Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-027B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 197-203
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the rules of hedge fund policy, including the need for people to keep their own privacy and privacy for travel plans. The importance of staying focused during arguments and not arguing over money is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the importance of praying for the Prophet and setting rules for one's behavior during busy seasons, as well as the importance of not overthinking and not overdoing things. The speakers stress the need to be mindful of what one does and to be careful about what one says.
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Are with a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim, Alhaji asuran Maluma. Hajj is during well known months, meaning the time of Hajj is unknown months. It's not just any time of the year, and what are these months of hajj even or model de la Horne who he explained, that assured will * the months of Hotjar shall Well, little karda and the 10 days, the beginning of the ledger. Okay, so three basically show while the Ricardo and the hedgehog. Now what does this mean? That Hajj is in nine months. This means that you only enter Iran for Hajj once the months of hajj begin. So even our best radula Horton who said that part of the Sunnah is that no one should go into
Iran for Hajj except during the months of hajj. So the earliest a person can make the intention for Hajj is In which month it is in the month of show while not before that. So for example a person is in the month of show while they make the intention to go for Hajj. So on the 15th Tough show while what do they do they go make ombre Alright, they make room raw and now mashallah, they're in Makkah, okay. The praying five times a day in Masjid Al haram, they spend the rest of the month of show while in Makkah in the Ricarda. They go to Medina also. And then they come back to Makkah. And then on the eighth of the ledger. They put on the hand for Hajj, they can do that. Okay, now one
question, why so much time? Like, why do we have two months basically before the days of hedge the whole month of show while the whole month of Lucado? Why is it months of hedge fund hedge can literally be done in 60s? Because these days, when you travel for hedge when you go for hedge, you leave your house and you can be in Makkah within 24 to 48 hours maximum. Okay. But remember, Islam is for all times, right? And for all people. So there are people who need weeks in order to travel to Makkah. Right. Traveling to Macau is not easy. So they begin their journey in Chihuahua not before Shaohua or if for example, they're making a really long trip. You know they leave their house
even before show well. They can only enter the State of Iran in show well not before that. Remember that Ibrahim alayhis salam Allah's parents Allah tells us in the Quran, in Surah Al Hajj Ayah 27 That Ibrahim recently was told what are the infinitesimal hygiene that announce among the people the invitation for Hajj basically, meaning invite all people for Hajj yet to carry Jalan wire Allah Kula meeting, yet yeah, Tina mean clearly for general milk, they will come to you on foot, and on every lean camel, they will come from every distant pass. So when people go for Hajj, they come from really far off places and everyone's journey is not the same. Some people need weeks and wants to
travel. So hedge can only begin in a shadow Maluma ignored months. So what this means is that the Iran for hedge should not be worn before Chawan Okay, from unfurl the fee Hindle hija. So whoever has made hedge obligatory upon Himself in them meaning within this time, within the nine months of hunch, whatever time person enters the State of Iran and remember you make it obligatory upon yourself how that you make the intention and you enter the state of your home once you enter the state of your home. Then there are some rules what are the rules for law Rafa Wallah for suka Balaji dalla village, there is no roof with no sexual relations between husband and wife. Nothing even that
leads to sexual relations. And then Nofal soup, no act of rebellion against Allah. No act of disobedience no sin and no breaking the restrictions of Iran. Okay. Laffel Suka and the four revisions of your hammer many right like for example, no trimming of the hair, the nails, no perfume, no hunting, men cannot wear shirts, etc. So love Ahsoka, what I do that I feel hudge and there should be no argumentation in Hajj either. Meaning in the Haram once you have begun, then you have to stay away from these three things. Now when it comes to refer, of course between husband and wife yet it's understandable that people will not do this, you know, but it's so unfortunate that
people will go too hard.
