Tesneem Alkiek – Inspirational Muslim Women #06 Sutayta AlMahmali

Tesneem Alkiek
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the story of Suthaytan Mah stance, a woman who was a famous mathematician and a scholar. She was a teacher and a student of mathematics, and had a reputation for her knowledge and leadership in the field. She was a woman of influence and had a desire for knowledge and scholarship. She advises the audience to read books on a topic and challenge their limits of knowledge.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu and welcome back to

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another episode of Sayi Dettii in which we

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discuss lives of some incredible Muslim women throughout

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Today I want to share the story of

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a scholar and mathematician, Suthaytan Mahamani.

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She lived during the 10th century in Baghdad

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and was a daughter of the famous judge,

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Aba Abdul Al Hussain.

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I mention this because in a lot of

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sources you might find her under the title

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of the daughter of Al Husayn and Muhammedi

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or Bint al Muhammedi.

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Her uncle was also a prominent hadith scholar

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and her son eventually became a judge as

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According to Advihabi's biographical collection, Sutaita was not

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only a scholar but also a jurist and

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That's quite a full plate right there. She

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was taught and guided by a handful of

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scholars including her father.

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Plus, a lot of scholars recalled that she

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was among the most knowledgeable scholars of Fiqh

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and famous historians like Al Baghdadi and Ibn

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Yawzi praised her expertise.

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Ibn Kathir for example states that she was

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among the most knowledgeable people of her time

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in regard to the school of law

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and she issued fatwas in this madhab alongside

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Sheikh Abu Adi the son of Abu Huraydah

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the famous companion

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he even goes on to say that she

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was honorable and very generous and a person

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who would rush to carry out good deeds

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Besides the fact that she was an incredible

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scholar, Sotaydah's fame really stems from her expertise

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in mathematics.

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For one, she was an extra in Rahm

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Al Far'al or the signs of inheritance shares.

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Now, if any of you are not familiar

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with that it's pretty complicated figuring out how

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much each cousin and sister and son receive

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according to Islamic law when someone passes away.

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So that signs is a math in and

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of itself.

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It's also mentioned that she invented solutions to

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equations cited by other mathematicians

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which demonstrate her skills and aptitude in Algebra.

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She wasn't simply solving problems, she was creating

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Her knowledge in math was so impressive that

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she was the go to person for all

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the scholars in Baghdad when they couldn't solve

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a mathematical problem.

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Imagine that, a female genius in the sciences

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of religion and mathematics

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who scholars and people of the community look

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to for advice and sound knowledge.

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There was no hesitation involved whatsoever because she

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was a female.

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Her scholarship is what defined her. There are

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a lot of lessons that we can take

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away from the accomplishments of Soteta.

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As a self identified nerd I'm obsessed not

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only with Soteta's knowledge and religion, but the

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fact that she went beyond that as well

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to be a scholar in another field. On

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top of that, she didn't even limit herself

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to simply being a student of knowledge or

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even a scholar.

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She was out there working in the fields.

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As a Mufti she was dealing with day

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to day problems of the community.

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She was interacting with her society at a

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basic level and serving as an example of

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and good character.

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And when it came to math solving problems

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didn't suffice her. Again, she pushed herself beyond

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what was expected by being an innovator in

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her field and an authority amongst all the

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other scholars.

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This is your opportunity to think about the

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life of Suteta and challenge your own expectations.

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Don't limit yourself to studying one field over

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Run after knowledge wherever you can find it

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and in pursuit of scholarship

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remember that Sutta's knowledge was defined by her

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good character

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the 2 come hand in hand.

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Without the characteristics of respect, generosity, humility among

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so many others, your knowledge will have served

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you nothing.

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So push through your workloads read a book

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on a topic you've never read before

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and challenge your limits of knowledge.

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may Allah subhanahu wa'ala increase us in our

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knowledge and our sincerity

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and may He grant us the desire for

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knowledge the Suta rahmatullahi alayhi personified.

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Khaydah, we'll see you next time. Salaam Alaikumullah

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