Yasir Qadhi – A Summary of the Aspects Related to the Uḍḥiyya (Qurbānī) of Eid al-Aḍḥā – Ask Shaykh YQ #201

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of animal sacrificing during the holiday season, as it is the holiest of the year and everyone wants to bring happiness to the community. They stress the importance of eating healthy foods and showing mercy towards animals that have been sacrificed for the sake of Allah's subhaness wa taala. The speakers also discuss the concept of "drafted animal" and the importance of sharing family members' opinions and notifying them of their actions. They emphasize the need to educate people on the harm of eating animals and the importance of avoiding sacrifice of animals.
AI: Transcript ©
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hour to sell me Kobe deca Reja learn No Hey lay him first.

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I want to LA he'll walk us through what hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah while he was a woman with a hammer, but Welcome to another q&a of our regular Tuesday q&a s and seeing that the month of hijjah is almost upon us. I thought that I would do a cluster of questions in our first q&a about the issue of the old hire of ghorbani. And so I chose two or three of them and lump them together, Brother Mohammed from London emails, and he asks about the rulings of the Kobani. One we are not going for hedge what are the procedures and what aspects should a person be aware of, and brother in *, emails from New Jersey, asking whether he should do Qurbani on behalf of the

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Prophet salallahu it he was selling them and sister in Gita from India writes that she cannot afford a full goat on her own. But if she and her sister both combined together, they can afford an animal. If this is permissible, can she combined with another person and to give one animal is that permissible? So this is our first question. I just lumped all of these together. And of course, this is a very

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important question. For this timeframe, we're about to enter the month of the ledger. And as we're all aware, one of the rituals that is strongly recommended or perhaps even obligatory according to one opinion, is the old Haier or the Kobani. Of course, the term Qurbani is used in the Southeast Asian cultures or do Hindi and Bangla speaking peoples use the word Qurbani and the Arabic term is not ghorbani it is old here and old here. So for Bonnie Of course, means sacrifice that which is offered to Allah subhana wa tada so called raba you to to come close to and so the the notion here is the caravan is that which is offered or basically brought close to allies origin in the in the

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order speaking languages, and then the old hear the term old to hear it comes from Salah to Doha, it comes from what the * and cold here is called over here, because the timeframe in which the animal is sacrificed is after the fudger salah and when the sun is rising, they'll do her time. So it is called Old here. Because the norm you know, across the Muslim world, when do you do the sacrifice? We're going to discuss the beginning and the end technically, but when is the default, the default is when after you come back from solid read and before salata and that timeframe is called bluehat. What do you have, so old here is the timeframe. And so you call the sacrifice of the

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animal basically it is called Old because it is done during this time frame and the the sacrificing of an animal during this timeframe during the eat without her and the next few days after that. It is one of the most rewarding and respected rituals in all of Islam. It is actually institutionalized from the very beginning of time. In fact the concept of offering something to Allah subhana wa tada it really goes back to the time of Adam it his Salam himself the first human being, and we know this because

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Calvin and Hobbes when they fought or I should say, when kaabil killed habel What was the issue over Allah says in the Quran, that karabo corbon photo Bella mean Heidi Hema wollam useable mineral aka The both of them offered a ghorbani Taco Bell quarterback, quarterback or abandon, this is where the term quarterback comes from quarterback. So they offered a quarterback and an offering to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now what it was we do not know. But you know, some of them I see it is one animal and others say it was Other than that, but the point being that they made an offering to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah accepted it from the one meaning hobby and not from the other meaning

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corbeil and so Bobby became jealous and angry and ended up killing his brother. The point being the concept of an offering is something that goes back to the time of the mighty Salaam and his children. And then our father Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, once again reintroduced and reinstituted the notion of an animal sacrifice. It was an all likelihood in existence before him, but Ibrahim alayhis salam institutionalized or re institutionalized it in especially in lieu of the sacrifice of his own son, as we're all aware that instead of sacrificing his son, Allah subhanho wa Taala sent down a rat

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And Ibrahim alayhis salam was told to sacrifice that and as a sign of thanks and as a sign of commemoration from the time of you but it is set up up until our times, this is what the Muslim Ummah does by sacrificing an animal for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah says in the Quran linien Allah Allah Lucia Maha, while idema wa wakeeney anala hotaka minquan neither the flesh nor the blood of the animal reaches Allah. Allah does not care about the flesh and the blood. It is not something that is allowed to Bella like when the pagans do the sacrifice, you know, to their false gods. They think that you know, the gods need the animals. And Allah xojo says, No, I don't I

