Waseem Hendricks – The Significance Of The Month Of Rajab
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The conversation covers the holy month of Islam, its significance, and its impact on personal experiences. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and embracing reality in Islam, as well as the importance of small small actions to make a difference. The segment also touches on upcoming events and promotions for Islam, including planting seeds, showing proper behavior, and seeing faith in Islam.
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Such a small act of kindness can give
us high darajat in Jannah.
Allah allow us always to have that muhabba
for one another insha'Allah.
That love the true brotherhood insha'Allah.
As Allah ta'ala teach us in the
Qur'an who we are.
Innamal mu'minuna ikhwah.
That we are believers who are one brotherhood,
And may nobody be able to separate us
from one another insha'Allah ta'ala.
As Allah ta'ala says, وَعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ
جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا Hold on tight to the
rope of Allah.
And do not divide among yourself.
Because divide means conquer.
And we saw it throughout life.
Now what do we see?
People are looking at one another differently.
This morning I had, subhanAllah, such a beautiful
And I need to share this with the
We are in the masjid here today.
Number one windy way, alhamdulillah.
And I went, subhanAllah, alhamdulillah.
One of my children starting his journey to
memorize the Qur'an.
So I went in, why?
Because there was some miscommunication.
Where they are still sending me that my
child is not in school.
And I felt that I need to go
and just rectify this.
Because we have sent our email, alhamdulillah.
We have received the transfer letter and all
But they are still sending us messages.
And I thought I am going to make
this right.
But look how Allah works.
As I came into the office and I
present myself.
And I greeted them well.
And the lady tell me, this is actually
very strange for me.
Is it permissible for me to speak to
They think that they can't speak to us.
How ajeeb, subhanAllah.
And she said, I am asking you this
because I feel comfortable speaking to you.
The way that you greeted me is so
nice now.
I said, well, all human beings should be
like that.
Very simple, I didn't speak about Islam first.
But she asked me eventually, is this what
Islam is about?
I said, this is Islam.
Islam is for all of us to live
in harmony.
This is the reason I am here.
I explained to her my reason, subhanAllah.
And then you know what come out?
She said, which mosque are you at?
I said, I am the imam of the
panorama mosque here in number one, Wendy Way.
She said, oh my gosh.
That was my house.
I lived in that house.
It was my parents' house.
My father was a doctor.
I said, subhanAllah, is it?
She said, can I ask you a question?
I would so much love to come to
this house.
Just because it's going to remind me of
my childhood.
She was so excited.
She told me, there was three rooms in
the front.
I said, yes, here where we are sitting
now, there was three rooms.
The biggest room was her room.
It was on the corner there where our
elders, mashallah, beautifully sit today, alhamdulillah.
That was her room.
And she was so proud.
And I said, that is now a place
of worship.
People pray there.
She started, became teary.
She said, my father's house is now becoming
a place of worship for people.
Can you tell me more about your religion?
Allahu akbar.
This is how Allah ta'ala works.
Ahbab al-kiram.
Our character.
It is very important.
And this was how people perceived and saw
the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
They did not know him.
But because of his ways that he expressed
himself, his communication with them, he smiled at
Just the way that he walked.
Just the way that he moved.
Everything about him.
They did not know him, but they said,
we want to be like him.
That is who we supposed to be.
And we are in a month where there
is great significance.
As the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he
mentioned that Rajab shahrullah.
Rajab is the month of Allah.
La ilaha illallah jamaatul muslimin.
Do we understand what the messenger salallahu alayhi
wa sallam is trying to tell us?
He is telling us that this is a
great month and Allah ta'ala says in
the Qur'an, بَعْدَ أَوْذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ
الرَّجِيمِ إِنَّ عِدَّةَ الشُّهُورِ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ إِثْنَى عَشْرَ
شَهْرًا فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ يَوْمَ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَةِ وَالْأَرْضَ
مِنْهَا أَرْبَعَةٌ حُرُمٌ There are four of these
months that are very sacred.
ذَلِكَ الدِّينُ الْقِيِّمُ This is an established religion.
