Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 05
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AI: Summary ©
The message of Islam is the house of every believer, and the Day of Labor is the Day of Labor. The importance of praying in the holy month and staying in the presence of family is emphasized, as it is the most important day in the month. The importance of not missing a meal and bringing food to the table is also emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah I shuffle MDI even more saline Nabina Muhammad Ali he was such a big man in all praise due to Allah and His praise and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. My dear brothers and sisters,
thank you for joining us again, in it to a new
episode of The Magnificent Seven. And today we'll talk about the third category, which mentioned in the Hadith in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reported by Al Bukhari and Muslim and rated by Abu huraira the law and that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, seven our whom Allah would put them in his shade in the Day of Judgment, adjust ruler, a youth, who grow up with the worship of Allah, a person
whose heart is attached to the masjid to person who love and meet each other and depart from each other, for the sake of Allah, a man whom an extremely beautiful woman seduce him, he rejects her offer by saying, I fear Allah and a person who gives in charity and conceal it to the extent that his left hand will not know what is his hand right hand is giving an A person who remembers a law in solitude,
and his eyes will up.
Today we'll talk about the third category, a person whose heart is attached to the message.
What are your own pal boo mala Campbell massage
the Hadith saying a man whose heart attached to the masjid but not necessarily a man is the only one his heart will be attached to the masjid. This can apply to a woman as well. But generally speaking, men are the one who goes to the massage so off because Salatu Gemma, Allah subhana wa Taala have ordered the Muslim to pray in JAMA and congregation. And this order goes directly to men go directly to men not to woman also, the Juma prayer is related to men to direct or to men, not to woman not to females, but also they can go to the congregation prayer, they can go to the Juma prayer, but generally speaking, men are the one who are attached to the massages more. Anyway, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that person whose heart attached to the message would be among those people who will be in the shade of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Day of Judgment, the masajid are the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala as the prophets of Salaam said in the Hadith reported by RBI and mosquito Bay to cool the movement and message it is the house of every believer is the house of every believer and in Abu Salah lies and I'm also said or call it the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this earth and the greatest house is the greatest mosque in the earth, which is that Masjid al haram the message of al Qaeda in Mecca, which be that which built by Ibrahim, Ali Salaam,
mighty brothers and sisters, Allah subhana wa tada praise such people and for those who are attached to the masjid Allah Subhana Allah Allah said feeble youth in Edina Allah who and purify our youth coffee has made use of the hula hoops he has been able to do we will assign region law to lead him to Java to Allah urine and decree law he will economist for that. What is a cat in houses, which Allah has ordered to be raised to be built in these houses Allah Subhana Allah has named
Who will be remembered will be pronounced, then he will be and also he there in glorifying, glorifying him subhanho wa Taala people will glorify Allah in the morning in the evening, all the time in these massages and raising his name by then glorifying him in the salaat because the Muslim will establish this perform the salaat and call the den five times a day, so it will cover the day in the night, the 24 hours.
Allah subhanho wa Taala said, those people, those men, home neither trade nor sell, will prevent them from remembering Allah, prevent them from remembering Allah, with hearts and tongue, nor from performing salaat nor from giving the cat the fear the Day of Judgment.
In this description, Allah subhanho wa Taala describe the real men, the good one, or the one who are their trade their business their selling, will not prevent them. From remembering Allah subhana wa Tada. Some scholar said, What's the difference between trade and sell, trade and sell? Sell, it's one part of trade because trade can be done by buying or selling. By buying or selling
him I said, when you sell, your profit is guaranteed. But when you buy you don't know if you will be able to sell it in future or not. And he said people buy some goods but didn't know if they will be able to sell it in future. So you're not sure about the profit. But when the opportunity come and now somebody's willing to buy from you and you're ready to sell your goods. This time. Every every businessman that knows that this is the time to this is the time to make your money back or to get your money back. Even in such situation. This is will not prevent you or will not take you away from domestic because your heart attached to the massage to the prayer more than the dunya more than the
dunya Allah Subhana Allah said that massage it is the most beloved places on earth to him and souks and more are the most hated one. And this headed reported by any Muslim.
