Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 03
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The Islamist movement has faced numerous struggles and incidents, including Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar Omar
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smilla hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah while early he will be here Manuela about salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. All praise is due to Allah, the Almighty Subhana and his blessings and peace and praise be upon His Prophet Mohammed and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment, my dear brothers and sisters, as salaam alaikum, wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.
We still talking about the Magnificent Seven.
Those seven that the prophets of Allah mentioned them in the Hadith, which is reported by Al Bukhari and Muslim and related by Abu huraira, the Allah and that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, seven people whom Allah subhana wa Taala will put them would put them in his shade, in the Day of Judgment, adjust ruler, and a youth who grow up with the worship of Allah and
a man or a person whose heart attached to the masjid and two persons who love each other, meet each other and depart from each other, for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada and a man who an extremely beautiful woman seduce him, he rejects her offer by saying, I fear Allah, Allah and a person who gives in charity, and he concealed his charity to the extent that his left hand will not know what his hand was what his right hand is giving.
And a man or a person who remembers Allah subhana wa Taala
solid dude alone, and he will not control his tear, and his eyes will will up mighty brothers sisters, we still talking about the first category, the just ruler
we heard last time about Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah. And today I would like to share with you a couple of stories about aroma, rhodiola and guava aroma. And all of us know what it means to talk about Omar the alarm and in His justice, because he was an example. Because he ruled the Muslims for a long time. So there are so many incidents, the history saved for us about his justice, and how he used to implement this justice in between his people
in stories, as if it is
a novelist roaded from his imagination, sometimes it's hard to believe that somebody can reach that level of righteousness and that level of caring and
implementing justice to the simplest form, in his society in his community. For instance, Omar the Allahu Allahu Allah, once a man came to him all the way from Egypt, and he said, You ruler of the lightning house, or your ruler among us, have told me that I'm Maranatha. I'm hypocrites, that I stole that man that you are hypocrites. And he said, Well, ah, he, since I became Muslim, I never ever became hypocrite, I never changed my belief. So why you ruler called me that name. When the alarm Heard that? He sent us
a message with this man saying, ordering the Muslim judge in Egypt, to see if there is two witnesses support with this man saying this man should head or beat us in front of everybody as a punishment for that title that he gave to that man. He stand up in the masjid in the public.
He read what they allow and what VA wrote. Then he said, anybody
can support me and witness that. I said that about me. And not only to several people said, we heard that I said that to you. So what happened? He took the stick to help or to beat us in public. There is a man who was one of us friends or supporters,
advisors, who intima said, One law, he will not be able to, to attempt to hit the ruler of Egypt, we will not let you do that. He said, I will give you as much as you want from money, but let him go. He said, Well, I if you fill up this semester, with gold, I will not take it and I will let Alaska I want to take, I want to take my revenge, and to punish him for what he told me. Then he said, I don't think we should let you do that. I think we should not obey
this. He is a mirror of Egypt, how can we allowed such thing to happen? But
probably Allah, Allah told him Be quiet. And he told the man, go ahead and hit me, as Oh my god, Allah and whatever order you.
Nobody feel that is above the law. Nobody feel the tea can abuse his followers
said that clearly. He declared that in his first speech, he said, I have sinned my ruler to all of you not to
take your wealth, abuse, you treat you bad. I send them to you to teach your religion and to educate you about the sin of your prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is the role in the community. I didn't send them to be dictators, to be a
to collect tax, and to put tax over people and to abuse the people. No, I have send them to help you to have a better society to establish a civil society, as we say today, a democratic society where people have the right to express their opinions and to practice the rights of
judging and questioning their rulers about their rights. Another incident, once the son of ours, the son of ours, had an Egyptian men. He said he had him and he said, how an academy Academy I'm the son of an honorable person, and he hid that Egyptian man.
Then the Egyptian man is a poor person who has no tribe to support him or stand behind him. Anyway, he travelled all the way to Medina to Oman, and he said that what happened that the son of your ruler had me and he said, I'm the son of the great family. Then Omar said, Send Abdullah and his father both of them to me. Both of them came to Amaro de la Medina. Then he took he asked the Egyptian men to stay when they came around Morocco and give the stick to that Egyptian man. He said, Now help his son the same way he hit you. He did. Then he said, Now hate his father. He said, I have nothing to do with his father. His son is the one who helped me. He said yes, but he hates you.
Because he knows that his father will not punish him if he abused you. So his father also deserved to be punished for that.
Allah and once walk in that Medina souks, he saw a very big camels Mashallah healthy camels, a lot of meat in it. He said, Who's this camos belong to? They said this is your son's camels. This is belong to your son, Abdullah.
He said vinea Abdullah, backing behind it's a word in Arabic which it means Hmm. The so this is my son's camels. What is he? He came. He rushed to his father and he told him where you got these cameras from? He said, You remember I purchased these skinny old camels. And I let them go outside and eat from the garage that Allah bless the earth with with the poor people's camels, had been drinking and hamdulillah bless these camels and became healthy and big as you see the armor of Allah and said go sell off
Have them, go sell all of them and see how much the old camels when they were skinny how much they cost. And whatever that amount of money. You can figure this is your money and whatever extra, give it to them and give it to the public. Give it to that state's money. So go back to the poor.
He said, Father, I didn't steal, I didn't do anything these camels, Allah bless them to grow it just go with the regular with any out with any Muslims, camels like any other person. Then what happened? I don't want him to have Barbara de la told him no, my son. You know, whenever you bring your camels, whenever you bring your camels, people will say this is the camels of the sun, amount of little hubbub, let it eat first little drink first. So people allowed your camels to drink and eat more than anybody else. Because it's the camels of the Sun of the halifa of the Caliph. That's why I think that you should sell them.
It's not only Allah Anwar, once he pushed one of his servant, or he may push him or stab him strongly. He gives the stick the servant they said go ahead and hit me with it beats me with it. Before the day of judgment comes and he wrote the alarm.
When he was the halifa of the Muslims. He was selling his own sword in the market. And he said, Well, I use the sword to protect Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his battles. I'm only selling it because I didn't have enough money to buy clothes to wear. Otherwise I will never sell it.
And once he lost his shield, and he found a Jewish man selling this shield in the souks. So he brought the Jewish man to the to the judge, and he said this is my shield, and this man's selling it. So the judge asked earlier the line, do you have any proof that this shields belonged to you? Because the Jewish man said this is my shield. So added to the law said yes, my son
was the master of the youth agenda. Sure, I said, Your son cannot be accepted. He's your son, I cannot accept him as a witness. You have to bring somebody else who said I don't have anybody else said so this shield belong to the Jewish men.
See how much justice those people had. And the way they treat their people?
Yes, my brothers and sisters, be just in your family. Be just with your children. Don't ever favor your son or your daughter, because this is not justice. Don't ever favor one of your son over another because this is not the justice. You are a ruler in your house, as the father or the mother.
Also be just with your family. Don't give all your time outside the house and you don't give any time to your home. Be just if you are in charge of a Muslim Islamic Center, or a message. Make sure that you just with people, you give people equal equal opportunities or you give people what they deserve. Be just with your employees. If you have a company or if you are a manager, be just with the people who work for you. Be just with your neighbor. Be just with your community. If you are an imam of a Masjid, if you are in charge of a community, be just when you give an advice. Be just when you criticize, be just when you write be just when you talk justice is the foundation of the
community. That's why in Nabisco Sonoma start with it, because based on justice, we can have a solid and strong community.
Now we'll break and then we'll come back to Charlotte to talk about the second category about the youth who grew up, worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Do you have kids? Do you want your kids to enjoy their time? Do you want them to benefit from their time
to increase their knowledge in Islam and general culture?
honesty, brother Frisco, yes.
And they should have lots and lots of toys. Yes.
The show consists of challenges.
The two teams with the most points at the end of the show that when the lovely golden medal, or if you come in second place, of course with a lovely silver medal, the winning team overall gets a lovely
Golden metal. I'm very excited
tonight to teach them the Islamic finance. Would you like to get to know our puppet freesco it's a good day to day, join our program kids quiz to have more knowledge and fun.
Welcome back. Now we'll talk about the second category. Also, we'll talk about the youth who grow up with worshipping or with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
youth. Yes, youth is the most important period of our life. youth are the most important people in any society. youth are the future of any society.
Actually, youth is so important period of time in our life. To the extent that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said in the dev judgement the person will be asked about his age in general, then he will be asked specifically about his youth time, how he used that time, how you utilize that time and what he has done during his youth. He will be asked about his age, but specifically he will be asked again about that period of time, which we consider it as Shabaab, Al Shabaab. And Rahim Allah said, Shabaab is something so special, it is something will go so fast in no time, that period of time if you're alive, which is the youth will be gone without even realizing that without even
noticing that.
He said, it's like something you carry it in your
soil, in your sleeve shirt, you carrying it with it, and it slipped out, you didn't notice it that you lost it. He said, this is the youth, which will goes very fast without realizing that you're already past that period of time. But let me tell you what the Muslim scholars said about the definition of youth who is considered youth. The youth is a person between 15 years old, all the way to 40 years old. I'm sure that some of you now smiling and feeling good about themselves that they still youth, even though they are 36 or 3738. Yes, you still considered a youth according to the definition of the Muslim scholars that you start from 15 years old all the way to 40 years old.
So what is so special about what is so special about this area or this period of time, that you being youth, there is a hadith.
Some scholar said that the tablet is Hassan Salta scholar criticized that simplicity of the Hadith, which is Hadith Akbar, Allahu Allah and the prophet or Salam said, In Arabic Allah Jabu min Shaban lei sallahu Saba that Allah subhanaw taala will be amazed with a young man or a woman, a youth who will always be good, and he doesn't have and time that he was not practicing or not a religious person. He'd been religious, all his youth, all his youth. When we talk about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sunlamps companions. So many of us think about the companions are as if they are old people in nebby sallallahu Sallam was surrounded with youth. Most of his followers were not old
people. As a matter of fact, you see that when they said when they describe the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, they will always mention Abu Bakar, or the alarm and as an old man, but the rest of them, they were youth. They were very young in their age. They were very young in their age, for instance, my new job Jebel Ali Allah and whatever the one on the prophets of Salaam told him in the little hip book. I love you, you're more and
I love you for the sake of Allah. May, Allah Anwar the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he will come in the Day of Judgment leading over scholars ahead of all the scholars. Ahead of all the scholars, the prophet Mohammed Salim said he's the one who knows the Hillel Harare.
The most he knows what is allowed and what is not allowed. He knows the rules of the Sharia the most more adequately Jabara the law and the prophets of Salaam also said, Take the Quran from four people learn Quran from four people, one of them more Agni Jabara de la.
In Nabhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have praised me out so much.
How old were you think when he was when he became Muslim? He was 18 years old only? I will say that again 18 years old, only, not even 20. And do you know that he died when he was some scholar sets at 28 years old. Some scholars said the Max was 32 years old,
only 32 years old. In this short period of time, he was able to lead all the scholars to be the most knowledgeable person in Hollywood how long this a man who used his or utilize his youth, to gain the most noble things in the world, the knowledge of Sharia not only in then that the the knowledge of Shetty out of the science of Hadith, or no, he was also there in the depth. In the day, when Muslim was fighting the Romans. And the leader of the Romans told him to add a new job well, he told him tomorrow when we meet you in the battle, I'm sure we will kill you all while you're running away, going back towards Arabia.
And more aggro the alarm, told the leader of the Romans, he said
it might happen that you kill us. But I guarantee for you, if it happened that you will kill one of us. You will never you will never kill us while we're running away. You will kill us while we're running towards you. With these words, he shaved the heart of that leader and Muslims when the battle in the next day.
My brothers and sisters
Osama had been
another example. Less than 20 years old, and in Nabi sallallahu. Sallam put him Amir in charge leader of an army in that army, Abu Bakar. Romero the Allahu Allahu Allah, and the great companions, they are all under his command, who sama had been Zaid or the Allahu Akbar was giving this responsibility while he's just a young man, a young man in
less than 20 years old.
Most of
the first ambassador in Islam, another example of a youth. Another example of a youth who spent his youth or he grew up with worshipping Allah subhana wa to Allah while he's worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala more Agni Jebel.
I must remain the first ambassador in Islam, that one would deliver the message of Islam to Medina who converted this the answer to Islam, one of the he's the first one who established Juma prayer in Islam. Muslim women in Romania are the Allahu Anwar The one who carried the
flag of most of the Muslims army in the day of hurt, and who were killed in the day of defending the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the religion of Allah was in his youth when he died when he accepted Islam when he migrated to Medina when he delivered the message in Dawa to Medina. Zaid dibny sabut another great example. They didn't stab it in his youth, he was giving one of the greatest responsibility during the province of solemn time, he was in charge of writing the Quran, collecting the Koran, and during Abu Bakr rhodiola and he was also in charge off. He was the head of the committee that Abubakar the Allah and Allah formulated to collect the Quran. And again, he was
giving this responsibility in the time of the alarm and to be the head of the committee who have collected the Quran in one must have
say the Sabbath was not an old man. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam give them that responsibility when Abu Bakar give him that responsibility. As a matter of fact, abubaker told him in Nicaragua on Shabbat
Lana table. You are a young man. We don't have any doubt about your ability to collect the Quran. We all know who killed abou Jan the the enemy of Islam and the enemy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
who was killed by two young boys and our 1314 years old. They told that dramatic Meowth in the Battle of badger Yeah, I'm uncle. If you see a boudjellal please let us know. Just pointed him out for us. So we will go straight and strike him and kill him in the Battle of better I'm gonna have to have said How come you will do that? He just a young two boys. They said yeah I'm we've been told that he used to abuse the prophets of Salaam when he was in Mecca. Give us this opportunity to take revenge for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and to leave this word from the evil of this man and that's exactly what happened. They were the one who strikes Abuja * and killed Abuja. I'm
delighted Zubair, a very young men, a very, very young men. Also, during the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the first child or is the first child born in Medina after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina with his companions, the son of a Smith to be back for the long run. However, he's the one who used to worship Allah subhanaw taala in the night, by praying in the day by fasting, and by being in the frontline with the Muslims, spreading Islam all over the place.
He was praying one time in the mustard in the midst of the Haram in Makkah, and part of the masjid fall.
They said he did not move. He was so concentrating in the salad, as if he didn't notice that. Sometimes when he prays, sometimes when he prays, he will be making a long suit to the extent birds will come and settle on his back, thinking that he just or rock or just a trunk of a tree
in the masjid. They said, Nobody can challenge up the lightness Zubair when it comes to
braveness He's so brave. He's so eloquent. He has, he speaks very good. And he's very righteous are the Allahu, and what are the VA? You know, Mohammed Parson, the one who carried or led the Muslims army, to India to the subcontinent. And he did that, while he's 17 years old. 17 years old, only. He took his message of Islam all the way to India, and to send
Omar Abdulaziz another example if I go back in, in history, a lot of knob disease, also a great man, a great Imam. He was in his youth 28 years old,
when he became so righteous, so just in his community or the lava and whatever. There are so many leaders who led the Muslims who led the Muslims and their youth to stablish a great society, great civilizations, and it's all done during their youth. Here I will stop and I will see you shala next time to talk more about this category, the youth who grow up, you grow up with the worship of Allah Subhana Allah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Bom Bom.
Bom, Bom, ba,
ba, ba,
These camels, Allah bless them to grow and just go with the regular with any out with any Muslim
camels like any other person, then what happened? I
told him no my son. You know, whenever you bring your camels, whenever you bring your camels, people will say, this is the camels of the sun, amount of little hubbub, Linden, eat, first, learn to drink first. So people allowed your camels to drink and eat more than anybody else, because of the camels of the Sun of the halifa of the Caliph. That's why I think that you should sell them.
It's not only Allah Anwar, once he pushed one of his servant, or he may push him or stab him strongly. He gives the stick to a servant that said, Go ahead and hit me with it beats me with it, before the day of judgment comes. And he wrote the alarm.
When he was the halifa of the Muslims, he was selling his own sword in the market. And he said, Well, I use the sword to protect Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam in his battles, I'm only selling it because I didn't have enough money to buy close to where otherwise I will never sell it.
And once he lost his shield, and he found a Jewish man selling this shield in the souks. So he brought the Jewish man to shore, I have Kali to the judge. And he said, This is my shield, and this man's selling it. So the judge asked earlier the line, do you have any proof that this shields belong to you? Because the Jewish man said this is my shield. So added to the law said yes, my son
was the master of the youth agenda. Sure, I said, Your son cannot be accepted. He's your son, I cannot accept him as a witness. You have to bring somebody else who said I don't have anybody else said so this shield belonged to the Jewish men.
See how much justice those people had, and the way they treat their people?
Yes, my brothers and sisters, be just in your family. Be just with your children. Don't ever favor your son or your daughter, because this is not justice. Don't ever favor one of your son over another because this is not the justice. You are a ruler in your house, as a father or as a mother.
Also be just with your family. Don't give all your time outside the house and you don't give any time to your home. Be just if you are in charge of a Muslim Islamic Center, or a message. Make sure that you just with people, you give people equal equal opportunities, or you give people what they deserve. Be just with your employees. If you have a company or if you're a manager, be just with the people who work for you. Be just with your neighbor. Be just with your community. If you are an imam of the masjid, if you are in charge of a community, be just when you give an advice. Be just when you criticize, be just when you write be just when you talk. Justice is the foundation of the
community. That's why in abyssal Solomon start with it, because based on justice, we can have a solid and strong community.
Now we'll break and then we'll come back to Charlotte to talk about the second category about the youth who grow up, worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Do you have kids? Do you want your kids to enjoy their time? Do you want them to benefit from their time
to increase their knowledge in Islam in general culture?
honesty, brother Frisco, yes.
How should you choose a friend and they should have lots and lots of toys? Yes.
A show consists of challenges.
The two teams with the most points at the end of the show that when the lovely golden medal, or if you come in second place, of course with a lovely silver medal, the winning team overall gets a lovely golden medal. I'm very excited.
Tonight like to teach them the Islamic finance Would you like to get to know our puppet freesco it's a good day to join our program kids quiz to have more knowledge and fun
Welcome back. Now we'll talk about the second category. Also, we'll talk about the youth who grow up with worshipping or with the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
youth. Yes, youth is the most important period of our life. youth are the most important people in any society. youth are the future of any society.
Actually, youth is so important periods of time in our life. To the extent that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, in the dev judgement, the person will be asked about his age, in general, then he will be asked specifically about his youth time, how he used that time, how he utilize that time, and what he has done during his youth, he will be asked about his age, but specifically he will be asked again about that period of time, which we consider it a Shabbat, a Shabbat, Al Rahim, Allah said, Shabaab is something so special, it is something will go so fast in no time, that period of time if you're alive, which is the youth will be gone without even realizing that without even
noticing that.
He said, it's like something, you carry it in your
soil, in your sleeve shirt, you carrying it with it, and it slept out, you didn't notice it that you lost it, he said, this is the youth, which will goes very fast without realizing that you already passed that period of time. But let me tell you what the Muslim scholars said about the definition of youth who's considered youth. The youth is the person between 15 years old, all the way to 40 years old. I'm sure that some of you now smiling and feeling good about themselves that they still youth, even though they are 36 or 3738. Yes, you still considered a youth according to the definition of the Muslim scholars, that you start from 15 years old all the way to 40 years old.
So what is so special about what is so special about this area or this period of time, that you being youth,
there is a hadith.
Some scholar said that the tablet is Hassan Salter scholar, criticized the simplicity of the Hadith, which is Hadith of the law and the prophets of Sodom said in Arabic Allah Jabu, minchah bin Laden, sallahu Subbu that Allah subhanaw taala remains with a young man or a woman, a youth who will always be good, and he doesn't have and time that he was not practicing or not a religious person he been religious, all his youth, all his youth. When we talk about the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam his companions, so many of us think about the companions are as if they are old people in nebby sallallahu Sallam was surrounded with youth. Most of his followers were not old people. As a matter
of fact, you see that when they said when they described the companions of the Prophet SAW salon, they will always mention Ababa, karate alone and as an old man, but the rest of them, they were youth. They were very young in their age. They were very young in their age, for instance, more arguably Jebel Ali Allah and whatever the one on the prophets of Salaam told him in the little handbook. I love you, you're more ad.
I love you for the sake of Allah.
Allah Anwar the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he will come in the Day of Judgment, leading over scholars ahead of all the scholars. Ahead of all the scholars, the prophet Mohammed Salim said he's the one who knows the halal haram the most he knows what is allowed and what is not allowed. He knows the rules of the Sharia. The most more added Mujibur, the Allah and the prophet SAW. Selim also said take the Quran from four people learn Quran from four people. One of them more added new Jabara the Allah Anwar
in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have praised not so much.
How old were you think when he was when he became Muslim? He was 18 years old only. I will say that again.
80 years old, only, not even 20. And do you know that he died when he was some scholar sets at 28 years old. Some scholars said the Max was 32 years old,
only 32 years old. In this short period of time, he was able to lead all the scholars to be the most knowledgeable person in Hollywood how long this a man who used his or utilize his youth, to gain the most noble things in the world, the knowledge of Sharia not only in then the the knowledge of Shetty out of the science of Hadith or fifth, no, he was also there in the day of
the day, when Muslim was fighting the Romans. And the leader of the Romans told him to add new jabel he told him tomorrow when we meet you in the battle, I'm sure we will kill you all while you're running away, going back towards Arabia.
Then more aggro the alarm, told the leader of the Romans, he said
it might have been that you kill us. But I guarantee for you, if it happened that you will kill one of us. You will never you will never kill us while we're running away. You will kill us while we're running towards you. With this words, he shaved the heart of that leader and Muslims when the battle in the next day.
My brothers and sisters
Osama had been
another example. Less than 20 years old, and in Obi sallallahu Sallam put him Amir in charge leader of an army in that army, Abu Bakar. Romero the Allahu Allah and the great companions. They are all under his command, Osama bin Zayed or the Allahu Akbar was giving this responsibility. While he's just a young man, a young man in
less than 20 years old
must obey the first ambassador in Islam. Another example of for youth. Another example of a youth who spent his youth or he grow up with worshipping Allah subhana wa Taala while he's worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala more Agni Jebel.
I must have made the first ambassador in Islam, that one would deliver the message of Islam to Medina who converted this the answer to Islam. One of the he's the first one who established Juma prayer in Islam must have been in Romania are the Allahu Anwar The one who carried the
flag of most of the Muslims army in the days ahead, and who were killed in the day of defending the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the religion of Allah was in his youth when he died when he accepted Islam when he migrated to Medina, when he delivered the message in Dawa to Medina Xay dibny sabut another great example. They didn't stab it in his youth, he was giving one of the greatest responsibility during the province of solemn time, he was in charge of writing the Koran, collecting the Koran, and during Abu Bakr rhodiola and he was also in charge off he was the head of the committee that abubaker Viola and
formulate to collect the Quran. And again, he was giving this responsibility in the time of tomorrow the alarm and to be the head of the committee who have collect the Quran in one must have,
say the mythos Sabbath was not an old man, when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam give them that responsibility when Abu Bakar give him that responsibility. As a matter of fact, abubaker told him in June shabu Lana, tell him you are a young man, we don't have any doubt about your ability to collect the Quran. We all know who killed abou Jan. The the enemy of Islam and the enemy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
who was killed by two young boys more than 1314 years old. They told that dramatic Meowth in the bottle of badger Yeah, I'm
Uncle if you see a boudjellal please let us know. Just pointed him out for us so we will go straight and strike him and kill him in the Battle of better I'm gonna have now said How come you will do that? He just a young two boys. They said yeah um we've been told that he used to abuse the prophets of Salaam when he was in Mecca give us this opportunity to take revenge for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and to leave this word from the evil of this man and that's exactly what happened. They were the one who striked Abuja * and killed Abuja I'm delighted This is a bear, a very young men, a very, very young men. Also, during the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the first child
or is the first child born in Medina after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina with his companions, the son of Smith, to be back for the long run. However, he's the one who used to worship Allah subhanaw taala in the night, by praying in the day by fasting, and by me, in the front line with the Muslims, spreading Islam all over the place.
He was praying one time in the mustard in the midst of that Haram in Makkah, and part of the mustard fall.
They said he did not move. He was so concentrating in the salad, as if he didn't notice that. Sometimes when he prays, sometimes when he prays, he will be making a long suit to the extent birds will come and settle on his back, thinking that he just a rock or just a trunk of a tree
in the masjid. They said nobody can challenge him to live in the suburb when it comes to
braveness. He's so brave. He's so eloquent. He has, he speaks very good. And he's very righteous, or the alarm and what are the VA, you know, Mohammed the person, the one who carried or led the Muslims army, to India to the subcontinent. And he did that while he's 17 years old. 17 years old, only. He took his message of Islam all the way to India, and to send
Omar Abdulaziz another example if I go back in, in history, a lot of nap that I see is also a great man, a great Imam. He was in his youth 28 years old,
when he became so righteous, so just in his community or the Allah and whatever. There are so many leaders who lived the Muslims who led the Muslims in their youth, to establish a great society, great civilizations, and it's all done during their youth. Here I will stop. I will see you shala next time to talk more about this category. The youth who grow up you grow up with the worship of Allah Subhana Allah assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.