This is the true religion of Allah ta
فَلَا تَظْلِمُوا فِيهِنَّ أَنفُسَكُمْ Do not wrong yourselves
in these months.
Allah ta'ala is warning us, جَمَعْتُ المُسْلِمُ
وَلَا تَظْلِمُوا إِذَا نَهِيْ Don't do this.
This is such a sacred month that Allah
felt that Allah must remind us.
Can we imagine in the time of Jahiliyyah?
Since the beginning of time, those who never
believed in a god, they understood the veracity
and the greatness of this month.
They would never fight in this month.
They would never harm one another in this
Why is this a sacred month?
It's called Rajab Mudar.
All the other months is consecutively.
The month of Dhul Qa'dah, Dhul Hijjah, and
These are the other three sacred months.
But in Rajab standing individual, it's also called
Rajab Al-Fard.
The month which is separated from the others.
But why Rajab Mudar?
Because there came such an arrogant nation, such
an arrogant nation, called the Quraysh.
And they felt that they want to violate
the law of Allah.
So what we are going to do, we
are going to shift the months.
We are now going to say, it's not
Rajab now.
Let's rather say it is Rabi'ul Awwal,
or Rabi'ul Akhir.
And they would choose which month they would
want it to be.
Because we want to fight in this month.
There is a case that we want to
deal with, so we will change the times.
But there was one particular tribe, the tribe
of Mudar.
That's why the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ calls this
Rajab Mudar.
Why did he say Rajab Mudar?
Then the Sahaba would understand that this will
be the 7th month of the Islamic calendar.
Why the 7th month is Rajab?
So Rasul ﷺ will indicate to the Sahaba,
that these were the only tribe that kept
the months intact.
That they would not change whether the Quraysh
went bonkers to change the months.
They would stick to the month, the 12
months, lunar months of the year.
So Rasul ﷺ will indicate to them, Mudar.
So they will understand, now this is the
7th month, this is Rajab now.
This is a significant month.
This is Shahrullah, this is the month of
Allah Ta'ala.
Jama'atul Muslimin, this month is so great.
That Allah Ta'ala attached His name to
this month.
This is the month that we call the
month of Istighfar and Tawbah.
When did this month start?
Subhanallah, can we imagine this year, Allah Ta
'ala taught us as believers a lesson.
Every year we might have been in a
festive mode.
The 31st of December.
Allah, Allah.
I bought my kit.
My kit cost me almost 10,000 rand.
10,000 rand I bought my kit, my
cap with my umbrella, with my flag.
Brr, brr, brr, brr.
Long street off, wide street on.
All the years I've been doing this.
But this year was different.
Why was it different?
Because the 31st of December that night, the
moon was sighted for Rajab.
And many, many, not all, Allah Ta'ala
has softened the hearts of those who might
have been oblivious all the years of this.
But this year it was mentioned, and they
felt, no, no, no.
Ya Allah, I can't.
Not this time.
It's the beginning of Rajab.
This is a time when Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam has mentioned it's a time of tawbah
and istighfar.
And our predecessors, pious predecessors, they took note
of this, and they had a dua that
they would recite throughout the month of Rajab.
It will be in the mornings, it will
be in the evenings, it will be throughout
the day.
And what is the dua?
They would say, رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَاتُوبَ
عَلَيْي They
would say, O Allah, the Lord of the
worlds, forgive me, Ya Rabb.
Your messengers Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the one that
you love, say that this is the month
of istighfar.
What was the dua that Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam made at the beginning of Rajab?
When that moon was sighted?
اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لِنَا فِي رَجَبْ وَشَعْبَانِ وَبَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَانِ
The excitement came into the hearts of the
messengers Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in the hearts of
the sahaba.
Ramadan is upon us.
The dua has been made by our leader,
our mentor, Uswatun Hasanah, the best of examples.
Now is the time to focus.
It's the month of Allah, He says, Let
me direct my entire being to my Rabb,
Allah Ta'ala, and seek forgiveness from Him.
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي O my Lord, forgive me.
Every action that we do of good, يُضَعِفْ
لَهُمُ الْحَسَنَاتِ It is being multiplied, your good
actions for you.
