Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-044B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 48-51

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The concept of " hungover" in the Bible is discussed, including the use ofangover" in the Bible and the importance of reciting the sunGeneration for one's ultimate goal. The use ofangover is related to words that are not suitable and the importance of words that are not suitable. The transcript discusses various actions and events, including reciting a sunGeneration, sending someone to make things happen, and stopping people from doing things. The segment also discusses the origins of the Bible and its teachings, including its teachings about women and men and its teachings about Jesus.

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			Then it has said where you are limiting al Kitab Well, heck matter what Terrazza well injeel and he
will teach him meaning ALLAH who will teach him reciting his sunnah al Kitab, the Book, the
Scripture. Now this news is given to Miriam, that this is who your son is going to be that Allah is
going to teach him Al Kitab. Now, what is Al Kitab? Al Kitab has been interpreted in different ways.
Some have said, Oh, Kitab means scripture. So this is the Buddha. Why? Because if you see the
Ayatollah and Injeel are mentioned separately, so Allah will teach him the book, the wisdom tell rot
and indeed, so al Kitab is a book that is different from Torah 10 ng so which book is this? It is
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			about and if you think about it, the Buddha is the book that was revealed before he signed his
sunnah on that would only sin. Others say that Al Kitab over here means scripture. So scripture
includes all the scriptures, all the previous scriptures in the scriptures that were revealed before
Asante sana. So who Ibrahim well Musa, so it includes all the scriptures and then specifically told
us has been mentioned, because it contains the law that recite his son was to follow and then India
was given to him into hottie Daya 25 It is said liquid autosol naru Solana will begin at one Zenn La
Mara whom will keytab We sent down the Scripture with the messengers. So different scriptures Allah
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			revealed, right. So keytab over here means scripture. Then he has also said that Kitab over here
means some Kitab some book that Allah only taught reciting his sunnah and no one else any this has
special knowledge that Allah gave, reciting his sunnah exclusively and no one else. And this is a
privilege that Allah gave him. And this is similar to how Allah subhanaw taala gave Musa alayhis
salam the honor of Kalam right that Allah spoke to him directly. So where you are limit will Kitab
then is also said that Al Kitab over here means key taba, meaning the art of writing. So will your
ultimate goal. Kitab will hikma and he will also teach him and hikma hikma is wisdom and it's from
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			the root letters her calf mean how coma literally means to prevent to restrain okay to withhold. So,
for example, it is said HECM Alpha rasa he restrained the horse. Okay, so hikma is what? Its wisdom
because what does wisdom do? It restrains a person, it prevents a person from every unbefitting
thing from foolishness, from stupidity from acting in an evil or corrupt manner. Alright, this is
hikma and Hekla is defined as placing things where they belong in a manner that is fitting. Right?
So hikma applies to speech speaking at the time, that is correct in a way that is correct with words
that are suitable. All right, it is also in action, doing things in the best way at the right time
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			in the right place. And you see, for example, gentleness is good. But there's a place a situation
that requires gentleness. And there's also a place that requires harshness, where gentleness is not
wise. Right? Toughness is good, but there is a place that requires toughness. And then there is
another place another situation where toughness is not good. Right? Spending is something good in
FARC is good, but there are certain places where spending is good and other places, other situations
where spending is a waste. So how do you decide what is good when this is hikma? And this is why we
should ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us Hikmah because when we use that Hickmott of Akkad otfc
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			Ron Kathira whoever is given wisdom has given a lot of good sort of Bukhara, verse 269. So Allah
will teach him the wisdom. And he Allah will teach him the understanding of the law, and the
knowledge of the depth of the law, the reasoning behind the law. And when a person understands the
law properly, then they're able to apply it correctly. So Allah will teach him wisdom, and then a
Torah will in G Torah is the book that was given to musante his sunnah, and indeed is the book that
is given to recyling Sinha. And it was yet to be given to him when Medina was informed what as soon
as ILA Bani Israel in meaning and he will be made a messenger to the Bani Israel and he recited
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			Salam will be a messenger to the Bani Israel only. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told
us that every Prophet was sent to his people especially but I have been sent to all of humanity
right so these are the Sunnah was a messenger sent only to the Bani Israel eel
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			And you see His birth was a miracle and the fact that he was born to Medina who was such an
honorable, righteous woman, and then the fact that he spoke as a child, all of these things, what do
they establish his truthfulness so that the Bani Israel would have no hesitation in believing in Him
in obeying Him. And one might wonder that why did the birth of a Saudi Saddam have to be so
miraculous anyway? What's the big deal? The big deal is that we started his Sudan was going to be
the last messenger from the Bani Israel to the Bani Israel yield. And after him, there was only
going to be the final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent to all of humanity. So
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			this was like the last chance for the Bani Israel. And this was going to be the connection between
Bani Israel and the rest of humanity because ASR SNM was alas messenger from the Bani Israel. And he
was also sent to give them good news of the coming of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, all
right, because up until recently, his sunnah the prophets were from Bani Israel only for Bani
Israel. So he was sent to tell them that after me now is going to be the final messenger and he is
going to be for all humanity for all people. So this is why he's on a salaams birth was miraculous.
