Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 10
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The speakers discuss the importance of giving in public, including in secretly, in public, for money and wealth. They also discuss the benefits of donating for good causes and the need for people to practice donating for their own benefit. The importance of learning Arabic letters and pronouncing them correctly is emphasized, as well as the use of saddies for expressing one's desire for wealth and the importance of sharing one's Muslim culture for helping others. The segment also touches on the negative impact of recent protests on Muslims and the importance of practicing the Islam culture during the year.
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa sallam Allah Ashraf al anbiya wa Sallim Nabina Muhammad, Allah Allah He was such a big man in
all praise due to Allah, and his praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. Mighty brothers and sisters, welcome to a new episode of The Magnificent Seven. Those seven great people the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described them in the Hadith, which,
above whatever they allow, and related that the prophets of the Messenger of Allah said, seven are whom Allah will put them in his shade in the Day of Judgment, whereas no shade except Allah shaped,
adjust ruler, a man or a youth, who grew up with the worship of Allah, a person who has heart is attached to the masjid two persons love and meat and depart from each other, for the sake of Allah. And then one extremely beautiful woman seduce him, he rejects her offer, by saying, I fear Allah, a person who gives in charity and conceal it, to the extent that his left hand will not know what his right hand is giving a person
who remembers Allah in solitude and his eyes? Well,
my brothers and sisters, today, we will talk about the sixth category, the one who gives and gives and gives to the extent his left hand will not know what his right hand is giving in one duration,
that he will conceal it, until his left hand will not know what his right hand is giving. So, this is a sign off,
that the person is giving his son in secret that even his left hand which is so close to his right hand, will not know what is given this one neurulation but in another generation, it doesn't say that he conceal it, it says that he gave it a give his charity and his left hand will not know what is right hand given summary, NEMA said, let's give another meaning. It means he gives a lot he gives a lot he gives and gives and gives until his left hand side or left side left hand will not know what is his right hand giving, because he giving so much he giving a lot. And the correct opinion actually, among the scholars, that both meanings apply to the heady that he conceal it sometimes, so
the left hand wouldn't know. And he will give so much. And also the left hand wouldn't know what his right hand given. So it's a figurative speech showing that this person gives for the sake of a lot. And he gives it a secret
that lets the scholars to have the discussion. Which one is better, to give your sadaqa in public or in secret? Some people think and secret always better than giving it in public. A loss of Hana data set into the socket, Fannie Mae, if you give your socket in public, this is so good as something good. And if you can seal it and give it in secret to the people who are poor, it is better.
But I have discussed this issue. And
they have different opinions about that. And the amendment. No, we are human law said that. The obligatory setup, which is the cat giving it in public in front of people better. Why? Because you have no favor by giving somebody from your cat. There's a cat that you give you don't do any favor to anybody by giving him the cat. Because the cat money is not your money. It's the poor man the poor people's money. That's why the owner said, let's say for several years you didn't give zakat. Then you repent to Allah subhanaw taala. And now you want to start over the earlier I said, you have to give this account of all these years, because that money belongs to the Pokhara
belong to the people of this account to the poor people in the community. There is no favor and giving them from the second this is their right. This is their right in your money. It's not like the salaat if you missed the slot and you repent Allah smart Allah you start over, or maybe you miss some of that
only the obligatory things are things from the good deeds you don't need is to practice in the past. And the moment you start European to align, you start practicing it, you didn't need to make it up, but the cat is different, because this is the right of the, to the right of the puppy of the poor person.
Anyway, so know he said giving the cat in public is better than give it in secret, but giving the sadaqa which is the voluntarily donation, the donation which is not obligated to like an extra money that you get for the sake of Allah, no, is it giving it in secret is better? Other LMS in other opinion and seems to be to me it's more stronger. And even Timmy Rahim Allah said that, he said, it depends about the situation. If the situation require from you, to give your sadaqa in public, so giving it to public will be better than give it in secret. Exactly like the time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, who will help me to prepare Jason, the army, which is going
towards the book. And in that time, people they don't have much money. So if man in front of everybody stand up and said, I will take care of 100 camels 100 camels, he did that in public, to encourage people to donate in a time where people might not be
capable of doing much of donation. And another incident when people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in Salalah alayhi wa sallam, encourage people to donate for those poor people who came to visit him in Medina, a man came with a handful of food, and he carrying some clothes that extend some of the food or some of the clothes falling from that site. Then he put it in front of the prophets of Salaam. He said, Yasser Allah, that what I can offer in front of everybody, the moment he did that everybody stopped bringing food and clothes from his house.
