Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P27 270B Tafsir Al-Toor 1-16

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of writing in parchments is highlighted, as it allows for important documentation and portability of writing. The Day of Jury is discussed, including punishment and the potential loss of war and life. The speakers emphasize the importance of being honest and not worrying too much, as well as the danger of talking and spending too much time on negative thoughts. The importance of magic and the Day of Jury is also emphasized.

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah to to
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			Surah to Tov is a murky Surah
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			it has 49 short verses and about 1500 hodl
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			Surah toto is one of the more facile sources and remember that Mufasa turas are those sources which
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited very frequently in Salah. So there are many reports,
in which we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was heard reciting Surah, two, two
in his prayer. For example, there's an Irishman Buhari, in which we learned that Santa Maria de la
Mancha, she said that she became unwell when they had gone for pilgrimage, and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her to do tawaf on her camel because she wasn't able to walk. All
right, so she was to do the live on her camera. And she said that while I was doing the live, then I
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			saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praying beside the Kaaba, and he was reciting Surah,
two, two.
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			In another Naresh and we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was heard
reciting the surah in Salah told mercury in the mercury prayer. So what is the surah Bismillah al
Rahman al Rahim, what tool by the tool? What Kitab him a stool and by a book that is inscribed,
where fill up the mature in a parchment that is spread open, while bathe in much more and by the
frequented house was set up a filmer for and by the Heaven that is raised high, while but really
must do and by the sea that is filled up. You see right at the beginning of the surah. An oath is
being taken not just by one object, but by many things. Five things are mentioned over here by which
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			Allah subhanaw taala takes an oath. And remember that when Allah takes an oath, the reason is to not
prove his truthfulness because Allah is truthful. When people swear an oath when we take an oath,
why is it that we have to take an oath to prove our truthfulness? When Allah takes an oath, it is to
show the importance of what is being mentioned. And also what is being taken an oath by. So to
highlight the importance of two things, firstly, the object by which the oath is being taken. And
secondly, what is being mentioned after the oath. So here, five things are mentioned Allah subhanaw
taala takes an oath. What is the first one what fooled by the tooth? What is Thor? Thor is a word
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			from Syriac language originally. And the word tool in Syriac language means mountain. As we learn in
the Quran, booty scene in right to sin in meaning the tour of sin in sin as in Sinai, so tour as in
Mount. All right, Mount Sinai, Thor means mountain, we learn in the Quran, we're a foreigner folk
Nakamoto we raised we lifted over you on top of you the tool as in the mountain. And generally when
this word is used, the tool is used instead of Jable. Then you will see that it is used in the
context of who Musa alayhis salam or Bani Israel. All right. So pour over here refers to the
mountain where Allah spoke to Musa alayhis salam, where Allah gave him the Torah. And this is the
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			reason why the two two Saina or Mount Sinai is understood as a balloon Jubail it is one of the most
important mountains after Jebel new Java Lu is a mountain where the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam received first revelation, and the third is the mountain where Musa alayhis salam was spoken
to by Allah, what Kitabi must food and buy a book that is mustard, mustard from cetera cetera is to
basically draw lines and from that the word is also used for writing, right? Why am I yes to rune
and that which they write that which they inscribe. So, my store is that which is written, right
that which is written, especially that which is written in rows, line after line. So what keytab in
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			my store, buy a book that is inscribed in which there is writing. All right, and keytab over here
gives meaning of booktube. Don't think of GitHub as an a book with a hardcover Alright, with pages
and pages within them. Kitab gives the meaning of booktube meaning writing so
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			writing that is my stool that is inscribed line after line. And it refers to which book, it refers
to lo Halima fools, the Preserved Tablet in which everything is written. It is basically the record
of this universe. Remember the first thing that Allah subhanaw taala created was the pen and Allah
commanded it to write. It said what an Allah told the pen to write everything that was to happen. So
everything, people, every creature, people when they're born, what they are to eat, where they are
to go. So, everything that happens to us or that we do, we will do is recorded where within the
