Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-033F Tafsir Al-Baqarah 249-252

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript describes a video about the use of the word lumea in English for drinking water, and how it is used for convenience and convenience. The speakers discuss the hesitancy of leaders to be patient and committed, and the hesitation of soldiers to be patient and committed. They also discuss the success of the Battle of brother, the success of people working on their feet, and the importance of writing tests and listening to lectures. The importance of writing tests and listening to lectures is emphasized, and the importance of writing tests and listening to lectures is emphasized.

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			Now what happened they accepted by Luca as their king. And now Talu was going to lead them in battle
against their enemy fellow maphis Allah Tala to Bill geonode. And when followed, went forth with the
soldiers for Salah is from the root letters foul slide lamb, and fasula is to depart. Remember the
word fish oil fish oil is weaning because when a child is weaned off breast milk then there is a
distance right now between the child and the mother. So fella Mufasa followed one pilot departed
Bill Junoon with the Army's with the soldiers. Do you know the support of the word John? And John is
an army okay Jean known that a body of troops or soldiers a collected body of men who are prepared
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			for war and John is also a plural the singular is John D. Dundee is a soldier so denote many troops
meaning this was a huge army All right, that dilute took with him. Now Kala, at that time, followed
said to the armies that in the Lucha Moby Tellico that indeed Allah is going to put you to trial
mobitel Li from Balamb well, okay, meaning Allah is going to put you to trial through what be NAD in
through a river now have known Hara This is a singular of the word unhealed. So he warned them he
said that Allah is going to test you through a river How could a river be a test so he explained to
them the test was that from and so whoever Shetty Berman who whoever drinks from it, Cian Alaba to
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			drink, whoever drinks from the river, fillet some in need and he is not of Me, meaning that person
cannot come along with me. That person has to return home. one millimeter I'm who and the one who
lent me a term who does not taste it for in the home in New York. I'm from LA imeem. Then that
person is of me meaning of my army. He is going to come along with me. Okay, in law except meeting
the only allowance you have is men who ilta Rafa, He scoops or fatten a scoop B or D in his hand,
meaning one handful of water is all you are allowed to drink. If you drink more than that, then you
cannot come along with me. You have to return home. Okay, now what's happening over here, many
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			soldiers go along with Duluth to fight an enemy. Okay? And they're told that you are going to be
tested. And this shows us that tests are inevitable in the way of Allah. All right, when you go out
in the way of Allah, there will certainly certainly be tests. Okay. In certain Matt ADA is 94 We
learn about when the companions were going for ombre with the Prophets Allah Who are you Salam, they
were in a state of Iran? Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed yet are you Alladhina amanu Leia blue one
Nicola, who be che him in a Slade tunnel who a de como de mahakumbh, that all believers, Allah will
certainly test you with something in regard to hunting. Because remember, when you're in a state of
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			ihraam, hunting is not permissible. All right, so Allah tested the Companions through hunting,
meaning that there were animals that they could easily hunt, how easily the ISS the NanHu, a de
comodi mahakumbh, you can reach those animals with your hands and your spears. And it was so easy to
hunt those animals. They were completely within reach. Why Why would Allah put them to trial? Leon
Alam Allahu Mejia Hoffa who believe so Allah knows who fears him in the unseen and he who really
fears Allah subhanaw taala. So here also the Bani Israel eel, this army was tested. And what was
this test about this test was of obedience to the leader. Because yes, they went along with dilute
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			but were they going to listen to tolerate? You know, it's one thing to say, Okay, fine. He's the
king. But it's another thing to actually listen to the king. So this test basically sifted the
people. Okay, those who were honest and determined sincere in fighting for the sake of Allah. They
listened to the leader and those who were not sincere. They did not obey the leader. So what
happened over here dilute told them that ferment Sheri Berman who fillet some in me whoever drinks
from the river than he is not of Me. shettima from Sheena lava to drink and one millennial Tom, who,
whoever does not drink from it than he is of me. He can come along with me, but the word lumea term
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			who very interesting thought a meme is the root and garima
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			is to eat or taste something. Okay? And the word applies to anything that is swallowed easily dorema
He ate he tasted or he swallowed easily. And this is why the word is also used for drinking water