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am the creator of these animals. I don't need these animals. What reaches me your piety, your Tacoma, the fact that you cared about following the city or the fact that you spent money and that you nurture this animal and that you then sacrificed it and distributed the meat to the poor. This is what reaches Allah subhanho wa Taala Well, I can you know who Taka min come. And Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us in the Quran, for Sol Lila Baker, one hero, pray to your Lord and sacrifice in the name of your Lord one how to hear means to sacrifice. And so sacrificing animals for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And again, the point being our notion of animal sacrifices very different

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than the paganistic ones. The point for us is that we give this meat to the poor, and we distribute to those who are in need, so that especially on the day of read on this festival and occasion. And you know, you realize in many countries in the world where meat is scarce, the only time that the whole community eats meat is on the day of read. And so the point being we commemorate this day, it is the holiest of days of the year and we bring happiness to the poor and we bring food that is generally not something that they might have. And we do this for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala That is why we sacrifice an animal and Allah azza wa jal says in the Koran cool enough sadati will

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also keep one mahiya woman Mati de la hora de la la mina la sharika say my prayer, and my sacrifice and my life and my death, all of it are for the sake of Allah and he has no partners. And Allah says in the Quran in surah, Al Hajj, will equally Ahmadinejad, amen. second layer, the Kuru smell llahi, either Morocco, homie, behemoth l and m. for every nation, we have appointed rituals and rites that they should do for every nation, there are things they should do, and then one thing is common, so that they may mention the name of Allah while they sacrifice the animals that Allah azza wa jal has blessed them with. And so the notion of sacrificing an animal mentioning Allah by the name of Allah

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distributing the meat to the poor and the believers in Allah azza wa jal, this is a standard ritual that goes back to all civilizations that allows xojo sent profits to and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam strongly encouraged us, some would say mandated as we're going to come to, to sacrifice an animal during these days. Our mother Ayesha narrates that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Ma Ma I made up to Adam, Yeoman nahi mln Hubba ilaha xojo min hirakata Domine no son of Adam can do anything that is more beloved to Allah on the day of the sacrifice, which is the 10th of Dhul hijjah that is more favorable and blessing than sacrificing an animal and the animal will

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come on the Day of Judgment with its entire body full, it's going to come you know, a full it's not going to be disconnected. And the the end it's going to be weighed in the skills basically of the of the person on the Day of Judgment, and then our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and the blood of the animal that is sacrificed before it reaches the ground, it is already weighed by Allah azza wa jal in the blessings of that person. And this is a hadith reported in Swindon autonomy the and Sunnah Buddhahood our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked by zaidan outcome that he said O Messenger of Allah, what is the wisdom of why should we do the old hair? What is the purpose

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of old hair, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said sunette abiko Ibrahim, this is the son of your father Ibrahim, this is a custom of your father Ibrahim, we are repeating that custom. So they they've been outcome set and what reward will we get a messenger of a law so the profits of the law of Monday he was sending them said, with every single hair on the back of that animal or every single strand of wool on the back of that animal, you shall get a reward center in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the concept of sacrifice is explicit in the Koran and experts in the sooner and there is unanimous consensus of all of the scholars of Islam.

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difference of opinion that sacrificing on the day of resort Aha, it is a strongly encouraged sooner or maybe even an obligation for those who can afford there is no scholar who said that, you know if you're able to afford it you should not sacrifice so this is Quran Suna Anna, Gemma on this issue, and we don't need anything after this, you know, to to make this legislation also the concept of sacrificing an animal. The the obligation of it as we mentioned earlier, it is something that we find slight difference of opinion over. So one group of Roma and most famously demonstrated by the Hanafi school, the Hanafi school says that sacrificing an animal is obligatory, they say why Jim, if

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you can afford to do so, and whoever can afford to do so, and yet does not do so they say shall incur a sin. So the Hanafi is have a category called wajib, which is lesser than fog, and it is higher than Suna waka. And they put sacrifice in this category. The other schools and by the way, this is the position of even Tamia as well that it is widely for the one who can afford it. And it is also the one of the reports of human performance. And it is also the position of many of the schools or many of the scholars of the Maliki school. But in terms of the four famous schools, it is the default of the Hanafi school. As for the default of the other three schools, the Hambali the

