Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 253C Tafsir Al-Shura 38-40
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The consultation process for finding out what is in someone's mind is essential for community building and healthy relationships. consultation can lead to negative behavior and negative reactions to addiction. forgiveness and revenge are important ways to avoid becoming a criminals. forgiveness and revenge are necessary for individuals to avoid becoming a criminals.
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When Levina and those who is the Jabu Lyra be him they respond to their Lord how? By word and action.
Meaning when Allah calls them, Allah gives them a certain command. They respond. They don't ignore that command, they actually respond. Look bake, Allah Humala bake here I am will Allah your command, I will do it. You are ordering me, I will happily do this one loveliness, the gel Bula be him what are called masala and they established the prayer what a mu whom and their matters, their matter their affair is determined how through shoot all been a home through consultation among themselves. Shula from the root letters sheen while raw, this is the word after which the SUTA is named. Shula. MUSAWAH is from the word Shiva. Shiva is what appears of something
what appears of something so for example, there is a bag and there's something in it in the mouth of the bag or the opening of the bag is there so when you look you see inside, okay, this is shoe out what appears of something and when you look, you see that? Okay, there's clothes in the bag. Okay, there's a bottle of water in the bag. Okay, this is shoe out what appears of something. Okay. It has said sure to ourselves, what is arson, honey. So short to Lassalle, meaning I Extracted honey, the honey was in the hive. And what happened, I extracted it, I took it from its place from where it was. So the Shaohua is, is the raw Jura II, to extract to seek what's in the minds of other people,
you understand,
to extract what is in the minds of other people to seek their opinion, to ask them about their wishes about their ideas, their thoughts, their opinion concerning a particular matter.
So basically, Shula is consultation, to decide a matter, not just by your own reasoning, based on your thinking, but reaching out to others also, what do you think? What do you say? What is your opinion?
All right, because whenever something's to be done, everybody has their own ideas about it, right? Everybody has their own ideas. So for example, you've been given some homework, as groups, all right, to prepare a report, an opinion or a proposal rather, regarding a class trip, isn't it? So now each person has an idea, one person thinks we should go for tree planting, right? Another person thinks we should go to the museum. Another person thinks we should go to Wonderland and other person things. We should go here we should go there. All right. So many ideas. Each person has their own wishes, their own ideas. szura is asking everybody, what do you say? What do you say? What do you
say? All right, what's in your mind? What's in your heart? What do you want? What do you think is the best? And then Shuara, that when everyone is consulted, then mutually together, everybody agrees upon a matter agrees upon one thing. So for example, let's look at the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Battle of Earth, right before that. The Prophet salallahu Salam learned about the enemy approaching. So did he just decide on his own? That Okay, everybody get ready, let's go. Know, what did he do? He consulted all the major people.
Not every single individual. Because if we start taking shoot off from every single individual than what happens, will never ever reach a conclusion, isn't it? So who was consulted? The tribal leaders are the people of influence. All right. And so when they were consulted, there were two opinions. One was let's stay in Medina and defend. The other was let's go outside and fight two opinions. So from all the different ideas, there were only two now choose from and then what happened, further discussion led to the decision that we should go out, this is Shura. So what I'm Rohan Xu Rabina home, their affairs are determined by mutual consultation.
Baynham between them, but notice one thing amalgam their affair,
meaning that which is related to them,
whether regarding matters at home or at work
meaning that which is related to them. So for example, if
you are going to go for
groceries, okay, your mom tells you go get the groceries. So before you go, you ask everybody, what would you like? What would you like? What would you like and then you know, after consultation, you come up with a list. Are you gonna go ask your neighbor? Do you think it's a good idea that that I should buy that apples?
Or are you gonna call your mom and Buxton and ask her? Does it make sense? No. Who is it that you have to consult? Who? Those to whom that matter is irrelevant.
And there's something very important because we go to extremes and Chura either we do shoot about nothing.
Or we do shoot out about every irrelevant thing. Mom, do you think I should wear the socks are those socks? Come on already choose a pair of socks and just put it on and go. You understand what I mean? And then what happens is that sometimes we're doing Shula about doing Shura, no, don't live in Shura don't always talk about Shura. You know, Shura is important.
But within limits, it's necessary but within limits so what I'm ruling Xu Rabina home between them. Woman Mama is now home Yun cone and from that which We have provided them, they spend also. So a very interesting quality is mentioned over here of people whose priorities are clearer that they run their affairs by mutual consultation, meaning when something is of mutual concern, then they consult.
Consultation Shura is what it's basically communication. And that is essential for community building. That is essential for unity.
