The Deen Show – Millions of children face starvation in Yemen

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The lack of natural resources in Yemen is causing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, including the devastation of local people and the loss of their parents. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying for the people and creating awareness for those who do not have a voice. They also stress the need for a positive attitude and strong sense of community, rather than just rewarding individuals. The speakers provide blessings and support to those in need, including food security and housing, and promote their website for free copies of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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world's poorest country. The war in Yemen has basically been a stalemate for the last six years. How old are you? 15 years old. You're 13 years old and you want to fight Yemen is in the midst of the world's worst humanitarian crisis. Oh, no more.

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the lack of fuel entering Yemen impacts everything. Clean water and electricity are harder to come by health facilities run on limited power

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Smilla hamdulillah as salaam alaikum greetings of peace. Welcome to the deen Show. I'm your host. Now from time to time, we go ahead and talk about the in justices that are happening in different parts of the world. And usually when we touch upon an injustice in this part of the world, and people are like, Why are you not talking about this part of the world, then we talk about this part of the world because it's just happening all over the place. Muslims are some of the most oppressed people in the world. And you have all of this going on. And there's little to no media attention on it. So we want to do our small part and create awareness to what's going on in Yemen. And who better

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yet to talk about this, and our next guest will be right back. We need to do this for the future of our children, the future of our great country, the future of mankind. This is your brother of one I'm gonna follow up. And I've got a very important message that hamdulillah brother Eddie is setting up the Dean center, not just the Dean show, but the Dean center, a full dalla Academy, a masjid a data center in America, the first of its type, the groundbreaking project, and I want everybody as I'm supporting it, I want everybody to support it. So we can take the dollar to the next level. We need the Dean center, please support it.

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When I mean how

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best to talk about the Yemeni crisis and schicke How are you sure hamdulillah Santa Monica, Lagos, South Africa to good meeting him abroad? Nice meeting you also, we appreciate the opportunity. Thank you for accepting the invitation. And like I mentioned in the opening, we talk about the different oppression is going on in the Muslim world. And people have been asking, What about Yemen? Why would you talk about Yemen, we got an opportunity now, what's going on in Yemen?

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Well, if you look throughout the world, a lot of challenges, a lot of trouble areas, a lot of hotspots. And now one of the areas is Yemen. Yemen, according to the UN is considered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. According to the United Nation, Yemen considered the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Why doesn't the world talk about this?

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I'm not sure why the word is not talking about it. But a lot of people dying worse than Ukraine. It is worse than worse than Ukraine. But the whole world is talking about Ukraine. Just imagine, for example, 80% of the population, which is like 24 million live on assistance.

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Imagine 4 million people plus they are internally displaced IDPs are refugees within their own countries. Just think about it that 1.2 million orphans, AVM children that father or lost their mother or lost their parents, the half of the school system, or half of the health industry is not function anymore. And the sad part, when we say the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, the sad part every 10 minutes, a child dying in Yemen, lack of food, starvation, and lack of medical care, every 10 minutes has returned minutes. So it is a tragedy, unfortunately, is not picking up. The media supposed to pick up.

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Even the funds supposed to be coming from the United Nation, not even half of it is coming to Yemen. So we rely on people like you, nonprofit organizations, good people throughout the world to come and give in to the Yemeni people. Subhan Allah so tell me now, is there any campaign like pray for Yemen, like you have prayed for Ukraine? And again, we don't take away from the suffering in Ukraine or anywhere. But it seems like this was happening far before anything was happening in Ukraine. Just for example, I'm just give an example. But do we see this trending at all? Do we see this? Almost when something goes on to these places is like pray for Ukraine, pray for this. But is there any

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pray for Yemen like when the whole world is collaborating now and coming together to help the situation even I think somewhere around there

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We never hear this in the news 2014 Sometime it pick up in the news. But most of the time is not there. But as

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people have the word as Muslims, news, Yemeni news,

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it picked up on CNN sometime on national news, but it's not there all the time. So it's like any other tragedy, it had the waves for some time, then it dies. So now, it's not much in the media. But we as people, were trying to create that voice for those who do not have voice. We pray to them in every daily prayer. We ask people throughout the world to pray for the people of Yemen, and everywhere where people are suffering Muslims and non Muslims. We care about people. And we rely on our Lord Allah subhanho wa Taala to alleviate their suffering. So we do prayers, prayers, by itself is not going to work. You need to accompany it with some actions. Yes, sir. So give us an example of

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the day to day life for a Yemenis. You know, I had a person called me from Nashville, Tennessee, they have a village.

