Tariq Appleby – Al Fatihah

Tariq Appleby
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding and embracing Islam, praying five times a day, and not giving up on views is emphasized in the context of the heart disease, which is a cure for physical ailments. The success of learning and practicing is emphasized, as well as the importance of being effective in learning and practicing. The speaker also highlights the need for everyone to be aware of the potential risks and warn of potential side effects of the pandemic, and emphasizes the need for everyone to be cautious and safe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While he was so happy he married a Siddha alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato

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hamdulillah gives me great pleasure and it's an honor to be in your company again tonight We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala together as again in gatherings in which we can remember him and come closer to him and inshallah huhtala gatherings in which the angels descend upon and they seek forgiveness for those who seek knowledge, knowledge of the knowledge of the sunlight tonight inshallah tada we'll be focusing on knowledge of, of the Quran. In our last session, we discussed the fact that the Quran is a Shiva a cure for the diseases of the heart, and also a cure for the diseases of the body. And I gave you the example of the hadith of Abu Saeed and hood three are the law of language which

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is narrated by Imam Al Bukhari

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that they were coming back to Medina from an expedition and military expedition and they asked a particular village if they could spend the night and the people refused. They said no. And they didn't talk outside of the village. And during the night, the leader of this particular village had been stung by a scorpion. And they came running to the Muslims to this group of companions and Sahaba and said, Is there anyone who can do Rukia

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and busara does as we said, in the last session, he wasn't needed to know how to do it, okay, but he stood up anyway, and he said, I can do it. So he left with this messenger, they went back to the house of the leader, and he read Surah Fatiha and the man was was killed immediately. Like he just decided the Sora blue on the man and Carlos he was cured of his, of his ailment, you know, being stung by the scorpion. And so out of you know, before I decided left he said, Give us something as a as a reward. So they agreed upon 50 sheep, they were given these 30 sheep, but the companions were not sure if they should accept the 50 sheep You know, there's a there was a doubt and we discussed

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that in some you know, with some with some some detail last week that if you are doubtful about something then you should leave it and not proceed with it until you have knowledge that it is right or wrong. Okay. So they go back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they say jasola law, this is what happened, this is what we did and these are the 50 sheep, the profits of the law while he was sitting up said that yes, that is our Did you know that the Fatiha is a Rukia? Okay, and give me a portion. Make sure that I get my shade. Okay.

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I need to do this with my students. Good idea.

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So what happened was that they didn't distributed it. But what did we learn here we learned that the circle factor is a is a cure, it is a cure for physical ailments as well. And I told you that you know, people like shefali della Sione, he was discussing with us the fact that when he does Rukia, for people that have been affected by Gene or by by black magic, then the recitation of subtle hotjar for years and years now more than 20 years for him, has been the most effective. And that's in my limited experience only a few years. I found that to be the same for myself as well, that you know, people do all sorts of things, they look for all sorts of different sources that they can

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recite, but circle Fatiha is the most, the most effective. Okay. The last thing we want to discuss is the fact that the soul ends with us seeking refuge from two groups of people.

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Those who upon whom your anger has descended Allah, don't guide us to the path while a bar lien and those who have gone straight for these people. Now the companions, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam read this and discuss this, they said, Do you mean the Jews and the Christians of messenger of Allah? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded? And he said, then who? But now what does it mean? Why is it the radium of Dolby, Allah Him and who is one of Bali referring to

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those upon whom your anger has descended with whom you are angry, and those who have gone astray. So we must now look at two diseases of the hearts. The diseases of the hearts can be divided into two, the first of those of ill intent, hatred, malice, jealousy, things in which you wish to harm others or you wish to keep benefit for yourself.

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to the exclusion of everyone else, those kinds of diseases, malice and jealousy and envy and all of those, then you have the disease of shanwa of physical desires or desires for wealth, or desires for position and fame and fortune and all of those things. So Allah subhanho wa Taala brings out what brings our attention to the first example. Boo Boo la him, they are the Jews. Allah says in the Quran, methanol andina home Minato

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me no haka methanol Hema, Maria Mino as

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those who have been given the responsibility of the Torah,

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or like, the zombie example is the example of a donkey carrying books. Of what benefit are the books to the donkey? Can he read them? No. So what am I saying is that these people were given knowledge, but yet the knowledge did not benefit them. That is why they are variable, though, by the way, the disease of the heart was the disease of not wanting to act upon what they know.

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The disease was the disease in thinking that they were better than other people arrogance. That is why they said, you know, a lot, we are the children of a lot. We don't have to do good deeds. We don't have to be pious. We see this happening in the Muslim world today, people thinking that because of the surname or the family name, or because of the family history, or because of the position, or because of their wealth, they can be less biased than everyone else. They don't need to do anything because of the affiliation towards a particular organization or Institute or family lineage. That means that they don't have to play they don't have to give a soccer, they don't have

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to do anything. And this is incorrect. That is why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was approached by Osama and Osama was seeking intercession for a woman that had stolen and she was from a very wealthy, prominent family. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, a test for roofie had been min hadoo de la, are you seeking intercession in a matter which Allah has already decreed one of the prescribed punishments. The Prophet den said, One law he I swear by Allah that even if my daughter Fatima was to steal, I would amputate her head.

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That's, that's Islamic justice. No one is given preference over anyone else. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, what the color of your skin is, what your nationality is, how much money you have, or you don't have the law is, is should and must be equal. And that is why we see that there is this in from a political science perspective. In the world right now, we see why there is so much dissent. Why patriotism is on the you know, it's not on the downfall, because people do not feel that the government's represent them represent the interests, there's no justice, there is no equality. And that is a huge problem. And that is something for politicians and for scholars to

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address to really think about the coming back to this, then they were given the Torah, imagine in the language, a language which they understood, and they had a prophet who taught them this book, they wouldn't just mean to read it on their own. Now, they had a prophet to teach them this particular book. And so what we find is that even though they had the book in a language which they understood, they had a prophet to teach them this, they refuse to act upon it, or other, they developed excuses not to act upon it. I remember a story My father told me, and this only comes to mind. You know, later after you study, my father was telling me that he used to work my father's

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elect an electrician, and he was doing construction work and electrical contracting for a Jewish architect. So my father, you know, they were having a nice, you know, discussion. And so my father said, you know, the Muslims and the Jews are very similar. So the Jew looked at my father with a very strange look. And he said, What do you mean, Mohammed? So my dad said that, you know, we both we don't eat pork. So this Jewish man said, No, but I eat pork. So my father, my father said, What? So he said, What he does is he cuts the pork up into very small pieces, then he mixes it with other things. And if the percentage of pork is less or lesser than the percentage of everything else, then

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it's permissible.

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So they've they've developed their own idea of what was meant by the text in the first place. They were given the code, they will give me the Torah, I should say, it was made clear to them exactly how it should be implemented, and what the restrictions were, but they found loopholes. Let's give another example Allah subhanho wa Taala tells them that they are not allowed to fish on a Saturday.

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Write us how to start. Do not fish on a Saturday, you're not allowed to put your nets in and to fish on a Saturday. So you have three groups of people now in the community,

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a group of people amongst them who say that, yes, we will obey. Okay, we are not going to do this. The second group says, No, there is a way around this. We put in the Nets on Friday, and we take the Nets out on Sunday. That's brilliant.

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Well, you have to give them that at least, you know, the fact that they were using their brains, it's in the wrong place, of course, but you know, it's, it's clever. And then you add a group of people who said, No, we have a responsibility to remind the digital the disobedient group that they are wrong.

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So you have in our community right now, we have that same group of the same three groups. Unfortunately, the group saying this is wrong, should not be done is the smallest, it's the

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we don't even know these people, where are they?

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Right, we can easily identify the people that are wrong. And we see them. And unfortunately, we fall into the other the other problem of judging those people, then you have another group of people who say, No, we will be pious. And then you have the third group who would say no, we actually have to be active ourselves. We have to be righteous, and we have to remind others to be righteous. So when the people who are disobedient see to the group of people that were warning them, you know, don't don't worry about that. It's not It's not your problem. What did they What did they respond? They said, ma Virata nine, Davina, when I know

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that perhaps we might have an excuse with a law of the Deaf tiama. And a second reason is that they might listen to us and have Taqwa.

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So sometimes we just as a side note, sometimes we're giving Dawa to someone we have a family member, then we use a family about one of my family members as an example. He's a drug addict.

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And so I've been speaking to him for a very long time, more than 10 years now. I've told him, you know, this is wrong, you shouldn't be in this, you know, you're destroying your own life in the life of your family, etc, etc. And people always tell me, You're wasting your time.

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He's too far gone.

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But I remember this is sort of my either my

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dinner one night looked at the code that perhaps Allah subhanho wa Taala might forgive us, because we've made the effort and have mercy on us because we've we never gave up. And the second reason is that they might, they might just give up and give up what ever said they are committing sins, and they might make Toba and they might have Taqwa and they might change. And that's important for us to understand that it's not going to change. It's not going to change unless we are going to or we're willing to to make the change. But

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the Jews were given this responsibility. They were told what to do. It was clear to them it was in the language musala he Salam and Harun explained it to them, but yet they did not act upon it. Those if you look at the ayah before this,

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Scirocco levena, and I'm telling him, guide us to the path upon whom you've bestowed your blessings. What's the difference between those people that Allah has bestowed his blessings upon? And the label of those whose anger Allah subhanaw taala has descended upon? What's the main difference?

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That the first group of people that extent enjoy the bounty of Allah, and the name of Allah, those people had knowledge and they acted upon it?

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That's the difference. Who are they?

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Does anyone know?

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They are the soil in whom they are the Shahada. They are the city, the city, the people that are truthful, they are the pious, they are the martyrs and they are the prophets. All of these people, they share one they share one common trait knowledge and action.

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And if you look at many verses in the Quran, what is it what is it speak about in Lavina Amato, why

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except those who who believe and do good deeds,

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if you look at, you know, something, this is this is extremely important for us and you know, something we, we must always remind ourselves of, is that what we are doing now this on this Wednesday, and what we are doing, you know, whatever classes we are attending, whatever you were doing, privately reading, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the focus was always on, not how much you were doing, but that whatever you knew you were acting upon. So when people would accept Islam, he would say to someone, teach this person the Quran, and give this person not knowledge of the religion, or 30 Oh, v d. Give him understanding and fit of his name. What's the difference?

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Knowledge. I know and you know many people who have memorized the Quran, memorized Hadith have PhDs in Islamic Studies. And I know people that I've studied with that have left Islam.

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Can you imagine that?

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Someone who studied for six years, but has left Islam is no longer a Muslim studied Islam for six years and has left Islam. That's a reality. So it's not about inflammation, but rather it's about understanding because if you understand something, you're passionate about it, you're going to put it into into practice. So Allah subhanho wa Taala year we are asking Allah not to guide us to the path of those who are given knowledge we've been given the Quran, we've been given the Sunnah we have provided the Sunnah has been preserved for us in a way that it has not been preserved for anyone before us. And so we have all of this knowledge at our disposal. But we must remember one

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thing I have good early in the law here at 101, calm the most beloved these to Allah subhanho wa Taala are those deeds which are done consistently, even if they are small. That is why I tell my students every morning when they come to me to recite the Quran, I say to them, for some of them are very enthusiastic. So they come and they sit, and then they want to read like two pages, I called them relax, I want you to read, even if it's to ayah. But I want to make sure that it's done properly. You know, they're very, they're very enthusiastic, some of them have excellent memories, martial law, but I don't want that. I want them to do it properly. You know, and to do it and to

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understand it like today we were, we were discussing an ayah Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in Salatu, salam,

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then Allah,

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Allah, another day of the AMA, no permission will be given to them, one of one of the students read this verse, and no permission will be given to them, so that they may give excuses.