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Shah theory and the Maliki the default positions. But as I said, in the humbling mode, have you find a strand that says it is wajib and in the mighty case, you find a larger strand that says it is wajib. But still the bulk of these three schools, the non Hanafi schools, they say that sacrificing an animal is a strongly encouraged Suna for those who can afford and if a person does so, that he shall be rewarded, and if a person does not do so, then they are not going to incur any sin even if they can afford to do so, and by the way, this is why culturally speaking, if you have travelled the world on the day of read those lands in which the Hanafi madhhab is dominant. So for example,

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Pakistan and Bangladesh in India and other lands of this nature, on the day of read Subhana Allah The streets are flowing with blood, almost every single household has purchased an animal and on the Salatin read, they will sacrifice and the streets are literally read with blood. Whereas if you go to the lands in which it is predominantly ham belly or Shafi or Maliki it is not to that level and this is one of those cultural manifestations of the differences of the Medina effect and of course, if you call them higher, so if you are Hanafi, then it is why you should do so and if you are of the other three is it is strongly encouraged. And the the evidence of the Hanafi school is a Hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is reported in your bin Marja and other books in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that whoever is able to and does not sacrifice should not come and pray Salah to eat with us now that's a very harsh Hadith whoever is able to and still does not sacrifice he right just will not pray eat right. So man what are the SIR Phelim Yoda hate Father jacoba fella jacoba namo Saldana. So based on this, the Hanafi school said this is pretty clear that you must do the deed as the the the sacrifice and the fact that the Prophet salallahu it he was sending himself every single year he did the sacrifice. It is not

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reported any year that he did not do the sacrifice the other schools of law the hem belly and Schaeffler in the Maliki's, they say that Firstly, this heavy debt recording, they say they might be weak or some chain issue it and then they quote other Hadith that seem to suggest it is strongly encouraged, and it is not obligatory. So for example, as a Muslim, our profit system is reported to have said that once you see the moon of the hedger, whoever wishes to sacrifice then let him not trim his nails and his hair, whoever wishes men arada He did not say because if it was wired up would have said whoever is doing it, all of you should not shave or trim the nails. But he said

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whoever wishes to sacrifice and our profit system also is reported in so why would that Jagga rhodiola one who said I prayed up heart with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then after he had finished to two goats were brought and he sacrificed them and he said, Bismillah Allahu Akbar. And then he said, this is on behalf on behalf of me, and on behalf of anybody in my own ma who does not do a sacrifice, so he did to not one and then he said this is for not just me and my family, but anybody who does not sacrifice I have done his sacrifice for him. So the other group says that they

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Studies shows that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took on the responsibility and he did it on behalf of the entire Ummah, whoever does not do so. And then they also point out that it is authentically reported that Oba could have so definitely Allah who is on top of the law one in their philosophers when they could afford to, they did not sacrifice every single time. So they point out that the fact that obachan Amato, the Allahu anhu, that it is authentically narrated that they chose not to sacrifice some years that it indicates that they understood that it is not obligatory. So these are some of the evidences used in the end of the day. If my position is that you should stick

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with your method as much as possible. So if you're hanafy, then Bismillah, and you're able to afford it, because even the Hanafi school says if you're not able to afford it, obviously, then it is forgiven, only those who can afford to do so nonetheless, even if you're not happy. The fact of the matter is that these are, this ritual is a very strongly encouraged ritual. And it is one of the signs of our religion, and it is something that the community should do. And it's something that our Prophet sallallahu wasallam, the least we can say, strongly encouraged it. And so my advice to all of you is that it should be done. Now it is sooner, and it is default, to do it in your own land,

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you should try your best to do it in your own land. However, in our modern times, given the dynamics of the globe, and given the fact that some lands are far richer than others, and given the ease with which we can delegate somebody in another land to sacrifice on our behalf. Our scholars say that if there is a region of the world in which there is a dire need, and you are in a region in which there is no such dire need, then in this case, it becomes encouraged for you to sacrifice in another land where there might be poverty or hunger, if you and your community is not in such poverty or hunger. And this is one of those, you know, factoids or whatnot that it is very cultural based. And it is

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something that are also strongly encouraged that those of you who are living in lands where our standards of living are high, and we're eating meat very regularly, and the levels of poverty are relatively low compared to other places in the world. And then you have areas in which there is genuine, you know, pain and hunger and suffering and genuine poverty, well, then why not take the amount you would spend in your land, and take that amount, and then, you know, send it overseas. And that same amount will give you two or three, you know, or Barney's or okrs, and it will feed people who might otherwise never eat meat for the rest of the year. So definitely, if you do it with that

