Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-034E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 255 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
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AI: Summary ©

The title of the Quran is about dough hate and all verses of the Quran are one and equal. The success of science and technology is crucial for learning the Quran for teaching others how to recite it. The holy spirit is the greatest eye of the Bible and is essential for political and political influence. The importance of showing love and respect towards the creator is emphasized, along with providing support for individuals who subscribing to their beliefs. The need for emotional support animals is also emphasized, and the importance of showing love and respect towards the creator is emphasized.

AI: Summary ©

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			Now AYATUL kursi, I have to see is the greatest verse of the Quran, the greatest verse of the book
of Allah. Now, every idea of the Quran, its source is Allah, Allah subhanaw. Taala is the one who
has said it, it is the speech of Allah. So in that respect, all verses are the same. They're equal,
that they are all verses of the Quran. They're all Cunnamulla. But based on their content, they
vary. So suitable class, yes, it is a Surah with very few words, but it is equal to a third of the
Quran. Not in length, not in length, but in terms of content because it is about dough hate, it is
about the Oneness of Allah AYATUL kursi is the greatest verse of the Quran. Why? Because it is about
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			Allah azza wa jal, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he asked, obey even curb
la de la Mourinho that which verse of the book of Allah do you know to be the greatest obey roti,
Lahore? I know replied Allah and His Messenger know best. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam asked
him again on a one visit, which verse of the book of Allah do you know to be best? So now obey even
Karakura dilemma and who did not have an option he had to give the answer? So he said, Allahu Allah,
Allah, Allah who will Heyoka you AYATUL kursi So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam struck him
on his chest, and he said, Lee any color illimitable moonlit rejoice by this knowledge of a
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			windmill. And there is no doubt such knowledge is worth rejoicing over because the prophets of Allah
who already is an input obey a woman that he put him on the spot. Alright with this question, this
question came suddenly and he did not give him time to think about the answer or contemplate and
there are over 6000 verses of the Quran. Right? And when obaidul de la Mourinho tried to get out of
that situation where you know, he tried not to give the answer. He said, Allah and His Messenger
know best the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam insisted know that you have to give the answer, and
when obey it'll deliver who and who gave the answer. First try he was right. He gave the right
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			answer to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam congratulated him for his knowledge and obey even
Carlo de la Mourinho got to the right answer. Why he gave the right answer why this was not by
chance. This was because obey it'll de la Mourinho would reflect on the Quran. And he was a hustling
nurse with regard to the book of Allah. He was very greedy, very eager for the book of Allah meaning
he was very eager to learn the book of Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about
him, that Accra oh come obey, that the one who is most well versed of the book of Allah among you is
obey. At one occasion we learned the prophets of Allah who are is and was leading people in prayer.
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			And after Salah A man got up and he said that he had a suit Allah is this, you know, is such and
such verse abrogated, or did you forget to recite it, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I
did not forget to recite it and the ayah is not abrogated meaning I recited it. The men said, No,
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he asked is obey among you, and obaidul de la hora. And who
was there? So the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm asked him, did I miss it? Did I forget to
recite it? And obaidul de la Horne who said that? Yes, you did forget. So the prophets of Allah who
are listening clarified to people that I forgot, and the idea has not been abrogated. The reason why
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			the man asked that was to make sure that when he would recite the same passage, he would recite that
ayah So look at how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got the confirmation from obey Ibn
Carbonell de la Mourinho. So he was someone off knowledge of the Quran and we should all be eager,
we should all be eager that we become very, very, very familiar with the book of Allah. We know
every Surah we know about every Surah whether it is McKee or Madani, we know about every Surah how
many verses it has, and when we read any of the Quran we know its meaning, ask Allah subhanaw taala
you know in the month of Ramadan, as you make dua for yourself, this should be one of the doors you
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			should be making for yourself that your Allah, the Give me more knowledge of the Quran, visit the
near Ilma what URL URL of the Quran that I want to be well versed in the book of Allah, I want to be
able to recite the Quran in an excellent way correctly, so that I can also teach others how to
recite the Quran. I can also tell them the meaning of the Quran because this is one of the best
things you can do. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said that the best of you are those who learn
the Quran and teach it. May Allah subhanaw taala make us among the best, the best of his servants. I
mean, so obeying the law Mourinho he said that the greatest eye of the Quran is AYATUL kursi and the
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			Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam confirmed that In another Hadith we learned that a man asked the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, that which I have the Quran is the greatest and he said, Allahu
Allah, Allah Allahu Allah.
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			As a human being AYATUL kursi and so many virtues of AYATUL kursi, we learn that you see, the honor
of a science depends on what that science is about meaning, when is a certain knowledge, a certain
science very honorable, it depends on what the subject of that knowledge is. So for instance, if
there is a person who knows a lot about the human body, the illnesses, the sicknesses and how to
treat them, a doctor, basically, they have a lot of honor in the eyes of people, right? And at the
same time, there is a person who studies for example, who knows very well how to, you know, fix
cars, for instance, or how to, you know, build houses? Yes, that's nice. But we know that people
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			will treat a doctor and a mechanic very differently. Even though a mechanic will be very wealthy,
the mechanic that we go to Ma sha Allah, He told us recently about his cottage, Ma sha Allah and he
he makes so much money, he owns a cottage, not only his house, but a cottage as well, any he has a
lot of wealth, but when it comes to status that people assigned Of course, the way people treat a
doctor is different from the way they will you know, treat a mechanic so there is a difference,
right? Why because both have studied different things. So I have to kursi is the greatest I have the
Quran, because this ayah talks about Allah subhanaw taala it describes Allah azza wa jal and the
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			Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it took a diesel Melek it sanctifies it declares the
purity, the perfection of the sovereign meaning of Allah subhanaw taala. So this is the greatest
idea because it describes the greatest one, and its contents are heavy. The verse AYATUL kursi
itself is very powerful. It is so powerful that it is a protection against shaytaan. We learned in a
hadith that when a person recites this idea at night, then there is a Haffield a guard that you have
against shaytaan all night long, meaning shaitan cannot come close to you shaitan cannot harm you
until the morning when you recite AYATUL kursi at night AYATUL kursi is a means of entry into
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			paradise. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever recites AYATUL kursi after every
prescribed prayer, then there will be nothing standing between him and his entering paradise except
that meaning of the person dies after that they will go to Jannah This is AYATUL kursi. How I had to
Kersey has 10 sentences in it. All right. And each sentence basically describes who Allah is. So the
ayah begins with Allahu Allah is who first La ilaha illa who second el Heyoka you then later who
will say no to Willa No. Then Lahoma is Samoa Tijuana filled up then meander Liddy Yeshua are in the
WHO elaborate kidney then Yara La MaMa Bina ad him warmer Khalifa home then what are you he Thornaby
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			che in mineral me, Ellerbee? Masha, then was he are kursi, you was similar to well, then well I do
have Luoma than will who will early your early. So each of these 10 statements describe who Allah
is. So the entire speech is about Allah and this is why the ayah is the greatest idea of the Quran.
So what is AYATUL kursi? Allahu Allah. The word Allah is the proper name of Allah, the Lord, the LU,
the one who is worthy of worship, and it is only his name, meaning Allah, the name of Allah is
exclusively for Allah azza wa jal, and no one else in Surah Maria Maya 65 We learn how tarla Mala
who semiya Do you know of any submit to Him meaning anyone who has the same name? No, there is no
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			one else who has this name. This name is exclusively for Allah. And it means Lu it means the god
from the root letters Hamza lamb has, meaning the one who is worshipped, with love, with fear with
hope, and the Ismar jalala The word Allah we refer to it as Israel Janella, the grand name, this is
a powerful word in and of itself. It is a blessing word in and of itself. And this is why when you
begin something you say Bismillah in the Name of Allah, you say the word Allah, why? Because that is
a source of blessing, that is a source of safety. So for example, when the name of Allah is
mentioned at the time of slaughtering an animal, then the meat of that animal is halal. Allah
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			subhanaw taala tells us that Latta Kulu do not eat from that on which the name of Allah was not
mentioned me Muslim youth Chris Mala here i li e
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			Eat only from that on which the name of Allah was mentioned. Right. When you say Bismillah when you
take the name of Allah before undressing, then shaitan is not able to see you. All right, it becomes
the name of Allah is a screen between you and the shaitan. When you say Bismillah and you lock the
door, you say Bismillah at that time, then shaitan is not able to open that door shaitan is not able
to come through, he is not able to access that place. So, take the name of Allah, it is very
powerful, it is a blessing name, Allah Who is Allah, he is such that La ilaha illa, who there is no
deity except Him, meaning he is the one who is the only ILA. He is the only one who was worthy of
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			worship. And those beings that are claimed to be Gods are not actually gods. So, when something is
described as a god, something other than Allah is described as a god, that is a false statement,
it's a wrong thing to say it's a lie. Even if they're called Gods, introduced by authority, we
learned matter Buddha, Min Duni, Illa, Ceman, some made him or her and he all these gods that you
worship, the reality is that they're just names. All right, which you have invented, you have given
them these names, and they're not actually gods in sort of Nigeria. 23 we learn in here Illa a smell
on some meter more her Anton, whatever will come that these gods that you have invented, you
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			worship, there are merely names. So for example, the people of Makkah, they would worship Allah to
Allah Rosa. Well, monads, right, these gods, Allah subhanaw taala says they're just names there is
no reality to them. They're not actually gods. And these are names that you have invented you and
your forefathers and Allah subhanaw taala never allowed you to do that. So La ilaha illa, who it
means llamar Buddha be Hockin Illa Allah meaning there is no actual God other than Allah, there is
nothing that deserves to be worshipped other than Allah and everything that is worshipped besides
Him, whether it is a human, a stone and animal that is not really God. In sort of hedge, we learn
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			that he could be an Allah who will help what Amna made their own admin do and he who will badly that
what they call upon besides Allah is false. Any it's not actually God, so nothing deserves that it'd
be worshipped except Allah subhanho wa Taala into the mighty that I have 116 We learned about
rissalah his sunnah, that Allah subhanaw taala will ask him on the day of judgment, that did you
tell people that worship Me and my mother, take me and my mother as gods besides Allah, Reece
already assembled this overhang Subhanak May your corner Lee an akuna mele Sally Bihac the glory be
to you it is not right for me that I say what I have no right to say any, I do not have the right to
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			make such a claim. No one has the right to make such a claim that worship so and so besides Allah.
Why? Because there is no god other than Allah, what Allah Who Camila Hawa hid, we have learned
earlier in Surah Baqarah. So this means that there is only one God, there is not a two gods or three
or more no only one God, La ilaha illa Allah and since there is only one God, that means we should
worship only Allah. You see, when Allah subhanaw taala spoke to Musala his center will earn in surah
Taha, Isaiah 14, Allah said in the knee and Allah, indeed I am Allah, La ilaha illa Anna, there is
no god but I forbid the knee so worship Me. When there is only one God that means worship only Him.
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			Don't be arrogant to his worship, rather surrender to Him, submit to Him, seek His approval shall
servitude to him. And remember worship is to show servitude with love with respect, adoration,
reverence, fear, all of these feelings should be there hope. So? It's not enough to just say yes, I
believe that there is only one God. Know along with that there must also be worship far Boustany.
Worship Me worship only Allah, La ilaha illa who there is no god but He and the Oneness of Allah is
something that we should have knowledge of any we believe in this fact that we should also have
knowledge of this fact. Because Allah subhanaw taala says far lum you should know that there is no
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			God but Allah, in a hadith in Sahih Muslim we learn that whoever dies while knowing that there is no
God but Allah, then such a person will enter Jannah so we should have knowledge of this fact. And we
should say this statement La Ilaha illa Allah as well. We learned that whoever says La ilaha IL
Allah and has in his heart faith equal to the weight of a bar
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			only green will be taken out of * eventually. And whoever has faith in La ilaha illallah equal to
the weight of a wheat grain will be taken out of * eventually. And whoever says la isla, Illinois
in has in his heart good faith equal to the weight of an atom will be taken out of * eventually.
So, La ilaha illa Allah is a statement of salvation any this is something that will rescue a person.
So, this is a fact that we believe in this is a fact that we have knowledge of and this is a
statement that should be easy on our tongue and he we should say this very frequently. La ilaha
illAllah La ilaha illa Allah so Allah there is no God worthy of worship, but he and and hey you look
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			a Yom when he is the only God when He is the only one who deserves worship then he must be a high
and he must be Alka you al hate the EverLiving Alka Yom the sustainer of all existence l hay is from
the root letters Hi yah yah, and for Yom from the root letters off well me. So Allah is a high,
meaning he does not die and men and jinn will die, I'll hate denotes the fact that Allah is perfect
in all of his attributes. And Alka, Yom the sustainer of all denotes the fact that Allah is perfect
in all of his actions. Let me explain that first of all, hate and hate means that He is Ever Living,
he has hired Kameelah hired happy failure, meaning he has perfect life, his existence, his life is
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			absolute, it is perfect. So this means that he always was, he is and he will be, he exists. Now he
always existed and he always will exist, he is without a beginning or an ending. So there is no one
like him, in total movement, I a 64, we learn who will how you La ilaha illa, who he is the
EverLiving there is no God except he, because think about it, if there is a being was such that it
did not exist, it came into existence, and then there will be a time when it will no longer exist,
then it is not perfect. Right? It is not worthy of worship. It is not worthy that you depend on it.
It is not worthy that you place your trust in it, and you will expect that it will benefit you it
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			will protect you. No, it's not possible. You know, recently I'm sure you've come across businesses
that have shut down companies that have gone bankrupt. Why? Because they had money, and now they no
longer have money, they're no longer functioning. So everything besides Allah is temporary. Allah is
the only one who has hired Camila, when you think about it human beings, there was a time when we
did not exist, there was Adam, we did not exist. And then Allah subhanaw taala brought us into
existence. And as we are alive, we suffer from ZyWall from decline. And then eventually there is
death. Right as we are alive. We suffer from fatigue, we get tired, we get sick, we get afraid, we
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			get worried, we experienced poverty, we get hungry, we get sleepy, we have so many needs. And
sometimes people experience so much difficulty that they wish to die, they want to die. Right? While
we are alive. We sleep and experience something that's very similar to that we experience love flow
we forget. It's like we are lost mentally, we are staring into nothing. Right. So this is our
reality, that we are not hate, in the sense that we are not ever living the hierarchy of Allah that
is perfect. So he is a one Felisa, Blecha shape as we learn and you are the first until a one. So
there is nothing before you well, until after Felisa BARDA cache, you are the last there is nothing
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			after you. Meaning Allah is first without a beginning. And he is without an end. He is the first
there was nothing with him, he is the last there is nothing after him, meaning Allah will never end.
In a hadith in Sahih Bukhari we learn, can Allah William you can change them later, there was ALLAH
and there was nothing other than Him. So He always was and he will always remain because he is Alhaj
and he will always remain because he is perfect in himself in all of his attributes. So you will
never die, what happens to our attributes, the attributes of the creation, they decline, right,
people, they begin to lose their physical mental abilities they begin to forget and then eventually
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			they die. Allah is Allah Hi. So in surah Taha is 73 We learn will Allah Who hi you Ron, whatever
call Allah is best and He is eternal. He will always remain and he is a high so he is perfect in
every way.
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			I write in all of his attributes in South Africa and if 58 we learn what our color allyl how your
lady, lay your mood, depend on put your trust in a lady ever living who does not die and everything
else besides him does not deserve that we depend on it because it is not high, it will die and the
one who will die the one who is weak cannot be depended upon. We depend on a high an audit, right
the one who is alive the one who is able what to what color I'll hire you lady, lay your mood. So
Allah is Al Hey, he is Alka Yom Alka Yom the self subsisting a young this is Mobile aka the word for
humans mobile Allah meaning one is caught in time is the one who stands. Okay, one who is
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			established by him by him is more than caught him by him as someone who is a manager of an affair of
some wealth. So for example, a Yamal man is a manager, a tender of camels, meaning someone who takes
care of camels. So for example, a superintendent is like him. Okay? If little k him, you know why
he's called it nucleon because his father was Khayyam he was the manager is Superintendent of some
matter. Anyway, this is Clay him go wham is more than clay him. So for example, men are Qalam over
women. So, they don't just have to pay the rent and pay the bills and then be aloof to the affairs
of the family. No, they have to really take care of that is Cohen. Now, more than khoy Miska Yom Yom
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			is who the one who is self subsisting okay. So, he does not need any support, okay, he can stand on
his own, you understand does not need any support whatsoever, does not have any needs that must be
fulfilled, for him to exist. So, he is first of all, gah M ly enough see, any he is extremely
independent of all he does not need any support. He is self subsisting. The creation on the other
hand, are not self subsisting. We have endless needs Subhan Allah any, even when you don't have, for
example, you don't have any work. Even if you know there are days when you don't have schoolwork.
You don't have to go to work to make money. You're not required to answer any emails, you don't have
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			anyone who depends on you. So you have to make breakfast for them out. You're free, completely free.
All right, you're living your life. But still, when you wake up in the morning, you get tired by the
end of the day, just looking after your own self. Right? Sometimes you go to bed and you wonder what
did I do today I just took care of myself. I got my breakfast, I went did groceries, I cleaned my
house, my room, I put my dishes away, did some meal prep, caught up on some emails, went for a walk,
went to the gym, you were just looking after your own self and you're exhausted by the end of the
day. And if you don't fulfill those needs, you cannot survive. If you don't eat you cannot survive
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			if you don't breathe, you cannot survive, right. So, we are not a young human beings cannot be
consumed. Because we are not self subsisting. We need so many supports Subhanallah we need emotional
support animals even high we need someone else to rely on in order to exist. Allah azza wa jal is a
human so he is caught him Linux see. Secondly, a yo means that he is called him the lady meaning he
is the one who is taking care of everything. So everyone and everything entirely and completely
depend on Allah azza wa jal. So, if he does not support the creation, the creation cannot exist. If
he does not maintain them, they cannot exist. So to summarize, who is Alka Yun Alka Yom is the one
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			who is in no need of anyone or anything and everyone and everything is in need of Him. Allahu Akbar.
This is how great our Lord is. This is how perfect he is. In a Hadees we learned that oh my slaves,
you cannot attain the ability to harm me in Nakum lenta Bluehole burry, Furtado, Rooney Whelan
Tableau Guna, free for 10 For Rooney, no, you cannot harm Allah you cannot benefit Allah. He is
completely independent. Right? If there is someone who is very powerful, even who is doing something
you don't like, you find some weak point, right something through which you can get
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			at them, people even if they were to gather together and they would try to do some harm to Allah
they cannot. Allah cannot be harmed because he is Alka Yom. He doesn't depend on anything. He
doesn't have any needs. So how can you harm the one who is above any needs? Allahu Akbar. Allah is
truly the greatest. So Allah is Allah you independent of all and everything depends on him. No one
can survive without him. He has Allah Who Memphis sama YT will help Coolio men who have he shun
whoever is within the heavens and the earth asks him every day he is bringing about a matter and
Allah is Allah honey, he is the one who is rich, free of need. All right, when it comes to people,
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			we are dependent on one another. We are dependent on things we are dependent on food. Most of all we
are dependent on Allah. Now the names and how you will consume remember they're very powerful, and
we should use them especially to make dua we learned. That is Mala Hill, our alum, The Greatest Name
of Allah in an Irish and we learned that these names are in three solos of the Quran Surah Baqarah,
Surah Al Imran and surah Taha All right, and these names are al Heyoka. Young, they are in each of
these resorts. All right. And in a hadith we learned that whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam would be in some distress, he would say, yeah, hey, you yaka Yom Villa Hermetica studies or
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			ever living or self subsisting, I beseech you for your mercy. We learned that the prophets of Allah
who it is and I'm taught his daughter father model de la hora, and how to say these words in the
morning in the evening, which words Yeah, how you yaka Yun medica esta Leith a slightly shut Nicola
hope while at the kidney Ilan FC authoritarian. We mentioned these names of Allah. In another Hadith
we learn that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard a man saying Yeah buddy or Samoa
Tia Hey yo yo que yo in the elk, that oh creator of the skies in the earth or Heyoka Yom. I asked
you and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said that by the one, in whose hand is my soul, he has
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			called upon Allah by a name which when he is called upon he answers any This is how we should be
calling upon Allah use these names and how you can use them. Because think about it and he is who
who is perfect and all His attributes so he is able to give you what you are in need of he is Alka
you you are showing that yeah Allah I depend on you I need you. So when you call upon Allah by these
names, you are besieging His mercy