He spoke as a baby and then he was equipped with so many miracles so that the Bunny is not you would
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			not miss him. They would have no reason to deny him now he started s&m was also equipped with many
miracles. So Allah subhanaw taala says about him that water Sulan Illa bunny is Surah eel and Neil
Cogito can be it Mira become that indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. Now this is
LT fat change of person change of voice before we see the angel was talking to Maria and now a Silas
and m is the one who is talking so fast forward. Okay. So Risa has Salam said that I have come to
you all, come you all this is referring to bani Israel, I have come to you all with a sign from your
Lord, meaning a miracle. And the purpose of these miracles was again to prove his prophethood so
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			that the people who missed seeing him as a child, the people who did not know about his mother,
right, they would see His miracles now and believe in Him. And the word Isaiah means a sign and
indication and these are miracles that were indications of his truthfulness. And even though the
word is singular it is used as gents any as a generic noun so it includes the meaning of plural so
he was given many miracles and all of these miracles middle of become from your Lord now what are
these miracles they're listed first of all and meet a local local MinuteClinic a high paid for and
philosophy fair corner played on be it Nila that I need a local that indeed I create from Harlem
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			called Hulk to create I create my clean clean is clay soil okay and from clay I make a hate to
played like the form of a bird meaning something like the shape of a bird cup means like and hey is
from her yeah Hamza her idea here is to prepare to make something so something that was the shape
the form the body of a bird, okay. So he would make from clay the form of a bird then for unfair who
fee then I blow into it and for who known foul ha now for is to blow with the mouth any air so he
would blow into it any in the bird and Allah subhanaw taala would cause it to come alive and then
what would happen fair Kunal Tyron, then it would become a bird. He knew that clay bird would become
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			an actual real bird be a vanilla by the permission of Allah. And how do you know bird is a bird that
flies right in another recitation Fakel da, ne a flying bird by the permission of Allah. All of this
would happen by the permission of Allah. But this was not the only miracle. What OBD will ACMA and I
heal the born blind will abrasca and the leper OBD Oh, from Bella Hamza. Bara is to absolve someone
of something like guilt, and it also means to cure to heal someone of disease of ailment. So Obree
will ACMA I heal the ACMA a coma is a person who is born blind. Okay, meaning someone who has never
seen never seen or it is said that a coma is someone who is mum sue her line meaning someone whose
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			eye is not even there, which is amazing. And he's someone whose eye is not even there. In
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			Imagine, they would be able to see a stylus and I would pass his hand over where the eyes supposed
to be. And the person would have an eye and he would be able to see, some people are such that they
have eyes, but their eyes don't work, they're not able to see. So he would pass his hand over, and
the person would be able to see Subhanallah a boss, a boss is a person who has leprosy. And leprosy
is an ancient, ancient disease and infectious disease that affects the skin basically, and not just
the skin, but also nerves. And it causes discoloration, causes lumps on the skin, and it can also
cause deformities, it can cause many, many complications. Now imagine the blind and the leper would
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			come to him. And bizarrely, Salam would restore them to good health by the permission of Allah. So
the blind person would be able to see and the leper in his skin would be completely healed. Now
these two conditions out of all different diseases, these two are very visible. Right? Now, at times
what happens is that a person is healed, but they're not able to tell if they're actually healed or
not. Why because, you know, for example, a person suffers from migraines, okay? And they take
medication and they say, You know what, I'm fine. No, well, you don't know if they're actually fine
or not, there is no tangible sign evidence that will show you the migraine is gone, right there is
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			no proof of the healing. But when the blind person can see Alright, the blind person cannot fake
vision, the blind cannot deny his vision and other people also cannot deny that the blind is now
able to see and when the lepers skin is healed, the discoloration, the lumps, the nodule, the
deformities, etc, are gone, the healing is very obvious, you can't fake healing over here, right.
