Yaser Birjas – The Value Of Tawakkul

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary ©
The importance of trusting oneself and not letting fear control one's behavior is emphasized in Islam. The world is around people of Guinea and the people of Guinea who are telling them what, that's what Allah promised. The whole world is around them and the people of Guinea are telling them what, that's what Allah promised. The world is around them and the people of Guinea are telling them what, that's what Allah promised. The whole world is around them and the people of Guinea are telling them what, that's what Allah promised. The world is around them and the people of Guinea are telling them what, that's what Allah promised. The whole world is around them and the people of Guinea are telling them what, that's what Allah promised.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen.

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Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ala bin Muhammadin wa

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ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam wa ba'd.

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So Imam al-Nadr, rahimahullah ta'ala, after

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talking about taqwa, he moves to a new

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And that chapter is the chapter of al

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-yaqeen wa al-tawakul.

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Al-yaqeen wa al-tawakul.

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Because one of the main characteristics of the

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mutaqeen is what ajma'a.

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That's once you have Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala always on your mind, then everything in

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your life is to Allah subhanahu wa ta

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So you trust Allah azza wa jalla in

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your affairs.

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You have the absolute certainty as a result

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of that taqwa.

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And obviously when you have that certainty, you

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will have the complete submission on Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala, tawakul, reliance on Allah azza

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wa jalla.

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Imam al-Nadr, rahimahullah ta'ala, qala qala

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Allahu tabaraka wa ta'ala.

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And when the believers saw al-ahzab, these

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were the confederates, the Arab tribes, when they

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gathered around the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in Medina.

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They said, this is what Allah and his

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messenger Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam had promised

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And Allah and his messenger had spoken the

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And it only added them in their faith

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actually and to their submission to Allah azza

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wa jalla.

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Like what they saw didn't deter them from

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believing in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Rather, it confirmed their iman.

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It made it certain to them what Allah

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promised, that it's true.

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Because we know the society today is the

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exact same example in our time, subhanallah.

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The closer you are to the way of

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the anbiya, the harsher the attack is going

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to be on you.

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Because no one likes to be told you're

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wrong, your ways are horrible, that you're causing

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fitna and deceiving the people.

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No one likes to hear that.

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So the more you come to them with

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the path to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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the more they will reject you and fight

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against you.

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Look at the example in Gaza right now.

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The whole world is around them and the

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people of Gaza are telling them what?

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That's what Allah promised.

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And what they really have against them other

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than they believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta

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'ala and call to the way of Allah

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azza wa jalla.

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And that's what they hate the most about

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Those are the people who when they were

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told that the people have gathered against you,

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like a great army is coming against you.

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What do they expect that they hear in

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response to that?

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Like really?

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Oh my God, what do we do?

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Instead, what do the believers say?

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Of course, this is from Allah subhanahu wa

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This is what we saw, what they say,

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when they're told, be aware of them, be

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afraid of them.

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That made them actually now even stronger in

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their iman, in belief in Allah subhanahu wa

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He says, fear who?

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To fear who?

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If we have Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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with us and we have Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala sufficient for us.

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If Allah is sufficient for us, we don't

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care about anybody else.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says that we

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have transformed their affairs completely to a blessing.

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Meaning, regardless of how hard it is and

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how far we go into hardship and trials,

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at the end of the day, Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala promised what?

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And the aqiba, which means the end result,

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is always in favor of the righteous.

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We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to

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make the affairs of the believers in Gaza

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to the best.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, means, put

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your trust, put your trust in the one

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who is ever living and never dies.

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Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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This is one of the many very important

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powerful statements that negates all the horrible practices

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we see in the world and especially in

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the Muslim ummah in regards to people going

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to shrines and graves of saints and others

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asking them for things.

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Not too long ago, a very major sect

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in Islam, they go to graves and they

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call them and they ask them and they

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worship them, basically.

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And when you ask them, they say, no,

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no, no.

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I mean, they bring us closer to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Exactly the same thing what the mushrikeen said

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at the time of the Prophet ﷺ.

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And here Allah azza wa jalla is telling

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us, Depend and you put your trust in

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the ever living who never dies.

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Which means, if a person dies, like any

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living that dies, don't depend on them.

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Any living who dies, don't put too much

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trust in them.

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If Allah says, the living who dies, don't

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put so much trust in them.

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What about those who are already dead then?

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Like if the living who could possibly help

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you in some way, Allah says, don't put

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too much trust in them.

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Because they're going to die eventually.

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Why would people put their trust in someone

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who's dead?

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No matter who that person is.

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Their trust should be to Allah subhanahu wa

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And let the believers, those who believe in

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Allah, put their trust and reliance on Allah

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azza wa jalla.

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And Allah says, And when you're determined, means

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when you made your mind, then put your

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tawakkul and reliance on Allah subhanahu wa ta

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And those who put their reliance on Allah

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azza wa jalla, Allah will suffice them.

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Allah promised, you rely on me and I'll

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suffice you of anything that you need.

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وَقَالَ إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذِينَ إِذَا ذُكِّرَ اللَّهُ وَجِلَتْ

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قُلُوبُهُمْ The true believers are those when Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala's name is mentioned before

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وَجِلَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ Means their hearts humbled themselves.

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Or trembled by the mention of Allah azza

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wa jalla.

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وَإِذَا تُلِيَتْ عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتُهُ زَادَتْهُمْ إِيمَانًا And when

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the ayat of Allah is being recited in

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front of them, it will increase them in

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What does that mean when you hear, زَادَتْهُمْ

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إِيمَانًا Which means iman is what?

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It's not one thing.

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Your iman is not static.

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So when you sometimes see your iman is

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increasing, if something increases, what does that mean?

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If something goes up, what does it mean

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It can go what?

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Go down.

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If something goes up, it can go down.

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What does that mean?

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There will be times when you feel mashallah

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your iman like Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.

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And then there will be times when you

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feel your iman is like, I don't want

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to mention who.

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But at least you feel your iman is

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going down.

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So you need to make sure that when

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your iman is going up, what do you

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You do so much of good deeds for

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the time when your iman goes down.

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So at least when your iman goes down

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after that time, it wouldn't go as low

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as it was in the time before.

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You're always in a better position.

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Always in a better position.

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Some people, unfortunately, when their iman goes down,

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what do they do?

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They let go.

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So they go free fall.

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So when they pick up the pieces to

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go up, they have to climb all the

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way up again from scratch.

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And they keep always in the same situation,

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the same bottom.

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Every time they have to now raise their

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iman again, they start from the exact same

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low point.

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And keep climbing up.

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And then when they go down, they let

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go again.

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So they go down to the bottom.

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And they start going up from that same

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And they get just exhausted.

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And they feel that they never get out

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of it.

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Yeah, because when your iman starts going up,

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you're so scared that you don't do more

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than what you should.

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Because you're just like, you know, I know

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No, you need to do better than what

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you can think of yourself.

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And put your trust in Allah subhanahu wa

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So your iman keeps going up.

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So next time when it starts going down,

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you stop at a place that is higher

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than the last time.

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So that you're always climbing up, inshallah, with

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your iman no matter what.

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So that's very important to remember.

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It is called, And those are the ones

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who truly rely on Allah subhanahu wa ta

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There are many hadith.

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We're supposed to take the first hadith.

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But we'll delay that until, inshallah, tomorrow.

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Wallahu ta'ala a'lam.

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Jazakumullah khair.

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Any questions, jama'at?

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Tawakkul ala Allah.

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Subhanaka Allah wa bahamdik.

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Ashraa Allah wa astaghfiruka wa atubu ilaih.

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