Wasim Kempson – Tafsir Series – Al-Baqarah [28-16]
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The transcript discusses the benefits of protecting one's Islam, including a seal or cover, and the deception of Islam. It uses a hypothetical example of the Mona Lisa and discusses the potential outcomes of false accusations and false accusations on one's body. The speakers emphasize the importance of belief and the need for people to trust its power. The use of shaming and shaming in media outlets is discussed, and the potential consequences of false accusations and false false accusations on one's bodies are discussed.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa Salatu was Salam ala I should have an MBA you will see you will mousseline Nabina Muhammad Anwar Allah early he was a happy woman surah Allah semi Li You know, yo Medina bad.
So continuing with the active seer,
from the aid of Surah Al Baqarah.
There was just one remaining part that we didn't touch on the previous lesson and that is in verse number seven.
Where Allah subhanaw taala began the verse by seeing how to my Allahu Allah Kuru be him or Allah seminary him wherever Saudi Himalaya shower well whom either Boon Alvim
that Allah subhanaw taala has placed a seal on the hearts and upon the eyes and placed a covering over the eyes of the disbelievers well whom either Boon nauseam and that they will have a painful torment.
It is here that we we didn't really discuss, although it is very brief.
So Allah subhanaw taala says regarding the disbelievers and there are two verses concerning concerning the disbelievers here
well whom and they will have either Boon Alvine
other any punishment but Alvine if Allah subhanaw taala says something is LVM that does something beyond really what we could imagine.
And this other one LVM is available Nord is the punishment of the Hellfire.
And there is nothing greater than the punishment that that one would find in the hellfire.
So there's a number of benefits that we can take
from these two verses, I'm gonna mention a couple here now inshallah to Allah.
Number one
if Allah subhanaw taala either decrees that a person will be to be punished in the hereafter nothing can change that
Allah subhanaw taala tells us in
Surah two unis
in verse number 96, and 97, that Allah subhanaw taala says in the meaning, indeed those in which that the word has been established by your Lord upon them, that they will not believe
and that even if every miracle or every sign came to them,
that they would not believe
that the punishment punishment then would come upon them.
Also from the benefits that we can take
from this area, is that there are different ways that a person can be guided, the guidance will be will reach a person and that is it that they can hear something
or they may see something.
So, here Allah subhanaw taala says that, when that there is a seal or covering placed over the hearing or their eyes, this is because this is a different, these are different ways that a person may be guided.
So if a person hears something, they may hear the aid of Allah, they may hear lecture, they may hear anything, which may guide them.
And likewise a person may see something or see something, they may see the miraculous or the miracles of the creation that also Panatela has placed for us.
Also, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in this area, that there is a promise for a punishment of those who disbelieve in Allah subhanaw taala.
Now we did touch on it briefly briefly last time,
that when Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he is he has sealed the hearts of people caught them Allahu Allah Kulu be him.
Is there a reason
behind their hearts being sealed? or them being misguided? Or is it just a test from Allah subhanaw taala these people will be misguided and we are to take some form of
trial from that. We will say that there is a reason that there is a reason for their misguidance and Allah subhanaw taala mentions in two places the first one in Surah almeyda.
In verse number 13.
When Allah subhanaw taala says, says Fatima luckily him Martha or from the unknown nanomol Niccolo boom Cassia
that Allah subhanaw taala says that due to the breaking of the agreement, that they will
First, and we made their hearts hardened.
So because of their breaking of a covenant with Allah subhanaw taala their hearts were made heart.
And also in Surah, two SFX And verse number five, Allah Subhana Allah says philam Mirza, who,
that when they went astray Allah subhanaw taala cause their hearts to then go astray.
So there is a reason for their misguidance
the next verse in Surah Al Baqarah, Allah subhanaw taala then goes on to describe the Monarch 15. And we did speak a little bit about the monarch Filipina hypocrites and a little bit about
their presence in in Medina. But it was just something remaining from the previous verse.