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intention, definitely you will get a more reward, because the goal of the sacrifice is to feed the poor and to revive the son of our father Ibrahim alayhis salam, of course, as we're going to come to you can eat of your own sacrifice. But the goal or the main point is to spread it to the full color and to bring happiness to the community, who otherwise would not get to that sacrificial meat. And therefore, if you are in a land that is Alhamdulillah, genuine, generally speaking affluent, then if you choose to give up a sacrifice in your own locality, for the sake of helping the poor, then inshallah you will get a higher reward for that intention. And if you choose to do it in your own

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locality, for the sake of family and friends, then you have followed the sooner as well. And there's no problem in that. So the animals that are used for for sacrifice, these are the standard animals that are the domesticated animals that we eat, and explicitly in the Sharia, sheeps and goats and lambs, and cows and camels, these are the explicit animals. Of course, other than this, any animal that is domesticated can take the place of these, but in lands that don't have these, they can do others of the same size or similar equivalent, we don't go down, there's no sacrificing chicken on the table.

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You can you can sacrifice chicken any other day for anything else. But it's not all the hair, all the hair starts with a goat or a lamb. That's where it starts from a sheep or a goat or lamb or anything larger than that. And of course, the books of filk mentioned, you know, the characteristics and the dates and you know, again, all of this, you can look up but I mean, you know, I mean for example, Alam must be at least six months, six months of age, whereas goats and sheep have to be around a year and more than that, a cow has to be two years or older, and a camel has to be five years or older. And of course, the most blessing is a camel because it is the most expensive and

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gives the most meat and then after this the cow and then after this, the goat and sheep and the lamb, and all of them are blessing whichever you can do also our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explicitly forbade sacrificing an animal that has a defect. So something that is obvious. So for example, a hope is missing. Okay, for example, it is you know, clearly limping For example, one eye is not there, an animal that you would not want to purchase

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yourself you should not sacrifice for the sake of Allah, choose an animal that is good. And the better animal you choose and the more expensive animal you choose, the more reward you shall get. So the most beloved sacrifice is the one that is the most precious because you are showing Allah subhanho wa Taala, that when you give for the sake of Allah, you will give the best of the best. So by doing that, then that sacrifice becomes the most blesses sacrifice. And we also learn from the sooner that once the intention is made to sacrifice a particular animal, then that animal should be consecrated and what does it mean to be consecrated, it means that, once you have decided that this

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animal is going to be sacrificed, then you cannot after this, change your mind and not sacrifice the animal, the max you can do if you want to substitute that animal with a better animal, yes, you can do so. But once you have chosen an animal, then it is as if you know it is consecrated for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so you're going to treat it, you know, with of course, we always treat animals with kindness and compassion. And we are told as well, by the way that we can benefit from the animals in this interim, so to milk an animal during this timeframe to even write an animal if it must be written. So there's a hadith that and this is during Hajj, which is an even higher

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version of Olivia, obviously right now, this whole lecture, this whole q&a, we're talking about, okay, that's non Hajj related. Hydra related is similar with a few other things added but you know, that's a different thing, but to show you that you can benefit from oltenia animals, that during the hedge of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, there was a man walking all the way from Mecca to Medina, and he has the camel with him, right? So the President said, Why don't you write the camel? And the man said, Yeah, rasulillah This is the old Hiya, camel, right? So the man thought that if the camel is old here, if the camel has been consecrated for Qurbani that he's not allowed to ride

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it out of respect. And the Prophet said ride your camel. So the man said jasola is okay, so rider come for the third time the man understood, okay, I'm allowed to ride the camel if I don't have another By the way, if he had two camels, one of them will tell you and the other is his own, he must use his own and leave the old one. So there is their level of respect given to the older one. But if you need to use the old for your animal, you know so for example, the otter is fully want to milk the animal or in this case, you have a you have a camel and you need to write it for some reason, you may do so but other than this again that that animal it is going to be consecrated it is

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going to be treated and in fact in the old hair. It was the custom of the people and the Shetty affirms this no problem that you even mark it with certain markings that indicate that this is an old hair animal that is going to be something that is you know, dedicated for the sake of Allah azza wa jal that the full color of maca Of course, this is doing hides, the full color of maca will be eating from that meat. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to treat all animals with kindness and especially the animals during the old

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timeframe. And when his old hair done, all the hair must be done after Salah to lead whoever sacrifices before Salah to read has not done a sacrifice This is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whoever sacrificed an animal before praying, so naturally read that will not constitute the the read or so, and it depends on your timezone and your prayer. So, when do you pray Salah to eat, then you come back home and you should be done after Now obviously, if you have sent your money elsewhere, in this case, a concession is given because you cannot dictate and you even then try if you can do it, you know, according to your timezone after but nonetheless, in this case,

