The Deen Show – Life is a Test be Prepared for Betrayal with Shaykh Assim al Hakeem #878

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The episode discusses the importance of not letting one's guard down when testing someone for evil behavior and the challenges of working in a media environment. The speakers emphasize the need for a strong message to avoid unnecessary punishment and avoid conflict between sp they'd speak to. The importance of acceptance of Islam in modern times is emphasized, including the use of sharia in religion and the importance of knowing one's religion to speak to people. The episode also touches on the history of Islam and the importance of guidance from Prophet Muhammad to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salam ala congres a peace Welcome to the deen Show. I'm your host. Thank you for tuning in my next guest. Shake awesome Bill Luqman al Hakim graduated from the prestigious Omar Al Qura University in Mecca. He's been the local imam for the past 22 years in Jeddah where the shape delivers weekly Friday sermons and lectures on various Islamic sciences. Shaykh awesome. Hakeem also participates regularly, both on radio and television programs to spread the authentic teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. And he's here with us on the deen show today. I salami kosher? Why don't you come sit down? What happened to law here? Well, Accardo, Heinz Zachman, for

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having me with a simple correction. When you said since 22 years, this brought so many good memories. Unfortunately, it's 35 years now.

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It shows the toll of time on us at home did you got to update the bio there? I should that should. So 35 years, you have a lot of experience. You're also the host of one of the most popular q&a sessions out there helping people and educate them on some of the basic fundamentals of the deen. And I just can't forget the first time I think we met was in

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for the Peace TV in Mumbai. Do you remember that? Yeah, sure. Sure. I do. Yeah, that was the last one, wasn't it? No, it was in tooth in 2014. In Dubai.

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In the peace conference, as well, we met earlier in 2009. I think we're 10 in Mumbai for peace conference. But then 2014 in Dubai, the last peace conference there. Tell me I cannot recollect which lecture with this was, you know, when you meet someone who you listen to something from them, and then it sticks in your mind. There's every time I associate you with this one lecture, and it hits home, and you talk about if you can just remind me, it's a lecture where you're talking about something about how everybody has someone closest to them, that somehow they're being tested through like someone who was appointed, just like and then you related to the Prophet saw some that? Do you

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remember this specific lecture you were talking about? You're getting so many. Yeah, I'm too old to remember Eddie. Come on. Yeah. But as young as you I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday. And was it through a tube? Or was it normal

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to send it, but the way the way you put it together that you know, I'm not doing it justice, but something along the lines that there'll be an enemy closest to you, you can be on the path of doing the righteousness of conveying the message, or whatnot. And it could be your closest family members, somebody some means it's always it's just inevitable. This is a known fact, each and every one of us is tested on in this life. And this test varies. Some of us are tested with wealth. So billionaires shouldn't be happy because this is a test. And seldomly, you'll find someone who passes this test. Others are tested by poverty, and those who are sick of being poor again, this is a test. So health

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is a test. Sickness is a test. Power is a test. being the underdog is a test. This is what life is all about. Allah stated xojo In Surah Al Mulk, Allah the Hala moto will hire the One who created death and life. Leah Blue Welcome to test you. So this is a test now.

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If it is an easy test, it would wouldn't be a test. So someone says share. Allah has given me abusive parents. They're so rude and they're so this considerate and this so a bad when they deal with us, the children. So how can I be steadfast, I'm trying my level best, but I'm not succeeding as a Daffy. If Allah gave you a mother, who's a sweetheart, and a father, that is a providing for you buying new cars and giving you money unconditionally, and not ever asking you to carry a bag of groceries with him. And then you come and say, Alhamdulillah, I'm beautiful. Whereas your test, the test is when you are tested. So the closer a person to you is, the harder the betrayal is, the

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harder the test is. So always be on your guard. Never enslaved yourself to wealth never is

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Leave yourself to spouses, or children or close friends. Be a slave of Allah azza wa jal love everybody,

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to the best of your ability. Be considerate, be compassionate, but always, never let your guard down because you never know when the test is gonna come. Subhanallah that's so true. So that would answer the question for the atheist who says, Now, if there's a God, then why is there so much evil in the world? You kind of answered it, because this life is a test.

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Well, for atheists, we feel sorry for them. And they have our condolences, because they, unfortunately, have missed the whole thing. And they know what deep inside so we don't usually go out of our way to convince them there is no need to.

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Yeah, if you just tell me, how can this be created? I'm fine with that. Allah says in the Quran, unholy common ratio in

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humble hollow?

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Have they been created

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via vacuum? Out of nothing, nothing created them? Or were they the creators of themselves?

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Of course, vacuum creates nothing. So definitely, they were not created by nothing. If you were to bring a junk of metals, and put it in your room and lock your room for 1000 year or 100,000 years, it would not come out to be a Porsche 911 Turbo.

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It needs a manufacturer.

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So there is no such thing as evalute evolution or something that created itself or evolved. No, this is baloney.

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Have we created ourselves? Definitely not. We can even create a look look at this. I have mine so perfectly. Not because it's mine, though. It might add some value to it. And I is so perfect. So precise. Yet no power on earth can create a similar i that it's in this socket that is protected by this the skull itself structure. How many eyes are there on earth at the moment? Almost 16 Alien eyes?

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Except what's in the wombs of women that is under the making? Tell me how many eyes of animals? How many eyes are there of birds? How many eyes are there of fish? How many eyes? Are there all insects? Who created all of this?

