Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-004D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 11-16
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The hesitation concept is a condition that causes problems on the planet, including actions of the wrongdoer and negative consequences. It is crucial to be honest with oneself and avoid confusion. The use of "we" in cognitive disorders and mental health issues is also discussed. The importance of being honest and avoiding miscalculance is emphasized, and the need for more caution and understanding during difficult situations is emphasized. The segment also touches on the negative impact of actions on one's behavior and hesitation, leading to regret and regret themselves.
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What about PETA the homeland Tutsi do fill up. And when it is said to them that do not cause corruption on the earth, or no in the manner and mostly when they say we are only reformers. You see a disease does not just sit there. They're symptoms of that disease. So what is the first symptom? The first symptom is that hypocrites caused corruption on earth. What is corruption? What is facade, lack of pseudo facade is when something goes bad, when something is no longer good, when something is no longer the way that it should be. And, you know, facade can be intangible things. So for example, when food gets spoiled, right, it's been sitting for very long, so it goes bad. It could
be, for example, on a piece of land, that there's a forest fire, for example. So these are all forms of facade, but facade can also be in the intangible sense. So for example, when a person is lying, then the relationship is gonna go bad, the actions of that person have gone corrupt. So lack of see do fill out do not cause corruption in the land. And this could be literally do not spoil the earth, right do not cause physical facade on the earth. And secondly, this can also mean to not cause problems in the inhabitants of the land, meaning through your corrupt behavior, through your lies, your breaking of promises, your cheating your vulgar speech. So a symptom of hypocrisy is that a
person disobeyed Allah and His Messenger, that a person commits sin. And sins are not just morally bad. Sins actually cause problems. How? That for example, lying is a sin Backbiting is a sin, making fun of other people, this is something that we have been prohibited from doing. They're not just morally wrong, they actually lead to problems between people between relationships. So for example, if someone finds out that you were backbiting them, any how would that affect your relationship with them? If someone finds out that you said something really negative about the more you find out that somebody said something really negative about you? Anyway, this would hurt your feelings, and this
would impact your relationship. So you see, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the actions, the traits of hypocrisy, that when he speaks, he lies and lying is something that causes problems between people. When he makes a promise, he breaks it. This is something that causes problems. When he is entrusted with something he betrays. This is also something that causes problems. So at an individual level, they cause corruption on the earth, they do things that are problematic, when they disobey Allah, they cause disruption, and at a greater level, also the hypocrites what they would do is that they would go and make alliances with the enemies of the
Muslims, they would go and you know, tell them about the inner matters of the Muslims. So you see, for example, Abdullah bin obey the same hypocrite, eventually what did he do? He even you know, accused or I shuttle de la hora and the wife the prophets of Allah Who are you know, salam, he accused her off committing Zina stuff it Allah and he slandered her, the incident of if that was the result of whose false accusation whose lie, it was, I believe and obey. So did that not cause problems? Absolutely. Any imagine the hurt that that caused you I shall deliver on how to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the Muslims in general. He even now when we hear about that
story, have you ever read that hadith, if you listen to that account of eyeshadow de la marinha, any, it's something that makes you sad, it makes you angry, makes you upset. So these actions of hypocrisy cause problems, but then at a greater level also any for the entire Muslim society, in the hypocrites would do things that would cause problems like what they would go and side with the enemies. You know, for example, at one occasion, there was a certain tribe of the Jews, you know, who had openly betrayed the Muslims, they had made, you know, an agreement, and they broke it. So they were given a warning that you know what, leave from here, because you have shown that you
cannot live in peace. You cannot, you know, keep true to your word, so we cannot trust you, you just leave from here. So, Abdullah and obey went to them, and he said to them, no, no, no, you're not going anywhere. You stay right here. I've got my people who will come and defend you. If ever there is some kind of a battle, you stay right here. You don't go anywhere. We are together. So this is something that would again cause problems. So in sudo tonight, either I have 52 We learned
fattura leadin if you couldn't be modeled on you, Sadie Aruna fie him, you will see that people in whose hearts is disease, they hasten to the enemies, they rushed to the enemies meaning to be on good terms with the enemies, your kulula Naksha. And to sleep another era, they say that we fear that some kind of problem might affect us tomorrow. So we're just preparing for the future. They said that in the minor animals, Leone, we're doing good things here. We are setting things right. We're just, you know, making these alliances so that in the future, when we are in trouble, these people come to our aid just as we came to their aid today. So what's happening over here? They're