And the understanding of this multiplication of good
actions, it is also the opposite effect of
Every wrong that we do are going to
be multiplied.
So what do we do?
We put on our focus hats.
I need to focus.
I want my Lord to forgive me.
I want to gain the month of Ramadan
free from error and sin.
آمين يا رب العالمين So they focused, and
they sought forgiveness.
And they say, وَارْحَمْنِ O Allah have mercy,
because if your Lord and my Lord is
not gonna have mercy upon you and I,
we know who we are.
We know who we are inside.
We know what is the good part, and
we know what is the rotten part of
Because all of us, none of us can
say, we are like Muhammad s.a.w.
We are not perfect beings.
This is a great significant month.
Rasulullah s.a.w. tell us, one of
the greatest significance of this month is to
seek forgiveness from Allah.
The 31st of December, did we go on
like *?
If I did, it's not time, it is
time now to seek forgiveness and tawbah from
How can I spend 10,000, 20,000
Riyal on a kit when my brother and
sister is dying in Palestine?
لَحَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ Where is our
أَيْنَ الْأُمَّةُ الْإِسْلَامِ Where is the ummah of
the believers?
When one part of the limb of the
body is hurt, the entire body starts feeling
a fever.
Do we not feel that fever?
There is a ceasefire.
You see what I'm doing?
Mashallah, there is a ceasefire now.
Agreement between Hamas and, you know, Allah Akbar,
I don't even want to mention, the illegitimate
state of Israel.
There is now a ceasefire.
Alhamdulillah for our brothers and sisters.
But let us not fool ourselves.
This is only political moves for them.
It means nothing for them.
Does this mean that all the hundreds and
thousands of people and millions of people that
have been killed, now the ceasefire is saying,
okay, everything is okay, it's not okay.
We will not stop.
We will mention Palestine, Palestine, Gaza, every day
of our lives.
We will not stop.
Our martyrs are alive.
Allah Ta'ala says, بَلْ هُمْ يُزَّقُونَ Allah
is sustaining them wherever they are in their
They are examples to us.
They are heroes to us.
We stand up for them.
We will not be silenced by just saying
there is a ceasefire.
We still need to see.
Allahu Akbar.
Alhamdulillah, they've lost long time ago.
Allah promised.
In Allah's promise, فَإِنَّ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقَّ They
will never ever beat us.
We are Muslim, we are mu'min, we believe
in Allah.
What greater deen and religion can there be?
So where do we find us now?
In a sacred month.
What should we do?
Seek forgiveness.
Seek He Jalla Jalaluhu's mercy.
Crying to Him for help to take us
out of this hole that we find ourselves
We find ourselves as a minority in the
But, يا سلام جماعة المسلمين We have the
deen of Islam with us.
We have the Lord of the worlds.
إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعْنَا This is not mere words.
This means something to us, that our Lord
stands with us.
He is telling us, I, Allah, I'm with
Don't worry.
Everything that's happening around you, that is my
And whose test is there now?
The test for the Palestinians?
جماعة المسلمين, the test is not for the
The test is for us.
What are we going to do?
They are our heroes.
But it's our test.
What are we gonna do?
To assist and to aid and to do
something at least.
How do we find believers still supporting the
Zionist regimes?
We're drinking Coke as if it's a...
Subhanallah, I don't know what to say.
We have no shame to drive with our
cars and our kids and our whole family
into McDonald's.
The elephants that mammoths.
Mammoths came, huge elephants came.
And they came and they wanted to destroy
the Kaaba.
And Allah says, أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رُبُّكَ
بِأَصْحَابِ الْفِيلِ أَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ وَأَرْسَلَ
عَلَيْهِمْ How did Allah destroy such a huge
Was it big weaponry that came?
Men that was like...
Like the pyramids?
Small little birds.
With a pebble in their mouth.
How small can a pebble be?
Allahu Akbar and it was dropped from a
certain distance.
And when that little pebble fell onto the
body and touched the body of the disbelievers,
those who wanted to challenge Allah, the entire
body ruptured.
Split it into pieces.
That Allah Ta'ala ordered for a wind
to come and to remove them from the
holy lands.
