

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are told that there's been conflict in that

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region for centuries centuries.

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Nothing could be further from the truth. What

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is happening in the Middle East is very

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very simple. You do not need a PhD

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in political science to understand that reality. What

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is happening is you have on the one

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side an oppressor, you have on the one

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side a colonizer,

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and you have on the other side the

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oppressed and the colonized. You have on the

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one side a group of people that have

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come in from foreign lands and displaced

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over 2,000,000 people from their own lands. Ask

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one simple question.

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Where are the people of Gaza originally from?

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Why are they behind 50 foot walls? I

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have visited that country half a dozen times.

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I have seen with my own eyes those

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50 foot walls behind which it is what

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our president Jimmy Carter called the largest open

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air prison in the world. Where did those

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people come from? Their origin is they are

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refugees in their own lands. They have been

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displaced from their own houses that are literally

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a mile or 2 away. These are refugees

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that have been expelled

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multiple times in 1947,

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in 1963,

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in the 2000, they have been expelled over

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and over again. You now have 3rd generation

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born and raised behind a wall, having been

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deprived of basic freedoms, being treated worse than

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we treat our animals and our pets. And

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so do not let anybody obfuscate their reality.

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What is happening in the Middle East is

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straight up colonization, straight up

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colonization, straight up genocide, and let no two

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people have any disagreements about that. That's my

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first point.

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The second reality,

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the second tactic that is used

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is to bring up a really awkward incident.

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And I'm gonna say that incident. That's October

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7th. And to bring up a political party.

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But I'm gonna say loudly and clearly, what

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is happening in Gaza is beyond one political

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party. We are not here supporting 1 political

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party. We are supporting

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Palestinians. We are supporting human beings.

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And history

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did not begin on October 7th. I am

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not here to justify or to criticize. I

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don't care about that one particular day. I'm

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asking where did these people come from and

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why are there 2,000,000 people locked behind a

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massive wall? My question is not about one

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day. My question is not about one incident.

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My question is is about an entire population

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and an entire people that have been driven

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out from their lands, that have been stigmatized,

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that have been demonized, that have been considered

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to be lesser than human. They do not

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have a passport. They do not have the

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rights of education.

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The highest joblessness

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rates in the world are behind chazah. The

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highest rates of children dying because of malnutrition

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are behind the walls of chazah. So, that's

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what I'm here to protest. I'm not here

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in support of any genocide. I'm here in

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support of peace and let nobody else tell

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you otherwise.

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The third reality I wanna bring up is

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that once again, one of the tactics they

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use to obfuscate the obvious,

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one of the tactics they use is the

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false charge of anti semitism.

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So let me be clear. I am a

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Muslim. I'm a Muslim cleric. We must denounce

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anti semitism. We are against anti semitism.

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We will not support

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anything that categorizes people of all faiths in

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a malicious manner. But listen to me. I

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am a Muslim cleric. If I criticize the

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Taliban for their policies, that's not Islamophobia.

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If I criticize Middle Eastern tyrannical regimes for

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their policies, that is not Islamophobia.

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So then, why is that anti semitism

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when I criticize the policies of a nation

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There is no anti semitism

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in criticizing the policies

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that have disenfranchised

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2,000,000 people, that have deprived an entire civilization

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of basic human rights, of basic dignity to

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criticize that policy is not to criticize the

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faith. And how can we criticize the faith

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when members of that faith are standing with

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us and amongst us, and we thank god

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for their presence amongst us.

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And it is truly sad

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that our congress has passed a bill

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in which they attempt to silence our free

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speech, and they've equated

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criticism of a nation state with criticism of

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a faith.

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Nothing could be further from the truth, which

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leads me to my 4th point.

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One of the reasons why we're standing here

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is the fact that our own country,

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our own country I was born and raised

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in this land, and I love this country,

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and this country really is one of the

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greatest nations on earth, yet still

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there are aspects of it that really distress

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me. And of those aspects is the fact

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for that for reasons beyond my understanding,

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for some bizarre reason, it is our country

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that is directly

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aiding and abetting that genocide.

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It is our country

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that unilaterally

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do you know Do you know that in

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the last 50 years, our country has utilized

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its veto in the UN almost 95 times,

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and 50 of those times,

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more than half have been in favor to

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make sure that no other country criticizes the

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policies of Israel. We have used our veto

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for Israel more than we have we used

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for ourselves.

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Are we interested in our country or in

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another country? We have given more in foreign

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aid to Israel than we have in all

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other countries combined.