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what can you do? It has done, you know, and mass and this is something that our scholars have allowed, because of the necessity of feeding the hungry and this is where we talk about the concessions of the Shetty and thinking about the the humane aspects of, you know, what are the some of the things we can, you know, rethink through so we're sending it for example, during Hajj time, pre COVID, 3 million people go for Hajj. And so maybe four or 5 million, you know, goats would be sacrificed across the globe, and food is given to poor people around the world. Obviously, you cannot coordinate every person with 5 million animals which one is which and what timeframe, it's

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impossible to do so. So just to be merciful and kind to the poor people. So our scholars have said in this case, no problem. You don't have to coordinate the times and you do so at a rate and you assume that the animal was sacrificed after your selected eight and it is accepted is your luck died, but when you have control and the animal is in your possession, then no doubt you must take charge of the time and the time begins from after so not to eat and that is the sooner timeframe.

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And that is why all the PA is called Old high up, because it is the time of Doha, the time of Salah to Doha. And so that begins at that time. And the ending, according to the majority is on the 12th of the hijjah, when the sun sets and a minority position, which also has a lot of evidence, the 13th of the hedger when the sunset, so either the 12th, or the 13th. So 10 1112, three days, and some scholars say 1011 1213, four days before the sunset, so it depends on which group you follow. But as we're all over, culturally speaking, pretty much everybody does it on the 10th. And it is definitely the most blessed day to do it. And the 10th is called Yeoman, her the day of sacrifice, okay, it is

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called the day of sacrifice. And that is the day of read. So Yeoman nhej is the day of read outside of Hajj, he will have his Yeoman her for the her judge. And so the sacrifice begins, as we said, from the time of eight Salah, up until most of the time before mclubbe dynasty before most of the time of either the 12th, or the 13th. Now our Prophet salallahu, it he was setting them would do the sacrifice himself. And sometimes he would do some of it himself and then delegate to others. So it is sooner, if you're able to do it yourself, then you should do it yourself. And in case, you for whatever reason cannot do it yourself, you may delegate somebody to do it on your behalf. And it is

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also narrated from the earliest scholars from the Sahaba. There's no Hadith to this regard. But the concept is from the time of the Sahaba, and the concept originates from the sooner that we give some to the poor, and we give some to the neighbors, and we may eat of it. So this is something that we learn from the student of the profitsystem, the concept of 1/3 1/3 1/3. And this ratio, it's not in a Hadith, because it's so to be precise, the the ratio of 1/3 to the fukuhara and 1/3, to friends and family and 1/3 for us to eat. This is something that originates from the time of the earliest generations, but it is not in the sooner. So if somebody does it that is good. And if somebody

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doesn't do it exactly the 33%, I'm gonna give, it's just a rough estimate. Okay, so from you know, one goat you might get, you know, I'm in a very large one, maybe I should get like any, you know, a 20 you know, kilos or something. So, you know, roughly you will say that, you know, six or seven, I'll give to the port six or seven friends and family and neighbors or six or seven, you know, I will keep at home for myself. So, this is fine. And if you give more to the poor, that will be more rewarding for you. If you give all to the poor, it will be the most rewarding for you No problem. So you should distribute. But you are not allowed to you are not allowed to by unanimous consensus,

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sell any of that meat. Selling that meat means this is not out ha, you cannot financially benefit from giving this meat in fact, our profits and forget about meat, you know what he said in our authentic hadith he said, Whoever sold the skin of the old hair has not done out here. Okay? If you were to sell the skin of the old player, then you haven't done a lot here because the purpose of old hair is gone. Old here is for Allah azza wa jal not for financial benefit, right. So if you want it to do that, go open a business and do whatever you want to do buy and sell livestock that's completely valid. But for all here for Qurbani, there cannot be any financial gain that you get, or

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else the purpose of the Kobani is gone. In fact, so much so that our Prophet sallallahu I said him explicitly forbade to pay the butcher from the meat itself, even though it's not actually money, but you're benefiting from the meat by paying so you know, our process and would sacrifice and then the butcher would come and cut it up, right? Because that would be the expert will do it, you know, 1/5 of time? Well, in my particular case, not 1/5, but to anyone 100 of the time, it will take me forever, and I'd make a mess out of it. Because it requires a skill. The one who does this animal hundreds of times can do it in 15 minutes, right. And someone like myself, who has only done a few