Also the prophets of Salaam said the best places on this earth is the art of the massage This place is in this earth or the massage
in the Bissell allow
whoever we build a Masjid, for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in the paradise. In one generation the Prophet Salim said, even if this Masjid as small as myth huska the nest of a small bird, you might ask who will build a such a small message like that some scholar said this is a metaphor and a kind of metaphor or finger to a speech, which it means a small message. But other scholars said, No, even if the money you participate, or you paid to build a Masjid you put into the master to be built, will be able only to purchase or to build as the size of a nest of a bird. Allah will reward you with a house in paradise. So it doesn't matter if you build the whole entire master
by herself, or you have a shear in it, or you have a share in it.
So that shows you that this massage is the house of Allah subhanaw taala honorable places, this is such pure places. So how can your heart be attached to the message? How can you know if you're among those people or not? First, the person who has heart a touch the message, it means he loves the massage, he loves to build messages, whenever he heard about Masjid needs to be built, need to be rebuilt. He will immediately supported him financially or by participating in rebuilding the masjid helping them in building the masjid. This is something he will always care about. One of the great scholars, he's American scholars in I used to live in endos and they will see you in Spain. His name
is the Corps of new abre they said whenever he will go any town he will build a Masjid. So any town he entered or he lived in it for a while he will build a Masjid in this town. Building master does such a great thing. As you heard the prophets of Salaam said the person who built it messed it up.
Allah subhanho wa Taala will build for him and return a house in the paradise in paradise.
Also the person whose heart attached to the masjid always care about the masjid, in a sense the ticker to go there to perform the prayer, he will not pray at home, or in his office, or in his place. He always loved to go to the MST to perform the salaat. In domestic, such person has heart attached to the message. He likes to go to the masjid to pray, to remember Allah to make sure that's the attitude of the person who's his heart attached to the masjid. He likes to walk to the massage to perform the prayer and congregation with his Muslim brothers. You know, one of the sign of the Day of Judgment the prophets of Salaam said what are the son of the Day of Judgment, that the person
will pass by domestic and he will enter domestic and he will not pray in domestic. Somehow I saw that when a move to America. I saw so many people come to the masjid sometimes for meetings and we have a meeting inside the masjid like administration and they walk out domestic without even praying in the masjid. And I always remember this. Whenever I see that I remember the heading of the prophets of Salaam when he said people will walk into the masjid just to look at the masjid how beautiful it is or for some business to do. But they will not pray in the masjid. They will not care about praying even the Torah cows in the masjid.
In Nabi Salam also said that, in the end of the days, people will gather in domestic but will not gather for the sake of Allah. They will gather for dinner, they will come to the masjid for some worldly matter to achieve or to gain. And in ob sallallahu sallam, those people will be gathered in circles. If you see them, don't join them. Don't join them and don't bother yourself with this hidden report by Paul Bharani.
In Libya, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us whenever you walk to the masjid whenever you go to the masjid in the daytime or the nighttime, every time to go to the masjid, Allah subhana wa Taala will give you an easy path and access to gender and access to gender.
See how the prophets of Salaam was described in his last days by Sharia law and how
obeyed the law. Ask Sharia law and how would you tell me
about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam last days how we used to do, she said brother Allah and how Arvada he will be so sick, and he will ask for them to bring us ask his companions to bring for him a cold water, you will bring seven cold containers full of water and they will bring it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so he can wash himself with it. So he can go to the masjid. And after he woke up, and he will be able to go he will walk then he will faint. Then after you walk up said with the Muslim prayer, they said not yet. So he ordered for them to bring another water to wash himself with it to be fresh and be able to go to the masjid. I shadowed the Allah and how Allah
has said, I saw him salatu salam walking to the masjid, putting his two hands around to the shoulders of two of his companions. And he's dragging his feet in a such situation so sick but he still want to join the congregation. Want to pray and Gemma will break here and I will see you soon after the break.
Kids to enjoy their time. Do you want them to benefit from their time
to increase their knowledge in Islam and general culture?
honesty brother Frisco Yes.
And they should have lots and lots of toys Yes.
Show consists of challenges.
The two teams with the most points at the end of the show that when the lovely golden Meadow or if you come in second place, of course what a lovely silver medal The winning team overall gets a lovely golden medal. I'm very excited
to like to teach them the Islamic finance
Would you like to get to know our puppet freesco it's a good day to join our program hits quiz to have more knowledge and fun.
My dear brothers and sisters, welcome back. We're still talking about the person whose heart attach to the message. We just heard that the person was hard to touch domestic. The person who love to pray in congregation in the masjid, he will not miss the prayer for any reason. He will always try to be there in the masjid, to join the salaat in congregation.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't leave the prayer in congregation, even if he's sick sal Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam. To the extent the prophets of Salaam companions said, we have seen some of us so sick, that he cannot stand up in the line. Endless he will put his two hands on the shoulder of the people next to him from the right side and the left side, holding the shoulders while he's standing. Because he doesn't want to miss the salaat in congregation. These hearts are attached to domestic. It's not like some of us for a reason or not. He will not be there in the masjid. Even if there is no excuse. He will feel lazy. He wants to watch TV. He's playing a game.
He's chatting talking with somebody and he will not he wouldn't care. He or she. He will not care about the masjid or praying in the masjid. In Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, three, Allah promised to protect them. One of them is the one who left his house toward the mesti to pray in congregation. somebody leaves his house to pray in the masjid. He's in the protection of Allah subhanho wa tada in Nabhi sallallahu Sallam also said whoever will perform will vote
in his in his house, then he will go to the masjid to pray. The obligatory prayer of Salatin mokuba he would be giving the reward of somebody who performed had and if somebody performable and he went to the masjid, to pray a volunteer prayer like tada we are Aloha.
That person the prophets of Salaam said he will be giving the ledger of a person who performed aroma who performed aroma
and this hadith narrated by Abu Muhammad Allah and report by Odin it's authentic hadith. In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the person who pray in congregation, his prayer will be multiplied 25 times 25 times
or it's equal to 25 prayer at home or in your office or in your suits. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said also, if you prefer mobile, and you go to the masjid, just to pray in the masjid. No other reason for you to go to the Mr. Just to perform the PR and congregation in Ibiza. Some of them said for each step you will walk Allah will raise you one, one station or one degree and Allah subhanaw taala will raise one of your sins. And in Nabhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, until he will enter the message with no sense with no sense. And when he prays and he finished after he finished your prayer, and he said in his place, the angels will be saying Oh ALLAH forgive him, or
Allah. Put your mercy on him, or law forgive him or law, except his repentance, guide him to repent until he will break his will or he will leave his place. And this hadith report by Bukhari and Muslim
apart, set up said, I entered the message and I saw a tsunami one of the great Imam among the tambourine. dying in domestic is in his last moments of his life. We told him you are suffering and you're about to die. Can we carry you to your home? She died at your home in your bed with your family? He said no. Haven't you heard the prophet SAW sutherlands Hadith when he said, the angels will say to the person who's sitting in his place after he finished prayer or law forgive him. Allah put him put your mercy on him. I want to receive that edger and he died Rahim Allah to Allah while he is in the masjid, after he finished his prayer. Say didn't wanna say you
Allahu Allahu Allah Hema one of the great imams among the tambourine also said 50 years, I never missed Gemma. I never missed the prayer in congregation. That's why he said, I don't remember a single time that I then was called, and I'm not ready for the solid. I don't have my will vote, or I'm not ready to go to the masjid. As a matter of fact, he said for 40 years I don't remember that I ever missed the first Kabira in the masjid.
And Harris, Abner Hassan, one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he got married. So he was seen in the ledger in the mustard coming to the message so that people like telling him
you just get married last night. You coming to the federal prayer? He said, why not? Do you think marriage would prevent me from coming to the masjid? If a woman will prevent me stop me from going to the minister to pray? She's not a good woman. She's not a good wife.
My brothers and sisters
have the right man a tsunami of the Romana tsunami used to be carried while he's sick to the masjid just to pray in the masjid. He said once. One of the scholars has named a Shirazi Abu Abdullah Mohammed Shirazi, he said once to his friends, if one day, you didn't see me in the masjid, you have to know I'm in the cemetery. You know what he means by that? Only I'm dead already. The only thing will prevent me from coming to the masjid death.
Satan will say at once was told there is somebody is out there trying to attack you or to kill you. So don't go to the message. He said, How come? I hear Hey, Alan fella. Hey, Sarah, come to prayer come to success and stay home. It may be so someone said whoever will hear them I've been calling for Adana will not respond to that, then his slot will not be accepted. Unless he has an excuse. Unless he has an excuse.
The person whose heart attached to the masjid, my brother and sisters, a person who also like to go to the masjid early, not like Sunday, we said, When is the karma come just right at the karma time. He does try to come early to the masjid. Now if your heart attack to domestic, you love to go there early as much as you can. In the cemetery. The prompts are seldom said when you hear that respond. So you go early in the time.
He was 70 years old. And he said I never ever missed the computer to run that can be able to run it. But he told me one of the great tambourine also said, If you know someone who doesn't care about security, the first step could be wrong. Who doesn't care about it? He didn't see any problem with missing it. He said, it'll send you to come in. He said don't care about him. He and he don't care much don't expect much from such person from such person.
majah had been jumper the great Imam among the tablet instead, I heard a man from the people who witness the Battle of better telling his son, did you come to the prayer today? He said yes. I came to the prayer. He said did you
you were able to make it before the first second year? He said no, I came after the first tech appeal said what you were busy busy with. He said I was selling something. He said well like if you were able to gain wealth as much as the weight of the service and again gold as much as the weight of this earth. It's not equal to the good that you miss or the reward that you miss by missing Technorati from the first Kabira
This is a heart which is attached to the mustard. If your heart attached to the mustard also, you will be among those people who stay in the message waiting for the next salad. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever stained the mustard, waiting for the next salaat he said he will live in good ash a bit higher and he will die in good. And he will come in the day of judgment as if he's a newborn has no sin only by staying in domestic waiting from one salad to another. But don't think that means that you don't go to your job that you don't spend time with your family. It means that sometimes you do that like between Indonesia or maybe that in your in the weekend. You do
this sometimes. A person has heart attached to the masjid will love to stay in domestic will love to
Stay in the message. Not like some people whenever the slides finish, he just rush out the mister. He can wait until
the chef said Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. Then he is among the first people to leave and to exit as if he's in a jail. That's a lot.
The person who is hard attached to the mustard, they love to stay in domestic to make decaf in domestic. You know, Abdullah and Isabel used to be called the pigeon of domestic. Yeah, and he's always in the masjid like the pigeon stay in the mustard.
Same also one of the great tambourine one of the students of the Massoud. He said, I saw about law, the voice of the or that the voice I hear from the birds of the messenger of the message birds, more beloved to me than my wives, my wives voice, but this not because he doesn't like his wife or his wives. Voice is bad or terrible. No, he loves his wife. He cares about his wife, but he loves the message more. He loves to stay in the masjid more than anything else. This is the most beloved thing to him.
My brother and sisters, Hamad selama died in domestic Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah ended his life in the masjid.
he said
one of the great Imam is Nima was helpful. Bihari Rahim Allah. He said once I missed the prayer in the message. He said, not much people are nobody came to ask or to tell me. Sorry that I feel sorry that you missed them the salaat in the masjid or you missed the congregation prayer today. He said but if my son died 100 or 1000 people maybe come to my house said we're sorry that you lost your son. And he said well like missing a salaat. A prayer in the masjid is worse than losing one of my children.
There is an old man and thought if in these recent days, he loves to pray Russia in Mecca. He always traveled from five to Mecca to pray. Every day he became sick. He became sick and the doctor said he cannot travel. Anyway stop. He was hospitalized for a while and everyday said Please let me go to the master Please let me go to the Mecca. Anyway, one day, the doctor allowed him to do that he told his son we are going to pray in Mecca. They said, Father there is no time he said I don't I don't care we will pray sha Allah, my lord in Mecca. Anyway, he said we travel all the way to Mecca. And when we reach Mecca, pero finished. My father lived the prayer his son saying while he's reading
what we're laying into sagia until you reach now a darker book our map Allah, Allah did not leave you.
away. Or Allah subhanho wa Taala he did not have any
leave or Allah subhanaw taala didn't leave for any reason because he hates you. He doesn't care about you know, the next verse it alone will give you until you will please. When he read that when he read this verse, He stopped crying, crying, crying, then he made record he made subdued and he died in the spot. His heart attached to the message, he missed the message and he died the mustard. If your heart attached to the message, you always like to keep the mustard clean, you will keep the mustard quiet place you will not raise your voice in domestic, you will care about the benefit of domestic more than yourself. You will care about the stability of domestic more than anything else.
If you care about domestic you will respect domestic you will make your Masjid a place worth the dollar will be spread around your neighbors. If you care and you have your heart attached to the message, you will always support the message financially and you will support the message with your activity. Being there being an active member in your community. When the community is around around domestic and domestic became the center of the interests of the community. It means that this community, those individuals, their hearts attached to the message. So are we among those people? I ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us among those people whose hearts attached to the mustard. And
Wallace, I'll leave you and I will see you soon. In the next episode.
Do you have kids? Do you want your kids to enjoy their time? Do you want them to benefit from their time?
to increase their knowledge in Islam and general culture?
honesty, brother Frisco, yes.
And they should have lots and lots of toys. Yes.
The show consists of challenges.
with the most points at the end of the show that when the lovely golden arrow or if you come in second place, of course, with a lovely silver medal, the winning team overall gets a lovely golden medal. I'm very excited
to like to teach them the Islamic finance Would you like to get to know our puppet frisky it's a good day today. Join our program hits quiz to have more knowledge and fun.
My dear brothers and sisters, welcome back. We're still talking about the person whose heart attach to the message. We just heard that the person was hard to touch the domestic. The person who love to pray in congregation in the masjid he will not miss the prayer for any reason. He will always try to be there in the masjid, to join the salaat in congregation.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't leave the prayer in congregation, even if he's six Allah Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam. To the extent the prophets of Salaam companions said, we have seen some of us so sick that he cannot stand up in the line. Unless he will put his two hands on the shoulder of the people next to him from the right side and the left side, holding the shoulders while he's standing. Because he doesn't want to miss the salaat in congregation. These hearts are attached to domestic. It's not like some of us for a reason or not. He will not be there in the masjid. Even if there is no excuse. He will feel lazy. He want to watch TV. He's playing a game.
He's chatting talking with somebody and he will not he wouldn't care. He or she. He will not care about the masjid or praying in the masjid. In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, three, Allah promised to protect them. One of them is the one who left his house toward domestic to pray in congregation. somebody leaves his house to pray in the masjid. He's in the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala in Nabi sallallahu Sallam also said whoever will perform Lulu
in his in his house, then he will go to the masjid to pray the obligatory prayer of Salatin maktabah he will be giving the reward of somebody who performed had and if somebody performable and he went to the masjid, to pray a volunteer prayer like tada we will have
that person the prophets of Salaam said he will be giving the address of a person who performed aroma who performed aroma
and this hadith narrated by Abu Muhammad Allah and report by Odin it's authentic hadith. In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the person who pray in congregation, his prayer will be multiplied 25 times 25 times
or it's equal to 25 prayer at home or in your office or in your suits. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said also if you prefer mobile, and you go to the masjid, just to pray in the masjid no other reason for you to go to the message just to perform the PR in congregation in Ibiza solemn said for each step you will walk Allah will raise you one, one station or one degree and Allah subhanaw taala will erase one of your sins. And in Nabhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said until he will enter the message with no sense with no sense. And when he prayed and he finished after he finished the prayer and he
Setting his place. The NGOs will be saying, Oh ALLAH forgive him or Allah. Put your mercy on him or law forgive him or law, accept his repentance, guide him to repent until he will break his will or he will leave his place. And this report by Bukhari and Muslim
apart, said, I entered the masjid and I so I've managed salami, one of the great Imam among the tambourine. dying in domestic is in his last moments of his life. We told him you're suffering and you're about to die. Can we carry you to your home? Should you die at your home in your bed with your family? He said, No. Haven't you heard the prophets of Salaam Hadith when he said, the angels will say to the person who sitting in his place after he finished prayer, or law forgive him? Allah put, put your mercy on him. I want to receive that edger and he died Rahim Allah to Allah while he is in the masjid after he finished his prayer. Say Didn't we say you are the Allahu Allahu Allah
Hema one of the great imams among the tambourine also said 15 years I never missed Gemma. I never missed the prayer in congregation. That's why he said, I don't remember a single time that I then was called, and I'm not ready for the solid. I don't have my will vote or I'm not ready to go to the masjid. As a matter of fact, he said for 14 years I don't remember that I ever missed the first Kabira in the masjid.
And how does it know Hassan, one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he got married. So he was seen in the ledger in the mustard coming to the message so that people like telling him
you just get married last night. You come into the federal prayer. He said, why not?
Do you think marriage would prevent me from coming to the masjid? If a woman will prevent me stop me from going to the master to pray. She's not a good woman. She's not a good wife.
My brothers and sisters.
Man a tsunami
tsunami used to be carried while he's sick to the masjid. Just to pray in the masjid. He said once. One of the scholars has named a Shirazi Abu Abdullah Mohammed Shirazi, he said once to his friends. If one day, you didn't see me in the masjid, you have to know I'm in the cemetery. You know what he means by that? Yeah, now I'm dead already. The only thing will prevent me from coming to the masjid death.
cited the Messiah once was told there is somebody is out there trying to attack you or to kill you. So don't go to the mustard. He said, How come? I hear Hey, Alan fella. Hey, Sarah, come to prayer come to success and stay home. It may be so someone said whoever will hear them I've been calling for Adana will not respond to that then his select will not be accepted. Unless he has an excuse. Unless he has an excuse.
The person whose heart attached to the masjid, my brother and sisters, a person will also like to go to the message early. Not like Cindy said, When is the karma come just right at the karma time. He does try to come early to the masjid. Now if your heart attached to the message, you love to go there early as much as you can. In the cemetery. The process of selling said when you hear that respond, she got early in the time.
He was 70 years old. And he said I never ever missed the computer to Iran. That can be altered Iran. But he told me one of the great tampereen also said if you know someone who doesn't care about the community, the harm the first step could be no, who doesn't care about it. He didn't see any problem with missing it. He said it was senior that came in he said don't care about him. He and he don't care much don't expect much from such person from such person.
Majority had been jumper the great Imam among the tambourine said, I heard a man from the people who witness the Battle of better telling his son, did you come to the prayer today? He said yes. I came to the prayer. He said did you
you were able to make it before the first second year. He said no. I came after the first tech appeal said what you were busy busy with. He said I was selling something. He said well law
If you were able to gain wealth as much as the weight of the service and again gold as much as the weight of this earth, it's not equal to the good that you miss or the reward that you miss by missing Technorati from the first Kabira
This is a heart which is attached to the mustard. If your heart attached to the mustard also, you will be among those people who stay in the message waiting for the next salad. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever stained the message waiting for the next salaat he said he will live in good Asher be hired and he will die in good. And he will come in the day of judgment as if he's a newborn has no sin only by staying in domestic waiting from one solid to another. But don't think that means that you don't go to your job that you don't spend time with your family. It means that sometimes you do that like between Indonesia or maybe that in your in the weekend you do
this sometimes. A person has heart attached to the masjid will love to stay in domestic will love to stay in the masjid. Not like some people whenever the slides finish, he just rush out the master. He can wait until
the chef said Sarah Molly Kumara. Matala then is among the first people to leave and to exit as if he's in a jail. That's a lot.
The person who has heart attached to the message they love to stay in domestic to make anti caffeine domestic. You know, Abdullah and Isabel used to be called the pigeon of domestic. Yeah, and he's always in the mustard like the pigeon stay in the mustard.
Same also one of the great tambourine one of the students of the Massoud. He said, I saw about law, the voice of the old voice I hear from the birds of the messenger of the message birds more beloved to me than my wives my wife's voice, but this not because he doesn't like his wife or his wives. Voice is bad or terrible. No, he loves his wife. He cares about his wife, but he loves the message more. He loves to stay in the masjid more than anything else. This is the most beloved thing to him.
My brothers and sisters have nitroblue selama died in domestic. Allah subhanho wa Taala ended his life in the masjid. And
he said
one of the great Imam his name was helpful. Bihari Rahim Allah. He said once I missed the prayer in the message. He said, not much people are nobody came to ask or to tell me. Sorry that I feel sorry that you missed them the salaat in the masjid or you missed the congregation prayer today. He said but if my son died 100 or 1000 people maybe come to my house said we're sorry that you lost your son. And he said well like missing a salaat a prayer in the masjid is worse than losing one of my children.
There is an old man and thought in these recent days. He loves to pray resha in Mecca he always traveled from five to Mecca to pray. Every day he became sick. He became sick and the doctor said he cannot travel anyway stopped. He was hospitalized for a while and everyday said Please let me go to the master Please let me go to the Mecca. Anyway, one day, the doctor allowed him to do that he told his son we are going to pray in Mecca. They said Father there is no time he said Adam I don't care. We will pray Sharla mother in Mecca. Anyway he said we travel all the way to Mecca. And when we reach Mecca pero finished, my father led the prayer his son saying while he's reading what we're
laying into sagia until he reach now a darker book our map Allah, Allah did not leave you.
away. Or Allah subhanho wa Taala he did not have any
leave or Allah subhanaw taala didn't leave for any reason because he hates your he doesn't care about you know, the next verse it alone will give you until you will please. When he read that when he read this verse he stopped crying, crying, crying. Then he made record he made subdued and he died in the spot. His heart attached to the message. He missed the message and he died in the mustard. If your heart attached to the mustard, you always like to keep the mustard clean. You will keep the mustard quiet place you will not raise your voice in the message. You will care about the benefit of the masjid more than yourself. You will care about the stability of the masjid more than
anything else. If
Do you care about the message you will respect the message, you will make your message a place worth. The dollar will be spread around your neighbors. If you care and you have your heart attached to the message, you will always support the message financially and you will support the message with your activity. Being there being an active member in your community, when the community is around around the mustard, and the mustard became the central of the interest of the community, it means that this community, those individuals, their hearts attached to the message, so are we among those people? Ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us among those people whose hearts attached to the
I'll leave you and I will see you soon in the next episode.
bom bom bom
bom, bom.