Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 277D Tafsir Al-Hadid 21-24
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The importance of forgiveness and competition in every situation is emphasized, including those where the person is facing a challenge. The need for forgiveness and competition is emphasized, as it is impossible to predict the future. The importance of acceptance, laughter, and laughter at the end of every situation is emphasized, along with the need to protect oneself from the "po centers of existence." The segment concludes with a call to read the brochure and emphasize the importance of laughter and laughter at the end of every situation.
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Allah says cervical run Illa mal Filati Mira become to forgiveness of your Lord do not compete in fucker do not compete in cathedra what is the real race that you've been sent here for cervical Musa Khan is to compete with each other to race with each other to get ahead. So you should be racing competing with with each other in what causes in what work. Isla mafia rotten to forgiveness middle have become of your Lord. What Jana 10 and also Jana, this is the real race.
You should be ahead in doing good you should do more than what others are doing. And especially Eli Murphy rotten rush and race in actions that will bring you forgiveness. So every day instead of thinking what can I do to impress my sister?
I can just show off to her. I know better words than her or I can impress my neighbors or I can impress my co workers think what can I do today to get my Fila
to get forgiveness? What Jen nothin and also a Jana a garden are all whoo Ha, girl this summer you will who's with is like that of the sky and the earth together?
How you just the is the earth pretty big.
And how huge is the sky? We don't even know. Janna is as wide as the sky and the earth. And it has been prepared for who will read that will Adina Amman who Billa he will slowly it has been prepared for those people who believe in Allah and His messengers that he called Lulu, that is the bounty of Allah you d he may a shot that he gives to whomever he wills will Allah who will follow the law lien and Allah is the Possessor of Great Bounty.
You see how this message is repeated over and over again in these verses?
Rush to Allah. In the previous tools we learned for federal aid Allah bisa Kuhn, and here sabya Cool. You've been sent to this world to make your home and Jana now work quickly. Don't delay. You know, when you're in a competition, you see people in competitions, right?
Have you ever seen people, let's say in a cooking competition? Can you imagine there's a person in a cooking competition? And instead of cooking, they're just looking at the dishes? Wow, that's a really nice knife.
Wow, these ingredients, what grocery store did you bring them? Do you ever see people talking like that?
They know that those tools are for them to use, not to enjoy. They will use them because they know that time is short.
So we have limited time over here also. So do something today to bring you forgiveness, compete in works of forgiveness. Do those things that will bring you forgiveness? What brings you forgiveness? Salah. Vicus this be salawat and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and aim for Jana. Jana, that is huge. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said that I met Ibrahim on his salaam on the night of Israel. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I met Ibrahim on the night of Israel and he said to me that all Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam convey my salam to your Amma Amma he didn't say your companions He said your Oma. So you also send Salam to
you by the way.
Isn't that beautiful?
And he said tell them that Jana is of pure land and sweet water.
And its expanse is vast. However Jana is empty, meaning each person's Jana is empty. So how do you fill it? What are the plantations? They are the seedlings are Subhan Allah he will hamdu Lillahi wa ala ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar. So fill it up.
Race in filling up your Jannah just like there's an obsession that we have in filling up our houses with the latest this or the latest that or the better this or the better that
so race compete in filling up your eternal home in Jannah.
And Allah says the Jana is vast how vast girl this summer he will like the width of the sky and the earth.
How vast is Jana? We cannot even imagine it. The prophets of Allah who already said them, he said that I know the last person who will be brought out of * and admitted into Jannah.
So he will be told enter Jannah he will go he will enter and He will say to Allah
It all lights already for I mean, it's full. There's so many people I can't find any space in here. I think it's all he'll be told go go into China, you'll say it's for
you can't go back and he'll say it's for Allah subhanaw taala will say go back and this will happen a couple times. And then Allah subhanaw taala will say that go and enter Jannah and you will have the equivalent of the whole world and 10 times as much,
how much the equivalent of the whole world and 10 times as much. So that person will say, Oh Allah,
are you joking with me?
When you are the Sovereign King,
you understand? Why will the man say that? Out of complete surprise that how is that possible? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was narrating this, he was smiling so much that the people could see his Bakhtin he was smiling so much. So race towards Jana. That is eternal. Don't race for this dunya Yes, use it. It's a tool. It's a means but not the goal. So treat it like that.
It should not be your priority, nor should it be your ultimate worry and concern. Allah gave this to you to build your home and Jana. So work on that.
And then in the following ayah Allah is punctata says ma Saba men mostly button. Ma Saba, whatever strikes men mostly button from any trouble any difficulty. Mostly Eva is literally that which reaches that which hits. So anything that hits you, anything that reaches you fill audibly in the earth. Like for example, in natural disaster, there's a fire there's a storm, there's a flood, there's an earthquake, any tragedy, and fill early in the earth also includes the people of the world. So it could be political unrest, whatever it may be one of the unphysical nor in yourselves, in yourselves meaning in your body. You're suffering from some difficulty in your body, some pain in
your body, or in your heart, psychologically, in your feelings in your relationships with your children, or in your community. Ma Saba men mostly button fill early wala Fie, unfussy calm, there is not a problem that hits you. Neither in this world, nor anything in your personal life. Whether this is something tangible or intangible, something that's extremely painful, or something that's very positive, even because remember mostly by is literally that which hits. So this could include something good and something evil. So in other words, nothing happens in this world, nor in your life. elaphiti Tabin, except that it is in a book, meaning it is recorded in the book, which book?
Which book is this low? Hold muffles the preserve tablet? And when was it written over there? Min cobbly before and Abraha that we created it that we brought it into being brought what into being the most labor,
meaning the most labor that is happening right now? Yes, it's happening right now before your eyes. Yes, you're experiencing it right now in your life. But remember that this was written a long time ago, in the book, in the record, the word Nebra, from Bella Hamza bottle is to create to bring into existence. So Allah subhanaw taala knew about this Messiah, he wrote it, he willed it, and now he has created it. You think this is amazing? Well, in America, Allah Allah He has seen indeed that for Allah is easy. This is not difficult for Allah.
Why is this being mentioned,
the example of this life was given. And we see that in life, there are many times when we get hurt, or we get something there are times when we are happy, and there are times when we're sad. There are times when we experience victory, gain success, and there are times when we experience loss, failure, and other such things. There is sickness and there's healing. There is wealth and there is poverty. There are reasons to feel very happy, and there are reasons to feel very sad and depressed and worried. This is what this life is about, isn't it? I mean in one day, sometimes you go through so much. The morning is amazing. The afternoon
is completely different. And by the night you're in tears, isn't it? But then you go to sleep sad. And then in the morning, you have a fresh start. Right? So if you look back at your life, if you look back at your day, this is what we experience good and evil. Now, what happens is that if we experience good things, we begin to feel that yes, my life is very good. And if we experience, you know, certain difficulties, then we pity ourselves. What is this is teaching us that your success or your good life is not measured by the good things you have experienced or the bad things you've experienced? Because no matter what reaches you, no matter what happens, do you remember this was
written a long time before? This was written way before even the Earth was created?
So what's the point then? What's the objective? What's the lesson over here? The thing is that we begin to fear difficulties. And we become greedy for immediate gain for immediate success, or for immediate gratification. And based on that we make certain decisions, which may bring us joy in the short term, but in the long term, they may be very detrimental.
Right now, we're so consumed by so overwhelmed by the difficulty that we're in that we just want to get out of it.
And because of that, we'll even do something that Allah subhanaw taala disapproves of. So we are being given the big picture of life over here. That yes, it hurts right now. Yes, you're having fun right now. But this is life. It is not permanent, it is temporary. And no matter what you're going through right now, realize that it is temporary, realize that this was written before. So your decisions in life should not be based on what you're going to get right now. But what you're going to get in the future in the Hereafter. And also,
this idea what it teaches us is that no matter what we gain or we lose, it doesn't mean that we have become successful or we become complete losers and failures in life know the real successes that have the hereafter and the real failure is that all the hereafter recently I was listening to a lecture in which the explanation of the IO was being given the IO which is incidental into thought that in the abre laughing or in that indeed the righteous, they are surely in nerine, they are in pleasure in bliss in comfort. And they were saying that this idea is not just talking about the state of the righteous in Jannah. It is talking about their present state in this world also, that
when a person he does righteous action, then it brings him nerine in this life also it brings them pleasure and contentment and happiness where in this life also, that he may be experiencing pain in his body,
a lot of stress in their life, but they will still have a reason to smile, they will still have a reason to feel happy. So then in Al Abrar, Allah Feanor in what does it mean? That righteousness righteous action brings happiness and joy and comfort to a person and they connected this with the eye of the Quran that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says about the Quran that Fabi valleca familia for who the Quran is something because of which people should be happy, they should rejoice. And they were saying that Quran should bring you joy in your life. So if, despite having the Quran in your life, studying the Quran, memorizing the Quran, reciting the Quran, you're still a miserable, unhappy
person. You haven't really benefited from the Quran. If you're still stressed out, you haven't really benefited from the Quran.
Because the abroad they are bluffing or in their content. They're happy, no matter what situation they're in, they have the strength to be patient. They have the strength to find what is positive. So here ma sabam him we'll see but then Phil oddly, one of the unphysical in the vikita oven. This was already recorded men ugly and Abraha. Now it is coming about but this was written from before. And this belief that we have in other in Divine Decree, what does it bring to a person contentment with life, it doesn't mean that you just watch life as it goes by or as it happens. It just means that you accept the situation that you're in and you make the most of it. Instead of getting upset.
Write about why something didn't happen the way you wanted it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, ma Savoca lamea Conlee of the UK, whatever has hit you was never meant to miss you. If it's hit you, it was never meant to miss you. It was supposed to hit you, it was supposed to reach you. And we're Annamma AtHoc lumea con Lucy back and whatever has missed you, you didn't get it? Well, you know what it was never ever meant to reach you. This was never meant to happen. And when you have this Amen, and when you have this perspective on life, then what will happen? Li kala that Sol li que saw that law not meaning Allah subhanaw taala is telling you about this, why. So that led
that So, you do not become despaired, you do not give up hope, Allah over mathematical that which has eluded you fatter come fall? Well, for what for what is to slip away to pass away? Are there things in our lives that slip away from our hands? Are there opportunities that just slip away? That just go away? Yeah. Does it happen?
Has it ever happened with you that you go to a restaurant to eat something? All right? And then you just forget to have dessert maybe? Or you just forget to have a certain food item? And then somebody asks you later did you try that? And you say no. Have you ever missed things out? We missed them all the time, isn't it. But what happens over the sauce that we didn't get to eat or the drink that we didn't get to have or the dessert that we didn't get to have or the people we didn't get to spend much time with. We grieve and grieve. Allah subhanaw taala says, that is telling you this, that everything that's happening right now was written from before it was supposed to happen. Why? So
that you do not despair over what has eluded you, over what has passed you over what you have missed out on? Because if you continue to grieve over it, then can you enjoy what you have? Can you? Can you be happy about what you have? No, you can't. If you keep thinking about what you don't have anymore, then can you enjoy what you still have? No.
Let's say for example, you really wanted to spend an hour with a friend of yours.
And you had only that one hour. And for the first 2030 minutes somebody else was sitting there and they didn't let you talk to your friend. All right, then what happened? Finally they went away? How much time do you have left? 30 minutes. But in those 30 minutes, you're just upset? What's wrong with this person? Why didn't they let me talk to my friend? So because you're so upset and angry? Can you benefit from that 30 minutes that you still have? You can't What a big loss. What a loss. We deprive ourselves of the blessings that Allah has given us. When we grieve over what we have lost and what we have lost. We can never get it back anyway. And we were supposed to lose it. It was not
meant to stay with us because that is what was written. So li kala that so Isla malefactor calm, wala Tafara who Bhima atta calm and you do not exalt over what He has given you. Meaning if there's something good that has reached you, you are enjoying some success, some blessings that Allah has given you. Well, don't exalt over them too much. Don't be proud of them too much either. Don't go to this extreme either. Why? Because know that you have it today because Allah wrote it for you.
Well, Allahu Allah, your Hibou and Allah does not love, good number of talent for who? Every person who was self deluded and boastful. Who is McDowell. McDowell if the L. All right, from Ha, yeah, lamb Hail, hail is a horse. How does a horse walk? It's got is its neck up high. Right. So McDowell is a person who is self deluded, merge had been FC meaning he thinks very highly of himself. In his head, he thinks very highly of himself. This is my style. And for who is someone who's boastful meaning who cannot keep his pride in his heart, he just has to talk about it, he has to mention it.
For whom it is sad for who it is a person who keeps talking about Fall to Fall to I did this and I did that I went here and I ate that I met this person.
And I did that. This is a hoot, constantly showing off. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling you that everything is decreed why so that you can stay humble. You remain humble in sorrows
Hello, I have 49 We learn some either one now who near Mata Mina, Carla in number 82 who are other Illman that there are some people who, when Allah subhanaw taala gives them a blessing they say, I was given this because of my knowledge, I'm deserving of it.
And in life when Allah subhanaw taala gives something to us and then takes it away. Is it humbling?
Does it keep us humble? What's the benefit of loss and pain? It keeps us humble. And Lavina who are the Matalan for her Alladhina I have her Luna there are those people who are stingy. Because McDowell for who is self deluded, proud of himself. So he's stingy. He wants all the good just for himself, while maroon and NASA will Bulkeley and they enjoin upon people with bottle also being the tell people to be stingy also, it says there stinginess is not sufficient for them. They have to tell others to be stingy also, well, my data will and whoever turns away meaning from Allah for in Allahu Allah Neagle, Hamid, then indeed Allah, he is free of need, and praiseworthy. What is
beautiful? What is stinginess, basically stinginess is to hoard the blessings that Allah has given to a person, hoard them, so that a person neither uses them? Nor does he let anybody else use them? He doesn't enjoy them himself. And he doesn't let anybody else enjoy them either. Why would a person do that? I'm sure every one of us has done something like this in our lives. For example, we get some food. I don't know why I'm thinking of food today. But let's say you get some dessert, okay? And you keep it in your refrigerator. Right? And you say, I'm gonna have it. Not today, whatever tomorrow. And then tomorrow comes like no one. Let me save it for tomorrow. Right? And then you keep
saving it, keep saving it until what happens? You get so busy. You forget about having it and by the end, what do you see it's expired. It's only good for the garbage.
Why do we do this? Because we are afraid about the future. That if I finish it all today, or if I give it to somebody today, I will not have it tomorrow? What will I do tomorrow? You understand? This is our fear. We want to protect ourselves from poverty to morrow, which is why we become stingy. Today, we deprive ourselves and we deprive others also. Whereas who knows about tomorrow? Only Allah who is our provider today and tomorrow, it is Allah. So Allah the nya polona Way up moon and NASA will buckle will Mejia Tavella for in Allahu Allah ne yo Hamid. If you look in the Surah over and over again we are invited to spend in the way of Allah. Right. Musa Duquesne will suck
Deckard a Quran Allah Quran Hasina Munda leather Euclid Allah Cardon Hassan. And when we are invited to spend in the way of Allah, what are we being told, worry about today or worry about the real tomorrow? Worry about the real tomorrow. We worry about our worldly future because of which we become so stingy. But we don't worry about the answer, when we will truly be needy.
When we will truly be empty handed.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that on the Day of Judgment, Paradise will be brought,
Paradise will be brought, how that it will be brought with all of its adornment meaning completely decked out beautified This is how Paradise will be brought. And it will be said Aner eBuddy. Allah will say Where are My servants, Olivia Nakata. Luffy severely will continue. Those who fought in my way and they were fought against because of me, what all do feasibility and they were hurt in my way. They suffered loss. And they suffered pain in my way, what Jaha Doofy severely and they didn't stop because of that hurt and loss. They continue to strive in my way. Although hold Jana, enter Jana, all of you know, those of you who suffered in my way, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said that they will enter Jannah without any hisab without any reckoning.
The reason why I mentioned this hadith to you, is to highlight the part about oofy severely suffering in the way of Allah.
You see, we hold back, we hold back our money, our time. We hold back we become
selfish, because we're afraid for ourselves. We don't want to get hurt. We don't want to be sleep deprived. We don't want to be hungry, we don't want to be tired. But the thing is that if we want to make a home in the Hereafter, we have to give something up today.
And whatever it is that you give up today for the sake of Allah, whether it is a money or it is your time or the fact that you're standing on your feet walking as you're volunteering for a Muslim event, for instance, whatever you're giving, you're suffering in the way of Allah this is not going in vain. This is going to benefit you.
And those who keep holding back and turning away from Allah will Miyata what Allah whoever turns away then Allah doesn't need that person at all because Allah is Lynnie and Hamid he doesn't need our service if we serve Him and we suffer in any way even if it's a little bit this is at the end who's going to benefit we are going to benefit look at this hadith what ooo visa vie where are those servants of mine who suffered in my way who got hurt and injured and tired in my way? Where are they
not those who spent their time sleeping and just eating and partying and just having fun and living their lives just for their own pleasure and comfort know those who live for Allah where are they and they will be told to enter Jannah without any HiSET will listen to the recitation of these verses
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