Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-025D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 186-188
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The speakers discuss the importance of being easy on oneself to avoid embarrassment and reciting a song. They stress the need for guidance and guidance in life, including the importance of avoiding sexual activities and avoiding wealth. The speakers also touch on the importance of fasting and avoiding activities during the night, as it is often difficult to make decisions and reward one's actions. They emphasize the need for women to beclipped from their partner and avoiding activities during the night.
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then it is said what either sir like everybody or a need for in the Corrib. And when my slaves ask you when my worshipers ask you about Me, then indeed I am near. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being addressed over here, that when my worshipers ask you about me, what did the people ask the prophets of Allah who are used to know about Allah? They asked the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that is our Lord, near, so that we whisper to him when we call upon him, or is he far, so that we should shout, raise our voices when we call upon Allah? You understand? So basically the Sahaba were asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that how exactly should we make dua out
loud? Or softly?
Okay, so the question was, how near is Allah? Where's Allah? Is he close to us? Is he far from us? How should we talk to him? How should we call upon Him? So Allah subhanaw taala response for iniquity? Indeed, I am near look at this, the response is coming directly. It is not said, then tell them that I am near. No, Allah subhanaw taala answers you directly. Indeed, I am near. So what does that mean? That means that you should also call upon Allah directly. You don't need a third person in the middle. All right, even though you're going to get your knowledge of Allah through the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what he has said, laka you ask the prophets of Allah, where to
send them about where Allah is how you should call upon Allah. All right, you get sacred knowledge through him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but when it comes to your connection with Allah, you're calling upon Allah, you're worshiping Allah, that has to be direct. All right, there is no intermediary in the middle. Okay, for me, Corrib and the response so beautiful. Indeed, I am Corrib ever near, very near, you know, in Hadith, we learn that Allah subhanaw taala is closer to you than the neck of your writing animal. You know, for example, you're sitting in your car, you're driving, you have the steering wheel right in front of you, Allah subhanaw taala is closer to you than that.
We're not going to acabo la human, humble, worried. So you can literally whisper and you don't even have to whisper you can just say it in your heart. Because Allah subhanaw taala is ever near for me. Corrib and we learned a hadith about an occasion where, you know, the companions were, they were on a journey with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, and every time that you know, the climbed up, they would say Allahu Akbar, like they would say it really out loud. They were basically making vicar really loudly. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, oh, people, be merciful to yourselves. Okay, you don't have to make because so loudly. He said, Because you are not calling
someone who is deaf, or someone who is absent? No, you are calling upon someone who is Samir ombersley era, who is ever hearing ever seen. The one whom you are calling upon, is closer to you than the neck of your animal. Allah subhanaw taala is very close to you. So you don't have to raise your voices so much. Because when you raise your voice so much, you're exerting so much effort, You're tiring yourself. Right? You're tiring yourself. You're exhausting yourself unnecessarily. So don't do that. And, you know, think about it. If you're making Vicodin really loudly, how long can you make the could for? If you're reciting Quran very loudly? How long can you recite for not for
long, because your throat will hurt, your voice will begin to break. So what do you have to do then you have to be easy on yourself. So that you can make the cut for long you can be blocked for long. So for any Corrib Indeed, I am near. Why is this mentioned over here in the middle of the verses that are talking about fasting and fasting in Ramadan, especially because we in the month of Ramadan as you're fasting, and especially at the time when you break your fast that is the time when you call upon Allah, that is the time when you make dua, right? You wake up for school, you're up in the night. Again, that is an excellent time to call upon Allah. When you're fasting and you're
experiencing hunger, you're experiencing thirst you're feeling tired, you feel weak. You have a reason to break down before Allah subhanaw taala alright because difficulty breaks you it breaks your ego. And so you remember Allah and you call upon Him more for in new Corrib and it is said oh gee Buddha with a dairy either Darren, I respond to the call of the caller when he calls upon me. He
And whenever a person calls upon Allah, Allah subhanaw taala responds to them. Okay? And remember the Hadith where we learn that no Muslim supplicates to Allah with a dua that does not involve sin or cutting the relations of the womb, but that Allah will grant him one of three things. Right last Panthera will certainly give him something and he will either give him exactly what he asked for, or a last point that I will save it for the hereafter, or because of his dua, Allah subhanaw taala will turn some evil away from him. So Gudivada with a Derrida doesn't realize this, that Allah subhanaw taala hears you and Allah subhanaw taala answers you in different ways, there isn't just one way in
which Allah responds to your DUA, but the fact that you're making dua means that Allah subhanaw taala answers you would you I respond to but then there is one thing that we should notice over here oh gee Buddha with a diary I respond to the call of the caller
okay, this is not just any caller, this is not just any person who is invoking upon Allah who was calling upon Allah, this is the dairy Okay, meaning the right kind of dairy.
So, what does that mean? You see, there are reasons because of which the chances of the are being accepted are increased or decreased, okay. So, for example, when you withdraw after the event, you may draw at the time of breaking your fast you may draw in the last third of the night, okay. These are times when we have been told that Daraa is accepted. So, if you become a diary at that time you call upon Allah in the last third of the night, you call upon Allah in the Sajida. You call upon Allah after hearing the event and responding to it, then the chances of your DUA being accepted are increased, right. And then we learned that there are other reasons because of which a person is not
a dairy, okay meaning their draw, the chances of acceptance are decreased. In fact, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that how could the dua of such a person be accepted? And what are these reasons one of these reasons is a cruel haram consuming what is unlawful, unlawful wealth. So in Hadith, we learn an example of a person who is in a disheveled state, and he calls upon Allah in desperation, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that, you know, his clothing is haram, his body is held on because he has been eating haram food. Right? So how could his dua be answered? Likewise, we learned that if a person called upon Allah with a heart that is distracted, distracted
heart, like you don't even know what you're saying, you're just reading the doors from a book, you don't even know what you're saying, you're not paying attention. You are, you know, saying some doors and also scrolling through Instagram reads, all right, your heart is somewhere else, you're not paying attention. So then you're not a dairy. So if we want our dogs to be accepted, we have to become a dairy. We have to become the right kind of caller. Okay, so seek out the best times for making Dora and make sure that you leave haram things in your life and make sure that you are attentive, when you're making her up, so that your dog is accepted, then it is said fully SDG
bullies so they should positively respond to me any think about it, you want a love to respond to you, right to answer you. Well, do you answer Allah when Allah calls you? So for example, when it's time to pray, when there is some command from Allah, what do you do? So respond to Allah and Allah will also respond to you, right? As we learned in Hadith, that if Allah your phulka, be mindful of Allah and Allah will protect you. Right? So just like that you want Allah to answer you, to respond to you, you should also respond to Allah be more obedient to Allah. And while you mean it will be, they should believe in Me. In it, they should have this conviction that Allah is their Allah is
listening to me. Allah is able to answer my prayers, Allah is able to give me what I want. Allah is Able to grant me healing Allah is able to make a way out for me. So when you make Dora call upon Allah with conviction, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that call upon a low while being certain of being answered, and he don't pray with doubt. I don't know if Allah is gonna accept my bar or not. I don't know. I'm not too sure no be
Be very short, be very certain that Allah whom your should own so that they're rightly guided any respond to Allah obey Allah, submit to Allah, listen to Allah, believe in Allah have conviction that Allah hears you that Allah is able to give you what you need, and continue to call upon him like this, so that you are rightly guided in your life, meaning whenever you are in a situation or you find yourself lost, confused in or you find a closed door, you find it difficult to figure out what your next step should be. Ask Allah and be rightly guided so that you can make the right decisions. You know, sometimes we remain in our confusion, we remain stuck in difficulty. And we don't call
upon Allah, we don't ask him for ease. So this is really being unfair to yourself when you have a ROB, who heals when you have a Rob who provides when you have a Rob who guides, then why aren't you calling upon him? Why aren't you asking him for help? You know, for example, if you're in financial difficulty, and your parents are able to financially assist you, and you don't ask them for help, and you just keep suffering and suffering. If your parents find out, aren't they going to be mad at you? That Who do we have all this wealth for? Why aren't you asking me? Why aren't you asking us for help? You know, if we don't give you if we don't help you? What exactly are we supposed to do that?
Your parents will get upset with you? That if you're in difficulty, why aren't you asking us for help? And these are just parents who themselves have their own needs. Allah subhanaw taala wants us to call upon Him. Allah subhanaw taala loves to hear us. He is shy to return our hands empty handed. Remember that? So whether it's a big issue, or a little issue, a long term one or a temporary one call upon Allah subhanaw taala so that you are rightly guided and you don't make foolish choices and you don't keep suffering in your life. And the next is it is said oh hey, Leila, come Leila, to see me refer to Isla Anissa econ, it has been made permissible for you, in the Knights of fasting to go
to your wives for sexual relations, meaning in the night of fasting, it is permissible that people engage in sexual relations, just as eating and drinking is permissible in the night. This is also permissible in the night, this is not permissible during the daytime, during the fasting hours, this is not permissible. But during the nonfasting hours, which are the hours of the night, in the month of Ramadan, this is permissible. Why is it permissible? Allah subhanaw taala gives us the reason that Huni vassula comb, your wives are a clothing for you all well until the vessel Luna and you all are clothing for them. Now, this is a beautiful metaphor, that is describing the relationship
between husband and wife. And this is in many ways but specifically if you think about it, clothing is something that you know, a person needs, you need your clothes, you need your clothes, you cannot live without them. And your clothes are, you know, the closest to your body. So, this is showing us the need that a husband and wife have for one another and the need of not just coexisting in the same house or sharing a meal together. But the need for being physically intimate with one another. Okay, Hoonah li Basler, calm you need your spouse, your wife is a clothing for you. You need it. You need to have that sexual closeness, right? That relationship with unbelievers, Hula, hula, and
there's nothing wrong with that any this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has created between husband and wife. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala has made permissible for husband and wife within the bounds of marriage. Right? And the fact that it is mentioned that you are clothing for them, they are clothing for you. What does this mean? This means that you know when it comes to sexual needs or sexual enjoyment, there is equality between husband and wife. Sexual relations between husband and wife are not just for the fulfillment of the man's sexual desire. Know the woman's satisfaction is also a goal who Nellie Basler como untimely Barcelona. Your wives also need
you just as you need your wives. Right? You get comfort through your wives and your wives also that comfort through you. So this means that it would be very wrong on the part of a man
that when he is sexually intimate with his wife, he's only concerned about himself. He's only concerned about his own pleasure. And once he's done, then he just rolls over and he forgets about his wife completely. This is unfair. This is unfair to the wife. And notice how what has been mentioned over here on luffa through Elan is equal refer. This is not just sexual *. Rough includes sexual * and foreplay. Okay, and a lot of men neglect that in this relationship where they're only focused on their own pleasure, and they don't care about the pleasure of their wife, they completely neglect that. So whom Nellie Basler calm was untimely Barcelona. And when it
is said, I live Allahu unknown content of dandona and Fusa como Allah knows that you use to deceive yourselves before Fatah barley, Kumar foreign comm so he has turned in mercy on you, and he has pardoned you. Now, remember that at the beginning, the Muslims were required to fast in a very similar way that the people of the book would fast. And that is in Hadith, we learn that basically a person was only allowed to eat and drink and engage in sexual activity after breaking the fast, okay, so after mothering basically until they fell asleep, so if they fell asleep at some point in the night, and they woke up, even if it was nighttime, they were not supposed to eat or drink, or
engage in sexual activity, because in the fast would resume. So at one occasion, what happened this one companion play spin cinema, and unsightly he was a farmer, or a laborer, any he used to do physical hard work. So he was fasting, he came home, and he asked his wife for food, and she didn't have anything. So she said that she'll go find something. And by the time she came with the food, she found him sleeping. So what does that mean? It meant that his next fast had already begun. So his next fast had begun. And basically, he did not get to eat anything in the middle of the next day. While he was fasting, he fainted. So this idea was revealed. Okay, that now, the last panel,
tada has made it easy for you. It been our best little dialogue more than who also explained that after a short prayer, you know, if someone slept, then they weren't allowed to engage in sexual activity, or eat or drink anything until the next night, meaning the fast would begin. So what people would do is that, you know, they knew that technically, their next fast had begun. But if they woke up in the night, at some point, and they wanted to have relations with their spouse, they would do that. Right. And they didn't inquire you know, from the Prophet salallahu earliness and have more clarity in regard to this issue. So this is called Fianna you were deceiving yourselves.