And still they will harass women and this is violating the restrictions of Iran. They're checking out other people in their group, right they are talking to them. This is all against the rules of hedge any talking to them flirtatiously. This is inappropriate love for Souq no sinning. Now when people gather together many wrong things can happen if you're on your own Yes, you can still commit sin. But when you are around different people so many people then it's easier to commit sin opportunities increase because that means now you can talk to people when you're talking to people you can gossip, you can lie you can back by you can you know talk about things which are
inappropriate, you know, so be careful law Rafa Wallah for Ahsoka, you have to really guard yourself. You know, men and women are together constantly during Hajj men are, you know their shoulders are exposed. So lowering the gaze, right wherever needed. This is important minding your own business during Hajj, this is very important. So love for suka, no sin, and then lady Delafield has no argumentation either. Now when it comes to arguing and hudge, this can be any such a big issue. People can argue over money, for example, right? I paid you this much You didn't give me what I paid you for. People argue with their group, leaders with the organizers with the travel agent.
They're yelling over the phone. People fight over food people fight over, this was my seat. You know, people fight over every little thing because they're stuck in traffic, they get angry at each other's Why did you bump into me? You know, why did you push me? And then sometimes people get annoyed with one another and they push and shove they disrespect one another? This is all wrong logic. LFL hudge. And then there is also arguing or fic. Right over Fick that No, no, this is not how you do this. The right way is that a my hedge leader told me that you're supposed to this first and then that any, there's many reasons to argue. So be careful, stay away from argumentation. And,
you know, when you are especially dealing with people who speak a different language than you who have a different culture. You know, there's many misunderstandings, I remember once we went for umbra, and somewhere in our family, they weren't able to do surgery walking. So we hired a person with the wheelchair, right to push them know what happened, this person who was pushing them on the wheelchair, for sorry, you know, they had limited time and they wanted to take as many customers as possible. So they were rushing through the surgery, they wouldn't go properly to suffer, they wouldn't go properly to Ottawa, they wouldn't stop there. So, you know, that was really rushed. I
remember my dad asking that person that please. You know, when you read Safar, just pause for a few seconds so that she can make her draw. And then when you reach Mattawa, again, pause for a few seconds so that she can make her draw. And that person got really annoyed. He got really angry. And my father was in Iran. And my father spoke to him very nicely in Arabic very respectfully. And that gentleman who was pushing the wheelchair got really angry and much younger. And he was not in Iran. And he started arguing with my father and he started being very rude and very harsh. And when I saw that I was so angry. I wanted to yell at that man. And my father was so calm, and I'm like, why is
my father being such a pushover? You know, you can, you know, yell at this guy. He can tell him off, you know, given the age difference, and given the fact that he's paying him, why isn't he telling him off? And then I remembered leji Their love Hill hedge, there is no argumentation during crunch. And any my father was so composed, he was so patient, he was so calm, and that person, he was so rude. He he said such disrespectful things my father and I couldn't believe it that over a few, you know, rial, how could a person be so disrespectful? And eventually what happened? My father didn't argue much. And the supervisor basically he found out and he came in, he apologized to my father. So
sometimes, you know, there are situations where people are disrespectful to you, deliberately, or sometimes there's a difference in culture, difference in understanding that you have to be calm and composed. And it's really hard but you have to keep reminding yourself a lot of other levels who can lead you that will hedge no argumentation, no disputing no fighting. I remember when we went for hedge the worst
And people were really upset with one of the organizers. Because I remembered Mina for several days, we did not get food, okay. And people would call that person that, where are you? Where's our food? What's happening? Do we have to find food ourselves? Are you bringing it? And he would just say that, yes, I am bringing it I am stuck in traffic. I'm just not able to bring it to you. And there were times when people would call him and you know, he wouldn't answer the call wouldn't go through and people got really angry at Mina. I remember so many people were just talking about how they were going to sue this company. All right. And they were angry, angry, you know, going back and forth, in
and out, yelling over the phone, I remember because of not eating properly, and I was also sick. I actually fainted at Omaha, because I had not eaten properly for some time. And my mother in the entire time, masha Allah, she was so calm. So many women were just busy arguing, and my mother was sitting, reading her Quran, you know, her Dawes. And then you know, there were women who were really impressed by that, and then they came to her and then, you know, my mom gave them a reminder. So it's very important to stay focused during Hajj, remember, Allah subhanaw taala will test you, okay, and your test will come in ways that are tailored to you. So you have to stay focused on your
purpose, your mission, that you are here for forgiveness, you are here to draw closer to Allah, you are here to gather good deeds. So a lot of other levels will lead you down a hill hunch. And you can only do that if you are focused on doing good things. So for example, if you have a goal that, you know, for example, you had Mina, and you have a goal that you want to recite five zap of the Quran, or you want to make certain daraz you take a book of dogs with you and you want to make sure that you read all of it, you make all of the dogs in it, then you're not going to have time to argue you're not going to be missing your husband that Oh, I can't sit with him. I can't hold his hand.
