Yaser Birjas – Laylatul Qadr The Night Of Power

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The importance of spending time during Easter hours to increase productivity and achieve success is emphasized. The use of "naught" and "naughty," in Arabic language is also discussed. Expansion of personal experiences and understanding the decree of Islam are also emphasized. There is a need to show up to Islam's favor and increase one's life by just one night, as it is crucial for peace and profitability. Expansion of personal experiences and forgiveness are also emphasized.
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My dear brothers and sisters,
as we come closer and closer to the
last part of the month of Ramadan,
may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make us among
those who witness atuqaddariyaabiralamin.
Brothers and sisters, starting tomorrow, InshaAllah Ta'ala, tomorrow
at sundown the last 10 nights of the
month of the month of Modan will begin,
and they're very special night.
Very very special night, this is not the
time to waste any moment.
It's not the time to start saying, Okay,
we're coming now to the end so let
me just slow down.
This is the time when you now put
everything that you have in order for you
to succeed insha'Allah in this month of Ramadan.
May Allah make us a mother successful in
you Rabbil Alameel.
In Hadith Aisha
when the last 10 nights begin.
He will spend all night up,
means he don't sleep, he doesn't take a
nap at night.
And he awaken his family,
even his family no longer to rest right
now, you guys need to spend the whole
night up.
And he tightened his belt, which means tighten
his belt, meaning he's just like we say,
rolling his sleeves up to now put the
or abandoning his bed in terms of sleeping
or even pleasure.
And she said that he would do that
Why? Because there's a very special night on
those last 10 nights.
Laylatul Qadr. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make
us among those witnesses.
Brothers and sisters, I want to talk to
you a little bit about Laylatul Qadr.
Maybe we hear it all about Laylatul Qadr,
we know what it is in general. But
why was it called so, and why is
it so important?
Because I want you to see the value
of spending these last 10 nights
doing everything in your power to continue in
and increase in your
and not decrease, Not even staying monotone where
you are. You need now to take the
next step insha'Allah
to Baraka Wa Ta'ala.
You see, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says in Surat Al Duhan,
He says, I swear to you by this
clear book.
I swear to you by the clear book.
Says we have definitely
revealed it, which is this book. We reveal
the book to you in a blessed night.
We send it with warnings as well.
If you understand this ayah, you know the
value why you need to be up all
night during those 10 nights.
On that night every matter of wisdom
is ordained.
Every matter will be ordained in that night.
What does that mean?
Command from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So, when it comes to saying everything will
be ordained on that night, my dear brothers
and sisters,
the qadr
that Allah
would allow to happen
in that year will come down on that
You see, when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed
the Quran,
he says about the Quran as mentioned in
Surat Al Qadr
Subhanahu wa ta'ala. That we have indeed revealed
the Quran to you on that night of
the night of decree.
The word
in the Arabic language has two meanings.
It could mean the night of power and
we know the power that comes with this
There's the power of Allah
There's the power Allah sends with it as
he says,
The angels will come down. Jibreel will come
down, and the angels and the Jibreel would
not come down unless it's something important,
something significant. And what do they bring with
them? They bring peace and tranquility.
It's peace until the Fajr time.
So, it's a night of power and it's
a night of of of glory.
The second meaning
comes from
Everything that we have revealed, we have sent
down with measurement.
What does it mean when we say measurement?
Brothers and sisters, our life has already been
measured by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allah is
the one who knows, Allah is the one
who knows when we will be born and
when we're gonna die.
He knows what provision you're gonna receive in
that year and what lack of it you'll
be deprived of. Allah knows what sickness will
happen, what health, what prosperity,
all these things Allah
knows by measurement,
and he would measure evidence and
allow it to happen on that year.
Our ulema, they say,
is 3 parts
or the revelation is 3 parts.
Number 1, when Allah
he began the revelation with
the entire Quran
was revealed from Allahu al Mahfud, the sacred
in which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala ordered everything
to be inscribed, everything to be written.
When we say something is written, it's written
in that sacred tablet.
Only the sacred one, the most purified one
are allowed to be there, and those are
the angels.
So Allah ordered on that night when the
prophet, salallahu alaihi wa sama, received Iqra,
he ordered for the entire Quran
to come down
to Baytul Izza, the house of glory,
the nearest heaven to us.
The entire Quran came down
and came with the entourage
with celebration of the angels
coming bring it down to Waite Al Izza,
the house of glory in that closest close
heaven to us. Then Allah
gave the order for this Quran to be
revealed in 23 years to the prophet
What's revealed depends on the circumstances,
the command of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
But then,
there's another Qadr.
