Yasir Khan – Weekly Seerah Session 28 February 2024
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The importance of the second phase of Islam is highlighted, where youth are faced with a lack of clarity and fear of social media due to their deeds. The culture of Habasha is removed and the Quraysh faced another attack. The N Jacobin's king is being influenced by his cabinet members, giving gifts and trying to convince him to recite the Quran outside. The importance of praying and reading the Bible is emphasized, as it is crucial for restoring spiritual deens and becoming the means of guidance for others.
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And then inshallah, after Ramadan, we'll resume.
But it just goes to show that time
passes by.
And, you know, you participated
in this by
the nature of you participating,
you became a student of knowledge.
And as I mentioned before, that being a
student of knowledge is one of
the most distinguished,
status that one can receive.
between the students of knowledge and the there'll
be one.
be one level of difference in Jannah.
And therefore, the person who seeks the path
of seeking elm,
make the path
of going to Jannah easy for him. So
although it's a small commitment but subhanallah,
it's you know, you should be thankful to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
because Allah says in the Quran
that if you're thankful to Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, he will increase you. If you're thankful
that Allah gave you the ability to sit
once a week to become a student of
knowledge, to learn about our Habib,
then inshallah, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give
you other opportunities
as well. So we're going to finish this,
you know, the session of right in the
middle around, you know, about the second,
the second migration to,
to Habasha.
And then, inshallah,
Ramadan, inshallah, we can pick up and continue
onwards. We will have half of the phase
left, and then
the phase is going to start. And phase
is really where most of the details come
In terms of phase,
we were discussing
about how the difficulties
started to pile up on the Muslims. And
as the difficulties piled up, we have to
something over here that we really have to
do and
of the phase with our children a
lot. Why? Because the phase wasn't exactly a
what we face here today,
but it was close to it because they
were living in a situation where it was
hard to keep their identity as Muslims.
It was hard. Today, our children,
they face a small little problem. Somebody goes
and somebody's like, oh, you're a Muslim? And
they might giggle.
Whereas at the time of the prophet, allahu
alaihi wa sallam, if you somebody said you're
that means you're gonna get tortured.
That means you're going to go through
a lot of issues.
And so this phase is so important
you know, for for us to really read.
I was writing
a paper on the of the prophet
you analyze when we analyze
the phase and phase,
most of the books when you pick them
up, the phase is very short and the
phase is very
And most of the schools, for example, the
lie I love Islam series and all of
they basically
go by the chronological
order. So they start with the phase, the
birth of the prophet
and they go through it. So majority of
the time when the kids are about the
age of 12,
13, they're done with the whole entire phase.
And thereafter, they start the Madinan phase.
Now it became a little bit problematic
because the kids in their teenage years,
that is when they're facing
identity crisis.
That is when they need to know the
inside out.
That is when it becomes almost,
you know,
on every father and mother to sit with
their children and read the Makkan face again
and again and again to give their kids
the courage, give their kids the role model
of Sahaba
to tell them that they went through this
much hardship
to claim that I am a Muslim,
to go to the Haram and recite the
Quran even if they were beaten,
to say,
to never give up. That was the phase
that they're going through. So if you are
going through some type of peer pressure in
high school or some type of situation,
know that it is not something that you
sacrifice your adeen for.
Know that Allah
through that torture that you may be going
through in high school, Allah
will elevate you in Jannah. Allah
will elevate you even in this world.
Imagine somebody is in school and they're facing
trouble for their identity as a Muslim, for
saying Islam, for saying
And you tell that child that you know
who else went through struggle?
Who went through that struggle. But when he
remained firm,
when he remained steadfast, Allah
gave him such that
in this world he made him right rise
to the Kaaba and recite the Adhan in
front of everyone in the hereafter
he will be
the. He will be the master of all
the people that ever give adhan.
So imagine the child hearing that.
Imagine the determination
and the confidence
this will built. And so that's why the
phase, although majority of the time, books will
glance over it and lectures will glance over
it, it's an extremely
important phase for youth. It's an extremely
important phase that you sit with your children
and that you read because in these, right,
In the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
tells the prophet
right? That I tell you the stories of
the previous prophets
so that I can basically firm affirm your
You can basically find
this solace and at the same time confidence
in this firmness on your deen. So for
us, it is the story of the Sahaba.
For us, it is the story of the
Sira. For the children,
it is
It is those stories that Allah
make our hearts firm, that it doesn't matter
what you go through, you remain firm.
Today, like last time we were saying that
the believers when they face that they couldn't
do it anymore, they didn't say that I'm
going to compromise, they didn't say that, okay,
let's put our Islam down, let's make it
quiet, let's not show it, let's this, let's
that. Instead, they said, our Islam comes first.
