Yahya Ibrahim – Live Islam Q & A – 01

Yahya Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The importance of educating men and holding onto the idea of Islam is emphasized in Islam qrows, including the need for mentioning the Prophets during interviews and practicing devotion to others. The importance of honoring the Prophet's teachings and practicing devotion to others is emphasized, as well as the use of Sorbitol and Roslyn as clothing items. The segment also touches on cultural practices and rewarding individuals who have passed away, particularly in regards to clothing.
AI: Transcript ©
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That's a lot of you will send them with that. For those of you who are watching on the live stream we're going to begin our Islam q&a program in shot love which is recorded live for Islam channel in the United Kingdom and across Africa and Europe.

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You won't be able to ask your questions live but you can listen into the answers and I will read the questions you'll be able to hear the dialogue as we go along.

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All right, does that come a lot here from the studio? Yeah, I'm ready to go in the next 30 seconds or so. Allah He better Kiko

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a lot more slowly.

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Come on. so late. Rahim Allah, Allah, Allah

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Cannavaro tala.

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g. Allah more Sanjana.

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Spengler sort of said

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ltot was

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set on wanting more of moto moto valcartier it's your brother. Yeah. Hey, Ibrahim joining you once again, from my home here in Perth, Western Australia, to your homes that happen to be that through the utility of Islam channel, may Allah Subhana Allah continue to use it and all of us for good Allah. I mean, the purpose of this program, of course, for the next hour or so with a little bit of a break in the middle is to receive your Islamic q&a questions and we pray that Allah Subhana Allah guides us to that which is best in this life so that we can receive the best in the app, there are a lot of them. I mean, while I wait for you guys to join me now I know there is always a queue and I

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do apologize for the calls that are not able to be entered by me but there are other opportunities in sha Allah. As we move forward through the week. I wanted to begin in chat law while you think of some of the questions and call in and get in the queue on the importance of preparing for the great season of the ledger. Alhamdulillah we are now nearly closing that Islamic school, the Islamic years calendar. In the month of April, Canada, it's the month where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began to make his movements towards intending the Hajj that he led his oma in Salalah while he was selling and the speciality the specific narration that I wanted to speak to you today about

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as a theme in sha Allah is the importance of the glorification, that adherence and the maintenance of the sooner that tradition of the Prophet Mohammed so I send them those of you who joined me last week we spoke we spoke about holding firmly on to educating men, either a lot and today we want to speak about holding on to Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The first and most important thing is to make sure that we honor him with the Salah, the Sadam the durood upon our interview, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is one of the important HAC. One of the important

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principles that you and I as Muslims, and one of the important deserved rights of the prophets I send them upon is oma in the authentic hadith the prophets I send them segments on the LA Gomorrah sallallahu alayhi, Bihar I shall be the one who makes mention of me in their gerat asking Allah to send his Salaam upon me to send peace upon me to bless me. So Allah, how do you send them and that was in his life while he was alive and more importantly, after his departure, so Lola who I knew he behind, I shut off, Allah sent 10 for the peace that was asked for me upon them. Allah Subhana Allah tells us in the Quran, who led you Sunday and a woman that Quetta Julio for * acuminata

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dramatic in the north, it is Allah who brings his piece down upon you, and he has instructed his angels to ask him to do the same for you or Mohammed, what is the consequence of this Leo horatia coming up Buddha Mati Illa, nor by so doing, Allah removes you from the darkness that surround you in life into the singular light of faith and tawheed and the mission and true purpose of all of us on this world, in this world. So it becomes a very important self gratification, a very important self protection for you and I to prioritize our interview Mohammed sallallahu I knew he was sending an authentic hadith the prophets I seldom said absoluteness the person who is the most stingy

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As the person who is the most tight * the man who is unkind and generous and giving an unloving incapable of love is the one who when I am mentioned in front of them so Lola How do you sell them? Let me also the addict does not send salah and Salaam upon me a lot more sadly, either Mohammed, how important is your Sadat, between you and Allah, that its effect can never be complete, unless you make mention of the prophets I seldom one of the or can one of the major functions of your prayer is to make this on that and the cylinder durood upon the prophets, I send them a solid liberal himedia your solar is never valid, not even janessa so Pamela, the janaza prayer we pray without gurukula