Do we think that Allah Ta'ala desires
from us to have weaponry and power?
What is our power?
الدعاءُ مُخُّ الْعِبَادَةِ Our dua' it is mukhul
It is the essence of worship.
It is that connection that we will have
with Allah Ta'ala.
But how can we have a connection if
we don't seek Allah Ta'ala's forgiveness for
our shortcomings and our sins.
Sometimes we ask, why is Allah not answering
my duas?
We are not making enough istighfar and tawbah.
For indeed istighfar will bring us wealth.
Health is wealth.
Money is wealth.
Our family being in a good state.
Everything that is going good, that is wealth
that Allah is giving us.
Make istighfar.
Allahu Akbar.
Allah Ta'ala will help the ummah just
through istighfar.
We are not making enough tawbah and istighfar.
And then we say, رَبِّ إِغْفِرْ لِي وَرْحَمْنِي
We ask Allah's forgiveness and then we must
make tawbah.
It is not just merely saying, astaghfirullah.
It is showing true remorse to our Creator
Jalla Jalaluhu.
How do we feel when we violate the
law of Allah?
Is it just to say, astaghfirullah.
Ya astaghfirullah.
Okay, Allah is ghafoorur raheem.
He forgives me.
La ilaha illallah.
At least present yourself in front of your
Go and fall onto your knees and say,
Oh Allah, I think I'm the weakest of
your slaves.
I cannot believe that I violated the law
of Allah.
How can I still live?
But you still show mercy and kindness to
I'm still breathing and all my limbs are
Ya Rabb, please forgive me.
I promise Ya Rabb, I will never do
this again.
I'm going to try my best to be
a good servant of You, Ya Allah.
This is how we cry to our maker.
This is the significance of this month that
Allah is giving us.
It is His month Jalla Jalaluhu fi ula.
It is a month that Allah Ta'ala
separated purposefully from the other months to make
us aware.
And many things transpired in this month.
The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam's parents
got married in the month of Rajab.
He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was conceived in
the month of Rajab.
Our master, Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
does this not mean something to us?
We love him so much.
We know so much about him sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam.
It holds great significance.
And then, something great transpired in this month.
It is the journey of al-Isra wal
Me and you worshipping today.
It came from this month.
With the gift of the salah has been
handed over to the best of Allah's creation.
When he was in a state of depression,
when Allah removed his beloved ones from him
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
When he felt that there was no one
for him.
When Allah Ta'ala kept wahi from him
for a certain amount of time, that he
felt that Allah has forsaken him.
Up until Allah Ta'ala revealed, وَالضُّحَىٰ وَاللَّيْلِ
إِذَا سَجَىٰ مَا وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّكَ وَمَا قَلَىٰ When
you feel that the world is crumbling down
upon you.
Everyone is against you.
Just remember these verses.
It will bring comfort to your heart.
It will bring comfort to your soul.
مَا وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّكَ وَمَا قَلَىٰ Your Lord will
never forsake you.
All my brothers and sisters in Islam, when
Allah tells us this, does it not bring
comfort to our hearts?
It means something to us as believers.
It means something to Rasulullah ﷺ.
And Allah Ta'ala through this took him
on a journey, صلى الله عليه وسلم.
A journey of al-Isra, which many things
happened, and inshaAllah Ta'ala it will be
next week.
Is it next week Sunday?
Next week.
The 26th inshaAllah Ta'ala.
I think the 26th of January.
Am I right?
The 26th.
It will be the 26th.
Because Alhamdulillah, as we've heard, نِفَيَهَا أَسِئِيَا أَسْتَرَجَعَ
So we know mashaAllah the dates.
It's easy to calculate.
The 26th night inshaAllah will be, the 27th
night will be Sunday, the 26th inshaAllah Ta
So we will come and we will listen
to this beautiful history, what transpired.
And we will remind ourselves as a community
And we will be rejuvenated after that.
And we promise from today onwards inshaAllah, from
this moment onwards, we will never neglect our
salah again.
Jama'at al-Muslimin, Ameen.
We will face challenges.
We will.