Rather, what we're gonna do is we're gonna
go travel to a whole different place, but
we are going to practice our Islam nicely
as we're supposed to. And so, therefore, they
gave up everything and they went to Habasha.
Now when they went to Habasha, one of
the stories that tells us, subhanAllah,
the firmness of the Sahaba is Abu Bakr
radiallahu and who also planned on going to
Habasha and saying that, you know what, I'm
tired. People are torturing us, people are not,
you know, basically, ridiculing
us. I'm gonna go. So as he started
to go, he basically
in a place, he came across
one of the leaders, the leaders of the
tribe, Para.
And his
name, it's mentioned a few different narrations of
how his name is,
pronounced. Some says, even Daghina, some say even
Daghina, and some say.
tells them, oh, Abu Bakr, where are you
going? And he's like, I'm tired, man. People
are not letting us worship as we want
to. People are not letting us do this,
that. So I have to go. He's like,
no. Somebody like you, you cannot you cannot
You have to you're the one to take
care of the poor. You're the one to
take care of the
weak. You're the one to help people. You
have good kingship ties. You have all of
that. Somebody like you, we cannot lose you.
You cannot go. You come back with me,
and I will take your guarantee. I will
sponsor you to make sure that nobody can
say anything. At that time, the way it
worked was sponsorship. If you had sponsorship from
a strong leader, nobody would say anything to
you. But if you didn't have that sponsorship,
they could do whatever they want to.
So goes
and he announces to the people that, hey,
Abu Bakr is under my sponsorship, under my
protection, nobody's allowed to say anything to him.
So the people are like, alright, if you
are sponsoring him, we will protect them and
we won't say anything to him because you're
honorable and we won't waste, you know, any
effort to keep up, with that honor. So
then he's like, but with one condition, and
that condition is Abu Bakr Radialahu
cannot recite Quran in public.
He cannot recite Quran in public because when
he recites Quran in public,
people look at him and they're influenced. They're
like, woah.
This this man, there's something about this recitation.
And then our ladies and our children, they
wanna become like him. So that's a condition.
He cannot do that. So even the Ginda
is like, okay. Abu Bakr radiAllahu is like,
okay. I guess I won't recite in public,
but that doesn't stop me from reciting right
in front of my house. So he extended
a courtyard right in front of his house,
and he said, he would start over there
and he would basically pray right there and
basically recite the Quran. But now everybody would
be coming to his house.
Subhan Allah. You see the Quran,
the Noor, the Hidayah,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala calls the divine books
right? When it is recited with faith, when
it is recited with the beauty, it will
attract. Have you ever seen whatever there's no
light and there's only one light especially overseas,
you see this a lot and all the
bugs come to it. All the mosquitoes and
all the flies, they all come to that
one light.
Situation. When Abu Bakr would recite, everybody would
come to that light. Everybody would come to
that. And so the Quraysh
are like, what is this?
You can't we told you you cannot recite.
It's like, I'm
not I'm reciting in my own place.
They go to and they're like, hey, listen.
We honored your protection and we honored it
with this condition. So, you go back and
tell Abu Bakr that this cannot happen. And
so, he goes to Abu Bakr and say,
hey, listen, Abu Bakr. I told you with
this condition you cannot recite the Quran outside.
If you're gonna recite the Quran outside, then
I have to take my sponsorship, I have
to take my guarantee of protection from you.
Abu Bakr was like, take it. I don't
care. Take it.
Right? This is where you see the firmness.
This is where you see the beauty.
This is what inspires people.
Right? This is what our kids need to
that the beauty of the Quran, how can
I express that?
The beauty of salah, how can I express
that? Later on, we're going to
say the story
of when he prayed 2 rakats and somebody's
looking at him and he's like,
how perfect and how beautiful are they? And
just by looking at his salah, he's like,
I wanna be a Muslim.
Today, how is our prayer? Is it influencing
others or no?
How is our recitation of the Quran? Is
it influencing
others or no? If not, that means that
it's not serving as a light that everybody
can come together under. And so as he
going through this, Abu Bakr removes his his
protection and all of that is removed. Now,
you see, as the Muslims went over there
to Habasha,
in Mecca, the prophet in
the Sahaba, they're still going through all the
torture. One day the prophet
is reciting Surah to Najam.
Now Surah to Najam, the ayat, it's called
the ayats of
right? There's a few ayats about
that has a lot of Ihtila and what
the scholars say the actual thing is. But
the Musahee in Bukhari
that comes is that the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam was reciting
Surah An Najab.
And Shaitan came and he made the Kufar
hear specific Ayats that the believers did not
hear, but he made the Kufar hear it.