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And it's like two miles. They need to run water from one place to another throughout the mountain to get to their village. The project is around $42,000 they have managed to get the palm they have managed to get the solar system. And now they're just trying to get the imagine. Every day you have to walk two miles and this is a closed area. You know, it's not too far. You have to walk two miles fill up gallons of water and go up into the mountain to have water for your tea or for you got to walk two miles. You have to this is a small walk actually NAMM people, sometimes they have walk more than that to get to water.

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Imagine a child does not have shoes to wear.

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One, when our president went to Yemen, our Chairman of the organization pure hands, he said there was a child, and he was crying next to his mom. And he asked why he's crying. What does he need? He said he just want to be in the classroom with his friends.

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Imagine, you know today I was reading in the report for the UN. And they were saying that

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Yemen at the brink of losing an entire generation. Imagine a child since 2014. Until today,

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you're talking about eight, nine years did not go to school.

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So if somebody is the first grade today, at that time, now is the ninth grade doesn't know the alphabet, doesn't know how to multiply numbers, doesn't know anything around them. What is the future hold for them.

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Many kids unfortunately, became victims of the wars and at a young age being used also in the battlefield. Unfortunately, it's very sad when you as a parent,

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you have nothing to offer your kids to eat, how you feel.

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When you as a parent doesn't have money to buy your kids, some clothes to wear how you feel. When you see your child malnutrition.

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They're losing their life in front of your own eyes.

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Very simple. Eye Surgery $500 the cataract

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1000s people could see just with a small operation. It's not available. It's very tough. You get exasperated when you see people complaining about the latest shoes, or maybe the latest outfit. And sometimes you have even husband and wife you know bickering over stuff that now like we don't have the latest gadgets, maybe the latest car but then maybe they come to you because you're che also and they're in front of you presenting cases and stuff and it's monetary, you know to mean dunya stuff and then do you ever share somebody's experiences? You know, I was given a photo yesterday in St. Louis. And part of my footways as an immigrant I came to this country

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to New York probably have a few $100 with me.

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I know a friend or not, and not much. And we started from zero. Get nothing on us, too.

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Today hamdulillah many of us in a similar situation, we get homes, we have cars, we have family, we have children, we have jobs, we have income coming in daily basis. So I told the people, we need to always appreciate what Allah has given us is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam always, when it comes to dunya, and life and materials, look at the people below you, because you will feel the suffering. If you look up, you're gonna break your neck, you're not getting there, and you feel bad. So we need to appreciate the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala. And all of us, our health, our families, meeting people like you have in a show like this, it creates awareness about our Muslim

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Ummah, some time, we focus on this dunya. And we forget that the very basics we have, you know, if you if you look in the convention today, and you see how many bottles of water half empty, and thrown here and there, people will love to have that sip of water in Yemen. $40 It's provide water for a family for the whole month, and Yemen when it comes to that. So we're spoiled, especially here. And in this country, Allah blessed us and blessed us a lot. So we need to be thankful, first to Allah subhanaw taala. And we need to be thankful by sharing these blessing with those who are unfortunate. Absolutely. So how can people share the blessings? How can people get involved to go

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ahead and make some kind of difference? I always say, you know, for any action we do in life, when we work as a team, when we talk as a group, we work as a group it make more sense. And I give example of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was traveling, and the Companions want to, you know, be kind to him, they want to provide food for him. So one of the companions said, you know, I have a sheep, I want to slaughter it for you so you can eat. The other companion said, You know what? I can skin it for you. The third one, he said, I'm a good cook, I'll cook it for you. The Prophet did not sit down and wait for the companion to compete, who will serve the process and he said, while Ajahn

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Malhotra I, Muhammad wa salam, the Prophet of Allah, I will go and collect the sticks so I can light the fire. If each one of us feel that responsibility, that when I see my brothers and my sister's, whether it's in Yemen, or visa, or in Pakistan today with the flood, or anywhere in the world, or here in New York, or Chicago, if I see somebody in need, what can I do? I might not be able to solve the world problem. But I can solve somebody's problem. And

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our teaching of all profitable and sell them is amazing. Because he does not want us to look at the needy, as burden. He wants us to look at it as an opportunity for us. He said if you're able to bring a happiness to somebody, Allah, God will not reward you with anything but the jinn. But the paradise. If you bring a smile, that's your ticket to Paradise, who are the most beloved people to Allah? He said, those who are beneficial to others. What is the most beloved deed Allah loved the most? He said, a happiness you bring to somebody. So I think always, we need to have that attitude. What can I do to help others Ibn Taymiyyah homily, he says, the relationship between us, our

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brotherhood, our sisterhood, the key they community together is like the relationship between the hands and the eyes. Now you asked me how, you know, if the eye cries and the tears come down, the hand will wipe out right.

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And if you have pain in your hand, what happened? The tears will come down. That is our relationship as one body it doesn't matter you're in and China in your in America everywhere. Human needs are human needs Muslim and non Muslims we all in the same boat. So let's look at ourselves and see what I can do as a person. We often respond to relief organization, we often respond to to ascertain needs, okay, if we can take it a further step where I

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I as a person, I will look and see the needs of others not respond to their needs. Let me see what the needs is sometime my need is in a measured sometime I need in some school, sometime my need is is is like a project you're purchasing, sometimes they need is, is helping the people in Pakistan or in Yemen or somewhere less first step have that attitude in ourself that let me be part of the solution as much as I can. Now we can talk about how to do it. But if we have that attitude that I care, and I want to help Rosa Sutherland, he used to borrow money, he tell people go buy credit on my account. And when I have it, I will pay he will never turn somebody away. And our people in Yemen

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and elsewhere, they're crying for help. So how can people help, but it's simple. You know, for example, I'm with pure hands, and we're focusing

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mainly on Yemen. And we've been serving the Yemeni community for the last 10 years and Hamdulillah. With people like you and donors from different parts of the US, we were able to provide that on 300 millions worth of assistance to the people of Yemen, and we touch the heart of 5 million people. This cause is bigger than all of us, but we're focusing on a strategic areas that impact the life of the people. Number one, we have

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the food security, lot of people especially in villages and remote area, they have nothing to eat. So we provide a food basket $110 $100 A month can provide for a family of seven for 30 days imagine and that's a blessing. So, food security is one area wash, which is water, either we dig water wells or we provide my monthly water delivery to these people. Or sometimes we have tanks of water delivered to certain area, then we have also health whether providing some clinics or dialysis for kidneys, or providing medical or medicine for the people or doing some minor surgeries. We have also some programs,

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protection for the children, which is related to the orphans. Then we have shelters, we build houses for those who are stranded. And we have livelihood programs that try to give the people a heads up and help them live their life instead of just receiving a system. And that's pure hands. That is pure Han

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Shan louder hands a pure and our heart is connected. reward you for your work. Just go ahead. Thank you so much. We appreciate your time and effort. Thank you, Solomonic. Well, I cannot leave without giving you a gift if you're not yet Muslim and you tune in and see what these Muslims are talking about. And you'd like a free copy of the Quran. Go and visit the deen We'll take care of the postage and everything and get it delivered to you. And if you still have some questions about Islam, call us at 1-800-662-4752 We'll see you next time until then Peace be with you A salaam aleikum. And if you liked this episode of the deen show, like this video, share this video far and

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wide and support us on our Patreon page so we can continue this work. Thank you for tuning in Peace be with you as salam aleikum

What you need to know about Yemen

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