In Nebojsa Salam was so happy. And he praised that man who started because he did that in public that led other people to donate. So if you're in fundraising, for example, and you want to put your soccer in public should encourage other people to donate as well. This is something good and something great.
And always the Muslim should give some in secret, and some in public, some in public. My brothers and sisters, a sadaqa. Zakat also been called the Koran sadaqa. And sadaqa comes from the word search, which is something it means the truth, because it shows the true you
the donation that you give for the sake of Allah, it shows the truth, a few. It shows you really
how much you can control your love for the money. As we talked in the previous episode about that the person who control his lost control his sexual laws. Now we're talking about another desire in the human being which is the love for money, the love for wealth, if you are able to control this as well, which is another great fitna the person go through in this dunya he is a hero. He is or she is a great man, or a great woman, a great believer who can control this desire sadaqa and donation to nating. For the sake of Allah. It's not something occasionally brothers and sisters is not related to some members in the community and other members. They're not supposed to donate. Some people
think that sadaqa only related to the rich people in the community. Do you know that the Nabi sallallahu Sallam used to tell Bilal and his poor, he wasn't rich man. He told me a lot and 50 ibnr will attack him in the last year clan, donate the land, donate for the sake of Allah. And don't be afraid that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not give you will not give you that's why you see even that poor members of the community used to give donations and given for the sake of Allah. It's something
and Islam. Encourage the people to practice and Islam want you always to be the upper hand to be the giver. Before you being the taker. You be the upper hand, not the lower hand.
sad when you look at the Muslims today, word that they always stretch their hand to bake and to ask big and ask other countries to donate for them, to give them to support them financially, to give them money, and they are not self sufficient, we should be the one who gives other we should the one who support other, we be the one who should always support and donate for the good causes more than any other added hamdulillah. There is so many countries and individual and community are very, very generous. I have to witness that I witness that myself. I saw other communities that other than our community, when they donate, don't donate as much as we do when we let him but we want this to be
the habit of every Muslim, that he donate for the sake of Allah, He gives for the sake of Allah, because this is one of the clear sign of a man that he gives for the sake of Allah because he believed that this the this money belongs to Allah, this wealth belongs to Allah and the one who gives me he ordered me to give also and to share what I have with others. And Allah subhana wa tada will reimburse me, Allah will they pay me back whatever I spend for his codes. That's why the LMS said
that when you don't give for the sake of Allah, it means that you have you don't expect Allah subhanaw taala to pay you back as if you don't have trust in Allah Subhana
Allah subhanaw taala said, but sadly lama filati model have become agenda in a seminar to one out of
13 and Medina, Allah, Allah will call the mean and valuable Athena and the nurse will law who you have seen in Allah subhanho wa Taala said and march 4, in the way which leads to forgiveness from your Lord.
Marsh, run, to seek and to achieve the forgiveness of your Lord and for a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth. prepared for Matatini the pious one, those who spent in a loss of Hannah Tallis COEs, who spent in a loss COEs and the time of prosperity, the time of ease and the time of adversity. When it's hard when there is no much money you have you given both situation not only when you're on a good economy, Mashallah I have a lot of money, I have a lot of income, the return tax came back and I got an extra income this year this month, then I can think about donation No, in all times they give an Easter time and when it's hard to give also Allah subhana wa tada said,
method illenium people and I'm one on disability law can actually have button embedded savasana frequently some bullet in me to have one law who you law if we remain your share one law who was sharing the likeness of those who spent their wealth in the way of Allah as the likeness of a grain of corn.
It grows seven ears, in each ear, there are 700 green
seven ears and each ear has 100 grains. Allah give and multiply that more and more any $1 is spent $1 you spent for the circle for law for instance, Allah multiply this to 700 and even more and a loss of habitat multiply as much as he want for people. In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us when a person donate even as much as the date, Allah will take it from him, and we'll make it grow. And it will be like a mountain. The weight of it will be like a mountain and his skill and the depth judgment. Now we'll take a break and we'll come back soon inshallah.
Everyone knows today Arabic is concerned as very important, very significant life. How can we produce the sound, the state of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation, some Arabic the words which are written,
we will learn how to write and pronounce Arabic letters correctly in depth explanation, why board and presentation with many other important factors we have today, more than 300 million people speak out of the climate, not only in the Middle East, but you can find them lots of people speak Arabic language in Asia, Europe, North America and in South America.
Do you
Waiting for, grab your notebook and pencil and stay tuned for learn Arabic Buddha TV
Welcome back to continue our discussion about those who goes for the sake of Allah and gifts to the extend their left hand will not know what the right hand is giving. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mentor sadaqa Bewdley Tamra mean caspin Helen, whoever will donate for the sake of Allah, even as much as a date a single date, but he earned that from Helen from lawful sources. Allah subhanho wa Taala will take it with his right 10 will accept that good deeds from Him, and He will take it and he will increase it, he will increase it yet a caballo Allahu be a meaning for you or be hella, he will increase it and make bigger and bigger and multiply it and plus it until it
will became like a mountain as if he donate a mountain or as a feed in it an amount of gold equal to the weight of a mountain. Imagine the amount of gold for example or money that you donate, in the beginning was as much as the weight of a date. But Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will turn it to be like as much as the weight of a mountain, as if you don't need that much of money for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and this hadith reported by Al Bukhari, one Muslim in the base of Salaam told us that doing good others, helping them financially giving them
from giving them what they need, supporting them, what we call it sonet model of doing good to others that will prevent you from any terrible death tukey Masada, Su mela protect all of us to die in an accident car accident or somebody drowning in the water or airplane crash or something something like terrible like that, or with a very bad end, like in a not in a proper places or with a very bad
Donations would protect the person from such destiny. Also the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said are you my Muslim? Cats are Muslim and throw them in Rio de casa de la home in Hungary agenda. Any Muslim will give another Muslim clothes to cover him so he can wear it because he can find anything to wear. That Muslim he or she couldn't find anything to wear and another Muslim donate clothes for him. Allah subhanho wa Taala will give that person in the diff judgment and Jana close from the paradise from the paradise What are you my Muslim Aparna Muslim and men do it in a parama who love them in thematic agenda in any Muslim will feed another Muslim food and that Muslim hangry you feed
a hungry Muslim? Allah subhanho wa Taala will feed you from the fruits of Jenna What are you my Muslim soccer muslimin soccer hola who Yeoman tiama TV number two
and any Muslim will give water to another Muslim and give him water so he can drink Allah subhana wa Taala will give the person who gave the water to the his brother, a water from
the nectar seal in general in general reported by Imam Ahmed and Libby Salalah Sallam told us the best deeds of Imam Suren to clean who are African Muslim that you make your brother or your sister happy duck Lee and Medina to pay his debt off. Oh to Purina who hopes or you feed him or you feed him. You bring bread for him so he can eat this hadith reported by a bit dounia and it is hasn't and also reported by and very happy and narrated by Omar Ali Allahu wa, and Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, as sir, our morality will miskeen a set of Maliki will miskeen the one who support and look after the orphan and the poor people
kill moogerah hedp sebelah Okaka MLA, anyone like the one who spent all the night praying and all the day fasting, all the days fasting. He's like a person who
Mujahid sebelah, no one will struggle. And for the sake of Allah in the battle with the Muslim army, he's equal to that person, just by looking after, just by looking after the orphaned members in our community or in his community.
The prophet SAW Selim told us once told his companions, once, about a man was traveling in the desert. And he saw a cloud, full frame. And he was expecting the rain, you know, in your desert, you're looking for water, then all of a sudden, he heard a voice. And that voice saying to the rain, don't rain here. Don't rain in this spot. Move to so and so person's garden.
The man said,
Oh, and he was shocked that you hear somebody saying, ordering the cloud to move to somebody's garden and terrain over there. He said, I stopped following the cloud until you reach a garden, like
a farm.
On the
on the spot, I found a garden. And I found a person there. And I approached him and said, What's your name? said my name is so and so. Exactly the same name I heard in the sky. And I told him, I asked you by Allah, what do you do with your garden? He said, What do you mean? He said, I heard your name been mentioned in the sky, and the clouds in order to go to your garden, and the rain goes to your garden.
Then he said, If this is the case, I'll tell you, whatever fruit I
collect from this garden, I divided I divide this fruits, three thirds, the first third, go to the poor member of our community, the second third for me and my family. And the third.
The third part, I sell it and I use this money to read or to fix my garden so keep my garden in good shape. He didn't third of his income for the sake of Allah. That's why Allah subhanaw taala send this rain to his garden. And this hadith is an authentic hadith reported by a Muslim Rahim Allahu taala in abyssal Salaam said, feed the hunger, give food to people up, spread Salam fslm spread Salam among people.
Then you will enter Jana with peace that Hello jen netta besana reported by amateur mini in nebby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been also reported. He said in general, there is rooms and these rooms are so beautiful. There is rivers run beneath these rooms. These rooms made for those who will give the poor people food, who will feed the hunger the hungry people. It's not only Ramadan that we serve and give people food. It should be something we practicing during that year.
In Nebraska sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said also start with the one you are responsible of. If that be mentored you should provide for your family members before you provide to anybody else for your relatives before you give somebody else for your neighbors before you go farther for your friends before you think about somebody faraway to you to the people to the poor people in your community to the poor people in your country before you go further. If Tyrone accurate
and in Ibiza Salim said always the upper hand better than the lower hand. The Giver better than the taker.
And this hadith reported by Imam Muslim Allahu Allahu to Allah, my brothers and sisters, it's not about how much you donate. It's about the feeling. It's about that feeling that you have that you give, even if you give a little bit even if you give a little bit. The Prophet Mohammed Salim said subaqua Durham, Alfa Durham, one Durham might be better than 1000 Durham. How's that? The person who has one Durham he donated while he's sincere, but the person who did the 1000 he wasn't sincere that one way to understand it. Another way to understand this hadith also, that the person who donate one Dirham, he might only have two or three Durham's so we donate half of his money, or third of his
money or 40 of his money, but the one who donate 1000 Durham he has millions
So 1000 means nothing for him. It's not about how much you donate. It's about the feeling that you feel that you need to give that you have to give. My brother and sisters Allah subhanaw taala said, and Levine and people in America who believe in the harm silver alania those who cave for the sake of Allah, in the day and in the night, in secret in public, so it's something daily in Nabhi sallallahu Sallam said, every day Allah sent to angels to the earth. The first one was say, Allah whom the moon flippin halifa every day, could lay out all law, give those who spend for the sake of view or replacement.
We're calling her the other one would say, well aren't the moon seeking telephone, and those who do not donate will hold their hand tight, they will not give for the sake of Allah. Allah destroyed their wealth and Angel making against you.
You don't want to be among those people who Angel will make against them in the morning. Brothers and sisters, this is not only once a month, it's every day. That's why the narrator of this Hadith, but I will have said when I heard this hadith I used to do it every day, something sometimes a cookie, an onion, give to my neighbors, a sandwich, just give anything for the sake of Allah little bit, but make it something consistent.
Let us so many a hadith. And the prophet SAW Selim sin, showing us the importance of giving for the sake of Allah and showing the virtues of the nation. The prophets are seldom said, Thou baucom beside up, one of the way to heal the sick one that you have. Or if you have anybody who's sick and you want to heal him. One of the way to do that is to donate for the sake of Allah and ask us metalla to heal that person because of your donation.
In Nabi sallallahu Sallam also said, if the woman is spent for the sake of Allah, from her husband's money, without harming her husbands, without causing any problem to her husband's income or to the budget of the house, Allah subhanho data will give her a reward similar to her husband, because some sisters said I don't have any income, I don't earn any money. So if I use my husband's money, would it be reward for that? Yes, you will be rewarded for that. And what the prophet SAW Selim said and this hadith reported by Al Bukhari Muslim Rahim Allahu taala.
You know, my brothers and sisters, Allah subhanho wa Taala told us men the lady Euclid, Allahu Akbar, Hasson who is there, who is he that will lend Allah subhanaw taala a goodly loan. I always thought about this, why Allah call this loan. When you give somebody loan, it means he will pay you back. Whenever you give sadaqa it's like a loan, you give it to Allah. And no doubt Allah will pay you back. Allah will pay you back and guess what? Not the same amount you give. It's way more than what you get. With this. I will let you I will leave you with these thoughts. May Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who donate for the sake of Allah, especially when we see around so many
people who are poor, who needs our help, who needs our kindness, our support, may Allah subhanho wa Taala to help all of us.
Like the time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, who will help me to prepare for the army, which is going towards the book. And in that time, people they don't have much money. So if man in front of everybody stand up and said, I will take care of 100 camels 100 camels, he did that in public, to encourage people to donate in a time where people might not be
capable of
doing much of donation. And another incident when people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in Salalah alayhi wa sallam encourage people to donate for those poor people who came to visit him in Medina, a man came with a handful of food, and he carrying some clothes that extend some of the food or some of the clothes falling from the site. Then he put it in front of the profits of Salim he said, Yara Salalah that what I can offer in front of everybody. The moment he did that everybody stopped bringing food and clothes from his house.
In Nevis, the salon was so happy. And he praised that man who started because he did that in public that led other people to donate. So if you're in fundraising, for example, and you want to put your sadhaka in public should encourage other people to donate as well. This is something good and something great.
And always the Muslim should give some in secret, and some in public, some in public. My brothers and sisters, a sadaqa. Zakat also been called the Koran sadaqa. And sadaqa comes from the word search, which is something it means the truth, because it shows the true you
the donation that you give for the sake of Allah, it shows the truth of you. It shows you really
how much you can control your love for the money, as we talked in the previous episode about that the person who control his loss, control his sexual loss. Now we talked about another desire in the human being which is the love for money, the love for wealth, if you are able to control this as well, which is another great fitna the person go through in this dunya he is a hero. He is or she is a great man, or a great woman, a great believer who can control this desire sadaqa and donation, donating for the sake of Allah. It's not something occasionally brothers and sisters is not related to some members in the community and other members. They're not supposed to donate. Some people
think that sadaqa only related to the rich people in the community. Do you know that the Nabi sallallahu Sallam used to tell Bilal and his poor, he wasn't rich man. He told me that I'm 50 I believe God will attack him in the last year clan, donate the land, donate for the sake of Allah. And don't be afraid that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not give you will not give you. That's why you see even that poor members of the community used to give donations and given for the sake of Allah, it's something
and Islam. Encourage the people to practice and Islam want you always to be the upper hand to be the giver, before you being the taker, you be the upper hand, not the lower hand.
It is sad when you look at the Muslims today, word that they always stretch their hand to bake and to ask big and ask other countries to donate for them, to give them to support them financially, to give them money, and they are not self sufficient. We should be the one who gives other we should the one who support other, we be the one who should always support and donate for the good causes more than any other added hamdulillah. There is so many countries and individual and community are very, very generous. I have to witness that I witness that myself. I saw other community that other than our community. When they donate, they don't donate as much as we do when we let him. But we
want this to be
the habit of every Muslim, that he donate for the sake of Allah, He gives for the sake of Allah, because this is one of the clear sign off. Amen. That he gives for the sake of Allah because he believes that this the money this money belongs to Allah, this wealth belongs to Allah and the one who gives me he ordered me to give also and to share what I have with others. And Allah Subhana Allah will reimburse me, Allah will they pay me back? Whatever I spend for his codes. That's why the LMS said
that when you don't give for the sake of Allah, it means that you have you don't expect Allah Subhana Allah to pay you back as if you don't have trust in Allah subhana wa tada Allah smart Allah said, but Salli ala Moana filati murghab become agenda in our Bahasa ma to one out of
13 and Medina Fukuda
Allah, Allah will call the mean a valuable Athena and the nurse will law who you have seen in Allah subhanho wa Taala said and march 4, in the way which leads to forgiveness from your Lord.
Marsh, run, to seek and to achieve the forgiveness of your Lord, and for a paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for Matatini the pious one, those who spent in Allah Subhana Tallis COEs who spent in the laws, codes and the time of prosperity, the time of ease and the time of adversity. When it's hard when there is no much money you have you given both situation not only when you're on a good economy, Mashallah I have a lot of money, I have a lot of income, the return tax came back and I got extra income this year this month. Then I can think about donation though, in all times they give an Easter time and when it's hard to give also Allah subhana wa tada said,
method illenium I'm one on Disability Law committee have been embedded savasana frequently some bulletin me to have one law who you law if we remain one law, who was
the likeness of those who spent their wealth in the way of Allah as the likeness of a grain of corn.
It grows seven ears, in each ear, there are 700 Green,
seven ears and each ear has 100 grains, Allah give and multiply that more and more any $1 is spent $1 you spend for the sake of Allah, for instance, Allah multiply this to 700 and even more, and a loss of habitat multiply as much as he want for people in the Bissell Allahu alayhi wa sallam told us when a person donate even as much as the date, Allah will take it from him, and we'll make it grow. And it will be like a mountain. The weight of it will be like a mountain in his skill and the depth judgment. Now we'll take a break and we'll come back soon. inshallah.
Everyone knows today Arabic is concerned as very important, very significant life. How can we produce a sound, the state of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation, some Arabic the words which are written,
we will learn how to write and pronounce Arabic letters correctly in depth explanation for our board and presentation with many other important factors. We have to be more than 300 million people speak out of the climate, not only in the Middle East, but you can find a lot of people speak Arabic. Why would in Asia, Europe, North America and South America
Do you waiting for grab your notebook and pencil and stay tuned for learn Arabic at Buddha TV.
Welcome back, to continue our discussion about those who goes for the sake of Allah and Gibbs did extend their left hand will not know what the right hand is giving. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mentor sadaqa be Ridley Tamra mean caspin Helen, whoever will donate for the sake of Allah, even as much as a date a single date. But he earned that from Helen from lawful sources. Allah subhanho wa Taala will take it with his right hand will accept that good deeds from Him and He will take it and he will increase it, he will increase it yet a caballo Allahu be a meaning for you or be holla he will increase it and make bigger and bigger and multiply it and plus it until it will
became like a mountain as if he donate a mountain or as a feed in it an amount of gold equal to the weight of a mountain. And imagine the amount of gold for example or money that you donate, in the beginning was as much as the weight of a date. But Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will turn it to be like as much as the weight of a mountain, as if he didn't need that much of money for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala
and this has been reported by Al Bukhari Muslim in the Bissell Salaam told us that doing good others
Helping them financially giving them
from giving them what they need, supporting them, what we call it sonet or remodel, doing good to others that will prevent you from any terrible death tukey Masada, Su mela protect all of us to die in an accident car accident or somebody drowning in the water or airplane crash or something something like terrible like that, or with a very bad end, like in a not in a proper places or with a very bad
The nations would protect the person from such destiny. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Are you Muslim? Kassar Muslim and tell them in early Casa La home in Hungary agenda, any Muslim will give another Muslim clothes to cover him so he can wear it because he can find anything to wear. That Muslim he or she couldn't find anything to wear and another Muslim donate clothes for him. Allah subhanho wa Taala will give that person in the diff judgment and Jenna close from the paradise from the paradise. What are you Muslim upon a Muslim and men do it in a parama who love them in thematic agenda in any Muslim will feed another Muslim food and that Muslim hungry you feed
a hungry Muslim? Allah subhana wa Taala will feed you from the fruits of Jenna What are you my Muslim circle muslimin Sakaba Allahu Yeoman pm at Minerva
probably Mohammed and any Muslim will give water to another Muslim and give him water so he can drink Allah Subhana Allah Allah will give that person who gave the water to the his brother, a water from
the nectar seal in general in general reported by Imam Ahmed and nebby sallallahu Sallam told us the best deeds of Imam Suren to clean who are African Muslim that you make your brother or your sister happy duck Lee and Medina to pay his debt off. Oh to Prema who hooks up or you feed him or you feed him. You bring bread for him so he can eat this hadith reported by a bit dunya and it is Hasson and also reported by Al by Houthi
narrated by Omar Ali Allahu wa, and Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, as Sarah or Maliki will miskeen as Sarah, Maliki will miskeen the one who support and look after the orphan and the poor people
kill moogerah hedp sebelah Osaka MLA, new and har, like the one who spent all the night praying, and all the day fasting, all the days fasting, he's like a person who is Mujahid sebelah the one who struggle and for the sake of Allah in the battle with the Muslim army, he's equal to that person, just by looking after just by looking after the orphaned members in our community or in his community.
The prophets of Salaam told us once told his companions once about a man was traveling in the desert. And he saw a cloud full frame and he was expecting the rain, you know, in your desert, you looking for water, then all of a sudden he heard a voice. And that voice saying to the rain, don't rain here. Don't rain in this spot. Move to so and so person's garden.
The man said,
Oh, and he was shocked that he hears somebody saying ordering the cloud to move to somebody's garden and terrain over there. He said I start following the cloud until I reach a garden, like
a farm.
On the
on the spot, I found a garden. And I found a person there. And I approached him and said What's your name? said my name is so and so. Exactly the same name I heard in the sky. And I told him, I asked you by Allah. What do you do with your garden? He said What do you mean? He said I heard your name been mentioned in the sky and the clouds in order to go to your garden and the rain goes to your garden.
Then he said if this is the case, I will tell you, whatever fruit I
From this garden I divided, I divide this fruit, three thirds, the first third, go to the poor member of our community, the second third for me and my family. And the third,
the third part, I sell it and I use this money to re or to fix my garden so keep my garden in good shape. He didn't third of his income for the sake of Allah. That's why Allah subhanaw taala send this rain to his garden. And this hadith is an authentic hadith reported by a Muslim Rahim Allah who to Allah in the midst of Salaam said, feed the hunger, give food to people up Ramadan, spread Salaam fslm spread Salaam among people.
Then you will enter Jenna with peace that Hello jen netta besana reported by diameter marry in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Ben also reported, he said in gender there is rooms, and these rooms are so beautiful. There's rivers run beneath these rooms, these rooms made for those who will give the poor people food, who will feed the hunger the hungry people. It's not only Ramadan that we serve and give people food. It should be something we practicing during that year.
In Abu Salah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said also start with the one you are responsible of, if detrimental, you should provide for your family members before you provide to anybody else for your relatives before you give somebody else for your neighbors before you go farther for your friends before you think about somebody faraway to your to the people to the poor people in your community to the poor people in your country before you go farther, detrimental, accurate.
And in Ibiza Sallam said always the upper hand better than the lower hand, the giver better than the taker.
And this hadith reported by Imam Muslim Rahim Allahu to Allah,
my brothers and sisters, it's not about how much you donate. It's about the feeling. It's about that feeling that you have that you give, even if you give a little bit, even if you give a little bit. The Prophet Mohammed Salim said subaqua Durham, Alfa Durham, one Durham might be better than 1000 Durham. How's that? The person who has one Dirham he donated while he's sincere. But the person who did the 1000 he wasn't sincere that one way to understand it. Another way to understand this hadith also, that the person who donate one Dirham, he might only have two, or three Durham's so we donate half of his money, or a third of his money or fourth of his money, but the one who donate 1000
Durham, he has millions, so 1000 means nothing for him. It's not about how much you donate. It's about the feeling that you feel that you need to give that you have to give my brothers and sisters Allah Subhana Allah said, and Lavina if you're going on while On Belay Lee on the silver alania those who cave for the sake of Allah, in the day and in the night, in secret in public, so it's something daily in Nabhi sallallahu Sallam said, every day Allah sent to angels to the earth. The first one was say, Allahu
hanifa every day could lay out all law, give those who spend for the sake of view or replacement.
We're calling her the other one would say what are the mum seek and telephone and those who do not donate will hold their hand tight, they will not give for the sake of Allah. Allah destroy their wealth, an angel making against you.
You don't want to be among those people who Angel will make against them in the morning. Brothers and sisters, this is not only once a month, it's every day. That's why the narrator of this Hadith, I will have said when I heard this hadith I used to do it every day something sometimes a cookie, an onion, give to my neighbors a sandwich, just give anything for the sake of Allah little bit, but make it something consistence
let us so many a hadith in the Prophet salla Salim sin showing us the importance of giving for the sake of Allah and showing the virtues of the
The prophets of Salaam said, Thou barakhamba setup, one of the way to heal the sick one that you have. Or if you have anybody who is sick and you want to heal him, one of the way to do that is to donate for the sake of Allah and ask Allah to heal that person because of your donation.
In Nabi sallallahu Sallam also said, if the woman is spent for the sake of Allah, from her husband's money, without harming her husbands, without causing any problem to her husband's income or to the budget of the house, Allah subhanho data will give her a reward similar to her husband, because some sisters said, I don't have any income, I don't earn any money. So if I use my husband's money, would it be reward for that? Yes, you will be rewarded for that. And what the prophet SAW Selim said in this hadith reported by Al Bukhari Muslim Rahim Allahu taala.
You know, my brothers and sisters, Allah subhana wa Taala told us men the lady Euclid, Allahu Akbar, Hasson who is there, who is he that will lend Allah subhanaw taala a goodly loan. I always thought about this, why Allah called this loan. When you give somebody loan it means he will pay you back. Whenever you give sadaqa it's like a loan, you give it to Allah. And no doubt Allah will pay you back. Allah will pay you back and guess what? Not the same amount you give. It's way more than what you get. With this. I will let you I will leave you with these thoughts. May Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who donate for the sake of Allah. Especially when we see around a so many people
who are poor, who needs our help, who needs our kindness, our support, may Allah subhanaw taala to help all of us