You weren't sure. And you did it anyway. You weren't sure if you were allowed to do it, but you did it anyway. But then Allah subhanaw taala is so merciful to this ummah. So he says, Allah knows that you used to deceive yourselves, but now Allah has pardoned you. All right? He has turned in mercy on you. So he has abrogated the difficult command. And now for your ease. How are you supposed to fast? How are you supposed to spend the night of fasting? Well, Phil Anna Bashir Luna. So now you may have sexual contact with your wives, meaning in the night it is permissible for you anytime in the night, anytime in the hours of the night it is permissible for you whether you slept or you did not you can
have sexual relations. And what did the whole market of Allah hula come and seek what Allah has decreed for you? What does this mean? seek what Allah has decreed for you? First of all, what is meant is that when you engage in sexual activity, don't just do it for the purpose of fulfilling a desire, realize that there is reward in this for you as well. All right, in Hadith, we learned that there is reward in this when a man for example, is intimate with his wife, there is reward in this and the sahaba. were surprised that how come and he said that if you were to do it in the unlawful way, then there would be sin. So when you do it the lawful way, there is reward. And sometimes, you
know, for instance, a man has to exert extra effort in order to bring sexual satisfaction to his wife. There is extra effort over here so there is reward. What the lawmakers of Allah who local, don't selfishly, seek only Your own satisfaction, what the whole maketh of Allah hula can seek that reward also, this is an opportunity for earning reward as well. And then secondly, it has been said that this is referring to seeking children. Meaning when you engage in sexual activity, it shouldn't just be for the sake of play.
As you're also be hopeful, be eager to have children that Allah has decreed for you. Okay? And there's nothing wrong in this. In fact, we learned about Solomon early his salaam at one occasion he made the intention to go to his wives. Why so that he would have children and each of his children would be in la-z would be a fighter in the way of Allah. So seek children have that intention, have that desire. And thirdly, it has also been said, what the Houma cuts of Allah hula comb that this is referring to the reward of worshiping in the night also, meaning that unabashedly Guna, that from now on, yes, it is permissible for you to have sexual relations with your spouse in the night of
Ramadan. But that doesn't mean that you are only interested in that. Also seek the reward that Allah has decreed for you in the night worship. So make time for worship as well.
Okay, make time for worship as well in the nights of Ramadan, and especially in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, that don't just be looking forward to breaking your fast so that you can be sexually intimate. Okay, you can do that, but then also make time for each other. What cooler was shareable and along with that eat and drink meaning you're allowed to eat and drink during the nights of Ramadan of the fast but until when had yet to be in a local hotel or below middle height we'll assume in our culture until the white thread becomes distinct from the black thread of budget. So this is referring to not an actual thread because we learned about some companions that you know,
they slept with a white thread and a black thread and they kept checking it throughout the night to see when they were able to tell them apart. They took it literally the Prophet sallallahu Urdu centum explained that this is referring to the horizon. Okay, this is referring to the exact time when fajita begins. And because you see these the crack of dawn, the crack literally looks like a thread in the horizon. So until Fajr begins, you are allowed to eat and drink and engage in sexual activity. And also don't forget to engage in night worship. And then some timorously ama ln ln, complete the fast until the night. And remember that what differentiates our fast from the fasting
of other people other nations is that we eat some food. All right and an eating Sir Who there is baraka, there is blessing. So eat and drink, meaning eats or who and then when you begin to fast once Fajr enters, then complete the fast until the night meaning until the night begins and that is the time of sunset and then it is clarified that we're allowed to by Shiro Hoonah were unto Marquis fauna filled massager do not have sexual contact with your wives while you are doing Aarthi calf in the mosques. So even in the nights of Ramadan, okay, while you are doing erotica in the masjid, you're not allowed to engage in sexual activity. Okay, during erotic half a person is not allowed to
engage in sexual relations with their spouse that is not permissible. And secondly, what is mentioned over here we're unto merakey fauna, Phil massagin. While you are doing your decaf in the mosques, remember at Caf is only in the masjid, here at the caf is not at home. for men and for women. The wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they would do erotic calf they would do it in the masjid. In Behati. We have a hadith in which we see how they had their tents pitched in the masjid in order to do Aarthi calf and these were the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose houses were literally right next to the masjid. But they did not do air to
calf in their homes. They did irritate calf in the masjid. Okay, so we're into Marquis fauna filled masajid it is said Tilka hood Allah He filata caribou. These are the limits set by Allah meaning these are the prohibitions, okay, that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, so do not come near them meaning do not trespass kundalika you begging Allah who is 18 and NASCI? Now Allah homea diccon Does does Allah make clear his verses for the people in order that they become careful the observe Taqwa. So Taqwa is needed with regard to the rules of fasting and the rules of riba as well. You have to be careful. Then it is said well at Kulu and while a combiner COVID Balclutha. This is so interesting.
After fasting, we are told to not consume wealth unlawfully because a lot of people they're careful about fasts and Hajj and Umrah and Ramadan and pm Alain and going to the masjid
Good, but when it comes to their way of earning money, they're not careful. So remember that the lessons of fasting are supposed to extend into the rest of our lives also. Okay, so what is one lesson of fasting that you develop the core you become conscious of Allah while be conscious as to how you are earning your wealth. So first of all, do not earn your wealth in illegal ways. And notice how it is said your wealth because the wealth of another person, you should treat it with as much care as you will treat your own wealth. So just as you would not want someone to take your wealth unlawfully don't take someone else's wealth unlawfully. So this includes, for example, theft,
don't steal other people's wealth, don't take what is not legally yours, don't take what you have not paid for, and all other illegal ways, whether it is through riba through interest, or cusp, any forcefully taking someone's property, cheating, lying betraying things like that don't employ wrong ways of consuming the wealth of other people. And do not wait to the Rubia in a health club, do not offer it as a bribe, to the judges, to the rulers, in order that little Kulu for you come in, and willingness in order that you consume a part of the wealth of people beneath me through sin. Well, Anthony, Charlie Manuel, you know, meaning do not use bribes, in order to get a hold off the wealth
of people. And this is unfortunately, so common in so many places that, you know, people will use a bribe in order to get a judge to rule in their favor. Or they will offer a bribe to people in authority politicians, in order that, you know, they can get certain financial advantages. And so amazing how, when it comes to politics, the wealthy are also involved, because they're the ones who are sponsoring the politicians financially supporting them, but then they also expect some, you know, returns and those returns mean that they will get certain advantages which they would not otherwise be able to get. So, do not use unlawful ways. And how is this related to fasting? Any if
you are able to refrain from eating and drinking, you can also stay away from haram wealth, you can also stay away from wealth that is not legally yours. Will Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to refrain from all that is unlawful in our lives. Inshallah we will conclude over here Subhanak Allah whom will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta Hirokawa to Lake wa salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh