Yaser Birjas – Halaqa 2012 10 03 How To Deal With Peoples Mistake Part 1
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The speakers discuss the importance of acknowledging and embracing challenges, rather than just hoping for the sake of doing nothing. They stress the need for individuals to take responsibility and address issues in a systematic way, rather than just hoping for the sake of doing nothing. They also emphasize the importance of addressing root causes of negative behavior and acknowledging the negative consequences of actions.
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of Bellarmine sallallahu wasallam Avada can Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi seldom at the Sleeman kathira, to mama, but Welcome to a new series in shallow data, we have three sessions, or three parts on how to deal with people's mistakes. When it comes to dealing with dealing with mistakes. Of course, as human beings, we have been created with this tendency to make mistakes. And if I just asked you a question right now, you don't have to answer the question. But just think about, I want you to think about it. When was the last time you made something or you said something that you regretted? And you thought it was wrong? And it was a mistake? Perhaps today, right? If you
just think about it, maybe today in the morning, you said something when you were going out to work going to school, that perhaps you thought you know, I shouldn't have done that. Maybe when you were at work, or in school, or even when you came to the masjid, you said something, you've done something you felt it wasn't right, for some reason. Time. So it's basically as human beings, we make these mistakes. It's not just us, even the people from around us, they might make mistakes. And if I asked you the same question, again, with regard to other people, when was the last time you saw someone doing a mistake, or saying something that was wrong? And it was done in front of you and
said in front of you? When was the last time you did that we've heard that, perhaps was also today. But now, what did you do about it?
Did you have the guts to go and talk to that person? Tell them by the way, you know what you said to this individual? I think it was wrong. You shouldn't have said that. There was absolutely out of place. Or maybe what you did the other day, you know, I really didn't like it. It wasn't about me, but for someone else. But still I didn't really like it. I don't think that that was right to say or to do. It's almost on daily basis as human beings, we make mistakes. Now, these mistakes could be big mistakes. Sometimes there are little mistakes, that major they're minor. And the magnitude depends on the circumstances and the person that is making these mistakes. You cannot avoid the fact
you cannot avoid this fact that you make mistakes as human beings we have been killed with that tendency. So in order to look for human perfection, it would be absolutely wrong. It would be absolutely wrong to try to become faultless, and completely mistake free human being because that's not going to happen. But what you could do in order to reach that human perfection is that whenever you make a mistake, you fix it. That's how to become perfect human being when you make a mistake, then you're going to fix that mistake. As a matter of fact, it is actually it's almost like an impossible mission to live without any mistakes you cannot avoid that even sometimes these mistakes
are in there by design meaning in order for you to realize the virtue of being away from faults and mistakes. That means that sometimes it's so that you realize the importance and the value of being on a path that it's free or or without any mistakes or anything so kandalama be sallallahu wasallam says in the Hadith cada aloud, Dakota Allah Lola uncontainable Hadith codici, which is a sacred Hadith that Allah subhana wa Taala said Lola under come to the moon. If you didn't make mistakes, if you didn't make sense commit sins, law of Allah hobbico Allah subhana wa tada will change this entire creation, the creation of human beings will be removed will be changed will be common and the
loss of Hanover data will create another form of creation meaning another form of human beings perhaps your own first furon fell for long, who will make mistakes men will commit sins and then they will seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa tada and allies analyzer will forgive them. So the fact that the idea that we try to completely be faultless, it's difficult to achieve and almost impossible because again, we're going to make mistakes. However, this like I said earlier these mistakes, they vary based on the person's Eman status, position circumstances it depends for some what you consider major for others nothing for other what is considered so little for you is
considered major. Take the example of Hadith report from Ayesha rhodiola Lana and it was also reported by others or habit of the law or at least that was said that the one of the others have said that or mentioned that statement is that I should have the law hotel and he said Carla in color. In the cumulative noon, when you make mistakes, you make some mistakes and some sense that you consider them very light in your eyes. It is something that's completely insignificant. Could Nando de la Jara Suleiman al Qaeda, we used to consider these mistake like major sins, you are doing things you completely see that insignificant, but at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam we
used to consider them like major things major sense. So even the magnitude of the sin itself sometimes you know, you get desensitized completely to the level and to the effect that we start losing control losing the sense
Have affect the severity of that mistake. So it depends, however, however, how to fix these mistakes, how to go about this when I see someone doing something, and now the discussion is not about me fixing them fixing my own mistakes. That's a whole different story that's about about doing tober. But the discussion tonight is shallow the Barco data is how can I deal with other people's mistakes? If I see someone doing something wrong in front of me, if I heard somebody doing something wrong in front of me, how can I do? How can I handle this? How can I help these people removing this mistake or at least
alleviating you know, the suffering of other people because of some other people's mistakes? How can I handle the mistakes of other people? This is our discussion in shallow terracotta. Number one, like to mention that teaching and educating other people, it's a virtue, to approach other people with the naziha with the advice, that's a virtue, this is what we call an honorable maruf. When the handle monka to enjoin good and forbid evil. So this is a virtue that you should not you should not pass you know,
away from you or even just, just push away from you. It's a virtue you should pursue, you should look for, if you see an opportunity where you can advise other people and help other people, you know, recover from a mistake that they have done. That's an opportunity for you to practice one of the greatest virtues by which Allah subhanho wa Taala elevated this oma an honorable maruf when Nana Mancha, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Come to Cairo Metin rigid leanness, you the Muslim Ummah, were the best nation ever to produce the mankind. you the best nation ever produced the mankind. What is it because of the color of our skin, the place of origin? No, it comes from a very diverse
background. However, four virtues are a very unique to them, but a lot of Baraka Ouattara, the first virtue that Allah mentioned about this oma that moral noble maruf what and how Nan and Mancha because you enjoy and good, you forbid evil. That means you practice what we call it Tao. You practice the Dharma, you invite other people to Allah subhanho wa Taala. You enjoin, good you command them to do that which is good, and you forbid them from from doing that which is wrong. And that that was the first quality. The second quality after Allah subhana wa tada says, was to maintain a villa and you believe in Allah azza wa jal. So before mentioning the belief in Allah
subhanho wa Taala, which so many people would do, we know that in the Muslim oma, you have 1.51 point 6 billion people on earth. But how many of those people truly and genuinely practice this first quality Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned the Model Model Model, what and how not at MOCA, that you enjoy and good and forbid, even so we need to know that this quality is an opportunity for me and you, whenever you see someone doing something wrong. It is an opportunity immediately to become one of those people that have been selected to pursue this virtue and deliver that message of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the world, do that which is right, and forbidden, which is wrong. That's
the first unit to observe and keep in mind. In addition to that, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says part of it he didn't say, I didn't happen to me the prophets of Allah said I'm says, we're in Allah, when Allah equateur who will
know in Allah home Allah to Allah subhanho wa Taala when there are lots of Hannon wattana and the engines and the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth had the nebula future Korea, even the ants, even the ants in their in their in their bodies and their holes and the earth called our hotel hood, even the fish in the sea. Lisa Luna, Allah Allah Nestle higher, they make a lot of for the person invite other people to do good.
So if Allah subhana wa tada Allah azza wa jal Demeter use alone from Allah subhanho wa Taala is Allah showering you with His mercy, the angels and the melodica when they do that, they're making dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala pleading for your forgiveness and for mercy for you. And then when you have a semi what you will, that the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth and even the animals, the animal kingdom, all of them, they made up for you, you They asked Allah subhana wa Taala for forgiveness, and ask Allah subhana wa Taala mercy for you for the most unnatural hold for the person who teaches others to do good. Why do you think that the animals such as the ants and and
the fish and so on, they're making dua to Allah subhana wa Taala to bless and forgive the person who invites other to goodness Why do you think that? That's because those people they know that you cannot, you cannot pollute the ocean, you cannot cause damage to the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala so they invite other people they forbid other people from damaging the inhabitants of these animals. They also command other people to observe that which is good for all the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala so they know a person who's doing
Good, he deserves that we make draft for them that Allah increases them so they can protect them as well to that level, even the animals, they care about that, that they make a draft for those who teach other people to do good Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says at dinner with come to dinner of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's unnecessary and I see how he means actually that is loss, which means sensitivity to Allah subhana wa Taala lawsuit illimani Rasul Allah, they said, you're also to whom should we be sincere? God, Allah, whatever Rasulullah he will Nikita be what a Muslim Muslim ina amati, you should be sincere to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to His Messenger, to the book of
Allah azza wa jal, to the leaders of the Muslim Ummah, and to the masses to the average Muslims. And what does exactly mean to come to, to the, to the believers, to the believers, meaning the leaders, and also to the average Muslim, that means you are sincere to them, that you care for them, to make sure that they do that which is right, and forbidden from doing that which is wrong, and that which is even to that level. So even Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he said that this is a quality of the believer, it is also it is also known that the Sahaba of the Lord that they practice that on a regular basis, are the alarm on home, they practice that on regular basis. So when they see
something wrong, they invite others as a matter of fact, why do you think that handler after all these years and generations, we have so many Muslims on earth? You know, why did Islam survive all these years because there were people who would go enjoin, good, and forbid, even those people who go and deliver the message to the world, and make sure that people they practice what they should have the word of the word from the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala, and abstain from that which is wrong. So when it comes, when it comes to this practice, it's again one of the main qualities, this is one of the main qualities that Allah subhanho wa Taala preferred this oma would therefore, every
chance you see an opportunity for you every chance to see a mistake or wrong, be in practice in front of you. This is definitely an opportunity to become one of those, I would say, elite, who will take on their shoulder the responsibility of delivering this message and enjoying that which is good and forbidden, which is even It is not easy. And I want you to know that. It's not an easy task. And few people who really from the oma who would usually do that, but those few had hamdulillah the reaping the reward and taking most of the reward on behalf of this Muslim oma when it comes to mistakes, and and making these errors basically did this. How the Quran approached us with these
issues. Let's talk about some of the issues that been mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, that if a mistake happened, something that was that happened and needs to be corrected. How did the Quran deal with that? How did our pseudo law his sallallahu wasallam himself deal with that? Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the very famous story of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam when he was in Mecca, still he was in Mecca living near the Medina, Kerala, Azerbaijan, Abba, whatever he said he frowned about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he frowned and he turned away from him. He turned away from home. You guys remember?
The blind man?
The Blind Man, this Harvey rhodiola nwaba our beloved number two, he came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam so eager to learn from him. He was so eager means he has such high expectation that our sort of law he said Allah said would give him that indivisible attention. So he would listen and hear from him. So he came to the Prophet sallallahu ala rasulillah. He said, I want to lower Sara Marie was busy dealing with another class from the oma. Those are the non believers are considered like the leaders of the society. And if he would be if he is if he was able to convince them to to embrace Islam, 1000s of people would embrace Islam right afterwards. So there Sorolla was busy
dealing with these people, he was busy dealing with these people, and this blind man comes to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he asked him for his attention. Naturally, it was sort of law as a human being. He felt kind of under the pressure. So he turned to that man, the blind man, and he from
now one he found in the eyes in the in the face of that blind man. Do you think the man he saw the Prophet salaallah Salah, he didn't see that. He did not see that. So he did. He wasn't even affected by that sight. Right. So the man, the blind man, he did not see the face of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but he heard her sort of like telling him later, and the Prophet turned away from that blind man. Perhaps the blind man did not even pay attention to the whole incident at all. And nothing affected him at all. Perhaps, perhaps nothing was affected that man but Allah subhanho wa Taala saw that
Allah saw that. So even if the person who was wrong did not pay attention much to it, that doesn't make that the It doesn't mean that the mistake wasn't wasn't the
If done or taking place it has taken place just by doing it, even if what we'd consider ground effect would influence that individual. So the man did not see the face of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he just heard the Prophet perhaps telling him later, and then the Prophet turned his back to this man and continue talking to those to the dignitaries of courage. But Allah subhanho wa Taala so that so he told us sutala his celluloid was eliminare revelation Abba Sato Allah. So he frowned and turned his back to him. And I will am the disbandment when he arrived to him, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala in a nice way, he's called his prophet, His Messenger. What am I Oracle Allah who
has? What do you know about this man, maybe he is the one who has to it will take that test here. Maybe he's the one who will purify his heart that himself which means not those people, those people regardless how much you try with them,
act arrogant. So Allah documented that incident at the beginning of surah, eivissa, whatever Allah. Now when was sort of law has said a lot of Selim, he was of course, and he received this, these these words, what did he do? He went to that man, he didn't go and fight with him says, You see, it's all your fault.