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animals in his whole life, it will take me many hours in bumbling up and messing up and whatnot. So in the time of the Prophet system, he himself would call a butcher, he would do the Qurbani you know that the animal would be killed and his Hansel, I sell him. And then he would hand it over to the butcher, who would then cut it up and scan it and whatnot in a very quick manner. And he said that do not pay the butcher do not pay the butcher with the wages of the of the animal itself. Pay with money, no problem. You pay with your own money out of your pocket, but do not give up the meat of the animal as a form of payments of Hello. By the way, if you wanted to gift the butcher as a token

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of kindness, and then you paid him his full wages that is completely valid, right as a Muslim butcher coming and he's helping you do that and you pay him

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What is wages? And then you say, oh Bismillah AR take some as well as the gift complete, unconditional, that's helpful, but you cannot pay the butcher because again, this goes back to the notion of benefiting financially from the poor Barney. And we also know and this is something that 100 are well known that you do one goat, or one sheep or one lamb per family, not per individual, per family. So whether it's just you and your wife, or your Mashallah Tabata kala, you and your wife and telling children doesn't matter, per family, you will do one goat or sheep or lamb, and you will do 1/7 of a cow or a camel. So seven families come together and do one cow, seven families come

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together and do one camel. And this is irrelevant of how many children you have or how large your family is, this is of the rulings of the Shetty either do this per family. And as well our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave another commandment. And that is that he said and already quoted this Hadith, when you see the moon of the ledger, and you wish to do an old hyah then do not shave your hair or trim your nails until the old pa is done. So if so, and this ruling, it applies to the one paying the money for the old hair, not the one who's in the family of the one paying the money. So if the father is going to pay the money for the Okay, this ruling applies to him, not to his

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wife, and not to his children that the father should as an act of now why is this the case by the way our scholars say so then the one doing the old here should feel the spirit of the one doing Hajj. So he feels that he's now in that sacred timeframe. And Subhanallah By the way, this is a tangent here. But isn't it so interesting that in hajj, add an old Haier. You know, the Sharia says that don't shave and don't trim. And these are things that are nuisances, to not do like to have your hair growing and not trim and to have your nails and not trim. It's a nuisance, but it is not something that is disgusting. Right? The shady I never asks you to be filthy never. But in doing the

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hair and the nails. It's just an awkwardness that reminds you that, hey, I'm in a special state. That's all that it is. And this is the mercy of Allah, that he simply required something so trivial. That is not something that is filthy or disgusting. And yet it reminds you that you're in a particular state that Be careful when you comb your hair, be careful when you trim or whatnot. Now one other point is that, obviously for the one in hedge, trimming or shaving brings the natural consequence. How about the one doing all the hair? does it bring a consequence? Does he have to pay a fee? Do something? No, it doesn't get to that level, the one doing the okay is strongly

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discouraged from trimming or shaving shaving. But if he does, so, the Oto is still valid. And he doesn't have to give a penalty. In other words, and the technical term it is mcru. It is mcru. It's not how long however, the one in the state of hedge going for hedge if he shaves or trims or whatnot, there is a penalty. That's a different category. But the one doing the old here, it's definitely something he should avoid. But in case he does it, there is no sin incurred, and there's no penalty, but he's gone against the encouraged right. So that's what you call mcru he has done that which is mcru. So, the and as I said, this only applies to the one paying for the Altria. So,

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for example, if a mother is paying gold here, then in this case, she will not share you know cut her hair or trim her nails until the okiya is done. And the same goes for if a male is doing it as at what not but the family they are not distributing is not upon them. And the one of the things of the okay as well that we need to discuss, very briefly is the sunon of how an animal is slaughtered. Unfortunately, a lot of times people do not follow the proper etiquette of how an animal is slaughtered. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allahu Akbar Bismillah Allahu Akbar, he said, both Bismillah Allahu Akbar, and he would be very merciful to the animal and he would feed the

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animal and he would give water to the animal. And he said that when one of you sacrifices an animal, then let him practice your son perfection, and let him sharpen the blade before before sacrificing the animal and let him be quick in its sacrifice. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by a man whose goat was in front of him tied up and he was sharpening the blade, you know, really loudly and fast and the goat was obviously you know, bleeding and terrified. And so the profitsystem said, Why are you killing it twice? Couldn't you sharpen away from the goat Subhanallah what a small injunction that carries so much compassion