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Oh, it's illusion. It's nature. It's anything but God. So with all due respect, atheist, I'm not gonna waste my time talking to them. Because if they fail to see the sun in a broad light, then they have something wrong with their heads.

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Do you see a lot of the questions that you get more and more revolving somewhat around this, you know where they talk about some some Muslims not going to university and having a crisis of faith? Are you getting more of these types of questions from people who are not well grounded in the deen or some maybe who are but then they go to university and now the professor, you know, philosophy for us are he puts on the board? No God here and then he gets struck by this and his faith gets challenged. How are you seeing this more? Well, with Grace of Allah azza wa jal, I would say that this is point 0001 of the questions that I get from those who approached me, Eddie, they know me,

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they've been with me for the past, like 21 years since I started in the media and the social media handler. So they know my track record, they come for a solution that they believe would fit the Quran the sooner. They're not from a different sect or a cult, let alone to be atheist. However, I do get a few questions from parents who suffer from their children. So they say chef, can you sit with my child for a little while? I said, Yeah, sure. So hamdulillah usually takes between five to 15 minutes max, to talk and communicate with kids, with boys with girls. And it is so easy to get them back into Islam with the grace of Allah azza wa jal. You don't have to be a rocket scientist.

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Oh, what you have to do is to know your religion to know how to speak to people, not over.

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Superficial issues rather go deep into the appearance

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And this is where our mistake is. When we think that IP there is only technicalities, what did the Morteza law say? What did they actually say? What did the journey say? And neglecting what our Quran and our surdna said, once we learn it, as it is displayed in the Quran and soon and know who Allah is the Almighty, then we've got it.

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So now the questions that you get, what are some of the main ones you also do the counseling? So what would you say are the top priority of things now that are affecting us for this day in generation, the things that you're seeing, answering so many of these questions that are coming to you on the forefront?

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The counseling is different. See, the counseling is usually divided between marriage counseling. So this is a problem between two spouses. One of them wants a solution once an eye opener, or both of them are having problems with one another, or one wants to divorce or one wants to get married. And usually they come to me as a share as someone they trust in religion Hamdulillah. And due to the age and experience I have, because if I were not on your live show, I would have shown you my high heel traces on my head, due to being married to two priests in a previous life for more than 25 years together. So as a man with two wives for this long, a quarter of a century, you get to know women.

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And you know that you know how they think. So they come to me for

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an eye opener, because I'm not a psychiatrist. I'm not a shrink, I'm just there to help them in according to the Quran and Sunnah. To tell them what's right and what's wrong. Some of them come to vent, I don't take that venting session is half an hour, they may speak for five minutes only. And I do with the rest of speaking because I can see exactly what

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suffering from has given no, you're wrong as a man, you're a wimp, you're not a real man, you should have done this, you should have done that. As a woman, you have all the right to stand up for yourself and ask for divorce. Or do this or, as a woman, you should feel Allah because you'll be cursed on the day of judgment for things you do. Now, other parts of the counseling session is and this like 35% to 40%

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is about people who have OCD.

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So you get people OCD, when it comes to purity, they perform voodoo in half an hour, they spent an hour taking total basil. Also, they wash the toilet like six times a day more than they pray. Why do you do this so that we feel we think we believe doubts that overwhelm them from shape and then you go to the higher level or the lower depending how you look at it, where these whispers and whispers

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are about Schick about Cofer. So share. I was putting my

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earbuds in my ear, and I smiled. Is that covered? I said, What the heck? What do you mean by cover? So yeah, because I remember that the Prophet when he made wudu, he used to wipe his ears. So I smiled.

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Okay, this is not related. This is not go for this is utter stupidity, you should see a psychiatrist, a Muslim psychiatrist. So I get to sit with people who think that Okay, did I commit Cofer? Did I exit the fold of Islam? Did I do this? Did I do that by opening their eyes and telling them listen, this is how shaytan messes up with your head through two ways. Either. He you're inclined to partying all night long and drinking booze and womanizing, so he doesn't care about your whispers indeed, he opens venues and since or you're in so meticulous about things related to Islam, so keen on pursuing what gets you closer to Allah. So he exaggerates things and makes you go to

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extreme. a grain of sand. He makes it in your head as big as a mountain. So you think everything is make me feel

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doomed and a bound to help. This is my job is to open their eyes. The rest of the questions I get are the usual questions about halal food, music, pre mixing, sometimes consultation of what to do. I have a best friend who's not talking to me. I have a best friend who marks the dean or religion I have this I have that and things related to transactions to say

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and buying rebar and the likes.

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What you mentioned the term psychologist, psychiatrist. Couple times. What is it when you see this? Where is the line where you mentioned seeing a Muslim psychologist? So what's the line there within the deen within Islam with psychology and Islam? Obviously psychologists study study of human behavior and whatnot. But have you seen sometimes when there's a conflict there, you know, when you have secular psychology, and then you have the teachings of Dean, do you see? How is the fine? What's the what's the, in your experience, the fine line there? Were you?