because you know you can swallow it easily, especially when you're thirsty. However, when a person
drinks water with something that they're chewing Okay, so basically they're eating and drinking then
this verb is used for drinking water okay because it could have been said woman lumea should have
Minho whoever does not drink of it because the word shettima was just used right so why is it said
lamea thermo does not yet armo meaning he does not eat and drink of it. Okay, because drinking a
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			handful means you're just quenching your thirst but if you are scooping a great deal of water and
then you are drinking it and then you're like okay, let me also eat something and then you eat
something and then you take another sip of water and then you eat another bite and you take another
sip of water then you are basically satisfying yourself and some aroma they say that the meaning of
law mealtime who is that he does not refresh himself with the water. Okay, he does not refresh
himself with drinking the water. So this was not allowed in nominal thought of a warfighter Brd HuFa
ilta Rafa Lane Rafa is the route and Rafa is to take a handful of water to scoop water in one's
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			hand, like you would scoop in a ladle. And woodfire is the quantity of water that is taken in the
hand, so they were only allowed to drink that much one handful of water. All right, so what happened
for Shetty booze, so they all drank men who from it in LA kalila Minho, except for a few of them. So
you see what happened. Initially, there were so many, then what happened? Many turned away except a
few. Now again, they drank except a few. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala sifts people through trials.
Now, you may have experienced this yourself as well, when something new begins, right, everyone's
excited. There's so many people, but then what happens after some time? Not everyone sticks around?
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			Alright, fewer people stick around. And there are even fewer people at the end. All right. So for
Shetty, Boomin, who Illa kalila Milham. And remember, we discussed this earlier than be of the few
because the majority of the people they don't give thanks, they don't believe they don't know.
Right? So don't be eager to be of the majority be of the few who are patient who are grateful who
believe. And here we see who are obedient to the leader for Shetty, Boomin, who Illa kalila minimum.
Now, if you think about it, this was a big disadvantage for collet that so many of his soldiers
disobeyed Him, which means that so many of the soldiers have to now go back they couldn't come along
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			with him. And you know that in a battle, any every single soldier is needed, right? Your strength is
in your numbers. But this shows us that, you know, strength is not always a numbers, because there
are some people who may be adding to your numbers, but their presence is a bigger problem. All
right, in sort of the Toba 47 Allah subhanaw taala says regarding the hypocrites who did not go
along with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the Battle of the book, that low Harajuku FICO
Meza do come Ilhabela had they gone forth with you, they would not have increased you except in
confusion, meaning had they come along, they would have created so much difficulty for you. So it's
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			a good thing that they did not come along. And likewise over here, when all of these people who did
not obey or pollute, and they returned, this was, you know, apparently a disadvantage for toilet.
But it was actually not a disadvantage, because you would rather have feel people who are committed
and who are sincere, then many people who are insincere and who are not committed. Even our bus
little de la Mourinho said about this, that whoever took some of the water in the hollow of his
hand, quenched his thirst. And as for those who drank freely from it, their thirst was not quenched.
Okay, so this was a test of obedience to the leader. In the Bible. We see in the book of Judges,
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			there is a very interesting incident. Okay, when we learn about this judge Gideon, who was leading
the Israelites in a battle, and he also told them that basically they were not allowed to drink a
lot from the river. Okay, so good.
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			Dean was told set apart all those who lap up the water with their tongues like dogs from all those
who get down on their knees to drink. Now those who lapped the water into their mouths by hand
numbered 300 Only 300 were left. Everyone else was sent back the Lappers basically who drank the
water like dogs, they were sent back and the people who scooped the water in their hand to drink
they were allowed to go along and they were only 300 So here also we see for Shetty Boomin, who Illa
kalila Minho, very few people will be the leader. Now what happened for lumma gel was a who fell
Amma than when gel was a who he crossed it Joe was a gene was a is the root and it is to pass a body
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			of water for Bani Israel we learned what gel was Nabi bunny is Surah Al Baqarah. That Allah subhanaw
taala took the Bani Israel across the sea. All right. And this is when the sea was parted for them.