So therefore, the loss of Hannah does send his ad because he didn't say that. Absolutely. The Prophet took it with a with an open heart, full acceptance. As a matter of fact, every time Rasulullah used to see him, he used to smile in his face, even again, the man would not see that smile, but it would hear the prophets voice as he smiles and speaks to them, called Allah wa sallam behind it.
is welcome. I welcome this man, because of whom Allah subhanho wa Taala scolded me and blaming me is not that he's trying to remind him to feel guilty. No, he just smiles with him. Just like joking about it. You see, hamdulillah I've been corrected because of you. That's great. So it's okay to receive correction. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam only received the correction, he didn't take it, you know, in a negative way or on a personal level? Not at all. He realized what he did was not supposed to happen. So he just said, Carlos. Now that brings the issue, do the ambia and the profit? Do they make mistakes? I think we covered that in a different lecture and our data series, when we
talk about the MBA, do they make mistakes or not? We said when it comes to the sharing other muscle mean, they're infallible, they don't make these mistakes. But when it comes to some of these practices, Allah Subhana what that allow them to, to make someone what we consider them mistakes in our own, of course, in our own views, but what does what would the MBR Salatu was Salam O Allah him, these are actually for us to learn from them on how to handle these situations. This is to learn this legislation for us to learn how to handle these things when they happen. That's why Allah send ambia who are human beings for us, so that we can follow their lead. If something like this happens,
at least we know now, if someone comes to correct you, you don't have to take it personal. It's not about you personally, as much as you know, we care for you. And about you. If it was wrong, it's wrong. Just accept that and fix it. It's hard. Absolutely, I agree. But that doesn't mean that you don't accept that you should take it even if you're not gonna be happy with it. But I see you need to realize that when it's wrong, it's wrong and it needs to be corrected and fixed. So here is now Episode Two when Allah subhanho wa Taala also said to the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam makkonen have been an akuna, who Ezra had a lot to do now out of dunya, who Allahu Akbar, Allah who is using
Hakim, Allah subhanho wa Taala, also scroll to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Or at least he refuted a decision that was made by the prophet sallallahu wasallam. Right after better. When the Sahaba they won the battle of better they captured over 70 of the mushrikeen they were in their captivity and their hands prisoners of war. Now how to handle that they never had this, this incident before because that was the first official battle. And that's the first time they would have prisoners of wars. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not really know how to handle this, how should I deal with these prisoners of wars? So the way to do that he would consult the people, and
he consulted some of the Sahaba One of them was over close to death and the other than was on mobile.
As for Oba Casa de he said, Yara Salalah these are still family. So those people even though they were prisoners of war, they fight they were fighting against us, but they are still family. And perhaps, maybe Allah subhanho wa Taala would have you know, future better for them, meaning they might embrace Islam. So let's ask some ransom from them. We take ransom, we freed them for that. And Allah subhana wa tada will deal with them afterwards. Now homerville hottap had another opinion, follow rasulillah they came to kill us.
And if they if they want, they won't split our lives. So therefore he said, My recommendation is that they need to be executed. And again, talking about the standards of that time, that was a normal procedure for them. So Omar was having that decision, that opinion that we should really execute
You know, backcross said no jasola that's better Wi Fi freedom Rasulullah sallallahu mprb who only he was that merciful man, passionate and compassionate. He definitely because of that when you when you give him these two options, which option would you think he would choose? He would take the lenient one. So he went with overcast days and it says, You know what, that's the decision. And he took that opinion. revelation came afterwards from Allah subhanho wa Taala correcting that the opinion of honourable hottub was actually correct. And what you would the decision that you made was wrong,
was wrong and the law says maca in a been an akula. It wasn't for any profit to keep prisoners of wars, until he is confirmed in the land which means until you take the upper hand, did you have the power of forgiving afterwards? Allah subhana wa told him to do not have the dunya What are you looking for, to gain some worldly gain out of this. So even somehow, Allah says about this whole incident, is there any kind of you know, ulterior motive and you must say there is no ulterior motive at all. But still Allah subhana wa tada mentioned that will allow you to deliver on the law needs from you to look for the ACA. Of course, the villa, we can never suspect that the Prophet
would ever looking for anything that is dunya in this matter, but Allah subhanho wa Taala says, it seems to look like that that means this is basically dangerous. You are taking ransom from the people. For what when you're supposed to be looking for something else. So even again, these these minor issues, Allah Subhana Allah Allah says correction in the Quran, Surah Surah, Allah His sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for us human beings to learn that mistakes are there they can happen and how to handle these mistakes when they do happen. Now Allah subhana wa tada
also mentioned some of the source of the Sahaba of the Latin meaning even the Sahaba whom we think are we consider them the most righteous after the MBR and these are the best people after Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam they were with him they were around him, they said this Deen and they were the people who spread the data veloce Panama data, and we love them all while they allow the animal down still, they will human beings after all, and some of them they made some mistakes that even the last panel that documented in the Quran, of these mistakes that you can we think of what we see in the Quran, instead of Allah subhana wa Taala says yeah, you have ladina Amano, lotta tequila do we will
I do I do we will do only a certain amount and Allah subhana wa tada says, Oh, you who believe? Do not take I do we do? Come on. Leah, don't take my I do my enemies and your enemies? Are you allies? Don't take them as allies. So correlation, Bill mawatha, you tried to seek some sort of reconciliation with them? or some sort of, you know, any kind of treatment with with them? Do you remember what so who was the Sahaba? Who was actually targeted by this revelation? And what incidents? That was the reason for this revelation? Can you think of that story? It's a very famous story in the serum. And it was at a very critical time very critical moment, very dangerous time.
The Sahaba are they allowed to Rwanda who informed the people of course he sent a message, he sent the scroll the message to the people of Qureshi informing them that Rasulullah sallallahu. wasallam is preparing an army to march towards Mecca. Who has a habit Do you guys know who that Sahabi was?
If you know his name, I'll give you a chocolate.
What was the name of the so having
a habit of the electron who are huddled together thought of the law on how to draw the line under story actually known as a pseudo law, his Salalah salon, he was preparing to go for the conquest of Mecca. He meant this to be a complete surprise to the people of Mecca. He didn't want them to prepare for that he wanted to take them by surprise, so the light was in them. But in the process, one of us have a heart of the law. And he basically he knew that everybody in Medina from the Maha jurien, they had relatives who can take care of their own people take care of their own properties and so on. And for him, he felt that you know what, I have nothing, nothing, no one can really help
my family unless I have something with the people of courage. So what he did rhodiola terranova he wrote a letter a message. And he put in that message to the people of courage that Mohammed Salah Lysander rasulillah is coming very soon marching to come to the Congress of Mecca. And a lady she took that of course, he sent that with a lady and he knows that you know, people that are going to inspect basically or suspect the lady. So she took that and and she left. Allah subhana wa Taala revealed that to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, so he says, I live in obatala La Jolla, Atlanta. Another Sahabi says you will find a * a woman should be riding a camel in such and
such location such and such place. She's heading to Mecca. She has a letter with her, bring it to me.
So those
But they weren't they didn't know what was the content of that letter is when because the professor there is something with her. So they went there and they stopped that lady. They found her the way the Prophet described. They stopped that lady and she and they told her give us that letter. She said, I have nothing.
I have nothing you can check. For car Alabama. We thought we told her car little little Theon
Al Kitab our little piano Thea, which means whether you're going to give us a letter, and easily and peacefully otherwise, we're gonna have to Frisk you. We're going to check you basically. So when she when she heard that means, okay, fine. So she took it out from her hair. She was tying it with her hair. She braided it around her hair. And she gave it to them. They took it or sort of lines to the law salon. When the prophet SAW what the law said Amara, he read the message. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he read the message he basically saw that was coming from how to grow the Allahu Allahu wa wa. Now how to of course he the problem. He brought him in. Yeah, how to what
is this? Yeah, of course, some of the Sahaba they were very upset and angry with him. They said they are a pseudo law. This is a hypocrite. This is this is that so they they attacked him and harass him with all these words, which is unfortunately what happens in many Muslim communities. Whenever we have some issues, some problems, we immediately jump into conclusions instantly, and we start judging the people. Some of us have heard the same thing, even at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they judged him right away.
But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he told them Don't do that.
Don't say anything about how to
and he still he told them how that was one of the people who witness better. What do you think maybe Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, perhaps look at those who witnessed the Battle of better and he said, If no man should have to let them do whatever you want to do, I will forgive you. Because they've proven their dedication devotion, by fighting in one of the most extreme circumstances in the history of the Muslim ummah. They prove that they love them. So perhaps that's just a mistake from what he says don't talk about him being hypocritical in Africa, whatever. Don't Don't say that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam defended his companions and his friends. He
defended them. Knowing that is a mistake. There is no doubt about it. He brought him for that. But he didn't take he didn't judge him right away. He said What is this explain it to me what's going on here? And he told us of Allah his reasoning, of course, it was sort of law did not accept that reasoning. But eventually he said, You know what, Allah will judge you. And he left him he tied himself to the
to the masjid Allah subhana wa Taala. Of course, you know, sent his son down, forgiving this model, they allowed that on who Allah eventually, these mistakes do happen. And as you can see, this mistake was a very, very serious grave mistake.
This is not just like frowning in someone's face, and then give him your back. This would endanger the whole Muslim.
I mean, imagine if this letter reached Porush when the Prophet was preparing, a surprise, a surprise attack or ambush to the people of Mecca after what they've done to his allies. sallallahu wasallam he has the legitimacy of going and fighting against the people of Mecca. And as a matter of fact, they knew that they brought the tree to other sort of law, and they expect him to come anytime. But it was just a matter of time for them, when that's what they need to prepare themselves for. The first Rasulullah he took them by surprise, and he wanted to take them by surprise. Imagine this now went to the people of Mecca. Would that would that element of surprise be there? Absolutely not. And
if it wasn't there will become would endanger the life of so many of the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. As a matter of fact, because of the element of surprise, they went to many fightings. There in Mecca, there were some skirmishes here and there, and it did not endanger the lives of so many people. However, however, if that letter arrived and reached the people of Mecca, they would have prepared an army. And they would have met with those sort of lines. So the last setup would look more preparation, would it cause deaths among the Sahaba? Are they allowed to run home while the home and even some other people have met? So this is a very dangerous mistake.
And as I can, as we said earlier, the mistakes they value, some of them are minor, some of them are major. Still, it's considered a mistake, how to handle these issues.
On a very high political level, like this one, it happens like in our Muslim communities, it might happen. We might have some issues at the level of leadership in the community. We might have some issues like this, you might have some issues at the level of the man, perhaps the level of the brothers, the sisters, the youth, you might have very serious problems. How can we handle these issues you cannot deny, you cannot deny that this is something serious, and it could happen, but how to deal with it. That's what matters the most to us. So eventually, don't just you know, romanticize the fact that the stories and the life of the Sahaba, the London anthem, and the Muslim Ummah, as a
matter of fact, some of them as they say, it is his name, at some to some level. It is now my generation who came after that.
To know that they have gone through these challenges for us to learn from and know how to deal with mistakes when they happen in the Muslim and the Muslim community. You know, even one of the biggest crisis crises of the Muslim Ummah during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was a very, very serious, very serious and damaging, damaging incident. How does it lift the storyful f woman woman in the mother of the believer in the contemporary terminology, the First Lady, you could say, was accused, are they allowed to run Hahaha, with the sin with a major sin. It's a very famous story in the serum. And it was documented in a sort of to know in the Quran, the Book of Allah subhanho wa
Taala. Now the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam and Ayesha and the Sahaba and the whole Muslim Ummah, in the community of Medina, they lived through a very difficult time. So this crisis that lasted almost 40 days, wasn't the one one or two days it was a long time, and was a very difficult time for the Muslim. Many people they fell unfortunately they fail the test, and others have handled it succeeded. But Allah subhanho wa Taala documented that is the latona one of these issues, which we're gonna come to in Charlotte later in discussions. One of the ways of correcting the mistakes Allah subhana wa Taala says, is the lacuna who Bill cinetic, whom, what una bfsi comanage Lacombe
buena hyena wahoo en de la Halim, one of the biggest mistakes of people is that whenever they hear something, what do they do with it?
when they hear something that is wrong, what do they do with it, they spread out, they immediately they tweeted, they put it on Facebook, they speak to other people, they just spread the word all over the place. before they even confirm or before even investigate. they investigate after the award is already out. And some of them they spread the word, not with any ill feelings or intentions. They only spread the word just because, you know, did you hear that?