So now Allah subhanaw taala talks about the monarchial teen talks about the hypocrites
and Allah subhanaw taala says in verse number eight Wamena Nursey may Kulu Iman Billa he will be Leo mill, Hedy wema, whom be more meaning
that And of mankind that they will say, we believe in Allah and the Last Day while in fact that they do not believe
some of them will first see rune
going back to ignite bursts or the Allahu and Huma, he said that this reverse to the hypocrites among us and has allege
for there are those who behaved as they did.
And this is how other from the tabular in described this area, that they were from some people who say, we believe and we believe in the last day.
But Allah subhanaw taala says that they are not believers.
So after Allah subhanaw taala, describing the believers very clearly and describing the disbelievers very clearly here Allah subhanaw taala goes to great lengths to describe luminosity Akun
so that the believers would not be deceived by their outer appearance for saving the believers from their great evil. Otherwise you might find that the believers that they will fall into and be affected by the dangers of the motor vehicle.
So here it is Allah subhanaw taala telling us Wamena nests there are from some people, this min is literally a debate some of the people so some of the people that they will say not all people some of them will say men below we believe in Allah, we believe
we believe in Allah and we believe in the last day. This is something that is said by their tongues. Because they are Munna, Falcone, they do not believe this in their hearts.
So here Allah Subhan Allah is telling that the hypocrites uttered these statements only when they meet you
know because they actually believe what they are saying.
But because they want to hide their disbelief in front of the
And Allah subhanaw taala mentions in Surah talamona Koon
and this is chapter 63 of the Quran in verse number one Allah subhanaw taala says, either Jaya or Kel Munna for your own
call Luna shadow in Naka rasool Allah wala Who ya allah mo in Naka La La su wala who yeah shadow in and Mona Filipina Luca the moon.
And when the hypocrites hypocrites come to you, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam and they say, We bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of Allah.
And Did Allah knows that you are the Messenger of Allah. And Allah bears witness, that the hypocrites are indeed liars.
So there will be people who will declare their faith will declare this statement, however, that they are not believers.
what do we take from this we take from this that it is not sufficient for a person just to say something for them to be from the meaning it of sufficient to say
we are believers, just by one's tongue or by one statement, rather, the presence of heart the certainty that one finds in the believers that what they are saying there was a big difference the believers, they say we believe and that they have that belief in their heart as well. And that is what will benefit them. However, the monarch wound that they will make that statement
but they do not have faith in their hearts. So not everything, not necessarily everything that a person states will benefit to them
the next verse that Allah subhanaw taala mentions and this is now in verse number nine
where Allah subhanaw taala says again, further explaining the hypocrites, you have their own Allah, one Latina
woman, the owner,
for Sir whom woman yesterday Oh Arun.
He Allah subhanaw taala says that they try, they deceive, they try to deceive Allah subhanaw taala and those who believe
but in actual fact,
they only deceived themselves.
But they do not or that they are not aware.
So, their attempt
in deceiving Allah subhanaw taala how is this, they tried to deceive Allah subhanaw taala by showing that Islam openly and covering their cover, they tried to deceive Allah, as a human being tries to deceive another believer
or one person to the next, by showing you one side, and then hiding other things. So they believe, just as they deal with a human being,
that I can act in a certain way in front of you and I will hide certain feeling feelings towards you. They can deceive you like this.
They try to deceive Allah subhanaw taala. Similarly, by showing their belief outwardly, while concealing disbelief.
They think by doing this, that they will mislead Allah subhanaw taala or that the statements that they utter will help them when they meet Allah subhanaw taala they will say to Allah, is it another day of judgment? We believed, and we made this statement. This was only said for some worldly benefit.
So he Allah subhanaw taala refutes their statement by saying well, you are their own foster home, that they only deceived themselves.
When is your own and that they do not perceive? They don't understand really what they are doing. Because if they knew, then they wouldn't do that.
Allah subhanaw taala also mentions in Surah Tony set in verse 142, where Allah subhanaw taala says in Nimona if you're clean or you heard your own Allah wha hoo ha, they were really the hypocrites try to deceive Allah but it is he subhanaw taala who deceives them.
Now this
which, if you think about it is not something praiseworthy. If somebody tries to deceive you, then therefore I will deceive you back. You would say well, two wrongs don't make a right.