So when dilute crossed the sea, who are he one Medina M and Omar who and those who believed with
him? All right, meaning they went along with him. They followed him. They obeyed him. Carlo they
said Lau Takata Lana leiomyoma Be dilute our duty. They said we have no strength at all Aloma today
be dilute to face dilute where God and his armies Subhanallah these are the people who passed the
test. Okay, and they're saying when they see the enemy that we have no power to face the enemy. Why
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			did they say this? Because dilute Goliath he was an extremely tall man. And even if he was not at
all it's evident from the words mentioned over here that he brought jeenode Okay, and those forces
were many. And what happened with the army of Duluth, many of them had returned because they did not
obey the leader. So the believers said that we have no power to face dilute and his Junoon they were
terror stricken. They were afraid, and they were afraid because of the shortage of their numbers.
But what happened on AlLadhina eluna. Carla said Who? AlLadhina eluna Those people who knew that
unknown that indeed de eluna from LA new noon, they knew that indeed they were Mola Kula he wants to
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			meet Allah malaco is a plural of the word Mala pin. Lamb Coffea is the root Lika to meet lamp Coffea
so they knew that they're going to meet Allah any they were people of conviction. They said come in
fee attend kalila Sinhala but fee attend Kathy rotten be hidden Allah will long ma sobbing, they
said come, how many come with a question how many meaning there are many many men fee attend a group
of kalila any a group that is a leader that is little that is small meaning a group of few people
learner that it overcame fee attend cathedra a large group, but how be it Nila by the permission of
Allah, not by chance but by the permission of Allah. So what are they saying? They're saying that
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			it's not your numbers that will bring you victory? It's the help of Allah. And think about it. How
often has it happened before us that a small group has managed to overcome and defeat a large group?
Hello, but this frontline Lamba, to overcome. And the word fear is from failure, Hamza fear is a
group of people or of soldiers and basically, is to return. Okay, so fear is a group of soldiers a
group of people that are able to return to each other. Okay? And in battle, the word fear is used
for those soldiers who are at the back of the Army, because the people at the front they return to
the back of the army in the case of fear or danger. So they said How often has it happened that a
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			small group has taken over a large group by the permission of Alolan love Marissa beteen. And Allah
is with those who are patient or sobbing in front of the word slavit. Any Be patient and you will
have the help of Allah don't give up. Now this I'm sure it reminds you of the Battle of brother
also, what happened at the Battle of brother there were only a little over 300 Muslims who are now
going to fight an army of 1000 men strong. And Bharat Radi Allahu Anhu. He said that basically the
companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they would say that the number of the people
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			loot of the army of Talat was the same as the number of the companions at the time of blood. Okay,
meaning the army of Fallujah that crossed the river and that faced dilute. All right, same number as
the companions of the Prophet sallallahu are the cinnamon brothers. So how many? A little over 300
Okay, now think about this at the beginning, there were 1000s Okay. 1000s and 1000s then there was a
test, and what happened, few people were left 300 people were left. And out of those 300 people,
some people showed weakness, this and Lopaka linoleum will be jelutong Edgenuity. And then there
were others among those 300 who said, don't give up. It's not our numbers that will bring this
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			victory. It is our patients our steadfastness, because of which Allah subhanaw taala will help us so
it's the help of Allah that will bring us victory, not our own strength, not our numbers. And this
shows us that even among the believers, there are those who are afraid and it's normal to feel fear
in the face of danger. But it's necessary that when you hear people you know saying such things that
spread fear you should say something to counter that you should say something that will bring
courage to people because you see some people said loud Takata Lana, we have no power today and
other said come in via Tim kalila Angela but we attend Kathy rotten be it Nila right. So be of those
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			who have courage and who say positive things to others so that they also have courage. And you see
some people they have a very bad habit that in every situation they will find reasons to complain
and when they're so negative, they become toxic almost right because they spread that negativity
among others also, you know be a person of him a person of courage and say positive things say words
of trust in Allah subhanaw taala All right. And even if you are the only person who can say what is
positive then be that person in total man either I or 23 We learn about two men all right, who said
something so positive when the Bani Israel were feeling afraid to fight their enemy, they said all
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			the Hulu la himmelberg Okay, just enter the gate. And once you enter it, you will be victorious. Any
it seems like this is very, very difficult but it's not that difficult. All we have to do is just
enter the gate. And they said while alive at our Curlew in control mode, meaning put your trust in
Allah if you're truly believers, so in situations like this, be patient, Allah is with you say
positive things. Now what happened while Amma Bara zhu li Jalota word you know De Waal Amma and when
Bara zoo they appeared li dilute to dilute what you know the and his armies. The word Barraza Bella
ze Barraza is to go forth into a field or an open area. Okay. But when Barraza comes with Lee then
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			it means to appear. So when they appeared to dilute when they went forth to dilute meaning when they
appeared to juggled when they came face to face with dilute and his armies and when they really saw
the huge armies of dilute called who they said who the believers they said Rob BANA a free highly
now sobre la our Lord, pour upon his patients with a bit of a them Anna and plan firmly our feet one
so now our little Comilla caffeine and give us victory over the disbelieving people Subhanallah any
these people these believers were first of all, they passed the test. Right? They were obedient to
their king. And then when some of them were feeling weak, others uplifted them. And when they saw
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			the extent of the challenge ahead of them, the huge army before them, they call upon Allah subhanaw
taala for help. And this is how a person is successful, that you listen to the leader, you uplift
one another. And you ask Allah subhanaw taala for help. So yes, utmost effort, and also Dora's think
about the Prophet sallallahu Ernest sentiment, brother, what did he do? He was, you know, steadfast
with the Companions right in the face of the enemy, but he also made so much dua, so much dua that
Abu Bakr al de la Mourinho felt pity for him, right? And he told him that you know, that's enough,
you have made enough dua now take some rest. So here we see that the believers asked Allah subhanaw
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			taala for something. What did they say? They said Robina a frog or Elena sobre po
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			We're down patients on us often ill is from filed online for all is to become empty. All right. And
it's basically when a vessel becomes empty because what was inside of it is poured out. So what
they're saying is that pour down patients on this like a bucket is turned over, right? We want a
whole lot of patience. We need a great deal of patience, and you grant it to us, which shows us that
the source of Saba is not inside of you, it is given to you by Allah. So ask Allah for southern
Africa, Elena Sabra, and they said we're a bit awkward dominance a bit from third betta, so that is
to become firm and stable. The opposite of this is to slip. So they said sub bit awkward. akhdam is
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			a plural of the word cudham for them is foot up to them feet, any plant firmly our feet so that we
don't run away. We don't flee from the battle. Rather we fight until the end. One sadhana and you
grant us victory. You help us known Sodre Nasir help you grant us victory you grant us help our
local mill carefully against the disbelieving people, your Allah you help us. And this shows us that
we need all of these things in the face of an enemy. We need patience, and we also need
steadfastness. And we should ask Allah for patients. And we should also ask Allah for Sebat you
know, the incident that I mentioned earlier of hunt duck where the Prophet sallallahu sallam said,
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			for en Zealand Sakina didn't really know that oh Allah send Sakina on us, he also said with a bit
will occur them and make the feet firm, and he make our feet firm. So we should ask Allah subhanaw
taala for this. And you see, it's not just in a battle that you need this. But sometimes you also
need this when writing a test. You know, I'm sure of course, at the end of the second juice, now you
have another test coming up. And it is scary to take a test. And sometimes a person thinks that you
know what, I don't think I want to take any test. I'll just switch to being a listener. I don't need
any certificate. I don't need any course that I have studied this and that I'm just listening to
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			Quran and that is enough for me. Okay, that is great. But you know, tests are a way of making you
firm and committed because when you know you have a test, then you will pay attention to every word.
