Wasim Kempson – In the Light of the Sahaabah – Episode 5 – Never Belittle an Action

Wasim Kempson
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The importance of pursuing a charity in a busy time is emphasized, along with the stories of past experiences such as Rune Orion's passing and Leah Houma's sales of water. The speaker also discusses the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam and the importance of setting up a charity for oneself or others. The history of the Prophet's ownership of water and deeds is also discussed, along with the creation of a bank account in Saudi Arabia and the use of deeds to increase reward. The importance of setting up a continuous charity for oneself or other people is emphasized.

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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Brothers and sisters and welcome to a new episode of In the light of the Sahaba. And with us today,
inshallah to Allah and this episode is the great companion, affirm or the Allahu anhu has an
illustrious lifespan Allah bless his life. We of course cannot talk about the whole of his life, but
what we will do is in Charlotte Taylor is choose one incident, which shows the great standing and
the great blessings that Allah subhanaw taala gave to this great companion, and companion whom is
known as rune Orion, the possessor of the two lights. Because as we know that Earth man or the
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			Allahu anhu on on different occasions, that he married two daughters of the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet Mohammed Elisa Salim said that if I had a third
daughter, I would have married her to you, as we know that both Leah and I'm karasuma rhodiola Juan
Houma. They both passed away during the life of Earth man or the Aloha. And now as we all know,
brothers and sisters, before we get into the story, what are the most important actions that we
should try to focus on in our lives are those actions that will continue after we pass away, so
panela the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in the sound, Hadith, the all the deeds of
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			the sons and daughters of Adam, they will come to an end when they pass away, except for three. The
first one is a sadaqa jariya and that is a continuous charity. The second one is a knowledge that
people will benefit from. And thirdly is a pious child that will make dua for them. But it is the
continuous charity that I want to focus on in shallow Thailand. Now, there are many ways for us to
instill or set up continuous charity in is that serpin Allah when you pass away and you're buried,
your account, inshallah to Allah will still be filled with good deeds, that what you have set up and
this is one of the most beneficial and the best things that you can do for any beloved ones who have
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			passed away, that you can set up a charity in their name and inshallah to Allah, they will receive a
great reward on your multi Amma forgot the good deeds thing or the good practice that you set up for
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			And there was a time during the life of the prophet Elijah said I'm doing the Madani period, that
there was some sort of what you might say a drought. And the existence of fresh water in Medina was
not like Mecca. Mecca of course had the well of Zamzam and Mashallah water was readily available.
However, in Medina, it was not quite the same, and there were very few wills. In fact, the very best
well, was owned by an individual who's to charge extortionate amounts of money to use the water. The
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever purchases beard rumor, the wealth of rumor, which
is the name of course, it was known by inshallah to Allah will have a great reward would have a
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			place in the paradise, Earth man or the Allahu anhu, I saw this as a golden opportunity to look for
some hate to look for some good. And as of course, as Muslims, we take those golden opportunities as
well, we don't let them pass them, we don't let them pass us by sort of man that are the Allahu
anhu, he went to the owner of the world. And he said to him, allow me to purchase this well, the
individual knew very well, that the people had a great need for this world. And he made lots of
profit by selling the water. He said, I will not sell the well to you, sort of man are the Allahu
anhu, he offered a very high price, maybe four times the worth of that particular well, however, the
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			individual he refused, Earth man or the Allahu Akbar was a very smart target. He was a very smart
businessman. So he said, allow me to purchase a 50% share in the will. They're only thought about
it. Because it was such a high price. He agreed. So now we'll have to relate with might have an
iPhone or the allaahu. And he now owned a 50% share in the will. So how does one share a well, the
agreement was that one day would be for us man didn't offend rhodiola when he could use the well as
he wished. And then the day after that, the other owner could use the world as he wished, and that
they would take alternate days sharing the water
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			or the man or the Allahu anhu agreed immediately that whoever wanted water from the well on his day,
they could have it for absolutely no price at all, it would be free. So panela What a great deed.
The man or the Allahu I know did he that at that time. Unfortunately, the individual who owned the
other share on his day, nobody purchased any water. On the day of Earth man, people will take double
the amount of water and on the next day, there will be no customers for the individual. Now it was
not the intention of this man or the Allahu Akbar to harm the individual in any way. But
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			Rather with Amanda radi Allahu anhu weighed up things. And he said that I want to benefit the
masses, because there was a drought and I want people to have access to the water.