And those Ayats were talking about Lat, Uzza
and Manat
Saying that these these were the names of
the 3 biggest idols at the time. That
idols in
the Shafa'at
or Laturja.
Right? That their Shafa'a
that their intercession
is indeed hoped for, that their intercession will
work. So when the when the kuffar, when
they heard this,
they were all captivated
and they all went to sajda.
They all went to sajda.
And so now the news went to Habasha
and the people said that, oh, the the
the Kufar, the Quraysh have become Muslims.
Right? Now the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, of
course, did not recite this. Right? Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam did not recite this. This
is go goes against the wahid, goes against
the oneness of Allah. You're talking about the
of idols being accepted. So, of course, he
didn't accept it. He said that's not the
case. So, if that wasn't the case, then,
of course, they didn't become Muslims.
And the news spread to Habashat that they
have become Muslims.
So when they came, like last time we
were saying, some of them came and when
they heard that that's not the case, they
immediately went back. And some of them for
example, Ifman ibn Madron,
he basically spoke to Al Walid ibn Muhira
and said that can I come under your
sponsorship? Can I enter under your protection?
And he entered.
Similarly, Abu Salamah. Abu Salamah radhiallahu anhu was
the cousin of the prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
His mother and the father of the prophet
Sallallahu alaihi wasallam were siblings.
And so
he basically enters as well. He's also a
nephew of Abu Jahl as well. So he
enters as well. Some of them enter. But
then when they start to see the Muslims
going through this torture,
they're like, we can't handle this.
We cannot handle this torture
of our believers, our brothers going through all
of this. So they go back at this
time the Muslims have gained significant number. They
go to the prophet
and they said we should just leave. And
so at this time understand that Makkah has
a 800 to a 1000 people
now out of this close to 80 people
the Muslims have decided that they're going to
travel to Habasha
which is basically 10%.
It's a big population.
This much of people leaving, it becomes a,
a stain on the image of the Quraysh.
It weakens them and it also encourages other
people to follow their footsteps
and for Islam to
grow. So as the Muslims went there, the
Quraysh could not handle this. The Quraysh could
not handle this, so the Quraysh said, let's
look for one of the smartest young men
and send him to Habasha
to go speak to the king to convince
him to send all these guys back. So
they choose Amr ibn al As radiallahu an
who he later at this time he's not
a Muslim. He was very clever. He was
very chalak.
He's very clever. So he chose Amr ibn
al As and with him there was one
friend of his. Some say it was, Omar
took Nulwaleed
and some say that it was Abdulahid bin
Abi Rabia.
So they said that when these two went,
they took all types of gifts and
ministers around
to go and give it to the, the
ministers around Najashi,
right? To go and because they, the cabinet
members, the ministers, the priests, and all of
them, they will be influencing
the decision. So they give all these gifts
to them. Similarly, they give all these gifts
to An Najashi himself as well.
The next day, they're like, why are you
And so they said that, you know, there's
some stupid people from us. They're not following
our religion. They're not following your religion. They're
coming with a completely strange religion and they've
come over here and they're now, you know,
want to seek refuge here and we want
you to send them back.
The prophet
did his homework
to know that a Najashi is a fair
and a just leader. So Najashi, when he
talked to his cabinet members, they're like, yeah,
king. Just send them back. Now remember,
they took all the wealth and the bribes
and all of these things. So, of course,
they were under that pressure. So they're making
their decision in favor of that. We see
today what's happening in the lobby, in the
Washington. You know, they get all the money
to the campaigns and the money to the
campaigns. And then at the end, they have
to make the decision according to the people
who give the money.
So same thing happened, or they got all
the money and now they have to make
the decision for that. So when they tell
a Najashi, they said, Najashi is like, no,
we can do this. We have to first
their side as well.
So they said okay call them. So the
next day
they call
the Muslims and the Muslims are like listen,
we're gonna have one person speak on behalf
of us. We're not gonna lie. We're gonna
say the truth and we're gonna say. So
they basically get
Jafar Ibn Abi Talib, the Khazar of the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam to go and
speak. They said listen these guys are claiming
that you guys are not following the religion
of your people. You're not following our religion.
So, what are you following?
So, they said the Jafar
goes with confidence. His head up. He's not
looking down. He's not bowing. He's not putting
his head down to anyone.
As soon as he goes, one of the
ministers like, hey, why aren't you bowing?
He's like, we only bow to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
He says, what is this religion that you
guys have come with? He said, listen king.
We were people
of ignorance.
We were people
of immodesty.
We will we were people
of zulm and oppression.
We oppressed others.
Right? We took their rights, we ate haram,
we did all type of immodest actions,
we just killed for no reason, we shed
blood, all of that.
And then from there, Allah
sent us a prophet.