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So I asked him, What do you think this ayah means? Because all the ayah before this, and after this about the fire of Ghana, the question is no permission will be given to them, so that they may seek excuses.

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So you know, you know, you know, the typical student hiding behind his peers, you know, like, I should have asked him, and I said, Okay, I'll explain it to you.

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Because I wanted to, I wanted to motivate them to want to memorize the Quran and understand it, not only memorize it and read it properly, as we discussed in the last session, but to understand it, what does this mean? It means that on the dounia, when you give excuses, the one that you are giving excuses to does not know the truth. So when I asked you, why are you late for class, you tell me the traffic. That's your excuse. That's your reason. Do I know whether that's true or not? Okay, this is k L. So maybe, you know, probably, I probably believe you. But if you gave me an excuse, I wouldn't be able to know whether it was true or not. Okay. So on the dam tiama, we are going to hide

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while you

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know, permission will be given to them so that they can start making excuses for the lives that they lived.

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That's the reality. And you reading this verse, I told her, I told the student you are reading this verse almost every day to me as revision or as your new lesson. The you know what that means? It means on the day of tiama there is no opportunity to explain your deeds. You can't say to Allah, you know, I did this because, you know, I was in financial distress. And that's why I you know, I was charging people at iba and no, no excuses will be made, that that ended when you died.

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And so what I'm saying is that we have been given knowledge, but do we understand that we understand the impact of it, because the Jews, unfortunately, develop fantasies and legends and excuses for what they were doing? Well, you know, we don't have to be like you people, because you're the Gentiles. You know, what applies to you doesn't apply to us. We have a special status with a law. That's what they used to say. You know, that doesn't matter what we do at the Christian belief is similar, that because of Jesus, and not, I won't say all Christians, but because Jesus died on the cross. What does this mean for me and you? If I believe in Jesus, what do they say? salvation is

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Because just by believing in Him and believing in the in the Christ, it doesn't matter what you do.

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Does it?

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Doesn't it doesn't matter? Because he died for our sins. It's finished. It's, it doesn't even exist anymore. But look at what we said last week. I saw the allowance he sees the prophets of Allah

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and His feet are swollen. And she says, jasola why'd you do this unless we're given you what your sins, the prophecies of Allah appunto abdon Shakira shall not be grateful slave.

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So the concept is different with the Muslims. It's not only views we have two things we have hoping for the mercy of Allah subhanho data and we have the fear of loss punishment is not one, one or the other. It is both at the same time. And what these are the two wings of the bird, and the body of the bird is our love for Allah subhanho wa Taala you can you must have all three, otherwise the bird does not fly.

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And by flying I mean that there is no success there is no there is no enjoyment of our worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala or are staying away from that which Allah has prohibited. It's difficult, isn't it? Isn't it difficult to wake up for pleasure? Isn't it difficult to pay your xhaka? Isn't it difficult to make that you know that extra effort to do something you know, pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala sometimes it is. And so yeah, when you combine love and hope for Allah's mercy and fear of punishment, all at the same time, what do you what do you get, you get a state of being in a state of mind, we the worship of Allah is enjoyable. Allah grant us all that the show.

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So he will have to be Allah him. They had knowledge, yet they did not act upon it. One of the lean one of Galindo, these the people that have gone astray, they are the Christians, and everyone that follows in the path.

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The Christians are the total opposite of the Jews.

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The Christians don't have knowledge, but yet they do much.

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Ask a Christian

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fundamental theological questions or questions about a birder and worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. And why they do certain things, it's difficult for them to trace it back to the Bible, or to the practice of a Salah is sort of the Bible tells us as an example, then a silent Salah made to Jude, have you ever seen the Christian makes it?

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possible, but it's, it's not in mainstream, sort of, you know, Catholic and Protestant churches, you won't see that happening, they won't see Catholics or Protestants making sujood. But we know that that a silencer loved it. And it's, it's there in the Bible before it's in the Koran. So why don't they do it, because to them, with the matter of grace and salvation and belief in Christ is enough for you to sort of worship God in a way that you deem fit. It doesn't necessarily have to be something specified by by the knowledge that has been revealed to Allah subhanho wa Taala. There's something very, very interesting to understand there's a professor in America, and I was watching

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this is this video series on the history of Christianity. He was saying that what the Christians believe in is like a force field. Right? If you're inside of the force field, you are saved. And if you are outside of this force field, then you are you're there basically. And if you're inside of the force field in this, there's no need to do good deeds, and there's no need to do that to worry about your your sins. Because as long as you under the grace of God, everything will be fine. And this view obviously permeates into amongst the Muslims as well. How many times do you speak to someone about let's say, sign up? And they say to you, Allah is a fool and Rahim this Don't you hear

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that? You know, why are you bothering me? You know, Allah will forgive me inshallah. Allah is a photo of him. But Allah is also shed de la acaba, Severe in punishment.

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And this is the problem with not having knowledge.

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You know, and what's worse than this is half knowledge. Let me give you an example. If you open up the bottle of Mr. Malik, let's assume this is the moapa right? So on this page over here is a chapter heading it says the audit to kill dogs in Medina. Right. So you Oh, you're so excited that you want to act upon this knowledge. So you read this idea. You go out and you kill dogs. Okay? You feel proud of yourself. Now, you know, you follow the heading you page over tomorrow because now you wanna you want to act upon the next Friday. The abrogation of the commodity, kill dogs. Oh, my God, what's happening now? So you you because you didn't have knowledge, you didn't understand the issue

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completely. You had half knowledge, you have committed a major, major mistake. And this unfortunately is the problem. Many people you know, they contact me and my colleagues and they say I did this. I say to them, so how to live only you had spoken to me before you did it. You will not have been in the situation you find yourself No. And this is what happens and this is why knowledge is important. But the Christians were not balling. They don't have that. They act and they don't know why they are doing it. Or any lay Christian. Why are you doing it? Why do you like candles? Why do you you know, the Eucharist? You know, eating these these wafers and drinking the wine? Why do

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you do all of these things? Many of them have no

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They want and if you if you ask a priest, and you say to the to a bishop or to a priest or Deacon, whatever the title may be, and you say to him or her, tell me, why do you practice this? Show me in the Bible or show me in the practice of Jesus, and you won't have that.

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So how did it develop while someone someone introduced it, a saint, or a bishop or Cardinal, that's what that's how it developed. Whereas you as a Muslim, if you travel to Nigeria now and you pray to a shy solavei, they will pray it 99% the same, like they pray to you.

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If you go to anywhere in the Muslim world, except Iran, in most places in Iran, you will find that they play exactly the same way they pray five times a day. They played the same rockets. They read throttle Fatiha in Iraq, they have other they have a karma where they place their hands, that's a different issue. But all of these things are similar. Why? Because we have a book. That's very clear. And we have another book, the Sunnah, that explains this book,

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the people who come to him and they spend time with him. They came to accept Islam pledge allegiance and they came to learn about their religion. So they would spend like two three weeks with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and then they would go back the prophet to notice if you guys you miss your families and then he would tell them Okay, it's time to go back to your families. But before they would leave, you would say that appoint an email from amongst yourselves and the and the eldest one amongst you should lead the pre why the eldest Who can tell me why should the eldest person amongst that group lead the parade? Is it

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doesn't the Hadid say the one who has the most?

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Why is the Prophet telling bees bees delegations, that when they leave Medina and they go back to the villages and towns that the oldest one in the group should need to pray anyone who knows?

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That Okay, let me let me lay some groundwork to the question first, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says yeah, oh come on. Oh come Nikita Bella. The one who has the most knowledge of the Quran was memorize the most for answered need to pray for in can fulfill karate salah and if they are the same in the recitation of the of the Quran, then the one who is most knowledgeable of the of the Sunnah when can move his son Fifi daddy cassava if they are the same in that then the one who's

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the one who will perform the job you know before everyone else. And if they are the same in that then the eldest amongst them so why is the prophets of the last I'm telling this group of men and when you go back to your city, that the one that the eldest one amongst you, but in the in this idea in this general idea, the eldest person is the last person mentioned Why?

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Think about it.

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Have one

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experience no not experience. Think about the day one group

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think about

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Excel and remember they want group they came at the same time, they spent the same time they never left the profits on the line. So they are all the same in what

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in knowledge of the knowledge of the sooner they are all the same in making huge amounts of the profits of the last segment to come and pledge allegiance. What is the only thing differentiating between them now? Ah, okay. And then the Prophet said Saul newcomer ye Tonio Sonny, pray as you have seen me pray. So what's the what is the the template for pray now?

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The way they saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So here we have something that's very, very important in Islam, we have the actual template of how to perform our worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala something that we have not lost in more than 1400 years. That is why you like I said earlier, when you go around the world, the Muslim world today 99% of the way that Muslims were formed, they pray is going to be the same. Okay, the times of praise, the amount of luck and what is recited in Salah, if you go to Morocco, you can go to Tokyo, it's going to be the same. Okay, except obviously in certain massages, that all goes without saying, but should I say it anyway? that are you know, 16

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Islam that

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are not on the Quran and the Sunnah at all. There is no correlation that when they follow, like the Shia as an example, okay, in the Shia school of thought, yours

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is just a way to understand this. The words of the mom in the shape of faith, hold the same weight as the Quran and the Sunnah.

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And that should tell you something very, very important about the difference between these two, these two schools or I won't even call them schools that these two faiths. What do I mean? I mean that for me and you, we follow the Quran and we follow the Sunnah. And we believe that the Sunnah, explains the Koran, ways for the sheer, the words of the one of the 12 imams can take preference over the words of Allah and His Messenger, you understand? That's the fundamental difference, isn't it? It's a huge difference. And so when people say no, it's only a matter of perspective and a matter of understanding, it's not. It's a matter of methodology, it's a completely different one.

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And that is why there are so many differences between the two, but coming back to one of Bali, so they don't have knowledge, but yet they are eager to worship. When I was a teenager that I just started practicing and starting to pray, I came across this book that my father had, and I opened up this book, and that was an eating and leaving, and I was doing all of these earthcam only to find out a year later that most of it were based on fabricated Hadith. So for all this time, I was I was worshipping Allah, and I was remembering him. But thinking that I was doing something good. But actually, you know, some of those dollars were actually involved ship. And I didn't even know that

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so we come back to the same thing. That knowledge and action and knowledge that an action that is based on knowledge, not you don't you don't lie, brothers and sisters, you do not want to find yourself in a situation where you have been worshipping Allah with a certain act of worship, which you think is beloved to Allah, only to figure out and to find out and discover that it's not.

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That is why when people asked me about certain acts, I say, hold force to the Quran and the Sunnah, and you will never have any regrets. That's the reality. We can debate all of these things that we have been debating for hundreds of years, like the prophets birthday, like you know, these different Sufi altcar, and Sufi orders, and all sorts of different things. But that is a for me personally, right now, at this point. You know, for me, when I give Dawa now with my students at the school, I look at them, you know what they are looking for. They're looking at this to be connected to Allah subhanho wa Taala. They are looking to learn the deen as it was taught in the time of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she, she continued Listen to me. And I want to make sure that I'm reading the surah correctly, a boy came to me with like, I felt like crying today of the sudden, eight years old. He comes to me and he says, Chef,

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how do you know you're on the right path?