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Every single year, we give 1,000,000,000 of dollars,

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and I'm wondering, we have homelessness problems in

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America. We have education problems in America. We

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have so many issues here. Listen, Why are

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we involved in a war that has nothing

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to do with us?

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Why are 1,000,000,000 of our dollars being spent

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on the wrong side of history?

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As an American citizen,

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this is insulting and I have to stand

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up and say enough is enough. Are we

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not tired of going to war? Are we

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not tired of spending money on bombs? Are

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we not tired of killing and killing?

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No more money for bombs. Let's spend that

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money on ourselves for education.

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Let's spend that money on our own infrastructure.

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So I'm here as an American to protest

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against my own country when it is on

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the wrong side of history, and when it

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is aiding and abetting the wrong side and

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helping genocide?

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Do you know that every single large bomb

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that falls on innocent

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Palestinians, it is made in the US of

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aid? Do you know that most of the

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technology that the IDF uses to target innocent

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civilians, It is made and sold by the

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US of aid. Enough is enough. This is

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our country aiding and enabling genocide and true

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True patriotism

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is not to listen to status quo. It

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is not to tow the party line. True

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is to speak out when your country is

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wrong and try to correct it to make

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it right. And I consider myself to be

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a patriot of this country, and I want

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my country to be morally superior than all

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other countries. That's not gonna happen if we're

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aiding and abetting a nation that is committing

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genocide against an innocent population. So that's the

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4th reason I'm here.

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And the 5th and final reason,

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which is truly something that should incense every

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single one of you.

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The clear double standards

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that are being demonstrated

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across this noble country.

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The double standards of attempting to silence your

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reasonable demands and to silence your

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that you have the right to protest and

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you have the right that your voices are

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heard. Why is it that selectively

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across the country and has spoken at half

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a dozen rallies, Across the country,

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our voices are being silenced

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only when it comes to Palestine.

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Across the country, I'm from Texas, I flew

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in from Dallas. At the University of Texas,

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the governor sent in the troops against students.

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40 students at UT were arrested. 40 students,

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some of them my own sons and daughters

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friends. They were arrested for protesting.

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The governor

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sent in the state troopers.

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Have we not learned from history? Vietnam all

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over again. You're gonna send an army

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army against your own students. Anytime the government

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sends the army against the students, history has

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shown the government was wrong, the army was

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wrong, and the students were right. And all

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of you are right, right, right, right now.

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I wanna say loudly and clearly

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that collectively

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our voices cannot and will not be silenced.

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They cannot

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silence the truth. They cannot silence the genocide.

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They cannot silence all of our voices. They're

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scared and that's why they're sending the troops

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in. They're scared. And so administrations

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are passing laws so that you are not

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allowed to protest. I was at another campus

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and they told me administration is meeting at

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night to make new laws that are unprecedented

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to target the rallies for Palestine.

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That's so unethical.

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That is so hypocritical,

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and we will not tolerate anybody of conscience.

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Anybody who believes in the constitution

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must stand up for the rights of our

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students to protest. For the rights of them

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to not face violent police mobs, to not

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face the army being called in against them.

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So we're protesting

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for the freedoms we cherish in this land.

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We're protesting so that nobody ever takes those

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freedoms away. We haven't seen these types of

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scenes since the 19 seventies

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when the troops were sent in, when students

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were protesting against Vietnam. And unfortunately, that resulted

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in a bloodbath as you're all aware, but

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that bloodbath was the turning tide and the

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people's perception of Vietnam changed. This is not

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the only time students are protesting. Students have

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protested across these centuries of this country. They

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protested in favor of the civil rights. They

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protested against discriminatory

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policies, against African Americans in the 19 forties.

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They protested against Vietnam in the seventies. They

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protested against is against the against South Africa

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and the apartheid regime of South Africa. In

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every single instance, the students were right and

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the government was wrong. Therefore, I wanna conclude

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on this note. All of you, every one

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of you, you should be proud of yourselves.

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You are standing on the right side of

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You are standing with the people who are

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oppressed. You are standing for that which is

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ethical, that which is moral. You're standing for

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truth and justice and decades from now when

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there will be a free Palestine, you will

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be able to tell your children that I

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did what I could, and I spoke out,

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and I attempted to influence, and I was

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a part of that revolution

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that call for the freedom and the dignity

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of a civilization that had been oppressed for

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far too long. So may God bless you

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and may God bless this country to be

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correct and guide in its morality. And thank

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you all.

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