A prophet who we know
and we know his lineage
and we know his family
and we know his honesty and his trustworthiness
and all of that. And when he comes,
he calls us towards justice.
He calls us towards
building ties,
towards leaving immodesty, towards all types of
and so we accepted the message and that's
all it is.
And he's telling us don't worship anyone except
Allah Muhammad Rasulullah.
He's telling us to pray our salah to
give our charity. That's all he's telling us
to do. So Najashi is like well that
sounds very good. I mean if that's what
it is, then this is the religion of
Musa and Isa. And now Najashi himself is
Right? So he's like, then in that case,
you you know, there's nothing for us to
kick you out. This is well,
stay here. You guys are safe over here.
So as they
go, we said, was
very. He was very clever.
So he is like, you know, I'm gonna
get them tomorrow.
he's like, man, they're your brother. Just leave
them. Let them be. He's like, no. I'm
not gonna let them go. I have another
The next day he comes back, and he's
like, oh, king,
ask them what they say about
Jesus. Ask them what they say about
because he thought that if he starts to
talk about the trinity and he starts to
talk about
Esau not being the son of God and
Esau being this and this that, this will
agitate the king. And of course, the king
will kick him out. So the next day
he comes.
When he comes, he recites
Surah Maryam.
He recites Surah Maryam and the king is
Then after that he tells them, he's like,
what do you say about Isa? He say
that he is
the slave and the messenger
of Allah
and he was given to the Virgin Mary,
and when he starts to say that, he
bends down and picks up a small twig,
and he's like, Allah your message is no
different to even to the extent of this
twig from what the reality
of is.
He begins to cry
and he says, all of you guys cabinet
members, return their gifts, return their bribe, return
everything. The Muslims are safe over there and
these guys need to get out. And so
they went out. And so
you realize
the firmness of the Sahaba, the truthfulness of
the Sahaba,
the confidence of the Sahaba. They did not
give in. They did not give in. And
this is what we need to understand
about our faith as well.
That hardships are most definitely to come.
If you think that hardships are not going
to come your way,
then you are mistaken
because Allah tells us in the Quran that
the believers think that they're gonna go untested.
Definitely hardships will come. But it is these
type of stories, it is the story of
the Sahaba and story of the Sira
that allows us to understand
how they stood
And that's what we need to do.
At these times when everything is confusion, everything
is all that, we need to understand
that we need to build a connection with
our Quran just like Abu Bakr radiallahuhanhu
had. We need to pray our salawats and
we need to pray our you know any
Ibadah ad Din
with so much
so much spirit
that the Sahaba had. And as Ramadan is
coming there couldn't be a better time than
This Ramadan
we should ask ourselves,
today we should make a firm determination
that I need to make 2 goals.
One goal
is to bring spirits back into my deen,
to bring
back into my deen.
Such that will not just allow me to
remain firm but become the means of guidance
for other people.
This you see
when you when you read the Sira you
understand one thing you see again and again
And that is the rule that the companions
and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam had
in their deen. It wasn't just tradition.
Our deen is not tradition.
Our deen has come to destroy traditions.
The Tawaf was done by the Kufar and
the Mushriks at the time as well. Sajna
was done by them as well.
All of these things were done by them
as well.
But what is the difference between us and
them is that we have in our faith.
Whether it's the students of knowledge,
don't just be going with the flow.
Whether it's regular people, don't just be going,
you're coming to the masjid, going this, that.
It should be that your heart
should be beating with Allah's name.
You should be doing everything with a purpose.
You should be doing everything feeling the sweetness
of iman.
You should be feeding the sweetness of iman
in every action of yours. And so as
Ramadan comes,
make it a goal
that your deen becomes alive,
that the ruh in your deen is awakened.
And similarly you develop such a connection and
both of them help each other. You develop
such a connection with the Quran
that it allows for you to wake up.
It allows for you to say that
with everything
that is on your every time you're either
thanking Allah,
seeking repentance,
you're glorifying Allah
or you're reciting the Quran.
Let's make this Ramadan
a time
that allows us to relive
the experience that the Sahaba lived.
They were able to go through all the
tortures in life
and remain steadfast
because the
and the spirit of their deen was alive.
Today, if the and the spirit of our
deen becomes alive,
that's when you're going to see
not just yourself,
but the iman of other people shaking. May
allow us to benefit from this Ramadan. May
allow us to connect with the Quran, to
connect with the Sira. InshaAllah, try to use
this Ramadan to maybe have a review of
all the sessions that we've covered of the
Sira. Try to read it. Try to revive
this halaqa in your house. And inshAllah, after
Ramadan, we will start the session,
inshAllah from,
the second,
you know, hijrah to Ethiopia to Habasha, and
we will continue from there.