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Have you seen some contradictions there? Because some we've seen some growing thing here, that people now are seeing this some people as this is almost sometimes they'll take the advice from the psychologist over the the dean. Well, unfortunately, this is happening in so many places. Now. psychology is a science, there's no doubt in that. But who had ever said that every science is infallible? Nobody. Now, if you analyze what the signs

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upon your face that theories are totally irrelevant and wrong. So a Muslim psychiatrist, when he analyzes a problem, he knows when this is closer to being such a crania, whether a person is bipolar or not. And such a person being bipolar would swing with both swings, is this something that justifies him doing things? And then we can say, Oh, the poor thing is bipolar is exempted is did he reach the level of insanity where, when he does something, he's not accountable, like the thing that happens in the west so many times, so a merger may

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skip punishment because of his psychiatric evaluation. And this is not the case in Islam. A Muslim psychiatrist is a person who balances this science, with our Islamic beliefs. Because unlike other religions, Islam is the only religion that came up with a law with the Sharia. That is valid till the end of time. So we have a law from the Quran and the Sunnah, that governs our relationship, man, to man, or relationship man to Allah azza wa jal, the creator and the rest of the world. So if someone kills someone, we have to know, because insanity is a level where we can abstain from

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inflicting the prescribed punishment for

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the predetermined murder and manslaughter.

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So this is why a Muslim psychiatrist is needed. We have to know when to give medication, lots of the modern psychiatrist would just put you on Prozac. Oh, you have depression. Go ahead. Date.

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Medical marijuana, oh, everybody's going for that nowadays. Especially in your country, the state so I get lots of questions share, I'd like to do.

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Part, you know, it's medical reason not to get high.

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What is this? Yes, this is permissible in very, very, very, very limited cases. But now with psychiatrist with doctors who don't know Islam, would prescribe it for everybody. So, yes, Muslim psychiatrist is the right one to strike the balance and to know, what is, uh, applicable, what is not sometimes spiritual healing is in need. Instead of getting medication, all what you need is to learn who Allah is, is to learn why He created you and to trust him.

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A lot of our problems are sold, if we manage to trust

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dealing now with many couples, also, what's your therapy sessions? Are you saying the divorce rate increasing or decreasing? And what are some of the causes? If so, the majority of the cases that hamdulillah are decreasing when someone intervenes, someone with knowledge, not me, of course, but if an elder in the family sits with them, and this concept is mentioned in the Quran, that when there is a conflict between the spouses send an arbitrator from his family and from hers

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So they both come and sit together and delegate and talk about the problem and come up with

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solutions that may be accepted, accepted by both parties. This is best See, Islam does not promote divorce. And this is why verse 34, Chapter Four in the Quran, Allah gives a sequence. And this sequence may not be preferred by so many people because they think of okay, how is it possible for a man to beat his woman and is not beating in with a baseball bat? Allah says, as always, those who are disobedient and rebellious among your wives, you have to advise them. So for a whole month or two, I'm reminding her of Allah, I'm telling her this is not good for the family. Come on, honey, this is not right. You have to do this according to the law of Allah. I have no problem. Do you want

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to follow Sharia? Or do you want to follow your whims and desires? If the woman says, I want to follow Sharia? Good for you? This? Look what Sherry says, and we follow it. This is what we are how we solve conflicts. There's a conflict between me and you, Eddie, you say right, I say left. So

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to do, we can't be one, we can't fight it off. So we bring someone to arbitrate the person who arbitrates comes to us and say,

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Do you want to follow Sharia? Or do you want to follow your whims and desires as Muslims immediately we say Sharia.

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There is no doubt in that. Then he displays what the Sherry I said, and I was wrong. I will say I adhere sherry.

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If I'm not a real Muslim, I would say no. Let's go to the civil court. Let's go to a shaman who would say something in my favorite rather than yours, then this indicates that I'm not a true real genuine Muslims. In marriages, the same thing happened. So if the man is the oppressor, I say to him, you're cherry our whims and desires. If he says, Well, it depends what cherry, I said. I said, case, closed, because you don't want Islam. If both of them want Islam, we reach a settlement and a conclusion that is acceptable to both and most of these cases, end up in this way.

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Oh, you mentioned a term that some might not be familiar with. You mentioned it I just wanted to point out is it true I mean, I've had guests on before who are arabic speaking like yourself, that in the Arabic Bible you have Shetty, I mentioned over 200 times, Moses, peace be upon him who love revere is one of the mightiest messengers. He also brought the 10 commandments, would this be considered Sharia? Definitely, Allah says, Nikoline John, let me come, shall I tend women Hajer. To all of these nations, we have given a Sharia and a methodology away. So yes, the Judaism has a Sharia, it has the 10 commandments, it's has laws of its own. But these laws are not applicable to

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all times. And this is why all the previous religions had the time limit. And this time limit was over when the following religion came until Islam. When Islam came, it was declared on day one that this is the final religion, the final revelation from Allah azza wa jal that there's nothing else going to come after it. That's why it's the perfect reigning Sharia law, the reigning religion for the past 15 centuries. The only Scripture, the only book, anyone, any religion can come up and say, Listen, this is my scripture, not a single letter has been changed over the past 15 centuries. And the language is spoken by more than 400 million

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living beings at the moment. So it's not an archaic language or something that we need translators for.

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Are you familiar with an actor narrator? He's pretty well known. His name is Morgan Freeman.

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Yeah, he's well, yes. He travelled around many parts of the world, you know, in one part, where he actually got a chance to listen to the other than to visit the Masjid. I want you to go ahead and have a look at this. This is actually in Egypt. And then give me your thoughts your reaction to this.

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I've decided to return to Cairo to try and understand who God is to Muslims. Islam believes in the same God as Jews and Christians. But I want to know

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If there are differences in how they think about the divine

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historian of Islam, amen regard has brought me to the owl Hussein mosque.

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And you can just come in here just like the Catholic Church is always open to prayer. Yeah. If you want to come in here and it can hang out with yourself and Allah. Yeah, absolutely.

