Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 305E Tafsir Al-Sharh
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The speakers discuss the history and meaning behind the Prophet sallama's weight and burden, as well as the use of the symbolical meaning of his relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. They also emphasize the importance of staying busy and not wasting time in worship, as well as the need to connect with one's Lord and stay connected with one's Lord. The speakers stress the importance of staying busy and not wasting time in worship.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah At the Shah
alumna Shah halacha. Sada rock along did not naturally we expand laka for you, Sada rock your chest or messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, did we not expand your chest for you? Shut,
shut who said what is shut her solder basically shut her it's to open cut meat in order to expand it to make it bigger.
So imagine a big chunk of meat
and then you cut it lengthwise only from one side and then you keep cutting it slightly so that you can expand it, you can open it up because once you open it up, then you can cut it into more smaller pieces and then you can use it. So this has shown
that when something was tight and small, you cut it in such a way you slit it in such a way that you can open it up, expand it so that it becomes big, natural halacha saw the rock we opened your chest for you. What does this mean? This shot is shot hermana we not that the Prophet's just was physically cut that also happened when he was younger. But what's meant over here is the shot Marna we that we expanded your chest for you, so that you were able to accommodate and take in Allah's hukum otherwise the heart can be so tight, it can be so narrow, that it can be extremely difficult for a person to even listen to what Allah has to say. To even learn about Allah's hokum. So which
hokum is this? Firstly, how come Shari? And secondly, her come Cowdery? How come shuddering, Allah expanded his messengers just so that he was able to accept Allah's commands? The deen of Allah?
Because you see, in general, what happens, the knifes tells you to do the exact opposite that Allah wants you to do. For example, Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us in the deen that we must perform the five daily prayers, isn't it? Now we learn about the hypocrites in the Quran that when they come to pray they come lazy Lee, what inner halacha be rotten. Indeed prayer is something very difficult and heavy upon some people. But for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what was prayer? Nash Rahula Casa de la Corte was Salah for him, the coolness of his eyes. So when he was in any difficulty, what would he do? He would rush to perform prayer alumnus Raha la casa de rock, whatever
command that Allah gave him, he was able to implement it.
And this is Allah's special blessing upon a servant, that when a servant is able to accept and follow easily and do what Allah has commanded him,
and it comes with time, and it comes as Allah's blessing. So ask Allah for this blessing,
whatever we may be struggling with, it could be salah, it could be hijab, it could be good language, whatever it is, because a person cannot follow Allah's command until and unless the heart accepts it. There is room for it in the heart. Secondly, how come Qadri that whatever Allah decreed for him, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted it. He endured trials in life, one trial after another. So the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the most patient of all people.
His fever was double, double compared to what
ordinary people or other people experience.
The pain that he suffered physical pain that he suffered, the headache that he suffered was also doubled. But he was most patient of all who are patient, he endured every kind of hardship. So alumna, SRA halacha. Sada rock, did we not expand for you your chest? In other words, did we not guide you? Did we not bless you with contentment? Did we not bless you with courage to face hardships and difficulties in life and criticism and opposition, but still continue? What determination did he have? And I'm not sure halacha saw the rock.
While we're Barna and we removed and confirm you withdraw
On your burden, we removed your burden from you which burden a levy uncover over rock, the one that had weighed upon your back uncover known cough blood. Water is back and uncover and something weighs heavily. You see what you carry on your back?
We don't generally do that, because we don't carry big loads. The back is used for carrying heavy, big loads. So what you carry on your back, eventually tires you exhausts you.
So what was his burden that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was carrying on his back, and it was tiring him out exhausting him physically?
What burden was this? This has been interpreted in several ways. One interpretation is that this is the burden of unawareness, the same thing that was mentioned in the previous surah. While agenda called La lanpher, Harada.
Until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received the first revelation, he would spend days and nights in the cave of Hira. He did not find joy in eating with people and sitting with them. And this was getting so unbearable for him that he would spend days and weeks in the cave of *. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed
the Quran to him. And with that knowledge and guidance, what happened, that burden was removed that burden of unawareness. And you see this burden of being distant from Allah not knowing Allah, not knowing who you are, where you're from, this is really a burden.
And a person can have everything in their life. But if this is missing, it can make their life miserable.
Allah the uncut rock. Secondly, some have said that this wizard is referring to the burden of sin. And what this means is, over here when Allah says, that will will garner IMEKO wizard we removed from you your burden, meaning we have completely forgiven you, all of your sins, your past and future, as Allah says in surah, feta also
that Leo Fila Nicola who met the optimum exam Bica Juan Mata Aha. Now you might wonder what sin to the Prophet sallallahu lism ever commit, that was like a burden on his back exhausting him. You see, there are some people who are very sensitive towards sin, very sensitive, that even the smallest things bother them. If they looked at someone a particular way, or if they said something that was not appropriate, or they delayed something, it bothers them. They feel so guilty about it and other people, they will commit sins that are 100 times worse, but they will not feel anything, isn't it? So depending on where a person is in his relationship to Allah subhanaw taala says either bother him
a little since or didn't bother him at all.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very sensitive, in terms of his relation with Allah subhanaw taala.
And even if he made the slightest mistake, the slightest error,
he would take it very seriously. So Allah subhanaw taala assures him over here, that he has completely forgiven him.
What a foreigner look at the clock, and we have raised for you you're mentioned the croc you're mentioned. What does this mean?
That the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the most mentioned human being, the human being who is mentioned most frequently more than anyone else. One might wonder, well, you know, there are more people who believe in recycling and are compared to people who believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? But if you think about it,
there is not a single Habib who gives hautbois except that he says what I shall do Allah Allah illallah wa shadow no Muhammad Rasulullah okay.
There is not a single more of them, giving a than anywhere at any time of the day Fajr will have a certain positive or shall five, five times at least, except that he says the same thing I shall do. Elijah illallah wa Shadowhunter Muhammad Rasool Allah, and there is not a single Musa Li, a person who is performing salah, except that when they sit in the shahada, what do they say Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad and before that also in the Tisha hood, what do they say? A shadow Allah Allah illallah wa shadow under Muhammad Rasool Allah.
So he is
the person who is mentioned
Most compared to any other human being what a final look at the clock.
Yes, and the name Muhammad is also most common. What this also means is what a final look at the clock that we have raised high for you your mansion,
meaning that he is not just mentioned in the earth but also up in the heavens, as Allah says in total Arza by 56, that in Allaha, warm Allah Ekata who use for Lunarlon NaVi
Allah Himself and His angels sent salata upon the Prophet. So yeah, you will Latina Avenue, or you will have believed you also do the same. What a foreigner like the clock, imagine he's mentioned up in the heavens, and he's mentioned all around the world. What a foreigner look at the clock.
And if you think about it, there is no act of worship that is performed, except that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is celebrated in that in the sense that
the condition for a righteous action is what two conditions right? The first condition is that it must be for the sake of Allah. And the second condition is that it must be according to
according to the way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam has stopped. So every time you choose to eat with your right hand,
and you say Bismillah and you drink water from your cup, in three sips and as you're entering the masjid, with your right foot in the little little tunas, even that you follow, are the acts of worship that you perform whether it is a praying salah, every time a person is praying further, who is he following? Who is he following the Prophet sallallahu erdenes. When you give zakat, when you give sadaqa, who are you following in whose footsteps Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who are a foreigner look at the clock. There is no comparison here.
What a foreigner Luca the clock and this is for who
for the person who faced so much hardship in his life, for in morale, or Sri usara. So Allah says, that indeed, with the difficulty with the hardship use, Ron is is although things are difficult, people bother you. But there is also ease in this the greatest ease being the comfort of knowing Allah, calling upon him, and the hope of reward and Jana
in murderously Yusra, indeed, with the hardship is is
the same idea is repeated with just a slight difference. And that difference being for
even a busload the loved one who said never can one difficulty overcome to eases about these verses, he said never can one difficulty lay your holy virus, you strain never can one rooster overcome. Do you see how how is it to use, because if you look at these verses, in Namale, grocery you saw in nama grocery you saw the word of
what is it, it begins with the difficulty, the difficulty which means that the difficulty is the same. But when it comes to ease it is use run and ease. And then in the next idea, you son and ease which means a different is
so the difficulty is the same, but the ease is, is is of different types.
And what this means is that in every hardship that you experience, there is always ease with it. Not just one ease but double ease. If there's some difficulty you're facing in life, there is also double amount of ease that Allah has created for you.
This is why well unmap veneer material speaker for had this
focus on the blessing instead of the Talaq is seven Allah says saya Jaya Allahu Akbar the rosary nuestra Allah will make after difficulty is and here what do we learn with difficulty is ease the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said we're in alpha Raja Mal, calm, that indeed relief is with difficulty. We're in Namale or three usara and he said and indeed, with difficulty is ease for either for all so when you have finished, finished what
your work for Alta felt online
aim is basically when you have finished your work, and now you're free. So when you have completed your work and you're free, what should you do? Enjoy your freedom?
No funds, then stand up, fun sub noon side by Nussle is to fix something somewhere like for example, people would fix their idols. Right, it's fixed. It's just always standing there. It's been put up there. So find some meaning. Get up, stand up and fix yourself. Now attach yourself in what? In something else
in worshipping Allah, why? Because there will be eased that will accompany
for either for all the fun. So what does it mean, when you're finished one thing now start another? Why aren't you exhausted from the previous work? No. Yes, you may be tired, but whatever work you will do, with the difficulty will be the double is multiple ease. So when you're done with your work, then found sub busy yourself. And the ruler might have said over here that this means fetch the head Fillory bird that he would do that now strive in worshiping Allah
and calling upon him. spend your free time in worshiping in worshiping Allah. Because what happens generally is that when you're too busy with whatever you're doing your exams, your school, your work. Yes, you take time out for the fold. But you don't take time out for an hour of recitation. You don't take time out for half an hour of the of the sphere. You don't do that? Generally, why? Because you're busy one thing after the other, what do we see here? That your free moments that you have?
Use them to connect with Allah? You don't like? Every free moment you have, typically, what do we do? We pick up our phone, isn't it? And we connect with who? With people, even if we don't connect with them, we at least look at them spy on them or whatever.
And we have been taught here to connect with our Lord.
Yeah, you know, the, you may have heard the recitation of Sagal. vomity.
Right. We have also played his recitation many times in class. I was listening to an interview by him once and he said that he memorized the Quran in his evenings when he was in school, in university, so also tomorrow or something like that he would spend in the masjid every day. And that is how and when he memorized the Quran. What do we do? All day of work? Now? Come on. Let's just chill. Alright, I've got nothing else to do. Let me just watch the same movie I watched last week.
No, we were wasting our lives here. We're wasting our time here for either for after you finish something Alhamdulillah you've completed it. Now you can move on to something else. And what should that be? Phuntsok? What ILA Rebecca follows up and to your Lord for Rob. So direct your robber. What is the robber, inclination longing, meaning never stopped seeking Him and pursuing his pleasure. You finished one thing now start another and through that seek Allah's pleasure?
This is the goal of a believers life. He doesn't waste his life being free.
What a lot of bigger for hug when you're done with Salah then what do you do after salah?
What do you do? Finished
a car.
So as you end one activity engaged in another and whatever it is that you're doing in it direct you're longing to your Lord. Do not be of those who turn away from their Lord who forget their Lord, because if you do that, you will be of the losers.
This may learn your Walkman. He
also don't want
why don't
you use
straw that either?
you see, when you go to school, do you ever say things like okay, now I'm done grade 10 You know?
Can you do that? If you tell your parents I'm done grade 10 Thank you very much. I am now retiring.
But will they say?
Will they accept it? No. They will drag you to school.
Complete your high school
And if after your high school you say I'm done, I'm not studying anymore. What will they say? Either go work, or study. Right? And even when you're done your studies, let's say you're just finished your undergraduate then what happens? And you say, I'm done? No, no, you can't sit like that, doing nothing. Either do masters or go find work, or do something else. You can't sit idle
or get married.
But even that, for some reason, people think if you get married, then you have a reason to sit idle. No. Being married doesn't mean that your life is over. You can still study you can still read, you can still listen and learn,
and teach and work and volunteer and help and be involved. You can do different things. You see the moment you think I am free. That is where shaitan will make you busy. In his service, he will.
Because Chopin comes where, where there's
space, if you make space for him, room for him, he will come and fill it. So don't give him any space. Don't give him any room.
Fill your time, fill your life, because you're a believer, not just five days a week, but how many days a week, seven days a week. Every day is a day of worship. Yes, doesn't have an equal. So today when we were driving, maybe some of us were feeling sorry for ourselves or you know, like how can we cannot have a snow day or whatever. And subhanAllah This is the more desert of Quran I would always say. Because, you know, the more we didn't plan this way that there will be a snow day and then we will teach these to suit us so that we remember the hardships that prophecy was Adam has gone through and Savannah that the same day when we were sorry about ourselves, you know, we have to
drive into the weather. And so one of the we are reciting the first thing the lesson was about this, these two sources, and we're talking about prophecy lessons, hardships, And Alhamdulillah. We see the award that we're still even us are sitting here and reciting Quran And subhanAllah this blessing least us after that many years of hunger. You know, whatever difficulty you're going through in your life. If you look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your hardship seemed like nothing, nothing at all. You might wonder But this kind of a snowstorm? Yes, because the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam went through the Battle of a hijab. In the winter of Medina, you might
say, Medina is in the middle of the desert. With Yes, desert winter is bitter cold.
Especially when you don't have thick, warm jackets or gloves,
or even closed shoes.
There was a time when people were sandals on their feet. They didn't have woolen jackets or jackets would like fur and things like that. No.
So if he did it, I can do it too. He's a role model. If he's trovan Allah's way,
I can do it too. And when he strove, he did his best. Look at the reward that Allah gave him.
Expect reward from Allah