Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 288A Translation Al-Qalam

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The transcript describes various celebrity and media coverage, including former members of the royal family, media members, and a woman named Mrs. Marah. The group discusses various topics, including a roadblock, a woman named Mrs. Vina, a woman named Mrs. Marah, a potential return to a movie, and a woman named Mrs. Vina. They also mention distressed people and potential reward for attendance.
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah here. We'll get to
number one is Salia. Louder SUTA him Kareem I'm Albert Firoozeh bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Frobisher Ashley's Saudi were Sidley Emery wash Lula letter melissani of Tahu Callie verbenas ignor. In
surah two column is number one to 52. TRANSLATION known, known, while Allah me by the pen warmer and that which he has to rune they inscribe their right, man, not under you been here Mati with blessing, Bob Baker of your rub Bhima Junoon at all a madman. We're in and indeed Lucky for you. Let agilon Surely reward the Euro not Mamnoon one failing. We're in Mecca, and indeed you la isla surely upon colocating a character or leam great Fussa tubal su so soon you will see where you will see rune and they will see be a Yukon with which of you Alma stone, the one who is inflicted the one who is insane in indeed, love Bucha Europe, who are he or alone who is best knowing Beaman with who
Burleigh, he has gone astray and severely he from his way well, who and he or Allah who is best knowing the name of the Dean with those who receive guidance fella so do not declare you obey l mukha de bien those who deny what do they wished low if only to the he knew you would soften for you the he known then they would soften Wallah and do not filter you obey color every hanafin One who swears much Mahina in one who is disgraced one who is worthless hummus in one who is a slender, mushy one who walks much been a meme with calumny.
menar one who hinders much lil hide for the good. Martha had a transgressor a seem a sinner, or to Lynn cruel BARDA after their Lika that the Neiman one of illegitimate births and that Ghana he was the possessor man of wealth, were burnin and sons, either when toddler is recited or lay he upon him Aya tuna our vs. Allah He said a South little stories fables a welline of those who passed earlier. Son aseema Who soon we will brand him Allah upon al Khartoum the snout in there indeed we bellow now whom we tested them gamma just as Bellona we tested us harbor companions agenda of the garden is when Akosombo this war layer three Muna her, surely they will definitely pluck it or surely they
will definitely got its fruit must behave as ones who enter morning. Why not? And not yes this noon. They make exception photographer so it went around or lay her up on it. But if one that goes around, men from Rebecca Europe, we're home while they know a moon ones who are asleep for us by head so it became just sledding like the REAP or like the one harvested set an adult so they called out most behaved as ones entering morning. And that oh do you all go out early. Allah upon her SQL your field in if you were sorry mean? Ones who pluck ones who got from point A cool, so they set out while home while they get a half a tune? They whisper in secret tones and that love not yet the Hulan he
definitely enters it on the OMA today our lay come upon you miskeen any needy person will huddle and they went in mourning Allah upon how they anger are the ones who are capable fellow man then when are Oh ha they saw it. Or do they said in indeed we love or loon? Surely ones who have gone astray by
rather national week, mushroom Moon ones who are deprived color he said, Oh subtle, whom most moderate of them Adam did not a call I say local to you all. Lola why not to serve beehoon You will glorify although they said Subhana glorified Rabina our rub in there indeed we can now we were one of the main ones who do wrong acapella so they turned back of the home some of them are Allah upon Barcaldine some others Yet Allah will moon they blame each other. Follow they said yeah Oh, way Lana war to us in indeed we can now we were falling ones who transgress Arsa perhaps Rob buena our wrap on that you will Ilana he will exchange for us Hiren better men her than it in indeed we Isla
towards Rabina our Lord Ravi Boon Wanzhou incline galica Likewise Allah I dabble the punishment, while our double and surely punishment and asilo of the Hereafter a couple is greater low if only can oh there were year alone they know in indeed Lynwood deadly for the righteous ones are in the near but I'll be him there Jana gardens a name of the delight of the blessing should first then Niger aloo we make an Muslimeen those who submit Kalmadi remain like those who are criminals. Ma what Lacan for you gay for how come on, you all judge or Lacan for you keytab on a book fee in it that will soon you will study in indeed law calm for you fee in it lemma surely whatever yet Uh huh
your own. They choose their select
or lack of for you all a man on oats or Lena upon us vallila Tune reaching one that reaches Isla to yo de LTM the standing in indeed luckily for you all llama surely whatever the heck Ramon you all judge son whom ask them Are you home which of them be delicate with that? Their Iman one who guarantees
or is there even one who is responsible?
Or law home for them Shoraka partners failure to so they should come visual raka in him with their partners in if Ghana there were saw the clean ones who are truthful Yoma on day you shuffle it will be exposed. It will be uncovered on from circling shame. Where you the owner and they will be called Isla towards a Sudduth the frustration fellow so not yesterday to your own they will be capable. Harsh here are 10 submissive, humble Assad whom their eyes that will help you whom it overtakes them the disgrace humiliation worker and in fact, Ghana they were you the owner they were called Illa sujood to the prostration were home while they surly Moon ones who are safe and sound further me so
leave me woman and whoever you got the Boo he denies be Heather with this and Hadith the Speech Center study read your home soon we will gradually proceed to them. Or semester the read your home soon. We will progressively lead them men from Hazel were left not yellow moon they know what only and I will give respite law home to them in indeed KD my plan Medina strong or does a new home you ask them agilon a reward for home so they made from muslimin adapt, most alone, ones who are heavily burdened um or in the home with them a label the unseen for whom so they react to goon they write for severe so be patient. Lee shook me for a decision. Rob big of your rub. Walla and do not Dakota
UB just saw him like companion and shoot of the fish is when Nadder he called out Wahoo while he mcloon One who is distressed Lola if not on that. Tada raka who it reached him. It overtook him near Mattoon. A blessing middle of behave from his Rob. learn Ruby the surely he was thrown bill out
in the open shore.
Well who while he might Moon one who is blameworthy? fajita bear who so he chose him Prabhu his Rob Fajr Allah Who so he made him made a folly Hain from those who are righteous were in and indeed Yeka do. He was near Alladhina those who carefully they disbelieved. Lay us Liko Naka, surely they cause you to slip the other Saudi him with their sights with their eyes lemma when Semeru they heard a vicar the reminder way of coluna and they say in who indeed he lemma Junoon surely a madman warmer and not who are it in the except the Quran a reminder Lila aalameen for the world
let's listen to the recitation of these verses
This means your watchmen watching no
one will call anyone is
why in
no we're in a gala
be a full moon to a
mommy daddy
DB what doula who to the Nova you already know Walla
fie many
being I mean men
are amoral the
journey name
warning zone so
genetic album Sam who
was VP why is that no
top off at all
the hospital has skill sorry that must be me and
the people in Doom sorry
the author don't
miss me while the
love on Oh in on on
on our sample
bottles have their hand out on
body mean for
all Pauline
Beam Genet in green earth energy
module reaming Marah.
amlactin kita he did also
emlenton Amen
selling home
be ready
ganzer I
am level
two visual
Yo my Yorkshire
is godly
cause you're
a healer see God
you can be will be hard and heavy Zetas said
we're only
at 19 This
the home
going to speed up near a big
console here in the evening
be here
all you want
me know Saudi he well he again ready and I got all I use Nippo like every other Saudi
semi was
no one