doing wrong things, but they think they're doing good. Mostly one Muslim is one who does Islam. Islam is the opposite of facade, facade is to cause corruption, Islam is to set things right. Yes, these verses are about hypocrites. But we need to introspect as well, right? Think about it, do we ever justify our wrong actions? Like, for example, sometimes we are backbiting. And we say, you know, it's very important to talk about this. Because I want you to be aware, I'm just warning you, where as half of that conversation is just gossip. Maybe it's just venting. And you say that it's just, you know, to warn you. So we need to be honest with ourselves, that we should not justify our
wrong actions. And we should not pretend that we're doing good by doing wrong things. You don't set things right. By doing what is wrong. You set things right, by doing what is right. So they're so unaware, they're so disconnected, that they think that they're doing right, whereas in reality, they're doing what is wrong, and our inner home, home will move soon. Unquestionably it is the only who are the corrupters will actually lay a shirt on but they perceive it not. You see, there's four emphases over here, Allah, first of all, Allah means unquestionably This is to draw attention and to strengthen the meaning of the sentence. It gives the meaning of Haqqani verily, indeed, no doubt,
unquestionably. Then you have the word in in the means indeed. And then you have home hormone, you see them them, it's coming again. And again, that is also adding emphasis. And then l Mopsy. doon the corrupters. So the fact is, unquestionably indeed, verily, no doubt it is these people hypocrites who are causing corruption. They're not setting things, right. And the fact is that they don't perceive they don't even realize that they're doing things wrong. How come they don't get it? You see, when it comes to certain cognitive disorders, any we know this in psychopath II, for example, that a person does not even recognize anymore? A loneliness Agricola raffia May Allah
subhanaw taala grant healing? You see, spiritual sickness is very similar. And I'm not saying that a mental sickness is spiritual sickness. No, there's a huge difference. But a spiritual sickness, like hypocrisy, there comes a point where a person does not even realize what they're doing. They don't even realize that they're doing something wrong. They are in such a web of lies, that they're confused themselves. They don't even see their actions as wrong. They think that they're doing really good. Like for example, if a person is backbiting, same example of backbiting any, when you start the backbiting in your heart, you know, this is wrong. I should not be lever this lever
clearly. But then you say to yourself, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. Don't think about it. This is important. I have to tell them, I have to inform them. And even though it's none of their business, it's none of my business, but I have to inform them. And you know, a person then is so engrossed, so busy in backbiting. They're having so much fun gossiping, that there comes a point where they don't even realize they're backbiting they actually begin to enjoy the labor they begin to enjoy the gossip. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us in sort of falsehood is number eight. Allah subhanaw taala tells us FM and zucchini Allahu suwama. Li for AHA Sana, think about the person for whom he is
wrong. Actions are made to appear good. He thinks he's doing something good, whereas in reality, he's doing something terrible, meaning the mind is so messed up that a person thinks he's doing good, whereas in reality he's doing something wrong. Instead of okay if I have 103 and 104 call held on a bill can bill oxer in our manner shall
We inform you of those who our greatest loser is in terms of their actions. Alladhina Walesa, you and Phil HYAH to dunya welcome Dr. Simona, unknown, your pseudo Sonora. They used to think that they were doing great work, whereas in reality are doing horrible. And we see this at so many levels. Ne within families, there are people who are so unaware of their own crimes of their own misbehavior. You know, for example, a husband and wife, you know, they're having a huge problem, and relationship issues, because each person is so focused on the other, it's his fault. It's his fault. It's her fault. It's her fault, that they don't even realize the problems that they're causing to the
Right? You have even at a political level Subhanallah we have leaders, people who are supposed to be in positions of leadership who are clearly doing wrong things. But they refuse to acknowledge, refuse to accept. And it's very easy to point out the mistakes of other people, very hard to look in the mirror and recognize your own flaws. May Allah subhanaw taala give us that ability to be honest with ourselves and to recognize our flaws. Why ye that pinata home, Amina and when it is said to them believe come I'm in a NAS as the people have believed meaning you should believe in the same way. Any belief properly shown with your actions. And how come your iman is not the same as the Eman
of other believers? How can you relate your own kind of Muslim? Write your own version of Islam? What's going on over here? So come on. I'm an a NAS as the people have believed this is referring to the Sahaba the Companions so when it is sent to them believe as they have believed. Ha Lu and meno come at me in a sofa where they say Shall we believe as the foolish have believed? You want us to become foolish like them? So basically, the hypocrites think that the believers the true believers are foolish. Why? Let's look at the word sofa sofa is the plural of Sufi, okay, and Sufi is someone who is unwise. A person who has poor judgment, but you know, bad in their opinion. Okay. Why?
Because they don't know much they don't understand much. They're naive, suffer heartedly who shade suffer hurt is when something is so light that it is easily picked up by the wind. Alright and blown away. So some people are like this, that in their mind, they're very naive. They get easily affected by others. They're very quick in you know getting brainwashed. Okay, so this is a fee. Now they say that the believers are super hot. They call the Sahaba foolish stuff that Allah but you know what, this is not something new. The people of Sri barley his Salam they said to him in total our love is 66 We learned that they said to him in Elena raka FISA, we see you in foolishness we think that
you're being foolish, when you say that we should worship only Allah and you say that we should leave our you know way of life into the to Daya 38 We learn about how the people off no Holly said I made fun of him at the time of the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him in Makkah also was very common. Right. So we learned sort of the notifii number in the Latina original mukana Meenan Latina Avenue yield her Khun, the criminals used to laugh at the believers were either marrubium Yet Allah Mazoon. Whenever they passed by them, they would wink, you know, they would make signals with their eyes. So they would make fun of them. The question is, why did they say that the believers are
foolish? What did the Sahaba do? Because the Sahaba they were true in their faith. Let's take the example of a bucket on the alohar in a bucket al de la hora and who was a wealthy man off Makkah, a man of status, a man of power, a man who was very well respected and very wealthy. What happened when he believed he spent so much of his wealth for the cause of Islam? You know, the enslaved Muslims who were being tortured, persecuted by their masters, Abubakar Abdullah Horne, who would pay for their for their freedom. Right? And then when he came to Medina, whenever there was a battle what would he do you know about the famous story of how he bought everything that he owned
everything he didn't leave any wealth. So for people who follow Shahar watts, for whom worldly things worldly fame, any are a big deal. For them, this would be foolish behavior, that hey, you're spending your money like this in the you should invest it. You should grow your money. You should use it, save it for your future sale for your children. Why are you wait
esting at all for the cause of Islam. And then you need the Muslims, the people of Makkah, especially the MaHA JRun. They had to leave their homes, they migrated to Medina, again, for the people of the world. This is foolish. Why would you leave your family, your country, your home? The comforts of your life? Why would you do that? That's foolish. So they said that the believers are foolish. And this is something that happens today as well. You know, for example, if a person is not shaking hands with someone of the opposite gender, any This is considered foolish. But then these days now all of a sudden, nobody should be shaking hands with anybody because that's the right thing
to do. So now we see that the hypocrites they would say, No, me No, come on, I'm gonna sue for her. Allah, Allah subhanaw. Taala says unquestionably in her home, almost sue for her. It is indeed vague, who are the foolish Well, I can lay on the moon, but they know what not. They don't know that. They don't know that in reality, they are foolish. And this is important. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are two qualities that do not come together in a hypocrite, good manners and the understanding of Dean a hypocrite does not know. He's actually foolish. Why? Because he's headed to the fire, but he does not even realize that he's foolish,
because he's giving preference to the temporary benefits over eternal benefits. And you think about it, the wealth of Abu Bakr al de la Mourinho, we know about that today. We know about his good deeds, how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, how he will be called from all of the gates of Jannah and the good deeds of remodel de la hora and who just for the one night that he spent with the prophets of Allah, who are the ascendant in the Hindu Allah. There's so many as the number of stars in the sky. What about the wealth of our beloved obey? And who cares about that? What about the efforts of our beloved OB? Who cares about that? So this is the thing when a person
gives preference to the dunya the worldly desires over the akhirah? Yes, in many people will say a smart decision. But that's not really a smart decision. The smart decision is that a person gives preference to the hereafter over the dunya even if that appears to be foolish in the eyes of people. But we have to think long term, right, Abu Lahab man Eleanor and Huma Liu, who were my Kassab, his wealth did not benefit him what he earned did not benefit him. What either Aleppo ladina Amanu Kalu Munna now their new Fox, their double faced life when they meet those who believe they say we believe when they come to the Muslims they say, We believe we believe and this also very annoying
you know, when some people keep saying to your face, I'm here I'm here you know, I love you. And you know that they don't It's so annoying. So when they go to the believers constantly they're saying we believe we believe what either Hello Illa che our trainee him, but when they're alone with their satanic ones, or the satanic ones, these are their leaders, okay, their friends, who are called Shayateen over here because what this shaitan do shaitan urges you encourages you to do wrong. So these child clean, are referring to their leaders, their misleading leaders, who would encourage them to oppose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam who would basically discourage them from being
Muslim. So what either Hello Elijah, Eleni him, and these were, you know, people like the elders of the mushy, keen, you know, the idolaters the elders even among the Jews, so, you know, hello Allah Shalini when they're with them alone, when there is no Muslim around Kado they say to them in American, we are actually with you. In reality, we are with you, we are loyal to you we are on your side. And when we said to the Muslims that we believe in demonic animal stasiun we were only mocking we were only joking. We were only kidding. We didn't actually mean it.
Is the that is to make fun of someone. How by fooling them you know in different ways. So we were just pretending and they fell for it. We were just saying that we believe and these Muslims fell for it in the mannequin was desean Allah we Yes Desi it will be him Allah mocks them. Wait a minute Doom futile Yanni him Yama Hoon. And he leaves them he prolongs them in their transgression while they wander blindly. Allah Who yesterday will be him, Allahu Akbar. They think that they were kidding. They were having fun, you know, fooling the Muslims. The fact is, that Allah mocks at them. How? Because Allah is giving them respite iamu home you see, Madame
is to stretch to lengthen. So Allah gives them more time more respite, so that they can continue when they're wrong, so that they go deeper and deeper into this trap without even realizing we don't feel to Lionni him till the end is to exceed the proper bounds. Okay, so it's rebellion. So for example, when water overflows, it's exceeded the proper balance. So you're not doing fiddly and him he gives them more time in their rebellion. So they commit more and more crimes more and more lies more and more betrayal. Yama home, they wander blindly, and the greatest form of mockery, how they will be made fun off how they will be deceived, will be on the Day of Judgment. We learned in social
Hadith about this in ayah, number 14, that how on the Day of Judgment, any went only the people who were Muslim will be left in the place of the gathering. Because what will happen is that each people will be told that follow the one that you use to worship. So the people who used to worship a certain idol they will follow that to hellfire. So one after the other, every group will leave until only those who were Muslim will be left. And among them will be sincere believers and also hypocrites because they did not worship the hypocrites outwardly did not worship any idols, they did not worship any other God but Allah. So they will be with the Muslims then what will happen, there
will be darkness and each person will be granted their own light and with their own light, each person will go over the bridge, which is suspended over hellfire. So we learned in pseudo Hadith, that the hypocrites of course, they will not have any light, they will be in darkness, because that light will be in proportion to a person's faith. So they will not have any light and they will say, you know, don't go home. They will then call out to the believers alumna Kumarakom were we not with you, we used to be with you. You see right now, what are they saying? They say in now Morricone to to their Sheltie not to the Muslims, but on the day of judgment, they will say alumna, Kumarakom
what liars Aalu Bella the Muslims will say yes, you were with us, but what I can no confidential info second water of bustin whatever you put yourselves in tribulation, you expose yourself to situations where you fell and you waited and you doubted. So, there will be a wall that will come between them and the believers and they will be left to complete darkness. So Allah Who yesterday it will be him and he they could have been taken directly to * before but remember the punishment is always similar to the crime. So Allah Who yesterday has it will be him way of doing fetal Yanni him he extends them in their rebellion. And right now their condition is that Yama Hoon, they wander
blindly. It is said that drama is the blindness of the eyes and aroma with the hair is the blindness of the heart. Where a person is in confusion. They are going about puzzled. They're going about clumsily. They're in doubt and confusion. This is how they go about in the world where motorhome futilely Yanni him Yama Hoon and eat the behavior of a hypocrite is very puzzling. And he because the person is so unstable, there is no commitment, you know, to faced lying, deceptive, any from the outside, you know, when you look at the behavior of this person and what's wrong with them. They're confused. Who are they? Hula Eiken Medina shutaura with Bella Tarbell Houda. Those are the ones who
have purchased ever for guidance. You see, it's thorough, which thorough is to purchase something? How do you buy something? In order to buy something, you have to give up something else? Right? When you buy something, you have to give your money. And in the barter system, you have to give up something tangible. But when you make that exchange, so for example, you give the money to get the ice cream. What does that mean? You will like the ice cream more than the money. Right? When you trade. Let's say your phone for another phone. What does that mean? That the new phone is more important to you, then you're present you're willing to give up what you have to get something else.
So what you're purchasing is more important to you. So they are purchasing misguidance in exchange for guidance. Allahu Akbar. Look at this. They got the opportunity to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be with him to pray with him. He what a gift. What a gift
But they gave that up for what? For misguidance. Because misguidance was more important to them from our OB hottie Jarrah, to whom, so their transaction has brought no profits, they made this trade, you know, when you make a trade, you get some kind of benefit they made, they got no benefit, no profit whatsoever. Why? Because on the Day of Judgment, this exchange is not going to help them when I can only the dean, nor were they guided. So these people are not upon guidance. You see, when you make a trade, when you make a purchase, when you shop, you know, sometimes you realize that you made a mistake, right when you realize that you pay too much for what you got. But what happens is that,
you know, when you fail, you learn. So the next time that you are in a similar situation, you are more careful, you learn from your past experience. But these people know from out will be healthy Jarrah to whom they did not profit, and they did not even learn they're not rightly guided. So every time they make a mistake, their mistake is exposed. Their hypocrisy is exposed. And our beloved Ben obey his hypocrisy was exposed multiple times. But he never learned he never admitted he never changed. When a cannibal 13 They're not rightly guided. So what does that show us? That when it comes to the actions of hypocrisy, like for example, lying and cheating, even having doubts, and
even having, you know, extreme desire for wrong things, okay, we're human. We're not perfect. You remember the nests we tend to forget? This is our nature. Right? But the thing is, that one way is off hypocrisy that a person pretends everything's good. Everything's fine a person justifies their wrongdoing. The person does not learn from their errors. And the other is that no, you acknowledge this was wrong. This was not okay. I need to fix this. Yeah, Allah I turned to you. Yeah, Allah you help me? Yeah, Allah, you heal me. You're Allah, you allow me to be better. And you strive when you seek guidance. Allah grants you more guidance. But when you justify your sins, when you become
stubborn on your wrong actions, then Allah subhanaw taala does not force guidance on people who refuse it when you're Yaga villa. So the main lesson from these verses is that we have to be honest with ourselves with Allah. Honesty means that we are sincere. Honesty means that we stop pretending honesty means that we have your pain. We have conviction. We don't let doubts fester. We don't let diseases of the heart fester. We counter them we tame them. And we turn to Allah every time we fall. And we seek refuge with Allah subhanaw taala that yeah, Allah protect us against hypocrisy along the in need are all the becoming a new flock. Because these people while they appear to be Muslim,
they're not actually Muslim. They're not upon guidance. May Allah subhanaw taala guide us all. I mean, Inshallah, we will conclude over here for today, and we can listen to the recitation Well, I mean, see my email blue
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Subhanak Allahumma will be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta esta Hirokawa Tobu lake was salam. Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh