Yasir Qadhi – 3 Important Pieces of Advice for the Muslim Community

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming holiday after the completion of the holiest month of the year is a focus on praising Allah for his guidance and putting in an effort to combat hate and bigotry. The importance of protecting Islam through family, individual, and community is emphasized, along with the need to be aware of laws and actions. The importance of being a fullest-ever Christian and a role model is also emphasized, along with adviving Islam through treating people in a good manner, being aware of laws and actions, and being a model for others to see the beauty of Islam and increase their love for it.
AI: Transcript ©
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in law law illallah wa, Isla

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De nada de nada de Rouen. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Today is the day of an eagle filter. Today is the day that we celebrate the coming to the end of the holiest month of the year. Today is the day that Allah mentions in the Koran that once the month of Ramadan finishes, what do you do community rate data, what are you to kabiru la dama Hadouken so that you may finish the days of fasting and so that you may praise Allah and say that it could be because he has guided you. So today is the day of celebration. Today is the day of rejoicing. Today is the day of praising Allah for having guided us. And in my reminder today My dear brothers and sisters, I want to share with

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you three simple points and my conclusion. The first point my dear brothers and sisters, all Muslims are Muslims know that Allah loves you and Allah wants to forgive you and Allah is merciful towards you. Allah says in the Quran, you read Allah who become a loser. Allah wants to make things easy for you. Allah says in the Quran uriage Allahu

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Allah wants to accept your repentance. Allah says in the Quran, there is no difficulty in this religion and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us know that Allah loves the believer more than his own mother does know that Allah is more merciful to the believer than his mother is Nigeria Muslim brothers and sisters, do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Do not let shade on make you feel despondent. Do not let shade on come between you and the mercy of Allah know that Allah does not need our actions. He does not need our good deeds, all that he wants to see is an effort from us. So make that effort to Allah. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about that person, that

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sinner who was so evil, he killed hundreds of people he killed over 100 people. Then he decided to repent to Allah and on the way to his repentance. He died and Allah azza wa jal forgave him simply because he intended to repent and he wanted to turn over a new leaf. My dear brothers and sisters, Allah wants to forgive you and Allah wants to have mercy, but you need to put in the effort. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, He who takes one step towards Allah, Allah takes 10 steps towards Him, He who comes walking to Allah, a lot comes running towards him. So put in the effort and expect the best from Allah. That is my first point. The second point, my dear brothers and

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sisters, if you look at the global situation, if you look at the domestic situation, we find that politically, things are changing for the Muslims around the globe, and even in our own land. If you look at what is happening to our weaker brothers and sisters in China, if you look at what is happening in the Middle East, so many problems taking place here in this land, we are finding a xenophobic, Islamophobic rhetoric on the rise. We are finding people from the far right, becoming popular across Europe and across North America. This is a wake up call for every Muslim, my dear brothers and sisters, we cannot ignore the rise of hate. We cannot ignore the rise of bigotry. See

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what happened in New Zealand. We don't want that to happen anywhere else, in order to combat that hatred. In order to combat that Islamophobia. In order to combat that fear. Every one of us will have to become an ambassador of Islam, to our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors, our co workers, my dear brothers and sisters, we must combat that fear with love. We must combat that hatred with mercy, we must combat their xenophobia with our teachings of Islam, every one of us must become an ambassador on behalf of a law to the rest of the people in your circle. That is the only way to combat this bigotry. If we do not take a stand, that fear will become even worse. We must

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unite My dear brothers and sisters, despite our differences. We have to shut aside our politics. We have to put aside our places of origin. It does not matter whether you are from an Arab land or a Pakistani

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And it does not matter whether you're from Africa or Australia, if you say na ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah You are a part of this oma and together united, we will be able to inshallah to conquer that hatred and that bigotry, but we must do so by turning to Allah and by countering whatever we can in our own circles, my dear brothers and sisters, the second message is very clear. Every one of us, every Muslim man, every Muslim woman, every teenager, every young child must strive to be a role model for his or her neighbors and colleagues. That is my second message. The third and final message, my dear brothers and sisters, in this time of changes, everything is changing.

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Realize that the best blessing that Allah has given you of the spiritual world is Islam. And the best best thing of this world is family. I repeat, the best blessing of the spiritual world is Islam. And the best blessing of this world is family. Protect Islam through your family, and protect your family through Islam. Protect Islam through your family, and protect your family through Islam, or Muslims. We want to pass down our legacy, our rituals, our heritage, our theology to our children and grandchildren. It is the most precious thing that we have. Protect your Islam through your children, and you must do so by embodying Islam in your own lives by teaching your children what is

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the faith by making them love our tradition and religion and protect your family through Islam? Look at all of the changes taking place. The family is being disrupted so many evils around us. The only way to protect family is through the teachings of Islam. Follow Islam, show your family what is the true meaning of Islam, protect Islam through your family and protect your family through Islam. My dear brothers and sisters, Memphis is a blessing community of Muslims Alhamdulillah It is my honor and privilege to have been amongst you for almost a decade of my life. This is truly a shining example of an American Muslim community. Memphis has every right to be proud of its Muslim heritage

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of its root of its first massages of the diversity of Muslims, and most importantly, of the unity of all of the massages of this land and city. While la he My dear brothers and sisters, this is a blessing that only those who have lived in other places No, we are grateful and thankful to Allah and then to all of our masajid for having a united front and the United he do not give up this most precious blessing from Allah. My dear brothers and sisters, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to one of his favorite Sahaba a comprehensive advice and I will finish my foot but with this advice, he said to this companion, be conscious of Allah, wherever you are, wherever you are, be

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conscious of a law. And if you make a mistake, if you commit a sin, then follow it up with a good deed. If you make a mistake, don't lose hope, do something good, and it will erase it and wherever you go, treat the people nicely and interact with them in the best of all manners. These are the three advices that I have given and the three advices from the Heidi, number one My dear brothers and sisters, number one, Allah wants to forgive you and Allah wants to have mercy. Number two, we have to combat the rise of Islamophobia by becoming role model examples of Islam. Number three, protect Islam through your family, protect the family through Islam, and our Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam told us be conscious of Allah wherever you are, if you do a sin, follow it up with a good deed and wherever you go treat the people in a good manner. I am making drama so so so say I mean over law I asked you all Allah that you accept our good deeds of this month. Oh Allah accept our fasting, Oh Allah accept our prayer. Allah accept our pm. Allah allow us to move on to come to an end with all of our sins forgiven. Oh, Allah causes us to enter Paradise and save us from the fire of *. Oh Allah Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom you love, not the path of those whom you have shown anger or law protect us through Islam and protect Islam through us. Our

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law make us and our children of those who love Islam, Allah Allah increase our love for the Quran, increase our love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Oh Allah make us and our children of those who pray and of those who fast and have those who believe in you and of those who are righteous or Allah we ask you that you make every one of us a role model and a shining example to

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Our neighbors and our colleagues or law use Us to guide others to Islam. Let others see the beauty of Islam in all of us or law causes us to live as Muslims to die as is and to be resurrected with the prophets and the companions and what a noble companionship they are Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Mohammed Ali say et now Mohammed gamma salata, Ibrahim, robotic Allahumma Allah Mohammed Ali Mohammed Kama Baraka Ibrahim Chaka para la mina woman consignee I'm a stand up and congratulate one another. May Allah accept my good deeds and yours witches are qumola who hired on was salam wa nakooma to LA he will catch you

Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi enumerates the 3 prime advice to the community in this short video.

  1. Allah wants to forgive us. Hence, we should be wanting of Allah’s forgiveness at all times.
  2. We must all be ambassadors of Islam that promotes peace and mercy in today’s world.
  3. We must protect our Islam through our families, and our families through Islam.
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