But at least in our hearts, the weakest
form that we can do is to make
Right now.
Because we must change it first with our
physical being.
I need to do something about it.
If I can't, I need to ask and
speak about it.
If I can't then, in my heart at
least, I must remorse and feel, Ya Allah,
I fear to speak to a human.
He is my boss.
But if I'm going to ask him for
dua, I don't know what he's going to
tell me.
We fear the creation instead of the creator.
So we have a weakness, so we ask
Allah, Ya Allah, soften his heart.
Don't even let me ask him, let he
ask me.
خَجَرَنِي بَطِي This is how it happened in
the past.
My teacher, Honorable Ustaz Mahmood Brinkhuis, he told
me this happened to his father, Uncle Ismail
Brinkhuis, Tabaghi.
But he went and he told the boss
that I need to leave for Juma'ah.
And the boss said, يَيْسَىٰ الْفَيْكَ أَمَلِيْ أَنَسْ
فَيْكَا نُكُمُ الْزَيْخَانِ He said, okay then, خَجَرَنِي
بَطِي And دَرِكَتَ دَا وَتِسْوَى نِسْكَيْنِي This was
our eldest.
He said, why are you like this?
You are the foreman, you're supposed to lead
by example.
So he said, that's exactly what I'm doing.
I'm leading by example.
أَلَمُتْ مَسِيْتُ خَنْ But if you don't want
me to go to mosque, get your other
My Lord Creator will look after me.
The boss was a Jew.
He was a Jew.
He was so impressed with this man standing
in front who's not an alim of deen.
He's got not a lot of knowledge about
But he had sincerity in his heart.
And he worshipped Allah and true tawakkul was
in his heart for Allah.
That that man then decided that all of
the Muslims must go to pray.
And what was his words?
اِكْدُنْكَسْ أُمْدَتْ جَيْبَتْ تَسْيُكُمْ مَعْزُوبَ بَرَكَةٍ Blessings in
my business is.
Imagine a Jew tell you as a Muslim
This is the impact that we can have
on society.
But we don't use it.
Allah grant us strength.
Like our forefathers had strength.
They did not fear anything but Allah.
Know when we say, وَلَمْ يَخْشَىٰ إِلَّا اللَّهُ
وَلَمْ يَخْشَىٰ إِلَّا اللَّهُ Say it loudly.
وَلَمْ يَخْشَىٰ إِلَّا اللَّهُ That is us, that
is the believers.
We don't fear no one but Allah.
We need to get that back.
We need to install that within our lives
and within the lives of our kids.
This is a significant month where we can
make a difference.
Speak to our Lord Allah.
Seek forgiveness from Him.
And what is coming after this is a
beautiful month.
The Prophet ﷺ say, وَشَعْبَان شَهْرِي And the
month of Sha'ban is coming.
As we make istighfar, and we make tawbah,
and we seek the mercy of Allah, when
that month of Sha'ban arise, we're gonna
And we're gonna say, اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ
وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ We're gonna send salutations upon
And Allah will remove our worry from us
and Allah will forgive us.
I mean all about forgiveness.
Allah is preparing us for something that is
What is coming?
شَهْرُ رَمَضَان The Prophet ﷺ says what?
شَهْرُ أُمَّتِ It is your month and my
Allah wants us to enter into this month
in a pure state, in a mind frame
that is completely connected to our Lord Allah
and to Muhammad ﷺ.
For us to take full benefit of this
month, reciting the Qur'an.
Where are we starting?
This is the month of preparations.
As we know that the saying goes that
Rajab is planting of the seeds.
We are planting seeds.
In sha Allah, in Sha'ban, we are
going to water that seeds.
And bi-idhnillah in Ramadan, we are going
to reap the benefits of that.
جَمَعَةُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ Let us wake up, ya ummah
Take back your positions.
You are Muslim.
We are mu'min.
We are believers in Allah.
Who can we fear if we have Allah
with us?
We are connected to the Creator, not the
Those who are connected to the creation, they
are trying to instill fear in our hearts.
No, they are not going to get it
May Allah accept.
Ameen, ya Rabb.
Beautiful month, جَمَعَةُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ Increase in saying, رَبِّ
اغْفِرْ لِي وَارْحَمْنِي وَتُوبَ عَلَيْهِ O Allah, forgive
O Allah, have mercy upon me.
O Allah, accept our tawbah.
InshaAllah ta'ala if Allah accept that.
You know, we have so many people that
went for umrah, and came back from umrah
Allah has wiped out all their sins.
We have opportunity, upon opportunity, upon opportunity to
do that as well.
We beseech Allah to forgive us, and to
accept our tawbah, and to show His mercy
upon us.
But let us connect in this month.
Remember we are brothers and sisters of one
Look out for who's struggling.
Umar r.a, he roamed the streets of
Medina at night.
Not for his own benefit.
He had stones attached to his own stomach.
But he wanted to see that everybody else
are settled first, before Umar can take anything.
Before a morsel can go past Umar's lips.
Concern for the next person.
Let us have concern for one another.
It should bug me at night when I
go to sleep.
Ya Rabb, I'm going to go to sleep.
Is there a brother or a sister that
he's not having, that he's struggling, that don't
have a blanket, that don't have a roof
over their head?
Ya Allah, steer me in direction, that I
can be one of assistance for that person.
Doesn't need to be thousand people.
Take one person that comes along, and nobody
needs to know.
You do that little actions of good.
Look at our pious predecessors.
My beloved teacher, Mufti Mawlana Muhammad Taha Karan,
when he passed away, we could not believe
what he has done for society.
Where did this man get the time?
We would drive into a garage to fill
up our tanks.
And the people would see us, and they
would say, do you know such and such
a person?
Mufti, Mawlana.
They called him, he didn't get to tell
the people he was Mawlana Taha Karan.
Can you believe it?
Like we call them the hobos, the homeless
They would say, can you say for towa?
Because he told them, because towa.
They said, towa is for us to help,
where are the people?
Where are they?
He said, they are not here.
So are they going to leave us alone?
That man used to drive at night around
to try to find somebody to help.
This is the sunnah of your beloved and
my beloved, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Concern for everyone.
Allah allow us to have that same himmah,
you know that concern and worry that you
have for everyone.
Allah allow us to adopt that as well
We will see a different world, wallahi.
We can have an effect on one person
and it will have a ripple effect.
Everybody else will get to know the beauty
of Islam through small actions.
We don't need to do big things.
InshaAllah may Allah allow us to do big
things inshaAllah.
But it's the small things that matters.
It makes a difference inshaAllah.
Nobody will be able to complain the day
of qiyamah and say, ya Allah, I couldn't
do anything.
Make a person happy just by smiling.
We don't understand what a smile can do
to the next person.
Allah accept us inshaAllah.
Barakallahu feekum.
Allah accept our Rajab.
Allah allow us to enter into the month
of Sha'ban.
And Allah allow us to reach the month
of Ramadan.
Allah allow us to reach the month of
Allah allow us to reach the month of
Ramadan inshaAllah.
I love you all for the sake of
Everything that was said was meant with good
Let us just listen to the message inshaAllah
And inshaAllah ta'ala let us be close
And let us speak to one another in
good words and good faith inshaAllah.
To assist everyone to see the beauty of
It can start here.
With you and I.
We can hear in the small place called
Or wherever we find ourselves.
We can do something small.
But inshaAllah hundred years from now people will
speak about us.
Like we speak about our predecessors today.
Let us not be lost in the link
of a legacy.
Let us be part of that legacy inshaAllah.
Allah bless you all inshaAllah.
There is just a few announcements inshaAllah ta
One announcement is that immediately after our Jummah
Salah inshaAllah ta'ala.
We will have before the sunnah.
Immediately after the Jummah because people need to
InshaAllah we will have Salatul Janazah.
On our beloved brother, father, uncle and friend
of some inshaAllah ta'ala of many.
May Allah ta'ala grant him Jannatul Firdaus.
Put us here at Solomon inshaAllah ta'ala.
And then, Jama'atul Muslimin, I wasn't here
but I heard some comments with regards to
Allahu Akbar.
The talk that we've heard today.
I don't think I need to say anything.
Let us be considerate Ya Rabb.
Let us not let us...
A parking can spoil us from entering Jannah.
Do we know that?
We know the prostitute.
We know what transpired, what happened.
Small action.
Small action can take us to * as
Let it not be a parking that will
take us to *.
There are slips that will be put onto
your car.
Don't hate and say, When you see that
pink slip on your car, say, Alhamdulillah, Astaghfirullah,
I did something wrong.
I'm going to acknowledge my fault.
I'm not going to swear at the person
that put it there.
It was our fault.
I did wrong.
So acknowledge that wrong inshaAllah.
But let us not do it again.
Let us try to park properly.
I saw mashaAllah today, May Allah accept.
We had traffic officers that was here.
They came.
So if you're going to have a fat
ticket today, Say, Alhamdulillah for the ticket.
Make shukr that it was only 5,000
Riyal and not 10,000 Riyal.
Allah accept.
Wallahi, we are Muslim.
We need to lead by example.
Small actions like we spoke about, can make
a difference inshaAllah.
We have the janazah we mentioned.
Request for dua of shifa for little Maria.
Maria, granddaughter of Ashraf and Nadia Jacobs.
You know, a little girl that needs duas.
One ameen today can mean Allah's acceptance.
So inshaAllah, may Allah grant her complete shifa,
shifa and kamila min kulli da.
Ameen, ya rabbal alameen.
And then our Ghazza demonstration like we've mentioned.
We will never stop talking.
Never stop protesting inshaAllah ta'ala.
It will be after the janazah salah today.
On the corner of Aish Qarikhah and Platakuf
Road inshaAllah ta'ala.
And then we congratulate our matriculants, mashaAllah.
SubhanAllah, Islam once again on top.
Top student in South Africa.
He made us proud.
How did he present himself?
With a Palestinian scarf.
Representing Muslim.
Feeling proud.
Not worrying about what people are going to
Yes, I'm the top student.
But also, my brothers and my sisters, I
must remind you about that.
Allah bless him for his courage.
Allah accept him in the future inshaAllah.
And Allah grant him all his heart's desires
which is good for him.
And a good profession for him to make
a difference.
InshaAllah, ameen, ya rabbal alameen.
We have a youth da'wah workshop that
is happening the 25th of January inshaAllah ta
At 4.45 till 7.30. Youth da
Let our youngsters be involved in da'wah
inshaAllah ta'ala.
Contact the administration of Arwahush Shabab inshaAllah ta
We have great speakers that will be on
the panel that day.
Mawlana Khalil Hendrix, Mawlana Yahya Mahdi, Sheikh Mohammed
West, Mawlana myself inshaAllah ta'ala.
And there will be also a da'wah
group that will join us on the day
inshaAllah ta'ala.
Then we have our females colour picnic meet
and greet inshaAllah Arwahush Shabab.
Let our boys and girls meet Arwahush Shabab
That will take place this Sunday the 19th
of January inshaAllah ta'ala.
From 10 o'clock till 1.30. Send
your daughters bi'idhnillahi tabaraka wa ta'ala.
Let them come and represent the ummah.
It will be from the ages of 13
and 28.
And then we have our males also inshaAllah.
Ages 13 to 28.
On the 19th as well from 1.30
inshaAllah ta'ala.
They will also have a meet and greet
at the masjid.
So send your children inshaAllah.
This is where they are in a safe
and beautiful environment.
Where we can have an impact on their
lives inshaAllah for them.
We don't know, some of our kids might
be lost.
And just be coming to the masjid and
coming to this organisation.
Where everything change for them and they see
Allah ta'ala's pleasure in front of them.
And they will work towards it inshaAllah ta
Barakallahu feekum, jazakumullahu khayran.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
All the posters are on the doors if
you need any information.
Salamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.
Come to prayer.
Come to success.
Come to success.
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
There is no god but Allah.
Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings upon
the Prophet.
O you who have believed, send blessings upon
Send blessings upon him and give him peace.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
Come to prayer.
Come to prayer.
Come to success.
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.
There is no god but Allah.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
Come to prayer.
Come to success.