You would say that if someone tried to cheat you so cheat them back. Someone wronged you, so you wronged them back, you'd say well, both are wrong.
It is very important. It's very important that we do not
make an example of similitude between that what the Mona 14, that they do to Allah subhanaw taala and what Allah azza wa jal does to them, that they are not the same.
So therefore, Allah Subhan, this characteristic, the cifre or this attribute of Allah azza wa jal is that something which is something always with Allah subhanaw taala it always does to the people, we say no, this is only done when people try to do this to Allah azza wa jal
Allah subhanaw taala and of course, how Allah azza wa jal deceives them is not how that we will try Oh and one Africa will try to deceive Allah subhanaw taala
like all the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala we do not make a human example to them.
So, we take from this area,
the plot or the plotting and the planning of the Moana for your team, and they occur and that they are people of planning and that they are people of plotting and deception. Because, imagine that they tried to deceive Allah subhanaw taala and if one tries to deceive Allah subhanaw taala or Bula mean, then everybody else will come easily.
This is why Allah subhanaw taala told us in Surah tel moda for your goon in verse number four, who will do that they are an enemy
So beware of them.
So Allah subhanaw taala dis described the
Mona 15 in great detail so that we are aware of them and that we don't get affected by them.
Now how are we to know a Mona? How are you to know a hypocrite? We may know them by their statements and we may know them by their actions.
They were things which will go against each other which will clearly show the hypocrisy. Their actions will show the hypocrisy.
Either they showed that they love Islam, we would deem that they love Islam, they love the deen. However, their actions and their statements go against that. And at times when you feel and you see them in different settings, you see them with different people, you see them behaving quite differently
then Allah subhanaw taala
he says concerning the moon I feel keen ficolo Be him model
that in their hearts is a disease for the Humala whom Allah and Allah has increased the disease. Well, who mother born early moonbeam, New York reborn
and a painful torment is theirs, because they used to tell lies.
So this mob which translates in English as a disease, what is the what is the nature of this disease?
Many of the early movers Cyril and they said that this model is adult
that in their hearts are doubts. So Allah subhanaw taala increased them in doubts.
Now this is not a physical disease, but rather there's a metaphorical disease that will be in their hearts.
Then Allah subhanaw taala tells us again concerning the mafia, just like the kuffar who opened with the disbelief, that they will have a painful torment, whether whom other Boone Aleem
Bhima, New York the moon and he Allah subhanaw taala
describes or tells us by that what they used to tell lies about
Al Khatib because they used to tell lies.
And the morning if you're born, that they have certain characteristics, that they lie and that they deny the unseen.
So we take a look at again, a few benefits from this area.
And that is that a human being or any one person, either lemmya kula, who at Berlin, l Huck.
And if a person doesn't find themselves moving towards or interested towards the truth,
then they have an illness in their heart.
And a person finds that towards Moncure and towards evil, that they find they're attracted to it. Again, you find that that person has some illness in their heart.
Only when they find that they see haram, and that they feel repelled by it, and that they see evil, and that it cannot stand it. This is a sign of a healthy heart.
Also, allow C one for so that, you know since evil,
that it has levels, there's levels of evil, and that there are levels of monka that they can go up and they can go down.
Why do we say that? Allah subhanaw taala and it says people who beat him up, that there is in their hearts a disease fuzzer the Humala humara so Allah subhanaw taala increase them in the doubts, are they evil or they're mooncup so it can it can become more
and wonder if it can have an element of NIFA which is more than another person.
And also Allah subhanaw taala promises as they were either she did the severe punishment that is awaiting the Mona
The next verse, Allah subhanaw taala says and these two verses they go together
in verse number 11, and 12, where Allah subhanaw taala says we're either the law whom lead to see to fill out the call who in an enormously hone
in know whom whom will move Sedona work in rune
and when it is said to them, learn to see do feel,
that do not
make corruption on the earth
do not make mischief upon the earth.
They reply in NEMA and anonymously when they say rather we are only the peacemakers
Allah Subhan Allah Allah says Allah in no humble humble and we'll see you soon, that indeed it is them, the mischief and the evildoers. However, they do not perceive
whatever the law whom so when it is said to them, and it could be anyone doesn't specify any one person what either kilo, whom, when it is said to them, learn to see do fill up, do not make mischief upon the earth.