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how do you know you on the right path?

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Well, I have a 50 year old person and asked me that question. I wouldn't have felt the way I felt, but eight years old.

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And then as I explained to him when I told him that, a luckily hated you. And Allah sent a messenger to you. And Allah revealed the Book to that messenger. And all you need to do to know if you are successful, and on the right path is to do what Allah has commanded you to do. And to stay away from that which Allah has prohibited you from. And if you do that, my boy, we know that you want that I thought.

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They say thank you. Thank you.

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Anyway, very excited. But look at that question. That is what it's about. For me right now. They don't want to know about BDR. They don't want to know about all these theological debates. They want to know where they are, and where they're going, and what the relationship should be with Allah subhanho wa Tada. And that's ultimately what you and I need to focus on, in our study, and in our lives, inshallah, we'll get rid of all these debates, you know, move away from all of this, you know, this speculation and debating, and focus on what's really important. Just think about this. You're you're doing

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and you're being told that while you have something called the shoe truth, and you have the outcome, and you have the YG path, you know, when I was reading this stuff for the first time, I'm like, why did they make it so difficult? Just show me how to pray, man, okay, that's the reality. So you have all of these terms, what was happening in the time of the Prophet? Did they? Did they teach or not like that? And the answer is a resounding no.

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Salute, come out or at moonee. Valley, pray as you have seen me pray, and if you pray like that, your Salah will be valid.

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Simple. If you pray the way I pray, then your Salah is valid.

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And the Prophet said, Who do I need Manasa cacoon take from me how to perform your Hajj. So if you perform the hedge the way the profit performed it is your 100 valid, is it correct? Of course it is. So ultimately, we must come back to that and we need to be proud of the fact that we have a point

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And we have the sooner we are able to return back to it to go to eat to learn what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did and what he said, Okay, now what I want to do, inshallah, Allah in the time that we have left over, is to look at, I want to go through the soron Owl and look at it if by focusing on

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on not the words, I don't want to do translation, but I want to talk about certain concepts that Allah subhanho wa Taala introduced. I want to look at the bus Mala. I want to start with the first verse according to some scholars as we discussed in the last session, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and hamdulillah Anurag Bellamy Alhamdulillah

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Alhamdulillah His praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala while knowing that Allah is your Creator, your sustainer while knowing that you love Allah subhana wa tada it is not pleased that you know, sometimes we want to compliment someone and then we just say these words just to make them feel good, isn't it so you might see that your son is dressed while your daughter is Mashallah, you're looking very good today. You know, you look neat and tidy. And whatever a husband might, you know, compliment his wife say, telling her how beautiful she is. And a wife might compliment her husband. And we might still tell our boss, our employer, you know, you're looking very dashing in that suit

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today. Okay, we might say things like that, but we might hate him.

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Isn't it so? We could say nice things to people but we could still have a trade in our hearts for that person. That is not harmed. Having these when you praise someone, while loving that person, and this hand is not only hand of love, it is harmed of all as well. You are in awe of Allah subhanho wa Taala when you place him imagine that you met with the Prime Minister with a salon

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and you pray and you know it's customary that you should before you speak to him that you should praise him and tell him how amazing he is. Shalom Allah make him amazing.

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So you please you start praising him. And this praise His praise of love, you actually love your leader and you are in awe of him because he has he is a man of great authority and power. Now imagine what kind of Hamed you must have for Allah subhanho wa Taala

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That is why Allah says lillahi Rabbil alameen no oh Muslim, that the one that you are praising, and the one who is deserving of all of this praise. He is the master, the owner, the Lord, the one that is in complete control of everything that he has created, and everything needs him and he doesn't need anything. That is the praise that he must have for him. If you know that how would you play the loss of a hand with that? Will your hand when you say these words in Salah now Alhamdulillah let's focus on little.

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All of it is for Allah, Who is deserving of your praise more than Allah is the anyone know? Allah subhanho wa Taala created the heavens and the earth from nothing. And he is the one that sustains it. And he is the one that nourishes his creation. He is the one that provides for them. Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that for you and me as humans and for the jinn. He has sent us prophets and books showing us the way to him, showing us the purpose of our creation. Look at this ayah wa Salatu Jinnah well into ilaria. Boone, you and me and the gin, why have we been created to worship Allah? Allah doesn't want us to feed him. He doesn't need anything from us. But that's the reason

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why we have been created.

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The little, it must be for Allah. We have heard this before, that though he is divided into three categories. And some scholars say to I'll focus on both, you know, you have the tripartite three, you know categories and some nmsa, the bipartite, which is two so let's focus on that. Let's focus on the earliest one, which is the scholars saying that though he which is what is the heat, the Hadees, to attribute to Allah subhanho wa Taala everything which is unique to him, and that He alone is deserving of that's basically what it is. So they say that it is of two types, one is of knowledge, and one is on action, the heat of action and the heat of knowledge. What do they mean by

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this? The heat of knowledge is to know that Allah is not that He is the Creator and the Sustainer that Allah subhanho wa Taala has complete control over his creation, that he has complete knowledge of his creation that Allah subhanho wa Taala has no partner in this creation that is the heat of of knowledge and it is to know

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Allah has the most beautiful names and the most perfect attributes that he has no, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has no equal, he has no partner, he has no wife, Allah has no children, etc. That is the head of knowledge, what is the end of action? It is that we worship Allah and direct all acts of worship towards Allah alone.

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That everything which Allah loves? Yes, if we question What is the definition of a burden?

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The definition of a burden brothers and sisters, what is the definition of a vida? is a word we use all the time. We say acts of worship, we say good deeds, we use all of these words we say by the is the emulator for it for Ava.

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Ava has a simple, Ava what what is it? How do I how do I know that it isn't a burden?

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Okay, for those of you writing it, following the word that a burden is a comprehensive term

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for everything, which Allah loves, and is pleased with

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the word de vida is a comprehensive term for everything which Allah loves, and is pleased with

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including statements and actions.

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outwardly or inwardly, I'll say it again. ibid is a comprehensive term for everything which Allah loves, and is pleased with, including statements and actions with outwardly or inwardly. What does it mean? Let's focus on a comprehensive term, which means that I'm about to tell you that it's going to include many things. Okay? The second thing, Allah loves it, and he is pleased with it. How do we know Allah loves something and is pleased with something?

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How do you know?

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How would you know?

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If Allah loves something and is pleased with something?

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Where would you Where would you find this information? That's the question. In the Quran, Allah says For instance, in the law, your head, your head to toe Bina, Allah loves those who turned to him in repentance often. So what do we learn here?

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We learned that what he's beloved to Allah is you know, continuous and frequent repentance Oh ALLAH forgive me. Uh, well, you know, turn in and forgive me and forgive me my sins, etc. So now I know that Toba is beloved to Allah. So Toba. What What does it mean that that Toba is a is an EVA? Okay, let's look at this Heidi though could see Allah subhana wa tada is womac acaba, LA, de ba, ba, La Jolla mym of thought to LA, my slave will not grow closer to me by something more beloved to me, then that which I have made compulsory upon him or her.

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So what is then na vida based on this, Heidi? What is Allah made compulsory upon you and me? sada zeca. Hodge? What else?

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Speaking the truth isn't

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what else is obviously more and more thing can be added to this thing that we are supposed to be doing? That we must do? So we know that it is beloved to Allah and so therefore all of these things, what if I smile at my brother said

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are you doing? Is it in a binder? Why do I know that's in a binder?

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How do I know? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said whatever so McAfee when he if he casada to smile at your brother is a sadhaka so that's how I know that it is and because I know that Allah loves sadaqa Allah loves to give charity and are just giving charity. So it must be beloved to Allah. Then the author says, including statements and actions. Okay. But then he says something because why statements like, you know, other karma recitation of the Quran, Vicar is all things that you say what you do with your tongue. But what do you do with your limbs, sila Hodge, you know, jihad, all of these things can be with the limbs. But then you say something that's very, very

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important that we need to realize is also a burden, outwardly and inwardly. Outwardly, that's clear. But what about inwardly? What's he talking about?

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Number one, he's talking about loving a law. He's talking about trusting a law. He is talking about hoping and Allah's mercy, fearing almost punishment. All of these are matters of what matters are matters of the heart. Let me ask you a question. Do you know how pious I am? How much taqwa I have?

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Isn't it? Doesn't it show?

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You know, have a beard, you know? Isn't that indicative of my piety? The reality is No, it isn't. Okay. That is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I taqwa una, it's here. It's not something that can be seen. It's inward. It's inside. No one knows. I don't know. I don't even know if you have to do right now. Do you?

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I don't know. It's not something you can see. So all of these things are inward things. your sincerity? I don't know that you you don't know. If I'm here today, pious, you know, maybe I'm here because I just felt like being here. Am I here to actually teach for the sake of Allah? When I when I lead the Salah, am I doing that for the sake of Allah that's been a bother becomes something internal. And that's what you need to focus on. Because what is here will reflect on what is on your, what is on your tongue and what is on your limbs. But coming back to this al hamdu Lillah this phrase must be for Allah because he is the one that is deserving of it. Why is Allah deserving of

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it? Because he has a lot Bilaal me, if I gave you a gift

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and when you thanked him for the gift, how would I feel?

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Now when

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I give you a gift, I say you know my brother, this is a gift from me to you. And then you you turn to Him and you say sugar for the gift?

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Does it make sense? No. So that is why Allah says Alhamdulillah How are these for Allah? Why are Bilal me because he's the rock of the Al amin, he is your Creator, your sustainment. He's the one that created you from nothing is given you everything that you have. So you must praise Him and praise Him alone because who else is deserving of praise then Rob bill Allah mean that many people translate this and they say the world's is focused on something more important than that. Allah is created everything is created you and what you do color Kakuma matamanoa is created us and what we do, our energy, our thoughts, our ability to think all of this is created is created by Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. Everything in creation is the creation of a law. So I mean, refers to everything besides Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is one of the tough scenes of one of the Sahaba that what I mean refers to before we talk about worlds is that it is everything besides Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is the load of all of it, Rahul Kusama when he when he has the dominion and the kingdom of the heavens and earth. And that's what we need to understand you have a handle on that and the next is a rough man and unroll him. Now we know that both of these words come from the same root letters or AHIMA. But what exactly is the difference between the two? The first thing you must

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understand is that abraj man and Abrahim are both on scales of exaggeration. In Arabic, if you want to exaggerate the meaning of something, there are certain scales that you can place a word upon, and it will exaggerate the meaning. Let me give you an example. Simple example. katella he killed caught Tyler he massacred is the difference between the khattala he killed one person two people caught Tyler is he killed with great ferocity. And you know, he killed in abundance. So there's a big difference between the two. The only thing you've done was add a shutdown.

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Technically related, that's the only thing you've done. So with the same with urashima to have mercy, or or him is a person that has mercy on Raw manual, that someone was mercies. That is why some people translate a rock man as the exceptionally merciful because they understand the Arabic they understand that that on that scale of Fae lamb what is being referred to is great mercy, mercy that has no end. And that is why some scholars when they translate or other when they explain a rough man. They say it refers to Allah's mercy that encompasses everything both in the heavens and in the earth. Every every mercy that you see that you experience is from a rock burn. And they

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explain out Rahim which is also on a scale of exaggeration, the mercy of Allah the day of tiama

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With this Mercy is for who is for the believers.

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Because of a handle, I think about this. On the day of piaba, a person will come

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and he will see the scrolls of his bad deeds, they will extend that extend and extend them, you see now into them and you, you start feeling hopeless.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala or other the person will be thrown close to Allah. And Allah will say to him, did you do these? Did you commit these sins? And you and I will say, yes, yes, yes. And then Allah will say, set out to holographic dunya was futile. Luckily, oh, that I forgave you I kept the sins he did from the people on the dunya and now I will forgive them. I will forgive them now in the US.

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That is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That is why in the Hadith, the Hadith could see that even if the slave came to me with the, you know, imagine your sins was so many that they reached up into the heavens, and then you say one day sincerely, truthfully, you're alive. I've wronged myself. You know, I've wronged myself, Oh ALLAH forgive me. Allah will forgive all of those sins. That is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is what Allah says.

00:51:25 --> 00:51:28

Earlier Eva da, da da da da for

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forcing him ladapo Nando de poner photo Mirage met in

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in La Jolla Pharaohs. Oh the Jamia say Obama to my slaves who have wronged themselves do not despair of the mercy of a law in the law of feudal Luba Jamia Indeed Allah forgives all sins.

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How can you display after you read this? Ayah? How do you feel that you could never turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala that you can never say it used to we should never be in a situation we we say that so how to live wrong myself so much, that Allah will forgive me. I cannot turn to him and seek His forgiveness. We should never be at that point. There is when we know when you lose hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala is when you have lost everything.

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Because Allah subhanho wa Taala is your Rob. He's the one that has taken care of you. From the time you were a child until now, and he has provided for you. So why would he abandon you now. So behind the hautala

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R Rahman and Rahim merciful in the dunya and merciful in the Alfredo. And his mercy should never be the spirit of because he forgives all sins. And sins should never ever be a means of blocking and placing an obstacle between us and Allah subhana wa Tada. And that's very, very important for us to understand.

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Sometimes we lose, we lose, we lose scope of that we lose. You know, we forget that. That's the reality. We sort of, you know, convince ourselves and shape on helps us by with spinning that, man, you're so far gone. There's no way you can come back the stuff that you've done.

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You should be ashamed and embarrassed about what you've done. How can I forgive someone like you?

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That's what we get. Sometimes, we sort of lose hope. And I gave this example. I don't know if it was in this class. And if I did, you know, maybe we should revise it. Think about that companion who was burying his daughter alive.

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Imagine you have this beautiful daughter was giving you this gift. And then you take it out into the desert and you make a hole. And then you put your baby in that hole. And then you cover her with sand.

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You cover her with sand. And she suffocates to death.

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You don't feel and they didn't do it. And they felt good about it. Some of the companions used to say that when I did it, my daughter was playing with my BA thinking it was fun. She didn't know what was going to happen. And the tears were running down my eyes. Because they didn't only kill their daughters and their sons because they feared you know, people would ridicule them. Oh, another daughter. No, that wasn't the only reason they killed the daughters out of the fear of poverty as well as the sun's, which many people don't know about mocking, you know, society. And even you know, in ancient Rome, in ancient Greece, they used to kill their children and leave them out in the

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wilderness. If they had birth defects. You know, they were blind, they would death they had one arm one leg, you know, or you know, things like that they would take the children out and people in Makkah will do the same.

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And so imagine you kill your own daughter. And then you accept Islam and you become a Muslim or you make the

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But from your sin, what is the Prophet say? At least La Jolla Juma Kabbalah who Islam wipes away whatever came before it and tell about the Jew Kumar copula, and when you make Toba, Allah wipes away everything that came before.

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after you make sincere Toba, there's nothing.

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And many people still feel weighed down by these sins, even after making Toba. How is it possible that we haven't understood the Hadith properly?

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The Hadith says it wipes away everything that came before it, Islam and Toba.

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So when you accept Islam, Allah wipes everything away. It's God. It's like a clean sheet. And when you make Toba, but look at this, when we accept yourself, that's accepting yourself for the first time. That's it, you can't accept Islam over and over again. But you can make Toba

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and maybe you did tilbyr. Last time was a year ago. And you've been doing that same sin ever since? What does it mean? Now it means that you make tobacco button. So how sincere pure tobacco, tobacco in which you know what to tell, you never want to turn back again.

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You know, I used to work in a drug rehabilitation center in Cape Town.

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And I suppose for drug addicts, the most difficult thing is being able to sort of move away from that lifestyle and not to, to go back, you know, and then you, you are re visited with these, these thoughts from time to time, okay. But they realize that realization and the belief in the knowledge that when you make Toba, and when you decided that today was the last day that you were going to use, and you will never going to go back to that lifestyle and to that way of living your life. Know that, yes, you still have to deal with the effects of your drug use. But you don't have to worry about the sin anymore. And that shouldn't weigh you down. And it is the same with all of our sins.

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They should not weigh us down. If we have made sincere Toba allies, wipe them away, forget about them and move on. And this is very, very important for us to understand because sometimes shaytan tells us you know, you remember, you know, in La Jolla, you will like this and you will like that. And so we say, how are you? Right? You know, what gives me the the authority to talk to my cousin, you know, was a drug addict. Now, if I was a drug addict? No, that doesn't, doesn't exist anymore. If your Toba was sincere.

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If the toboe was sincere, the sin doesn't exist. And you now have the ability to go and talk to someone and say, Allah what you're doing is wrong. And there's only pain and suffering at the end of this road.

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So Allah subhana wa tada is a rock a rock man and Rahim ladapo Natoma Rahmatullah. Do not despair of the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Maliki omit Dean. He's the Malik. Before we speak about the omit Dean, a loss of a hand or that level buku. Allah has the bulk of the savant. And Allah owns everything in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala, all the teachers of the heavens of the earth, Allah subhanho wa Taala is in control. Not only does he own it, but he has full control over it. And then he says, yo deed A Day of Recompense, a day that people will receive the reward of the good deeds, and they will be punished for the sins.

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Do people think that they're good? Do we think? Do we think that we will live our lives and we will not be held accountable for everything that we do? How many times do we get away with things?

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Whether it be at work, whether it be in our relationships, whatever it might be, we get away with things not held accountable. And then we think that a lie, you know, people didn't get me for that.

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No One No one, no one had a problem. And then we think that, do we think that all of this is going to be for nothing seeking knowledge? acting upon our knowledge, worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala? Do we feel that that's going to be of no benefit? What's important here is that this is the first surah in the Quran.

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And one of the most difficult things that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had to contend with in Makkah, was the fact that they did they did not believe in the year after, but he was making it very clear that they will be a yoga Dean after this life, a Day of Recompense, a day in which certain people will be rewarded, and certain people will be doomed for punishment, where people will be held accountable for the deeds. Allah is the owner of that day, what is what is the other meaning of this? Then on that day, no one has authority and that is why in a different era, the way we decided in house is we say Maliki omit the and if you go to certain parts in Africa, especially no

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Africa and West Africa. Why do they read it? Maliki omit the Maliki yo within Malik means an owner, a person, a sovereign, and Malik means a king.

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Those two meanings together, what do they mean? Because certain kings own but they don't have complete authority. And some owners own but they don't have. They don't have authority. Some people, some people have authority, but they don't really have full control over something. Right? And some people own things as well. And they don't have Allah has both of those things. What does that mean? On the day of tiama? No one will be able to do anything except if Allah gives permission for them to do it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam people will come to him on the day of the AMA, and they will say yeah, Rasul Allah, and they will praise Him and they will say that, you know,

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intercede, ask Allah to start the day of the Day of Judgment, to start the judgment, I should say, and then he would say,

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I am for it or other I am qualified to do it, then you will make sujood at the throne of Allah, and he will pays Allah with praises that he's never, he's never even known before. And as a side note, this particular statement of the Prophet is an indication or other is taken as proof by some scholars, that Allah has more than 99 names.

01:01:26 --> 01:02:13

Okay, Allah has not because he will praise Allah with praises that he was not taught on the dunya. And then Allah will say to him, yeah, Mohammed, Mohammed, arafat soccer, raise your head, Salvator that ask and you will be given and seek intercession and your intercession will be, that is the Prophet of Allah, he needs to go to Allah that day, and ask Allah and beg him and pays him before he is given permission to do anything. Maliki only deed, no one has authority on that day, the authority lies with Allah subhanho wa Taala alone on this dunya if I'm the king, if I'm the Prime Minister, if I am, you know, a wealthy person, then I have authority, I can do things and people

01:02:13 --> 01:02:31

will, you know, people will do things for me, they will listen to me, they will obey me on that day is not none of that is going to happen. They will not be anyone that will be able to say or do anything until Allah has given people permission to do so. Maliki omitted, and this is powerful for another reason,

01:02:33 --> 01:03:16

which I alluded to earlier. But let me return to it. They did not believe that there was a year after. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this very surah is addressing this issue, that there is a day of resurrection. And this is a sort of issue read how many times 17 at least 17 times a day, Maliki only D know Muslim, that you are going to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he's going to hold you accountable. And he is the Polycom the owner and the king, and you will be responsible to him accountable to him, every day you read the so the reality must be the when you read this every day, if you take stock of yourself and where you are right now, you know,

01:03:17 --> 01:03:26

and also remind yourself that this life is going to end that's a that's a hidden meaning. But it's an implied meaning.

01:03:27 --> 01:03:39

That if there is a a year after, that means that this the first alula, the dunya will come to an end. Does anyone know anyone that's lived forever?

01:03:41 --> 01:03:41


01:03:43 --> 01:03:48

You know, Subhana Allah, I've, I've lost a lot of friends, for different reasons.

01:03:49 --> 01:04:01

And I remember my conversations with them, talking about what we will do, and when we get when we grow older, you know, and where we would travel and all these things that we would do. And most of them didn't make it 20

01:04:04 --> 01:04:44

and we know people like that we have conversations like that now, are we talking about the trips we will take and the things we will do that we do that we have, you know, we have this mindset that things are going to last for a very, very long time. I look at my grandparents, my grandfather lived till 86 so I maybe I fooled myself into believing I'd lived that long. You have great parents perhaps and lived as long. The question is that's the there's no guarantee that that's your reality. molokhia within if you know that that day is the day in which what you're doing now is often if it's going to be of any benefit. That's how you need to understand that

01:04:45 --> 01:04:59

every day Mandy kiyomi do Medina is the CEO with D is not only this life there was a there is what was shocking for the for the disbelievers in Macau. They couldn't understand why and how they

01:05:00 --> 01:05:19

would be something after this. They believe that if you die, you decompose and you'll just be left with the skeleton, you know, ashes, your skeleton. That's what they believed. We know the reality to be totally different. That's what Allah says it's one of the tava zavaleta inaka whoa la

01:05:21 --> 01:05:23

COVID de la

01:05:27 --> 01:05:32

Nabina amento those who disbelieve, they say that they

01:05:34 --> 01:05:37

there is no birth, there is no resurrection of the

01:05:38 --> 01:06:24

cold Allah warabi, the toolbar icon that saved by Allah rather By Allah, you will be resurrected, but you won't only be resurrected, you will be asked about that which you used to do, and you will be informed about it. You will be told about what you did in this world. And every day you read it, I read it molokhia within a day in which you will be you will be informed about your deeds. And you will have to answer for them. The feet, our feet will not move on the depth gamma, until we asked about the knowledge that we have, what we did with it, our youth, how we spent it, and the risk which Allah has given us, you know how we spent that our feet won't move until we are asked these

01:06:24 --> 01:07:00

things every one of us will be asked about these bounties that we are enjoying on the day of what Yama Dean on this day, all of these things will become important. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says and we discussed this in some detail last week or in the previous session, he cannot do what he can. Why does not say nambucca Monastery Luca, we worship you and we seek assistance from you. Why do we say you alone? Do we worship and You will loan do we seek assistance from

01:07:03 --> 01:07:36

from a from a practical grammatical point of view? Both the first way of saying it now, Buddha, we worship you while they're studying, okay, and we seek assistance from you. That's totally, that's fine. That would be the norm to say it that way. But that's not how Allah revealed it. He said he can agudo you alone do we worship so the pronoun comes before the verb? Where is the norm in Arabic is that you have the verb and then the pronoun

01:07:37 --> 01:07:42

you have now abou Naboo is the verb and the car is your pronoun.

01:07:44 --> 01:08:09

Referring to Allah subhanho wa Taala that's the norm in Arabic. But yeah, Allah changes it completely. He cannot obudu you alone. So You we worship you understand the difference now you bring the pronoun first you saying you alone and obviously he strengthens and emphasizes that meaning you alone do we worship? Why is this?

01:08:11 --> 01:08:13

why did why was the verse not not good? Okay.

01:08:15 --> 01:08:18

Simple conveys that basic meaning.

01:08:20 --> 01:08:29

The reason for it is because Allah subhana wa tada wishes to deny let me give you let me show you exactly what allies denied.

01:08:30 --> 01:09:02

And you know, the gating. If you say now Budokai means I worship You, but it does not negate the fact that I might be worshiping others besides you. And when I say Nestor ioka I seek assistance from you, does not necessarily mean that I do not seek assistance from others. Was that clear? But when you say he Yeah, can I go do I only seek I only worship You and I only seek assistance from you. The meaning now has a different emphasis and a different meaning.

01:09:03 --> 01:09:07

That is why all the prophets what what what was the message

01:09:08 --> 01:09:11

Carla, Jaco Mirabeau de la

01:09:12 --> 01:09:13

Mennella in LA.

01:09:15 --> 01:09:22

Oh my dear people, my people, worship Allah you do not have another object of worship besides he

01:09:24 --> 01:09:29

doesn't want to die. What was about Allah says in another verse. What? nervy?

01:09:31 --> 01:09:36

rasuna boudleaux narrabundah la watch attorney

01:09:38 --> 01:09:50

and we have sent to every nation, a prophet, a messenger. What was the message worship Allah and stay away from false deities? He cannot abou what to say something deeper. Yeah.

01:09:51 --> 01:10:00

Is that when we did when we spoke about Eva Naboo and Eva come from the same roots Aveda to

01:10:00 --> 01:10:25

worship. So what does this mean? It means that all of those things we discussed earlier, should only be directed to Allah, our sila ours aka our Vicar, the sadaqa that we give the fact that we help people we help the orphans we help the needy, all of this is a bother and all of this should be done for the sake of Allah alone and for no one else.

01:10:26 --> 01:10:36

So every a bother not a Buddha do Salah slaughtering an animal sacrificing people prefer

01:10:37 --> 01:10:42

but all of this should be done for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. Now how do you achieve this?

01:10:44 --> 01:10:54

Some people we I struggle you struggle with sincerity? How do I know that I am beautiful people always asked me this question how do I know that I'm doing it for the sake of Allah

01:10:57 --> 01:10:59

said is that an easy question to answer?

01:11:00 --> 01:11:02

If all of us know

01:11:04 --> 01:11:08

if we go to this if we go to sign up at the masjid

01:11:09 --> 01:11:11

we know why we have it. Is it

01:11:12 --> 01:11:26

that you know what motivated to leave your home and walk or drive to the local Masjid? And you know why you ended the masjid and you know why you performed you will do and you know that when the Sardar was about to start a law What

01:11:27 --> 01:11:30

is that for Allah? Was it so people can see that are in the masjid.

01:11:33 --> 01:12:00

That's you, we are all aware of that at all times. And so sincerity is not something that I can tell you, it's a feeling you get in your heart. Or it's a you know, it's it's you You know what, when you see it, no, that's true. You'll know it when you see it, but that's an on an individual basis. That's relative to your situation, you know, that if I when someone says, let's say that a bag was going around this class now for donations, as an example,

01:12:01 --> 01:12:15

you know, that when you put your money in that bag, you know, I hope that brother saw me, you know, because I heard him say, you know, a few weeks ago that I'm stingy. I hope he saw that, you know, I put 100 and I put 100 ringgit masala? Okay.

01:12:17 --> 01:12:30

You know that, are you doing it for that? Or are you doing it for Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, listen to this, this is this is important, you know, those three men that got trapped in the cave in the cave? What did they say?

01:12:32 --> 01:12:40

That we will not be able to save ourselves from this situation except that we make dua, by that which we have done only for the sake of Allah.

01:12:42 --> 01:12:43

I asked you now,

01:12:44 --> 01:12:46

of the good deeds that you have done.

01:12:47 --> 01:13:10

And if you found yourself in a difficult situation, which of those good deeds that you've done over the course of your life? Would you truly be able to say that that was for the sake of Allah? And you say, oh, Allah, if I did that deed for your sake, please forgive me. Please forgive me or please get me out of the situation. Whatever that whatever it might be.

01:13:11 --> 01:13:12

Can you can you think of something

01:13:15 --> 01:13:33

that's important. And so go back to that time to go back to that particular a bother that you did only for the sake of Allah and ask yourself, How many are there like that? That I can confidently say there was no intention in my heart, except that when I was doing it, I was doing it for the sake of Allah.

01:13:34 --> 01:13:56

He cannot complete sincerity nothing else in my heart, except your love, and everything which you deserve to be worshipped with, when I do worship you with that act of worship is with a pure heart, only wishing to please you allow one is what he or canister him and you will learn do we seek assistance from what is this mean?

01:13:58 --> 01:14:11

I told you in the previous session that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes used to take a pledge of allegiance from some of his companions, and he used to take from them that they should say we will not ask anything from anyone except Allah.

01:14:13 --> 01:14:20

Even if they were out there riding animals and the work would fall they would get down themselves pick up the weapon, then get back onto the writing animal.

01:14:21 --> 01:14:28

What is this iaca nuts they're in a bold, complete trust and reliance upon the loss of a hydro doll.

01:14:29 --> 01:14:36

With a heart becomes attached to a line such in such a way that it does not look at the creation to solve its problems.

01:14:37 --> 01:14:49

Sometimes we run away from our problems and we run away from if we run towards everyone we think can help us except Allah subhanho wa Taala Remember what I said last time we met

01:14:50 --> 01:14:54

when you make believe that Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you whatever you see.

01:14:56 --> 01:14:59

Sometimes we say Oh Allah, you know, what did you call but as

01:15:00 --> 01:15:06

Making it to how you think of your bank balance. There's no money in there. Like how am I going to buy a decent car?

01:15:08 --> 01:15:11

People want to get married. Can't afford it.

01:15:13 --> 01:15:28

Look at the bank balances. So, er canister in develops the tawakkol in the heart, we trust Allah subhanho wa Taala we you know you that the one remember what you said at the beginning of the Surah Al hamdu Lillahi

01:15:29 --> 01:15:36

Rabbil aalameen He is the rub of everything. And you doubt that he can give you what you see

01:15:38 --> 01:15:40

is, you know, there's another there's another

01:15:41 --> 01:16:19

and many people do this and Norman helicon does this very well is creating the, you know, sort of a connection between all of the verses. Okay, the first verse in the second verse, the third was all the way till the end, then giving you the synopsis of the whole surah and the relationship between this Surah Al Baqarah. Okay, although that's a it's a it's a science that didn't it must be very clear that what he does when he says that this surah is connected to this surah and his relationship that was not something that was focused on by the companions. So those are the term you're in or even later generations. That is why Mr. McCarney wrote a booklet on why it shouldn't be done. But

01:16:19 --> 01:16:55

it's a different masala. I'm not saying that what he's doing is wrong. What I am saying is that it's something that was not focused on in early Islam. It's something that developed. And this obviously, this is the norm with any science, you get to the point where you hit a plateau. And there's no, there's no way of going any further because you've reached the end of, you know, revealed knowledge, knowledge from the prior knowledge from the sooner you then have to focus on other things. And you also have to realize that in Islam, as in other religions, like Judaism and Christianity, you have the influence of Greek thinking on the way that they interpret the texts. And this is another way

01:16:55 --> 01:17:32

that we have gotten a methodology, a method of interpretation that was foreign to Islam that we adopted. And we added, besides that Islam of size, and now we are left with a situation where we have all of this information coming from the Greeks and the Indians and the Persians. And we need to find a way to assimilate it into our understanding of our religion. And that's what's happening when you start developing other means of interpretation that we're not used by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his companions, although I must say that what Norman alikhan does is amazing, you know, it's good to think when you thinking of the Paradis as part of the double, you thinking

01:17:32 --> 01:18:08

about, you know, how all of this connects, that's fine. What I'm trying to point out is that we haven't yet reached that stage where we have been able to master the prophetic methodology of explanation. Once we get to that point, we might then sort of venture out and see what else is out there. But we haven't reached that stage yet. I haven't reached that and you haven't reached that and we need to get back to that inshallah. to master the Arabic language, understand the way in which the Quran was explained by the Prophet and his companions and then inshallah Allah will be able to, to move forward. yaka yaka the staring then Allah Subhana, WA tada says, Is there a

01:18:08 --> 01:18:11

Scirocco study, but

01:18:12 --> 01:18:18

Guide us to the straight path? But if we believe that the Quran is the speech of Allah, why is a lot

01:18:20 --> 01:18:24

revealing a verse that says Guide us to the straight path?

01:18:25 --> 01:18:26

Does that make sense?

01:18:27 --> 01:18:40

So what Then what is it? That is why in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that the first half of the surah is about a lot. And the second half of the song is about you and me.

01:18:41 --> 01:18:42

It's Deanna

01:18:43 --> 01:19:10

the first half of the soraa is, is it's it's it's a lot of praising himself. And then we praising Allah subhana wa tada telling him that we only worship Him and we only seek assistance from him. The second half now is for you and me. We get to ask Allah and Allah subhana wa tada says, I've done I've done so far in advance I've given you what you want, is Dino zero, helping guide us to the straight path.

01:19:12 --> 01:19:59

A ciroc it is a a way The Prophet said Dr. Komal Mahajan, albedo I have left you on the Mohajer the pathway by it's white, it's illuminated lojack and it is as bright at night as it is during the day. What does it mean? It means that what Allah and His met what the prophet has left behind, what Allah has revealed, that path is clear to anyone during the day during the night, during times of difficulty during times of ease, it is visible to all of us we know what the path is. Then Allah explains what what what we mean here. Now there are two types of hedaya or guidance. The first type of guidance is the guidance of tofik

01:20:00 --> 01:20:42

We Allah subhanho wa Taala takes you by the heart and guides you to Islam guides you to righteousness. And then is he die of earshot guiding, when someone tells you what I'm doing, this is me telling you to pray five times a day, that's a different kind of guidance, I'm guiding you towards a path. I'm not a guide, on a on a nature, you know, expedition, I'm showing you the way. So there's two types. The first is hidayah, which only Allah can give you. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala might show you the way He will guide you towards it. But you need the second type of guidance, the guidance to actually take the path.

01:20:43 --> 01:20:49

I remember as a teenager growing up, that many people would say, you know, come we go to the masjid, I was like,

01:20:51 --> 01:21:06

you know, they'd say, Come let me go for some, you know, some programs of lecture. And I used to laugh is the thing that was the funniest thing. Okay. And what were they doing? They were trying to guide me, isn't it. But the diet of the feet wasn't there.

01:21:08 --> 01:21:30

Allah guiding me. They were showing me the path. But Allah has not yet decided that I should take the ball. So in this so in this in this ayah, you are asking Allah for both, Oh Allah show me where the path is. And oh, Allah give me the ability to actually start to work on it. To take the path. That's what you're asking for.

01:21:32 --> 01:21:57

In the path is, the path is clear. It's a straight path, the profits a little lower. It was in a once he was with his companions in earnest, he had a stick, and then he draw a law, he drew a long, straight line. And then he draw law lines out from that deadline. And then he said, This is the sirata of Allah. It's clear and straight. But all of these other parts are leading off from that path. And at the head, of all of those paths is the shaytaan calling towards it.

01:21:59 --> 01:22:40

It could be atheism. It could be drowning. In one sense. It could be many things. But this is a thought that's calling people away from the State Bar. But the bar is state it's there you can see it. It's clear at night, and it's clear during the day. It's clear during the times of fitna and corruption and difficulty and trials and tribulations doesn't matter Alhamdulillah we still have our scholars around the world, we still have people that we can go to to seek guidance from. We haven't yet reached that stage, even when the Mongols when they when they sacked Baghdad and they bought the books and they threw the books into the Tigris and Euphrates that they didn't stop anything. When

01:22:40 --> 01:23:02

the Crusaders sacked Jerusalem and killed 10s of 1000s of people and scholars. And during you know, the Soviet occupation of certain Central Asian republics, and Muslim scholars were being killed what's happening in China right now what's happening in Burma, or Myanmar. All of this, you know, is is the with what we don't understand is that the deen is always going to be there.

01:23:04 --> 01:23:05

The zero is always there.

01:23:06 --> 01:23:26

We when we made this, you know, Serato master can guide us to the straight path we are asking Allah for these two things of Allah show us where the path is. And Allah give us the ability to actually take it. How many Muslims right now around the world, you go up to them and you say, you know, you should pray five times a day? How many of them know that?

01:23:29 --> 01:23:43

Let's do a survey. Let's ask our friends and families, you know, about praying five times a day to tell us how many I know what the names of these plays are? And how many units of play they are, etc. What's the answer you'll get?

01:23:45 --> 01:23:48

All you get all the correct answers. So why aren't they playing?

01:23:49 --> 01:24:06

Because the second he Dyer has not been given it. And that's really, you know, what you're asking for every single day, 70 times or more of Allah, show me guide me to the path and allow me to travel on it. That's what you want.

01:24:07 --> 01:24:29

Scirocco levena and underlay him the path upon whom You were bestowed your blessings. Who are they? They are the prophets. They are the sick, the coal, the truthful ones, but see, the poor has another meaning not only truthful, the sick the poor are those who believe in everything which Allah has revealed. Listen to this. Ayah from social for john.

01:24:30 --> 01:24:33

In man, oh,

01:24:34 --> 01:24:35

man, oh,

01:24:38 --> 01:24:49

man, Aveo taboo. Indeed, the believers are only those who believe in Allah and His messenger from Allah meow taboo, then they don't have any doubts.

01:24:50 --> 01:25:00

No doubt whatsoever. I will back on the lower end when he was told that the Prophet he went on a mirage, no, nothing. I mean, they will tell

01:25:00 --> 01:25:11

He was told that the Prophet went on he saw in Nigeria from Mecca to Medina in one night. And normally it takes 30 days to travel from Medina to Jerusalem, and to come back.

01:25:12 --> 01:25:30

And actually, it takes two months, but one month to get there one month to come back. But the Prophet did it in one night. And so they they're making fun of me. You know, the guys are joking. You know, you see the way to Jerusalem in one night. And they told our bucket is they expected our bucket to say,

01:25:32 --> 01:25:35

you know, that's impossible, man.

01:25:37 --> 01:25:45

Why would I believe that? And expected him to have doubt. He said, Well, ah, he, I would believe him. Even if he went further than that.

01:25:47 --> 01:25:49

That is what it means to be acidic.

01:25:51 --> 01:25:55

So my lamjao talbo, then they have no doubt whatsoever.

01:25:56 --> 01:26:17

That's the reality. Knowledge is not just knowing and acting. It's about actually, it's at that point where you have no doubt whatsoever. And one example, and, you know, the kids at the school, they like to ask me this question about that journal. And about, you know, as, you know, all these juicy, juicy stories. Why do kids love this so much?

01:26:18 --> 01:26:36

Hmm. I suppose I don't understand that, you know, because I didn't grow up like that. You know, my first steel study of Islam was like at 19. So, I did I am finding it difficult to understand why they so fascinated I'm, I understand why they are fascinated with, you know,

01:26:38 --> 01:26:52

superheroes and other things, but the Jow with a hamdulillah. I embrace it for a different reason, because at least they asked me about something Islamic, something that pertains to them and pertains to the year of the signs of the hour. So that might be for that.

01:26:53 --> 01:26:53


01:26:55 --> 01:26:56

what was I saying?

01:26:58 --> 01:27:02

That's the problem with these tangents you forget where you were, where you left yourself of.

01:27:05 --> 01:27:08

Sirocco, levena. And I'm dialing sit, do

01:27:09 --> 01:27:57

you want to take attention either? Right. So we both got caught out there? Sit deikun the Cydia is the one who believes without doubting. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you say minute Nabina was it Dina was Shahada was silently Allah grant us the same nerima that you've given to those of the prophets, the city code, the Shahada, the martyrs and the pious and righteous. So guide us to the path of these groups of people? The profits? Yeah. So the first thing you're making the alpha, when you need certain fat, you have a dino sera booster team, you are saying, oh, Allah guide me to the state bar at the bottom of the profits. That's the first thing you make into alpha. The second thing

01:27:57 --> 01:28:05

you're making to alpha is I would like guide me to the part of those who believe in what you have revealed, and they have no doubts. So

01:28:06 --> 01:28:32

the third thing you're making into alpha is Oh, Allah guide me to the way of the bot is the people who have made jihad in your path, they are willing to sacrifice the wealth and the lives for you think about that for a moment. If someone attacked your family, and the only way in which to prevent them from hurting your family was for you to engage with that person in a violent way, putting your own life at risk, would you do it?

01:28:34 --> 01:28:34

Would you?

01:28:36 --> 01:28:45

If someone wanted to hurt your husband, or your wife or your child or your parents, and they were about to, you know, attack them violently? Would you step in between them?

01:28:46 --> 01:28:48

You would? Why would you do that?

01:28:51 --> 01:28:56

Why would you be willing to give up your own safety and security and your well being for someone else?

01:28:59 --> 01:29:00

Love visited.

01:29:02 --> 01:29:12

So why would these people go out in Jihad and fight in the path of Allah to make sure that the deen of Allah remains protected and preserved and the word of Allah is reign supreme.

01:29:13 --> 01:29:28

They're willing to give up their lives for that which requires the highest level of commitment and dedication. And you are asking Allah every day to grant you that level of dedication and that level of commitment to God

01:29:30 --> 01:29:56

that you are willing to sacrifice with everything that you have for the sake of Allah and the Last of Salim the pious and the righteous is a quick question that is related to the issue of a bother that we mentioned at the beginning. And that is that a bada is all of those things that we spoke about. Okay. But piety How do I know what's pious and what's righteous?

01:29:58 --> 01:29:59

We say that is everything which is

01:30:00 --> 01:30:18

And is pleased with but how do I know what Allah loves? And what is the what if tonight while I'm sleeping? I have a dream and a year of voice and the voice a I'm Allah and you know toric because of your of your great work for the deen you no longer have to pray five times a day.

01:30:20 --> 01:30:24

And I would love that you no longer play. Should I give up my play tomorrow?

01:30:25 --> 01:30:28

What do you think? No, yes.

01:30:30 --> 01:30:34

Why? Allah is telling me that he loves that I shouldn't pray.

01:30:36 --> 01:30:38

Why? Why is it not reliable as a source of information?

01:30:40 --> 01:30:42

And if that's not reliable, what is?

01:30:44 --> 01:30:57

So basically the answer to my question is that we know what is what piety is and what the righteousness is, what is everybody what Allah loves what is pleased with what he hates, what displeases him from the Quran and the Sunnah, the ease no other way of knowing.

01:31:00 --> 01:31:45

Because think about it for a moment, just before we even talk about everything else, the Quran is revealed for the purpose of guidance, the purpose of explanation, the purpose of, of elaborating exactly what it what Allah wants from you, it's it's, it's the book that is supposed to guide you to what Allah wants. And the Prophet is sent y Li to Bay in LA in la semana de la la, so that you are Mohammed you've been sent, so that you can explain to people and elaborate to them, and clarify to them what has been revealed to them. So those are those are the two things we need two things for iron, and solar. And that is how we know what Allah wants what Allah loves. These are the two ways

01:31:45 --> 01:31:49

we have a book revealed and an interpreter for that book.

01:31:51 --> 01:32:01

Imagine, imagine you bought a new mobile phone. It comes it comes with a manual, doesn't it? But imagine Samsung sent someone from the factory to tell you how to use it.

01:32:03 --> 01:32:22

That will be amazing. Right? Isn't it? So? Think about it. I mean, you have the manual, it's you know, it might be difficult to read, you know, what did they mean by you know, multiple screens. But then the guy shows you know, come on, let me show you. Okay, so you go Yeah, settings, you go to that. And this is how it works.

01:32:23 --> 01:32:24

That's the Quran and the sun.

01:32:26 --> 01:32:46

Think about that relationship is the industrial author of the study. It's a straight path. It's the Quran, and it's the Sunnah. This is what Allah wants from you. And this is how Allah wants you to do it. That's basically how you should think about it. This is how you say what I want from you because if you look up if you look at it from another perspective, the Quran says For instance, what

01:32:48 --> 01:32:49

you learn here

01:32:51 --> 01:32:52

locally see Nana Medina

01:32:55 --> 01:32:57

masala Will you be able

01:32:59 --> 01:32:59

to cerca

01:33:00 --> 01:33:14

de novo, Emma and Valle Jews and the Christians rock Odin except that they worship Allah sincerely making the whole Deen for Allah alone, and that they established a pray and that they give this occur. That is the religion that is upright.

01:33:16 --> 01:34:00

So with the explanation of the saliva is not in the forearm. Where is it? It's an Asana prayers you have seen me pray. And we have the details of the prophets of Allah, Allah, Allah. It's so detailed in the Sunnah. It's amazing. Everything from the time he lifted his hands, we lift his hands, sometimes to his ear, nose, sometimes to his shoulders. We know that the palms were facing the Qibla. We know that the prophets of Allah Allah wa sallam, we put his hands what his right hand on his left hand, sometimes on his wrist, sometimes on his forehead, his forearm, and sometimes palm over the top palm of his left hand. Imagine that's the kind of detail we have when he went into

01:34:00 --> 01:34:12

core, his hands, his palms would cover his knees, and his back would be straight. Even I Sharia law says that if you were to pour water on his back, it would not roll off.

01:34:14 --> 01:34:16

That's the kind of detail we have.

01:34:18 --> 01:34:43

And so we need to appreciate this data. Serato who's the team guide as to the straight path, the path of the Quran, the path of the Sunnah, the path of the prophets, the path of the city for those who do not doubt a lot of what he has revealed with the Prophet has taught those who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of a lot of martyrs and the pious and the righteous. That's what you're making dua, then you say,

01:34:49 --> 01:35:00

lean not the path of those whom you you and your has descended upon, know of the dollar lean and we explained what these two types of

01:35:00 --> 01:35:12

People, let me just emphasize something as well. You are asking Allah not to guide you to that. So you should constantly be aware of when where you are, or you have those who

01:35:14 --> 01:35:38

do be I lay him, those people that have knowledge and yet do not act upon it. We do not think anything of it to make excuses. Oh, Mashallah Medina graduates, you know, I don't have to be as biased as you people, you know, you can be pious. I don't need to be as pious with because I studied Islam. Okay. The people who didn't study, formerly they don't need to be as pious now. Subhana Allah Actually, it's supposed to be the opposite.

01:35:39 --> 01:35:43

But the more knowledge you have, the more pious you should become.

01:35:47 --> 01:36:11

And so you need to be aware of where you are, like I know things. Let's say for instance, you learned recently that you should not have a simple example. You should not have a dog in your home, in your home in your house. You can have a dog outside is a god dog in your yard. But you shouldn't have the dog inside of your home. So you go home, you have this dog they it's inside your house, what do you do?

01:36:13 --> 01:36:13

That's a

01:36:15 --> 01:36:20

you know, like my son came to me a few days ago, he said, Abby, is it hard to walk with only one shoe?

01:36:22 --> 01:36:30

Yeah. And the prophets of Allah did prohibit this, he did say that you should not walk with only one shoe. But is it How long?

01:36:31 --> 01:37:08

The majority of the scholars say that's not how long but it is severely disliked. Okay, why? Because those are Heidi that speak about things that are, you know, like ordinary affairs. Those are Hadith unless the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us more like in the Hadith about eating and drinking with the left hand. He says two things, do not eat with your, with your left hand. Why? Because she thought each of these left there was a qualification, a clarification and extra information. But when he said when the Prophet said, Do not walk with only one shoe,

01:37:09 --> 01:37:31

the profits are the last and didn't add anything more. So the scholars deduce from that, that it's probably that the probation is not as severe as other prohibitions. Does that make sense? So it's zero. It's this like to do that. Also. I mean, it's unhealthy. That's one of the reasons that the scholars have extract from it that it is not conducive to, to, if you work with only one shoe, what's gonna happen after a while.

01:37:33 --> 01:38:10

You'll be unbalanced, you're gonna have back problems, you're gonna have problems with your knees with your ankles, you know, with your feet. And so the prophet SAW Elias, I was prohibiting this out of I mean, but yeah, that's another one when we talk about that another night inshallah. Okay, just thinking why someone would walk for a very long time with only one shoe. Okay. You know, what's the largest I'm just thinking about this, this could actually happen, because when I was at Hajj, I was coming back, you know, as my first hedge. And I was coming back to Mina on the 10th day to throw the jumbo Naughton one I'm throwing, you know, one of my stones fell. And so I went down to pick them

01:38:10 --> 01:38:15

up. And as I picked them up, someone stepped on my, on my radar

01:38:16 --> 01:38:35

and my top government, and as I came up, I couldn't go and fetch it again. So I had to do the rest of my hands with only with only a lower garment. Okay, and I couldn't find it imagined. So if you lose your shoes, many people lose their shoes, and they won't be able to find the shoes again. So that's a scenario

01:38:36 --> 01:39:00

what can we say it's a unusual scenario. But what I'm saying is you know, you're constantly learning things. And so you have to ask yourself if you are from A to B IE those who were not acting upon them while a Barney and ask yourself now tonight inshallah all the things acts of worship that I am doing that I am doing that I don't know why I am doing.

01:39:01 --> 01:39:16

I have no knowledge for them. I have no evidence proof from the Quran and Sunnah for them. evaluate what you are where you are right now. Because the worst feeling is to realize years from now that you were doing something and it had no basis in Islam.

01:39:19 --> 01:39:51

It had no basis in Islam, and worse, that it was an Islamic to begin with. I'll give you an example. When I was growing up. My father used to insist that we go with him to the grave of a saint. I don't know what you call it here, but we call it the comet. You call it the same right? The st the mausoleum, okay, you call it the same, we call it the cravat. fosway our cape Malay roots. But the idea is that it's a very, very blessed place. If you worship Allah. Yeah, it's like

01:39:52 --> 01:39:59

Subhana Allah. You know, I was told, I was told I remember this very, very clear as a child that to worship

01:40:00 --> 01:40:03

Allah year is better than to worship him at the masjid.

01:40:04 --> 01:40:11

So any liquor that you make any recitation of the Quran, it is much better to do it here. But what's the basis for them

01:40:12 --> 01:40:22

the most, the Prophet says that the most beloved places are the other houses of Allah, then you have someone coming along, that's saying that no, there's a sub, there's another place that's more Beloved.

01:40:24 --> 01:41:03

And so that's what I'm talking about, evaluate your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala, how you worship Him, and what and how, in which ways you are worshiping, and make sure that it is all it is all done according to the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because that is what Allah wanted, why would allow one the prophet to do it this way, only for us to turn away from that and do it a different way. And you will asking Allah to guide you to the what is the inner Serato stepped in was the first person serrata Lavina. And I'm telling him The path of those of God whom You have bestowed your blessing, the first category of people, the prophets.

01:41:05 --> 01:41:19

You're asking Allah to guide you to the way of the prophets, yet we find ourselves opposing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in so much. So there's a contradiction there. And that's not there is not a contradiction that we want to live with.

01:41:20 --> 01:41:22

Allah show me the path of the Prophet.

01:41:23 --> 01:41:36

And when it is shown to us, we should be ready to ask Allah and to accept, if Allah guides us to follow it, and to be upon that sooner, and to be upon that way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:41:38 --> 01:42:17

is so much more than I wanted to discuss with you. And shout lava data, I hope that we will be able to get that again. Yeah, and talk about not only the surah but many other things is so much to take from the solar so much to discuss books have been written, you know, lectures have been given. And even then, you know, people have said, what I'm saying now that we still haven't given the sorites deal, right? I hope inshallah Allah it is my desire to do I too, could see with you, but you know, it's going to be very, very tough to do that. Over the next six months, six months, I'm going to start teaching a diploma course, in two weeks. And so Mondays and Wednesdays will not be will not be

01:42:17 --> 01:42:28

open. But they shall allow data, that's my that was my original intention to do is to go see, but I wanted to, I wanted to tackle it from a different perspective. Not that

01:42:30 --> 01:42:35

I wanted to do it from the perspective of things like cosmology, not science, either.

01:42:37 --> 01:42:43

You know, I wanted to show you some slides because we don't when we say, you know, Alola

01:42:47 --> 01:43:11

we think about you and Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that sustains protex upholds all of his creation. I want I wanted to show you like pictures and videos, just to think about what this means in terms of the actual creation. Like the stars, the moon, the forest, you know, seeing the ocean

01:43:12 --> 01:43:24

and a loss of a hand what that is, is all living everliving and Okay, you always taking care of all of these things. So we don't when we read the ayah with we're not really thinking about it from that perspective.

01:43:25 --> 01:43:28

Imagine you know, just to

01:43:30 --> 01:43:36

imagine walking the coastline of Malaysia, just west Malaysia, walking the coastline.

01:43:37 --> 01:43:40

I just exploring as only this country.

01:43:43 --> 01:43:45

You think further KL how many people live in care

01:43:48 --> 01:44:04

and Allah provides for every single one of them. If you one of these people has had his or her there is written down for them. I will tell you, the one who takes care of all of his creation every my new detail

01:44:05 --> 01:44:43

that's how I want to focus on it from that perspective, but inshallah tada We hope that you know we'll be able to achieve that and much more barakallahu phaco I think Allah subhana wa tada for giving me this opportunity. I make the Edit Allah subhana wa tada makes this flawless in childhood as a means of earning his pleasure that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us makes this the beginning school a further step in our understanding of this beautiful soul on this most amazing soul of the best surah in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala exceptional must all of our efforts to seek knowledge and Allah subhanho wa Taala make us of those who act upon the knowledge. May Allah subhana

01:44:43 --> 01:44:55

wa tada as he has gathered us all here tonight, gather us again in the company of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam agenda to feel the dose barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

01:45:00 --> 01:45:01

Before we all do this

01:45:03 --> 01:45:05

number one is our to be afraid we

01:45:08 --> 01:45:08


01:45:10 --> 01:45:10


01:45:12 --> 01:45:13

change at

01:45:17 --> 01:45:18


01:45:19 --> 01:45:23

example. So please register and ask us for details about

01:45:26 --> 01:45:30

whether we are having a garage sale, so we might help you come over

01:45:32 --> 01:45:45

and check out what we have in store for you. And inshallah we would like to provide better quality education, better facilities, please help us.

01:45:46 --> 01:45:47

Santa Monica.

01:45:51 --> 01:45:52

Christian answers.

01:45:53 --> 01:45:57

Any questions? No. No questions.

01:46:01 --> 01:46:06

Mashallah, it's indicative of two things. Three things, actually. But I won't share them tonight.

01:46:08 --> 01:46:09

I'll leave you with that.

01:46:10 --> 01:46:11

Or should I tell you

01:46:13 --> 01:46:16

Okay, so if you ask your class, if they have questions, and they say no.

01:46:17 --> 01:47:03

Worst case scenario is they don't trust you. They don't trust that you know the answers, right. When the second one is that Masha Allah, the other extreme is that you are so brilliant. You've left no questions, you know that in the lines. And in the middle, is where we don't want to be is that they are too shy to ask questions. So we are we number three, number two. Now, number three, number three, let's go with number three. And the line numbers are the old man who used to say that two people will never learn two people will never gain knowledge. The first is the etiquette person, because he or she believes that they know. And although they feel too proud to ask, the second

01:47:03 --> 01:47:04

person is the shy person.

01:47:07 --> 01:47:10

And that person doesn't doesn't learn. I remember in Medina,

01:47:12 --> 01:47:13

I want to do reach out to someone.

01:47:15 --> 01:47:17

So my American friend said, I read to an Egyptian chef.

01:47:19 --> 01:47:59

And so I said to him, why didn't you say why did you ask him? He says, Now, it doesn't work that way, the ship needs you to come yourself and ask for permission to come in read? Oh, I can't do that. You know, my Arabic is bad, you know, he's gonna laugh at me. So I was very shy. And he said, Well, that's the only way so every day I'd walk boss. And I'd see the shift. And I see my American fan. And you know, you'd be reading called on and there'll be so many other students they reading called on. And then just one day, I said No, man, this is not this is not you know, I need to go and read to this man. And so I just sat there. And then this is what I said. I said, to redo and this is

01:47:59 --> 01:48:40

how I see that as well. Redo and Cora, Allah, Allah, la caja. So you said Marhaba, deca, and then that was it. It was how simple it was. And I memorize that that sentence, you know, in my room, I written it down. And I was saying over and over. And I finally went to the chef and I said those words. And then he said, welcome, you know, come. And so every night for the next four years, I would go there and read two or three pages of karate. And that's how it starts. Sometimes. And then obviously, sometimes I had questions like, why do you pronounce this? Why do you say, one third? Yo, Wallah? Yeah, it

01:48:42 --> 01:48:53

was just a one What? And when you say one lady either, yes, sir. Why is it full for the first three verses, and then empty for the next two?

01:48:54 --> 01:49:26

Now, I felt comfortable because I'd broken that at the beginning you shy and then later, you know, you become more confident and you ask questions, and that's how we learn. Most people the most effective way And one last thing before we end of the night, inshallah, Abdullah, Abdullah even asked about your love and humor, they asked him, How did you become a scholar? He said, he barely sang in her own what we call a pool with a tongue, which asked frequent questions and with an attentive mind

01:49:28 --> 01:49:28

two ways,

01:49:29 --> 01:49:34

I asked many questions, and I was always paying attention to the answers.

01:49:35 --> 01:49:39

And so with that, and Okay, one last thing,

01:49:40 --> 01:49:44

what we what I introduced because I read it in a book about seeking knowledge.

01:49:45 --> 01:50:00

So what we did was we took a book a fatwa, you know, like answers to two questions, and we had a gathering so every night This was mostly South African students. We would cook together about 10 or 11 of us we cook this the the meal, then you know, groups

01:50:00 --> 01:50:24

Have to every night, then we'd eat. And then after the meal while the other people were putting away the dishes, I would read the question I'd say, Okay, the first question is, what happens if you don't know where the Qibla is? You know, in which direction? Should you should you pray? Okay, what do you think? And you and you, and everyone gives the answer. And once once you What's your answer? What's your answer? And then I would read the answer of the teacher, the chef.

01:50:25 --> 01:51:04

Okay. And as we grew more and more mature in this method, people, people would say, but I don't agree with the chef. I don't agree with his fatwa. And so I was encouraging them and getting the students and the students learn so much that way. And that is what if you want to do this, you can do it at home, you can do it in your local Masjid get a book, you know, that has question and answers by, you know, by by qualified scholars, and start something like that, where you read the question, and everyone gets to answer, but you must ensure that you read the answer of the shift at the end, so that people now can compare the answers to the answer of a knowledgeable person, someone

01:51:04 --> 01:51:28

that is qualified, someone that is trusted, will lie is so effective. So, so effective today, what I did in class was my Tafseer class with it with the students. We were talking about translations. So I wrote nine questions on the board. And most of them had mobile phones, which was a big problem, but we'll throw that out soon. They all had mobile phones, or most of them. So I said, find the answers to these nine questions with using our phones.

01:51:30 --> 01:52:06

So they were you know, they were so excited about it. Imagine the difference between that and me coming into class and say, Okay, today we're going to talk about translations of the Quran. And they will these translations and those translations, and I bore them to death for 45 minutes. Okay, well, I they were excited, they were writing it down, even the students that I feel I feel that don't normally participate. They were the ones given to me, I'll find that I'll find that you can find it, I'll find that answer. So getting students to ask questions, asking them questions. Very, very effective in Charlottetown. And something that you can you can do for yourself and you know, with

01:52:06 --> 01:52:13

your with your family, with your friends, your your children. Just get them excited in Sharla. Yes, you had a question? Yeah.

01:52:28 --> 01:52:30

Okay, it's not actually

01:52:31 --> 01:52:35

it's a weak question. The only getting to that.

01:52:38 --> 01:52:50

The first reason the first reason that we could, we could say is the fact that some scholars have of Kerala they don't, they don't say that it is compulsory to eat it like one of the

01:52:55 --> 01:53:24

some hold the view that the prophets of Allah is also the one of Bonnie and not for, you know, pulling into our car. That's what you should if you ask me from the from a meaning perspective, why that would change? I don't know. Okay, but as for the things we do rule and why it's like that is because of the shutdown because of the Allies before the shutdown. Okay, that's the main reason and also, why is it bothered me? Sometimes you hear people eat one of

01:53:26 --> 01:54:07

me, it's because at the end day, you have now you have a month that is preceded by a year with another sukoon. Okay, I wish I could show you on the whiteboard what I'm talking about, but it's been added to the sukoon. So you can pull it for six as well. Or you can just pull it for to one of Barney. And that's it. Okay, so there are all these intricacies with the ultimately what we have to realize is that all of these different ways were decided by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never ever lose sight of that, even if we talk about technical terms, and we, you know, confuse you with all that, that we the rules. Ultimately, what we did it down to is how did the Prophet decided,

01:54:07 --> 01:54:09

but that's a good question. And

01:54:10 --> 01:54:16

I will have to look into that. But I don't know at this point. Right now. I don't know. Any other questions?

01:54:18 --> 01:54:18


01:54:20 --> 01:54:20


01:54:28 --> 01:54:28


01:54:38 --> 01:54:59

Okay, if we just if we will focus on the fact that it's a conversation between us and Allah subhanho wa Taala then it starts with iarc and agudo. We are going to start you alone do we worship and You alone do we seek assistance from and then it's a conversation now when we say the Nosferatu stepped in, guide us to the to the straight path. Okay, and Allah in the halitosis.

01:55:00 --> 01:55:40

See which is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim. When Allah says al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Al Rahman Rahim Allah kiyomi did until that point, overseas every time you read that ayah my slave has praised me, my slave has, you know, Exalted me, you know, all of those things are happening. That's your conversation with Allah, you are praising him and Allah is replying and always saying, You, my slave has praised me and exalted me and raised my rent. And then the second part of it is now we you are saying to Allah, Allah guide me, guide me to the path, the straight path, the path of those who have bestowed your blessings upon and not the path of those who you are angry with, and you have

01:55:40 --> 01:56:07

gone astray. So you're talking now, and Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying, I have done it, I've done it, right. I've done it, I've done it, because you've asked for for guidance, Allah says have guided you. Okay, so that's what it means. It's, it's a conversation, I wanted to, uh, one of the things I'd written down was that I wanted to look at that idea in more detail. But that's going to require some, you know, some time because

01:56:08 --> 01:56:21

there's so many different, you know, facets of that particular idea that require us to you know, what to spend time with, because there's different durations that I like to spend, you know, time with doing as well. Any other questions? Yes.

01:56:35 --> 01:56:36

How much time do you all have?

01:56:40 --> 01:56:40


01:56:43 --> 01:57:24

I'm just gonna give you the short answer. Okay. The short answer is that reciting the Quran for the for someone who has died, basically, what is this? I read circle Fatiha. And then I say, Oh Allah, I intend the reward of my recitation that it be given to the person that has died. That's basically what you say. Okay. Some people don't think of it in that to that detail. But that's ultimately what I'm saying. Oh Allah, I've read SoTL Fatiha, I want you to give the reward of that recitation to my deceased mother or father or relative or friend. Is this valid? And the answer is known.

01:57:25 --> 01:57:29

For one reason, or two. The first reason is

01:57:30 --> 01:58:13

that the recitation of the Quran and then intending the reward for someone else is one of the easiest ways to benefit the dead. Yet it was never taught by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what did he teach us? If your mother or father or your relative or a friend has not performed hydromorphone, yet, you may do so on their behalf. If your mother or father or relatives or friends have debts that have not been paid, you may pay them on their behalf, you may give sadaqa on the behalf, you might fast on their behalf. Let's say that you know a person as a person is married, his wife dies, and his wife did not pray. Allah did not fast, you know, seven, seven days

01:58:13 --> 01:58:50

in Ramadan, or his wife made a vow or someone you know made a vow that Allah if you cure me of my disease, I will fast 10 days and then he dies. So now he owes a lot in days of fasting, you may then you may enforce on behalf of that person. There are two ways of looking at this. Some scholars say well by analogy, because all of these other things are allowed. Therefore the recitation of the Quran should also be allowed. But here's something else. What if I pray to Raka of salah and then I say, Well, I intend the reward. Who does this? Is that common?

01:58:52 --> 01:58:55

Who plays whoop like you doing? Let's say you do.

01:58:56 --> 01:59:03

Tomorrow morning you had to get up. And then you say Oh Allah, I intend the reward of my time for my deceased grandmother.

01:59:05 --> 01:59:41

Have you heard of that before? No. So why is it that we will focus on the recitation of the Quran? How can no one say Subhana? Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, Allah is the reward of that vigor for my grandmother. See what has become now it's not it's not uniform, which means that we've somehow we have focused focused in on the Quran and we have now used that as the primary means of benefiting the poor and we don't use the legislated means. How many times have you heard that people would say, I'm going to pay that man's debts for him?

01:59:43 --> 01:59:59

How many times how many times you have a relative say hey, you know spatola owe me our grandmother, she never perform Hajj. I have the money. I'm gonna go next year and do it on her behalf. That doesn't happen but we always talking about what the Quran which is strange

02:00:00 --> 02:00:02

Because the Quran was never emphasized by the prophet.

02:00:04 --> 02:00:15

So we all had this. That's why I don't like to talk about these things from from the from the technical points, you know, although that's that's it that's that has its place. I like to talk about them from the perspective of priorities.

02:00:16 --> 02:00:56

We know certain things clearly from the Sunnah, but we don't focus on them. Yet we focus on things between because in South Africa, because most of the Muslims came from Malacca, and from Mikasa, and other places, those traditions, those Islamic traditions are the same. Okay? Like we have when someone dies, people after the hustle and the cafe, before that, actually, people gather in a room, each one is given a juice, and we read, you have that year, and then after the coffin, and the coffin and the coffin and the person is brought down after having been prepared to be buried, then people gather around the body and they also read Quran you have that year. Yes, you know, same

02:00:56 --> 02:01:06

culture. But point is that no one focuses on what the sooner is absolutely clear on rather, we focus on what we have inherited culturally.

02:01:08 --> 02:01:10

That's, that's the sad reality.

02:01:11 --> 02:01:33

I wish we would have a different conversation, a different discussion. If we were doing everything the prophets taught us. And we were reading the Quran as we are doing that, then we could say we could actually have a conversation. But we're not there. We're not there yet. There's no focus on the sadhana. And this is only the focus on that which we have inherited from our forefathers.

02:01:34 --> 02:02:07

So that's the reality of the situation. Okay, that's my understanding of it. I do not claim that that is the only understanding or the or even the correct understanding but that is the way that I understand it. Okay, that's the way I've understood it for for for a long time. Now Alhamdulillah has become more and more clear to me why it is something that should be avoided, and why the focus should be on the Sunnah. And why people need to go back to that because it's what I think about this, the prophet refuse to pray the janazah of the Salah of a man who owns other people money.

02:02:08 --> 02:02:19

Imagine you have a relative that owe someone 20,000 ringgit and you have the lovers giving you wealth, but you make no effort to pay that 20,000 in debt on his behalf.

02:02:20 --> 02:02:37

That's that's a serious thing. That is indicative of how far we are from knowledge and action. Knowing something and doing it is not the same thing. And so we need to you know, we need to focus on that as well in sha Allah, Allah Baraka low FICO will set out why they can work moto loggie wabarakatuh

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