Waseem Hendricks – #1 Preparation For Ramadaan

Waseem Hendricks
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming month of Easter is ahead of Roslyn, leading to the importance of fasting during that time. The speaker emphasizes the need to prepare for Easter by learning about constructive times with families and finding rewards in their daily lives. They also mention upcoming Zoom meetings with the Quran and the opportunity to establish a relationship with them. The importance of educating families and finding rewards in their daily lives is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Asmaa, beloved and dearest, brothers and sisters, mothers and

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fathers, youth in Islam,

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Alhamdulillah, Rameen, we find ourselves in this time whereby we

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are all currently busy in preparation towards Ramadan. But

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we have some great news for everybody. Alhamdulillah, from

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today on, every day we will live stream in sha Allah via YouTube

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and be in Elish SubhanAllah. Everyone will be able to,

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everyday, download a video from our YouTube in sha Allah at pmct,

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and they will be able to receive a beautiful message in nasiha, with

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regards to our preparation for the month of Ramadan, that month that

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everybody is yearning to see inshallah. So here's a great and

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wonderful opportunity for us. And when Ramadan start, this is even

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much more greater news than that, we will be live. So whenever we

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connect to YouTube. Inshallah, you will be able to see me live giving

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that nasiha and that advice in sha Allah, in order for us to grow our

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spirituality, spirituality a bit more and gain closeness to Allah,

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Subhanahu wa and have a better understanding of what to do in

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this beautiful month of Ramadan, it is ahead of us. So here's

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wonderful news. What is that now we can download the video from

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YouTube. The link will be sent to everybody, Alhamdulillah. And when

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the month of Ramadan commence, of ALA, we will go live Amini for the

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pmct, for doing this great effort, Inshallah, to get the masjid to

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get the deen to your homes, Amin ya rabbal Alamin and may Allah,

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Behran, barakay. Now, if it's Amin ya rabbal Alamin, today's message

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is a very, very important message. We know that we have passed the

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month of Rajab. We are in the month of Rasulullah, sallAllahu,

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alayhi wa sallam. We understand that the messenger sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, as narrated by his beloved wife, Aisha radiAllahu

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taala, and her that she said that she has never seen the messengers

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of Allah wa alai wa salam fast so much. So much so that they thought

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that the messengers of Allah ala Salam would fast the entire month

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of Sharad. So he fasted so much in the month of sharaban that she

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thought that she's going to he's going to fight the entire month of

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sharadan, although this was only in preparation of the month of

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Ramadan. Subhanallah, the beloved messenger, sallAllahu sallam, used

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to love to make preparation in the month of sharadan, and that is why

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it's called the month of Muhammad rasulallah. He used to tie his

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belt in this month work extra hard in order to receive the welcoming

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guest of Allah subhanahu wa is giving to this ummah. He wants to

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receive it in the best of ways and be prepared for that in the rest

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of ways. Hopefully we are doing the same. Inshallah, we find

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ourselves now that we are busy preparing it might not be similar

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to the years that has passed the years that it passed Subhanallah,

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we would have been in the supermarkets now. We would have

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been in the malls now, but Allah subhanahu wa striding and testing

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us, Allah subhanahu wa grant us opportunities to spend this time

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with our families. So how are we going to spend this time with our

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families inshaAllah? The first thing is we should try to follow

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the Sunnah Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sallam. What if you do? He used to

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fast in the month of sharadan. Let us try to choose the Sunnah days.

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Let us make it habitual in our lives. It must become our habits.

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We fast on a Monday and we fast on a Thursday inshallah. And

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then the second point will be that the relationship that we have with

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the Quran here's a time that we spend a whole day with our

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families. Do we have constructive times? Do we have certain times

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that we spend with our families? Do we have certain times that we

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do certain things together? One of those things should be that

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relationship that we create amongst us as a family with this

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Quran, when we do the Subhanallah, remember we are now being

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addressed by the Lord of the Worlds, Allah, when we read the

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Quran and we try to implement it in our daily lives. So here's a

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great opportunity for us. The one is fasting, the second one is to

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create a relationship with us with this Quran. Why the relationship

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with this Quran, especially now at this time, because the month of

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the Quran is ahead of us. The month of the Ummah, sallAllahu,

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sallam, is the month of the Quran. If we already start to establish

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that relationship with this Quran now then inshaAllah, the Allah the

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month of Ramadan, it will be much easier for us to spend time with

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this Quran. We have so much time on our hands now, Alhamdulillah,

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we spend so much time with our families. Now we've never realized

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this bounty of Allah subhanahu wa of family, so much that we can

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spend so much time together. But we must make it fruitful. We must

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make it inshaAllah wa taala, whereby I am now becoming the

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Sultan of my house, who is the father. I'm taking that

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responsibility upon my shoulders as I should.

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So I need to educate my family in which way, not only about the

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dunya ways, but also about the Dini ways. So if it is it, I take

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five minutes of the day after every salah I read in ayah of the

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Quran, we translate it and we try to implement it in our lives as a

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family. Can we imagine the abundance of rewards that Allah

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subhanahu wa give us, although we know that this Quran, it is a

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guidance for all of us, Masha, Allah, it is a wonderful guide for

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all of us. It will take us to Jannah. It is the only, the only,

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and one of the only, where, by the day of qiyama, when we come, that

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miracle will come this Quran. If I have recited this Quran, If I

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lived my life according to this Quran, it will be a means of shafa

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for me in the cover and in the year of the day when Allah

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subhanahu wa distant us for the Hellfire Allah, Allah, protect us.

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But if that happens, this Quran will be that one in my grave. If

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I'm destined for Jahannam and punishment, then the Quran will

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stand up as a human figure, as a bodily figure. And it will be in

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our defense, and say, Ya Allah, this was the one that led me at

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night. He practiced upon me. He strived to understand me. How can

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala take him to jahannam. He used to be with me in

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this world. I want to be with him in this life. So take him to

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Jannah, Allahu, Akbar, if it is we find ourselves when it is to enter

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Jahannam, the devil, and Allah destined us for that the Quran

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will be the means of shafara for us and seeking protection on

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behalf of us, may Allah grant us to be amongst them. And the third

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thing is our family time. Spend good time with our families.

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Wallahi, you know, this is the best thing that could have

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happened to us. Some of us only realize how the bounty that Allah

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has given us but make effort inshaAllah to gather every day for

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a particular amount of time. And inshaAllah, if we do that, and

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Allah, Subhanahu, WA reward us abundantly for our efforts in sha

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Allah Diana, the one who

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cut family ties. Allah subhanahu wa cut family ties with such a

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person. How can I not even live with my family now that I have to,

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I am bound to. I can't do anything, but now that I'm there,

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I'm even a worse person. Person. May Allah protect us from that

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inshaAllah and I must become the most wonderful person to my

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children in order to teach them and guide them on the righteous

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part in sha Allah is a father as well as a mother. The mother's got

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the beautiful duties of cooking and that so the father is

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exploring Masha Allah. May Allah bless our mothers. May Allah

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subhanahu wa this

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become the best Ramadan ever. And I want to say that we make the DUA

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Allahumma baqiya, sharaban, wabalivna, Ramadan Oh Allah grant

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us the blessings of what is left of this month of sharadan, and for

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us to reach the month of Ramadan. Barak Allahu masala, murakum

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Rahmatullah, Barakatuh Abu.

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