Adnan Rajeh – Dealing with Turbulence of Time 3

Adnan Rajeh
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The concept of turbulence and how it can affect one's life is discussed, including the book "The hadith" which focuses on specific aspects of the story and the importance of seeking refuge in the face of difficult situations. The "one's fitna" meaning everyone can collectively see the events happening in the town of town, but everyone can see the visible events. The "one's fitna" hidden, meaning everyone wants to seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen
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			Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barak ala nabiyyina
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			wa habibina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi
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			ajma'in wa ba'd Yarwi al-imamu muslimun
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			fi sahihihi an zayri ibn thabit radiyallahu anhu
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			qal Qala al-nabiyyu sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi
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			wa sallam The hadith tonight, collection Imam Muslim,
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			narrated by zayri ibn thabit radiyallahu anhu And
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			the theme of dealing with turbulence or fitna
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			or fitan is what I'm going to be
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			covering over the next couple of weeks until
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			we start talking about the Ramadan prep which
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			will happen probably sometime early February Actually, we're
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			running out of time It's only a couple
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			of weeks left, subhanAllah Seven weeks and then
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			we'll be talking It'll literally be Ramadan, subhanAllah
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			How time flies It'll be our fourth Ramadan,
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			by the way, in this masjid Imagine that,
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			four Ramadans It's almost the same amount of
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			time I spent at LMM during Ramadan, four
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			years Anyways, this concept of fitan, turbulence is
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			the reason that I'm talking to you about
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			And I want you to maybe even take
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			interest in this and go and look In
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			all the books of hadith, you'll find that
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			there's a chapter of fitan And usually, the
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			context for these chapters are talking about specific
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			aspects of Armageddon or the apocalypse or what's
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			going to happen in the future or what
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			happened at some point in our past the
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			future of the Prophet alayhi sallallahu alayhi wa
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			sallam So these hadith become very contextual and
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			we lack the ability to actually learn things
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			from them And that was my experience with
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			them growing up and going to university even
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			and learning and studying them was always very,
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			like this is something that I didn't get
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			that personal effect from them So I'm trying
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			to maybe narrate them for you with the
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			intention of maybe giving you a little bit
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			of a different angle on them so that
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			you can benefit from them And this is
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			what he said alayhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			in this hadith So
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			two things The first thing he said here
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			alayhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is seek refuge,
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			and this is the point really seek refuge
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			in Allah from turbulence, from difficulties meaning when
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			you are facing something that's difficult you're facing
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			a fitna, a musibah, a hardship, a misfortune
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			something that's making it difficult for you to
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			get through your day something that's weighing on
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			you, a burden that you're carrying you seek
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			refuge in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala you
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			turn to Allah, he's the one who's going
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			to save you from this he's the one
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			who's going to help you deal with it
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			that has to be the reflex meaning the
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			reflex feeling when I'm in a fitna is
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			I turn to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			if that's not the reflex feeling then there's
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			something wrong and look how he adds the
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			things that are apparent that people see and
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			the problems that no one sees how many
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			people are sitting here right now who are
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			dealing with musibah, who are dealing with a
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			fitna that is heavy, that is sitting on
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			his chest that is burdening his day that's
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			on his shoulders, that's on his mind and
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			they can't get rid of it, and it's
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			tiring them and it's making it hard for
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			them to live and they have to put
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			on a front how many people are like
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the Prophet alayhi
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			sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches the sahaba, you
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			turn to Allah for that seek refuge in
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			Allah from these problems Allah will strengthen you,
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			will help you will allow you to move
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			along will get you to the position where
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			you're capable of getting through them this is
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			what we're supposed to see as this is
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			the Islamic equation for it so the Prophet
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			alayhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not just
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			talking about what's going to come later and
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			the sahaba problems and the umu'is and
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			abbasids no, no, just fitna in general it's
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			going to happen so seek refuge in Allah
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			from them the ones that are apparent and
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			everyone sees the ones that we all, you
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			know what's happening in Gaza and continues to
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			happen that's a fitna for all of us
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			we all collectively all together, right?
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			but then there's a fitna that it's only
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			you it's hidden, no one sees it you're
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			on your own so you seek refuge in
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala because he is
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			the one who will grant you that and
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			then he talks about the second one now,
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			contextually we can spend some time talking about
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			who this figure is or, just take the
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			word remove any context for it and just
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			listen to what he's saying dajjal the word
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			dajjal is someone who what is dajjal?
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			dajjal is lies, right?
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			it's like horrible lies lies, but the reason
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			dajjal is dajjal is abundant lies it's like
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			high quantity lies maybe not high quality, but
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			high quantity this guy is spitting out lies
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			the whole time very quickly, it's not one
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			or two lies it's a lot of lies
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			that's a dajjal that's why dajjalun are usually
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			historically, the people who sit there with the
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			bakhoor and the thing and they tell you
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			that you have a kitab they give you
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			all these talas put it under someone's pull
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			a hair out of the behind of a
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			goat and put it in the milk of
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			a sheep and then put it together and
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			then if you do this then this person
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			will end up loving you yeah, all the
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			dajjalun well, I'm looking at the kalakib and
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			they're just not lying for you all this
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			everything they're saying is a lie everything probably
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			even the salam alaykum at the beginning is
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			a lie, everything is a lie so ta
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			'awwadu billahi minad dajjal seek refuge in Allah
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			from people like that seek refuge in Allah
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala from the one who
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			lies lies to the point where you stop
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			being able to figure out what is truthful
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			and what is not seek refuge in Allah
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			subhanahu wa ta'ala from the lying that
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			will become so abundant that you won't be
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			able to fish out the truth from it
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			all so when you yes, there's a context
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			to who is a dajjal and I accept
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			that for sure, it's important but sometimes just
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			listen to what he's saying alayhi salatu wasalam
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			and learn from the linguistics of what he's
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			explaining because there's always a lesson there from
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			him alayhi salatu wasalam who afsahun nas he
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			is the most articulate of all so yes,
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			there's a specific person and there's a story
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			that will happen later on during the time
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			of ease yeah, it's fine most of us
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			memorize this as kids I'm not, I don't
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			but just the word, dajjal the one that
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			will come and lie to you will lie
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			to you so much that you start believing
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			it and you lose sense of reality and
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			you lose sense of truth you start slowly
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			deviating away because you're believing all these lies
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			that are being spat at you and you're
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			just lacking the ability to filter through them
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			seek refuge in Allah from that because no
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			one can protect you from that except from
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			Allah and you'll see this in life you'll
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			run into people they've learned so many lies
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			they've accepted so many lies there's nothing you
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			can do for them and you know, you
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			run into someone they're so lost it's like
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			they can't even hear you it's like you're
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			calling upon them and they're in a different
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			they can't hear it because it's just their
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			ears are cluttered with all the lies that
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			they've accepted in their lives and that's a
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			scary thing it's a scary thing to think
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			that we are subject to that as well
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			so, as the Prophet said تعوذوا بالله من
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			الفتن مظهر منها وموطن تعوذوا بالله من الدجال
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			say as he commanded صلى الله عليه وسلم
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			يرى امام مسلم في صحيحه عن زيد ابن
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			ثابت رضي الله عنه قال كنا جلوسا مع
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			رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال تعوذوا
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			بالله من الفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن
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			فقلنا نعوذ بالله من الفتن ما ظهر منها
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			وما بطن ثم قال تعوذوا بالله من الدجال
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			فقلنا نعوذ بالله من الدجال صدق رسول الله
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			صلى الله عليه وسلم سبحانك ورحمتك شكرا لا
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			اله الا انت استغفرك وتوب اليك وصلى الله
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			وسلم وبرك على نبينا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله
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			عليه وسلم