And these two things are such that any if you think about it, leprosy till today, it is basically
managed, right, it cannot be fully fully treated, vision is treated, it is not made, and if someone
does not have eyes, or if someone is born blind, and he you can't fix that Subhanallah so easily
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			snap, he would cure these two conditions, with the illusion of Allah and then he would do something
even greater what or he and Mota and I give life to the dead, Allahu Akbar and Malta plural of my
youth, My youth is one who is dead, so are here in Malta, and he he could give life to someone who
had just died. And then we're gonna be welcome. And I inform you all known by Hamza be Mata coluna,
meaning I give you knowledge of what you eat any what you have just eaten a color, one melted dark,
UniFi beauty calm and also what you store in your houses. That the hero is from Val hora, the hero,
the her is to store to store something for future. Okay, so what you store in your houses, also, I
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			can tell you about what you've just eaten, and what you have in your kitchen, what you have stored
in your house, I can tell you about that. And this established that he received knowledge of the
Unseen from Allah. And this was also like a warning for the Bani Israel so that they wouldn't eat
anything unlawful, or store anything unlawful in their homes. Now, the prophets of Allah informed of
the unseen not because they knew unseen, or they knew matters of the unseen from themselves, but
because they were informed of some matters of the unseen, not all of the unseen, but some of the
unseen. And if you think about it, use of race and I'm also when he gave the interpretation of
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			dreams to his inmates in the prison. He told them that their food was coming and they had no idea
about it. Right? We learn about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he also informed us about
events that would occur in the future. So how did he know did he know all of the unseen know if a
prophet of Allah ever mentioned something of the unseen This is because that knowledge was given to
him by Allah into the number is 65 foster parents Artis escuela mu, Memphis somewhat you will have
the labor in Allah. There is no one in the skies in the earth who knows the Unseen except Allah and
he No one knows the Unseen except Allah no one in the skies or the earth knows the Unseen the only
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			one who knows the Unseen is Allah azza wa jal. Now, if you think about it, all of these miracles
that He did, right, the words that are used local, I create Aubrey, and then unfold who I blow,
right? And then Aubrey, I heal and then OSHA ye I give life to and then we'll never be Oh calm, I
inform you. All of these verbs are off modality or off present tense, all right, which means that he
didn't just perform these miracles once
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			rather, he's saying, I do this, meaning, I do this over and over again, bring any born blind person
bring any leper, I will cure him, right? And I can make a bird in front of you. And I can do this
over and over again. And this means that this was not just a fluke, you know, sometimes go to
someone and they answer your question, they're able to fix your problem for you. And you're like,
Ah, maybe this was just kind of worked out. But, you know, things kind of work out, sometimes not
all the time. So for ESRD, Sam, he was able to do this over and over again, how be even allowed by
the permission of Allah. And this is very important to note over here, that with every miracle it is
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			mentioned, with the permission of Allah. And He, Allah enabled him, Allah allowed him and every
prophet of Allah was equipped with miracles so that the people of the time could truly be impressed
by them. Right, they could recognize that what the prophet performed was beyond human ability, and
it is said that he starless and I was sent during the time when people were interested in medicine,
in knowledge of physics, etc, Allah who are them, but anyway, these were things that he did, which
people of the time were not able to do. So in the FIE Valley color ayatullah calm in quantum macmini
Indeed in that is surely a sign for you, if you are truly believers, and he are the signs not enough
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			for you, if you pay attention, the signs are very clear. In all of this is evidence for you of my
Prophethood and my message the Oneness of Allah, if you would be interested in believing in my
message, then one will set the Kalima Baneasa Yamuna Torah, and one who confirms the truth of what
is before me I've told a lot meaning I have come to be Musa dick. Okay, so this means that reciting
his Salam was sent not to contradict the law of the toilet or to cancel it completely. No, he was
sent to confirm the toilet and the toilet was there before is our listener because it was given to
most our listener a long time before it's already set up. And it is said muy bien au de Yamuna toda
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			what is before me of the TODO and before me means that it is here in my time. And before we can also
mean it was given before me and it is a tau dot, Wali oh hey Leila calm Barbra Lydia Halima Aleikum.
