Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #05 – Sexual Triggers

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses two solutions to addiction: breaking free from pornography and avoiding sexual triggers. They explain that the sexual triggers are harming one's behavior and the non sexual triggers are neutral. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of practice and avoiding sexual triggers to avoid harming one's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today in sha Allah Allah we're going to discuss two solutions or two things that if you could master them Charla very well, you will be able to break free from * addiction they are identifying your sexual triggers, what are these things that attract you and bring you back to that cycle of addiction going back again and again to these filthy websites? What are these triggers? What are these cues that reminds you of the action? This is number one. Number two is lowering your gaze to look at that which is lawful and pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala. As of the sexual triggers, there are so many we have actually sexual triggers and we have non sexual triggers. Both

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of them leads to the same thing. *, the sexual triggers are obvious things that you watch on a scene in a movie that attracts your sexual desire and so on. Songs here, MTV songs, YouTube, suggestive links and so on. All of which lead you to the same end result watching * all the non sexual triggers is boredom, loneliness, isolation, you're always alone, you have nothing to do you're not productive. All these again leads you to the same destination *, how about lowering your gaze, lowering your gaze is the ultimate solution for breaking free from * addiction. Because the more you see, the more you stay, the more you store. This is the human camera

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its store everything that you look at. And so when you look outside, when you go outside the streets and you start looking at girls, walking by wearing inappropriate clothes or even looking at boys who are not wearing properly and staring at them, immediately these images will be stored in your brain. And once you are home once you are alone, immediately the dopamine these chemical reactions or hormones start working in our brains reminding you of the activity. What is the activity, *? That's why Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, in a form of command telling the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Kahlil mini and I do mean to him tell the believing men to lower the gaze

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whenever they see something harm whenever they see something shameful to to look elsewhere. And the same command is given to the believing woman called Illuminati. Yeah, I mean obviously hand tilt to the believing woman to lower the gaze. What will happen if we lower our gaze Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran what will happen we will guard or chestatee we will guard our private part and this is what we want. So two things inshallah you have learned today. Identify your sexual sexual triggers and non sexual triggers and avoid them and practice lowering the gaze. It is difficult but it is always possible. My brothers and sisters in Islam if you haven't watched already

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the previous episodes kindly click below the links you see all of them included in the description of this video. Like them, share them with the rest of the world so that you may gain the reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we'll see you tomorrow inshallah with another episode title. Respect your spouse

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