That Qadr is Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
every single year after that.
Every single year after that.
He orders
whatever Qadr that he subhanahu wa ta'ala would
permit, would allow to happen on that year,
he would order all that Qadr to come
down to that also, Baytul Izzah, the house
of glory in the in the nearest heaven
to us.
What does that mean? It means your work
for the year has already now been written,
meaning it's known to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and Allah documented that.
So, the third thing that we need to
understand now is that these now elements of
as they happen, they come 1 at a
You and I, and that's what the importance
of letter of Qadr.
You and I
don't know exactly what has been decreed for
us. As Imam Mohammed bin Hambar Rahimahullah Wa
Ta'ala he says,
some people will be living their life, they
will be planting, they will be building, they
will be fixing their clothes
not knowing that the decree has already been
ordained, it will be the end of their
life that year.
Like, we planned for 10 years, not knowing
it will be the end of it this
year probably. We don't know that.
But that's where it comes in.
I need to make sure
that my Qadr
that comes down, that Allah knows about, is
in my favor.
And how would I do that? I need
to make a lot of du'a.
A lot of du'a.
The prophet
said if there is anything,
if anything debates with the Qadr, will be
your dua. And what does that mean? That
means as the Qadr is about to come,
your dua might be raised
and Allah has already by his ultimate knowledge
that on that day you'll make that dua
so the Qadr was already altered in your
favor by the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wa
I don't know what's written for me in
this coming year. No one
knows. You know what? No one knows what's
gonna happen to the people of Gaza. May
Allah make it the best for them in
this year. We don't know
that. But that is the time when I
need to make sure when I make my
dua, and my dua goes to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala. I want my dua to result
in my favor.
My favor, my favor of my community, of
my brothers and sisters. I need to make
everything in my power to ask Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala in that particular night to bring
the best for me in the dunya and
akhra. That's what I need to do. But
now here's the thing,
what night is that anyway?
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he said that he
revealed that in in that night, layitul Qadr.
But then, is it one single night?
Does it change? Is it always 27 that
most culturally people are accepting it to be?
As a matter of fact, no. Our ulema
they say, look, when it comes to Raylatul
Qadr as Allah
revealed the Quran,
he, yes, he indeed revealed in one single
That's what
happened. But then, afterwards, Allah Azzawajal,
he will give that privilege to one of
the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
It could be the 21st,
it could be the 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th.
And Ibn
look, that's true if Ramadan ends in 30
But if Ramadan ends in 29 days,
if Ramadan ends in 29 days, then your
21st, 23rd, 25th will be actually counted backwards,
resulting in these nights to be the 20th,
the 22nd,
26th, as a result of that.
So what does that mean? You need to
make your effort not just in the odd
numbers of these nights, not only single night
27th, where most of my salah get filled
up and then disappear afterwards.
That's not what it is Ajamah.
That's one single night that Allah subhanahu described,
better for you than
more than 1000 months.
And when you count those 1000 months you're
talking about 80 plus years
an entire
You've been extended, your life has been extended
within an entire lifetime
by a single night.
You've been given the opportunity
and the reward
over an entire lifetime
by dedicating one single night. Make them 10.
Many of us, sometimes we compare, we say,
how come Nuhal alayhi salam lived a 1000
years, Ibrahim alayhi salam 100 years, and all
these prophets before us, they lived all these
years. How are we going to be maximum
because of good deeds if they lived 300
years doing good deeds? We barely survived 50,
70, 60 years. That's your opportunity.
That is your opportunity to extend your life
by a single night and will count for
a 1000 months.
Brothers and sisters, it could be the 22nd,
it could be the 25th, it could be
26th. There is no there is no determination
on that because it's the hand of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala. It's the Qadr of Allah
What is so special about that night the
prophet says
in Bukhar Muslim
Whoever spends the night of Qadr, the night
of power, the night of glory, in tahajjud,
in qiyam, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will forgive
them their sins.
By a single night,
you get your sins wiped away, alhamdulillahirabbir
Amin, and starting anew with Allah azza wa
Jal. Brothers and sisters, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
said about this night, laylatul Mubaraka.
It's a blessed night. And a blessed night
means what? All the blessings come with it.
So, what does that mean? You need to
be out there exposing yourself to this blessing,
this barakat.
You know, when the wind starts blowing and
blowing nicely, what do people usually do? They
open the windows, they expose their faces to
the wind. They go out, they expose themselves
to the beautiful rain that comes down. They
want to touch it.
The same thing the Ulema, they say, you
need to expose yourself to Nafahat,
laylatul Qadr, those blessings of laylatul Qadr. You
need to be out there, you need to
be out there in the madman, which means
you go physically there, and emotionally, and spiritually.
You are all out there trying to receive
those blessings of the last 10 nights of
Ramadan and particularly to Qadr.
The prophet Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,
The angels will come down. And, we've known
that many other hadith, when the angels come
down, what do they bring with them? As
the prophet
says No people gather in the house of
Allah Azza Jall. Yet
recited the book of Allah Azza wa Jal.
Studying the words of Allah Azza wa Jal
among themselves. But Allah
will send the angels to come and surround
and will shelter them and cover them with
their wings.
Peace and tranquility will descend upon them, and
will mention them by name in a gathering,
in a congregation better than the one they're
sitting with.
Don't you want to be one of these
Imagine if that happens
in one special night, little cuddle.
How much of that blessing will be multiplied?
Much more than that. And we all need
this blessing, especially in times of difficulties and
hardships will lie.
When we all go through difficult times on
a personal level, with our marriages, our families,
our finances, or even at least learn what
happens in the world, subhanAllah,
it's really very distressing.
We need those moments of peace and tranquility,
you need that more of affirmation
that comes from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And
this is my brothers and sisters, is your
golden moment to find that moment of peace
and tranquility with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Brothers and sisters, there is so much kayr
comes in this night, that's why the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he used to do
Itikaf, especially Ibadah than in the last tenat
of Ramadan, Itikaf,
which means he would put himself in the
Masjid all day and night for the last
10 nights.
And he kind of like, don't want to
say isolate himself from the people? No. But
he deliberately
and consciously
he goes into that kind of conscious
and personal seclusion.
In time of constant connectivity,
like ours,
we lost the virtue of being alone.
We lost that virtue.
We don't even feel
that being alone is a virtue anymore. When
we are alone, we get scared. We had
to have something playing around us,
so you can feel that there is someone
or some company with us. But those moments
of you connecting with yourself
and only have this connection with Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, they're the most desirable moments. That's
what you really need from you in a
world that you're constantly connecting with something. There
is no moment of rest.
Even when you're just on a stop sign
or a traffic light, people pull their phones
to connect with something or somebody,
but we don't connect with ourselves anymore and
with Allah azza wa jal.
This is the time we try to do
that. If you couldn't do the full Ithikaf
of the last 10 nights, then spend the
nights in the Masjid.
Make sure that you do that and you
do rebad and your ta'a. It could be
one of those nights that Allah Subhanahu will
bless you with Al Qadr and you will
be in that moment
receiving the blessings of Laila Al Qadr. Brothers
and sisters, there is so much higher in
Laila Al Qadr that we need volumes to
talk about it. But enough of the fact
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala highlighted that virtue.
The angels will descend with that. Make sure
when they come down, you're in the right
place for it insha Allah.
My dear brothers and sisters,
since we said that one of the virtuous
things to do on that night is to
make your dua,
you plead your case to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala. Hopefully,
Allah by his ultimate and supreme knowledge would
know about your du'a and make your affair
better for you in that night, in that
year. In the hadith of Aisha
which is one of the best duas that
you can make, she asked
What if I live to witness it? What
do I say? What should I say?
My Lord, you are Afu, you're you're oft
you love to forgive,
so forgive me.
A simple dua.
A simple dua but has very powerful meaning
because there is an acknowledgment there of your
acknowledge of your weakness, of your poverty to
him subhanahu wa ta'ala.
In a moment like this, with a human
being, that's weakness.
But acknowledging all these weaknesses right now
to the Lord, subhanahu wa ta'ala, that's a
moment of a glorious life. You're admitting your
weakness, you need to him Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and Allah is there to give. And, when
you expose yourself and you become
so vulnerable to him, Allah subhanahu wa sallis
blessing upon us. So, make sure to remember
this dua.
You Allah, you're all forgiving and you love
to forgive You Rabbi, so forgive me. And
part of your dua, do not forget to
remember your brothers and sisters in Gaza.
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make it easy
for them.
We have gone through all these 20 days
of Ramadan. Alhamdulillahirabbamin,
our circumstances were easy for us. Can you
imagine what our brothers are going through right
The day will come when you try to
celebrate Eid, and they will, despite all the
circumstances they go through, they will celebrate Eid
And they will do it regardless of the
And we would like to make du'a for
them to make their Eid better for them.
Brothers and sisters, make sure that you do
so inshaAllah
and remember to join your community and your
masjid inshaAllahu for your activities.