Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P28 279B Tafsir Al-Hashr 1-6

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript discusses the tragic murder of two Muslims during their travels to Afghanistan, including the use of boulders to hold them and the British- born American's use of boulders to hold them. The conversation also touches on the loss of culture and respect for Muslims, including the use of words like "backfires" and "opposed" to describe actions and events. The transcript also highlights the historical event of the first gathering in Queens and the first gathering as an exile, and the importance of listening to chef's lectures and the belief that everything is happening gradually and slowly.

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			Are other bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Surah to hash
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			Surah hasher is from the Musa Behat, meaning it is a solar that begins with the mention of Allah's
the speed with Allah's glorification. And this surah is also called Surah bunu Nullius. All right.
Why because it was revealed concerning their violation of the treaty and their eventual expulsion
from the city of Medina.
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			Remember that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam migrated to Medina, he made a treaty with
the different people that lived in the city or around the city. And amongst them were also the hood.
And one of the conditions or one of the things in the treaty that was agreed upon, was that if ever,
there is some financial burden incurred by any group of the city of Medina, then everybody would
take part of it, meaning that would contribute to it. So for example, if an inhabitant of the city
of Medina killed someone by accident, then what does that mean? That not the blood money has to be
given, so who's going to give the blood money, that person individually, no, the entire community.
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			So regardless of your race, and your religion, you're going to contribute, you're going to take
financial responsibility of the larger community. So this was something that was stipulated in the
treaty. Now what happened, there was a Muslim who accidentally killed two people. And there was a
reason behind that. Remember the incident where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent 70
Muslims to a certain tribe, right. And those 70 Muslims were encircled and they were killed. And
there were only two Muslims who survived. So one of the survivors as he was making his way back to
Medina, he came across two people. And he thought that those two people were from the tribe that had
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			attacked the Muslims. So what did he do? He took advantage of the moment and he killed him. And very
happily, he came to Medina and later on, he found out that those two people were not from that
tribe, there was somebody else. So on the one hand, such a huge loss that Muslims had just suffered
from, you know, 68 Muslims had been killed. And these 68 Muslims were who they were corrupt, they
were false. They were signers of the Quran, people who are knowledgeable of the Quran, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so grieved that he continued to pray connote for several days, you
know, when you make dua, in Salah, this is outside of Ramadan, by the way, and he continued to do
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			that for many, many days. Now what happened? This accidental murder of two people, now the blood
money had to be given. So according to the treaty, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went to
the balloon elite, in order to discuss with them that what percentage of it would they cover? So
what happened as he went there? They said, Sure, let's discuss this. Have a seat here. And as a
Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam sat down in one of their houses, the people have been an elite,
they retreated, they went somewhere else to discuss amongst themselves as to what they would agree
upon. So as they're discussing, one of them suggested, you know what? He's right here. Muhammad
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			said, a lot of stuff is right here. Why don't we just get rid of him, just kill him. She upon
overtook them in that moment. And they decided that instead of financially contributing, what would
they do, one of them would go up to the roof of that building, and he will throw a huge boulder on
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in order to kill him.
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			So what happened as they're executing their plan, one of them is going up, in order to kill the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Gibreel came and informed the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and
he left. Now, this was a clear violation of the treaty of Medina. The treaty was there, which meant
that we have to respect each other's lives, we're going to cooperate with each other, we're going to
live together in peace. And this was not the first incident by the way, this was the peak of it. So
what happened when they violated the treaty, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent word to
them, that you have broken the treaty yourself.
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			And if you have shown over and over again, that you cannot respect this treaty, then you know what,
you can't live here. Because if you're going to live here, you have to show respect to one another's
lives. And if you're not going to do that, you can't stay here. So they were given 10 days, the 10
days back up and leave. And if you don't, then serious action will be taken against you.
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			So what happened? They got a little scared. The balloon elite got a little scared because previously
they had seen another Jewish tribe how they had been evicted from Medina because of their violation
of the treaty. So what happened they started backing up that okay, we should get ready to leave.