You will make sure you are writing your notes. Alright, you will make sure your notes are complete.
You will make sure you have listened to all of the lectures you will make sure you understand
everything. But when you don't have to take the test, then what will happen you will listen and he
will close the book. Sometimes you will not even open the book, sometimes you will listen sometimes
you will forget and you will not listen. Right. So tests are there for our benefit. And you know we
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			should ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us to grant us patience and steadfastness then what
happened? fasm Whoa home B is Nila so they defeated them by permission of Allah. For his among them
has Emma has a meme as the root it is to put someone to flight and he they completely vanquish them.
They defeated them. Okay meaning the army of thought loot, defeated the army of jell loot. But how
be isn't allowed by the permission of Allah, because success, victory is with the permission of
Allah. Without that there is no success, there is no victory. What Catella will do dilute and that
would killed dilute dilute was the leader of the enemy. All right, and some say the judge was not
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			the leader of the enemy, but one of their biggest soldiers, but when dilute was killed, that is when
the army of the enemy fled, because they said that if jello has been killed, then none of us can
face this army. So we'll Katella Dawa loot that would killed Jen loot. And after that what Atal will
Allah who will Milko al hikma and Allah gave him meaning to the wood Mulk kingship will Hickman and
wisdom. So this is when the wood became the old early he sent out Allah subhanaw taala gave him
prophethood why lemma Humann Maya Shah and Allah taught him from whatever he willed. Now remember
when I mentioned to earlier the details that are given are key. They're very significant in the
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			Bible, same book, book of First Samuel chapter 1751. It says when the Philistines saw that their
warrior, meaning Goliath was dead, they ran okay, they ran and it's so interesting will Katella will
dilute the water listen, I'm killed dilute any at this point, that water listen, I was not a
prophet. He was not a king. He was just a soldier, someone who was in the army of dilute
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			And he killed your loot. All right. The Bible talks about how he just used a stone. Okay to kill
dilute. It describes how when David wore a sword, he was not able to walk in it because it was too
heavy, right? So he said, I cannot walk in with this for I am not used to it. So he took it off, and
he took his stick. He picked a few smooth stones, and then he put them in his pocket in the pocket
of his shepherds bag. We chose it that wilderness and I was a shepherd and in fact he was because
the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and told us about how all the prophets were shepherds. Okay. So
he took that and he took his sling in his hand and he went straight to word dilute, and then he shot
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			jello with a stone and Duluth died and when dilute fell, it says that the Philistines ran they fled.
So what Katella will dilute and because the wilderness and I'm killed jello Tanith was so happy with
him that pollute, married his daughter to the woods, early cinema, and this is how the wilderness
and I became king. So Atal Hula, hula mulk, Allah gave him kingship, so now that would earn Islam is
a king, but then he's not just a king. Allah also gave him hikma, Allah also gave him prophethood so
now you have a king, who was also a prophet of the Bible does not mention that there will there was
a prophet it only talks about King David that he was a king. But Allah tells us that he was a
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			prophet as well where a llama whom in Maya shad and Allah Tada, wilderness Anam, whatever he wanted,
and He, Allah gave him different types of knowledge. All right, but this came after what after the
test, the you know, this huge test, this huge difficulty of participating in this battle, in sort of
sod is 20 Allah subhanaw taala tells us we should did the normal care who were attina Who hikma were
foster little hitop and we strengthened his kingdom and gave him wisdom and discernment in speech
and the older Islam. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said about him, that he would never flee
from the battlefield. And he was very brave, and he would never flee from the battlefield. And what
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			is it that Allah subhanaw taala taught him Allah Mohammed Maya Shah in Surah Al Anbiya, if at Allah
subhanaw taala mentions where I live now sunnah artha Lebu silicone liter Selena Camembert SQL, and
we taught him the fashioning of coats of armor to protect you from your enemy in battle. ensued sod
is 11 A Nirmal Sabby. lockin waka difficile, make full cuts of mail and calculate precisely the
links. So he was the first person to make chain mail. And this is because Allah subhanaw taala had
given him this knowledge. So now the Bani Israel eel had kings and they had a unified kingdom. Okay,
so the first king was followed. Okay, so then it was the wood early his sinner who was also a
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			prophet, and then after that we'll already send him there was still a man or the sinner who was also
a prophet and king. Well Oh Allah for Allah hiddenness about the home be Berlin, left fossa till or
do well akin Allahu fuddling Island Isla mean, well hola and if not for the for Allah He de through
repelling via Allah, a NASA the people, meaning if Allah did not repel people, how Barbra whom some
of people be Baldan through others, and he if Allah did not repelled some people through others, and
how does that happen through battle? Right, duffer, is that fair? I mean, that's the route and the
effort is to push something away. Any you are pushing it away with force or strength, before even it
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			comes before even arrived? So think about something coming your way, and you push it away. Okay, so
this is different to repel. So, if Allah did not repel some people through others, then what would
happen left facade, the tilt of the Earth would become corrupt, left, so that facade that fasten
that facade, the Earth would become corrupt? Any basically, this is the wisdom behind why Allah
subhanaw taala has permitted believers to fight in battle. This is the wisdom This is the reasoning.
You know, a lot of people have this objection, that if Islam is supposed to be a peaceful religion,
then why is war sanctioned in Islam? How come it's permitted and how come? The Prophet salallahu
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			already said and participated in so many battles? Right? There is a reason war is not the norm, nor
is it something that we should seek out
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			We should desire, but in some situations it is necessary. When is it necessary? It is necessary to
repel people who have become corrupt. Because if their power is not broken, then what will they do?
They will corrupt the earth. So, you take the example of the people of Makkah, they were people of
power, and with their power with their wealth with their status, what were they doing committing so
much oppression against the Muslims against the weak women, slaves, foreigners, people of tribes
that were not that prestigious, any they were abusing their power. So what happened Allah subhanaw
taala allowed the Muslims to fight them, and they fought them until their power was broken. And moko
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			was conquered. So there is a wisdom it is to protect the people of the earth, that Allah subhanaw
taala has allowed believers to fight their enemy. Likewise over here, dilute and his people, the
Philistines, what were they doing? They were making life extremely difficult for the Bani Israel in.
So this is why Allah subhanaw taala allowed them to fight them back. And if that did not happen, the
fessor that did onto the earth would become corrupt. You know, one people would take over. And if
those people don't believe in Allah, then the Earth would really become corrupt because then there
would be no one left to take the name of Allah to worship Allah alone. What did the Prophet
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			sallallahu or in Islam say at the Battle of whether that yeah, Allah if you don't save these people,
then you will not be worshipped after any if these Muslims are not saved today, if they are not
given success today, then you will not be worshipped anymore on the face of the earth, then people
will fall into idolatry forever. So luffa till Otto, so there is wisdom behind why Allah subhanaw
taala has allowed believers to fight in battle, while our kin Allah Who funnelin Allah, Allah mean
but indeed Allah is possessor of favor over the world's meaning. He is the store of many favors to
people, and Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has privilege over people meaning he has supreme
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			power, it is not people. So whenever some people they commit oppression, then Allah subhanaw taala
breaks their power through another people Tikka Ayatollah Hina to Lu ha la Kabul Huck, Tinker these
ayat Allah here are verses of Allah which net to Lu her we recite them are Laker to you will help in
truth net Lu her from Thailand well tilava So these are verses of Allah which will recite to you in
truth, you as in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And what does this mean that we recite them
to you in truth, meaning this is truly Allah subhanaw taala speech and this speech is held any it
contains the truth of laws speech is held in its news, meaning whatever news we are given in the
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			Quran, those news are true, they're factual, and also help in a calm, meaning all the commands that
Allah subhanaw taala has given whether it is the command too fast or the command to fight an enemy.
They're also just their help. All right, so the above the news in the Quran are with slick, their
true and calm in the Quran. The commands in the Quran are with Arden, they are just and this also
reminds us that the version of the story of balut that is given in the Quran, this version is the
true version, because this is truly from Allah. And when any of the details are different from what
is mentioned in the Bible, then what is true. The truth is what is in the Quran, and this is the
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			reason why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that had the salon bunny is Salah Ian Willa
Hodge. And he narrated from what the bunny is why he'll have and there is no harm in doing that. And
this is the reason why I've heavily coated the Bible over here. So that you know that this is an
evidence of the truthfulness of the prophets of Allah who already have seven. Okay, well in the
Colombian Motor City, indeed, you are surely from the messengers, because the Prophet salallahu
Alaihe Salam did not have access to these books. He was not able to read and how did he know about
this news about this incident? Allah subhanaw taala is the one who revealed it to him not to Lou her
00:34:39 --> 00:34:59
			alayka bill. Were in Nicola Marina and Marina Indeed you are surely from among the messengers. So
this incident is an evidence of the truthfulness of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, okay, in
Surah Lord, I have 43 We learned way a hold on ladina kifaru less than what was salah, those who
disbelieve say you are not a messenger.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:40
			hole calf Appalachia hidden benei or Boehner con woman are in the who are in Mill Kitab say
sufficient is Allah as a witness between me and you? And Allah says in Nicola Minal Mussolini, and
also who is a witness, the one who has knowledge of the book. And the book means the Quran, but also
the book that Allah has revealed before. And yes, the Bible has many changes that people have made,
but the details that match what is mentioned in the Quran, then all of that is an evidence of the
truthfulness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the word mousseline is a portion of the word
motorcyle and merciless from raw seen lamb, it Sal is to send a messenger Rasul. So Marcel is one
00:35:40 --> 00:36:20
			who has been sent as a messenger, we're in the Colombian l Mursaleen. Just as the older listen, I
was a prophet, you are also a prophet. And just as though their listener was a king, any a leader of
his people who lead them in many battles, the prophets of Allah who already sent them out also did
that. Why to repel the force of the people who are corrupt, because if that did not happen, then the
entire Earth would become corrupt. Because like I mentioned earlier, people have a lot of objections
against the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm leading people in battle and they compare him to
Reese RNase center. Right. There is our SNL was a prophet of mercy, who said that if someone hits
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			you on your right cheek, you show them your left cheek. So why are you fighting the enemy? Well, in
some situations, forgiveness is better and in some situations, fighting the enemy is better. And the
Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sana was not the first prophet to do that before him, though there is Salam
right so they manually Salam and Musa alayhis salam you Sharla his Salam, they were prophets and
leaders of their people in battle. Inshallah, we will conclude over here about Hello Fico. If there
are any questions you can ask them, I can go over them quickly.
00:36:57 --> 00:37:43
			Okay, so the sequence is followed that will really set them and then sorry, minorly, sir. Okay.
followed was a king, not a prophet? Because it says in the love of God, Bertha Lacan, Toluca,
Malika, what is the significance of these ideas? Or why are these stories mentioned over here? You
see, the stories are mentioned over here. Like I mentioned, one story shows how some people were
very cowardly. And another story shows how some people are too confident, to fight. And in the
middle, there is an iron that fight in the way of Allah and victory comes from Allah. And what does
this story Show us the second one, that victory comes from Allah, it's not through your numbers.
00:37:43 --> 00:38:08
			It's not based on how rich your king is. All right. It's because of Allah azza wa jal. So seek it
from him. And it also reveals the truthfulness of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay,
Inshallah, we will conclude over here Subhan Allah who will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta
esta Furukawa to booty Lake wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh