Waseem Hendricks – Gems From The Quran. Juz 2

Waseem Hendricks
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of persecution and not getting in trouble for things that don't want to do. They encourage people to pray for Allah and strive for their best results. The success of Islam is highlighted, including the fear of a believer and the desire to leave Jahannam. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicing patience and perseverance in achieving their goal of satisfaction.
AI: Transcript ©
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Abu Asmaa Alaikum,

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a blessed day of Ramadan is past. Subhanallah, the first day we we

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are done with it. And Alhamdulillah, Allah subhanahu

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wa blessed us so much for we are favored by Allah subhanahu wa

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could sit with our family members and have a beautiful meal. Please.

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Let us think about those whom Allah subhanahu wa is not favored

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that much. They still Subhanallah might be looking for something

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just to quench their thirst or fulfill the need of hunger, and

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Allah subhanahu wa them. That is why we are here, in order to to

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feel that pain with those who are poor and destitute and who don't

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have anything in their bellies. And who can they turn to what

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Allah, Subhanahu wa and tonight we speak about the gems of the Quran

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inshallah to Allah. And we are kindly busy with the second Jews.

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And tonight we will be reciting the second Jews inshallah to

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Allah. And we will take some lessons in imra from this

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beautiful juice of the Holy Quran and the first

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exactly what we have discussed. Now we feel for those who are less

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fortunate and don't have but Allah subhanaw taala gives us answers

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that. How can we deal with this? Allah subhanahu wa says in the

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second Jews, yahan ladinah A manustain Obi Sadri wa Sala, and

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this is the message that we need to get out there, that if we are

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truly the believers of Allah subhanahu wa, let us go out and

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teach people the beauty that we can achieve by doing what Allah

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subhanahu wa wish from us. And what is that Allah subhanahu wa

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to say was salah? Allah subhanahu wa,

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Sabah is not something that maybe how we think about it today, just

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to sit down and wait for Allah subhanahu wa to act upon our DUA

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and our needs. What is Sabbath? Sabba is to persevere. Yes, we are

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in the tight situation, but Allah subhanahu wa teach us that you

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still persevere for what you desire, still try to sacrifice,

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still try to put in every bit of effort

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to get the best results out of seeking Allah subhanho wa taala.

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State through perseverance. And secondly, what we do is through

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salah, through praying to Allah subhanho wa taala. And this was a

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great, great lesson that the messenger, sallAllahu Salla, used

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to teach us. He taught us that when

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need, when he was saddened by anything that happened or occurred

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to him, what he did, he turned to Allah subhanahu wa

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that we have today is we are fighting with our own nafs and our

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desires. So when something happened to us which is not

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according to how we wish for it to be, we run to the creation,

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instead of the Creator

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that is, like Daniel Nigeria, running to those who are the

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creation of that being who is the creator of everything, and we

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expect them to help us with our situations whereby we everyday

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renew our faith by saying, the only one that can assist me, it is

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Allah subhanahu wa taala. Every day we seek the guidance from

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Allah subhanho wa Taala by saying, Iya Cana Abu. Do alone? Allah

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subhanho wa taala, do we worship and You alone? Do we seek Aphra

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everyday a Muslim remind himself of that, but somehow we are losing

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the plot. We are looking in

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and speak to our Creator, Allah subhanahu wa

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teach us that ista Eru you seek my assistance through patience and

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perseverance. So waiting patiently, patiently is one

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aspect, but to persevere and to achieve that goal through striving

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into sacrificing and to placing in every effort. And Allah subhanho

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wa taala, indeed, he is a Samir al Basir. He is the All Hearing. Is

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the all seer. Allah subhanahu wa can see whatever effort and

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sacrifices we are making. And Inshallah, to Allah, pray to Allah

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subhanahu wa, which is the closest that we can come to Allah

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subhanahu wa, by placing our foreheads on the ground, we are at

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the lowest point. Dunya, in actual fact, means that low place and

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what inappropriate name Allah subhanahu wa given to this world.

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Dunya in Allah subhanahu wa, in the highest of places,

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the lowest of places, and it is heard our prayers in the highest

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of places by Allah Raj. So may Allah accept our efforts and our

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sacrifices those who are in need. And Allah subhanahu wa.

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Is after this in Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala is with the ones

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who practice patience and perseverance. So Allah is with us.

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We are not

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alone. Allah subhanahu wa is assuring us that I am with you. I

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am with you, with this but I am placing you through this

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difficulty in order for you to gain closeness to his Subhan wa

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taala, not to run creation, not to run to anything else besides Allah

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subhanahu wa, and Inshallah, Allah grant us the understanding of

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And further on, Allah subhanahu wa speak how Allah subhanahu wa place

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us through our trials and our tribulations. So we already know

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Allah subhanahu wa has given us the Go ahead. I'm telling you

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that I will test you. Allah subhana wa Taala says, Wala naman,

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the noon day that we are, Wala naman, wakum. Allah subhana wa

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Taala says, most definitely, will I test you? There is no way that

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we can explain this, that we will definitely be tested by Allah

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subhanahu wa and the amazing thing about our Creator is he is

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explaining to us how he will test us through life, through this

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limited time that we will spend in this world,

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alerts us that if this happens, this is only but a trial for me.

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And how many of us are thinking about it like that, Allah

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subhanahu wa says, wala nablu, what Shaykh Ibn Al Hof, I will try

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you. Will test you with something which is called hope. But when

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this, Allah mentioned this, we can only imagine it is not

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Allah subhanahu wa testas With just a little bit of a little bit

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of fear. Allah,

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if we think of anything that we go through in this life, any

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difficulty that's upon us in this life, is there anything more

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difficult than being an inhabitant of the Hellfire ya rak alhamdul.

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That's the ultimate fear, that is the fear of a believer. We do not

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want to enter that place, which is called jahannam. We want to be

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free from Jahannam and may Allah protect us from the hellfire.

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Aminah Rami, what do we ask Allah subhanahu wa will try you. Will

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test you with a little bit of

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a little bit of hunger. Many of us now, some of us SubhanAllah. We

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are Mashallah. Those of us who are fortunate, let us think about it,

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because Allah is still favoring us. But there are some of us whose

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salaries has been cut, some of us, some

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of us don't, don't, don't even receive a reality now.

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So what is this Allah subhanahu that are still teaching us and

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informing us that this is but a little bit of hunger, a little bit

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of hunger Allah subhanahu that test us with because that

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is when we the hellfire and we will Besiege Allah subhanahu wa

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just a little drop

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and our

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moment, because there will be absolutely nothing to quench that

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thirst, nothing to fill our bellies In order to

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our desires of hunger, may Allah protect us from this time in a

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mean that is the ultimate fear of joy of hunger.

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Wanato Sin Mela, Allah subhanahu

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wa as we lost family members through this difficult trial and

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time that we are through. But Allah subhanahu wa still teaching

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us that

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persevere, have patience,

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your fruits and your prophets, that you make, there's nothing now

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that we can achieve. Why? Because Allah subhanahu wa placed us in a

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situation which only Allah subhanahu wa taala can

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explain to

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Allah gives us glad

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Subhan wa Taala says again,

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this word Samara Allah mentioned now three times. Allah subhanahu

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wa taala says, glad. Tayani said, the one who practice patience and

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perseverance, they wait for Allah subhanahu wa to take them out of

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the situation, but they still persevere in order to do something

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for this is La

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Allah give us pardon for what has happened. Now it was just cutting

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the transmission, but Inshallah, to Allah, as we've mentioned it,

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Allah subhanahu wa mentions in the Quran beautifully, as Allah

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subhanahu wa speaks to his mission and Allah gives us hope. Allah

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subhanahu wa says, wai there, satella ka Ibadi and NIFA ini

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Allah subhana wa Taala says that when My servants, oh, Rasulullah

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said, and uma and 11, when My servants in my.

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Worship us. If they ask you about Me,

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then I, Allah subhanahu wa himself gives answer. Rasulullah

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sallallahu Sallam does not answer this question. Allah subhanahu wa

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takes it upon himself. He says,

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For in the UK that very certainly, surely I, Allah subhanahu wa,

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close to you. I near and in another place in the Quran. The

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way of the Quran is that the Quran explains itself. Allah subhanahu

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wa says that, WA nahi, mukurabu, Ilahi, Muhammad, yunwari.

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Allah subhanahu wa taala says that I am closer to you than you

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so I am close imagine Allah subhanahu wa. Is that being that

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is teaching us that he is close to us, and we need to ask about Allah

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subhanahu wa taala. We need to ask and beseech Allah subhanahu wa,

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and not the creation, not turning to anything else besides Allah

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subhanahu wa, and he is that being that can give certainty to take us

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out of a bad situation and to turn a bad situation in a good

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situation. But I mean, and Allah, further down, says ujibu dawata,

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dari Dada, Allah, subhana wa Taala is the one who answers the call of

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the caller who is saying this, Java commission, if there's

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anything that we can be certain of, it is when Allah subhanahu wa

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gives us a promise, and Allah subhanho wa Taala says that I will

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answer the call of your prayer. If you ask me, I will answer you. And

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Allah subhana wa Taala says wakala Rab Bucha uni as the jibak, that

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when you ask me, I will respond to you, who is saying this once

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again, the Promise of Allah in the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa teaching

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us as believers that I am certainly close to you and near to

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you, subhanAllah,

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for as Taji muli when you will be there along yashun again. And

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, If we follow this path by only

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turning to Allah, Subhanahu wa perhaps we will be amongst those

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who will be rightly guided. And this is our ultimate aim. We want

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to be guided on truth, on the Haqq, on the path of truth. So

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Inshallah, if Allah bless us, this is a beautiful Jews that we will

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read tonight, these few gems that we have understood, and it's only

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about a reminder to us, Masha, Allah, many of us, we've heard

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this before, but I think the time is just so relevant for us that we

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need to practice patience and perseverance, and we need to know

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how Allah subhanahu wa trial and test us through hope and joy,

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through fear and through hunger, not similar. If there is a cut

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into my finances, this is Allah

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subhanahu wa, will lose some of our family members. Inshallah,

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Allah is the One Who will save us from them. And then at the end,

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Allah subhanahu says, Wabash, Saudi, Allah subhanahu wa,

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perseverance. And then the DUA Allah subhanaw taala teach us

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through the messenger, Salah in the Quran Allah says, WA Ida, as

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Allah is near and close to us who are his worshippers and the true

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believers. And inshaAllah yashun, may Allah grant us to be among

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those who will be rightly guided. So these few words, let us reflect

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upon it and let us inculcate it in our lives that we be the people

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who practice patience. Inshallah. Let us not be haughty, and let us

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not be as Allah subhanaw taala says that we are in haste. Inside

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he is a being that's always in haste. Let us not haste. Let us

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know that Allah is in control of every single thing

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and Allah subhanahu wa Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi

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