However, our beloved innovate came to them. And he said, You know what, I got you covered. Don't
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			about it. Just stay here. Let those STEM days go by, and you'll see things will be better. And you
know what if there is a need to fight the Muslims, I've got 2000 men. I'll bring them and we will
fight the Muslims. You're not going anywhere. You're staying right here. So the banana leaves, they
decided, okay, we'll stick. Our beloved obey is offering his help. He's promising to help a few 1000
warriors. So we're good. We don't need to go. So what happened? They stayed. And when those 10 days
were over the prophets of Allah who already was along with the Muslims made his way to the
fortresses of linoleum been on the lead. They had owned property in Medina, right outside of Medina,
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			many, many orchards of date farms, they were land owners. And they also had built fortresses. All
right. So what did they do? They lock themselves up in their fortresses. So the Muslims as they
came, they laid siege to the fortresses, that okay, you're gonna come out one day, and when you will
come out, you'll fall into our hands. We gave you an ultimatum, you didn't respect that. So now
let's see what happens. So the siege continued for about two weeks. And then what happened?
Eventually, the balloon elite, they surrendered, because our beloved obey never showed up with his
2000 men, and the balloon elite were afraid that if they did not surrender, then something more
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			serious could happen. So as they surrendered, they were told, okay, backup and leave. So that is
what they did. They backed up their bags, they took all their belongings, and they went to cable.
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			But when they were leaving the city of Medina, they didn't just take with them, their furniture and
their animals and their clothes. They even took out doorframes and window frames, and roof panels,
you know, they took out everything they possibly could, they broke their own houses.
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			They took whatever they could with them, and then they left the city.
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			So Allah subhanaw taala revealed this surah let's look at the surah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim
Subhan Allah He math is somehow when he when I fill out everything in the heavens and the earth
glorifies and praises Allah.
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			Does this be of Allah declares Allah's perfection,
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			his freedom from any kind of weakness or fault or deficiency or resemblance to the creation because
Subhana Rebeccah Rob biller is at our man yesterday phone, perfect as your Lord the Lord of honour,
above whatever they ascribe to him. Everything in the skies this includes the sky itself, everything
in the earth. This includes the Earth itself into Israel, I have 44 Allah says to set Behala who
Samoa to several will do the seven heavens and the earth, glorify Allah. And then whatever is in
them also glorifies Allah. Even the thunder glorifies Allah sort of the larva. 13 Allah says, Well,
you said behavoir do become the thunder glorifies Allah. In the earth, even the mountains glorify
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			Allah so total Anbiya is 79 Allah says, what's 100 Merida? Whoo the G bala, You Sabina what by the
mountains and the birds will glorify Allah with that would earn a Salam wa ala Xizor Hakeem and He
is the Exalted in Might the wise, remember, of the most virtuous deeds is to declare the perfection
of ALLAH because ALLAH is perfect. And to declare Allah's perfection is to utter the greatest truth.
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			The prophets of Allah who already will send them said, there are some words that are repeated, and
they are such that the one who says them, the one who repeats them is never deprived. Meaning if he
says those words he will never be deprived. What are those words? Silverhand Allah will hamdulillah
Willa Illa Illa Allah Allahu Akbar.
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			The person who says them will never be deprived. Because Allah is Aziz and Hakeem and it is out of
the perfection of his and his Hickman and his hukum that the following happened, what happened? Who
what Allah the he is the one who Allah is the One who a halogen Medina Cafaro he expelled those who
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			which disbelievers which deniers Minhagim Kitabi. From the People of the Book, and this is referring
to the Jewish tribe of balloon elite. He expelled them from where min dare him from their homes.
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			They lived in Medina, they inhabited that land. They built their fortresses and their homes. Allah
honored them with the book
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			And they rejected the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they rejected him. What happened?
Eventually, they were expelled from their homes. When Li a will Hashem link means at meaning at the
time of A will hash of the first hash. What does hasher mean? Gathering?
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			When people gather together?
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			What is the reason? Could be different reasons. One of those reasons is gather together so that we
can all go, we'll meet here so that we can go
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			right we'll meet here, and then we'll go together and our trip animals even when they gather
together, what is the reason so that they can migrate? Right? So Lee? Oh, well, Hashem. This was the
first gathering gathering as an exile.
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			All right. Why is it called the first time that these people would be exiled because it was the
first time first means there will be another one to follow. Remember, they went to labor from here.
And years later, they were evicted from high but also, some have said that it was the first question
because the second one will be on the day of judgment.
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			And others have said that this was just the beginning. This is something that continued for them.
Wherever they were evicted, LEA will hash Melbourne and Tom You never thought or you believers and
Yahoo that they would leave.
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			You never thought that these people would leave the city of Medina. Why? Because they were so well
settled. They were so established. They had their homes, they had their lands, they had their
businesses. They were fully established in their homes, you never thought that they will leave.
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			And this is something so amazing. That many times when we're living our lives, we are settled as if,
you know we think we're never going to leave we have made our homes as if they are permanent homes.
For one day we all have to leave. Melbourne Antonia Raju Wallen, no. And they also thought under
whom that indeed they many are to whom many are to whom it will prevent them, it would protect them.
Mandira is one that protects one that prevents they thought that something would protect them from
Menara manner what does wonder mean? Stop something. So it would stop any harm from reaching them,
meaning it would save them what would save them Hosono home their fortresses plural of Hisun. Their
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			thought that their fortresses would save them, protect them mean Allah from Allah.
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			from Allah's punishment,
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			meaning they thought if they would go into their fortresses, they would be safe, no harm would reach
them. This is why they built those fortresses. But then what happened? For whom Allah Who, so Allah
came to them, meaning his decree came to them mean Hazlemere Cebu from where they never expected.
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			They never thought that they would have to leave the city of Medina.
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			They thought their fortresses would keep them safe. But what happened? Allah's decree came meaning
the decree for their exile came from where they never expected. It's amazing. They were talking
amongst themselves Najwa Alright, as to what they were going to contribute for the blood money. And
what happened. They started discussing evil things and they decided something very evil. It was
their own
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			mistake that led to their exile mean Hey, Tulum. Yatta see, well, they never thought about it. Look,
as if a few Kulu behemoth Aurora Wakanda and he hurled golf that fat, but to Earl to throw
something. So he hurled fuel glooby him into their hearts arroba fear, terror all what is Rob Rob is
fear of somebody. Such fear of someone that makes you feel very weak and meek and humble that you
don't have the confidence to say anything or do anything. You're feeling so afraid.
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			So other feel Karoubi him or rob? They close themselves in their fortresses. But in their hearts,
Allah put fear
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			and fear is very crippling, Cripple diversen and these people, this is how their defeat came. They
were afraid.
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			If you think about it, Abdullah bin obey had promised them help. They had a lot of wealth. They had
a lot of weapons. They could have technically fought a battle with the Muslims but what happened?
They just got afraid and they surrendered. And when
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			And they surrendered. They had to leave the city and when they were leaving the city you reboot in
Abuja motor home Ukri buena Hora Hora wasafi hora beha What does Herat mean?
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			to demolish something to break it
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			right it means not to break something and to pull it down.
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			So knock the end had to break something and pull it down. So to demolish. So you hurry buena and the
second meaning of Rob is also to leave something desolate and empty. uninhabited.
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			So they left their homes empty
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			Ukri buena buta home how did they break their houses B A D and with their own hands, the same houses
that they built, that once upon a time they filled up
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			the same houses they broke them and they demolish them what add more meaning and alter the hands of
the believers meaning some houses they destroyed themselves in some houses were destroyed by the
believers during the siege. Far tribunal so this whole incident Allah says Farm Bureau so take a
lesson. Yeah, we will absorb or people have vision. Did you see what happened? If you saw it, then
take a lesson for February bro, what is a block reward is to cross I, for example, to cross a river.
So rubra is to cross the surface meaning to look deeper, to look harder to think and reflect and
take a lesson. So this whole incident, take a lesson. Oh you people.
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			What happened? Allah subhanaw taala gave the Al Kitab many blessings. Especially the ones who were
living in Medina. They were blessed in so many different ways. They had the Kitab they had the
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			They had the Torah. And so they were knowledgeable and literate, while the people around them the
Arabs who were the illiterate, are me. Correct.
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			So because of this knowledge, they were respected, they were honored. Right, because knowledge
brings honor to a person. They were blessed in other ways also, that Allah subhanaw taala give them
so much wealth. I remember I told you, they were land owners, land owners.
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			And they were skilled.
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			They would make weapons, they would have markets full of, you know, gold shops and all and the Arabs
would actually come to them, basically. You see, they really took advantage of the Arabs, the Arabs
loved fighting with each other. They loved getting drunk. They loved spending, they love showing
off. All right, and to do any of this, what do you need? You need money. So who do you go to you go
to someone who's got a lot of money who can give you a loan, right? But when you take a loan from
them, you have to pay them interest. Right? And then what happens eventually, is that you run out of
everything. You don't even have any money to pay them interest, then what happens? They will take
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			your house, they will take your garden, they will take your property, so you understand what was
happening over here.
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			With time, these tribes these Jewish tribes are getting richer and richer.
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			Allah subhanaw taala bless them with the deen and with the dunya.
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			Remember sudo Hadith, Allah gave the Kitab and the Hadith. Right. So these people were given both.
But what happened? Did they use them to help Allah and His Deen? No, they used it to oppose Allah
and as messenger.
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			So then what happened? Allah subhanaw taala took these blessings away from them.
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			Allah has given us blessings also religious and worldly.
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			And when it comes to worldly blessings,
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			What is Allah subhanaw taala testing? What is he observing that who is going to use this hadith?
Right? This material the skill? This dunya who is going to use that to help the deen of Allah and
who is going to use it against the deen of Allah? These people use their money against the deen of
Allah. When they left the deen they lost the dunya also.
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			You see what happened? What happened with the hood over here? They left the deen they oppose the
deen What did they lose their dunya also and how so unexpectedly this loss came upon them. They lost
their houses they lost their property. They lost their respect their dignity.
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			They were exiled from the city of Medina. Just imagine this is so humiliating. Imagine breaking your
own house.
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			Imagine leaving your property knowing that somebody else is going to come and take it. Not because
you sold it for because you were told you must leave How humiliating This is. You know, the thing is
that when Allah subhanaw taala gives us worldly blessings, we get so deceived by them, think I've
got the money, I've got security, I've got this, I've got that. And we begin to prefer these worldly
blessings over Allah Subhan Allah,
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			we fall in love with them and we begin to prefer them over Allah, when we will prefer them over
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			Then what's going to happen? Are these worldly blessings gonna stay with us forever? No, Allah gave
them he can take them away also faretta Biru. So take a lesson, or people or vision, look at what
happened with these rich people? Did they keep their wealth forever? No, they lost it. So what do
you think about your blessings that Allah has given you? Can he not take them away? He can take them
away. So what is the lesson? The person who holds on to the dunya only then he will lose the dunya
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			And the one who hold on to the deen
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			than Allah who will give him the near opposite.
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			You understand? Far Toby ruya will absorb. If you truly saw then take a lesson. Well, Oh Allah, and
if it was not uncatted Allah who are laying him that Allah had decreed upon them al Gela the exile
JELA evacuation Jeem lamb? Well, John is to clarify something to make it evident. Right. Angela is
used for evacuation, meaning when somebody leaves a place, right? It's used for exile also, an
entire group of people leave with their families and their belongings, and they go elsewhere. So
this Gela was written for them decreed for them. And if it was not for this July, then what would
happen large Dubow home fit dunya Allah would have surely punished them in this world, while a home
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			filled with Jada banal, but certainly for them as a punishment of the fire in the hereafter. Meaning
they got it easy.
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			When they were evicted from their homes, they actually got it very easy. What they deserve is
something far more severe.
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			And this is something that should really frighten us.
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			Many times it is that we see the consequences of our sins.
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			And remember that whatever it is that we suffer in this world because of our sins,
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			it's not 100% what we deserve off for what we have done
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			because a crime is severe dunya is not who is that? It's not the home of Recompense. It's a place
where there's warning. There's warning,
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			but there isn't
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			complete 100% or acquittal.
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			So here well hola and Khattab Allahu alayhi wa Jalla Lara debone fifth duniya they got it easy. What
the deserve is something far more worse. Why? Valley could be unknown shout Allahu Allah rasool
Allah. That is because they opposed Allah and His Messenger, saying over and over again this team
has been repeated, opposing Allah and His messenger. What may you Shatila and whoever opposes Allah,
for in Allah should need to recall then indeed Allah is Severe in penalty.
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			How is it that these people opposed Allah and His messenger? Oh, by rejecting the messenger refusing
to believe in Him and then showing on the outward that yes, we're going to be true to the treaty and
then going against it.
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			Now what happened? Allah says mapathon whatever you cut, Molina didn't have any Lena what is Lina
date palm tree lamea noon. Clean. All right. One interpretation is that Lena is from lean and lean
is lagging you know, something that's gentle, easy, soft. So Lina is used for date palm trees, the
best of date palm trees basically, that are mature fruit bearing.
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			All right, fresh because when something is fresh, it's soft. And when something is dry, it becomes
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			Right? It is also said that Lina is from Lone lone as color because such a tree is very colorful,
fresh, mature fruit bearing trees very colorful. So whatever trees did palm trees you had to cut
during the siege. Oh, Dr. Maha Emerton or you left them standing. Allah also Lea upon their trucks
will solo plural of muscle what is a muscle the root of something all right, meaning something on
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			It rests are stents so it refers to the trunks of the day palms meaning you left them as is whatever
you did some trees you cut other trees you left you did it why for the evening law then by the
permission of Allah meaning Allah allowed you to do that and what was the benefit the benefit was
willing to sell faster cane and so that the defiantly disobedient would be disgraced. Now remember,
the banana lead were initially given 10 days right back up and leave at the login obey came deceive
them so they said we're staying here.
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			After those standards would happen, the Muslims game laid siege right now during that siege. What
happened? The fortresses of the baboon Aleta were such that they were naturally you could say
fortified from outside also by orchards of date palms. All right. And with those orchards, the
Muslims couldn't really come close to the fortresses. Right? So some trees were cut down by the
Muslims in order to draw close to the fortresses. Now, this was a big issue. Firstly, some people,
they were very upset about this. They said, Well, you know what, when Muslims go to war, we thought
you were very peaceful. But here you are cutting down trees. And you see trees, dead palm trees, you
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			don't cut them. You just don't cut them because it takes years and years for a date palm tree to
mature. And these trees were not ordinary. They were Lena. They were fresh. They were fruit bearing.
So they had to be cut. So some people were very angry. They were very offended. Allah subhanaw taala
says, I allowed you, you did it because for the evening, I allowed you to do it.
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			Right. And this teaches us that sometimes, you know, something that is not that great has to be done
in order to achieve a greater goal.
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			Right. Secondly, the benefit of this was Leo zeal faceting. You can imagine the state of the balloon
elite inside their fortresses watching the Muslims as they were cutting down their trees.
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			Can you imagine their state of helplessness and the increasing fear in their hearts and their
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			So this was a strategy to weaken the enemy that was hiding inside?
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			That how long do you think you can stay hiding in there? How long?
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			So we'll use the Al Fassi thing.
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			Now what happened? Eventually, the balloon elite they surrendered. All right, and they came to this
agreement that they would leave and they will take whatever they could with them. And they did. But
now when they left, of course, they couldn't take their date palm trees, could they? No, they could
take the window frames and the door frames, but could they take the actual homes and fortresses? No.
And then you see there are some things that you can take and there are other things that you cannot
transport. Right? They're just too big, too heavy to transport land. How can you transport land you
can't do that. So many things were left now when they were left. Where did they go in his hands in
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			the hands of the Muslims. So Allah subhanaw taala says woman I felt Allah Who whatever Allah
restored Allah Sunni he to his messenger.
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			Men home from them from who from the banana leaves,
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			I found is from Fate, Fate failure, Hamza is to return or to shift something from one to the other.
The word is also used for shadows because they shift the move from one location to the other.
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			So Faye is referring to the wealth that was left behind by the banana lead which fell into the hands
of the Muslims. Now who does it go to who has a Sharon remember her Nima war booty we have learned
about an earlier tool and found that there are certain portions of it that go to the fighters that
go to the people who participated in battle. But here if you think about it, technically there was
no battle. This was only a siege. Right? And the enemy surrendered. So Allah subhanaw taala says,
this idea makes it clear that fate is different from millennia.
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			Fate is different from millennia. millennia is that which comes after a battle. Fate is what comes
because the enemy surrendered. There was no battle.
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			So with regards to fate, Allah says fomat Oh, Justin, you did not spur I lay over it. Man halen any
horses one at a cabin nor any camels. Handicap is a poor little coupe. It's used for a person who
was riding a camel. And oh Justin, while gene for EGF is to drive hastily to move hardly. So you
don't have
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			To make your horses or your camels run, you don't have to travel. This was just Medina.
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			You understand for, for better they had to go all the way here they didn't have to go very far at
all. In fact many Muslims had actually come on foot. When I Qin Allah this victory came about why?
Because Allah you sell little Rasul Allah who he gives power to His messengers, or lamea Shah over
whomever He wills. This was special victory given by Allah, will Allah who are now coalition in
Kadena and Allah is over everything competent, capable.
00:30:40 --> 00:31:05
			So here it was made clear that the fate would be different from aneema. Why? Because technically,
there was no battle. Where would it go? In whose hands we learn in the following verses completely
to the discretion of the messenger, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. Why because the enemy surrendered
out of fear of the leader of the Muslims, you understand?
00:31:06 --> 00:31:20
			Not because there was a battle. So when they surrendered, all the property would be at the Messenger
of Allah who already use alums disposal, he will decide what goes to who.
00:31:21 --> 00:31:36
			And then we see in the following verses how a share is given to the needy, the share was even given
to them or hygiene, and the share was even given to the unsought What was the reason? The reason was
so that the rich don't keep getting richer.
00:31:37 --> 00:31:58
			All right, because if it's only the capable ones who can go to battle, because at that time you have
to spend from your own pocket. If they go, and then they get the booty, they get it, they're gonna
keep getting richer and richer, and those who are not able to go, what's gonna happen to them,
they're gonna get four and four.
00:31:59 --> 00:32:11
			So here a distinction was made between fate and the honeymoon. You see, sort of two Hadith, and then
sort of magenta, this sort of again, and again, what's the theme we're looking at in the sutra, this
world is
00:32:12 --> 00:32:21
			what transitory no matter what you have, how well established you are, it is fleeting, it's going
00:32:22 --> 00:33:05
			And the sutra we will also see the names of Allah. Earlier, we learned that you remember, Allah, you
remember yourself, knowing Allah means you know yourself. So I have some homework for you. So that
we remember Allah also. And that homework is that you have to listen to the lectures by chef has
Accardi on the names of Allah, this past Ramadan, in the hotrods, that Ravi Katara, he explained the
names of Allah very beautifully. And there aren't that many episodes, they're not that many. And
each one is very short. 1520 minutes maximum. So if you haven't listened to those already, please
make sure you listen to them. They're very addictive, alright. And they're also such that you can
00:33:05 --> 00:33:18
			actually listen to them with your family and hamdulillah I've been listening to them with my
children. And Alhamdulillah my seven year old has been enjoying them a lot. He has been enjoying
them so much that he likes to coffee, she has his hair cut now.
00:33:19 --> 00:33:42
			You hairstyle, you know, I'm so moved by that, you know, kids generally want spikes and all of that.
And he wants his hair, you know from one side to the other because that's how she feels are called
the hazard. And it's because he's talking about the names of Allah. All right. So listen to them
with your children, with your family with your brothers and sisters. Just 15 minutes. Remember Allah
and remember yourselves.
00:33:44 --> 00:33:48
			Let's listen to the recitation. This may learn your Walkman your
00:33:51 --> 00:33:53
			sub burhani Lahemaa.
00:33:55 --> 00:33:56
00:33:58 --> 00:34:13
			hacky one lady for January NACA li kita. We mean the only one in hash. Now one two.
00:34:15 --> 00:34:16
			Well, one
00:34:23 --> 00:34:24
00:34:25 --> 00:34:31
			long being hateful, does evil. Well God is asking you to be Nemo.
00:34:32 --> 00:34:34
			You freeborn Abu.
00:34:35 --> 00:34:38
			Be add more meaning
00:34:42 --> 00:34:45
			all while.
00:34:49 --> 00:34:49
00:35:00 --> 00:35:00
00:35:02 --> 00:35:03
			then he can be
00:35:08 --> 00:35:09
			long how long
00:35:10 --> 00:35:10
			will remain
00:35:16 --> 00:35:22
			in law should it all man Papa to
00:35:24 --> 00:35:28
			lean in to move more
00:35:31 --> 00:35:33
			slowly half and be evening
00:35:34 --> 00:35:37
			Z city