Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #18 – Come to Him walking

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of federal prayer for individuals, particularly those who are experiencing problems or problems related to their actions. They encourage viewers to pray for their health and pray for their partners. The video is also available for viewers to find more videos and links.
AI: Transcript ©
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One of the greatest of what Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed is to be found in all of the Hadith footsie footsie means a loss teaching, told through the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam so they are different than the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala said, Come to me walking, I will come to you running panela a beautiful, beautiful invitation from Allah subhanho wa Taala to draw nearer to Allah subhanaw taala by whatever means you can because once you take a step toward Allah, Allah will come to you on a haste and this was done in the context of performing optional deeds, not the obligatory so the prophets Allah is Allah mentioned that when you do certain options deeds, Allah

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subhanaw taala loves you and he guide you and he become your hands by which is use striking with and so on and so forth. So this is an invitation for you today in sha Allah Allah to increase your acts of worship a little bit you know why? Because Ramadan is drawing is getting closer to an end and the problem is many people now are setting the mood and planning that once Ramadan is over have the lie got the reward the next year, if that's your intention, if you're worshipping Allah subhanaw taala in this Ramadan so that you may not worship him the same way again throughout the year until you witness another Ramadan. They let me tell you upfront you Ramadan will not be accepted. But if

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you're worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala as as a means for you to worship him like never before until you meet him in sha Allah, Allah with pure heart then congratulations this Ramadan has been accepted the reward has been confirmed by Allah subhanho wa Taala so today I want you to remember that the first night after Ramadan is over, there is something called federal prayer By the way,

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and this is an obligatory prayer, even thoroughly is not as important as federal It is important. pm will lay the night prayer the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is nothing better in terms of prayer.

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Like the night prayer after the obligatory so the best form of prayers after the obligatory is the night prayer. So it's important, but federal federal prayer is more important because it's compulsory upon you, whether you like it or not. So please do yourself a favor and wake up the first night of the eighth and perform your federal but before performing the obligatory I want you to remember to pray to America before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I got a fetch her euro minute Daniela Murphy, the toorak are performed right before the obligatory of Federer is better than the entire world and what is it? Imagine you're doing you're doing this for the sake of

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Allah subhanaw taala meaning like you're praying these two Raka just for you Allah, Guess how a loss of the handout Allah will respond to you. How Allah Subhana Allah will lift you have your your troubles and your problems, indeed he will intervene he just he's testing you with these challenges. So remember, come closer to Allah Subhana Allah through acts of you know, volunteer x Allah will come to you running and save you from your trouble. If you haven't watched the previous episodes my brothers and sisters in Islam Do yourself a favor in sha Allah all the videos are to be found below this video. Share them with everyone like them so that you can you share a login reward from Allah

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subhanaw taala and we will see you tomorrow with a new episode title. Do not justify

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