You're not thinking about him. This is not a honeymoon, you went for a bada. So it is said well, Martha Farah lumen Hayden Yalom, hula, and whatever good you do, Allah knows it. Meaning focus on doing good things, fill your head with good deeds, different types of good deeds, in the form of they could in the form of the recitation of Quran in the form of is the fall in the form of giving sadaqa in the form of you know, forgiving people, any good deed you do. Allah subhanaw taala knows it. In a hadith we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever goes on hajj for the sake of Allah alone and does not engage in any Ruffus any forsook, okay, then that person
will return as he was on the day that his mother gave birth to him, Allahu Akbar, and you go for Hajj and you don't engage in any ruffles or for soup. You observe these rules properly, you go back home, clean and pure of sin, all of your sins washed away, just as you were clean of sin on the day that you were born. So a matter of illumine, Haiti Yharnam hola any good you do. Allah knows it. What does a word do and take provisions for in the hydrazide Taqwa. But indeed, the best provision is the fear of Allah, what draconian oil Bab and fear me all people of understanding. Know that here, we are being taught that we must go for the journey of Hajj prepared. And the thing is that
when we don't go prepared, that is when we end up getting annoyed very quickly. We are irritable, and when we're irritable, we get into fights. And because we're not prepared, we don't know what to do. We feel lost. So we end up wasting so much of our time. So how do you make sure that you don't engage in Robert fasudil during Hajj, that first of all, you focus on doing good and secondly, you go prepared for the journey. Okay, you take your provisions with you. And in hajj, you must take two types of provision, first of all provision for the body. And secondly, provision for the soul to the wood and remember that out of the tool, what is more important is the provision for the soul.
Because it is said for in the haloacetic Taqwa now, what is the taqwa is that you are very careful, you're very alert. You remember that Allah is watching you. So you stay away from all the things that Allah has prohibited on you during Hajj and you are eager to perform all those things that please Allah or zoologia you
With his a widow for in the high RoZeta Taqwa. Now even our bustle of the Longhorn, who he explained that the people of Yemen they would go for Hajj and they would not take any provisions with them. Anyone they would go for Hajj they will basically go empty handed. They wouldn't bring along any money, any form of money, any food anything. And they would say that we are relying on Allah. Okay, we are muda Chiune we are doing Tawakkol on Allah. But when they reached Makkah, and when they got hungry, and they didn't have food, what would they do? They would beg from people. So Allah azza wa jal revealed that what is a widow for in the hayleigh, Zaditor aquatec provision, but the best
provision is that. So take along, you know, food, snacks, whatever you need money with you. And especially, you know, keep some non perishable food items, all right with yourself because it's possible that you know, something happens and you don't have access to food. I remember when we were at midnight, and you know, we were not getting food on time. Some people they tried to go to a bake in Mina, that chicken place, and it took so long for them to get there. Because me now of course, it's so busy, so many people over there. And when they got to lb, restaurant, they were out of chicken, there was no food left SubhanAllah. So these things can happen. So if you have some snacks
with you, and nutritious snacks, then at least you won't be starving. So what as a widow for inhalers at a taco, keep them with you keep dates with you keep some granola bars with you, you know, some fruit with you something so that you are able to focus on your brother. If you're hungry, and you're not, you know, rested, you're not well fed, it's going to be difficult for you to focus. Likewise, if you need medication, keep that with you. You need clothing, keep that with you. Hand cream, things like that, take these things with you and don't go empty handed saying that, Oh, I'm going to do Tawakkol we think that relying on Allah means you don't do anything yourself. No, taking
provision with you is not contrary to Tawakkol. Begging is contrary to the worker, but taking your provision with you is not contrary to the worker. Okay, and what is a widow fair enough, I was at the taco This means that you have to spend on the things that you need. And sometimes that means that you know you are spending more money to have better means of transportation, for instance, you are spending more money so that you can stay closer to the Haram and if you can afford that Allah subhanaw taala has given you that much, you know means there is nothing wrong in spending more money on Hajj. So for example, you got a better Hajj package in which there is a lot of conveniences,
right? And you can afford that. Go ahead and spend on that. Because yes, you're not going on vacation, you're going for a bother. And when you're going for a bother, you want to make sure that all your worldly needs are taken care of so that you have the energy to focus on everybody. You know, for example, if you take a really cheap package, they don't even have proper air conditioning, and you're sitting in the bus and you're sweating and you know you're not used to all that heat. How are you going to recite Quran? How are you going to stand it out ofa you're not going to have the ability to do that. Some people think that you know, it's better to walk from minute to Ottawa,
etcetera, that, you know, they're going to do hedge on foot. The No, that's not required the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did hedge on his camel while he was writing his camel. So if Allah Subhana Allah has given you the means the money then spend and make it convenient for yourself, make it easy for yourself, so that you can focus on rebuttal. And out of all the provisions that you can take with you the best is the plus spiritual provision that in your conscious of Allah, and that means that you are doing every bother in the most beautiful way you are prepared, you know what the significance is, what the virtues are, what the Sunon are, how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam performed those rituals. And part of the spiritual provisions is that you make a lot of dura, you keep your tongue busy in liquor, you say that Albia you guard your tongue, you guard your eyes, you mind your own business, you know, whoever your leader is, you listen to them, right? You stay away from any argumentation. And if there's any hardship or any difficulty that comes your way, then be patient over it. Alright be beneficial to others be considerate. Then it is said lay sourly, calm Juna Han and Tabitha will further middle of be calm. There is no blame upon you
are seeking bounty from your Lord. Meaning during Hajj. This is how practical our deen is how realistic our deen is some people Masha Allah, they have so much money that, you know, if they're not working for three weeks, they're good. Other people, if they're not working for three weeks, they're going to be really struggling financially. So when they go for Hajj, they have to also think about how they're going to make money. So they might have to work remotely. Okay, while they're at Hajj, they might have to, you know, engage in some kind of work, some kind of business work for some wages so that they have enough to get by until they can return. So this is completely permissible.
Right? Some people while they're at hedge, they meet different people and then they come up with a business plan. That's permissible. Okay. They want to go shopping because you get better dates over there. You get better a BIOS over there, whatever it is, you want to go shopping, nothing wrong. Lace are they come Janardhan and tub the whole footlong middle of people. We learned that at the time of Jamelia, there's a hadith and table Heilbroner Bassel de la Horne, who reported that there were markets of Raquel and Medina and Wilma jazz, and people would go and you know, bring things to sell, other people would buy. So this was something very common. And then after Islam, you know,
some people thought that it's not good to go to the marketplaces as if it was a sin. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed this idea that lace Alikum Janeiro and ductile fugly milk because there's nothing wrong with that. But of course that sustenance that money that profit that pay that should not be your ultimate goal, your ultimate goal is something else. Likewise some people when they you know go for arugula or for hedge especially when they're traveling from the west and they have family back home you know, they think that it's going to be cheaper for us to travel so you know we're going all the way to jet that anyway. And then from there, maybe we can go to India right we
can go to Pakistan meet family the ticket will be less nothing wrong with that one trip. You go Romana and you go visit family. You attend a wedding. Nothing wrong with that. Lay sorry. congener one and tiptoe Fabula Mira pecan there's no cylinders for either a fog terminado fatin furred Kula her in the lush el haram but when you depart from autofab Remember Allah at illustrated Hello. I remember which begins on the eighth of the ledger right? At the Pilgrims enter Islam and they arrive in Mina. Now on the ninth What do you do ninth is the day of alpha. So for Mina, the pilgrims have to go to alpha. And they have to get there before noon. And remember, you combine a lover or so you
listen to the hotbar and then you do we'll move on.
Right. And then after maghrib you go to miss deliver you go to Alma Cheryl haram and there you spend the night. Okay, now, the Quraysh. Remember, they were an elite tribe, right? And they were considered as a home's humps means extra conservative people who are very strict in the observation of religious practices. So the Quraysh would restrict themselves to the region of home. Okay, they would not go outside of the vicinity of the home. Now our offer is technically outside of home. Okay, so what would the Koresh do the Quraysh they would go to Mina in hunch, and then from minute they will go straight towards deliver, they would not go to alpha. Okay, before it was Jennifer,
they would not go to Ottawa because they said that it's outside of the home so it's not as righteous for us to go all the way. However, the rest of the people would go to Ottawa. So the Prophet salallahu earnings said and broke this tradition and remember Alhaji Rafa Alright, the main ritual of Hajj is in fact on offer the standing over there the you know, making daraz seeking forgiveness. So this is made clear over here, but you have to go to our alpha and then you go to Moose deliver. Okay, and remember that going to all of us standing over there, this is a recon of Hajj. So you know when it comes to the different rituals of Hajj there are certain places that Allah Subhana Allah has
chosen in certain rituals that Allah's Pantheon is chosen for those places. And in those rituals is our test. Okay, the main test is of obedience to Allah. Okay, you know, for example, when you're an adult, Muslim enters and you leave Ottawa, hey, it's so awkward. It's so strange that you are not praying Muslim at moment of time. And you're watching you're looking you're sitting in traffic and you know, the sky is somewhat bright and then it becomes dark and dark and darker and darker by the time you reach was deliver. It's so late in the night. And that's all
Okay you will pray Muslim inertia at most deliver. Okay, so because this is the test the test of obedience. Now remember that when it comes to all of us standing or on a fight is one of the main rituals of Hajj it's one of the pillars of Hajj and the day of anaphase very important it's the day when many people are released from the fire of *. It's the day of forgiveness. It's the day of earning a loss peloton has approval study of their AWS and the best they could have to make on that day is La ilaha illallah who are the hula Shanika the whole milk cola will handle the who are an aqualisa included and the entire plane of artifact is for will quote you can stand anywhere within
the area of artifact and you make draws until the sunsets right and you especially raise your hands and make dua that's what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did we learn in Hadith that Allah azza wa jal descends and he boasts over the Hajaj any before the angels that owns a little Eli, everybody look at the slaves of mine, look at them, just look at them, how they have come look at their condition and how they're begging and Allah subhanaw taala forgives them and we also learn a hadith that by the time that the Hajaj returned from autofab Their sins are forgiven all right. And also the sins of those whom they prayed for are forgiven Subhan Allah any the doors that the Hajaj
make it alpha for themselves and also for others, all of them are accepted. So after all of that is most deliver and was the device called a material haram right because it marks the boundary of how and when you get to most deliver like I mentioned, you pray Maghrib Orisha one thing remember is that you have to go to must deliver very calmly, we learn in a hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went from alpha to was deliver wearily his Sakina and on him was you know, a certain tranquility and he was so calm and composed. So don't rush and panic and make noise and fuss and throw things here and rush around not be calm. You know, let that affect of all that vicar and
other darabi visible on you. Okay? And when you get to most deliver the entire area of was deliver. You know, it's for the ritual of most elephant What do you do over there you just sleep in the night basically you pray Maghrib Russia and then you sleep. All right. And we learned that the Prophet sallallahu earlier salam after fajr he made the cut. So you don't stay up all night on here because that's contrary to the Sunnah. But if you know let's say you are not able to sleep that's different, but at least you should lay down and you should not feel guilty investing in the night. In fact, you should expect reward for that because that is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, and
after Fajr in was deliver, what do you do? You make the cut. Okay. That is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, until the sun had fully risen. All right, and then once the sun has fully risen, then you leave must deliver. And you go back to Mina. Allah's parents already says what Kuru coma.com And remember him as he has guided you, not in your own made up ways. And remember that Victor is with the tongue. And Victor is in the heart and they can also with your limbs meaning by performing certain rituals. So all the rituals of how to do them the way that Allah subhanaw taala has taught remember Ibrahim is that I made the our Eddie Nam and se Cana show us our rituals. So
Allah subhanaw taala has taught us so when it comes to Hajj, or even other acts of worship, remember that we should worship Allah the way that Allah subhanaw taala has taught us not in our own imaginary ways, or ways that people have invented what cruel kama dotcom and especially remember Allah in the days of Hajj while performing rituals of Hajj because Allah has guided you, Allah brought you here, he gave you the ability to hedge to spend so much and to do all of this. So do it in the right way. And thank Allah, we're in quantum in Kabbalah, he Lemina baleen and indeed you were before that among those who are astray, any before the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm
taught people the rituals of Hajj they were astray they were ignorant, then it has set some a field woman Hazel FL blindness was still futile Allah then depart from the place from where all the people depart. Because remember that the people of Quraysh they would not go to Ottawa, they will just go to miss deliver and then from was delivered back to Mina. So again, it's emphasized that no go all the way to alpha, do the ritual of alpha and then go to Mustafa, and was started Allah seek forgiveness from Allah especially
seek forgiveness where at Ottawa and seek forgiveness where Atmos deliver the vicar after fudges should include is to fall in the law of photo Rahim indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, then it is set for either obey to monastic or calm. Then when you have completed your rituals, fun Kula can quickly come about a comb or shatter the claw, then remember Allah like your previous remembrance of your forefathers or with much greater remembrance. Now when you leave Musa Leafa, and you return to Mina, it's the 10th of the regional and the 10th of the region is yo na. And on yo Nahum, there are a lot of rituals. Okay, so for either Kalita Manasa, Ko monastic rituals, what are these rituals?
The main ritual of Yamuna? What is the sacrifice? Right, it's the sacrifice and know how to itself means sacrifice. And then there is of course, Ramy, the throwing stones at the gym a lot, there is the trimming of the hair or the shaving of the head, and then there is the Salaf. Now, technically, when it comes to Rami, now, Hulk Hulk is the shaving of the head, and to laugh, technically, any you can do them in any order, as long as you get all of them done for either Kobe to monastic or come you have to get all of them done. However, the ideal sequence of these rituals and this is from the Sunnah, is that you do Ramy first, meaning when you reach Mina, first you go for Rami Romeo Juma you
will do the stoning then you offer the sacrifice. Then once the sacrifice has been done, you cut your hair and then you go to Makkah for tawaf and there is an acronym for it a run helped run had ra known how talk Okay, RA for Rami, known for NA have for Hulk and Topher tawaf. Okay, then after you're done all of these rituals, it is said, Remember Allah with a lot of remembrance, because you know, there's a lot of time in the middle, where you're just sitting, waiting, waiting for the bus, waiting for your turn, waiting in line. So at that time, keep yourself busy into the care of Allah. And then after the 10th are, of course, the Yamato, shriek, 11th 12th, and 13th. And in these days,
the Pilgrims stay in Mina. And the main thing that you do in these days is that you make vicar of Allah, okay, in the form of rituals in the form of Rami, for example, and also in the form of thick, like with your tongue, and that can be a lot, okay, and a yellow, the shitty. These are the days of read, they're the best days of the year, we also learn that they're the days of eating and drinking, not for fasting, they're the days of the cut, and you're supposed to set up V rot out loud, you're supposed to say tarbiyah, right also out loud. And these are days of Dora. So after completing Grameen, you make her up, and you pray in Mina, and you do two laps. So basically, these are days of
the right and focus on vicar, and do a lot of this and make a lot of draw, but be careful about what kind of draws you are making. Because Allah subhanaw taala says Fermina NASCI may have pulled her a better attina for dunya when Allah will fill after Ottoman Haluk among the people are some were just concerned about dunya. So they just say, I will rob give us in this dunya. So all they do in Mina, or during Hajj when they're making dua is that they're asking for dunya things of your worldly things, and they're not concerned about the hereafter at all. You see, your drawers are a reflection of what you desire. Okay, there is nothing wrong in asking Allah for dunya nothing wrong with that.
But worrying only about dunya means that your heart is detached from Allah, your heart is detached from the Hereafter. And this is a very unhealthy sign. Because the more you worry about the dunya the more its worries will consume you. It leads to more poverty, it leads to more constriction it leads to more unhappiness. And here we see that such a person will have no share in the Hereafter, because you're not focused on the hereafter at all. On the other hand, we're men who may call Robina attina, for dunya husana will fill Filati Hassan are walking around Abba na among the people are those who say our Lord give us in this world good and give us in the hereafter good and protect us
from the punishment or the fire. This is one of the laws that the Prophet sallallahu already said it would make the most any this was one of the most frequently asked for us, basically. Right and this is
There are you can make it hedge this is a door that you can make every day in your life. You ask Allah for good here and you ask Allah for good in the hereafter and you ask Allah to protect you from the punishment of the fire because that is real success. Hula eikelboom nicelabel maca Sabu those are the people who will have a share of what they have earned any they will be rewarded for their efforts will Allah who sit here very sad and Allah swift and account Allah is Swift and account don't think that the day of judgment is far and don't think that the result will take so long that maybe I'll be pardoned No, be careful and be alert about what you're doing because almost
Panthera will hold you accountable. Then it is said what could Allah if he uh Yeah Mark do that remember Allah during specific number of days meaning remember Allah during a yam with the sheep as I mentioned, these are these are thicker and they can includes all types of worship, right? So in these days, you do a rum eulogy mouth, you do the laugh. You even do the surgery between Safa and Marwa all of these rituals were prescribed for what purpose for the purpose of remembering Allah azza wa jal Okay, so one could Allah fie a human mind do that. And then remember, you have the option you can leave on the 12th or you can leave on the 13th from an tarjolla fee. Yo Maney fella
is Marilee aumenta Ahava is Marilee, then whoever hastens his departure in two days, no sin on him and whoever delays until the third day there is no sin on him. But the condition is Luminator call for him who fears Allah, any different rituals of Hajj, you will notice that there is an option, right? Like for example, in the sequence of certain rituals, you know, there's an option you can do this one first that one first. So, the main thing is whatever you do, do it with the Taqwa of Allah and do it with the realization that you have to return to Allah. So do it properly in the best way. Do It With You know that desire that Allah accepted from you, and Allah forgives you for any
shortcomings on your part. In sha Allah will conclude over here about a collo FICO Subhanak Allah humo behenic A shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Estelle Furukawa to buoy lake was salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh