Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 289D Tafsir Al-Haqqah 25-52

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The segment discusses various speakers and topics related to pursuing wealth and learning to be successful in the future, including love, regret, and wealth. It emphasizes trusting oneself and avoiding fear control, listening to others' emotions and behaviors, and experiencing something firsthand to improve productivity. The importance of faith and experiencing something firsthand is emphasized. The recitation of the statement is given, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of faith in one's actions.

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			We're unmasked and as for men who Oltenia he was given Kitagawa who his record Bishi Mali. He in his
left hand, asked for the person who will be given his Record in his left hand. Fail Kulu he will say
yeah late honey. Oh, I wish that long outta kita BIA I wish that I was not given my book. Forget
about having others read my book. I wish I did not have to read it. I wish I was not even given this
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			While I'm and not every I know I wish that I did not know Mahi Serbia. One is my account.
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			I wish I was not informed off my results.
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			Welcome Eddie Murphy Serbia. Years later her all I wish that ha that it was cannot it was meaning my
death was Alia. The decisive one, the one that terminated. I wish that it was one that Kalia Kalia
from Abba Kava is to carry out something complete it, meaning finish it.
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			I wish that my death had terminated me. Meaning I wish I had not even been resurrected.
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			Look at the amount of regret over here. Look at the amount of despair over here. Why? Because this
person lived as if there was no he setup. This person lived as if there was no resurrection, no life
after death. So on the Day of Judgment, he will wish that he had not been given his book because he
was living as if nothing was being recorded.
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			He was acting as if he was saying he was talking as if nothing was being written. The angels were
not there writing anything.
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			When I'm Eddie Murphy Serbia, years later, her cannot call the year and he will say ma now. It did
not avail I need from me mallia My wealth. My wealth did not avail me. It did not benefit me. The
wealth that I ran after
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			the wealth that I collected the wealth that I was so worried about the wealth that I spent my life
chasing and preserving and using and spending and feeling proud about
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			the wealth by which I measured the success of my life. That wealth Magnani it did not benefit me
because where did it go? Look at the curtain Wahida finished. Now Now I'm the Malia you see all now
what does it mean to make someone rich? My wealth did not make me rich. It did not benefit me. It
was useless. Because the wealth of this world is not going to benefit a person on the Day of
Judgment. Yo Malathion for Omalu one balloon. It's the day when wealth and children will not help.
If a person were to bring even an Earths fill of gold, and he will try to run some himself from
hellfire. Would it work? No, it wouldn't matter Oh, now I need mallia It's not your wealth that's
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			going to help you in the hereafter. But really, how much of our time goes into just pursuing this
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			into it the daddy of Allah subhanaw taala tells us that He created us for what purpose for the
purpose of worshiping Him and He says Matt, would he do Minho Murray's pin, I do not want any this
from them. Allah did not send us in this world to collect the wealth of this world.
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			He did not send us here for that purpose. He says that I am a result in the law. What was Zack he is
the ultimate provider. He will provide you He will give you that is his responsibility to give us
risk. When it says if we don't trust Allah,
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			and we have to figure things out ourselves, and we have to even adopt the Haram means in order to
get something in this world. We have to do things even the wrong way. In order to have wealth that
we think is so necessary, and no matter what the person accumulates, man oh, now I need my Lea. My
wealth did not benefit me.
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			But if you think about it in this life, what is it that we're taught?
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			Go to school study hard. Why?
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			Why study hard?
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			so that you can get into a better school into a good school. Why? So that you can have a good degree
why? So that you can have a good job? Why is that you can have a good career. It's important, but
it's not everything that I live should be about.
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			But if you think about it, when it comes to people also we measure them by what?
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			By their wealth.
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			Man, oh, not only Malia. And this wealth, a person will say that it has not benefited me.
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			And you see the word mallia. The HA at the end, again is for
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			is for sector. And what does that mean? It's a full stop, man. Oh, now I need my Lea. And he will
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			what's the next thing he will say? Hello, Kenny. So Pania, Holika Holika. It died, it finished. It
went away.
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			A halacha is to destroy and halacha is when something is destroyed. halacha it was destroyed on me.
From me, meaning I have lost. So Tawnya my assault on
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			my power. What is so fun. It's used for power, authority argument. So whatever power and prestige
and fame and authority that I had in the world, it's gone. I don't have it anymore. And again, what
is it that we feel proud about in this world, in this life, when we have power,
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			whether the power is of ownership, or that power is of status, or that power is of higher status,
given the relationships we have. So for example, a woman will feel powerful because she's a mother,
or because she's a mother in law, or because she's a grandmother. And so she will say it's my right.
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			Or, for example, a man will say it's my right because I am the man I am the breadwinner, I am the
Father, I am the grandfather. Hello, can you Symphonia this is not going to matter.
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			These things that we feel so proud about there, it's not going to matter. Or a person feels that
they have a sense of control sense of authority, because of the wealth that they have. The social
status they have or the passport they have the citizenship that they have certain rights they have
Hannukah knee it's dead. It died. My Sivan died, it finished.
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			So Tom is also used for her Jaffa argument. Many people, when matters of the Hereafter mentioned
they say, Oh, I will say this and oh, I will do this. And you know, this is what will save me. Hi,
look at all those faults, arguments gone. Nothing's going to work. halacha nissle Tawnya the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said three things follow a dead person. Meaning when his body is taken
three things follow him, what are they his family, his possessions, some of his well, and thirdly,
his deeds do have them return and one remains with him. What goes with him it is his deeds. And what
goes back.
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			It says man, it's so fun. It's his wealth. And it's so fun because even with children we feel that
we have a certain level of power. Children ask why mom and you said because I said so. Don't ask me.
I told you you better listen. So Tom.
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			Halligan, me So Tanya, who this person who has given his book in his left hand. It will be sad who
sees him for Hulu who then shackle him will Lou rain lamb lamb Wallah is to change someone to tie
them up with a fatter so whoever sees him for her logo and shackle him some of your humor then to
help for Lou drive him and enter him SaLuSa lamb here
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			Salah to enter to burn. So admit him into the fire some then fee Silsila 10 in a chain Silsila means
a chain. So in a chain, the OHA whose length is Sabrina the Quran 70 cubits the there are is a
measurement that is somewhere between five and 70 centimeters. somewhere between five and 70
centimeters there is a huge range. And sub Aruna Dylon 70 virar this is about 50 to 70 meters in a
chain that is 70 cubits long festa Lukaku who
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			insert him meaning tie him up? Insert his head
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			hands and his feet and his limbs, die each limb so that he cannot move he can't run he cannot escape
fasten him completely, you see how is deep and * is mccannon the Yukon it is a tight,
constricted, narrow place. And here we see that even people will be tied up, you know been nicely
will lock down they will be seized with their foreheads on their feet and tied up and then thrown.
Why is the punishment so great? Because in the whole Kana, indeed he was such that lie you mean no,
he would not believe Billahi Aleem in Allah the great one. This person did not even believe in
Allah, Who is Allah, Allah Halim, the great one, he lived his whole life, enjoying the wealth that
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			Allah gave him, the soul THON that Allah gave him, and he did not even believe in Allah when you do,
and he did not encourage you to leave. How about God is to encourage someone to do something and
cite them urge them, he did not urge others allow time in the skin to feed the needy. When can you
encourage someone to do something when you believe in it? Isn't it when it's important to you when
it matters to you.
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			And it matters to you so much that you don't just do it yourself. But you also spread awareness
about it. And you don't just spread awareness, but you encourage other people through different ways
to participate in it to take that matter seriously.
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			So allow your head to allow time in miskeen. What does it mean? If he did not encourage the feeding
of the needy? Did he feed the needy himself? No. Did he think it was important? No. Did he care
about the needy? No where they're needy? Of course. There's always needy people in the world.
There's always someone who is in need more than you are or at least different than you. When Musa
alayhis salam went to Medina when he reached Medina. Was he needy? How did he describe himself for
keys? Who was fuckin worse than miskeen miskeen has something for Kira has nothing.
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			But did he find other people who are in need? Yes, he found those girls who were in need. And he
went and helped them. Lay your time in this key means he didn't help himself and he didn't encourage
others to do it. So you see two claims are mentioned over here. Firstly, he didn't believe in Allah.
And secondly, he didn't care about the poor. He didn't believe in Allah. He didn't care about
Allah's rights. He didn't give Allah his rights and out of people that we see that we live with that
we deal with, who is it that's deserving needy, and this needy could even be a family member,
someone who's sick and they're in need of water, they're not able to go get it themselves,
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			their mosquito or their it's our duty to help them to assist them. So allow your head brother Tom
and miskeen what does it mean? He didn't care about other people so selfish, that he didn't care
about people. He disregarded the rights of Allah and he disregarded the rights of humanity of the
people around him in the whole cannula. You know, Billa Hilah, Aleem when I heard brought up, I'm in
miskeen, Felisa, so there is not love for him Al Yama today, meaning the Day of Judgment. How who
now right here, meaning in the hush, there is no one or in * how mean any devoted friend, he
didn't care about others. Why should anyone care about him today? He will not have any HMI who has
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			HMI, a class devoted friend. You see Hama, Hama is used for fever, right? And HMI was used for
boiling hot water and HMI him is used for a very close friend, someone who feels for you know, they
have feelings, they care about you, that boil in anger for you. They get upset when you're treated
unfairly. They will speak out for you, they will defend you, they will help you Felisa holy Omaha
who know him. What does it mean? The One Who forgets Allah, then this person will be forgotten in
*. He did not believe in Allah. So in how this person will be forgotten. The one who lives as if
there is no God, then in the Hereafter, you will lose everything. He will have nobody Fellay Salah
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			Julio Maha Hoonah Hamid no one to feel pity for him. No one to feel compassion for him. No loyal
friend, nor relative
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			Nobody to care about him. One more time one more any food in that except min wrestling of wrestling,
the only thing you will have to eat is listening. What is listening listening is from Walsall. What
does water mean to wash? What do you wash? What do you wash away? Dirty, something that is dirty,
something that is filthy, and the water. You know, as you're washing your hands and the water is
falling off from your hands, that water is clean. No, because you just washed away dirt you just
washed away impurities. So that water is filthy lessly Lean is used for dirty liquid, dirty water or
less Lean is also used for excretions that which flows from wounds. Meaning that has to be washed
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			off. Just imagine a wound and there's stuff oozing out of it like pus and blood and you have to wash
it off you have to remove it. This is listening one at a time on a laminar saline, no food except
the discharge of wounds. Layer cooler Kulu who Allah says none will eat it in NL hardly own except
the hottie own who are the hottie own ploy of Copic one who knowingly deliberately commits how to
commit sin. Those who deliberately commit sin for them is this horrible, disgusting repulsive either
repulsive punishment?
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			otter kita
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			Got all the
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			money how Hurlock
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			nisolo on
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			Hulu Oh, Joe
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			CNET you
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			first local Oh in
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			one more other
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			miski been for more than a year with my
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			hammy Wallah.
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			according to
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			see the contrast over here one is a person who knows that he will be held accountable in year one
and two only Malaccan he sabya That I will be asked. So then how does he live? A conscious life?
What does he do? He works hard. So Kulu washable honey and bee man has left him you did something
You prepared something, you send some good deeds forward. Now you enjoy. Now you enjoy because you
put your enjoyment on hold, on the other hand is a person who doesn't believe in Allah doesn't care
about others. So what's the priority for him then what's his focus himself his desires? And so such
a person will be forgotten on the Day of Judgment. Allah says fella Oh, Cosimo fella, so not oxy No,
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			I swear, be my top sirloin with whatever that you see, Lao over here has been interpreted in
different ways. One of the interpretations is that it is extra it is it meaning it's not to be
translated, but it is there for the purpose of emphasis to add emphasis because no is a very strong
word. No, is a very strong word. It's a very powerful word. So for Allah Akbar, simile, Bhima
tuxedomoon. So I swear by whatever that you see, I take an oath by whatever that you see,
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			meaning whatever that you know off, whatever that is around you, whatever that you can witness,
whatever that is within your knowledge Vemma topstone. One out of saloon and also I swear by that
which you cannot see that which you do not see. So in other words, I take an oath by
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			Everything, whether you see it or you don't see it, whether you know of it, or you don't know of it,
but I take an oath by everything. And remember when an oath is taken by something, the purpose is to
make it a proof and evidence of what has been established of what is being mentioned. So, everything
is made a witness over here is taken as a proof for what that in now Hula, hula Sulan Karim, that
indeed it is surely the word of a Noble Messenger
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			that this Quran is true in now who luckily Nova Sulan Kareem in now who is referring to the Quran.
So in other words, everything is a proof of the truthfulness of the Quran. Just as the Day of
Judgment has helped God was Sarah to help.
00:20:54 --> 00:21:43
			Here we learn that the Quran the Kitab that Allah has revealed is also Huck Whether people believe
in it or they don't believe in it. But look at how the Quran has been described. It is the word of a
Noble Messenger, Noble Messenger who is the Noble Messenger Angel Jibreel so it is said it's the
word of a Noble Messenger doesn't mean that he is the one who has said it in the sense that it is to
be attributed to him. This Quran is Gibreel is word this is Gibreel message no Rasul in Kadeem Rasul
who is Rasul messenger, one who is conveying so then whose word is it? Who is the one who has sent
this messenger with this word with the speech, as we read on the last panel data systems, Xena
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			middle Abdullah Al Amin, I have 43. This is revelation from the Lord of the Worlds, you understand.
So then why is it said that in the hola como Rasool in Kareem, this is similar to how you say this
is my book.
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			And when you say it's my book, doesn't mean that you wrote it doesn't mean that you wrote it. No, it
was written by somebody else. But you say it's mine because it's your copy. You bought it. You are
its owner. This is why it's attributed to you because of the ownership. So here it's attributed to
Gibreel why because he is the messenger. He's the one conveying it. In the hula, kolu, Rasul and
Kareem warmer who have your coli share is, it is not the word of a poet. This is not the word tree.
Alina matter me known very little it is that you believe or for very little time very briefly you
believe. Meaning as you listen to the Quran, you begin to believe in it, you are convinced by it.
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			But then after a few moments, that effect goes away. And we all need to think about this also, that
when we listen to the Quran, how attentively? Do we listen to it, so that the effect will actually
last? Look at your posture. Look at the way you're sitting and look at the way you're looking at the
text. Observe yourself how attentive Are you? Allah says kalila matter me noon, you don't give it
your attention. You don't believe in it the way you should. This is not poetry. This is not portrait
of a human being. Yes, if you're listening to poetry, you can relax. And yes, you can look at your
phone as you are, you know, as you're listening to poetry, okay, the word of a human being you could
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			do that. But is the Quran the word of a human being?
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			That we can be relaxed as if we're sitting in our living rooms. And we can be checking out our
phones as if we are, you know, just watching TV or listening to the radio warmer who have you coli
Shah kalila man took me known what we call Lika hin. This is not the word of a soothsayer who is a
Kahin, a fortune teller, a liar, someone who claims to the knowledge of the Unseen. This is not the
word of a human being, who is a soothsayer. Folly LaMotta karoun. Little do you remember? Meaning Do
you even remember and reflect upon what is being recited? If you reflected on it, then you would
never say that this is the word of a human being, because the wish to get out of Makkah, sometimes
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			we will call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a poet. Sometimes they would say that he is a
Kahin. Sometimes they would say that a jinn comes to him, Chopin comes to him. So all these false
ideas are refuted here. And no a gem doesn't come to him. A Noble Messenger from the Lord of the
Worlds brings this message to him. This is not poetry from his mind, this is going to on Allah's
word, this is not fortune telling. Then Zealand middle of Babylon, I mean, what is this Quran then
it is revelation from the Lord of the Worlds then zielen that which has been sent by who? Mid rub
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			From the Lord owner, creator of what Olara Lamine everything that exists, wallow, and if the
Kabbalah he made up who made up Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam because the people accused him
of fabricating this Quran and attributing it to Allah saying that this is God's speech. Allah says
that if this man had invented had made up, anything, the Kawana is from the word away. Coal is a
word and the coal is to make up a word, meaning to invent to fabricate, if he had fabricated a lie,
I lay now upon us boggle, a car wheel. Some false sayings, a car wheel is a plural of the word
acquired, which is the plural of the word coding.
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			Okay, so what is meant is that if he had made up even a few statements, you said all Quran, this is
a fabrication? Well, if Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had even invented a few statements and
attributed them to Allah, what would happen? Let a hug now, surely we would seize men who him
meaning we would seize Him, Billy Amin, by the right hand, meaning from his right hand, his right
hand would be seized.
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			So my then and if your right hand is seized, what does it mean? You're trapped? And your right hand
has more strength in it? For majority of the people? Yes, there are people who find their left hand
strong. But for many people, it's the right hand which is strong. So if that is caught, what will a
person do to save himself? So Mala Katana, then surely we would cut we would sever men who from him
and watin What he is used for the artery that connects the heart with the brain. Okay, so which when
it's cut off, a person dies, right? We all know that part of the brain is brainstem. It's connected
with the backbone, right? And how important is that brainstem and its its components, life
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			threatening, right? I mean, if they're lost, even one part of it if it's got off, then a person
cannot live, they cannot survive. So Allah Allah hudna Amin who Belia means the mala Katana menholt
watin, his watin would be cut off. What does it mean? He would be dead. Allah would not tolerate
even a few false statements from His messenger. Can we make things up about the Quran? Can we make
things up and say God said this, from I mean, come, then there would not be a view when I had an
anybody. I'm referring him hydrazine, who could prevent hedges even from hedges and hedges is used
for a barrier, meaning no one could prevent us from him. No one could save him from us. No one could
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			defend him. None of you could come between us and Him if we wanted to do this to him. What does this
mean? That the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has not fabricated this Quran. If he had
fabricated it, this would be his end. And this is not the case. Every word of this Quran is from who
it is from Allah. It is Allah speech. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not invent even a
single statement. He did not make up even a single word. It is from who from Allah, wa inna who and
indeed it meaning this Quran is let that Kira turn surely a reminder. Little more keen for those of
Taqwa for them is a great reminder. Just in this surah a great powerful reminder for people who fear
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			Allah. What in Elena Alonso and even though this is such a powerful reminder, Allah says indeed we
know that nm income that indeed among you are McKenzie been deniers, our view are those who will
still deny. So have you forgotten what happened to the McAfee been before you? Can that's some old
Wild day denied. Have you forgotten what happened to them? This is a warning this is a threat? What
in the hula? Hustla and indeed it will surely be it has Sora meaning a source of hustle. And what is
Hassan regret? This denial of Quran will be a source of great regret for who I learned care feeding.
For those who deny it being right now they deny and they're happy in their denial. But what's going
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			to happen later, great regret. As Allah says in surah Mulk wa Kalu local Nana smell
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			own Archangel Michael Nephi us how to sorry, it was in the who? And indeed this Quran is luckily
again, surely it is the truth of certainty. This Quran is surely happy again, what does it mean? You
see, there's different levels of certainty. One level of certainty is really really akin knowledge
of certainty meaning when you know something for sure, why because you have read about it, you have
heard about it, you have grown up with it, so you know it for sure.
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			Like, for example, you know that
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			oranges are orange,
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			you know that this is originally a pain, right? Then another level is, I know your pain. When you
have your pain, because you have seen it, you are certain because you've seen it with your eyes, you
haven't just known you don't just know about it, that you have seen it. And because you've seen it,
you're convinced.
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			Like for example, you might know that there are certain places in this world that are beautiful. For
instance, somebody told you that the Atlantic Ocean, if you drive by is just beautiful, you know,
it's beautiful.
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			But if you were to see it with your own eyes and go visit that place and drive by the ocean, would
you know it to be beautiful? Yes, because you've seen it. Right?
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			But let's actually do this, you know, that is beautiful, because somebody told you then you saw a
picture or a video and that assured you that yes, it's beautiful. The third level is happily Akin.
When you have experienced something firsthand and through your experience, you know that it is such
and such. So when you go and drive by the ocean and you experience it, you experience the wind, the
breeze, the beautiful fragrance, the colors, you touch the water that will make you know for sure
that it's beautiful. So happy again is through experience. Allah says this Quran is Hockley again.
What does it mean for those who have experienced this Quran? for them? It is a certainty. How do you
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			experience the Quran? How do you live it? When you interact with it? When you read it, and you
engage with it, you reflect on it, you apply it and then when you're in a problem you find your
answer in it. You'll find what you need through it. It corrects you points out your faults points
out your shortcomings reminds you wakes you up. This is your experience with the Quran. So for them
it is happily a clean, facade behind. So glorify Bismillah Bismillah AR Alim with the name of your
Lord who is the most great glorify Your Lord Subhana Allah vlR leam perfect is my lord the Most
Great Subhana Allah Hila limi will be handy he Why do this we have your Lord, ye when he has given
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			you this happily a clean than worship Him. Whether people believe or they don't. You have to worship
your Lord. You do not grieve over people's denial. you convey the message fulfill your
responsibility and glorify and worship your Lord. We will listen to the recitation of these verses.
Ferla oppo Simone Bhima Tomas will home warm Allah
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			carry in one vehicle insha Allah Elam
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			Ali Ollie let
00:33:58 --> 00:34:01
			that go home
00:34:05 --> 00:34:10
			beat me in what I want to talk
00:34:11 --> 00:34:16
			about one of holier than thou
00:34:18 --> 00:34:21
			ebme seen
00:34:24 --> 00:34:27
			it in
00:34:30 --> 00:34:36
			a heading nine non muhajir z. What
00:34:38 --> 00:34:38
00:34:40 --> 00:34:43
			it mean? Well?
00:34:49 --> 00:34:55
			Mocha Libby, we're in Walla Hustla toll
00:34:56 --> 00:34:59
00:35:00 --> 00:35:00
00:35:02 --> 00:35:02
00:35:03 --> 00:35:12
			please. First of all this meal of beak allowing
00:35:14 --> 00:35:22
			Subhanak Allahumma behenic eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stuffing Cava to boo la Assalamu alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh