Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 244E Tafsir Al-Zumar 71-75
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The group driving towards hellfire and Kalu is eventually taken to hell, while the group driving towards hell is eventually taken to hell. The coronavirus pandemic and pride and arrogance in Islam have led to chaos and chaos, with the importance of protecting one's health and privacy, particularly in the face of the pandemic. The transcript discusses the importance of flexibility and building a positive culture, as it is crucial for individuals to achieve success and receive praise.
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Was he? And he will be driven? Who? A Lavina kifaru Those who have disbelieved? Where will they be driven to? What place what destination? Isla Johanna to hellfire, how will they be driven? How will they be led zoom Allah in groups after the judgment, which is based on complete fairness and justice, because there is no room in the court of Allah. Allah is the judge the proofs are there nor lying will work no facts can be distorted or concealed. When Justice is established, then each person will be taken to his destination. First what is mentioned Alladhina Cafaro those who denied they will be taken to * in groups See, seen here cough Siaka Siaka is to drive and by driving
what is meant is to urge someone on or something on meaning push them towards the destination like for example a herd of animals a herd of animals is driven driven back into the barn, this is Siaka so see,
they will be led they will be driven towards *, how Zuma RA in groups and so to tour io 13 We learn yo mama Yuda una isla Nari Johanna Muda, the day that they will be pushed and shoved to the fire of *. And they will be taken Zuma. Zuma is the plural of the word Zimra. And this is the word after which the surah is named. The word Zora Zagami Ma is used for a huge crowd of people on way to their destination, troops parties, multiple crowds zoom Aurora, one group after another, Why will people be taken to * in groups? First of all, it shows the great numbers of people who will be taken to *.
Secondly, what this shows is that people will be taken to * with those who are like them, those whom they resembled, in their love in their actions, in their denials, they will be taken together in Hadith we learn Allah O'Meara man had a person will be with those whom he loves. Another reason why people will be taken in groups is because nations that were together in their disbelief will be taken into how as nations, so the nation of our the nation of the moon, all of the deniers together, and we learn about Fatone also that he will lead his people into hellfire in total Arafa 38. We then call it hello fi omen adhaalath mean public and people will be admitted in Oman in the form of
groups Hatha until either Jha or
they will be brought to it. Now they're standing right before hellfire. They've been brought over here. When they will come, then foot the hat, Eduardo. Then its gates will be opened. Why? What does this show, first of all humiliation for the people who have arrived because the doors were not already open. They had to wait and the doors were then opened in front of them. This is more horrifying. This is more horrifying. And this also shows the severity of the heat and the punishment within hellfire. This is similar to how if the oven door is closed than the heat is kept, it's retained inside. And if you open it again and again the heat will escape. So when they will arrive
then foot the head of wobbu Ha then the gates will be opened. We'll call Allah home and he will say to them husband to her it's keepers meaning the keepers of hellfire * of the word causing causing his keeper guard so there let's say
lm t comm rossello men calm and I'm did not yet decom he come to you also on messengers men come among you definitely prophets come to you didn't any messengers come to you? How could you come here? How could you arrive here? Why are you here? How come you're here? Didn't anybody warn you? Didn't profits come to you yet learn ILA calm, they recite upon you IRT or become the verses of your Lord, while Yun Zerona calm and they warn you li pa young me calm Heather, the meeting of your day, which your day this meaning this Day of yours? did nobody warn you? Didn't prophets come and tell you about Jana? Didn't they come and tell you about the hereafter? What
happened. Are you really ignorant? Were you really unaware? It could have been that you missed out on this entirely what happened? Kalu they will say, Bella, of course. Yes, the messengers came. Yes, they recited the if, yes, they warned us while I can, but have kalima Tula that we have come here, because the word of punishment is now established against to idle caffeine against the disbelievers.
In other words, we denied, we denied and therefore the punishment was justified against us, and this is why we're here.
What do we see in this aisle?
What do we see in this aisle? People will be taken with those whom they resemble, towards *.
In the way they are taken, there is disgrace when they arrived there is a disgrace because then the gates will be opened and as the gates are open, the keepers will ask what happened? Why are you here? What are you really ignorant and then they will admit further disgrace. In truth milk I ate, we learn canola oil pFV have folgen Salah home Khazanah to her Allah Mia to come Nadine. Every time a group will enter Hellfire the keepers will ask them any warner come to you. Babu Bella Caja Anana the they will certainly Warners came to us for the webinar, but we denied Well, man a Zillow home in shape and we said Allah has not revealed anything we denied. And this is the consequence of those
who deny. In a hadith we learn. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, on the Day of Judgment, a caller will call an announcer will make an announcement. Let every people follow what they used to worship. Let every group follow what it used to worship. Then all who worshipped idols and stones besides Allah would be led into their destination. So they will be led to their destination in groups, by the one whom they associated with Allah. De la, it will be said, all the Hulu, enter abueva Jahannam gates of *, Holly Deena Fie, her abiding eternally, they're in for a bit so mirth. wilmuth, aka Burien. How evil How wretched is the residence of those who are arrogant, because Schimke is
essentially arrogance. not acknowledging the Oneness of Allah, the uniqueness of Allah the fact that he is deserving of worship, this is arrogance. This is pride. not submitting to Allah is pride. And for pride, there is no tolerance no room will see and he will be driven, who Alladhina tackle those who feared or bomb their Lord, they will be driven. were ill Jana, to Paradise, zoo Mara in groups also
people of Jana who will be taken to Jana in groups and they won't be left on their own go fend for yourself go figure out they will be driven, they will be taken. Remember that the word si si aka the driving, it changes according to who is being driven.
The verb is the same, but the manner changes according to who is being driven. So, for example, the way that
you know a shipment truck is driven somewhere is different from how an expensive car is driven, is taken, transported from one place to the other. Isn't there a difference?
The way that animals are driven is different from the way that people are driven. The way that ordinary people are driven is different from the way dignitaries are driven.
Everything changes, the style changes the manner changes. So yes, the word is the same, but remember that the manner is different and Lavina taco robber whom they will be taken to Jana in groups how gently quickly smoothly honorably Hatha until either John or her when they will come to it when they will arrive a Jana, right outside Jana. were fully health and it will already have been opened a boo boo ha It's gates notice the word. In the previous I had where the people of * were mentioned. When they arrive, then 40 hat over here we see 140 hat. What means while it gives meaning of *, meaning they will arrive while the gates of Jannah are already opened. As we learned earlier
Jannetty are done in Morfitt
The Hata Lahoma will absorb into Rosada 50 Gardens of Eternity, such that gates are already open for them waffled. He had a boo boo ha will call Allah home and he will say to them who khazana to her it's keepers, the keepers of the gates of Jannah they will say Salam aleikum, they will welcome them peace be upon you. Generally who says salaam, the one who's arriving but here it's those who are at the Gates who will say salaam to those who are arriving Salam aleikum congratulating them welcoming them flip Tom, flip tomb you are good. You did well, you are now good. Flip Tim is one word small word but an ocean of meaning flip to tie a bow tie what does it mean that which is good. So Tip two,
first of all means you were good, you did well. You didn't waste your life. You didn't persist in sin. You are excellent. You were good. You performed well. They've done and Tip two also means the now that you've come here,
you will be good. They've dumb also means you are clean, clean of all sins purified of every evil, every weakness and deficiency and things that you struggled with, removed from you play button fed Hello, ha. So enter it enter Jana, Holly Dean, as once to abide eternally. We learned that the first Zuma the first group to arrive. A Jana will be the group the OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam. In fact, the first person to arrive at the gates of paradise will be the Prophet salallahu Salam himself. And in Hadees, we learned that when he will arrive, he said, I will come to the gate of paradise on the Day of Resurrection, and will ask for it to be opened.
The gatekeeper will say who are you and I will say Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and he will say, I was told about you. Meaning I was told that I should not open the gate for anyone before you. So then it will be opened and once the gates are opened, then as the people will come in, each person will not have to knock at the door. They will not have to gain approval. approval was done. Now they're just entering gates will be opened. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, a group of my own ma 70,000 70,000 People from my ummah will enter Jannah with their faces shining like the moon, and the same 70,000 they will be entered without any Hisar
Jana has eight gates, and Jahannam has seven.
And these eight gates each gate is different. And how these we learned that whoever spends a bear have something from his wealth for the sake of Allah will be called from the gates of paradise. Paradise has many gates, whoever is among the people of prayer will be called from the gate of prayer. Whoever is among the people of charity will be called from the gate of charity. Whoever is among the people of jihad will be called from the gate of jihad. Whoever is among the people of fasting will be called from the gate of Avila Yun, Abu Bakar Abdullah and who said Yara Sula. It does not matter from which gate one is called. Because ultimately, you're getting into Jannah any
gate will work.
But Will anyone be called from all of them? And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Nam will Urdu and takuna Minh home? Yes, some people will be called from every gate of Jannah and I hope that you will be one of them.
In another Hadees, we learned that the people of Paradise will enter in 120 rows.
So many gates, but together how many rolls 120 of which 80 are of the OMA of the prophets and Allahu alayhi wa sallam, because the numbers are more and 40 are from all other nations will call you and when they will enter, they will say Alhamdulillah
all praise is for Allah.
Because what else can a person see? Until a person has entered Jannah he is not safe. So when people will step into Jannah they will say Alhamdulillah and this Alhamdulillah is unlike any other
because it's Alhamdulillah for the fact that now there is relief
because until a person said
to fit in Jana, they are not safe. We're Callooh Alhamdulillah Allah the southern corner Awada all praises for Allah who was true to us in his promise. He promised Jana he promised forgiveness. And Allah fulfilled his promise he does not go against his Word in Surah earlier in Rania 194 or bene, what? Tina Malwa Tana Allah Rasool ik wala, Zina, Yeoman PA, O Allah, give us what You have promised through your messengers meaning Jana your approval and do not humiliate us on the Day of Judgment. Alhamdulillah he ledee sada Kanawa were our asana and he made us inherit while rasa he made us inherit under the land which land land of Demna out of over here doesn't mean this the near
all over here means the real land. Real land is that which is agenda. Allah has made us inherit that not about Whoa, we can settle bow Hamza is to settle down in a place that is suitable for the resident. So not Ebola Amina al Jannetty. We can settle in Jana Hasanah shot wherever we want. There is no restrictions. And all of them nice, perfect. All of it is beautiful. All of it is comfortable. Nothing is out of boundaries. There is no forbidden tree. Minimal Jana Natha whoa, whoa. Meenal Jana. Hi Sona Sha. Allah says venir Amma. So how good is agile reward for who allow me lean those who do those who work good reward is for good workers. We need to see what work am I doing? In
Street Fighter i a 3435. Also it is said that the people of Ghana they will say Alhamdulillah Hilah the other Bernal husband all praise to the one who was removed grief from us.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the first group of people who will enter Jannah will be shining glittering like the moon when it is full.
They will not have to spit or blow their noses or use the bathroom. Their utensils will be of gold and their combs of golden silver and on and on the descriptions of Jana.
What are all Mala Iike
and the people of Helen Hill and the people of Jana in Jana. Allah says you will see the angels, all the angels how many angels are there 70,000 of them get to worship Allah at bay tomorrow mode one day and their chance never comes again.
Their chance never comes again. So think about the number of days there are in this world. Multiply that by 70,000 That's the minimum number of angels that we know off. Well my yella mood you know the Rebecca Allah who you will see all of the angels have Fina? When will the angels go? Have Fina? There'll be surrounding surrounding what mean howling louche from around the throne. They will all come to the Throne of Allah surrounding the Throne of Allah have Fein Lord of the word half half of which is to surround to completely encompass. So all the angels have foenum and holy louche and out of Allah. That is alim, that is Kadeem, that is Majeed and all of the angels you sit behind and
behind the rugby him they will all glorify with praises of their Lord. They will mention the glory and the perfection of Allah singing his glory will call the obey now humble Huck, and it will be judged between them between who all the creation How will judgment be taken between them Bill Huck in truth with complete justice.
So, the one who is in * deserves to be there and the one who is in Jannah also is there will call the FBI you know whom will help work the law and a final statement it will be said Alhamdulillah here on biller Alameen all Praise to Allah the Lord of the Worlds The Creator the owner the muda bit of the world's for he is deserving of praise always at the beginning and at the end Lucha will handle Phil owner one era in throttle and arm Iowan we learn Alhamdulillah he LADEE Hello customer what you will when it comes to the creation of the heavens and the earth at the beginning and when
kondalilla and then hear at the end at the conclusion of the affairs of the creation the people of Jana and Jana the people of * in *. At that time also what pillar it will be said Al Hamdulillah hear of Bill al Amin at the beginning hand at the end hand because indeed our Lord is perfect and majestic deserving of praise in every situation recitation
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walk all day dalla because no two has
already been well all hamdulillah ladies
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you gotta
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The Walking eel hamdulillah your
knee pain. subclinical love will be handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stuff we look forward to AsSalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh