Wael Ibrahim – Break the Cycle – Porn Addiction #01 – Have you sinned

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The host discusses the upcoming episode of a video on ". ." and encourages viewers to share information about who they are and what they mean. The episode is about forgiveness and finding pleasure in the wrong places.
AI: Transcript ©
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have you sent today? Have you send yesterday? Have you seen last year? Have you been stuck with your sins for so many years and you don't know what to do? Here's the answer. Repent and never despair. A loss of Hannah dalla told us in the Quran aliaga de la Vina a Seraph, who Allah and who see him later on Natoma Rahmatullah in the La Jolla for the Nova Jamia inna who who Allah for rocky turtle My servants or Mohammed Salah liason who have transgressed against themselves who have wronged themselves who have seen day and night? Tell them this pay not from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala for Allah forgive all sins. Can you hear me my brothers and sisters? Allah forgives all sins,

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major or minor? in Navajo, a former Rahim Allah subhanaw taala then described himself as the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. When I was into music, and singing in the past, I thought that the last panel to Allah would never forgive me. When I decided to make a change in my life. That was my concern. I have been receiving tons of emails from so many people around the world saying the same thing, that we have done a lot of bad deeds that we are ashamed now to ask Allah for forgiveness. But when I saw my wife who was born as a Catholic, I devoted Catholic, making a shift in a life and embracing Islam and changing her lifestyle completely. I became more than convinced that change is

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possible. All you need to do is to take one step toward that change, as we said in the introductory session, so never despair from the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. What you're going to do in sha Allah by the end of this episode is to make a decision and that decision is I am going to repent and seek Allah's forgiveness every single day. In the same manner how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to repent and seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala he said Salalah Harlem hum and Saul olalia Selim Yes, yeah. Are you a nurse to who you know law who are stuck through or people who repent to Allah return to Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask him for forgiveness for even I, I repent

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to Allah and I seek forgiveness from him every single day 70 times and in another generation 100 times. So who are you and who are who am I and who are you compared to the prophets a lot so the best of the best. So today's decision in sha Allah Allah before we start the journey of breaking free from undesirable habits, especially *, is to seek repentance and forgiveness from Allah subhana wa. If you haven't watched the first episode, the introductory session of this year's kindly find it in the description below we have included the link like and share with others so that you may gain the reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we'll see you tomorrow with another episode

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titled seeking pleasures in the wrong places.

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