Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 253E Tafsir Al-Shura 44-53

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript discusses the meaning of a "land grab" and the negative impact of social media on women, including the loss of women and their families and the negative impact of social media on women. The importance of protecting others from evil behavior and the use of words like "will" and "willful" in relation to the culture of Noho is also emphasized. The transcript uses a summary of thoughts and experiences, including the use of the Prophet sallhaim in various ways, and emphasizes the importance of following His command and the light he has revealed to everyone.

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			woman and whoever you'll lead Allah Who whoever Allah sends a straight from us or not law who for
him meanwhile leegin Any friend any protector embody after him, meaning after Allah has sent this
person astray. The no one can guide him no one can protect him. What are our and you will see a
lolly mean the wrongdoers lemma or will add up when they will see the punishment. You would see them
your coluna saying hello. Isla Murad didn't mean Sabine. They will say * is ILA to Mara din
return minsa VLAN. Anyway, is there any way for return Murad from the root letters ra dal dal Radha
to return Murad place of return opportunity to return. Meaning is there an opportunity to return to
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			the world? Hello Ilan Murad, demon Sabine. And why would they want to return? For what reason?
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			To make amends to fix themselves? Can we return to the world to fix ourselves to rectify what we
ruined, to build what we destroyed to join what we got off.
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			And this is something we experienced in dunya also, that when we angrily when we cut off our
friendship with someone or the good relationship we had with them, later on, there will be regrets.
Certainly, there will be regrets.
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			What Not all home and you would see them your Aluna or lay her your Aluna they will be presented
they will be exposed or lay her on it meaning to it before it and what is it the punishment the
fire? And how will they be at that time ha Shireen ones who will be humbled and remember who sure is
humility with an element of fear also humbled me not afraid? How why view to humiliation men over
here gives a meaning of due to because of and a dual humiliation, what is a dual loneliness. So the
loneliness that they will find themselves in and what is that loneliness because they are being
presented for punishment. The anger of Allah is on them. So they will be afraid young Luna and in
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			that fear young Luna they will be looking mimbar Finn huffy
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			men from parrafin coffee, barf a glance that is huffy hidden, meaning they'll be looking from behind
a covert glance. huffy coffee. Yeah. What is that that which is hidden? Coffee is what is hidden,
and buff glance. All right, and it's up to us for a side glance, meaning what you see from the side
of your eye. All right, so min Thorfinn coffee.
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			What this means is, this has been interpreted in different ways, that stealing the meaning as if
they don't want to see, but they cannot help but see, so they will look and then turn away look and
then turn away, trying to ignore the fire, trying to ignore the punishment trying to pretend as if
it's not there, but they wouldn't be able to. It'll be there and they will see it. But often coffee
has also been interpreted as our inventory if meaning with weak with weak eyes meaning eyes that
show weakness and humiliation and disgrace.
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			And doesn't happen when a person is in a miserable condition than that weakness and that humiliation
is fear in the eyes will call Alladhina amanu and those who believe will say that in the HA serene
indeed the losers are who Alladhina hosue and fossa home, those who have lost themselves what a
helenium and also their families yomo Qiyamah on the Day of Resurrection. How is it that they have
lost themselves because they cannot even help themselves. They cannot even save themselves defend
themselves fight for themselves, they've lost themselves. They have no authority over themselves and
also their families. Allah in the lolly Mina, unquestionably indeed the wrongdoers they are fear or
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			there have been more pain they shall be in a punishment that is McKean Mclean from caught him off
while meme Pm is karma. morpheme is one that is lasting, enduring. That doesn't end woman can Allah
home and they shall not have and this is a result of who Allah Allah mean, because Allah does not
like Lolly mean, Walmart Canada
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			home and they shall not have men only men any only up friends protectors that would yum Sorona home
that would help them min Dooney Allah besides Allah,
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			as we learned in social movement is number 18. That man will likely mean him in him even well as
Shaffir in Utah, that for the wrongdoers they shall have no friend and no intercessor no one to even
plead for them. When they yield Lily Allah and whoever Allah sends a stray, meaning Allah lets that
person go astray than from Allah who then he shall not have that person shall not have min civilian
anyway. Meaning in this world, such a person can find no path to guidance and in the Hereafter, you
will find no path to paradise. So Allah says is the G Boullier. have become all of you respond to
your Lord, don't ignore your Lord, respond to him. When he orders you then obey when he commands
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			you. Then listen is the G volleyer have become believe in Him, surrender to Him, obey Him middle
properly, before a yet tear that it comes, what comes Yeoman a day? What kind of a de la mala de la
hoomin Allah La not it is such a day, for which there is not Mirada return. And over here, my God
gives a meaning of repelling mean Allah from Allah, meaning from Allah, there is no permission, that
that day should be repelled
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			that day should be rebelled as in what is to happen on that day should be should be finished, should
be repelled. So, in other words, it is a day that is certainly coming that cannot be avoided. You
see, sometimes there are some major events that are to happen, very serious events, somebody
sentence, you know, major serious court case, you know, and then what happens is the day of sentence
and what happens, got cancelled, it got deferred, right. Because of this reason, or because of that
reason, doesn't happen in this world. Major, major events get cancelled, they get moved around. But
don't think that the day of judgment is like that.