preserve tablet, so what keytab in my store and buy a book inscribed, where is this writing it is
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			FIRA payment shoot fee in Roctane, parchment that is mature mature from nasura and the word Rock,
rock rock of tov. Basically it gives the meaning of something that is thin, delicate and soft. Rocky
ik you may have heard of the term Rocky, Rocky pulp called as in hard rocky as in softhearted. All
right, likewise, it is said Sobhan Rocky, a piece of cloth that is very fine, very thin, very
delicate. All right, so rock is parchment. Why is parchment called Rock? Because if you think about
it, Parchment is very delicate over time, it becomes delicate, and we're not talking about modern
parchment paper, but in the past where people would make parchment from animal skin, basically. And
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			how would they make it by stretching it by stretching it, scraping it drying it under tension,
right. So basically, they would hook it on to different things, stretch it to the maximum capacity
and let it dry and scrape it as much as possible. So it would become fine and thin
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			and it will also become shiny. And this is the reason why a rock or parchment was used to record
important documents. All right, important documents, Royal letters, and things like that. So rock
they mature rock parchment that is mature, mature, natural, natural to spread open to unfold or
unrolled something laid open so that it can be seen. Sophie rockin mature in a parchment spread open
meaning by the book that is inscribed in a parchment spread open, while beta will move. Another oath
is being taken by what? Well Beatty by the house, which is a much more more iron meme aura yamu in
nama Yamamoto masajid Allah right, Yamato is one that he populates remodel is to inhabit a place
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			populate a place meaning keep it busy. You see, sometimes certain places are empty. Like for
example, massages are generally empty through the year. But what happens in Ramadan?
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			What happens in Ramadan? It's difficult to find a parking spot. It's difficult to find a spot for
your shoes even, isn't it? This is a remodel when a place is busy. Now what happens is that
generally the places of this world are such that there are times when they're extremely busy. But
then there are times when they are empty. But there is one house and bait which is much more more
populated, always busy. No matter what time, what day. When you go it's going to be busy, which
houses this elbaite and Mahmoud. Remember that it refers to the bait which is in the heavens,
situated above the Kaaba. We learned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went for its
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			throat when Mara Raj, he said that in the description that he gave up the journey. He said that then
I was shown a little more. And I asked Gibreel about it. And he said this is based on my mood, where
70,000 Angels perform prayers every day, how many come to visit 70,000. And when that group of
70,000 leaves, they will never return to the beta Moon ever again. Basically, they'll never get a
chance again to visit it. This is a battle Marvel. And why is it described as Mark mode because it's
always occupied, always busy with angels worshiping and glorifying Allah subhanaw taala but that
group of angels, for them it's a once in a lifetime opportunity literally. They never came before
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			and they will never come again. Al Bayt al Mahmoud. And remember that the Kaaba is also mom
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			mood, right even though unbeaten Mahmud is specifically referring to the house which is in the
heavens, but similar is the case of the Kaaba in this world. That no matter when you go, you will
never find yourself alone. It's always occupied busy with blood iffy, right people who are doing the
left, or people who are doing glue cooler or people who are doing such the right. You know how there
are certain places where when you go, you find it busy and you say, I'll come again when it's not
busy. Can you do that with the garba? Can you do that with the car? You cannot? And if you do that
you're making a huge mistake. All right? Because if you can get to that masjid, then you know what,
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			take full advantage of it even if there are millions of people around you. If you wait for a time
when the karma will not be busy, you're making a huge mistake, because it will always always be
busy. So while Baitul Mahmud by the frequented house was suck a filmer for and by the suck, that is
metaphor, suck, scene cough, fell, suck is ceiling. All right, that what you see above you. So if
you look up, you'll find the ceiling above you. All right, this is self what you can see what is
above you and what you can see. And remember that many times in the Quran, the word self is used for
the sky. Like for example, in total MBI a 32. Allah says what your Allah sama a sample from my full
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			law, we have made the sky as a sub muffle as a protective ceiling, meaning a ceiling that is strong,
and a ceiling that also protects you. Right? And we have also learned in the Quran that the word
Bina is used for the sky. Right was sama Bina and that he has made the sky as a Bina as a structure.
We also learn what sama have been a NASA and the sky we have constructed and we have built it. Now
many times when we come across these descriptions, the sky being a ceiling, or the sky being built a
structure. We wonder, what does this mean? Because as far as we know, the sky is what it space,
isn't it? And when we use the word building or structure, we're talking about something solid like
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			bricks or like what? So what does it mean by this? Remember, I mentioned to you earlier that banana
or Benina had the verb Benina. It's used for making something building something strong and solid,
meaning it's not weak, it's not fail. It doesn't just mean it's solid, as in the opposite of gas.
All right, no solid, as in firm and strong. And this is exactly how the sky is. Yes, it's air.
However, it's got its forces within it that we don't see. But they're keeping everything in place.
We see that pressure, everything you know, it's within a certain range. And this is what keeps the
sky as a protective ceiling above us, protecting us from everything out there in space, which could
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			literally destroy life on earth within moments. So what suck filmer for the sub which is metaphor,
metaphor as in that which is raised up. So the sky, the ceiling, which is raised high, meaning it's
beyond our reach, no matter how we go, we can never go beyond the sky. Isn't it so? So what suc
filmer for the sky that is raised high, well by Hill must jewel, and by the sea that is must jewel
must do scene Jeem Ra, must jewel has many meanings. The first meaning of must jewel is mum Lu
meaning that which is filled up because samsara means to fill something up, like it has said that
sutra, till inner will build, the vessel was filled up with water, all right, so fill full to the
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			brim. So Alba Hill must do, meaning the sea that is filled with water,
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			filled with water, and this is referring to the huge quantity of water that Allah subhanaw taala has
placed in this earth. And if you think about it, 71% To be precise 71% of the Earth's surface is
covered with water 71% So while battling must do so the first meaning of most Jews is mum Lu filled
up. Another meaning of the word must Jude is also manure because sejauh also means Menara to stop,
right? Like it has said such a little kelp that I restrained the dog.
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			So while Behan must do, meaning the seas that are restrained, meaning would so much water with so
much force within them, yet they are contained the water
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			Water is contained within its limits. I mean, if you think about it waves, they come to the shore
with so much force so powerfully. But what is it that stops them at a certain point, they don't go
beyond it must do. It's contained. It stopped, it has its limit. And yes, there are times when it is
told to go past that limit. And we see what disaster happens on earth when water goes past its
limits. So while battle must do another meaning the third meaning of must, Jewel is mukade. One that
is lit, meaning lit with fire flared up, filled with fire. And this is mentioned elsewhere in the
Quran also will either be held to suit dirt, and the day when the seas will be filled with fire. And
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			this is referring to the day of judgment. So while burial must do,
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			and if you think about it, every single one of these meanings is applicable. I mean, the sea is
amazing. It's an amazing idea. It's an amazing miracle. Just consider its huge size, and the volume
of water, which is within it, within the oceans, and the seas and the rivers, and the number of
creatures that live within it, the number of creatures that it sustains and within it and those that
are outside of it, that also live off of the sea. So while Bannon must juF what is the response of
all of these alts? Allah says, In neither but indeed the punishment, which punishment Rob big of
your Lord, meaning the one that he has promised, it is low welfare, surely welfare, welfare, from
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			whakaaro, to happen to occur to befall. Indeed, the punishment promised by your Lord is certainly
going to happen, it will occur, because who is it that has warned off this punishment? It is your
Lord, and who is he? He is the one who has done all of this that's mentioned over here. He is the
one who spoke to Musa on the tooth. And when Musa requested to see Allah, and Allah casts some of
his light on the mountain, what happened to that mountain?
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			What happened to it?
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			Jarrah, Allah who the care worker Musa Ciriaco, the mountain it basically crumbled, that part of the
mountain which Allah casts some of his light, it crumbled, and Musa alayhis salam fell unconscious.