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without to Jude, no bow we know prostration and it's valid. Why because it has the fatty head and it has the sada upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So making your sudo to Allah, missing from your janazah can be possible but missing the mention of rasulillah as I sell them is impossible a lot more suddenly Allah Mohammed Ali Mohammed cameras on later Allah Brahim Wilder early Ibrahim Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Mohammed kemah Baraka Allah Ibrahim Wilder early Ibrahim Delilah Nina in NACA hamidou Majeed, when you love another you make mention of them. And this is how we the people of Islam, the people of sooner have made mention of our interview Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam regularly, it is an impossibility that we do not make mention of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam as regular intervals in our day, turning team asking Allah subhana wa to Allah, turning to Allah asking Allah to send his blessings upon the prophets I seldom, thus enriching ourselves. The second way we hold on to Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that we recognize may yield to him Rasul Allah, Allah commands, the one who obeys the instructions of the messenger is in fact invariably only making their obedience to Allah subpattern want to add, one that cannot be moved, meaning one minute in either of Allah who are sudo who Imran and your Khun

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11 will feel to be embracing, it can never be befitting any male any female believing man believing woman, that when Allah or his messenger has made a decree has given an instruction, something that has been ordered upon the oma through them, that they should have any variance in their heart, any ambiguity as to what they should do. Where you suddenly more Taslima that they submit to it wholeheartedly with love to our Navy, you have metal I sell it. And therefore that second category is that we are from those who take from the prophets I said, we say semir. Now what are we say, let us put our feet where the prophets I send them put his feet, Let us stand where he stood, let us go

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where he came, went let us stop where he stopped on the low end he was saying one of the most complete, beautiful verses in the Quran is the third verse of surah. Either the fifth chapter before an Allah Subhana Allah says to the prophets, I sell them on that fateful day of our offer. When the Prophet made Hajj, Elio Mack managed to like codina On this day, on that day back then 1400 50 or 60 odd years ago, 1400 and more years ago, Allah says, On this day,

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I have completed your religion for you, meaning I have delivered through the messenger so I sell them everything you need to approach me faithfully honorably, in a worship that is accepted by me and pleasing to Me, Subhana who wants to honor? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the one who delivered the message but it's a part of the message. Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to hold on to what he came with is one of the greatest traditions that we have as Muslims. So the first way is to make mention of it to pray for him to ask Allah to send a sola and Salaam upon the prophets Allah by what he was saying. Number two is that we don't have any ambiguity, any

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variance, any contradiction, any restraint, any detesting in our heart to anything that he came with some Allah who it was. Number three, is that we follow his habit and his example and I'm not just speaking about the Arabic clothing that he wore, or to wear, you know, a tire or to, you know, simply make the physical outward movements that were taught to us by him, some Allah or you ascend up. It's not only about wearing headcovering, or a turban for a man, but the suit of the prophets I sell them was not meant to be sequestered in masculinity or maleness alone, the sooner the prophets, I sell them

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as equal and as relevant to our sisters as it is to our brothers, the sooner the prophets I sell them is not simply outward function. It begins in fact inward in the heart in the tradition of the prophets I send them to make the test skia with Dr. Baca photography Abu Dhabi tafawa Delica how you cleanse your clothing meaning cleanse your attitude what people see of you cleanse what people experience of you and the habits that they will see if you have Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the third Wait, we honor our interview, as I said, we show devotion to our Prophet we hold on to his tradition is that we become of those who seek to emulate him in all of his processes

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inwardly, as much though as we seek outwardly. So let me give you some examples of the inward capacities of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a person who was described as being one who was of purity, meaning that his heart was unadulterated, not just in a divine sense as inspired to him by Allah and cleanse for him. But even before Islam came to the prophets, I sell them was not one to hold on to a grudge was not one to hold on to a person until they you know he would squeeze everything out of them to make himself feel comfortable that he received resolution or have gained revenge. We have a number of callers on the phone will

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break our discussion and come back in celebrating Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam our first caller is Santa Monica.