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Right, why are you killing the animal twice? Meaning Why are you terrorizing the goat can see what you're trying to do. And it's obviously frightened, why don't you go behind the house do that sharpening over there and then feed the animal you know, give water given make it merciful and then do it quickly so that you minimize the suffering of the animal. And I must say that this is something that unfortunately, all too often we do not follow these sunon of gentleness and compassion, and also of laying the animal down gently and facing the Tabler and doing it in a quick and a swift manner. So that there is minimal pain that is that is done and this is something that

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Sadly, many of us neglect, having said this, and I have to be technical here, that in case these aspects are neglected, yes, it is not too good, but the animal is still old here and holiday and everything is there. So again, you are going against you know the the ideal, but you are not negating the very notion of old here. And also I understand when you are in

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a place where lots of animals are being sacrificed, then following these soon, soon as becomes very difficult. And of course, I mean, I have done Hajj many times and I have been to the sacrificial places of the Minar areas, and there you have millions of animals that are going to be sacrificed. Obviously, understandably, you cannot take every single animal away from the sight of the others. So, understandably, you cannot be perfect in those large settings. But still, we try our best, especially when we are in charge of one animal and it's just in our household. Definitely, we can practice and fulfill the Sooners and do it to the best of our ability. So all of this inshallah tada

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is of the Sooners of how sacrifice is done. Now as for the other questions that were asked, so, our sister asks, sorry, our brother asks about giving,

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on behalf of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, the response to this is that

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as forgiving on behalf of your deceased relatives, your parents who have passed away, there is no doubt that this is one of the most blessed and rewarding things you can do for your parents. There is no doubt that giving a quarter Barney on behalf of the deceased is a very, very blessed reality. And it is explicitly mentioned in a list of things that should be done for those that have passed on. However, doing it for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is superfluous IE you are already crediting the account of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. When you do the good deed Anyway, you don't need to give him any extra your deed itself is going to come in his good registrar. Why?

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Because you're doing it because he told you to do it. So the notion of doing something, you know, for the sake of the Profit System is up for Barney. It doesn't make any sense here for the simple reason that your act of urbani is obeying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, it is following his command. So he's already getting the sadaqa God has already getting and so every good deed that we do as an oma, we shall get our reward, and the same reward will be given to our Prophet sallallahu. I sent him because he taught us how to do it. Okay, so there's no need to do that. Rather, you should give on behalf of those who need it. So your relatives, your mother and father,

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if they're no longer there, you know, your uncle or not anybody who has a favor over you, and they have gone from this world, that's the one who needs it. As for a profit system, he's getting it and he does not any one qualified, he's not going to it's not it's not I mean, again, you know, all I'm saying is, this is not something that you need to do nor has it been reported from any of the Sahaba that they did this so there is no need is superfluous to think in this regard. And then we get to the point of our sisters from India, who are saying that they cannot afford to give one so can they share in two and so the response is that Firstly, it is not obligatory even in the Hanafi madhhab.

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And I'm assuming you're honeybees because you're

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the country is predominantly Hanafi even in the Hanafi school, it is not obligatory, if you cannot afford it. However, if you can afford half and your sister can afford half, this is great reward and you shall get the reward according to efforts are near. So if you're able to do it Alhamdulillah good. If you're not able to and you share with other people so this is not going to count as that type of Olivia That is why to because or your or even strongly encouraged because it is one per per household and if your sisters in another household and did and you know the household here of course means the family the father, mother and the family unit there. So if you and your sister cannot

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afford padovani and you do something of this nature, inshallah you will get reward for your good deed but realize that it is not obligatory on you even in the Hanafi school, so don't make life difficult that if you really cannot have

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And you're thinking you have to go out of your way, it is not necessary to do that. But if you do so for the sake of Allah xojo and that's all you can afford, then inshallah you will get the reward and in the amount of money yet actions will be based upon intentions. And one final point before we conclude, so this was an entire one full question about a very relevant topic that I wanted to cover all of the primary issues inshallah related to this topic, because the time is coming up, and I felt that we need to conclude with something that is

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very, very interesting, and also alarming, I should say to see, and that is that, what is happening is that we are seeing the rise of a radical reinterpretation of our faith in light of our modern and postmodern values. And we see this in gender and sexuality and other things. And we're also now seeing this, believe it or not, for older people, what do I mean? So we see a new trend of a group that considers it to be unethical to eat animals, we see a new movement of veganism, or vegetarianism. And this movement believes that it is immoral. It is in their shitty I'm being a little bit facetious here in their version of shitty I just how long to sacrifice an animal, they