It just because of that. That's all what they say. Did you hear what happened? What happened? Somehow Allah, I mean, the other day sister XYZ did, she did so and so. Brother so and so he did this and that and so on, it's only did you hear that? They don't intend to make any problem. They have no intention to really speak ill or bad about them. They don't really in a was just talking. That's all. Even that innocent talking as we considered innocent talk and Allah Subhana what Allah says, is the lacuna who builds unity, can you receive it by your tongues, which means you start spreading it with your tongues all over the place, you receive it, you listen to it, and immediately
it comes out of your mouth. That's it, you have no processing for it. You don't do any processing to what you're saying. You received it, you throw it out back again to the people immediately you take and direct it out. And Allah says water coluna before you come maricella couldn't be here and and you say with your own mouth, that which you have no knowledge of you didn't see it. It wasn't there. You weren't there. You're not a true eyewitness to this incident or is the person where that statement? No, it was just a second third 10th person perhaps. And you keep spreading it out. God Allah tokoto una via fi command silica Bo m, you spelling this out, you know with your own mouth and
tongues when you have no knowledge of this. And the law says what the Buddha who hyena you think it's something insignificant or light? Well, who and the law of him and this act with Allah subhanho wa Taala is so great.
It's so serious. You just think just spreading the word and talking about others and so on. You think it's very simple. But Allah subhanho wa Taala consider this very, very major and that's why backbiting backbiting and zebah and also an amoeba tail bearing consider of the major sense that even Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he said when he passed by two graves, and he said he said in no matter either ban, one other benefit can be they've been punished in their graves, and they will not be punished for something considered great. People they consider them insignificant, but because of these insignificant things, they were punished in their graves before even they meet Allah subhanho
wa Taala they've been punished. And what are these two things he says kind of this one he didn't clean himself up after using the bathroom. This one never cleaned himself up after using the bathroom. And the other one can MC fitness be NEMA keep spreading these words and talking about other people still beating and backbiting? These are very dangerous statements, even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they had to deal with that.
Even at the time of the Prophet, they had to deal with that and the last panel what Allah sent us a correction manual on how to handle these issues. The number one thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala says is that you watch your mouth, and he said subhanho wa Taala that your first assumption should be
good assumption about the people.
Lola is similar to moon vandal moon almina to be emphasized in hierarchy, perhaps for the believer, shouldn't you when you listen to this, the first thing you have is good assumption about your brothers and sisters. When you hear it, you should have good assumption. And when you say you have good assumption, you would say, Are you sure? Maybe you just miss misquote the person, maybe you mistaken him to somebody else. Maybe she didn't mean that maybe this means you make many excuses not to believe what you hear first. And the second, don't convey that message to somebody else. You don't have to go and talk to other people. Did you hear it? Did you hear that? Did you see this? Did
you don't do that. You're not intended to spread the words just go to the source, and try to investigate if this really matters you. And if it's something that you should care about, if not, then just kill it there. The problem is that we spread these words, and that's why the problem escalates, and becomes bigger and bigger. We usually think it's something light but it becomes huge and big because it's a matter of talking. And as you know, when the war starts spreading and going around what happens to it, it gets across extra spices. And with these extra spices are becoming bigger and bigger by the time it gets to the wrong source that might explode this whole thing
becomes completely out of proportion. So that's why it's very serious. When it comes to speaking about other people. We watch what we say and we're going to talk about inshallah, how to handle these issues later. winternight Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala even spoke about the Sahaba of the alloted on whom? Kala wader lT gelatin Allah Han and photo La Jolla water huka Karima when they see some sort of merge some sort of business trade or
or some sort of game going on, they will leave you to it. And they will leave you just standing there given your hotbar that's about the incident when the Sahaba they received the news that there was a caravan that just arrived from a sham. What did they do whatever listen to the solar given Cotabato Juma they left him and they went out.
And they did that solo rhodiola Anwar bomb, Allah subhanho wa Taala reminded the Sahaba that was wrong. It shouldn't have done that. So the fact is that people make mistakes, it happens. And it also happens among the most righteous people. Some people might think that the Imam or anyone in the religious you know, community, or if you think someone was Mashallah righteous, that they are immune from making mistakes, and that's why when they make mistakes, what do we say about it?
The Imam does that.
As if he's an angel, right?
And when we have something like this and the community that breaks the community,
yeah, if it's something that's redeemable, we should look into it. But if it's something really serious, that's different story we should take of course, the legal action and also at the same time, take the good assumption about it. You know, a brother was Mashallah very religious brother. He's very righteous, Mashallah. Very good, and so on. And Subhanallah he made a mistake, like anyone else would make a mistake.
You don't just now completely cancel the purchase of this individual. Really, that's it harmless? Normal, you don't talk to him, you take his his number out of your cell phone and other stuff and so on. Why, while he did that, Subhanallah so what did he did? He redeemed himself? Did he seek forgiveness? Did he try to fix them and so on? Well, yeah, I see him in the masjid. Mashallah, and so Hamdulillah, that's a good sign. assists are the same thing. She made a mistake, she says something wrong, she did something wrong. But then she came and she tried to redeem herself in a in a nice way in the right way. That means that doesn't mean to completely cancel the virtues of an
individual, we should take in consideration that these people make mistakes. And our job is not to judge them, rather to accept them and accept their apology whenever they come to us. So remember that again, this is not the introduction to this whole topic is that mistakes happen and could happen from the most religious people and the most unexpected, unexpected person to you, completely unexpected person to you. They can make mistakes, should you should accept the unexpected in this field, and our duty. Our duty is to look into this and see what we can do about it and how can we fix the situation? If you are now in a position to fix that situation? If you are now in a position
to fix that situation? What should you take in consideration whenever you think of fixing someone's problem or some of someone's actually mistake the other things I want you to take into consideration you can take notes and shout louder Baraka wattana number one, the first you need to take it to take care of first whenever you see someone doing a mistake and you would like to fix that mistake number one, is to think of a philosophy light about are you doing good for the sake of Allah azza wa jal. Why is that because when you talk to people about their mistakes in a nice way that you would like to fix this mistake, you need to realize that you're doing an act of worship. That's an act of
worship. You fulfilling the commands of Allah Subhana Allah
Matala Marina Del Mar of one how Nana mocha that they enjoy good and they forbid evil. So you are enjoying good, you are commanding people to do good. You are commanding the people to do good. That's an act of worship. And any act of worship needs to be done only for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that clear agenda? So when you do that, you don't have any ulterior motive. You're not doing it because you feel obliged that I have to do it. No, you're doing it for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah and you're not just doing it because in a position of authority to do that you're doing it first and foremost, for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And then because you have
a responsibility or a duty to take care of that these issues. So the first thing to keep in mind whenever you talk to people, I'm doing this for the sake of Allah Subhana Medina, and by the way, you don't have to tell them that. Is that clear? Meaning you don't tell the people listen, I'm just telling you that for the sake of Allah, God, I don't need anything from you. You don't have to tell them that you might offend them by this. Just keep it between you and Allah subhanho wa Taala if you're really doing it sincerely, just keep it between you and Allah subhana wa Taala. They need to know that when you approach them, it shows in what you said how you say that is for the sake of
Allah, and then you have no ulterior motive in what you're saying. Number two, keep in mind that mistakes happen. And it's part of the human nature. It's part of the human nature. Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam says in the Hadith kulu, Adama hapa all the children of Adam, the son of Adam is basically has this tendency to air all the children of Adam have a tendency to air and then he says so a lot of salon will huddle hotpot in a turban and the best among those who make mistakes or those who repent as the fix it. So this is now something this is how we should perceive human perfection. Human perfection doesn't mean you don't have mistakes. Human perfection means that when you make a
mistake, you fix it. That's what it means. And that's the meaning of this Hadith, or tirmidhi obon. Imagine. And whenever you deal with people, based on this hadith whenever you deal with people, you should always take in consideration that the side of mercy over the side of harshness, and basically on either side of strictness. Because when you make that when you realize that they make mistakes by the nature of humans, they make mistakes. Don't be too harsh on them.
They just did what humans usually do. When they make mistakes, they just act like humans. And when humans act like humans, that's natural to them. So when you come to correct them, correct them, keep in mind that side of mercy.
Just keep that in your mind that you're not trying to tell them. How dare you do that. I mean, you're supposed to be better than that. That's true, but they're still humans. And you always keep in mind the side of mercy when you deliver the message to them over the side of strictness. Number three,
if you want to correct something, you need to make sure that you correct something that you have an evidence for or approve that it's wrong, that needs to be fixed. Is that clear? It's not because you believe it's wrong, it's supposed to be wrong. And that's why when you come to somebody that doing something different, unnecessarily wrong, but doing something different. And you come in and tell them yeah, this is wrong. They will they were surprised by saying why.
And for you Subhan Allah, how could you say why even this is very obvious, and some will tell you not to them, if you provide the evidence to them that this is wrong, and just say, so sometimes you see somebody standing while they're drinking water. And you follow the opinion that drinking water was standing is considered wrong. The sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu, which is true, it's recommended that you sit down when you drink water. There is another generation that is kind of spiritual, and there's authenticity, that if you drink the professor Sam says that if the person who drinks while standing realize what he's putting in his in his stomach, he would throw this up. So
that's disputable in terms of authenticity. So some of them, they say, therefore, you should sit down when you drink water. However, this is someone standing. And then as they drink water while standing, you tell them yeah, this is wrong. You shouldn't be doing that. And they will tell you, why won't How could the person like you don't know that? I'm a human being after all. Why? Tell me why tell them this is the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they might say Oh, I didn't know that. So this is done. Or maybe they have knowledge more than you. They would say okay, but what about her italiana we thought about the other one said Buhari. When he was asked about this. He said
Rasulullah he had a sip of milk when he was standing salado Salaam in front of everybody on alpha. What are you going to say about this hadith? What are you gonna say about the statement of Hamas? I live in avatar Ilan as well. When he was doing making will do. Then when he finished the leftovers on the water that he had in this in this club. He stood up and he drank water.
And then he said it clearly hydrosol because he said, The reason I'm doing that, which means I'm drinking while standing, because I heard some people say that it's not allowed to drink while standing. Well, I did that because I saw Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam once doing it, he was just want to confirm that it's permissible. So you see, sometimes you see something in your eyes considered wrong. But it's not wrong. It's just different. Why? Because they have a different view, whatever, whatever mistake that you see in your eyes, when you talk to the people take the assumption that it might be different, which means I might be wrong. So you tell them, by the way, I
think you should not say he's not supposed to do that. Because the prophets, Allah Sam did that. Or he didn't do that, and so on. So they might tell you really, I don't know, Alhamdulillah, you fix the problem. Or maybe they would say, true, but I know that there is actually another opinion that I heard from another island 123. So Helen, this case, you didn't do anything wrong to them, at least in a nice conversation over this issue. So you don't start judging the people. And by doing that, that would solve a lot of problems between the Muslim communities, specifically living in America, we have people coming from different backgrounds, and they bring with them, their cultures, they
bring with them their opinions, and so forth. So whenever you see someone doing something different, that doesn't mean they're doing something absolutely wrong, that needs to be fixed. So therefore they deal with you deal with them, keeping that keep that assumption that what they're doing might not be wrong to them, it just could all be could be wrong to you. And if you're going to fix something, if you would like to correct them over something, you have to have a valid reason and a valid opinion, or at least a valid evidence. In this case, if you don't have the evidence itself doesn't That's what I heard from the chef. But you know what, I can double check, why don't you ask
him yourself to at least, we don't have to fight over this issue. But we know there might be a difference of opinion over this issue. Also, number four,
the greater the sin or the mistake, the more important, this needs to be corrected. The greater the mistake, the more attention we should apply, we should pay we should pay to this mistake. So we could correct that. For instance, let's say the man was on the member he was given a hookah under the scope bar he gave a mistake related to the Akita.
So this Imam he came on demand bunnies are talking to the people saying that, you know, it's permissible for people to go and make off around grades. There are some in the Muslim oma who have actually this kind of practice. And these are kind of beliefs. So it's alright for people to go to a grave and make the law of seeking blessings from these from these people by making to offer the grain. Now, that's a very serious matter, right? Specifically, we know we have tons of people are listening to this message. And whenever we send on the member, people, they will take you as an authority. So whatever you say, some people might say, Yeah, that's true, because the Imam said so
and so that's a very dangerous issue, the greater the mistake, and the greater the issue, the more attention we should pay to that. But how to correct this? Now, that's a different story. We're going to cover that later in shallow dialogue. So the man makes this mistake, should every and each one of them in the in the in the congregation start talking to the man? Let's say the man did this mistake, is everybody now responsible to talk to this Imam? Or should someone we assumed to be more responsible to do that? Of course, the higher the authority in the masjid the better for this person to speak. Let's say they were we had a substitute amendment them as it for example, he's more worthy
to speak. We have a Muslim
scholar, a student of knowledge, and this is the person needs to handle this issue. And it also depends on the circumstances. Should we pay attention to this instantly as we speak? Or should we wait until after the hotbar? will lie? It depends on the circumstance, it depends on the crowd depends on the method, it depends if you are part of this community or not. There's so many circumstances need to be taken consideration. But my point here is that if you hear a mistake, if you see a mistake, and depends how grave that mistake is that you should take it in consideration shallow data. Number five,
you should consider the position you should consider the position who is actually taking charge of fixing or correcting that mistake, meaning give priorities to a better person, a higher authority in fixing or dealing with that mistake correcting that mistake. For instance, if you're in the masjid, one of the children is making something that is messing up the whole thing.
Who is better to deal with this child? Is it you as a community member? Or should we give give responsibility to the parents? What do you guys think?
It's the parents, right? It's your responsibility to stop the mistake or their behavior, and then contact the parents and let them deal with their child. And for parents, I want the parents to please be more tolerant, more forgiving and accepting that if someone approaches them in regard to their kids misbehaving and so on
They should accept that their kids can make these things. It's not like your kids are angels. You know, some parents, whenever someone comes to them, by the way, your child, your son just was pulling the water outside in the hallway, my son never does that.
That's not true.
You're the child is a child, they can they make these mistakes. Don't try to defend your child. Instead, try to investigate. So you know, can you show me please? Let me see, let me go and see what's going on. You grab your child and talk to them. And you know how children are, please don't try to investigate what your children like you're interrogating them. Because eventually kids, they're not going to tell you the truth. In many cases, they will say there was this and that, Jessica, I mess up the whole thing. And even that's why in the Arabic ICT program, there is a statement that says that the judge between between children usually will hang himself down. Because
eventually you will strangle yourself, you cannot go anywhere with the children. But the point my point here is look for the higher authority. If it's someone that you know that parents is there is present, you send them to the to the to the parent, okay, the parents are not there because they drop their children off for the Koran class, for instance, and they left
the kids they finished. And this was maybe a recess for the class. So something happens. And you come and you want to mix a lot? Should you correct the situation? Should you give it to someone a higher authority? Someone who have higher authority who would be that higher authority in this situation? The teacher? So you guys all agree is the teacher responsibility right now? Okay, the teacher was not there who's responsible then, in the masjid? Brother, Tara,
will actually not him personally. But just you know, I would say anyone who becomes now the next authority in the community or in the masjid, should take care of that. So you have an operation manager, you have the Imam you have this you have done. So look for the hierarchy of the message of the organization of the household itself, in the school anywhere eventually, if you know there is someone who's higher than you and authority, this person should take charge of that. Give an example even among the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu modern look, the Sahaba who saw the prophets of Allah Salah lived with him, they learned from him they received the Quran firsthand. So they had the highest
authority you can think of, but even among themselves, they will go and dodge issues to one another. Why? Because they think you know, someone else more qualified to answer this issue. One of these occasions as it was reported in cinema, dad, me or him, Allah, Allah, that nL cufon era, a group of a group of people, they gathered in the masjid, and they they made a pile of petals in front of them.
And that basically stones, so they had them in front of them. And they had a head of that group. He was calling them to make this behind congregation. So he was saying sub bohemian says of Harlow 100 time, so there was this of Hannon loss.
And then kept below me and say Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah, Allah, and so on. So they start making this in congregation. Now for many people, they might say, What's wrong with that?
But for Abu Musab ashari, the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who was one of the young companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he saw that, and he realized that there is something wrong here says, I haven't seen that at the time of the Prophet. I haven't seen that from the Sahaba the companions, and these people are not companions of the Prophet, they are second generation of the Muslim means. So there's something wrong here and this practice, so what did he do? He could have acted or thought he had the authority as a matter of fact, to go and talk to them because he was a companion of the Prophet. And they would say, Yeah, he's a hobby, so he has an authority here.
However, he did not speak to them. Instead, he went straight to Abdullah
Abdullah Massoud rhodiola, one of the love Massoud is one of the senior so he's one of the oldest, the seniors and one of the early people who embrace Islam, perhaps he was one of the 10 people himself considered himself one of the four people who embraced Islam. So he was one of the early people embraced Islam in Mecca, who no one would dare confessed to his Islam. He was the first person ever to publicize that citation called Anand Mecca, for which he lost his ear. Because abou Jehan slapped him with a gentle slap of the lovely masala and that he lost his severe this ear or the alert and because of that, of the love of mustard was there and the city. So I will Musashi he
went straight to Abdullah Massoud, he told him he have Abdullah Rama edrick Enos, you better go and catch up before the people are gone. Which means before they go astray, you better go and catch up. He said What's going on? He said I saw people doing so and so in the Muslim. clarify my fault. What did you do? What did you do them? What did you say to them? Color color lashay untethered or he said I said nothing. I did nothing. I was waiting for you. I want to see you what you're going to do.
So even
almost an all day long, Anwar de, he realized there is someone who is more worthy to talk about this issue.
And as you can see, there wasn't that big urgency to immediately interfere. He said, You know what, even though it's wrong, it might be dangerous on the long run. But it's not that urgency to interfere right now, I'd rather have someone else have more authority to do it. So he went out belovedness route. So sometimes it would be very wise and extremely wise for me and you whenever you see something wrong or a mistake, that needs to be corrected, when there is something like this, that we wait on it. And we talk to somebody else say, you know what, when you are not well, you will not hear two brothers in the message, they had this issue. And I hope that you can shout out Allah
talk to them or handle the situation. Or the sisters, you know, we had some incident the other day, if you don't mind, if you could please, you know, talk about this issue, we really appreciate your input on this issue, and so forth and so on. So if you know there is someone else in the community, that is more worthy to talk about it, and they can take charge of this and handle that issue. You better wait until then unless again, there's an urgency that requires from you to talk and make correction, then there is nothing wrong with you taking responsibility and ownership of that issue. There's nothing wrong with that. As long as you do it correctly in Charlotte about a cover data, how
to do that. There's more to come vanilla. We have two more parts in the Learn how to correct people's mistakes and how to deal with people mistakes and shallow data. Next week, we will continue with part two, and then show the week after that we have Part Three Bane Allah azza wa jal, until then, Allah subhana wa Taala help us all, in our effort to correct other people's mistakes. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to give us the ability to ourselves correct our mistakes first, because we are responsible before Allah subhana wa tada first of all our own selves before anybody else. And again, I ask Allah Subhana to make us among those who listen to the speech, and they follow the best
of it, and those who take the knowledge and they put it into action. And they learn that which they want to put into their lives into action, shallow terracotta 100, a lot of galantamine or Solana Vina Mohammed while earlier.
Any questions? Mr.
Let's take one at a time. How far Should I go with my nasiha? How can I give advice to somebody? The question is, how far Should I go to what limit and so on? We're going to cover this in this in this series. inshallah. Next week, and the week after that, I've been the law surgeon for now we just given sitting The,
the foundation and I would say, the foundation for this discussion, you need to observe few things before we go to that level of shallow data for now, I would say, let's say how far you should go with that. It depends on the circumstances. And who is available there, the severity, the urgency, and so on. It depends on that well, but in details, we're gonna cover that later, inshallah next week and the week after, yes.
The question should we bother correct other people who might belong to other sects, let's say, you know, someone who's from the shia sect, for example, the question speaks about someone from the Shia and then making something different. Should you bother and talk to them about it? The answer is, I would say, yes. This is also from the Bible. Now see how when you advise them, you tell them I saw you doing that Why? And then they will tell you well, this is how we do it. And if they're at present at a position to discuss matters in a very academic and very unintelligent way, talk to them. But if you think it's going to create fitna that's not going to lead to anywhere. One of the
one of the principles we're going to learn and shallow to Allah is if correcting a mistake is going to result in creating a bigger fitna bigger mistake. You better hold on to this one first. So it depends on the circumstances not any question. Yes.
and the community use that against the
religious community.
The comment is basically some people are very judgmental, you know, specifically against religious people, whether this is the mom or someone was regular in the masjid or sister Asia we Mashallah and so on. We're very judgmental. And as a matter of fact, we are judgmental because we put them at a very high standard. Because we know ourselves we're not at that level. At least we
assume you're not at that level. So we think that religious people should be at a very higher standard as a matter of fact, what justifies criticism is the gap between where we are and where we're supposed to be. So that's exactly what justifies people's criticism to those people when they think of someone who's religious scholar, Arlen Imam, not a student of knowledge and so on, we put them as a very, very high standard, so that when they make mistakes, they drop down to a lower level. So that creates the gap between where they stand and where we are hoping that they would be so justifies our criticism. That doesn't mean our kitchen, our criticism becomes legit. However,
obviously, there's a statement in the Arabic an Arabic proverb basically says that little island, you dragula have a pub in the little island, you dragula have a pub, which means the mistake of a scholar is followed by the the the drumbeats. Meaning when when Adam makes a mistake, it's basically it makes loud noise.
It's news to everyone. It's not like anyone else. I like for example, anyone and a person who consider himself an average person, they make their own mistakes, whether it's at home at work anywhere they are, and so on. And they'll have their they're happy that they're anonymous, right? So handle a lot of blood. I mean, they're happy. They're anonymous. No one really cares about that. But when it comes to Ireland scholar students of knowledge religious people, we immediately put them a very different standard. And when they make mistakes, again, they will be followed by drumbeats. Music becomes very loud for people to enter here and because it makes news, yes.
How should the youth correct their elders? That's coming next week and the week after that, inshallah? Tada, that's a very good one. Because it's easy for an elders to correct the youth, right? The elders easy can come to you, even if they're not your parents, they come to say, Listen, don't do that. That's, you know, shame on you. You just shouldn't be doing this.
It's very easy for you even to I would say, consider that, yeah, they have an authority so they can exercise that if they want to. You might not accept their authority, though. But you will still, at least they're older than me. But what about the young one who sees an older one making a mistake? How should we handle that? We'll talk about this next week in Charlottetown. And the last question
your second question.
Did I make a mistake I want to clarify now.
This is a big mistake.
Some mistakes from certain people.
lalla. We're not saying I agree with you. I mean that the example. Now we're getting into politics right now, that example. Eventually, when you see a policy, a scholar, a scholar who's justifying atrocities, let's say that's what's going on in Syria, for instance, someone who held at a very high position of knowledge and status, and is justifying the mistakes and the atrocities of the senior regime, for example. Now, that's a very serious matter. However, however, who the who's supposed to speak about his mistakes, and and his justification of all these things, is it an average person or another Ireland to go and basically speak about that any openly, that's the job of the older man.
Because the job of the individual people, they're going to eventually they're going to use bad words and other stuff. They're not going to use the language that is really appropriate to the situation. But the Vela they're definitely gonna gonna say something about and, and hamdulillah. Our ama did not stay quiet about this person. They did not stay quiet. Many of them are even from his own actual circle, they spoke about him. And they just want other people from these grave mistakes. Again, it depends on who takes the lead in fixing and correcting that mistakes. The last question inshallah, yes.
And very good question, which we're going to be answering shall also next week, if someone makes a mistake, and you advise them not to do that, then they keep doing it over and over and over again? What are you going to do about it? What do you have different options, whether to be patient with them and keep advising them? Or if you think that mistake is going to affect you, and you're going to be let's say, feeling liable for their mistakes, you bet and then keep some distance between you and them. Sometimes, you know, taken a very serious and a decision such as Canada boy, Caribbean for some time, so they could realize their mistakes might might help with that. It depends the Prophet
did that and some of the Sahaba decision. Give an example Shall we conclude with that example? And the love and honorable hottub? Are they allowed or not?
One day he passed by someone it was said it was his son and other they say it was just another person he was doing I'll have I'll have is like flicking stones with his finger you know just grabbing some stones and pebbles and just throwing them like this, like spitballs you know guys in the school when you do that. So it's it's it's similar to that it's exactly something similar to that. But what when you flick a stone like this, it could hurt. So I'm the love and armor he passed by this individual. And he saw them do that. He told him he says listen, what sort of law is the law seven says don't do that Carlotta fun, for in tough cold line with extra sun because this might
might actually hurt the eye or break the tooth. So be careful. You might damage someone's eye with this. You can break someone's tooth. So stay away from that practice. And he left Abdullah number he just left them and they went to do whatever he was was doing. Then later on he comes back. He comes back later. And he sees that individual still doing the exact same thing.
And he knew who the person was he was someone perhaps related to him whether as a student or maybe some relative just like I said his son. So he saw that. Carter had digital camera Sula, his sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What
is some handla I'm telling you are Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam saying this is wrong. I'm telling this is Rasulullah saying this is wrong, and you're still doing it. Voila, hello, Colima. cavada You know what, I would never talk to you again. And he left.
So he boycott him basically. Because it's not that it's not just how significant or insignificant that is. As much as I'm telling you, or pseudo law saying this is wrong. And you're just aware of pseudo law that's a big a major, a major sin. So these are something that are really serious even though our maybe our eyes they're considered insignificant, but as you can see, very serious matter, while laudanum sola Nabina Muhammad Siva Salam Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.