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Santa Monica sister, how can I help

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if you have questions, please. Regarding

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regarding chocolate, they something which is called sorbitol, which is funny chocolate and glycerol. So either okay for us to eat them or not. Does that come off here? Sister? Thank you for asking that question. With regards to sorbitol and glycerin. I am sorry, I don't have an insert to give you live without preparation for it. Forgive me for that. And for my ignorance to this question. My apologies.

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All right.

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Do we have another caller on the line in chat law?

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Said I'm on a cold caller. How can I help you my brother?

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Yes, sister. How can I help you? This is for Santa Monica.

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Salaam Alaikum.

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How can I help you? If you have a question, sister?

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I just spoke to one of your operators. And I told them my question. And she said we will put you through to have to repeat it. Please. It would be great if we could hear it from you directly. I haven't heard it from them yet.

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If you miss something the phone it'll make it easier. Yes, sir. How can I help?

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Yeah, my question.

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I think someone else has gone through now. I just realized I was online. No, go ahead. Sister. What's your question?

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My question is that

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women are allowed to wear bright colored clothes. We are wearing like

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head to toe. And her job. I'll be lunch with like colored clothes for us because it may cause attraction towards the opposite *. Alright, just a couple of here for your question. So so the sisters asking about clothing and colors of the clothing in particular, irrespective of the shape or the cut or the tailoring of it. So it's important to kind of speak with regards to principles rather than the the ingredients of what it is that we see. So for the principles of hijab, and this is something that I do recommend, of course, that you get in contact and read a little bit more in depth and find your comfort levels in that hijab is meant to be something that is borne by men and

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women in their capacities as is related to their *. So the concept of the word hijab means to set a barrier Allah says in sort of heavy wear being at home at a job on the Day of Judgment, Allah will make a hijab or a separation between the hypocrites and those who were righteous. So that's the linguistic word as it's used. As for the conceptualization of it for our Muslim men and our Muslim women, there are certain things that I must restrict from your site, and certain things that we believe is most

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limbs that our sisters must restrict from the sight of men who are not related to them with a level of intimacy in blood relations or through marriage. So what are the layers for that? The first layer is that the clothing that is worn and this is for both men and women should be vast and encompassing the parts of the body that need to be covered as detailed by the shediac. For men, it is for things that are below the navel, and to the towards the knees, which we refer to as the private areas and this region. For women, it is to cover all parts of the body, including from the top of the head down towards the feet, some of that would amount have included the top of the feet, others have not.

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And this is something that covers the transparent parts of the body. Number two, is that the clothing the material should not be see through and this is for men and women, it shouldn't be something that is transparent, it should be okay.

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In that sense, number three is that it should be filtered. Meaning that it is something that is not loose. It's not you know, yoga pants, or halter tops, or things like that, that define the shape of the woman's body or a man's physique. It shouldn't be something that area that should be covered, that it should be something that is so tight that it defines the intimate part that is seeking to be covered. Number four, for our sisters, that the clothing should not be Leber's to show her it shouldn't be something that draws attention on unnecessarily. And therefore I think this is where you're coming out with your question with regards to the color, if it's something that will stand

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out, and it'll put you in a way that you walk into the masjid and in your cultural area in your city in your town. People don't wear that. And it's not that color is just something that is beyond what the Muslim community expect, then it is better not to wear it even if it covers all parts of your body, even if it means the other restrictions. And that's both for men and women, we should not wear something that is outlandish, that makes us outliers and so distinct from the rest of our brothers and sisters, that immediately people's attention is turned to us. Number five from the conditions for the Muslim woman's hijab is that it should not be perfumed to a degree that it sends carries

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past her and away from her body that it would turn people's heads. Number six is that the clothing should not be something that

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that is mimicking the religious attire of other faith communities. So for example, the habit of nuns Catholic nuns, they they adorn themselves in black and white, but it's a very particular order that they wear or Mother Teresa's particular style of clothing. A Muslim woman cannot dress exactly the way the order of nuns for Mother Teresa dress, because that's sec religious for them. It's something that they may take offense of us, why are we mocking them and, and so on. So it's inappropriate. And finally of the conditions is that the clothing and that's for men and women as well, is that it should not be the clothing worn specifically by a person of the opposite gender. So for example, the

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red and white cloak that Saudi men wear Saudi men wear it in the desert in Saudi Arabia, they wear the red and white checkered thing, it's not appropriate for a sister to veil herself. When she goes to head when she goes to her mama, Allah opened the path with that same pattern, because that is known as distinctly Arabic male clothing should not be worn therefore by a female as it causes that confusion. So those are the kinds of criteria and same although I'm wearing a Juba in front of you today, I can't wear a bow or a Muslim woman's borka or a cell that's cut and looks like a Muslim woman even though it will cover my body that would be considered inappropriate and unacceptable

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under the tenants of our show. Yeah, hopefully that answers your question and chudleigh sister. We have another caller said Imani come How can I help you?

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to question your brother

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part of the Quran as

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close to the

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parents or somebody

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how is it presented to them?

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day and night after we planned for way after?

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Okay, I'm looking for your questions. My brother's The first question relates to a concept called eastlawn to Scilab. Can we deliver reward to somebody other than ourselves and that

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A map from the very early days of Islam very, very early days have had disputes scholarly dispute over this discussion. Now there are two distinct camps. Both of them have their evidence. In fact, both of them use the same evidence, but understand it from a different vantage point in a different capacity. So 111 group looks at the concept of izalith the web as or Can I, can I share my reward with others? They say, if somebody was alive today, and they're alive and well, and I donated money in their name, is that something that is acceptable? And many of their own? A Matt would say, Yes, because it's generosity on your behalf. And you're, you know, you're sharing it on your behalf. And

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there should be no restriction for that. In the same concept, they say, well, what's the difference if the person has passed away, that I also had the same intention out of my love for them, that I asked a lot I may do up to a lot to share to pass on some of that reward. The other group, of course, they counter and they say the Hadith of the prophets I send them says, when the as it narratively my Muslim either matter and ignore them. When a human being passes away. His reward is cut, except for three things when doing soil if he had to do that a righteous son daughter who makes the right for them after they passed away. Sunday afternoon jatiya, a charity that continues to earn

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them reward that they instituted they gave anyone you encounter with knowledge that they left behind for people to use, may Allah make us of use to people above them. I mean, the first group responds to them, and says, yes, those are the actions that that person can no longer do anything because they're no longer there, but others can do on their behalf. And their evidence is that never, never in the sooner with the prophets I seldom ever recorded by anyone to have been asked, Can they do something on behalf of a deceased person? Except he said yes. Or when it was? No, he made clear why. So when somebody asks about prayer, the Prophet says, No, you can't pray on their behalf. But can I

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fast on behalf of my mother who passed away? Yes. Can I make Hajj on behalf of somebody who has passed away? Yes. Can I pay the debts of somebody who has passed away? Yes. Can I can I? Can I the Prophet would say yes, yes. So the first group they took it that anything that Prophet was asked, he would say yes, our ELLs, he would show that it was no, and those were very few instances. So those who believe that you can ask Allah, to share the reward with someone who has passed away have their evidence, and the other side also have their evidence. And I asked you in sha Allah, to follow what you believe, is closer to the truth in this regard, research it and read for it and connect with

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your local aroma, a little bit more about it. As for the second question is their day and night for those who have passed away? Allah speaks to us about the punishment of the grave of fear around and his people and sort of Lacan, Allah says, and now do your honor buena, Allah will do well, we're actually here. Well, Matt Taku Tahoma sir, and he will elephant I wanna I should tell her that Allah says about the people of Pharaoh, that they are brought into Hellfire into a pit of Hellfire as a part of their punishment of the grave. We'll do one last year in the day and in the evening. And then on the Day of Judgment, Allah says well meta Formosa when the day of judgment will come enter

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them into the punishment agenda will continue in chat along with the other callers When we returned from our break with Santa Monica water from LA he will go on cat.

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Zach, come on low fat. For those of you who are watching, live and chat while on my social media streams on Facebook and YouTube. We'll be continuing after a three minute break in sha Allah with a q&a if you do want to ask the q&a. Go to Islam channel.tv forward slash live you can type in your questions in sha Allah. You can also make the phone call and come live on air which is the way to get on and ask your questions with me in the coming few moments in the dialogue. I hope that you've enjoyed this session so far, and that you can continue with me there after insha Allah. I'll break our transmission and then rejoin with you a little bit later with cemani wonderful Matala on a cat

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