And what is mischief upon the earth
and that is a human being will go upon the earth, build my house with sin,
just as Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah, two room in verse number 41
Whoa, hold on for a third will fill up the world Baha Bhima Cassia. But he didn't notice that for said evil, what facade is evil mischief wrongdoing has appeared on the earth and on the CB Marcus about alienness by what the hands of people have earned.
Leo the Gohan bubbeleh, the AMI Lulu Allahu Myat de Roon.
So that this evil has appeared on Earth that the people would taste and be affected by that what they did,
by that the actions that they have done in the hope that they will return.
So mankind they will do for said they will do some wrongdoings and that they will be affected by that wrongdoing. So when it comes back to them, there is the hope that they will return to Allah subhanaw taala.
So the meaning verhaal Fussa do or not the
lawyer to see to fill up with a pita Lola to see do fit of when they said to them Do not make corruption on the earth?
What is the meaning of the earth here? Does it mean the Earth itself that what you're walking upon? Or does it mean? The people it's the earth that what you're walking or the people
it can be both? i How will a person make corruption on the earth, that they will destroy the Earth itself. They will destroy the earth, not talking about the people
that they will
abuse the bobcat that they will abuse, abuse, the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to them on this earth.
And likewise,
Alfred, who are here to make mischief will make evil against the people themselves.
Just as the munaf yakun that they did at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that they went to
the hood and to the moon, the moose raccoon as well. The idol worshippers to bring them together, okay to fight against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So when it is said to them,
because the believer is able to distinguish between that what is right and that what is wrong. And when you can see people that they are openly
committing mischief
that they openly doing wrongdoing and you say to them, let off see don't
don't do that wrongdoing against those people against this earth. They reply by saying, wait a minute, we're just the peacekeepers were peacemakers. And they give themselves a number of different names
just to
portray themselves as something legitimate.
these names, tags, whatever Institute's that they come under, doesn't legitimize themselves. Rather if there is for certain there was more code and there is evil
that that will stand for itself
and wrong, cannot be made right. Just by chain
During the name,
alcohol for example, Commodus Kumar, if you change its name, you put it in nice packaging, okay? It doesn't make it good. It doesn't make it beneficial for you. It's still haram and it's still wrong.
So the nature of the mafia con is that when it is said to them,
Do not create mischief on the earth. That they will reply that No, were peacemakers Allah Subhana Allah says, Allah in the home home will move soon. Indeed they are the evil to us. They are the Mischief Makers, but they do not perceive
that they don't realize
the types of Moon car or the mischief that the monarchy wound that they will commit, even God robbery Rahim Allah Allah says that the hypocrites commit mischief on Earth by disobeying the Lord on it, and continuing in the prohibited acts. They also abandon what Allah azza wa jal made obligatory and doubt his religion,
even though he does not accept a deed from anyone except with faith in his religion and certainty,
from anyone
does not accept any more certainty than its truth. The hypocrites also lie to the believers by saying contrary to the doubt and hesitation that hearts Harbor, they give as much aid as they can against Allah's loyal friends, and support those who do not who deny Allah azza wa jal, his books and his messengers. This is how the hypocrites commit commit mischief on earth while thinking that they are doing righteous work on earth.
Now the mafia Coen Brothers Sisters
rightly so as Allah subhanaw taala and the lowest pits of the Hellfire.
Why, because they believe that they take advantage of what they see as a sanctity or safe place.
That they will portray themselves as Muslims
and amongst the Muslims, that they will behave like Muslims, but amongst their own people, amongst their own,
away from the believers, that they will have a completely different way.
Allah subhanaw taala
he warns us from
such people and for the believer to be aware of their characteristics is very important.
Because if we are unaware of the their behaviors and who they are, then we may we may be by effect, we may be affected by them,
or deceived by them.
Allah subhanaw taala then further goes on to explain the characteristics.
What either the Elohim meaning will come, man and nurse and one of the said to them, believers, the people have believed, all who are not mean who can master for her Shall we believe, just as those fools have believed?
In know whom whom was so for her work? Moon, verily they are the fools, but they do not know.
So here Allah subhanaw taala is exploding, explaining now how they will reply how they will reply, when it is said to them to believe
that decide to believe.
Now, when you say to a person
don't create mischief. Don't you know don't do evil deeds on Earth. They believe that's up for debate. They say, No, no, no, we're good to us. We're righteous people. What they're doing is wrong.
And they tried to hide it by saying in nama anonymously when they tried to hide it by saying where peacekeepers are peacemakers, how of what it is said to them. I
come on. As believers, the people who have believed the Muslims, the believers believe as they have believed,
the real Cofer
what they are hiding will appear.
And they will say, shall we believe just as those fools have believed?
Shall we believe just as the believers have believed in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the resurrection after death, the Jenner the hellfire,
obeying Allah, obeying His Messenger,
listening to the commandments, avoiding the prohibitions. You want us to believe all of that you want to believe us? believe we should
Hello those fools who believe in all of this.
Allah subhanaw taala says Allah in no home Homosassa
that indeed
they are the fools
while a killer yeah Allah moon,
but they do not known since they're so thoroughly ignorant. The hypocrites are unaware of the degree of deviation and ignorance and such situation is more dangerous and severe Okay? Severe than blindness and further from the truth and the one who is aware.
Then Allah Subhana Allah says
in the next verse
in fact before go to the next verse, there's some more to say he actually
the munafo Goons reply in that note, meno comma m and a sofa, that shall we believe in just as the sofa the tools that they have believed, should we believe just like those silly Muslims have believed what they what they follow.
This is the approach of the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala
that they will try to mock and demonize the believers in any way that they can.
For this reason,
even though at the even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam.
They used to make similar statements and previous messengers,
for example, in Surah verde ERT in verse number 52.
Allah subhanaw taala says, Kedah likoma Attila vena cava de Mille was Huling el Callooh. Sir Hi Ron Oh Majnoon,
unlike us that there was not a time that came before you from the times before you
that from the messengers except that they would say to him or say regarding them, that he is a magician, or that he is insane.
However, the believer recognizes as Allah Subhan Allah, Allah says in Surah Furqan, in verse number 31, worker Furby are bigger herdy, and one Osceola. And that you should be sufficient with your Lord as the one who guides and gives victory.
So even though the disbelievers and the munafo and whatever
propaganda, whatever they come with,
for in Allah subhanaw taala will guide whom He wills
and that Allah subhanaw taala will overcome the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala
that, if those individuals who believe that they will take on and go against Allah subhanaw taala the One who created them, the one who sustains them, the one who gave them life will take their life the one who gives victory,
that miskeen creation believes that they will take and that they believe somehow that they will defeat Allah subhanaw taala will defeat the believers they will defeat the ones who truly follow Allah subhanaw taala then these people are truly a misguided people. They are so deep in their misguidance they actually believe that what they are doing is of benefit to them
then the next verse, which is the last verse that we'll take today inshallah
or the next couple of verses maybe, and that is in verse though verses 14 and and 15.
What Allah subhanaw taala says, or either local lady in mono call men will either Hello Alicia LTE him call in Malcolm in, no mosta has he own
Allahu yester? Has he obey him while you would do him if he thought we need him? Yeah, no hon.
And when they meet those who believe they say we believe,
but when they are alone with the shayateen
and Shayateen may come in the form of human beings and may come in the form of gins that they will say to them truly we are with you
that we were just mocking.
So this is the two phased approach that the more Norfolk that he will have.
That when they are with the believers, they say we believe we have Iman just like you we believe just like you
but when they sit with their Shayateen that with the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala
that what they are hiding, then it appears that there's no reason for them to hide behind the Islam, there's no need to hide it now, you can just remove it, that false Islam that they are carrying around and that they can say with their Shayateen in America, that we are with you
and Allah subhanaw taala has told us in Surah Al Anon, as I mentioned to you just a few seconds ago about the shayateen that they do come in the form of men and also jinn.
When Allah subhanaw taala says in the meaning and when So, we have appointed for every prophet enemies Shayateen among mankind and jinn, inspiring one another with adorn speech, as a delusion by way of deception.
they say all in
they say we are truly we are with you
in NEMA and no Mr. HeZI own Verily, We were but mocking meaning we only mock the believers and we deceive them.
So when they would the believers they have this state and when they go to their shelter and they say no, no, we were just joking with them. We're just messing around with them actually. You know, actually believe what we are saying. Don't believe what we are saying when we are with the Muslims.
Allah Who yesterday as it will be him.
Why am I doing he told me him Yama Han. Allah mocks them and leaves them increasing in their deviation to wonder blindly.
So Allah subhanaw taala tells us about these people.
as they try to mock Allah subhanaw taala will mock them.
Again we do not understand the way that they either Munna goon, they mock the believers. This is not how Allah subhanaw taala does that and it is only done to them as they tried to mock Allah subhanaw taala in the way that is befitting to His Majesty
so Allah subhanaw taala says why you must do him if he told me Ernie him Yama Hoon. So Allah subhanaw taala mocks them and leaves them increasing in their deviation, wondering blindly
ie that Allah subhanaw taala will give them respite.
Allah subhanaw taala allow them to remain
so that they will be punished in the future
that they will be left in their misguidance and they will be left in their disbelief that is encompassed them, causing them to be confused and unable unable to find a way out of it.
This is because Allah azza wa jal has stumped their hearts and sealed them and blinded their vision and that they do not recognize the guidance or are they able to find a way out of their deviation
so Allah subhanaw taala allows them to remain
so that they will increase in the market
and that they will accumulate more
and as they accumulate more than they will receive a greater punishment
in the hereafter.
So we'll take some benefits from this idea and he will stop in Charlotte Taylor.
When it is said will either local Latina or mono Carlo men.
When it is that they are with the believers and they say
set to the blues to believe in that they say they yes we believe they only say that whole family and what meaning they say that out of fear of the believers.
So when they are sitting with the Muslims, they say yes, we believe and we are with you because they fear the believers. They just want to say that just to make them happy. And then when they are with
the disbelievers in the shayateen. They say no, no, we just you know just mucking around we didn't meaning out of fear of them as well.
So you find that they are not here and not that they are there. They're between two states trying to get the best of both.
Also we take from the AI that Allah subhanaw taala may delay the punishment of certain people on this earth so that they receive a greater punishment in the in the hereafter
and here we're gonna stop in Charlotte to IRA
or maybe you can take one more I actually because he Allah subhanaw taala finishes off really talking about the modality of clean before he goes on to subhanaw taala talking about the example that is given to them. So maybe we'll take one more
is verse number 16 where Allah subhanaw taala says hola Ecole de iniciar our boiler letter Bill Huda
firmer Robbie had deja Allah to whom Wanaka Numata Deen
that these people Allah subhanaw taala tells us that they have purchased Bala misguidance over guidance.
And that they're
under their purchase, that the dealings that they done, were of no benefit to them at all. And that they were not guided people
who like Ken Levine after our boiler letter Bill Hooda. These are those who are purchased error with guidance that they exchanged misguidance for guidance.
This could include people who believed at one time and gave that up, and then took a path of Miss guidance.
And this also includes those who prefer deviation over guidance when it was presented to them.
So that trade did not succeed, did not succeed. It was no no it was of no benefit to them.
And so they're the transaction that they made, was profitless was of no benefit to them.
cortada Rahim Allah Allah said, commenting on the verse, so the commerce or the transaction was Prophet Listen, that they were not guided by Allah have seen them leaving guidance for deviation and leaving the Jama for the sects, these groups leaving safety for fear and leaving the Sunnah for innovation.
And then Allah subhanaw taala
which will do in the following class and Charlo Taylor halides will give us an example of the one of those who disbelieved.
So just to recap,
Allah subhanaw taala and these verses,
speaks about some of the attributes of the Mona of your code.
And it's important for us to ponder over these yet
and ponder over them carefully.
Where Allah subhanaw taala says from people that they will say that they believe in Allah on the last day, but they do not under they are not believers.
They will proclaim faith, they will proclaim, proclaim knowledge,
proclaim authority,
but they have none. They have no iman, they have no knowledge. They have no authority,
that they try to deceive Allah.
And they tried to deceive the beliefs.
But in the end, they only deceived themselves.
That in their hearts is a disease, a disease of doubt, a disease of evil. And Allah subhanaw taala increases that disease in their hearts. So over a period of time, that person will become worse. So they may start off with
a Jehle person, ignorant person, over a period of time becomes more brazen in what they talk about. So they talk about more important issues, as though they were an authority as though they are an authority
that they will mock.
They will mock the believers. And the topic of NIFA Allah subhanaw taala mentions as he mentioned in our previous lesson is not just isolated to this place in the Quran, but his Omen also mentioned in surah to tilbyr
and also in surah. To know
there are different places Allah subhanaw taala mentions in Surah to the hijab,
how the mafia Kuhn how they behave, and we must take all of this and understand it
and then learn from it.
The attributes because there will be people who will speak on behalf of Islam. There will be those who are given a platform
to speak on behalf of Islam, however, that they have no iman
they have no knowledge and they have no authority
that at times How brazen they are that they will openly come and that they will mock the deen
they will proclaim themselves to be muslims they will say La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasool Allah and they will say that I have this qualification and I have that qualification. Yet at the same time in the same sentence in the same city that they will mock the deen of Allah azza wa jal they will mock the hijab,
they will mock the hijab, even though they will state this is what who I am and they will be given titles.
These titles which have no Pima these titles which have no value in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala even though this worldly life that they may have produced some work, and they have been given the the letter D or D or before thy name, however, this will only serve to increase their punishment in the hereafter.
Because they were given that opportunity maybe to study correctly.
And that they were given the opportunity to talk about Islam with using its evidences. However, statements like mocking the hijab, and when I say mocking the hijab,
it is outright mocking, making fun of that what Allah subhanaw taala revealed for the believing women to wear
Allah subhanaw taala revealed for the women to wear the hijab to adorn themselves like this, that the Sahaba to the Omaha to meaning the Mothers of the Believers used to dress in this way. And then you find a person centuries later that they will he will come after she will come after and that they will make mockery of that.
And that they will use names like beanbags.
This is the mockery, that they will increase in their misguidance. But Allah subhanaw taala allows them to continue. Allah subhanaw taala will allow them to have that spotlight
so that in the hereafter. If they make no Toba then they will indeed have either a limb that they will have a severe and painful punishment.
So we always ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from Norfolk.
He always asked Allah subhanaw taala to protect you from misguidance you always ask Allah subhanaw taala in your Salah, out of your Salah in your morning of car and your evening of car to ask Allah azza wa jal to keep you firm to keep you guided to keep you away from fitna, because we are in days of fitna in times where no one knows who to listen to what to listen to,
who to go to, who not to go to what to read, what not to read, the truth is now false and the false is now true.
They will know at least in our lifetimes, as you know that some of the things that we we witness, there are no better example in when somebody says to you that falsehood has now become truth and truth has become falsehood, just because of the media machine that exists. And that something that is
undeniable that the sky is blue, however, because of the amount of information and false information that's thrown at that people then begin to doubt that that maybe your eyes tricking you or maybe there was a certain glare that makes it look like that but actually it's not really blue
many things maybe it's because that when you have tea or coffee in the morning you think that the sky is blue
and then people start to believe that
even know truth is truth and it is that clear.
That when you find
people they talk about the deen of Allah subhanaw taala without in knowledge
and that you're unable to determine that what is false and that what is truth from tabula rasa, just wait for the hour.
Wait for the times. And it is very important that the believer is always asking the Lord jello Allah to show him to show her that what is true, so that they can hold on to that and that what is false so that they can avoid it, because of a time comes to that person that are unable to determine that what is right and that what is wrong. Maybe then that they will take a path which is displeasing to Allah azza wa jal and they meet Allah subhanaw taala and Allah
Jelena Allah is not pleased with them.
So Constantly you are engaged, communicating with Allah Subhana Allah to guide you to the straight path May Allah guide us to the straight path or SallAllahu Sallam what kind of you know Muhammad while early he was a vegetarian or Solomonic