Tofael Nuruddin – Delivering Benediction

Tofael Nuruddin
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AI: Summary ©

The segment discusses the prophets and their importance in shaping society. The prophets, Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac, each speak to their respective roles in shaping society, including providing guidance and helping people achieve prosperity and peace. The segment also touches on the importance of helping people achieve their goals and advancing education for youth.

AI: Summary ©

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			Inna alhamdulillah, nahmaduhum wa nasta'aynuhum wa nastaghfiruhum,
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			wa nu'minu bihi wa natawakal alayhi, wa na
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			'udhu billahi min shururi anfusina wa min sayyi
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			'ati a'malina, man yahdihi allahu fala mudhillah, wa
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			man yuqdhilhu fala hadiyallah, wa nashhadu an la
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			ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah, wa nashhadu
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			anna sayyidana wa mawlana muhammadan habibuhu, wa abduhu
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			wa rasuluhu, wa anna Isa karimatuhu alqaha ila
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			Marya mawruhun minh, wa anna Musa karimuhu wa
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			rasuluhu humma ba'ah.
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			As students of Sacred Sciences, one of the
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			first prophetic narrations that we were told and
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			we were transmitted, and it comes with an
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			unbroken chain to the Prophet Muhammad peace be
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			upon him, he says, ar-rahimun yarhamuhum ar
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			-rahman, irhamu man fil-ard, yarhamukum man fil
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			-samaa, he says, the ones who are merciful
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			are shown mercy by the most merciful, meaning
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			Be merciful to those on the earth and
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			you will be shown mercy by the one
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			in the heavens.
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			All praise is due to God, we seek
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			his assistance in all our affairs, we seek
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			his forgiveness, we seek refuge in God from
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			the evil of our egos and our souls.
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			Whomsoever he guides, none can misguide, whomsoever he
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			misguides, none can guide.
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			We bear testimony that there is no deity
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			but God alone, who has no partners, he
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			is all-powerful.
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			He says in his scripture, ar-rahimun yarhamuhum
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			ar-rahman, irhamu man fil-ard, yarhamukum man
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			fil-samaa, he says, there is no deity
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			but God alone, who has no partners, he
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			is all-powerful.
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			He says in his scripture, ar-rahimun yarhamuhum
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			ar-rahman, irhamu man fil-samaa, he says,
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			there is no deity but God alone, who
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			has no partners, he is all-powerful.
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			He says, say, O God, owner of sovereignty,
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			you give sovereignty to whomsoever you want and
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			you take away sovereignty and power from whomsoever
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			you want.
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			You grant honor to whomsoever you want and
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			you abase whomsoever you want.
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			O Lord, the most capable, the omnipotent, bless
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			this city and lead us in prosperity through
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			collaboration and communal effort.
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			Bless Mayor Spicer and help her to outcomes
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			and results that promote both our spiritual and
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			material growth.
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			Help all the city officials with their services
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			to keep our city welcoming, peaceful and safe
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			and reward them for their efforts and sacrifices.
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			O God, we implore you to perpetually protect
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			and safeguard our city from any harm and
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			We ask you that you guide all of
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			us to the straight path, the path of
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			the righteous prophets, Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac.
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			The path of the pious, not the path
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			of those who have deviated and those that
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			incurred your wrath.
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			O God, help the ones that are in
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			We ask you, O Lord, to assist us
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			in enriching education for our youth and to
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			aid us in assisting our elderly who are
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			the most worthy of our honor and respect.
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			O God, make us from those that are
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			merciful on earth so we may receive mercy
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			from you, the one in the heavens.
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