Tamara Gray – Tahajjud Waking Soul & Society #01 Why Tahajjud

Tamara Gray
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of the concept of "nafila" and the importance of setting boundaries for one's worship. Teheshjood is seen as the only thing available to be human at night, and the speakers stress the importance of praying for oneself and others. Prayer for God is emphasized, and feigned behavior is discussed as a way to be at peace and be at peace at night.
AI: Transcript ©
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People ask me, Why tahajjud, why are you always talking about this?

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It's such a small part of life, such a small part of worship life.

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Why do you talk about this? Talk about other things. Talk about

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recitation of Quran. Talk about charity. Talk about fasting. And

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of course, all of these other things are very important, but

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tahajjud has a unique

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reflection or a unique importance that we understand if we really

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carefully read the Quran and carefully think about the words

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and lifestyle of Rasulullah.

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If we think about the concept of nafila, what does nafila mean?

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Nafila is something extra. We know we have to do the fuddled. We know

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that the Furu Darlene is very important. And many, many people

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are struggling with the fuddled. I know this. But when we ask

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ourselves, what is nafila, we can look to the Quran to understand

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Allah, SWT. Allah says, omin ele Fatah, be He. Na feel it alaq AASA

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in here, but athakara, Bucha, makam and Mahmoud, ah, so nafilit

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and luck means it's nafila. So this is something that is nafila.

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This, of course, is as this is something special for rasulallah,

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something special for his ummah, that we have this unique time at

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night that is nafila. What does nafila do? Nafila brings us to the

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love of God, and this, ultimately, is what we all need. And so then

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we look around, what is the nafila that we should be doing, and we

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discover that Allah Himself has described nafila as tahajjud.

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Okay, so now we need to get up, and in other places, in the Quran,

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kung malail, ilakalilan, get up at night, except for a little so we

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begin to understand this night time is for sleep and for worship.

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And when we begin to understand and think about that, we begin to

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walk a different path. The importance of teheshjood

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comes back to the importance of really what it means to be human,

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because we are created to be ibad Allah, to be of the worshipers of

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God, and we have a whole life of busyness and running around and

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rushing and coming at night exhausted, and we're looking for

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rest in 100 places, but the real rest isn't is at night. The real

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rest is standing before God at night. The real rest is standing

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at the in the last third of the night, standing before Allah um

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lave. Stand up at night. Stand up at night. To be of the ibadar

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Rahman Al ladini lira. Be him such a number. Let's think about that

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first for a minute. To be of the worshippers of the Merciful. And I

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want to talk a little bit about what that means to become of the

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worshippers of the Merciful, but to be that person we'll talk about

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that maybe later, is also to define this as the one you betun

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means to settle. If you think about the word beit, a house, a

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place you settle, you be Dun, to settle in, settle into worship. It

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becomes something that you're at home with, something that's your

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you settle your heart in. And it's very interesting the verse,

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because it begins with such Adan so you be doing in prostration,

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prostration to God, in great humbleness to God, and then Priya

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man. And and think about that when we talk about the of prayer, when

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we think about what's the most important part of the prayer, if

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you have bad knees, or if you have an injury, you break your leg, or

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something like that, what do you have to do? We have to make sure

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about priyam. We have to make sure about the standing up at at night,

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right? Or, excuse me, the standing in prayer, which is the standing

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at night, the establishing of the prayer, and sujood is the thing

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that if we break your like or something we don't have to do yet

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in this verse, such then

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sujood comes first.

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Why? Because, not only in action, because the nighttime prayer is

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not only an action of the body,

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it's not only an action of the forehead kissing the ground, it's

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also an action of the heart.

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And tahejud is the place where our heart wakes up and where our heart

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rests, and so when we begin to develop a habit of tahajjud, na

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philet and luck, na philet and luck, this nafila, this special

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thing that's not a follow. No, no, it's not obligation. Think about

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your children. When you ask your children to do something that is

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an obligation and they do it, you're happy. But what if they

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come and do.

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Something extra, maybe you ask your kids to unload the dishwasher

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and you come upstairs, or you come into the kitchen, you find out

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they unloaded the dishwasher and they did the dishes. Of course, in

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a way, it's a silly comparison, but as parents, we know how that

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feels. You didn't have to nag for the dishwasher to get unloaded.

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You didn't have to fuss about all of these things, about whatever it

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is to take the garbage out, or whatever the thing is. And on top

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of that, they did something extra. Imagine if you're a son or

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daughter, after you told them take the garbage out, you discovered

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they washed the garbage tins. Allah, you might faint, fall on

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the chairs. What in the world was that? But certainly you'll, you'll

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look at that child with the eye of of appreciation, of love, nafila

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is the thing we do that is extra for the one that we worship.

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Nafila is not just the fad. It's standing up to do that extra

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thing. And tahajjud is the most important nafila. It's the most

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important sunnah. I mentioned all of these other beautiful things

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that we have to do, and all of these other things we want to

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think about, I should say other things that help us on the path,

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fasting, sadaqah, praying sunnah, prayers around our followed,

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prayers giving kind and good words to people. Oh, this is important,

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helps us to grow individually, to become of those who Allah loves

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and also as a community, think about that verse, becoming of

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those who have makam and Mahmud a elevated status. What is the

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status of our community today? Not so great. We have pretty bad

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PR, but we can find good PR on our prayer carpet at night. We can

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through the worship of God, through deep worship of God, and

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even quick, even Swift, even a couple of minutes before Fajr,

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worship of Allah, span taala, we can elevate not only our personal

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status with God, not only our personal status with dunya, but

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the status of our Ummah, as was the promise to Rasulullah,

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sallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, as is a promise to us. The importance

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of tahajjud is in walking the path of becoming of the Beloved,

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of becoming of those who have a heart that it's easier to love

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with his heart. Stand up at night and follow in the path, listening

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to the Prophet Sallam when he was asked, what are the best of deeds?

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If Shu Salam, give greetings of peace. Feed people welcome. NASA

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niam, stand up at night while people are sleeping. Let us all

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together. Stand up at night while people are sleeping, and as we

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look out of our window, pray for every single one of them, that

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everyone might take advantage of these most beautiful moments and

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grow love flowers in our hearts that bring us near and close and

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holding to The path we are meant to be on. Mohamed, you,

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