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			So after a while, the individual became helpless and said, I will sell my share of the well to you,
but only for a very, very high price. So as Manoj radi Allahu anhu he agreed to the price, and he
purchased the full share of the well, and then dedicated it for free use for anyone who wanted to
use it. So panela Now, did this man are the Allahu anhu? Did he know or did he think what this would
become? For sure he did not.
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			After a short while one of the companions said, Oh, man, allow me to purchase this well from you. He
said I will not sell it. Again, people wanted to buy the well from Earth man knowing the promise
that the Prophet sallallahu ellefson had given for those who had purchased the world and gave it to
the people, however, one or the other, and he refused to sell the will. And he gave it as an
endowment as a work in Arabic as a free use for all of the Muslims. Now after the death of Earth man
or the Allahu and hamdulillah the world, it was still had water and people were still benefiting
benefiting from it. It was sweet, pure water. The whole affair of the leaders of the Muslims of the
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			times, especially the mermaids, they began to preserve the will. So the land that was around the
well was sectioned off. And then some day trees, they were planted around the area and the well that
was used or the water from the well that was used to irrigate the date trees these day trees were
then given as a charity so Pinilla then, when these dates were sold, more land was purchased. So
this one action of purchasing the will lead to the ownership now over hamdulillah a large section of
land around the world. And Alhamdulillah people then wanted to make sure that the benefits still
remained for Earth man as a continuous charity. So a vast date plantation was actually built
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			until now Subhan Allah into our day now, this date plant this, well is still in use Subhana Allah,
but how it has been set up is as follows. A bank account was actually set up and until this day,
now, there was a bank account in Saudi Arabia, okay, there is a bank account in the name of Earth
management firm the endowments of risk management are found that all the Allahu anhu and any of the
profits that were made by selling the dates, it goes back into this bank account. Now this bank
account is then looked at every year, and all the money that is made, goes to two things. One half
of it goes to looking after the poor, the needy, and the widows of Almudena Subhanallah and the
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			other half, after a particular amount of time after a good amount of money was made. A piece of land
was purchased right next to mustard and never we and the hotel was built in the name of earthman
dibner. affirm, what are the Allahu and, and any profits made from the land and the hotel goes back
into the pot, it goes back into the account of a firm and again is distributed amongst the poor
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			did earthman or the Allahu Akbar think that this purchase of this one will then expand and blossom
into the purchase of this date plantation and a hotel and all the profits would go back to looking
after the poor, the needy the widow is and many other people who are in need in the Medina of the
Prophet salallahu Addison, he did not think of that. But a person who has a sincere intention, a
person who has sincerity to work towards a loss of penalty Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah can increase
that deed, increase that reward to something that we would never imagine. For this reason, we
remember the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			runnability matter officiate that do not belittle any form of good that a person may do for Allah
subhanaw taala can increase that good beyond our imagination. My dear brothers and sisters, an
opportunity that comes our way to set up a continuous charity for ourselves or for our beloved ones
is something that we should all aspire and work to do. When we are in our graves sapan Allah, we
will be in need of good deeds when we face a loss of penalty Allah on The Omen pm we will be in need
of so many more deeds that maybe I'm short of. So setting up something like this will be of great
benefit to us inshallah, to Allah and a benefit to our beloved ones. This is a Deen a religion of
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			such blessings and mercy. And the fact that one individual may do one small action that Allah
subhanaw taala can place blessings in that and unusual tm when you meet Allah subhanaw taala you
meet Allah azza wa jal with mountains of reward. It is very important for us number
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			Want to remain sincere and to work on this important issue of sadaqa jariya of setting up a good
charity, a continuous charity, if it comes in the form of purchasing land or weld, or buying and
setting up trees or date plantation, whatever that is, if a person does something for the sake of
Allah subhanaw taala, Allah azza wa jal will increase something beyond our imagination. I asked a
loss of penalty allows us to understand the importance of setting up a subsequent injury, a
continuous charity, and they ask a loss penalty, it allows us to benefit from the stories of the
great companions. This is just one example. Imagine that all the Allahu and there are many other
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			companions who did small deeds, but a lot of penalty Allah allow them to become so much greater and
bigger than they ever thought. The study of the lives of the companions, my dear brothers and
sisters, is extremely important, not only because we want to raise our Eman, but we want to
implement their actions in our lives. Because Where did they get that guidance from? They got it
from our beloved Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he is our goodwill, and he is our guide, and
the one who ultimately we truly follow. So the one who follows a loss of penalty in the Quran, and
what He commands us and probe is from and likewise following the son of the Prophet and SLM will be
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			successful in life, this life and also in the hereafter. I asked a lot of penalties except from us
all, a lot of them I mean, barakallahu li walakum wa salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.