It is what keeps a group of people together their relationships healthy. Not consulting leads to what miscommunication misunderstanding and also a distance between people. Consulting someone means that you're acknowledging that they matter.
They matter. So you want to know what their ideas are. So there are many, many benefits of Shura, there's firstly, Allah's blessing, there's Baraka because when more people are involved in a good matter, then there's more blessing. Right? It builds trust, you also make a better decision. Because as an individual, you have only one brain
isn't it only one brain you have your own biases, your prejudice, your weakness, your likes and dislikes, it's very much possible that you're not looking at things the way you should be looking at. So another person or third person or fourth person, you know, when you consult them that brings you another viewpoint. So together, you reach a better decision. There's unity, there's clarity, there's communication, it's a sunnah. It's the way of the companions, it's the way of successful people. So what I'm ruble Chu Robina home. Well, Lavina and those people who either when Assad Muhammad Bilyeu when belly when tyranny, oppression, injustice strikes them,
meaning they're struck, they're affected by someone's injustice. What do they do? They present the other cheek. No, home, Yun does leave it alone. They defend themselves. Young Towsley rune Intisar into Tulsa is to help oneself to defend oneself. So either a Saba home and again, look at the word Asaba. It's targeted.
It's targeted because of who they are. Somebody's targeting them with their oppression. All right, so what do they do young lessly rune, they don't bear oppression. They don't lower their head. So they may be beaten up more and more and they may be oppressed more and more. In other words, they are not content with oppression. They're not content with humiliation and disgrace, they do not accept it.
And when they do not accept abuse, then what do they create? They create a culture of justice and fairness.
You know, we have a very weird idea regarding dealing with depression. You know, we think that Be patient, be patient and suffer abuse. No.
That is not patients.
All right, patients inshallah we'll talk about that later. Here. What do we see that a believer is not content with humiliation, with abuse, he will do something to come out of that state of oppression. Why? Because if we are in a state of oppression, can we worship Allah the way we should wear
Ship Hola. No, we cannot, if we're scared, if we don't speak up for ourselves, if we don't defend our rights, then what will happen? Gradually we will lose all of our rights.
If someone is overstepping their bounds and you know is hurting us, and we let that happen tomorrow, they will hurt us even more. And the day after they will hurt us even more.
Now, we might think that well, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was in Morocco for like 13 years and the Muslims were being abused. And, you know, they were told to be patient and not take any revenge. So how does that add up? Remember, this is a mucky Surah All right. And we see that yes, the Muslims were being abused, and they were told to be patient, but were they content with that abuse? Were they? No, they weren't. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam told the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia to help themselves right, that was there in dishonor that was there defending themselves get out of that place, go somewhere else.
Correct. And then we see that the plan was to reach a better state and the profits of a loss and a migrated from Makkah to Medina correct. So whom you can tell so you know, they defend themselves they do not accept oppression that is done for them for greater good. Because remember that if we are accepting abuse, then we are promoting abuse. If we accept oppression, then we are promoting oppression. Today we are victims. Tomorrow somebody else will be a victim. So homie and thusly rune
whether it is, you know, this oppression is in the form of bullying, or somebody cheating on you, or somebody you know, pulling pranks on you and annoying you and hurting you don't accept it.
Don't accept it speak up. Do something to defend yourself.
You see when we are wronged there are four possible reactions.
Four possible reactions. One reaction is that we are literally we are content with the humiliation. All right. And we present the other cheek.
Right somebody slaps us on one cheek, we say okay, slap me over here too. Because I really like your oppression, I really appreciate it. This is not allowed.
As Muslims, we're not allowed to do that.
Yes, we may not be able to do anything.
All right to stop the oppressors hand, we may not be able to, but we cannot accept that abuse, we should know that this abuse is wrong.
It's unacceptable.
And sometimes you see Yenta syndrome is also by making dua and definitely it should be by making dua. So one possible reaction is that we are content with the oppression and this is something that's not allowed. The second possible reaction is that we do to the other what they did to us
okay, meaning if somebody hit us with the mech, if somebody said something mean to us we respond
all right, we do to the other what was done to us, this is allowed as we learned for example in Surah hedgeye A 39 That old in a little Latina you are the Luna be unknown Lemo permission has been given to those who have been fought, what permission has been given to fight back. All right, because they were fought. So they may fight back. This permission is given this has allowed.
The third possible reaction is that we forgive the oppressor. Meaning we ignore what they have done, we overlook their oppression and we move on.
Remember, this is different from accepting it. Accepting it means it's okay. Forgiving, and being patient means it's not okay. However,
I ignore you.
It's not okay. I don't like it. I don't accept it. But you know what? I'm going to be better than you. So I'm not going to do to you what you did to me. And I'm going to move on.
This is a third option and this is also allowed. Yes.
Okay, it This is between you and Allah but sometimes it's also between you and people in the sense that if somebody is abusing you verbally, all right. You have the option to abuse them back, but you say for them. Salam or Aleikum.
All right, you say to them, I am not going to say anything to you. I'm not going to be how you are being you can sometimes respond in that way. Okay. You see this third reaction? You can understand it as if a child is misbehaving with you. Right, like for example, a child. Sometimes you stop a child from doing something and a random child and they just start kicking you and hitting you and
And that has knock your glasses off and you're like, What did I do to you? So are you going to smack the child back?
Are you gonna go smack his mother?
No, you're gonna let it go because what are you gonna say? He's a child. Right? You're gonna let it go. This is being patient and ignoring, moving on from it. Alright Salam aleikum LendUp de Lille Jaya Helene, what either Maru Billa we Maru que Rama. The fourth option is that a person does more in revenge that was done to him. So a person
hit him with a brick or rather a person, you know, he slapped him and he throws a brick at him, this is worse than what was done to him, right? Somebody snatched your phone, you grab their computer and you throw it on the floor, all right, this is not allowed. This is one
okay, somebody takes one sip from your drink and you take their whole drink away, somebody takes one fry and you take their whole burger away,
this is low, this is not allowed. Now, we see that there's two options which are permissible, what are those options? One is that you do to the other what was done to you and the other is that you forgive you ignore you overlook and you move on alright. So basically, you have a choice between revenge or forgiveness, what should be done what what is it that we should choose? Depending on the situation? In some situations, forgiveness is better. Right? Because it will lead to Islam. And in other situations, what is better?
Revenge is better. Why?
Because when you are taking revenge when you are, you know, defending yourself by doing to the other what they did to you, you're teaching them a lesson also.
You understand? So, given the situation, depending on what will you know, solve the problem, then you choose between either forgiveness or revenge, all right.
Typically, however, what is it that we do?
The other two either we just accept abuse, pitying ourselves in the name of southern or what do we do? We become more oppressive.
So Allah subhanaw taala says over here that homie on testosterone, they defend themselves how by speaking up by defending themselves by seeking help from Allah, from those around them. In truth Nyssa i 148. Allah says, Lay your head Billa whose job is to immuno Coli in lemon zulum Allah does not like wrong to be uttered, except in the case of the person who has been oppressed.
Meaning he's saying
you know, something, which typically should not be said but he says it to defend himself to seek help than that is acceptable. Allah says witches will say he attained and the retribution for an evil act is a year don't miss to her is evil one like it and not more.
Right? Meaning if somebody has done wrong to you, than what's the recompense exactly what they did to you, you do to them. So it is myth Luhan equal to it how NK FIA and Camilla in quantity and in manner, from an alpha will slow her but whoever pardons and he makes reconciliation for a Jew who are Allah Allah then his reward is due upon Allah, meaning Allah who will certainly reward him in Allah who lay your head below the mean in the who indeed He lay your head below the mean he does not like the oppressors, the wrongdoers so refrain from Loulan when taking revenge. So in this ayah What is it that we are encouraged to do? Forgive and do Islam? So while taking revenge is permissible one
should only do as much that was done to him in total Bukhara i 194 We learned far too early be mentally Marathwada are like in total anom 160 Woman job is sejati fella you deserve Illa Miss Lulu, even in the hereafter person will be punished only according to the sins that he has committed.
So while taking revenge is permissible, what do we see is law is better? bharden is better.
Right? And remember that is law. fixing the problem can only be through Barden.
through forgiveness we're unthoughtful Acropolis Taqwa if you pardon that is closer to Taqwa. Now when it comes to pardoning someone, pardoning the oppressor, remember again, it's of two types one is good, and the other is bad. When is it good? When forgiving them will lead them to
to change. When is it bad when
forgiving them will lead them to
becoming worse. Right? So, again depending on the situation a person should either pardon or take revenge you know over here it's mentioned in the hula hypovolaemia Allah does not like so even when taking revenge one must refrain from lying because oppression Prophet sallallahu sallam said oppression will be darkness on the Day of Resurrection so we don't want to be of those people who
become lol him because learn was done to us. Somebody hurt us. So we hurt the other even more. That makes us wrong that makes us criminals.
We listen to the recitation
well loveliness the job being more formal for
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say to miss
Verma knife will also have agile more and more in the hula your hippo Wally.