Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-024B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 177

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of learning about spiritual laws and following spiritual laws in religion. They stress the importance of faith and actions in achieving spiritual health and the need for financial support for those in need. The speakers emphasize the importance of personal care during difficult times, such as financial hardship, poverty, and natural disaster, and stress the need for aware of one's physical and mental health. They also emphasize the importance of belief in Islam and staying patient.

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim laser we'll build one and two well, Lou, would you how come people al
mushrif Evil motive? What alkenyl Bill Rahman am Anna Billa he will Yeoman.
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			Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west. But true righteousness is
in one who believes in Allah the last day, while Mala Ekati while keytab we want to be Yean, the
angels the book, the Scripture and the prophets. This is what real piety is. I mentioned to you
earlier, that bid is a word that is used to refer to righteousness or piety. It's basically a
highroad Cathy's any alot of goodness. So a pious person, for example, is not someone who does
something good once in a while, but someone who does a lot of good. And from the same root battle
raw is the word buddy, which is used to refer to land, because on land, you know, there is ample
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			growth life compared to what appears to be on the surface of the water. So Lacell believer, it is
not righteousness, that you turn your faces toward the east and the west, you know, in this part of
Surah Al Baqarah, we can see that there are a lot of laws that are being given. Earlier, we learned
some laws related to food, what is forbidden on us to eat what is permissible for us to eat. And we
also learned about the surgery in Hajj and Umrah, the ritual of surgery, soon we will be learning
about the law of the sauce, and then the law of inheritance. And very soon after that there will be
mentioned off laws related to fasting and Hajj and then eventually divorce marriage, things like
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			that. So what happens is that when people get caught up in ritual worship, they tend to neglect the
spirit of worship. And the focus becomes the external, that, you know, we want to do this properly,
we want to do this perfectly. This is how it's supposed to be done, and not like that. And then we
see that when the focus is on external worship, then there is arrogance, there is showing off, there
is argumentation there is belittling of others. So this is a very important reminder that don't
think that piety is all about perfecting the external, that you turn your faces in prayer to word a
certain direction. Now this doesn't mean that facing the right Kibler is not a big deal. It is a big
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			deal. If you remember at the beginning of the second Jews, when we learned the verses about the
change of Qibla, that was emphasized multiple times that wherever you are, then face the Qibla right
face the correct Qibla. So getting the external aspect of ritual worship, right, that is important.
Absolutely. It is important, we must learn what the rules are, we must observe them properly. And we
must be eager to perform them with your son with excellence. But at the end of the day, we should
also remember that that is not the spirit of worship, real worship, real piety is what is inside a
person their connection with Allah subhanaw taala. Now look at the condition of the People of the
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			Book, especially because the East and the West have been mentioned over here specifically for the
people of the book, especially the Bani Israel eel religiosity is all about performing certain
rituals, and they're very particular about it. And if you, for example, read the Old Testament,
especially the chapters that talk about ritual worship, there is so much detail, and it's incredibly
lengthy. And we see that the people of the book end they've kind of lost the plot that in their
eagerness to do everything right externally, there are so many things that they're neglecting. So
for example, over here, it has mentioned that what I cannot believe I'm an amateur Biller, he will
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			you will ask Him He will Mullah Ekati will Kitabi want to begin indeed righteousness is of who
believes in Allah, and the last day and the angels and the scriptures and the prophets. So for
example, when it comes to the observation of the Sabbath, very particular, the people of the book
are when it comes to dietary laws extremely particular when it comes to any form of ritual worship,
very, very particular. However, when it comes to believing in the prophets, the explanation is that
we only believe in the prophets who are among us. When it comes to belief in the angels. We don't
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			Light Gibreel because Gibreel brought punishment. So, what kind of piety is this, that the inside is
filled with arrogance. So a person is, you know, picking and choosing as to what they want to
believe in, and they are angry with Allah subhanaw taala his decision to choose a Prophet that he
wills, but when it comes to ritual worship, so particular, so extreme, so we must not forget the
spirit of worship. So Allah subhanaw taala teaches us over here that lay sell before unto one Lu,
would you her Kong PBL al mushrif, global mock rip, this is not real piety, this is not extensive
goodness, this is not real righteousness. Even our best little de la Mourinho said about this verse,
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			that Lacell Bira and to Salou while at our Malou, that piety is not that you just pray Salah and do
nothing else, because facing the Qibla, right facing a certain direction, the east or the west,
depending on where a person is, a person would face that direction for the purpose of prayer. Right?
So don't think that piety is just in praying Salah in just performing the five daily prayers and
that you do nothing else? No, you have to do other things as well, because we will see that after
this ayah other commands related to fasting Hajj, inheritance, line order, etc, are given. So you
know, sometimes we make the mistake of just holding on to one act of worship and thinking that that
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			is the most important and everything else is secondary. So this is not correct. So les Sal Biller,
and Tuvalu will do her calm keyboard and mouse majority. Well, Margaret, and the other thing is
that, you know, if you are to face a certain prayer direction, like for example, you're in North
America, so you face a certain direction in order to face the Kaaba in prayer. At the end of the
day, is the direction important or submission to Allah that is important. The real thing is
submission to Allah. Right? Which is why if you think about it, the Muslims when they migrated to
Medina, they faced beta Noctus in prayer because that is what the command was. And then after that,
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			when the law changed, and they had to face the Kaaba in prayer, what did they do? They turn their
faces toward the Kaaba, so they did not hold on to the previous Qibla just because they loved that
Qibla because the Qibla is not the goal. The real goal is to show submission to Allah subhanaw taala
when it comes to ritual, sacrifice, slaughtering animals, Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran,
that their blood and their flesh does not reach Allah, when you offer sacrifice. Allah subhanaw
taala does not need that blood. Allah subhanaw taala does not need that flesh of the animal. That's
not the goal. The goal is the taqwa of your hearts, the condition of your heart. That is what
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			matters before Allah subhanaw taala. So external aspect of worship, okay, the details of ritual
worship, they are important, but they're not the real goal. The real goal is submission to Allah
subhanaw taala. So we are reminded over here that will akin al Bidra men M and Abdullah he will
Yeoman. But indeed righteousness is of who believes in Allah. And here you see what is meant is
Allah Kindleberger bear is referring to the person who is righteous. And the righteous person is
mentioned in this ayah as righteousness itself. And this is a form of mobila hyperbole. And this is
common in Arabic language. So for example, if you want to talk about someone who is very, very
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			brave, okay, you're not just going to say, Oh, they're very brave, you're going to say their
bravery. Okay? You're talking about someone who is very honest. So you're not going to say they're
very honest. You're going to say their honesty. Okay. You know, you want to talk about someone who's
very generous. You're not gonna say they're very generous you're gonna say they are generosity,
okay. So you describe them with the noun itself. So real righteous person, the actual righteous
person is who it is man am Anna Billa he will Yeoman ahead. It is the person who first and foremost
believes properly. If you remember earlier on in silicon Bacara right at the beginning, the valley
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			colicky tabula rasa Buffy who the lil mo 13. This is a book in which is no doubt and it is
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			as guidance for who the people who have Taqwa and who are they Alladhina you may know and believe,
those who believe in the unseen. So the first and foremost quality in a person is what it is their
belief, it is what's in their heart. So here also real righteousness is of who believes in Allah.
Okay? The Insight what is in the heart and you know, believing in Allah believing in, you know, for
example, the six pillars of faith. This is not something small. We learned that a Buddha Allah dilla
Horan, who asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about Eman and the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam recited this ayah to him that this is what Iman is. In another Hadith we learned
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			that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked a EULA Amelie off but which deed is the best.
He said Eman on Billa. He was solely he to believe in Allah and His messenger. This is the best deed
and yes, Eman is an action. Okay, it's not a thought it is an action because it impacts the entire
life of a person and it's one of the actions of the heart. It is what determines how you think what
you say what you do the choices that you make. So real piety is of the person who believes in Allah.
And if you think about it, Eman is what will actually save a person in the hereafter. If a person
comes on the Day of Judgment with only honesty in their record of deeds, they never lied, or they
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			gave a lot of charity. They never hurt anyone. They never annoyed anyone. They've done all of these
good things and what is missing from their record is Iman proper faith, then their deeds will have
no worth on the Day of Judgment. Eman is a precondition. Okay, Eman is a precondition for the
acceptance of good deeds. So while our Kindle bilum and Armineh Billahi, while yo mill acid piety
righteousness is of who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, believing in Allah means to believe in
His Oneness, to believe in His existence, to believe in the fact that he alone is worthy of worship,
and to believe that he has the most perfect names and attributes that he shares with no one at all,
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			and that he's the only Lord the only creator. And then believing in the last day as well. Believing
in the last day, meaning in the day of judgment, and everything that will happen in it, and after it
for eternity. So believing in resurrection, believing in the standing before Allah, believing in the
weighing of the deeds, believing in the bridge, the Surat that we all have to cross, believing in
paradise in *, the rewards of Paradise and the punishments in * and every other detail that we
have been informed off. So this is real piety to believe properly, and then believing in the angels
as well that Allah subhanaw taala created them. They are Allah subhanaw taala as servants and they
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			do whatever Allah subhanaw taala commands them to do. So when Mala Iike and the angels whether we
know their names or not, you know, for example, when you look at the different texts of Quran and
Sunnah, you come across different angels like Gibreel mica, eel is Rafi. We learn about the medical
modes, we learn about Malik the angel that is appointed over jahannam. So these are, you know, some
angels whose names we know off. But there are so many more angels that Allah subhanaw taala has
created and we don't know about their names. So because we know that Allah subhanaw taala has
created all of these angels and Allah subhanaw taala mentions that we believe in all of them, while
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			Mala Iike while keytab and the book, the book, as in the Scripture, the Scripture that Allah
subhanaw taala has revealed, whether it is the torah, or it is the Injeel or it is the Quran so well
Kitab and the book, again, all of the books, whether we know of them, or we don't know about them,
when they begin and the prophets now begin is referring to all of the prophets of Allah again,
whether we know about their names, or we don't know about their names. So this is not an extensive,
you know, explanation of what Iman is, but it's a good starting point. Right. So, piety begins with
correct faith. Okay. Piety begins with correcting the state of our heart, and then piety doesn't
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			stop there.
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			righteousness doesn't stop with just believing after Eman is also action. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam emphasized that and we see in the Quran that it is Alladhina amanu wa AMILO Salah
heart those who believe and do righteous deeds. So, first is Iman because that is the foundation of
righteousness and then there is action. So, you can consider the heart as the place of iman that is
the roots okay and that is where in the soil right is the seed and then from there the plant will
come out. So first is Iman then action, what is the action? What tell him Allah Allahu be, and he
gives wealth because of his love meaning because of loving Allah or despite its love, or because of
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			the love of spending, he gives wealth. And if you think about it, there's so many, you know,
different ways of doing good things, or rather, there's so many good deeds out there. The first deed
that is mentioned over here is the act of spending, generosity. Okay. And this is something that we
really need to pay attention to generosity. If you think about it earlier on in South Dakota. Also,
we learned that Alladhina Umino and I believe were your pmon or salata, women models Akane, whom Yun
feel cone, they spend out of what We have given them spending from one's wealth on oneself on
others. This is a sign of a healthy heart, and stinginess, where a person does not spend on others.
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			This is a sign of an unhealthy heart of a greedy heart, a heart that is too attached to the things
of this world. And we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was extremely generous in
the month of Ramadan, his generosity is described as the fast blowing wind, any extremely generous.
So giving from your wealth, first of all, this shows that you are not attached to the things of this
world. Secondly, this is an evidence of the fact that you have compassion for others, you have
concern for the needs of others, that you want to bring joy to others. And spending on others is
essentially a form of gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala that Allah you have blessed me and you pay
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			it forward, you benefit others with the wealth that Allah subhanaw taala has given you. So charity
or you know, just in general giving to others. This is a reflection of who a person really is. Are
they selfish, or are they caring? Or they consider it? Do they notice other people's needs? Do they
care about others? Are they grateful for what Allah subhanaw taala has given them? So what Atal mela
Allah who would be and this is so beautiful, he gives his wealth because of his love for Allah. Ne
when you love someone you spend on them, right? And you find every little reason to spend on them.
But of course Allah subhanaw taala you love him? Allah subhanaw taala is not in need of any
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			financial gift from you. He is the one who gave it to you in the first place. Right? So what does it
mean then how do you spend on Allah in order to you know express your love you you don't spend it on
him, you spend it because of love for him, meaning you spend in ways that you know Allah subhanaw
taala will be happy with Allah subhanaw taala will be pleased with so for example over here, it is
mentioned that they give to the relatives because when you give to relatives, then this is something
that Allah subhanaw taala likes, then orphans are mentioned when you give to orphans. Again, this
kind of spending is something that Allah subhanaw taala likes, when you give to Messiah keen those
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			in need again that is something that Allah subhanaw taala likes for you to do. So what are called
Mala Allahu Akbar he you don't spend on Allah you spend in ways that Allah subhanaw taala is pleased
with avenues that Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with and allow her be he also means despite its
love, any they love, you know their wealth, they love their money, but still they give from it still
descended on others, meaning they don't keep it all to themselves. And this is one of the best ways
of treating greed. Okay, treating greed
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			or attachment to the world that you continue to give. Even though you don't like to, even though you
want to hold on to those things, you still give something from it. It doesn't mean that you give all
of it we learn that minmetals A canal commune feel calm from what we have given them this spend
meaning at least some of it. So make this habit that you give regularly. You know, in a hadith, we
learned that every day, an angel says, Oh Allah give more to the one who spends any, whatever he has
given, give him something else in its place, give him more. And another angel says that Oh ALLAH
withhold from the one who is stingy, being the person who is not being generous, not giving others
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			you also don't give him. So develop this habit of giving, and it will cure your heart of greed, it
will cure your heart of, you know, attachment to things. And then thirdly, Atmel Allah who be also
means that they give wealth, because of its love, meaning they love to spend, and this is, you know,
an acquired taste, okay? Meaning it's not something that you necessarily enjoy at the beginning.
Okay, when you start giving from the onset, it's not an enjoyable experience. When you first give,
for example, from your hard earned money, okay, to others, it will, you know, hurt or it might pinch
a little that, you know, I should have saved it for myself, I could have bought this for myself, I
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			could have done this with that. But then eventually there will come a point where you will enjoy
giving more than keeping things for yourself. And that is the level in sha Allah, we want to reach
that we find joy in giving, not in hoarding and keeping. So what are the Malala hoopy? Now, who
should we spend on who should we give wealth to? And by the way over here, if you notice, Atul mela
Mal is specifically mentioned, wealth is specifically mentioned. Because, you know, when it comes to
generosity, yes, generosity is not just in the form of giving wealth, it's also in the form of
giving a good word of advice, you know, making room for other people, that is also generosity, but
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			this specific form of generosity that you give from the tangible things that you have, okay, from
the property that you own, this is extremely important. Okay. You know, for example, if a person is
very willing to make room for others, give them good advice and things like that, that's great. But
if they don't spend from their money on others, that is not real generosity, real generosity, it
begins with spending money on others. So who should we spend on first of all, that will cover those
who are close to us, from your paternal side and also your maternal side, meaning your relatives
through your father or your relatives through your mother. And remember that there is rewarding
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			giving to anyone, but when you give, especially to your relatives, then there is double reward.
Right? Why one reward for spending on them, giving them something and then the second reward for
maintaining good ties of relationship. So there's double benefit in this. So they will call by and
close relatives. This includes your siblings, of course, it includes your parents, your
grandparents, if your great grandparents are alive, even them your uncle's, your aunts, your great
uncles and your great aunts, all of them are included in this even your cousins. So they will Korba
wali uttama and the orphans. Now, if you think about it, orphans are children, they're little, and
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			they deserve compassion. But compassion doesn't just come in the form of that you smile at them, you
hug them, or you see them and you shed a few tears, real compassion towards orphan children is that
you provide for them in the sense that you make sure that they have good food to eat, they have a
safe space to live in, you know, providing food, paying for their education, for their health, their
medication and things like that. So this is necessary. And this is something that all of us must
take part in whatever way that we can. So Willy uttama actually spending money on the orphans. And
if you think about it, you see children, when for example, they're not eating properly when there's
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			some nutritional deficiency in their body. You see the impact on their overall mood.
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			to their personality, when they don't have something to do when they don't have routine when they
don't go to school. Again, this is something that disturbs them. This is something that upsets them.
So, here specifically what is highlighted is actually spending on the orphans Willie uttama. Another
thing is that when it comes to children, you will have noticed that they love receiving gifts. So
utama in he put a smile on their face, give them an actual gift, you know, like a toy, go buy it,
give it to them. So while your time while Messiah keen, and those in need Messiah keen are people
whose needs are unfulfilled, it doesn't mean that they're extremely poor. No, they can have certain
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			needs fulfilled, but other needs unfulfilled. So for example, they may have housing, but they don't
have enough money to buy groceries for their family, or they have, you know, barely enough to get
by. So when it comes to buying a new jacket, for example, they cannot afford that. When it comes to
paying for even an oil change. They don't have that because they're literally living hand to mouth,
any whatever income they make, it is spent on basic necessities. This is where muskiness miskeen is
not a person who will go around begging, okay, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
differentiated that he said that, you know, the miskeen is not the one who will go door to door
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			begging for a bite of food, and things like that, that is a for Pete, I miskeen is someone who will
not beg. So you have to go and find them in the sense that not that you start asking people personal
questions, but rather, you should be observant, you should make that connection in your head that if
someone has been unemployed for five, six months, and they're looking for a job, you know,
constantly, and you know, they have children as well, after all, how much you know, can a person
spend from their savings, right or, given the financial condition of the average person in the
community that you are in, you should be aware of that if someone has been unemployed, or they're a
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			single parent, they must be struggling. So give to them also webinars Sabine and the traveler. Now
isn't this interesting? When it comes to a traveler when a traveler comes, we expect that they will
spend on us, they must bring us some gifts and things like that. It's the exact opposite. When a
traveler comes, it's our job to spend on them. Webinars, Seville was set Ileen and those who ask so
there are some people who will come and beg. And sir, Ill is not just a beggar someone who is asking
for themselves. But sir, Ill can also be someone who asks on behalf of others. So for example,
somebody you know, is collecting funds for a certain cause. And they ask you, okay, so they're a
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			saddle. Okay, they're not asking that you pay for their education or their food, etc, or their rent,
but they're collecting money for a certain cause. Sometimes people ask directly, and other times
they ask indirectly, in the sense that their condition shows that they are in need. So sadolin those
who ask, and when it comes to those who ask, you know, it's not correct to scold such people at all
a messiah Illa filata and do not rebuke the beggar the person who is asking, Do not yell at them, Do
not be upset with them. So if you can give something, give it, okay. And if you cannot give
something, then you don't have to argue over there. You don't have to yell at them. You don't have
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			to belittle them. You know, sometimes outside the grocery store, you will find people who are
collecting funds for a certain cause. They're also sad. So don't get annoyed. Okay, a lot of times,
these are people who are volunteering, you know, standing in the cold standing in the heat,
collecting money for a certain charitable cause. If you believe that they're a reliable person, give
it to them. If you have your doubts, if you don't have anything to give, then just don't give you
know, walk away quietly. But don't argue with them and don't start interrogating them. So sadly,
give them also welfare record and spending on in the cause of freeing the next. So spending on
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			freedom of those who were enslaved. Okay. Now a person might say, well, there's no slavery today,
but these days you will find people who are imprisoned. You know, sometimes they are
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			imprisoned for an unjust reason without any evidence. And there's examples of a lot of people like
this in different communities. And what they need is a lawyer what they need is someone to, you
know, advocate for them and to pay for legal fees, and such, of course, money is needed. So with the
record, you know, sometimes we think that we can just talk about the importance of freedom, but
that's not enough. We have to financially support such causes as well. Now, if you notice over here,
what I tell Malala who be there is no mention of the recipients belonging to a certain category,
meaning it hasn't been mentioned that the relatives must be Muslim. Be orphans should be children of
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			Muslims. The Messiah keen should be Muslim, the travelers should be Muslim, the Sahelian should be
Muslim, the slaves or the people who are imprisoned, they should be Muslim. That is not mentioned.
Why? Because when it comes to sadaqa, when it comes to general charity, the Islam of the person is
not a precondition.
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			Okay, sufficient is there need? So for example, there is a miskeen person, someone who's hungry, who
hasn't eaten for days properly. Are you going to first interrogate them about their faith? No, what
they need is food. Right? Someone is traveling to haven't slept comfortably in a very long time.
They don't have money to pay for lodging, even at a shared hostel or something like that. Are you
going to first inquire Are you muslim or not? Okay? Are you Sunni or Shia or this or that? Do you
eat halal food? Do you eat the beehive or not? These questions you don't have to ask. That's not
your job. Your job is to see someone is in need and I have the opportunity to help them. So you go
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			forward and you help them okay. So this is sadaqa general sadaqa. Okay. And this is real generosity,
that you see someone in need and you come forward in order to help them what Acoma salata, what at
Azusa katha. Now, Salah Anza Cath are mentioned. And you see this is very important. First it was
mentioned that it is not just in praying, but then then it is mentioned that of course, piety
includes prayer. Okay, don't think that Salah is unimportant because some people what they think is
that you know, just be a good person, be kind, be helpful. And that's great, be charitable, and
that's great, but that's not enough. You How can a person be good if they don't give Allah or xojo
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			They're right so what a commerce Sanata Salah is also important what add xicana and he gives us a
cat now you sees a cat is mentioned separately, because the recipients of the cat, they're supposed
to be Muslim. There is one category in which someone who is close to accepting Islam you know, you
can also give the cat to them, but in general the cat is for who it is for Muslims. So what Akarma
salata will act as a cat and the cat does not just any random amount of charity given to any random
person is a cat is a calculated right does a cat is given on a certain kind of wealth a certain
amount of wealth and it has to be calculated and you give it at a certain time to certain
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			recipients. So there are some legalities over here right some rules that you have to be particular
about and they are important you cannot ignore them. Just as when it comes to Salah you know, there
are some rules that you have to abide by, you have to face the proper prayer direction you have to
pray at the right time you have to be dressed in a certain way you have to observe ritual purity and
things like that. So we'll call them a salata will act as a katha. Then one more phone or via the
hem either our huddle and those who fulfill their covenant when they make a covenant. Now, if you
notice more foon these are people right earlier, a comma ta This is a verb, okay, at the zoo Katha
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			atta he gave this a cat. This is a verb, a comma Sonata. He establishes the prayer. This is a verb,
right? Here well, more phone more phone is a noun. Okay, there is a difference. When a noun is
mentioned, then this means that this is a constant habit. This is their identity. So we'll move
forward abbiati him either when they make a covenant, then they fulfill it. Okay, and then was saw
Bettina, Filbert said you will dobra
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			Those who are patient, again, this is a noun. So this is a habit, their patient in difficult
circumstances, hardship in their circumstances, and also their patient when there's hardship in
themselves in their body, in their burden in their mind will handle this. And they're also patient
and time of battle. So patients are three times is highlighted over here. First of all patients in
WhatsApp and WhatsApp as you know, is difficulty in one circumstances, especially financial
hardship, poverty. Now, if you think about it, when you're struggling financially, whether this is
in the form of unemployment, or it is in the form of, you know, a huge fine, for example, that a
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			person has to pay a sudden expense that a person had not calculated or expected for, they don't have
enough savings, all of a sudden, their business is declining, or they have to literally close down
their business. Sometimes people have to sell their property. Sometimes people have to sell their
house, their car to pay for a certain treatment, and things like that. And this is something very,
very difficult, very, very stressful. Sometimes there is, you know, some natural disaster like for
example, there is a fire or there's a storm that causes you know, a person's house to get burned
down and the insurance is not there or they will hardly give anything. What do you do? You know,
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			this is a very difficult, because But sir, you know, if you think about it, this is sudden, right?
You did not expect that fire, you did not expect that car accident that would completely destroy
your car. And now all of a sudden, you have no way of getting around, you didn't expect you know,
such decline in commerce and business that your business would be affected, that you have to shut
down. This is hard, you know, it can cause people to commit suicide, it can cause people to fall
into depression to become extremely anxious. So what is mentioned over here, we'll saw Bettina fill
that cell. Because remember earlier, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala will definitely test us
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			right with different types of trials. So whereby she does savouring give good news to those who are
patient. So what does it mean to be patient at this time, what it means is that you are patient with
the decree of Allah, you remind yourself that this happened with the decree of Allah with the will
of Allah, so you accept it, because you recognize that you are not able to change that condition,
this is unchangeable. This is beyond your ability. So you don't give up on life. Because of that you
don't give up hope. either. You have good expectation of Allah, you expect good reward from Allah,
and you keep trying, you keep moving forward, you don't let it affect your self worth, that you
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			think that now I am worthless, and that I am not able to do anything. No, you can still do something
and you focus on that because this is what somebody is somebody is about being active, right? It's
Hubsan knifes, you constrain yourself, you don't allow yourself to give up. So will Sabina Filbert
set and then what the raw also illness right sometimes there's sudden injury, sometimes you know, a
person develops a certain health condition or there is you know, fear off developing a certain
health condition or catching a certain illness and if a person is actually physically suffering,
again, that is very hard mentally it disturbs a person to accept that now I am not able to do this,
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			I am not able to do that. To manage constant pain to manage constant discomfort. It's very hard and
still solid enough in but set you up. You can still be patient at such times how that first of all,
you accept this as Allah's decree, you remind yourself Allah subhanaw taala does not make a mistake,
right? This happened with the permission of Allah and then sub it also includes that you figure out
ways to help yourself to bring yourself out of that difficulty. Somebody doesn't mean that you just
fall that you just give up that you surrender, that you do nothing, no subject is active that you
for example, if you're not well, if you have developed a certain health condition, then you seek
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			medical help, if there is the RA also includes, for example, a mental health issue. So for that also
you seek help with the RA so a Savina Phillips says you have the RA 100 bucks. Remember, this is a
Madani surah and at this time, the companions were basically in battle after battle after battle. So
that was also very hard, emotionally, mentally.
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			financially, even socially, because people had to, you know, go and participate in different battles
and they would miss out on so many family things we learned about how the prophets of Allah who
already has Adams daughter died when he was participating in one of the battles. So we're Hainan
bats and patients in battle is that a person does not give up on a can Medina Sadako. Those are the
people who were truthful meaning in their faith in their piety, they are truthful, these folks are
truly righteous will let it go, who will move the coin and it is those who are truly God conscious,
they're truly God fearing they're live shows. They're conscious of Allah subhanaw taala because
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			piety is not restricted to the wearing of a certain hijab. piety is not restricted to observing
certain rituals at a certain time of the year, on just one day of the week. No, it is in every day
actions. So for example, when you establish the prayer, that means five times a day you're praying,
right? Every single day, five times a day, this is your lifestyle. And this lifestyle reflects that
you are conscious of Allah. So whether you are at work, or you're at a shopping Hall, or you are at
home, when it's time to pray, you get up and pray, what does that mean? It means that you are
conscious of Allah, when it comes to giving the cat again, the cat, you cannot just calculate it
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			properly. You know, if you have not kept track of, you know, what kind of wealth you have, how long
it's been sitting for, and things like that. So you have to you know, pay attention to your money,
your savings, your finances, so even when it comes to your money now you're thinking about how about
Allah subhanaw taala But sir, the raw Halal bits these are you know, things that different people
experience at different levels and to be connected with Allah subhanaw taala at a time like this, to
think about Allah to say the right thing to respond with the right thoughts with the right actions.
What does that mean? It means that a person is conscious of Allah. So Allah eco Ladino Sadako
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			Wakulla eco Houma emoticon it is these people who are truly conscious of Allah because their life
choices, their actions, their habits, they reflect that they are conscious of Allah they remember