Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 245B Tafsir Al-Mumin 1-3

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of listening to the Quran and the power of the book to change one's heart and skin is discussed. The title of the book is Dawa, and unity and caution against Division are emphasized. The use of the Quran in narratives, including high status, importance of unity, and the use of shahada, is discussed, along with the importance of forgiveness and avoiding sin. The speakers stress the need for forgiveness and avoiding mistakes, as well as the importance of language language in improving one's language skills.

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			I wanted to assign some homework for you. Would you do it? Homework in China? Of course, Inshallah,
that's what I want to hear. It's not that difficult. We read in Surah Zuma about the importance of
listening to the Quran and the effect of listening to the Quran on one's heart and not just on one's
heart but also on one's skin. And how listening to the Quran attentively, paying attention to the
Quran when listening to it, this is what brings about change in a person. So Surah, Zuma is one of
the very powerful, strongest Surah of the Quran. And as I mentioned to you earlier, that this surah
the contents are not complicated. They're not difficult to understand. What the surah requires from
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			us is contemplation. Many questions are asked, and we are invited to reflect and contemplate. So
your homework is to listen to the recitation of Surah Zuma beginning to end in one sitting. Can you
do that? And I don't mean when you're driving, and I don't mean listen, when you are cooking, or
when you're folding laundry, or when you are writing your assignment. I don't know how people do
that, by the way, they're listening to one thing they're writing something else. Alright. Anyway, so
listening to the entire sutra, beginning to end. Alright, preferably in one sitting. If, however,
you're not able to given your schedule, then break it up maximum in two sittings. All right. So can
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			you do that? In sha Allah, so by the end of this week, so for next class, I want you to have done
this homework, don't wait for the assignment or anything like that. Do it over the week, inshallah.
All right, and we will post some reflection questions. All right, and inshallah you can answer those
questions at the end of your listening. Okay, inshallah.
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			Let's begin our lesson Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Surah dwarfish or Surah min. The Surah has both
of these names. Laffitte, meaning one who forgives and Moltmann as an a believer, and the surah is
called raw fish. Because at the beginning of the Surah, the attribute of Allah Allah fitted them is
mentioned. And in the Surah is also the story of the movement, modular movement, the believing man
from the court of Brown who believe in Musa alayhis salam. So that story is also mentioned in the
Surah. from Sudan Wartman to Surah Kahf there are seven sutras, this group of sutras, all of these
seven sutras, they begin with the words hammy, they begin with the hoof Maka, Todd Hamming. And this
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			is why this group of sutras is known as Saba, how I mean Suburu how I mean the seven how memes or
the word to harm him, those having how meme or how Mima or Aloha meme All right, all of these names
are given. So this group of sutras is known as Hamad Al Hamid in Buhari also there is a narration in
which of the Lebbon was Rudra de la Horne who is mentioned and in that narration, the term how a
meme is used to refer to this group of soloists. So, we see that this term how I mean, which is used
for this group of solos is not something that was given later. Rather this existed at the time of
the Sahaba even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said this is a Hassan Hadith from January
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			sullied, that Al Hawa MIMO roboton when reality Jana, that the Hawaii meme Surahs are a garden from
the gardens of Paradise, and another nourishing, which is also a Hudson nourishing from Jamia
sullied, that will however mean the Burj Al Quran the Hawaiian meme sutras are the badge meaning the
silk as an adornment of the Quran. And there are many other narrations also, which mentioned the
Fabella the virtue, the benefits of the significance of the sutras, but most of these narrations are
actually weak or they're fabricated. However, these two narrations that I've mentioned before you
they are, they qualify as Hesson
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			these sources, all of these seven sources, they are murky, all right, they are murky. They all begin
with the mention of the highest status of the Quran. So how Amin heard of mocha thought and
immediately after something about the Quran has mentioned to remind us of the high status of the
Quran. We see that in all of the seven sorrows. Either Mossad in Sudan was mentioned or his people
the Bani Israel are mentioned or he's dealing with our own has mentioned it
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			So we see that the story of Musa alayhis salam is either mentioned directly or it's referred to
either it's mentioned in detail or it is alluded to Musa alayhis salam is mentioned in the sutras.
Why? Why do you think so? Because Musa alayhis salam each time his story is mentioned one main
lesson is the focus which is Dawa, how to convey the message of Allah. Because Musa alayhis salam,
he was sent to Bani Israel, you who are the most difficult nation, and also he was sent to frown who
was the most arrogant person. And his mission was also very difficult. It was very long we see that
a time period he spent in Egypt and another time period he spent with the Bani Israel in the desert.
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			So there are so many lessons regarding Dawa, regarding calling people to Allah and Southern, and is
the karma and having faith and being strong and not giving up that can be learned from the story of
Musa alayhis salam. And we see that since all the seven sorrows are actually McKee of course the
theme is going to be off Dawa. And this is why we see that in all of these seven sutras. There is a
great emphasis on Dawa il Allah, how to call people to Allah, what are the different ways what are
the strategies, what are the do's and the don'ts, they are mentioned in the sutras. Also, another
feature of the sutras is that they emphasize the importance of unity and warn against Division. We
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			also see this theme in the Surah has many other amazing things which inshallah we will look at as we
study the sorrows. So let's begin Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim ha Meem Halluf Nakata, 10 zinal
Kitabi revelation of the Book, meaning than zeal, revelation coming down, off what of Al Kitab of
the book which is before you meaning the Quran, it is from who it is mean Allah, it is from Allah,
Who is Allah Aziz the Exalted in Might, Allah Eileen, the knowing the Quran is no ordinary book. It
is a book that is from Allah, and who is Allah, Allah Aziz Exalted in Might, the one who is
literally the one who has the power of authority of control of wealth of ability, the one who is
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			above everything and everyone he is Aziz owner of might and he is I leave the knowing one whose
knowledge is camel it is complete, it is perfect. Allah subhanaw taala. He has many names and many
attributes. One of them is Eileen, Eileen willhave. Eileen will leave your shahada, Allah Eileen.
And there are many other names and attributes of Allah which tell us about his vast knowledge, his
vast and complete knowledge. So when we're talking about Allah subhanaw taala those knowledge
remember that Allah has knowledge is camel, what does camel mean? That which is complete and
perfect, it is SHA mille, what does Shamel mean? All inclusive, meaning there is nothing except that
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			it is included it is within Allah subhanaw taala is knowledge. Allah's knowledge is as li meaning
since forever. So there is nothing that Allah is unaware of, because his knowledge is as a leak
meaning since forever, since the beginning, since always, so there is nothing at all that Allah is
unaware of. You see, there are many things that we are unaware of why because we weren't there. We
didn't witness it. We weren't present. We missed it. We missed it because we weren't there. But
Allah subhanaw taala is a one right? So his knowledge is from the beginning it is as early then it
is a buddy, buddy meaning for always. So there is nothing that will happen except that ALLAH
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			subhanaw taala knows about it. Also, if you think about it, what happens with us is that we learn
something today, but after a week we forget it, isn't it with the passage of time we forget it. But
Allah subhanaw taala is knowledge is a buddy a buddy as in for always. So there is no new cin, there
is no forgetfulness, Allah does not forget anything. As elite indicates that there is no journal,
there is no ignorance meaning there is nothing that Allah is unaware of. And Abadi indicates that
there is nothing that Allah forgets.
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			We see that Allah subhanaw taala his knowledge is such that it encompasses the man and McCann, all
times the man all times. So the past the present and the future.
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			and also McCann as in every place, there is no place except that whatever is going on whatever is
within it. Allah subhanaw taala knows about it. So Allah is Allah Salim whose knowledge cannot be
compared with anybody else's knowledge. No matter how much somebody knows, Allah knows more, no
matter what there is, Allah subhanaw taala knows about it, this is allowed him, he is the one who
sent this Kitab then is there anything in this book that could be doubted? Is there anything in this
book that we could have no doubts about mele every statement of this book is reliable it is 100%
factual. Is there anything in this book which we could think is harmful? No way. Everything that is
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			mentioned in this book is beneficial. Why? Because this book is from Allah Aziz Allah alim, the
Almighty exalted in mind, the most supreme and Allah alim, the All Knowing from whom nothing is
hidden. So realize what this book is, learn it, read it, understand it, with this in mind that this
is the book of Allah, Who is Allah, He is law fitted the me will call Billy Toby Shadi delivering
kabhi the Boly thoroughly we see four attributes mentioned over here in this part of the ayah
firstly, laugh at them be that Allah is the Forgiver off sins off is one who forgives and laugh It
is from Rafa right, Rafa Rafa is to cover something it is a Sith will require it is to conceal and
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			protect concealment and protection. mouthfeel forgiveness is after sin, meaning when a person sins,
he makes a mistake, he does something wrong. And then he seeks forgiveness from Allah. What does it
mean we're seeking forgiveness from Allah, that Oh, Allah, conceal our sins, and protect us from our
sins also conceal them, hide them for their ugly, they're embarrassing. There is regret in my heart
for what I did so conceal it because thinking about it looking at it is even embarrassing. Talking
about it is something that's very difficult hearing about it was also very difficult to bear. So
conceal sit while we acquire protection, when do we need protection when something could harm us? Do
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			our sins harmless? Yes, definitely they will harm a person in the hereafter. But in this world, our
mistakes do they harm us? Yes. If you think about it, one test that you perhaps did not do that well
on in some course, in some course in high school, maybe. And as a result, your percentage dropped
significantly. And as a result of that you couldn't apply in the program that you wanted to. And as
a result, you couldn't pursue the degree that you wanted. And as a result of that you couldn't
pursue the career that you want to see the impact. See the impact? It happens, right? This is real
life. This is real life. And this is just tests, since disobeying Allah subhanaw, taala, falling
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			short in our duty to Allah subhanaw taala. Does that have consequences? Does that have ramifications
in this life? Definitely they do. But you see an exam in high school that we didn't do well on.
Maybe we don't have another chance to go back and fix. Maybe, perhaps, maybe we might think it's too
late. Maybe we're not given that option. Maybe we tried twice or thrice, but it just never worked.
But when it comes to a sin, when you ask Allah for forgiveness, you're asking him to protect you
from the consequences of your own sense. That Oh Allah, don't let the sin that I committed today,
harm me, haunt me hurt me tomorrow. Don't let this hurt me. Next year. Don't let this hurt me five
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			years from now save me from its consequences in this life and the next. This is Mark Farah, and who
is Allah He is law feeling them. One who forgives sin.
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			Then isn't it easy to seek forgiveness, knowing that sins can actually be forgiven? alive for you to
them? And notice the word them is a sin that has consequences. And then there's general anything big
or small, big or small, serious or minor? A lot or a little, whatever sin Allah is laughing at them.
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			And he is workability job, he is also acceptor of repentance are built from the root letters off by
lum abou to accept, right. And qabil is one who accepts. So he is the acceptor of a job off the
repentance. Meaning when the servant repents to Allah, then Allah accepts his repentance, whatever
that sin is, meaning whatever sin a person is repenting from Allah accept repentance, whether that
sin is great, or it is small, whether it is a lot or it is a little he is our ability to cope, laugh
at them be workability Toby.
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			At the same time, Allah is shoddy. Diller ecobee shoddy the one who is severe in Cobb. Cobb is
penalty is from the root letters I'm off, but I'll cover to follow. You see, the word octave is used
for heel or toe, the heel of the foot, because where's it at the back of your foot, it's there. So
called is penalty, meaning when someone does something wrong, they're guilty of it. It wasn't an
accident. And even though they made that accident that they didn't seek forgiveness, they didn't
apologize than what is necessary. Penalty.
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			So a cop penalty for who for those who persist in their sin and do not repent. So Allah is shoddy
the record Severe in punishment. The punishment that is from Allah is not like the punishment that
could be from somebody from the creation. It's far more serious, Allah is Shahidullah recall
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			the bowl, he is possessor of atoll bone from the root letters for well, lamb bone, from the same
root is the word tool also ampoule is you know, the length of something. All right, but we lose all
to use for a person who's very tall, all right, hi tall, alright. So far will means vastness
abundance, all right. And it refers to wealth, it refers to material means affluence, and with that
power also. So Allah is the bone, meaning the owner of abundance, the one whose treasures are
unlimited, the one whose resources are unlimited. But a poll doesn't just mean one who has a loved
one who's rich. It also means one who shows a lot of favor. One who is very, very generous. This is
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			the poll. So Allah He is the bestower of abundant grace. He is most generous to His servants. He
grants them ongoing blessings, even when they have sinned, he gives them even when they have
repented from their sins He gives them He is the giver of blessings. Is there anyone like him? Who
forgive sins, accepts repentance is severe and punishment, and he gives most generously? Is there
anyone like him? No way. La ilaha illa who? There is no god worthy of worship except him? Why?
Because there is no being that is like him. No one is similar to Allah in attributes in action. No
one at all. Think about it. Even as people, the most loving people, the most generous people, the
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			most caring people. Take, for instance, a mother, a mother when she gets hurt when she gets
offended. Does she keep grudges in her heart? Oh, yeah. Maybe a mother will say she doesn't. But she
does. Because even 20 years later, she will remind her child maybe about something the child did
when he was little
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			human beings right?
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			Where she said loving. She's also weak, she's not able to forgive. She's not able to overcome her
hurt. She's not able to do that, because she's been hurt. Allah subhanaw taala he is lovely to see
them. abilityto should either call then we see that people are very forgiving. They cannot punish.
We become so merciful, so gentle, so lenient, that we don't have the strength to hold someone
accountable. We either become too strict or too lenient. Why? Because we are creation. We have
weaknesses. And every creation is like that. Allah He is not creation. He is Ha
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			I look of that creation, He is different from that creation. So this is why Allah's attributes are
the most unique and the most perfect such that none shares those attributes with him and this is
why, let ilaha illa who there is no god other than him, there is no God worthy of worship deserving
worship except him. La Hill must lead to him is the return to Him is the destination because he sent
us and he is gonna call us back. He sent us here He created us for a reason. He's testing us and
after this test, the return is to him where there will be judgment and he is the judge of off it is
them walkability job, shoddy, they'll record the poll, he is the judge.
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			This is a short idea, but it has so many attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. So many so many things
that we can learn from this IO. The first thing we learned in this ayah is the fact that our Lord is
the Forgiver of sins. This is something that was mentioned at the end of surah. Zoomer also, that
letter cannot be Rahmatullah. Even if a person has committed his wrath against himself AlLadhina
asstra for Allah and fusi him and you see Astra for Allah and for him, it also implies someone who's
committed sin excessively.
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			Meaning every possible sin, every possible wrong action, they've done it, they've done it, too many
bad things. But still Allah is Allah fitted them he is the Forgiver of sins. When, when the servant
repent to Allah, when the servant seeks forgiveness from Allah, when the servant performs good deeds
with faith, then what happens? The servant is forgiven for his sins. Sometimes, when he seeks
forgiveness when he says a stockfeed Allah Tobu la Oh ALLAH forgive me for the sin. And sometimes
Allah subhanaw taala forgives the servant because of the servants good deeds, without even the
servant asking Him to forgive. You understand? One way is that we say Oh ALLAH forgive me. The other
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			is that a servant doesn't even say Oh ALLAH forgive me. Why he didn't even realize he did something
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			All right, but at the same time that servant is performing good deeds with iman. Then what will
happen? Allah will forgive him because of his good deeds. But there is a condition with Eman good
deeds with iman, avoidance of major sins. So in solitude is 114 we learn in Al Hasan at youth
hipness, a ye good deeds remove the take away they erase bad deeds. Then we see in total our reserve
is 70 and 71. Allah says Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu taka Hola Hola, como colon sadita Fear Allah
and speak that which is true speak that which is correct. Now speaking that which is correct, is it
a good deed? Yes, it is. Any right action proper action when done with iman than it is rewarded for
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			correct. The next is as useless la Kumar Malecon WA, yellowfin lecan de Nova calm Allah who will
rectify your deeds for you and He will forgive you your sins. Why forgive your sins are the seeking
forgiveness here. The reason for forgiveness is the good deeds. Allah is offered them. He is the
Forgiver of since the most generous in forgiving.
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			In surah Alia Amana 31. We are told in contempt to hipbone Allah has to be Rooney, you bid Kamala
Wellfit lako the Uber calm, you follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, you follow his sunnah
what will happen, Allah will love you and He will also forgive you your sins. So again, forgiveness
is because of good deeds. You understand? Because when a person is performing good deeds, he is
going towards who Allah subhanaw taala and because of those good deeds, the sins are erased. And we
see that even if a person has committed an action like Cowfish even if a person has committed an
action, like Schick, if a person seeks forgiveness from Allah, that Oh Allah, forgive me for this
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			chick, forgive me for the scuffle.
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			Then is it too hard for Allah to forgive? No way? No way. In total and file is 38 or 38. And
remember, SOTL and file was revealed after which battle, the battle of breath All right, who was the
enemy? It was the people of Makkah, who had persecuted, rejected oppose the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam for 13 years. And now that he was in Medina, they didn't leave
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			them, they came to fight him, they came to kill him.
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			These people Allah subhanaw taala says only ladina kuffaar II and tell who you follow Allah home map
add Salah
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			divers who have disbelieved and who have come to fight the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in their
disbelief. If they stop, if they stop what they're doing, meaning they stop their opposition to the
Prophet salallahu Salam, they stop their kufr meaning they believe, then what will happen? You will
follow home man Godself whatever they have done so far, we'll be forgiven. All those years of
persecution and denial, all of that will be forgiven. This is who Allah is. He is laughing at them
laughing at them. So never ever think a sin that you've committed a wrong action that you've
committed is too big for Allah to forgive. Not at all. In a hadith we learn that Allah subhanaw
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			taala says, ya Are you body in a contour owner belatedly, when the HA, all my servants, you all sin,
you all make errors by night and by day, every night, every day, you make mistakes. We're all filled
with do know But Jeremy and I forgive all sins. First off you Rooney. So seek forgiveness from me.
Apologize to me, seek forgiveness from me. And oh, good luck on I shall forgive you. So no matter
what has been done, if you want forgiveness, you ask Allah for forgiveness, and you will find him
lafay To them, you will find Him forgiveness of sins. The second thing that we learned in this idea
is that Allah is our beloved job. He is the acceptor of repentance. He accepts the repentance of His
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			servants. What is repentance? That a person realizes that this particular action that I've been
doing or that I'm doing is wrong?
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			This is not correct. Why is it wrong? Allah does not approve of it. This is something that goes
against Allah's laws, his directives, so a person recognizes the action is wrong. And as he realizes
that this is wrong, the heart is filled with some form of regret, or some form of remorse. I
shouldn't have done this. Why did I do this? I feel so bad. I feel horrible. All this time. I've
been doing this wrong stuff. What was I thinking? Why didn't I get it? Why did I listen to shame on?
You understand? So regret remorse? And then Then where is that a person stops that action also. He
stops it. He doesn't continue with it. He does not continue with it. You see, for example, one is
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			that you know you buy some pizza sauce. Okay, you buy some pizza sauce. You didn't really look at
the ingredients. You just saw the label. Yeah, it's the same brand. You just brought it home without
even reading without even checking. All right, you came home, you opened it, put it on your pizza.
And the pizza is in the oven. And then somebody just comes in, they look at the can. And they're
reading and they're like, this has meat in it.
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			What do you like, Huh? It has made it. Oh my god. What did I do? Why didn't I check a stuff that
Allah but then take that feeds out and get rid of it. He understand. Don't say that, Oh, I worked so
hard. All that dough and all those toppings and all that work. And I'm hungry and I can smell the
pizza. This actually happened with us once.
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			And it didn't just have meat in it actually had pork in it. Subhanallah somebody brought it from the
store without checking. You know, when you're in a rush, you just see that typical label. You just
grab it and you put it in
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			the pizzas in the oven. Okay, so then, what do you have to do with that time? You have to stop that
wrong action. You understand? You can't justify it by saying Oh, but I've been doing this and you
know, it's almost done. No, you can't justify it. No more excuses. You stop it right there. This is
part of Hoba and then Toba is that you also learn a lesson from it. And what's that lesson that this
was wrong? I better not do it again. So next time you're buying pizza sauce, Jack Reed. All right.
This is Toba.
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			So Allah is all Billy Toby's the acceptor of repentance. When the servant leaves the sin and
sincerely turns to Allah in obedience than Allah who will accept his repentance. What if that sin
that he was doing was shirk, associating partners with Allah calling upon other than Allah because
we know that in a shortcut Illuminati, right. It's the greatest sin. It's the worst sin it's the
most destructive sin. What if it's, that's and will Allah forgive that? If a person repents from it?
Yes. What's the
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			proof for it. In surah, two Toba and zero Toba was revealed when?
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			When was it revealed?
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			Yes, so around the expedition of the book, right, had little weather. So you're talking about the
time after the conquest of Makkah.
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			You understand after the conquest of Makkah. So these are people who have opposed the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam for 13 years in Makkah. And then right now eight, nine years in Medina, and
they're still upon their ship. You understand? We didn't want the Prophet sallallahu sallam was in
Medina, they were in Makkah, they were still up on Chittick. Mocha is conquered, and they're still
up on shit. You understand? On what basis were they unsure? They had no basis anymore, but still
they were up on chick. Allah says in surah Toba, I have five regarding those people. For in Cebu.
We're a common salata. What was the carta for Hulu sebelah. Home, in the love of food over him. If
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			these people, these criminals, if they repent,
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			if they do take over from all of their crimes and they start praying and they give us a cut, then do
not come in their way Because indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
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			So even the sin of shit. If a person repents from it.
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			Can ALLAH forgive? Can Allah accept that repentance? Of course he can. Definitely he can.
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			The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, undoubtedly, doba repentance has a gate, whose
weight is like the distance between the East and the West, meaning it's not a small, small gate that
has room for only a few people know, it's a vast gate. The distance is from the east to the west, it
has room for everybody.
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			You want to go in through the door of Toba? You can. So the distance is like that which is between
the East and the West. This door will not be closed until the sun rises from the west. And this is
one of the signs out the Day of Judgment. Correct. So what's the lesson from this hadith doesn't
matter what sin has been committed? When a person realizes turn to Allah, seek forgiveness from him
turned to him in repentance and you will find Allah our beloved tobe the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam said, another mu Toba. Another what is another Regret? Regret is repentance. Do you feel
bad about the wrong things you've been doing? Do you feel bad about it? If you feel bad about it,
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			that itself is Toba. So now take it to the next level. Leave it all together. And then take a lesson
from what you've been doing so far. And try your best not to repeat it again and ask Allah to give
you strength. ask Allah to give you clarity. So you can tell between what is right and what is
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			Also in an Irish and we learn a tie, it will mean them become a leather umbrella who the one who
repents from a sin is like the one who doesn't have a sin.
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			Because sometimes we think, oh, you know what, I have such a bad history. I've done this and this
and this and this. You know, I'm a second class or I'm a third class. No, if you've dumped over,
then it's as if you've got no sin in your record. attire, it will make them become a leg and Bella.
So don't look down on yourself. Just because you did something bad before.
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			Yes, continue to seek forgiveness. Yes, continue to do Toba. Yes, continue to improve yourself. But
don't think less of yourself. And don't put yourself down because of your history. Because it's
history. It's over. And when we ask Allah for forgiveness, we're asking him to please conceal our
sins, and also to protect us from those sins. Those sins have nothing to do with us anymore. There's
a complete disconnect. Now. This is mofetil so Allah is laughing at them walk out Billetto now the
question is how should a person repent? In a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, there is no servant who commits a sin and then performs will do well. And he performs
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			do Raka and seeks Allah's forgiveness, except that ALLAH will forgive him.
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			What's the way
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			do will do properly, beautifully. And then perform to Dakar and ask Allah for forgiveness. This
hadith isn't a Buddha.
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			Allah will forgive a person if he does this. What happens is that when we realize we've done
something wrong, it bothers us that feeling of guilt, it just weighs us down. When we've made a
mistake, even if it's an honest mistake, we
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			meaning we never intended it. It's a mistake. After all, it still burdens us. And with that feeling
of burden that heaviness, we cannot feel at peace, we cannot enjoy ourselves. Now what happens is we
carry that burden of guilt with us. Sometimes we went on Facebook maybe, or we will tell somebody
about it. We will tell our friends about and we'll tell our sister about it, or maybe some random
stranger about the wrongs that we have done. And we think just by telling others we will feel good.
But true relief will come when you will turn to Allah. So every time a sin bothers you, what's the
solution? Go do will do, and pray to dakara and ask Allah to forgive you. You don't know how to say,
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			Oh Allah, forgive me just say it in English. Just say Oh Allah, I'm sorry. I am sorry. Whatever you
can say whatever words you can find, just apologize. Because another Matoba
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			regret is repentance. In another Hadith, we learn
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			that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that khulumani Adam ohata All Children of
Adam, they are sinners, they make mistakes. were higher in the webtoon. And the best of those who
make mistakes are the ones who repent.
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			So what makes us better is not the fact that we have avoided certain sins because the thing is that
no matter what we avoid, if we avoid one sin, we will end up committing another sin because this is
our reality. We make mistakes we commit sins. Greatness is because of Toba. Success is because of
Toba. This doesn't mean that go and sin so that you can do Toba know what this means is, whatever
has happened, has happened.
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			Now rise up. Now get to the next level, and repent, make Toba to Allah seek forgiveness from Allah.
And if we don't seek forgiveness, then look at the third attribute that's mentioned. Shadi Dillard.
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			Allah is Severe in penalty when he forgive sins and He accepts repentance, but still a person does
not take advantage. Then Allah is Severe in penalty, because Allah is fair. He is just his penalty
is severe. In Hadith we learn the Prophet sallallahu sallam said when the believer commits a sin, a
black mark appears on his heart.
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			If he repents, and he gives up that sin and seeks forgiveness, then that Mark is erased. But if he
increases in his sin, meaning he doesn't seek forgiveness, He doesn't feel bad, he doesn't do Toba
for me doesn't leave the sin, then what will happen? The sin increases and that Mark also increases,
that Mark also increases. So Allah is Shahidullah are calm. And Allah is the bol the owner of
abundance, the owner of abundance, meaning he gives generously. Because when a servant seeks
forgiveness, and Allah doesn't just forgive him, but he also showers him with his mercy.
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			And he gives to even those who sin and those who repent. He gives them also in dunya, and an Aha. So
then, if Allah is the foal, who should we trust Allah? When we are in some difficulty when we are in
some need, when we need assistance? Who is it that we should ask the phone? The one who actually has
a lot? And who can give also, because have you ever come across people who want to give but they
don't have the resources? Yeah. Have you ever come across people who have a lot of resources, but
they don't just see the need to give you understand? Maybe you find that with yourself, that I know
that this person has a need and I can give it to them because I have the stuff but I don't want to
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			part from my things I don't want to part from my money. You understand? Allah is the phone he has
the wealth, the means because he's the creator. He is Allah honey. And he's also Anwar herb he also
gives so when you are in need, as cool, ask Allah, even if it's something very small that you need
or something that's subtle, something that's hidden, something that's intangible, still ask Allah so
much so that in total of 200, we are taught that we're Imai. yunzong zanaco mina shaytani Nuzum.
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			If shaytaan books you write insights, you do something wrong to say something wrong
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			doesn't let you say something nice, right? If shaitan is interfering, you find yourself weak, then
what should you do? Ask the poll faster it Billa seek refuge with Allah.
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			Seek refuge with ALLAH against the Shavon. So for every need, big or small turn towards who? Allah
subhanho wa Taala for he is the owner of abundance, the one who gives most generously. In Hadith we
learn about Musa Radi Allahu anhu, he reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that Allah, the Exalted and glorious, stretches out his hand during the night, so that the people
may repent for the faults that they have committed.
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			Allah stretches out his hand when during the night, so that people can repent and ask forgiveness,
for which faults for the faults that they had committed from the previous day, all right from the
day time, and then Allah He stretches out his hand during the day also, so that people may repent
for the saints that they have committed in the night time.
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			He is the foal,
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			eager to accept repentance, eager to forgive. So our Lord is perfect in his other perfect in his
father, he is perfect in his justice, and he is perfect in his generosity, also, La ilaha illa, who
la Hill Muslim, there is no running away from him. So realize that there is no refuge from Allah
except with Allah. So go to him, because sooner or later you have to go to him. There is a story in
which we learn and this is a story which is mentioned in different books of the fsid even beheld him
also mentioned the story that urban Cotabato de la noir and who he had an acquaintance, right. And
this person used to live in a different city.
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			And at that time, I mean, if somebody was living in a different city, you wouldn't see them every
week, or every month, or even every year, right? Sometimes years would go by before you would come
to see them, or they would come to see you. All right. So this particular person or mobile hook fell
below the low wire and who knew him he knew from what of the lower and who also they were in good
terms. And it had been a while since they're a little below mine who had heard from him. So somebody
came from that city, and remodeled the lawnmower and who asked him How is so and so how was he
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			And he said, fish Shut up. He is consuming alcohol.
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			Meaning he's gone astray. It's come to this point that he's indulging in major sins. So I'm gonna
gonna probably have the long run who he called his scribe, his professional scribe. And he had him
write a letter. And what was that letter? It said, Min Irma had been hubbub, Isla Fula and Ben
philon. The name is not mentioned
00:43:13 --> 00:43:43
			in the narration, the name is not mentioned. So it is from Bob to so and so. salam Wa alaykum for in
the said, Peace be upon you. I glorify Allah, I praise him. And I declare that there is no God
worthy of worship but him. Of all fitted them be. We'll call Billy Toby shoddy that are called be
the bone La ilaha illa who la Hill Muslim. That's it. He just sent him a letter with this IO.
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			And then irmo below and who made the offer that men and those who were present over there they
ultimate to offer him that may Allah open up his heart and give him the ability to repent, everybody
may draw, the letter was sent. When the man received the letter and he read the IO. He said, Allah
is offered to them. He has promised me that he will forgive me. He is all belittled. shaadi.com he
is warning me that if I don't repent, his punishment is severe. He is the foal he is ill cathedral
hide whose good is most abundant, la Hill mislead, there is no escape from him. And the man kept on
reading the eye, and he kept on crying. He kept reciting the ayah and he kept on crying. And he'd
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			made sincere Toba and when a little below on who he learned about this, that his friend has
repented, he said, This is what you should do. If you find someone in error,
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			encourage him to do Toba make dua for him and do not become an associate to shape ah
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			against your brother do not help shaitan against your brother, genuinely, sincerely want good for
your brother. And so remind him and what words could be more powerful than the words of Allah. So
this is definitely is very, very effective. It's definitely very heartwarming, it's very
encouraging. It's very balanced. It reminds us of reality. And so it's a good reminder for us and
it's also an excellent reminder to share with others, recitation Bismillah.
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			Zina Kitabi me in a law heated Aziz in
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00:45:57 --> 00:46:01
			be off on beauty Toby Chedid in life Orbeez in only
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			in more Elaine