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			It is Allah who has the low Hilmar fools in which everything is recorded with his knowledge at his
command, and such a lord is deserving of worship and glorification. So 70,000 angels worship Him in
a battle mode every day. He is the one who has built a strong canopy above us protective ceiling
above us. And He is the only one who will bring about the Day of Judgment when the water filled seas
will become filled with fire. So oh you listener Do you not Fear your Lord in either Bob Bigelow
welfare indeed the punishment of your Lord is surely want to occur, man, not low for it. MINDEF fear
any preventer no one can prevent can avert that punishment there Pharaoh from the word the foul than
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			fair I mean, and deaf ah is to rebel rebelled something warded off, something's coming your way and
you push it away, you avert it, this is the fall.
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			So my Allah Who for the punishment, meaning when Allah sends that punishment, no one can avert it,
no one can repel it, no one can avoid it. In solid marriage, I want you to Allah says, Sir, Allah
says in onbuy, there have been welfare, because people will come and ask the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, when is his day of judgment going to be you keep warning us you keep threatening
us. So when is it going to be? Allah says selesa Elune be are there been worker lil Katharina lay
sallahu Darfur, no one can avert that punishment and the same thing is mentioned over here. Mariela
Hooman dafair What is that punishment? When will it be on the Day of Judgment? It is Yoma It is day
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			when the Moodle it will sway what will swear a summer, the sky how muldraugh Complete swaying you
see over here mold all this is a noun muster coming at the end for emphasis. So yo, Moto moto
summer, oh, Moto, the Moto from the root letter is meme well rot mold. And mold is when something
moves from side to side
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			or in circular motion, side to side because when it's going from one side to the other, how do you
feel you feel dizzy?
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			Imagine you're sitting on a swing or something and it's going from one side to the other very
strongly what's going to happen eventually you're going to feel dizzy the same way when you're
spinning around. So this is what mode is to move from side to side move to and fro swing in circular
motion. So yo matomo sama or Mola, the Day of Judgment is when the sky will spin, how in circular
motion, it will move with a great movement very strongly. Right now we see the sky as something
that's massive, something that's calm, something that's so solid, and that's what's emphasized in
the Quran over and over again. But on the day of judgment, the same sky will become frail and weak.
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			THE SAME SKY which is perfectly balanced right now stable on that day it will sway why, because its
order will fall apart and everything within it will also fall in total in Chicago, Allah says either
summer on Fatah rot when the sky will basically split what evil coac even thought and as a result of
that the stars will be scattered
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			they will fall what the zero if this is the state of the sky, then what will happen to the earth
Allah says what the co2 and it will move. What will move algae Balou the mountains they will be set
in motion say you are departing the zero sail from the same route Senora Sade is to travel when
something is set in motion. When something is set in motion when something takes off, think about a
plane. when it takes off what happens it set in motion as it moves, that he goes really fast. What
the zero G Balou sejarah mountains which are powering huge solid and firm they will be set in motion
into normal is 88. Allah says water or G Bala there are several hjem eaten. You see the mountains
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			and you think that they're solid, meaning they're immovable. And it so happens that even if we have
to construct our roads or bridges or whatever, through mountains, we can't move the mountains. We
can't relocate them. We have to make our way through them or around them because they're immovable.
But on the day of judgment, what the zero G ballew Segura into the normal ATA. Allah says we're here
tomorrow Mara sahab on the Day of Judgment, they will move just as clouds move
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			for Waylon, so wool, meaning terrible punishment, yo mama even that day, when on the Day of
Judgment, when all of this will happen. So a terrible punishment shall fall upon who little mocha
they been. For those who deny mocha they been plural of mocha VB. One who denies one who calls truth
falsehood, meaning something is true, but he calls it a lie. Something is real, but he called it a
fake this is that the the clip is to accuse someone of cut him. So those who deny the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa salam, those who reject the truth that Allah has revealed. Allah says this is
haram this no this is halal. Allah says this is permissible. This and no, this is not okay. They
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			contradict Allah mukha the been for way Louis Young Man Ed, Lil Mackenzie been what will happen to
such people on that day, a terrible punishment shall befall them. Who are the Mocha VBN Allah says
they are a Lavina they are those who whom they feel holding feel cold in right now they are in cold.
And in that cold they are yellow baboon, they are playing amusing themselves. Hold hog wild lot.
Remember, the literal meaning of the word is to enter into water. Just imagine a pool of water.
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			People go into it and as they go into it, they're lost in it, meaning they're busy having fun, fully
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			This is hold and the word hold is used for heedlessness. When a person is in a state of
heedlessness, and it's also used for long, you know discourse, meaning less discourse meaning
engaging in conversations, which are basically meaning less than useless. But how one thing goes to
the other to the other. And sometimes it happens with us. We start talking to someone or group of
people and what happens. We spend hours talking or good 2030 minutes talking and at the end we see
what is it that I got out of this conversation. Nothing useful. But how our time was consumed it was
eaten up. So AlLadhina houfy Holding
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			yellow balloon yellow balloon from Larry what is learned mean? Play
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			meaning something that appears to be useful activity but it is being done for no productive, useful
genuine reason.
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			Right? Like for example, if an artist, right if an artist makes a painting, why so that they can
sell it, for example,
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			that activity is for what purpose? It's so that they can make money. Right? But if we also not
artists, but if we grab some paints and paint brushes and start, you know, randomly painting one
thing after the other randomly, not that we are doing something useful, writing something useful or
making something beautiful, if we start doing it, and at the end, we take all that paper and we
throw it away. That entire time that we spent doing this was what Larry, because we were doing it
for fun. Right? But at the end, did we make money? Not necessarily. If it was a class, we were
learning the art, then yes, it would make some sense. We got something but we didn't really get
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			anything out of this activity. This is Larry. So a Latina won't be holding the yellow baboon, what's
learn when you're doing something for the purpose of amusement. You're not concerned about the
outcome. You don't care about the outcome.
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			You're concerned about the now the fun that you're having. A Lavina homefield hold in yellow are
wound the Mocha the bean or those who spent their lives in what? In empty discourse, meaningless
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			They're spending their time talking, discussing working, but at the end, what do they get? Nothing.
Allah subhanaw taala has given us this time on earth for a reason.
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			And this time is very precious. And if we spend hour after hour, day after day, just exploring, or
just doing one thing after the other, which is not bringing us closer to any good result, then we're
wasting our time. And we need to be honest with ourselves
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			that week after week is going into what I mean think about your summer break.
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			Right? Think about your summer, I know some of you don't have a summer anymore, right? Because of
your family obligations, or because of your work or because of your school. But for many people, two
months, two and a half months, where do they go?
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			In what? They just disappear.
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			At the beginning, we set goals for ourselves, you know what, this summer, I'm going to do this and
this and this, I'm going to memorize this much Quran. I'm gonna make up these many tests. I'm going
to read these many books. I'm gonna go and volunteer here and there. But what happens every day, or
every night we sleep late. And then in the morning, we wake up late, and then half the day is gone.
And then our mom is mad at us or dad is upset with us and then we have to do something to appease
them. And then there goes one more day. There goes one more week.
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			Live, spend your time for reason, with a reason with a purpose. Because here, people who spend their
lives just playing
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			in heedlessness are being criticized and Lavina homefree Hobin yellow are boon in the context
because it's a murky Sula. Yes, it is referring to the Mushrikeen of Makkah, who would spend a lot
of their time discussing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And those discussions were not
real discussions in which they were being honest. And they were really thinking about the message
that he had given. Rather they would talk about him mocking him, make fun of him, deny him Alladhina
Humphrey holding yellow baboon. But in general, what we learned from this is that excessive talk,
lengthy discussions, or over indulgence in various activities, which don't lead us
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			to something useful and productive. This is a dangerous zone.
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			This is putting ourselves in danger. We learned that once was very helpful. Did people do a lot more
I know, he said that we were sitting in the masjid. And we were discussing things amongst ourselves.
And one person would mention a verse of the Quran. And another person would respond to him with a
different verse. So basically, one person would say something and then to prove that they wouldn't
mention a verse of the Quran. And other person would say, No, no, you don't have a point here
because I am refuting you with this verse. So basically, they were using Quran to refute each other.
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			And we might think that Wow, interesting. Then you so much Quran the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam came out and he was so upset. I'm sorry to hear that. He said it was as if a pomegranate had
been burst on his face. He was
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			whole red in the face, he was so upset. And he said, oh people, is this way you have been sent? Or
is this what you have been commanded with? Is this what you were instructed to do? Spend your time
just discussing and talking and using part of the Quran to refute another part. He was very upset
with them. So what does this teach us? That talking, discussing things amongst ourselves is not
wrong. But talking for the sake of talking, discussing for the sake of discussing and spending so
much time in just discussions and leaving no time for actual work.
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			We're deceiving ourselves here Alladhina Humphrey holding, y'all are born. And the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he continued after that, he said after me, do not strike each other's
necks off returning to disbelief. What's the connection over here? The thing is that when we indulge
in such conversations, when we indulge in such pastime, it makes us heedless. It doesn't let the
heart stay awake and alive and sensitive. And there comes a point where a person becomes so hard
hearted, that he doesn't see wrong is wrong. He doesn't see right as right.
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			And then he ends up committing the worst of sins even.
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			So you see how he rebuked them for having such conversations. And then he warned them that do not go
on killing each other.
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			Because these discussions will lead you to a state of heedlessness and that heedlessness will make
you so you know, ignorant that you won't even see wrong as wrong, you'll come to a point where you
will kill each other and you won't even see the seriousness of that crime.
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			I mean, if you think about it, how easily when we start a conversation within our families within
our friends starts off as very innocent where you start having fun and then that leads to what
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			that leads to making fun of people. So Alladhina homefield holding yellow our boon.
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			And many times it happens that we begin excusing ourselves oh, it's okay. Let me take it easy. I
work so hard, remind yourself of the Day of Judgment. This time that I have right now is extremely
important. I have to use it in the right way. Allah says a yo mama on the day when you the owner,
they will be pushed and shoved. Isla nadie Jahannam to the fire of * how da violently
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			you the Runa da same route dial I nine. And DAR is to push something or someone violently and
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			violently as in very harshly, very forcefully. And disdainfully meaning you don't care about the
fact they're getting hurt or you don't have any respect for them. So you just push it away. In the
Quran, it is said you do earlier team. You get the earlier team meaning he rebels the orphan pushes
him away. So Yo my Yuda una isla nadie, Johanna Muda, they will be thrust and pushed toward the fire
of * with a violent thrust and the guards of * meaning the angels, they will say, had he this
and now who is the fire allottee which quantum you were be How are they to get the boon you used to
deny? This is the fire that you used to deny in the world. On that day they will be pushed towards
00:33:36 --> 00:34:20
			the fire because who's going to go willingly? So they will have to be pushed. And as they will be
pushed the angels will say this is what you used to deny. In total and Jeremiah 27. Allah says well
Oh Tara it won't be for Allah. Now, if you could only see when the criminals will be stopped right
before being admitted into the fire. So that they will see it from outside for follow. They will say
yeah, late and Anura do well and who can deliver be it Rabina if only we could be returned to the
world we would never deny. We would never deny. So here the angels will say this is what you use to
deny. FRC Helen Heather?
00:34:21 --> 00:34:33
			Is for then see her own magic Heather this meeting this fire that you see. So is it magic then unto
laptop soon? Or is it that you do not see
00:34:34 --> 00:34:52
			a physician Heather? Is this magic? Because they called the Quran magic. They call the Prophet
magician. Right? Whatever he spoke about, they said this is all magic. So they will be asked so is
this magic?
00:34:53 --> 00:35:00
			Because you see when they would say that he's a magician or this Quran is magic. What were they
implying? It's not true.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:00
			It's all fake.
00:35:01 --> 00:35:18
			So a physician on Heather, is this fake? The * that you see in front of you? Is this fake? Can
you deny it now? Can you ignore it now? Antonia too soon? Or is it that you do not see? Meaning?
Don't you see it in front of you? Of course you see it, there's no denying it now.
00:35:19 --> 00:35:23
			Also, if you think about it, a person who's under the effect of magic, do they hallucinate?
00:35:24 --> 00:36:21
			They do. There are different types of magic, right? So, one type of magic is that that affects the
mind of a person to such an extent that they begin hallucinating. So our first session on how there
is this magic? Are you hallucinating unto laptop saloon? Or is it that it's laptops you don't you do
not see meaning? It is true. It's real. It's before you there is no denying this reality now is slow
her now enter to burn in it for Spirou then be patient, meaning be patient over the punishment. Oh,
or let us be Rue La noche de Spirou. You are patient, meaning whether you are patient over the
punishment, or you are impatient over the punishment. What is patience? What is patients at a time
00:36:21 --> 00:37:15
			when a person is in vain? That he doesn't complain? He doesn't scream, right? What is impatience
that a person screams so fast below? Oh, let us be rude Bureau Sawa on ILA comm. It is all the same
for you. Meaning nothing will make a difference. Neither your endurance, nor your anguish, nothing
will change. You won't be rewarded for your patience. And your anguish will never terminate or
mitigate the pain for Spiro Olathe, Spiro Sowell on aleykum. Is this injustice? No, it's not
injustice, because in nama indeed only to zona, you are being recompensed for what? Mao quantum
Dharma alone for what you used to do. This is compensation for your own actions.
00:37:16 --> 00:38:03
			You see, in this world, when a person is going through some pain, there's two ways that he can
react. One is that he is patient. He bears it with patients. Why? How, for what reason, with the
hope of one day, this pain coming to an end? Right? That Hope keeps you patient that it will be over
someday, even if a person is imprisoned, let's say for 15 years, then with every day he's counting
down, he's patiently bearing that time, why, with the hope that this will come to an end. Because
patience is rewarded, isn't it? And in this world, whenever we are going through some hardship, we
are patient with the hope of what reward from Allah
00:38:05 --> 00:38:12
			isn't at all. But we see that here people are told whether you are patient or impatient, it's not
going to make a difference.
00:38:13 --> 00:38:16
			Sometimes, when people are impatient,
00:38:17 --> 00:38:37
			and they make so much noise, then what happens people give up on them. I just imagine a person in
the prison, they're causing so much trouble so much havoc, right? That they get them out of their
condition and they put them somewhere else. Right and then from there, they move them somewhere
else. So what happens because of their impatience, their condition changes.
00:38:39 --> 00:39:07
			So fast below Hola, das berusaha en la calm in *, whether a person is very patient, or he's
extremely impatient, nothing is going to change in no matter rizona malcontent balloon you are being
recompensed only for what you used to do. This is your own doing this is what you prepared for
yourself with your own actions. So think about what you're doing
00:39:09 --> 00:39:10
			let's listen to the recitation of these verses
00:39:13 --> 00:39:20
			Miss Bismillah Walkman you're watching what
00:39:23 --> 00:39:24
00:39:25 --> 00:39:25
00:39:28 --> 00:39:29
00:39:31 --> 00:39:32
00:39:34 --> 00:39:35
00:39:39 --> 00:39:40
			was self fulfilling moment?
00:39:46 --> 00:39:48
00:39:51 --> 00:39:51
00:39:53 --> 00:39:53
00:39:57 --> 00:39:59
			yo matomo sama.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:01
00:40:02 --> 00:40:08
			what? G bad who say you're all the way Louis Elma?
00:40:10 --> 00:40:18
			can leave me a levena Whom FIFA oblique libel
00:40:20 --> 00:40:25
			yo yo Luna Isla nadie Johanna
00:40:30 --> 00:40:31
00:40:32 --> 00:40:37
			to be to the moon
00:40:43 --> 00:40:44
00:40:47 --> 00:40:48
			heal slow
00:40:55 --> 00:40:57
			nada you come in
00:40:59 --> 00:41:00
			to Jason