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think that it is disgusting and barbaric to to sacrifice an animal and so, they have influenced some Muslims. And these Muslims are asking us to rethink through the concept of okay overall. And it is something that one one half of me wishes to laugh at the ludicrousness and the other half wishes to cry at the stupidity To be honest, that I have seen a lie if I had not seen this, I tell you honestly, if I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not believe that there are people doing this, but there are people doing this and

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it is obvious to me that this movement is going to grow more and more. So there is a new movement now, that is calling for and I have to keep a straight face when I say this, all the vegetables and not of of meat, okay. So there is a call now that we distribute vegetables to the poor on each other, and not distribute meat to the poor. And the reason being that this group of of Muslims is claiming that this is the intended reality of Islam, that we should not be sacrificing an animal because it is barbaric and cruel. And because the way that it is done is unethical and immoral. And so they are calling for a complete re interpretation that on the day of read, take a stand and

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distribute Mashallah carrots and broccoli for Shell Okay, rather than old here, meat. Now.

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This is honestly a troubling sign it is symptomatic of a far greater problem. And that problem is the the attempt to radically revise Islamic norms in light of what this group considers to be modern humanitarian notions. And we have to be very clear here, we obtain our values and our ethics and our laws from the divine and not from the whims and the ever changing Caprice of the people around us. We do not obtain right and wrong, and good and bad, and moral and immoral from whatever is the current flavor of the month because the societies we live in, keep on updating and changing their own values and norms. What is halal is what Allah tells us is headed. And what is haram is what

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Allah tells us is how long that is how we get our values from now, to be clear, if a group of Muslims is saying that we are not treating animals, the way that Islam wants us to treat animals, and that we are inhumane and cruel in that we are not feeding them properly. And we are not sacrificing them properly. I say to this, there's an element of truth. Excuse me, there's an element of truth to what this group is saying. But the way to respond to this is not by banning the sacrifice of meat, but rather for calling for the improvement of the treatment of animals. So you are correct. And I will be the first to say that the mass slaughter that is rampant in abbatoirs.

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And in meat producing factories. It is something that goes against the sooner there's no question about this. It goes against the sooner but does it mean that such meat becomes

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How long does it mean that we do not do the old here? No, what it means is that we should try our best to raise the bar of how meat is slaughtered. And to do it in a humane fashion. That is what it means. If a person wants to champion this cause we say that you know what we are in agreement with you. And we should try our best to feed animals pure and even halal, and not feed them nudges, we should try our best to make it easier for the animals to breathe and live. Because yes, it is true, the way they're packed, you know, like sardines, you know, the and we're talking about livestock, we're talking about cows, we're talking about chickens, and they're just treated in a very inhumane

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manner. But the solution is not to ban the slaughter of animals. Or, and by the way, and again, to be technical here. If an animal is mistreated in this fashion,

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the sin of the mistreatment is on the farmer. And on the one who facilitates that the animal being slaughtered, after it has been mistreated, does not make the animal haram to eat, you can choose to to not eat such an animal, but don't make it how long on the rest of mankind. Because that's a very big thing. Because to treat an animal in a humane manner, and to feed it organic food and to do so and so you're raising the cost. And as we're all aware, those of us that live in western lands, the price of meat that is ethically farmed and humanely raised, it is sometimes triple or quadruple. Now maybe you can afford it and I can afford it and hamdulillah for that. But you cannot expect the

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average person of an average income or below average income to pay such money. So you try your best to lobby and raise the bar but don't make it prohibited upon the rest of the people. So that's if the goal is to raise the bar of how the animals are treated. However, if the goal is to criminalize the killing of animals, if the point is to say that it is inhumane and unethical to kill animals, and you say that it is disgusting to eat animal meat, in this case, I say that you have challenged the idea of a law and you have rejected the explicit commandment of Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah has allowed that meat to be eaten. And anybody who does so well law II we fear from that

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person, a potential rejection of the faith itself. So be careful, do your brothers and sisters Be careful about this issue and make sure that we do not subject to the shadia to the whims and to the Caprice of the societies around us rather, we need to conform to the shediac and not the other way around. So with this inshallah Tada. We wrap up and wind down and to conclude that we say that, definitely in these days coming up, try your best to sacrifice an animal and distributed to the poor expect a lot to reward you follow the sooner as much as you can. It is one of the most pleasant things we can do in these 10 days. I hope that this was of benefit to all of us chisako moolah who

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later on was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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