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			When Allah wants to bring about the day of judgment and there is no repelling it.
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			It's unavoidable. It is certain, so have no doubt about the coming of that day. mela calm and you
shall not have or you people may Malaysia in any Malaysia any refuge Yoma in that day, there is no
place where you could go on that day to find shelter. Melda Lam Jeem Hamza legend. We have read this
word earlier and so to Toba also, ledge is to take refuge for example in a fort
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			from what is to harm you meaning something is coming to harm you it could potentially harm you. So
you go take shelter in a stronghold. So there is no manager that day for you while Marla calm and
you shall not have min Nikita in any Nicky's. What does it mean by nokia nokia from the root letters
known Caf RA
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			in CA in Congress to deny so Nikita also gives meaning of denial.
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			So there will be no denial meaning you can't deny that day
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			you know, for instance, serious matters exist or serious things exist.
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			Something has been finalized but people are in denial this No we don't accept it. We're not going to
believe in it. We're not even going to acknowledge it.
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			But the day of judgment is such that you cannot be in that position to deny
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			that day or the events of that day. In other words, you will be in it. There is no running away.
There is no escape. Nikita also remember that when something is unrecognizable
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			Alright, when something is unrecognizable, mancha that is also from the same root and from that to
change something so Malla Coleman Nikita Nikita over here can also be understood as change meaning
you cannot change anything. You cannot change your situation. You cannot change the events of that
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			No one can help you. There is no escape in Serato piano high number 10 Allah says your quarrel
insane Oyama even * mufaddal. That day, a person would say where is the escape meaning how can I
get out of here? Where's the exit?
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			Where's the exit? How can I get out? From here? Allah says calla Lau was off. There is no escape.
Illa Rob Becca, yo mama even ill, moussaka. Now you're going back to your Lord for in Urdu. So the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam is address that if these people turn away if they have turned away,
meaning despite these clear messages and peer warnings, yet they turn away then remember that FOMO
Seneca than we have not sent you are laying him on them as a heavy law as a guardian Hatfield What
does a Hatfield do Hatfield is one who does have meaning he watches over something guards it
protects, it ensures its safety and wellbeing. So you are not a Hatfield over these people, meaning
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			you've not been sent to watch over their deeds and ensure that they do well. And that they believe
that you guard them from wasting away. No, it's not your duty, in the eye Laker in not our Laker on
you ill Bella except notification meaning your job is to convey and you've done your job. And as for
people, why is it that they're refusing? Well, this is not something strange, because what inna and
indeed we either when a doctrinal insan a doctrinal we make to test who Al Insana the human being.
Meaning we give a test to the human being Mina from ourselves, meaning a taste of mercy from who
from us a favor from Allah. Ramadan a mercy, a favor of blessing. What is the response of people in
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			general that fatty happy her he rejoices because of it? He is so happy because of it some worldly
blessing. He's so happy we're in and if to sleep at home it reaches them say he atone an evil Bhima
because of that which a damnit add him their hands put forth when they receive something good, very
happy. But when they suffer from something evil and that is because of what they have done. Because
Allah is merciful. He is a Rahman Rahim is Alma Nan of a Zack. Right? He is a Lua hub. People
prevent themselves from credit, right? So when they are afflicted with some evil, and it's their own
fault, they're guilty than what happens for in Al Insana than, indeed the human being, he is fooled,
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			extremely ungrateful,
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			extremely ungrateful to who to Allah.
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			Whereas his suffering is his own fault. His suffering is because of him,
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			and he is unhappy with who Allah, He is ungrateful to to Allah. And doesn't it happen, that we are
afflicted with one problem? One problem. And it's as if because of that one problem. We forget about
all the other things that are still working fine, that we still have guffawed, extremely ungrateful
LilLah he, for Allah meaning to Allah belongs Moluccas sama wa T will the dominion of the heavens
and the earth your local Maya Shah he creates whatever He wills yeah who he gifts from well haha he
gifts Limon for whomever he wills Yasha Oh, he wants in Athan females. He grants females as in
female children to do whoever he wants in Athens is the plural of the word Onza and unser female,
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			meaning to some people. He gives them only daughters, and no sons were Habu and he gifts lemania
sharp for whomever he wills and Dooku. The male's meaning male children, the code plural of the word
NUCCA as an only boys and no girls. And isn't that the case? Some people have only daughters and
other people have only sons or use a widow whom he joins them,
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			joins them, as in gives a mix of both the chronal were in Athan the Quran, who boys were in Athens
and also also girls. So to some people, he gives them both boys and girls, and sometimes the same
number of boys and the same number of girls. So two boys, two girls, three boys, three girls,
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			wedge your Alou and he makes me a shot oh
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			whoever he wants, Arkema Baron, our team I involve me or came with someone who was unable to have
children. So, this is Allah's decision and this decision in Noho Eileen Cadiz, remember that indeed
Allah He is Eileen knowing
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			and he is at least he is competent, he's able.
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			He's knowing meaning he knows what to give to who, what test will be better suited for who?
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			Because children are also a test right?
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			Having only boys as a test having only girls as a test having boys and girls is also a test right
and having no children is also a test. He is Alim he knows what test is best for who should a person
be tested with all boys? Or should a person be tested with all girls? Or should a person be tested
with bulls or should a person be tested with being deprived of children completely? In the horror
Aleem and his or the he can do that? It's his decision.
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			What do these ayat show to us?
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			That the gifts that we have in life they have nothing to do with our accomplishments. This is whose
decision Allah's decision so when he gives something be grateful and when he does not give something
then don't be ungrateful.
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			Well Americana, well Americana and it is not possible libre sharing for any human being and that you
can Lima hula hoop, that Allah who would speak to him, meaning it does not be fit Allah, Allah is
too high above this, that in this world, ordinary people what happens to them? Allah is speaking to
them, because some people they say that you know what, if God is really there, I want to have a
conversation with him. He should speak to me. What do you think of yourself?
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			You understand? So Americana Lee Basha in it is not possible for a human being and you can Lima hula
who that Allah should speak to him and speech over here. What it means is direct conversation as in
face to face conversation.
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			Okay INLA except the only way in which Allah communicates with his servants is how, why and firstly,
why he and Revelation
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			like for example, the prophets of Allah, they were all sent why and what is what he Allah's
messages. So for example, the Quran is Allah speech, it is Cunnamulla right? And it was sent to the
Prophet salallahu Salam as Revelation so Allah when I or second way in which Allah communicates is
me whare hijab with his servants with people is how me Wallah hijab men from what I behind hijab in
a veil from behind a screen
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			such that, for example, Musa alayhis salam, right, he is Kaleem Allah, Allah spoke to him. Correct.
But how was that good Musa alayhis salam see Allah good he No, but good he here Allah. Yes he could.
So meanwhile Raji hijab, I or the third way is that your sila he sends meaning Allah would send
Rasul Allah, a messenger, which messenger and Angel messenger
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			to convey Allah's message for you, he so he inspires, he brings what he meaning the angel brings
where he be, isn't he by his permission, meaning by Allah's permission, Maya, SHA, whatever that
Allah wants. I mean, the angel also then conveys only what Allah wants him to convey. He doesn't add
to it doesn't take anything out of it. Right? Like for example, Madame the angel come and give her
good news of the birth of her child. Yes. So oh, you will see Laura Sudan for you heavy it nearly
may usher in the horror Legion, Hakeem indeed He is the Most High and wise he is i Li most high and
hacking. Now this aisle also is a sign of Allah's might and power just as a previous ayat arm and
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			this idea, it teaches us about the different forms of Revelation. Right? Different forms of Ye, how
Allah subhanaw taala sent revelation to his prophets
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			and how was it? three primary ways are mentioned over here and what are they that why direct
inspiration? All right. Secondly,
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			Kalon from behind
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			a screen, and thirdly, through, through who through an angel.
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			So what he the way Allah subhanaw taala send revelation to his prophets basically can be divided
into two categories. One category is without an intermediary, meaning direct. And the first to fall
in that category. The second category is with through an intermediary. And who is that the angel?
All right, and the third that's mentioned over here that Oh, you'll see a lot of Sulan for your
heavy it Nehemiah that falls in that category.
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			What are their Lika and thus, oh Hanaa ileka We have revealed to you now the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam is informed that we have revealed to you likewise, like how,
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			like how, like how it's mentioned in this idea in different ways. And that's exactly what happened.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was sent revelation and it was not sent in the same way
each and every single time.
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			Right? There were different ways. And we see that at one occasion the prophets of Allah son was also
taken up for miraj correct. So what Kedah Lika Oh Hanaa elaida We have revealed to you, Rohan an
inspiration mean a marina from our of our command, we have sent you a rule what does it mean?
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			What does that mean? spirit or soul? Isn't it? If there is room, in a body, then that body is is
alive? And if that rule leaves the body then the body is dead? Correct. So, role is what soul or
life bringing spirit
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			meaning, the presence
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			or the existence of rule means there is life? Correct? Without which is depth,
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			meaning the absence of it means death.
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			Now, what is it that was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			what was revealed to him the Quran and the Quran notice over here, what is it called? Rule? What are
the Aliko Hanaa Ilica rule Hanneman and Marina, the Quran is called rule.
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			Why? Because Quran brings life to the heart.
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			Without Quran, it says if they're, you know, faith
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			is not really there. You have to believe in the Quran. Right? And you know, spirituality. It's empty
without the Quran. It's meaningless without the book of Allah
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			and Quran, what does it mean that we just know its meaning?
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			Or that we just spend a couple of hours a week to know the meaning of the Quran and that's it?
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			Is that it? No. Having Quran in one's life means reciting the Quran also, memorizing a portion of it
also. And not just reciting it and memorizing it, but also living it also living it practicing it.
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			And this is what brings life eternal life to a person. So what Cavalli got Oh Hanaa illegal war
humming a Medina, ma Kunta. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was told MacIntyre, you were not such that
Dadri you knew that the dial? Yeah. DARIAH is to know so malcontent. 30, you did not know Ma, what
is Al Qaeda with the book, you had no idea what the book is, right? before the age of 40. Before the
first revelation, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam knew no scripture. He didn't know the Quran. Not at
all, there were no signs of it. Meaning there was no indication in his life, that he was going to
produce a book. All right, my contact email kita. And what this means is that you could not have
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			invented it. Because if this was your invention,
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			if this was your writing, then you must have said something like it before. Also, you don't like a
person is known for certain ideas. They talk about it, they preach those ideas, they discuss them.
And then eventually they put all those ideas in a book.
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			You understand?
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			You understand? This is how a book happens, right? It's not that one day a person says, You know
what, I'm going to write a book. I'm going to come up with these great ideas and I'm going to write
about them no. authoring a book, writing a book is basically a summary or a collection of what of
all of your thoughts and your ideas and your experience.
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			says makhanda dream al Kitab the Prophet sallallahu sallam was unlettered unscripted. He didn't know
what book is while Eman and you did not know what Iman is either. You had no idea what faith is.
Well, I can but Jarrell now who we have made it no Iran a light meeting the Quran this Eman that we
have given you. This is a light that we have brought to you know the biggie and we guide thereby
Manisha whoever that we want Mary bernadina from our servants.
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			So this Quran, Eman if Allah gives it to a servant, then that is what a huge blessing a huge favor
from Allah, what in Nicoletta the and indeed you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Certainly
you guys illustrata Masdar came to the straight path, you guide to the straight path how? By means
of that which has been revealed to you meaning through the Quran. In surah Totoaba and ayah number
eight, Allah says for me no Billa he was so Lee when new real lady and Zelda or people believe in
Allah and His messenger and the light that we have revealed and what is that light? It's the Quran.
And at the end of the IO, what do we learn that you are Prophet sallallahu Sallam guide to the
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			straight path meaning the Quran, sunnah. What are they?
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			What are they a means of going on the straight path? Just as at the beginning of Surah Yaseen we
learn yes Enoch and Hakeem in Nicola Amina mursaleen Allah Seraphim was the team intro to Nyssa i
113 Ones that Allah who are illegal Kitab al Hikmah, where Allah Maka merlon talkin that alum what
can afford Allah here alayka our Lima This is Allah's favor on you, which is great, slit all play,
what is slit open was the beam, what is the straight path? It is slit awfully let it is the path of
Allah, meaning the path that takes to his approval, the path that has been set by him that has been
directed by Him and who is Allah, Allah, the, the one who love whom if is similar to my fellow, to
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			whom belongs whatever that is in the heavens and whatever that is in the earth. Allah unquestionably
ill Allah He to Allah, they'll see rule Oumou the flu, it returns, what returns the word mislead
from the same root mislead his destination, right this little, it returns what returns to Allah,
Allah OMO. All matters, all matters, they ended up with him they returned to him. So the final
decree is whose decree Allah's decree incertitude I have 123 where la he used Jarrell Umbra Kulu and
in surah, Allah Imran i 109. What Elahi dog Jaron OMO. So all matters returned to him in the final
decree is his so in this world, why not follow His command also the light that he has revealed the
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			Quran that he has revealed everybody stand up let's listen to the recitation of these verses
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			the water on whom you're
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			photos in coffee something
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			have to
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			be one.
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			Sebby is steady.
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			Not easy
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			dating Ujjain
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			by the buddy
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			all up I will see you
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			Nehemiah Shah
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00:31:49 --> 00:31:49
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			leaving in
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			the offing.
00:32:19 --> 00:32:19
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			time handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta iStockphoto Cava to wit ake a Salam or aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.