Now recently Salam confirmed the truthfulness of the Torah in two ways. First of all, total it
contains the prophecies of the coming of reciting a sunnah numerous prophecies. And so when recited
Sam came his coming confirmed the truthfulness of the prophecies in the total essentially confirming
the total act. Right. Secondly, is Harley Sam confirmed the total odds by following it by upholding
its law and not contradicting it? Okay, and then he said will you handle Ella comb Leo handler so
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			that I make lawful for you from Halal her lamb lamb Baba lady who Remar Lee calm some of that which
has been made haram on you. Now the Bani Israel. This is something that we have learned earlier,
that many things were made unlawful for them because of their transgressions. Many restrictions were
imposed on them, many good things were made unlawful for them in certain Nyssa 160 Allah's
paranthesis for volumi minute Latina who have been narrowly into a battle or Hamlet law home that
because of wrongdoing on part of the Jews, we made unlawful for them certain good foods which had
been lawful to them before inserted an arm I 146 is mentioned that, you know, certain foods were
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			unlawful for a Latina hairdo that he could just say now when people hear him, we punish them because
of their rebellion. And he all of these good things were made unlawful for them because of
wrongdoing on their part. Alright, so Risa s&m was sent to make those harangue things Halal again,
Allahu Akbar, and he he was sent to create ease for the Bani Israel. And this shows us that he saw
this and I was not sent with a brand new law. He was a Jew. He was from the Bani Israel he was a
follower of the Mosaic Law, and he was sent to abrogate only some of the laws of the Talat all right
and especially he was sent to relieve the burdens on the Bani Israel. And later on the Prophet
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			sallallahu Ernest and who was sent to remove all of these burdens in total are off i 157. Allah
subhanaw taala mentions the prophets of Allah who already knows Allah that you hate Lula who Mata
you but were you Headley morally he will hubba is Wilder urine whom is Surah who will of Allah let
he cannot early him that he was sent to remove the burdens and the shackles that were on the
previous nations, so restarted sunnah was sent to make the law easier for the Bani Israel. You
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			But notice he wasn't sent to make everything lawful. He was sent to make Barbra Liddy hurry morally
come some unlawful things lawful on them. Right so he was not sent to completely cancel the law the
thought it was only some changes that he was supposed to make, which he made which took home Biya to
Mira become an I have come to you with the sign from your Lord foot duckula Who will alter your own
therefore fear Allah and obey me. Now the bunny who saw yield remember they were not unfamiliar with
miracles they had witnessed the birth of your hair the Sena the birth of Medea, the upbringing of
Maria. And now all of these miracles that Azar listened and presented, so he set foot to cola well
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			to your own So fear Allah, you recognize these miracles, you recognize my truthfulness and now you
should obey me of the rule knee the knee indicates knee it's the yeah has been removed any it's been
abbreviated over here to your own. Obey me. In Allah. Hi, Robbie, what a book on fire boom. And he
said, Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord Farah whoo hoo. So you all should worship Him. Heather
Serato. Mr. Team, this is the straight path. Now. Are you sorry, Sinha was a slave of Allah
worshipper of Allah, he was created by Allah. He was a righteous slave of Allah. And he called
people to Allah. And he was not God, or son of God in the la hora be indeed Allah is my Rob, as a
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			child, a scientist, and I'm set in near Abdullah and as an adult, he said in the lobby, and this is
Sinatra, Mr. Kane, this is the correct path that is free of any error that will lead to Allah's
pleasure and his paradise. This is the straight path. But in spite of this clear message, and clear
signs, what did the people say about him? At the time of reciting Salam, they called him a liar, a
magician in sutra ADA i 110. We learn in the Gita homebuilder unity for color Latina Kufa woman home
in her that Illa see her movie, that when he brought them clear signs, the disbelievers among them
said this is only clear magic. And he they called him a magician. And they called the miracles magic
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			that when he made the flying bird from clay, they said this is magic. When he cured the blind. They
said this is magic. When he healed the leper. They said this is magic. And if you think about it,
magicians do not heal magicians perform tricks and they try to cause harm. And the effect of magic
is temporary. It is not long term. So he saw this and I was far from being a magician, but they
called him a magician in order to reject Him. And each sign that he showed was greater than the
previous but they did not benefit from the signs into the universe i 101 Allah subhanaw taala says
woman to lineal Aya to another one Comilla you may know that signs and warnings do not benefit of
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			people who do not believe they don't affect them, no matter what they see, and the miracles that
recited this and I'm sure so obvious, but the people were not willing to see them correctly. They
were not willing to believe in them. But let's listen to the recitation of these verses. In Balaji
Lunala encounter Maria
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			DB Kelly met him in who smallness e
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			y g duniya.
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			Bobby Are you can
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			you okay hello? I mean, I saw Sania he came on to be
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			a man says neither shall all
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			ADA above all
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			are you I
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			Jean Wallace
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			Danny is
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			going to be I won't be
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00:24:28 --> 00:24:29
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			while odd.
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			She will be eaten.
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			We're gonna be all gone. We managed
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			to come
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			up daddy can I add
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			to me 101 Lima.
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			They don't want you on your
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			YG to be
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			top Allah.
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			In Allah, be you,
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			God who heard
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			most belting.
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			What is mentioned in the Quran is that recently Salam would heal the blind and the leper. The blind
man is a person who is not able to see and the leper is a person who has the disease of leprosy
which is visible on the skin. I believe that the Bible does mention something like a person who is
possessed by the devil, but that is not mentioned in the Quran. Okay, a bras will ACMA are mentioned
in the Quran. Kitab does not mean Quran because at the time Quran was not revealed. And Kitab refers
to scriptures that had been revealed so far, or a different Kitab which Allah subhanaw taala gave
its knowledge only to recite, s&m and no one else. And this is not difficult to comprehend because
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			Allah subhanaw taala blessed his messengers in different ways. He bestowed different favors upon
them. And we learn about how, you know there's a Kitab that Allah's Procar has with him, you know,
in the treasure of the throne, so Allahu Arlin we can't say for sure what exactly it is, but it is
some Kitab that Allah subhanaw taala gave to his early his Salam. Yeah, the Bani Israel eel rejected
reciting his Salam because of what recited Salam was telling them they did not like what he was
telling them. And we have learned earlier about how the Bani Israel killed many prophets. In fact,
we learned that they killed your Healy his Salam whose birth was a miracle they killed Zachary
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			Alehissalaam, who was also their elder. And if they killed them, why would they not attempt to kill
recite his Salaam? And if not that at least reject Him? They did not like the truth. Okay, can we
seek purification through isolation from people you see, the best way is the way of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam where, you know, being alone is beneficial. Being with people is also
beneficial, and we should get a healthy dose of both. Maria was told that okatie lira beaky was
Judy, right. And this is going to be in privacy, but then also what carry Margiela carrying any all
of your deeds should not be public, all of your deeds should not be private, insulted, Bukhara, we
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			have been taught, you know, if you give charity privately then that is excellent. But if you give it
openly, that is also good. So both are good. Okay. And both have their benefits. But there must be
some good deed that is literally a secret between you and your Lord. Okay? This is something that
will definitely draw you closer to Allah. When you share a secret with someone, then that brings you
closer to them. So share a good secret with your Lord, and that will bring you closer to your Lord.
Many among men gained perfection. Yes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that, and
this is not to say that women are not good enough, but this is an acknowledgment of the fact that
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			you know many women struggle because of other responsibilities that Allah subhanaw taala has put on
them. When women, for example, menstruate which men do not women go through childbirth and nursing
and whatnot, which takes a good amount of their life. You know, in the Quran, it is mentioned that a
thorough shahada in it, the entire ordeal of giving birth to a baby and then minimum care that you
need to give to a child is going to be 30 months. That's a long time. So among men, there are of
course many who are successful and many who are profits as well. But among women, you don't have
prophets. Right? And yet, among women, there are those who are a great example. And among them are
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			Madame asiyah Khadija Rotella who warned her and other Hadees we learned about eyeshadow de la hora,
and, of course faulty model de la hora and her all of these women are exemplary women. Okay, you
should not say that my child will not marry because now we have to follow the law that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a Nika
home in Suniti that Nika is from my sunnah. So you don't say about your child and my child will not
marry and my child will only worship Allah. No, you will make the intention. And you know you can
make up
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			Promise to Allah did ya Allah, I will teach my child such and such I will dedicate my child for such
and such. I do not expect my child to do this for me or that for me, I want my child to serve you.
And you can make such commitments with your Lord. Because when you make a commitment when you make a
vow, then you will ensure that you fulfill it in sha Allah