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I'm just in time to hear what Muslims believe, is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. The call to prayer, Allah Ah

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For the faithful, the song or the noise in is a manifestation of God Himself

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that's the end of the prayer is by saying Salaam Alaikum. Much like you in you enter encounter with anybody. And it is because the prayer is essentially a meeting Good God. Election like, hey, you know, see you later. Nice talk

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to you the next time

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that's an Egypt. No. So what do you think Morgan Freeman, if we all I mean, we can end up dying tomorrow before him. We don't know when our death day departure date is. But if, if we just go by yours, he's closer than most of us. Right? So now he's got to hear

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some of the teachings of Islam. If we if we had to send the message to Morgan Freeman, and then maybe if he was to visit your area of the world, maybe he can come also visit with you. And in his next documentary series? Well, first of all, yeah, we wish and hope for all humans to accept Islam, regardless of their position of the rank of their fame. Now, having said that, Morgan Freeman, I think, was doing this documentary for a purpose. And he wasn't doing it for his own self. So he has a script. And he's following the script. If they were to take him to a Hindu temple, he would have said what was in the script? Like, what's his name this

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I have a set of certain skills that I will know how to get you and know how to kill you. Defend Liam Liam.

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Liam Neeson when he was in Turkey, yes, some something like that. So he, they praised that he was so impressed with the van and later on, he was saying, yeah,

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it's part of the job. So we wish that they all come to Islam. We wish that they come and ask us and debate us and ask us what what Islam is, I don't like this in your religion. No problem. I'll clarify to you. They have so many scholars, or diaries or students of knowledge around them, they can get in touch with, but they don't. Because this is their lifestyle. If you read the sooner the Prophet I saw some sent to Hercules or to the Emperor of the presentence. A message

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the prophet has, I've sent him a message when this

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ruler, this Emperor read the message, said Allah, He is on the right path. In our fi were next to him, I would have taken his shoes and washed his feet and drank the water of that. So people ask him, Okay, are you accepting Islam said no, no, no, no, I was just testing the people. The Prophet said that Islam, he

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did not want to waste his empire. So it he knew that accepting Islam means losing all the wealth, losing all the power lose losing his empire. So he

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decided to keep that over. That thing is that most celebrities are like this, who wants to let go of all the wealth and fame for claiming that Oh, Islam is beautiful. You have to submit your Well, you're not able to do this. So unfortunately, but yeah, sure. Anyone who wants to come and talk to me, let alone I wouldn't say talk to me talk to someone who's more knowledgeable, talk to solid talk to someone who you may benefit from but if they want to come and talk to the sport slave of Allah, I'm always there and just a phone call away. Let's go back to this. Now this is historical people can go references check it up for aqueles now, so this is this was a

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ruler at that time. So he's exposed to Islam he's exposed to the last and final messenger sent to mankind Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him who often says, brother, Jesus, Moses, Abraham know all the preceding messengers. He didn't come with anything different. He came to the same message, worship the one and only created the heavens and earth, the creator, not his creation. And he's exposed to it. So he's saying, you know, he's testing the waters now. And he sees that this is the truth. He said, What'd he say? He said, If I was with him, I'd wash his feet, and drink the water.

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Hold on, hold on. This is really deep for people who admire historical figures like as Alexander the Great. And, you know, they watched many of these movies Braveheart, and many of these people out there, you know, some are even fictional. But now correctly, this is a real this is not someone from the movies. No, no, that guy

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gathered all of his priests and monks and head of church and ordered his guards to lock the door. And he recite it to them, the stories and you recite it to them, some of the verses.

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He said, peace be upon him, Jesus Christ and his mother, and his had his miraculous birth. And the priests and monks started crying until their beards were wet, Christian, these are Christians crying, no, because they're hearing fraud. They are hearing the Quran. And her Oculus Hercules is setting up this meeting now. No. So after that, after he saw them being so emotionally moved by the truth of the Quran, he said to them, so what do you think, should we follow him?

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So he just was testing the water in a positive way. They immediately overturned because their love of power and love of wealth kicked in.

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And they started rebelling against it. No, we will not do this and so much chaos and the shouting and disturbance. And he knew this, this is why He locked the door from the inside. So he said, No, no, no, no, come down, come down or just testing your Eman if you real believers or not. And everything went back to normal. So when this reached the Prophet alayhi salatu, Salam.

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He said in Arabic, one be milking Hadith. Oh, this wretched person, he was favoring his wealth and power over Islam. That's why he would not give it up.

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Oh, this was unlike, unlike the reaction of the Persian leader, who torn the letter of the Prophet alayhi. Salatu was Salam, and rejected even to reply to him.

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Because Hercules gave

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the messenger game if and a concubine and some jewelry, back to the process, as a form of honoring respect he gave, he showed some respect yet to the level to the level shake of he said, I want people to imagine this. He said, If I was with him, I would wash his feet and drink that water. Yes, out of because all Christians know of the one that prophet is a Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, gave the glad tidings of His coming.

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And they knew that there was someone coming to fix the world. And Jesus Christ said this in the Bible, and he said that he will come after me, he will speak not from his own self, but he will speak from

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me I'm not a biblical historian. So I am that jacket night either. So you go ahead and check it out when you get them on the phone real quick.

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I wish I wish I seriously I can but not that's the moment. So you find evidences that are beyond doubt that they knew there was something someone coming and we know who this someone is. And we can see it through his track record, actually just open your eyes. What do people hate about Islam? There are those who have in it in enmity against Islam, like some European countries without naming them, even when the European Council came yesterday with an ad, showing a woman without hijab, half pictured and a woman with hijab

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half picture

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to show the integrity the

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how cultures blend in Europe, because Muslims are a great portion of the population in Europe. It's an ad a woman with no hijab, and a woman with hijab

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They blend them in. So half of the girl is without and have is with what happened. This European country came up front and said, No, this is totally unacceptable. We object because this denies the Christian and the Jewish heritage of Europe.

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They have hatred to hijab, a thing that respects women, they have a problem with if a woman comes out with a bikini or wearing a son, good for you. That's the thing. That's what we like to see. They have no fear, no bashfulness, no shyness. They hate Islam full stop. So you will a beard, cut it. You are a job. Take it off. We Corona came, people started wearing the mask. They were shocked. What can we do? They're wearing niqab legally, they couldn't do anything about it. But when it's out of your conviction, out of your belief out of your religion, no, we have a problem with that.

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So these are great examples for Morgan Freeman or whoever else doesn't matter. The message is open for everyone. Now, you mentioned the Persian king, you struck an example of contrast here, when he and this also now look, if someone wants to see if the Quran is from the crater, the heavens and earth, they want to take a scientific analytical approach, they will see that this is indeed from the crowd, the proof is overwhelming. But then you see the small details that are there that are just you know, mind blowing, like this example that you're going to give with the Persian king. There was a prediction in there, you can say something that was gonna happen. And can you go ahead

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and talk about this when those messengers came? And then the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him? What did he predict? Or say something that's going to happen in the future that they didn't even know until like, what a month journey or several months journey when the messengers came? And they told the prophet and he told the prophet was one messenger. And he told the prophet said that this is what

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the Persian Emperor did. He torn your letter, unlike what happened with the Christians who honored it and sent with the gift, the Morgans 11 What What was the letter about for people that don't know what's in the letter, the letter was simply stating that peace be upon those who follow the guidance of Allah azza wa jal come to Islam, and you will be rewarded for yourself and for all those who fall.

00:37:42 --> 00:38:30

You and if you do not accept Islam, the message of Allah, which is to believe in monotheism, which to believe that the Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you shall be punished for your sins in the sense of those who follow you. So it's a call to Islam is an invitation with sent within and a messenger. So he out of arrogance, out of pride, he tore it up and sent the messenger back. When the messenger came back to the prophet as I told him, the Prophet said, two words, Muslim, Allah Homolka. He said, may Allah tear his kingdom.

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And on that particular day,

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which the Muslims came to know, a month or so later, when the news came on that

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particular night, this emperor was killed, and he had no male offspring. So his daughter took his position in leaving the country, which led it to go downhill. And we all know how they were conquered by the Muslims.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:39

Wow. SubhanAllah. So you have this what is historically documented, you have Hercules, you have him like you are bringing to our attention that the He put all the Christians together, they got to hear some of the Quran they're crying, weeping. They recognize this as a truth. But they didn't accept because that power like now, what are you going to do? You're going to just live for prestige, power, you're going to live for just the things of this world. Are you going to accept the truth, or the truth, there come sometimes consequences, right? People rebelling like they're going to do against him. But then you have other examples. You know, you gave this example the Persian, but then

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there was also others Christians who also accepted like the Christian king of Abyssinia. So this is another example of a Christian can you talk about who now he also was someone who was just who was fair, someone who later that he accepted Islam. Well, this was way way back.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

In the beginning, in the early times of Islam, the letters to the Najat to the

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to the Persian emperor to the Emperor of Bahrain, which is an Asian part of Saudi Arabia, the emperor of the presentence, the king of Coptics of Egypt, and to the Abyssinian ruler, these were on the ninth year of hedger, which is 22 years after the revelation started. That was about two years before the death of the Prophet ISIS, if I'm not mistaken, so it's almost an aloo food when people came to accept Islam, etc. This is when it was sent. And it might have been,

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let me recollect, no, no, no, I was wrong. I was wrong. So I apologize.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:45

You don't have to edit this. But this just to show how poor I am and how mistakes I made. This was way back. Because when it came to the LSAT and emperor, Abu Sofia live and how was at the time of the truce between the Muslims and the this the machete King, and this was before the conquest of Makkah. So this was before between year six and year eight of Hydra. This is when it took place. Now, the Abyssinian King you're talking about his name was an Nyjah. She, he was Christian. At the time he was Christian, but this incident took place 1213 years ago, meaning that when the Muslims were prosecuted in Mecca before they migrated to Medina,

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they were so finding it difficult to live. To the extent that the Prophet sons told them listen, Allah has made way out for you, you may migrate to a Messenia, which means that you have to get on boats crossed the Red Sea, go to a foreign land with a different language. And nowadays, if you're a frequently flyer, and you have access to different airlines and hotels, no problem, you can just come send me an invitation to Kuala Lumpur, and I'll come within eight to 10 hours. That time, it was like the difference between life and death for Bedouins to go on ships and cross the sea, not knowing how to swim to a foreign land. Whoa. So they went there. Now the thing is that the Prophet

00:42:43 --> 00:42:50

told them as a sample go there, because there is a king, people will not be oppressed under his reign.

00:42:52 --> 00:42:56

And that is one mind blowing fact, because for a

00:42:57 --> 00:43:11

man who was illiterate, who did not read, and they didn't have any Fox News or CNN at the time, yet he knew who the rulers of countries around him and how they dealt with their people.

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This shows you that the amount of knowledge the prophet had doubts about what was going on. Wow. So he says to them Go to him. So they went and they asked permission to live in his country. And the Joshy, the pacinian King, we allowed them to after some time, the idol worshippers of Quraysh of the machine the enemies of Islam did not like this. So they sent two men

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try to send them back.

00:43:47 --> 00:44:07

These men and one of them was Andromeda awesome. He was a confident the title. They went with lots of gifts. So they gave all the clothes ones to the kin. particular gifts, watches jewelry is golden pens money, so they bought the court of the key.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:18

And then they went to the king and said to him, we have a problem with our locals who came to you they had renegades and they

00:44:19 --> 00:44:27

say bad things about our gods and idols. So we would like you to send them back with us. We will leave with them.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:39

All those around being said yeah, they know their people. Send them back with them. We don't need strangers. And definitely we're not going to build a wall like Trump's

00:44:40 --> 00:44:40


00:44:42 --> 00:44:43

So he said

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he chose my hospitality and country. How can I return them back? I will

00:44:52 --> 00:44:53

do this

00:44:55 --> 00:44:57

for the following day. Went

00:45:00 --> 00:45:13

Ask them what they say about Jesus's because they say something that is extremely wild and inappropriate. Being a Christian, he said okay after hear what he they say about him, so he got them

00:45:14 --> 00:45:18

their spokes was jofran wa taala.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:21

The cousin of the Prophet is,

00:45:22 --> 00:45:23

of course, the brother of it.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:29

So he was the spokesman who came in and gave his speech.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:34

And he said, I will read you verses from the Quran.

00:45:35 --> 00:45:45

And he read the verses from the Quran, portraying in the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, and what had happened with his mother.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:59

By the time he ended, reciting the Quran, Tears was pulling up the face of a Naja, and even his monks and priests.

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And he said to them, what law he, he said, is nothing more than what they have recited. Jesus went, Yeah, Jesus Christ. This is when the monks and priests started to really become angry, because it says that Jesus had no father. And there was no male intervention. Rather, it was the archangel Gibreel, who planted his soul in the womb of Mother Mary. They did not like this. And the psyllium cane was unlike the

00:46:39 --> 00:46:42

Hercules, he ordered the dishes

00:46:43 --> 00:46:45

and said that this is the truth.

00:46:47 --> 00:47:31

And nothing else is conceded. And he told them, do whatever you want, you are free to worship Allah Xhosa in Wow. So this is a great you know, because a lot of times people they get kind of a superficial understanding about Islam, Morgan Freeman. Now these are the kinds of stories I mean, you have so much. Isn't there a verse in the Quran that verbatim Word of God Almighty that Allah subhanaw taala is talking about that when there is amongst them those who when they hear the truth, you know, the shed tears. So now you have an example of the irishman's during the time of miraculous and now another Abyssinian king here, who later accepted Islam, you have them shedding tears,

00:47:31 --> 00:48:09

they're hearing the truth. And now Morgan Freeman, or anybody else can be Liam Neeson again, it's interesting about Liam Neeson that there was when he came back, because you mentioned this, he was in the first part of his day in Turkey, he was annoyed with that. And then you know, the story goes is an older story. But then he started he said it was something like it was penetrating his soul. And there was even talk, you'd watch him on some of these talk shows talking about, you know, he was like, kind of pumped up. But then he got hit with the backlash from community. And that's now your test, are you going to submit to a P? And she says, you know, the community or stardom? Or are you

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going to actually go down that path and accept the truth? So these are great stories for Morgan Freeman and others, to really take a deep dive and look into Islam. So what would you say to someone like Morgan Freeman,

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someone who, now they think that justice is just another religion, there's some good in there, just like other religions and whatnot. But you have clear passages in the Quran where God Almighty I mean, if you look at this, on his book, there's no way that it can come from anyone else. There's not contradiction upon contradiction. You know, there's not different versions of the Quran. It's not, you know, a core a collection of books from anonymous authors. This is from the cradle cradle, you mean the whole universe and everything in it. And he's saying that whoever chooses a way of life other than complete and total submission to Him and Him alone, to the credit the universe, never

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will that way of life be accepted? So what would you if you had a sit down now he's traveling Morgan Freeman, he comes to your part of the world, Jeddah and he's doing his documentary, and now you're talking with them? What What would you what are the kinds of things how would you invite him to this beautiful way of life of Islam? Usually, I follow a very easy way of

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thinking, very simple as not a rocket scientist, as if rocket science is the best and no, I'm not someone who's sophisticated and uneasy, go in person. I'm easy, like Friday morning. So I wouldn't go into complicated stuff. philosophical stuff. I don't know. The stuff of Hamdulillah I know, black and white. I'm a logical person. So I would say to him, Listen, you believe in the existence of one Creator? Most like you said, definitely. Okay, this one Creator, would it be wise to create all this perfection

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In this life in this world, and leave them astray without showing them what is right and what's wrong, you wouldn't expect an apple to produce a device. So magnificent. So it's

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sleek, so nice and not tell people whether it's a phone or a TV set or a microwave,

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they would have to show them how it works.

00:50:29 --> 00:51:18

operation manual etc. So Allah azza wa jal definitely would show us how to worship and what to do and what is expected from us. So logical, but all religions do this too. Okay, excellent. Number one, are all religions, right at the sight of Allah? Said, maybe, no, no, no candy? If they are all right, they mean that they all share the same values do the same, that share the same same values? And no, no, no, this religion goes right, this religion goes left this religion does not even exist on Earth. So definitely the truth. beside Allah is one. So which one which religion? This is the acid test, you have to do to each religion, come to Christianity scrutinize it, look into it deeply,

00:51:18 --> 00:52:07

to see if it is the accepted religion to God at the moment. Do you have an original scripture of the New Testament of the angel? No, we have a translation of a translation of a translation. You have the original manuscript? No. Does anybody know the original manuscript? And how No, we have one version? No, we have hundreds. The Catholics have the Dewey version. The Protestants have the King James Version, we have the new standard version, we have the red dot virgin of letter 1000s of copies. Okay, go to other religion, Hindus, Buddhism, do they share the perfection? The authenticity, the sustainability of all religions?

00:52:08 --> 00:53:00

Like Islam or not, you will come to the conclusion that okay, with all religions, ratings, I will rate Islam to have the highest 80%. Let's assume 80%, not 100%. Is there anything close to it? No. The second close is like 30 or 45. Okay. So why aren't you accepting Islam? Because it's 80. I think if it's 80%, the 80%, which is right and correct and authentic, should overwhelm the 20% that are doubtful in your head, though, I guarantee you that the future and the science will prove the other 20% that you're not being able to buy. It's very easy way of communicating. But people who are digital people who said, no, no, no, no, no, I believe that Jesus agreed my life or Jesus cured my

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parallel paralysis that Jesus did this. Jesus came to me. Like when America president said, Jesus came to him, God came to him and told him to invade other countries. And they said, oops, sorry. It was it was a mistake. They will know weapons of mass destruction. Sorry for the million kill for Tough luck next.

00:53:26 --> 00:54:01

Subhanallah So, yeah, these are a lot a lot of things, you know, just simple facts. It's not some hocus pocus stuff that people throw at you and you got to put your like intelligence on hold. When you were mentioning we were mentioning all these Christians. And then scholars, you know, people of intellect, you had so many people who are enemies, opponents of the truth, but later to became lovers of the truth, they accepted the truth. I mean, this is you know, when people study the life, you know, from the authentic sources when they study the life, you know, the history of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him not through the opponents of Islam, you have another

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Christian, do you have another scholar, who also if you can just touch upon this, what had been NOFO this was somebody now who was a scholar of that time, who know who knew all the other, you know what they have the remnants of the truth of, you know, of the, of the Torah what they had of you know, the teachings of Jesus. So, at that time, whatever he had, he studied it. And then when he saw Prophet Muhammad, what he recognized him as an imposter or as indeed that anticipated prophet who was supposed to be sent the last and final seal of the prophets.

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He immediately accept, accepted him and he said,

00:54:40 --> 00:54:43

To him, Clay airily

00:54:45 --> 00:54:46

if I were

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

young, when your people would kick you out of a city, on came with the same religion, no one came with the same religion that you

00:55:00 --> 00:55:53

came up with except he would face in 80 of his people. But, Eddie, we already with all due respect, when you bring all these stories, if I were in their shoes, I would say that okay, this is history. It might be right, it might be wrong. I could find maybe one in a million who was a Muslim, devout Muslim who rejected Islam. So does to shake? No, it's not the way the way is that Allah gave you. Intellect, Allah gave you a brain to think of and to analyze things up. You have to do your due diligence, come and sit and think, Is this the system that manages the whole world without problems or conflict? Is this the law that ensures justice to all regardless of color, and he is a man of

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color? How did the Muslims deal with blacks? Who were among the most prominent of the companions of the progress? They were black. And the Prophet stated this 15 Centuries ago, there is no privilege for a white over a black

00:56:15 --> 00:56:16

for an Arab over an

00:56:18 --> 00:56:21

except with the virtue and the fear of Allah azza wa jal.

00:56:24 --> 00:56:50

We have a few more minutes shake. We lost you. There. You there. Can you hear us? Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear how powerful is this? Just leaving him Morgan Freeman. Liam Neeson whoever is out there, you know, from the average person, blue collar worker who's tuning in? And they like, what they have what we were talking about. You know how powerful this is? Yeah, can you hear me?

00:56:51 --> 00:56:52


00:56:55 --> 00:57:36

We lost you there. Oh, I see. I can hear you now. Can you hear me? Good? Yeah, yeah. So what I was saying was how powerful yet it's so simple. Lee talking about, you know, this pure monotheism and directing people. Because sometimes when you ask someone, I've had experience asking, you know, the person who's in his late 70s 80s. Have you ever thought about the purpose of life? Have you ever asked the Creator life for guidance? So I've interviewed so many people over the years and when they did this simple, yet profound thing of asking the creator for guidance alone, because the devil Shakedown makes things confusing, oh, so many religions. They're all the same, this, that and the

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other. And so it makes it so complicated. But then, you know, how powerful is this? To leave Morgan Freeman or just the average layman. to Now ask, ask for the guidance from the One who created you. Whoever asks Allah azza wa jal wholeheartedly, Allah will guide him. I guarantee you this. So I don't ask people to come to Islam. I just asked them to ask Allah Almighty to guide their heart to the straight back. If they're sincere in that, they will be guided. Imagine, what was the DUA, the supplication that our Prophet that is also I'm used to open his night prayer. And night prayer is something that people offer as a voluntary act. It's not part of the five pillars of Islam. It's

00:58:30 --> 00:59:11

something that is a bit higher, it's a bonus. So people wake up at 3am. An hour or two before the break of dawn, whatever is asleep, nobody's awake. So the Prophet used to wake up, and his supplication would be Allahumma Gibran Isla, Mika Inoue Salafi oh lord of Gibreel, Archangel Gabriel as Raphael and Mikhail the three greatest angels of all faulted us am I lucky? Oh Allah, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I only my labia shahada, no word of what is seen and unseen.

00:59:12 --> 00:59:30

In Eenie, Lima Tula puppy hidden and happy ethnic, after you praise Allah with all of these beautiful praises, you ask, so you say, guide me to what? righteousness and truth people have disagreed upon.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:51

What does that show you? It shows you that even the Prophet of Allah is begging Allah, Allah Almighty every single night to guide him to whatever truth people have different upon. Because if Allah doesn't guide you, you're lost. You're straight.

00:59:52 --> 01:00:00

And the moment you think of yourself that oh, I'm strong, I'm King. I'm the champion. I'm the owner.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:07

Have everything look at all the celebrities the poor things 50 years ago who were they?

01:00:09 --> 01:00:11

First Page?

01:00:12 --> 01:00:24

Articles all the time. Always on the first page the pictures that events there. They were so beautiful, so handsome, so strong. Where is all of that?

01:00:26 --> 01:01:11

down the drain 50 years later, another one bites the dust. Then what is going on? Don't you think that there is a life after death? Shouldn't you at least know? What's the means of transportation? The accommodation? What's awaiting me? Is it the sweet or oil sweet? Or is it a room in a dungeon? I have to figure it out. Now. The problem the biggest problem is that such people not only celebrities, the vast majority of the population, they are enslaved to their desires. So when you come to one and say okay, come to Islam, they said well, I cannot jeopardize my red wine of 1982 That was a good year

01:01:12 --> 01:01:48

with a big piece of pork chops. I can't I can't play with that and your religion prohibits it. Is this all what life is about? You're willing if your cardiologist say you have high level of cholesterol, you have to stop this or you're gonna die next week. You got to stop it, then you're on it. Yeah. That you have a problem. Okay. Think about what a way to and look for the right way out. Whether it's Islam or any other religion, I'm fine with that. But Allah Hey, I I bet you Halal betting from one side

01:01:49 --> 01:01:53

that if you ask Allah for guidance, you will be guided.

01:01:54 --> 01:02:14

And this is what the Creator is saying all my slaves are misguided unless I guide them. So ask me of my guidance. Is not the creator. Have you? Have you thought see, very authentic? Yes, Han Allah. So leave us with something Shay. What else? What do you leave us with? For again, Morgan Freeman, Leah, meet anybody out there to average Muslim? What advice do you leave us before we conclude?

01:02:15 --> 01:03:12

If I conclude it by anything, we will say oh, the chef is envious because he was not awarded any part in our movies back? Well, like, if you give me trillions of dollars, I would not ever think of participating in this life. I've done that I've been there. Alhamdulillah. And I know everything about this life that Allah has blessed me not to be in. I would urge you, it's not your wealth that we're after. It's not your blue eyes or your mansions or your fame. It's for your own good. Look into what may save you on the Day of Judgment. Don't put blind folders so that you don't see. Don't be like a race horse that has these folders on the side of his head so that he doesn't look right

01:03:12 --> 01:03:59

and left and only moves forward because this is not how it is. Seek Allah for guidance, and open your mind to the truth. And the truth shall guide you with the grace of Allah azza wa jal for the person just one more question who's never heard this term? Allah now that they think I was a moon god, what are you talking about Allah, you know, I call on God, God. Okay, I have a CDs on my YouTube channel, which is called the Beautiful Names of Allah. And I explained the 102 names, authentic Names of Allah, the Almighty, that he called himself in. And the greatest name of all, is a law, which all other names direct to. So when you say Who is Allah, you don't say the Most

01:03:59 --> 01:04:53

Beneficent, the Most Merciful know, when someone asks What is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful? You say, Allah? What is the almighty you say, Allah? What is the generous? You say, Allah, all names relate to Allah azza wa jal, Who is Allah, He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the Creator of the universe, there was ALLAH and nothing was with him. Imagine, there was a point of time though time is a creation of Allah. Allah was there and nothing was with him. Allah is the creator of this universe and the whole universe is nothing compared to Allah, except when you compare a ring to tossed in a desert. So Allah is the name of the only worthy of being worshipped.

01:04:53 --> 01:04:56

They call him God. They call him

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

other names.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:06

But this is the name of Allah that He accepted for himself mentioned in other scriptures.

01:05:07 --> 01:05:08


01:05:10 --> 01:05:55

other very Yeah, another variations those who study but this is the name that he acknowledged himself to be called in Islam. Don't Arabic speaking Jews and Christians also calling upon God by the name of Allah, critic. They do. And even before Islam they used to have names like Abdullah. So the father is a prophet as seven but was not a Muslim. His name was Abdullah seven Oh ALLAH. So this is the God that Jesus he called upon by Allah ha and this is the God that people Jesus called people to worship not himself but they this is the one that Jesus worshipped also correct. Okay. 100 Thank you Chef, thank you for being with us again. Here in the deen show inshallah we don't let too many

01:05:55 --> 01:06:14

years go by again before we have another nice session like this in sha Allah have equal and just a common law pay for having an apologize for the internet connection. But you guys are like five 6000 miles away you should come closer to Saudi inshallah. Thank you shake May Allah bless you bought a salami

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